Appendix Mandarin Frequency Lists 1-1000
Appendix Mandarin Frequency Lists 1-1000
Appendix Mandarin Frequency Lists 1-1000
不 不 bù non, do not, no, nowise, not, nope, nae, no more, nix bù (file)
了 了 le entirely le (file)
他 他 tā he, she, it, they (referring to inanimate things in object position) tā (file)
我們 我们 wǒmen we
你 你 nǐ you nǐ (file)
著 着 zhe [aspect]
但 但 dàn conj.: but, yet, still, nevertheless, only, merely dàn (file)
為 为 wéi by
他們 他们 tāmen they
兩 两 liǎng det.: two, both (sides), either (side), a few, some liǎng (file)
才 才 cái then and only then, just now, only (before a number) cái (file)
已 已 yǐ already
再 再 zài
again, once more, further(more), in a higher degree, and then, not (do
sth.) before zài (file)
與 与 yǔ with, to
台灣 台湾 táiwān Taiwan
位 位 wèi
location, digit, m.[general], , status, figure, throne, position, place,
condition wèi (file)
想 想 xiǎng
think, suppose, reckon, consider, want to, would like to, feel like (doing
sth.) xiǎng (file)
呢 呢 ne
particle: marking quesitons about subject already mentioned; indicating
strong affirmation
學⽣ 学⽣ xuéshēng
academic, pupil, pup, tutee, follower, scholar, schoolchild, schoolboy,
alumnus, disciple, learner, scholastic, student
demonstrate, exhibit, prove, show, extend, manifest, express, stamp,
表⽰ 表⽰ biǎoshì
signify, mark, witness, look, give, denote, evince, expression, bespeak,
say, profess, mean, offer, utter, infer, indicate, represent, read, speak,
refer, give tongue to, intend, be, shew, pay, stand_for, establish, stand
for, present, render, betoken
公司 公司 gōngsī
place of business, business organization, incorporation, establishment,
business concern, office, concern, business establishment, business,
enterprise, company, corporation
看 看 kàn
see, look at, watch, read, look upon, regard, look after, call on, visit
kàn (file)
覺得 觉得 juéde
imagine, guess, believe, reckon, suspect, suppose, think, listen, feel,
consider, think_of, appear, conceive
裡 ⾥ lǐ inside lǐ (file)
時候 时候 shíhòu day, moment, (a point in) time, (duration of) time, time
知道 知道 zhīdào
tell, have, ken, understand, infer, wis, learn, cognize, gather, know, be
aware of, wise up, savvy, mind, realize
⼀ ⼀ yī as soon as yī (file)
時間 时间 shíjiān
moment, day, clock time, fourth_dimension, relativity, hour, duration,
time, when, while, temporal, economy
事 事 shì
responsibility, trouble, event, thing, worry, accident, case, involvement,
work, affair, job, concern, business, toast, matter shì (file)
美國 美国 měiguó
House_of_Representatives, the United States of America, US, U.S.A.,
bench, Columbia, Yankeeland, U.S., United States, Democrat,
Yankeedom, USA, America, United States of America
和 和 hé together) with
幾 ⼏ jǐ det.: how many, a few, several, some jǐ (file)
系統 系统 xìtǒng
lineage, filiation, scheme, pedigree, system, formation, superstructure,
programme, organization, succession, tract, system of rules,
organisation, program
政府 政府 zhèngfǔ
sirkar, state, country, nation, governmental, body politic, government,
administration, civil order, polity, commonwealth, regime, res publica,
⼤家 ⼤家 dàjiā
sundry, great master, rich and influential family, pontiff, all of us,
everyone, authority, master, distinguished family
國家 国家 guójiā
sirkar, state, country, patria, a people, nationality, nation, republic, soli,
body politic, clime, national, civil order, polity, commonwealth, land, res
lot, scores, lots, sight, pot, heap, quantity, plenty, slews, ton, battalion,
many, scads, tidy sum, power, spate, chunk, pile, crowd, vastness,
許多 许多 xǔduō
batch, lashings, whole lot, mint, mound, pocketful, large number,
trunkful, ream, mickle, great deal, flock, mass, slew, heaps, a lot of,
piles, whole slew, mess, raff, slue, gobs, much, lotta, multitude, volume,
wad, store, raft, tons, satiety, rafts, doze
已經 已经 yǐjīng already
四 四 sì det.: four
⽅式 ⽅式 fāngshì
path, plan, pattern, tenor, system, method, manner, style, way, guise,
fashion, wise, means, shape, how, embodiment, agency, gate, mode,
啊 啊 ā
particle: used in direct address and exclamation; indicating
obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation ā (file)
必須 必须 bìxū must
⽂化 ⽂化 wénhuà
civilization, literacy, acculturation, Kultur, vandalism, cultural, education,
schooling, culture
孩⼦ 孩⼦ háizi
kid, issue, chap, daughter, children, sonny, son or daughter, child,
spawn, boy, kipper, son
如 如 rú according to, in accordance with, such as, as if, like, for example
不同 不同 bùtóng different
網路 ⽹路 wǎnglù
WWW, net, network, Internet, meshwork, web, world wide web, mesh,
地⽅ 地⽅ dìfāng
country, soil, terrain, part, clime, way, territory, room, neighbourhood,
tinderbox, locality (as distinct from the central administrat, child, tract,
province, position, respect, where, region, space, place, local
關係 关系 guānxì
relation, bearing, impact, membership credentials, "backdoor
市場 市场 shìchǎng
bourse, bazar, marketplace, grocery store, agora, bazaar, securities
industry, grocery, piazza, plaza, rialto, mart, pitch, market
提供 提供 tígōng
feed, offer, put_up, afford, proffer, set_up, capitalize, bring_forward,
sponsor, extend, ply, provision, sustain, equip, supply, cough_up, bear,
render, furnish, cater, billet, provide
指出 指出 zhǐchū
point, point_out, catch_out, bespeak, indicate, denote, point out (that),
note, show, designate, point out
經濟 经济 jīngjì economy, financial condition, income
教育 教育 jiàoyū education
成為 成为 chéngwéi
commence, get hold, learn, add up, necessitate, run, make up,
constitute, make, form, come, amount, represent, fall, presage, change,
be, turn, turn into, become, line up, come up, shape, portend, foretell,
多 多 duō
many, much, more, more than the correct/required number, excessive,
too much, much/far more duō (file)
便 便 biàn
as early as, soon afterwards, little as, as early, and then, and so, so, as
early/little as, as little as, then, in that case
⽅⾯ ⽅⾯ fāngmiàn
side, aspect, sector, part, light, facet, behalf, way, respect, direction,
bearing, field, phase, sphere, angle, hand
很多 很多 hěnduō det.:
feed, have, be subject to, absorb, chow, live on, eat, have one's meals,
吃 吃 chī
be a strain, exhaust, fare, take in, live off, annihilate, wipe out, partake,
suffer, ingest, consume, graze, lunch, manducate, incur, take, get, use
up, make, taste, soak up chī (file)
然後 然后 ránhòu
therewith, and so, and_then, and then, thereupon, after that, so, then,
with that
未 未 wèi or not (at end of sentence), have not yet, or not, not wèi (file)
電腦 电脑 diànnǎo
electronic computer, computery, data processor, information processing
system, computer
企業 企业 qǐyè
proposition, business enterprise, business organization, business
concern, concern, commercial enterprise, endeavour, endeavor, industry,
business, project, corporation, enterprise
不會 不会 búhuì won't
臺灣 台湾 táiwān Taiwan
看到 看到 kàndào
view, receive, ken, observe, lamp, catch, see, take in, watch, chatter
away, lay_eyes_on, boast, brag, shoot the breeze, spy, catch sight of,
catch sight of
如何 如何 rúhé how
產品 产品 chǎnpǐn
baby, brand, output, product, produce, end product, merchandise,
fruitage, growth, manufacture, wares, production
資料 资料 zīliào
food, source, info, means, data, information, material, datum, data point,
地 地 dì
the earth, land, soil, fields, ground, place, position, background, distance
dì (file)
些 些 xiē m.[proximation]
名 名 míng m.[general]
地區 地区 dìqū
section, country, area, latitude, zone, terrain, parts, locality, sector,
province, prefecture, region, district, faubourg
技術 技术 jìshù
mechanics, know-how, prowess, science, Minerva, superior skill, art,
competence, technology, craft, craftsmanship, skill, education,
technique, artistry, engineering, technological, equipment, technical
國際 国际 guójì international
⼀定 ⼀定 yīdìng must
其中 其中 qízhōng among, of them, in it, among them, which, them, det.: it, in, in which
台北 台北 táiběi
capital of Nationalist China, capital of Republic of China on Taiwan,
包括 包括 bāokuò
consist_of, consist of, subtend, embrace, comprise, incorporate,
embody, involve, count, subsume, take_in, comprehend, incorporation,
include, comprize, run, cover, package, consist in
discourse, utter, talk, negotiation, make clear, negotiate, parley, pay
講 讲 jiǎng
attention to, speak, syllable, discuss, explain, tell, be particular about,
explanation, interpretation, interpret, relate, discussion, stress, mouth,
say, remark, verbalize jiǎng (file)
造成 造成 zàochéng
make_for, give rise to, create, set_up, strike, creation, cause,
contribute, bring_about, procure, give, bring about, cut_out, necessitate,
shape, present, bring_forth, generate, yield, make, breed
沒 没 méi not
政治 政治 zhèngzhì
paternalism, trouble, government, policy, political relation, political
science, polity, politics, political affairs, political
話 话 huà
words, thing, language, tongue, talk, speech, spoken_language,
conversation, utterance, expression, story, tale, saying, natural
language, sayings, word
scram, travel, foot, go away, evaporate, ankle, waltz, step, bugger off,
etc., go through, leave, leak, run, buzz off, leg, pad, fork, visit, go,
⾛ ⾛ zǒu
escape, lose flavor, work, call on, strike, sashay, trace, pursue, gang,
lose shape/etc., get_along, come_along, walk, hoof it, lose
flavor/shape/etc., leg it, let out, shape, drive, cover, take, get, hoof,
move zǒu (file)
單位 单位 dānwèi
department, unit, denomination, module, building block, unit of
measurement, monad, unit (in measurement or organization)
⼀直 ⼀直 yīzhí
e'er, away, continuously, all the way, right, forever, all_along, always, the
whole way, all along, straight, slap, through, ever, evermore
怎麼 怎么 zěnme how
機會 机会 jīhuì
scouth, occasion, good luck, hap, liberty, fortune, opportunity, chance,
joss, hazard, happy chance, probability, luck, scope, room, break, turn,
聽 听 tīng
hear, list, hearken, obey, obedience, listen, heed, administer, let, allow,
呀 呀 ya
particle: replacing when preceding word ends in a, e, i, o, or (y)u;
used in direct address and exclamation; indicating
obviousness/impatience/suggestion; used for confirmation
event, things, state of affairs, circumstantiality, case, circumstances,
情況 情况 qíngkuàng
way, plight, experimental condition, streak, military situation, matter,
condition, mood, circumstance, context, occasion, thing, instance,
affair, shape, situation, juncture, consideration
經驗 经验 jīngyàn experience
藝術 艺术 yìshù
beaux-arts, aesthetical, artistic production, artistic, ars, art, academy,
aesthetic, artistic creation, skill, craft, artistry, esthetic
媽媽 妈妈 māmā
mummy, mammy, ma, mother, mamma, mum, mommy, female parent,
mom, Mama, mater, mama, momma
為什麼 为什么 wèishéme why, why?, how come, why is it that?, whereat, whereto
作 作 zuò do, make, rise, write, compose, pretend, affect, feign zuò (file)
在 在 zài exist, live, be at/in/on, depend on, rest with zài (file)
條 条 tiáo
bar, item, short note, a long narrow piece, streak, clause, stripe, sth.
long and narrow, filet, m.[general], , article, strip, assize, twig, ingot, slip
tiáo (file)
⾒ ⻅ jiàn
see, be exposed to, become visible, call on, refer to, meet with, appear
to be, appear, vide, catch sight of, meet jiàn (file)
時代 时代 shídài
day, period, a period in one's life, epoch, present time, historical period,
time, chapter, period in one's life, modern times, historic period,
contemporary world, times, era, modern world, age
fill in, finish out, fulfil, practice, complete, finish, encompass, clear_up,
top_off, cleave, top off, accomplishment, make out, effect, perfective,
完成 完成 wánchéng
fulfill, go through, exercise, discharge, fill out, completion, end, run,
bring ... to fruition, round_out, achieve, execute, round out, make, cap
off, accomplish, practise, follow through, come, finalize, fulfilment,
dispatch, bring ...
同學 同学 tóngxué
class fellow, fellow student, condisciple, classmate, schoolmate,
schoolfellow, form of address used in speaking to a student
件 件 jiàn
correspondence, paper, document, bit, m.[general], , single item, letter,
piece jiàn (file)
department, potency, ability, acquisition, acquirement, capacity,
能⼒ 能⼒ nénglì
performance, oomph, sufficiency, energy, competence, accomplishment,
size, might, faculty, hand, coequal, efficiency, inner resources,
capability, giftie, attainment, capableness, zip, skill, competency, power
⽣命 ⽣命 shēngmìng
breath, god, head, anima, days, organism, blood, life, living thing, skin,
longevity, being, vital, life form
容易 容易 róngyì easy
⺠眾 ⺠众 mínzhòng
civil, crowd, masses, populace, rank_and_file, the masses, the masses
of the people, the populace, demos, mob, multitude, plebs, commons,
the common people, the people, million, public
事情 事情 shìqíng
proposition, pie, shebang, thing, affair, occasions, undertaking, concern,
question, business, schmear, matter
書 书 shū volume, document, style of calligraphy, book, script, letter shū (file)
事實 事实 shìshí mood, circumstance, fact, factual, reality, verity, case, deed, sooth,
troth, actuality, truth, matter, matter of fact
有關 有关 yǒuguān be related
多 多 duō more than the correct/required number, much/far more duō (file)
相關 相关 xiāngguān
cognate, relational, interrelate, associated, be interrelated, relevant,
related, be mutually related
的話 的话 dehuà conj.: if
接受 接受 jiēshòu
come to grips, adopt, embrace, greet, welcome, hook on, seize on, take
up, accede, taken, entertain, latch on, buy, fasten on, swallow, imbibe,
accept, receive (honors/etc.), undergo, get to grips, take, adapt,
acceptance, thole
知 知 zhī
tell, notify, inform, be expert in, know, sense, be aware of,
administration, notification, administer, be in charge of, realize zhī (file)
打 打 dǎ
generalized verb of doing with specific meaning determined by its object,
strike, hit, fight, construct, forge, mix dǎ (file)
⽔ ⽔ shuǐ
water, H2O, liquid, bubble, a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.,
Shiu, waters, aqueous, Aquarius, river, Surname, blister, drink, eau,
教授 教授 jiàoshòu professor
難 难 nán make difficulties, take to task, put ... into a difficult position,
disagreeable, make difficult, unpleasant, hard, difficult, troublesome,
告訴 告诉 gàosù
tell, preach, notify, impart, inform, represent, apprize, send word, share,
advise, give notice, apprise, assure, let know
內容 内容 nèiróng
subject_matter, content, cognitive content, internal, contents, mental
object, meat, substance, matter, lining
家庭 家庭 jiātíng
hearthstone, background, fireside, establishment, household, hearth,
domestic, hearthside, menage, home, family unit, family, house
寫 写 xiě
description, bewrite, direct, describe, pencil, draw, paint, inscribe, write,
depiction, write_out, throw_off, depict, address, author, screeve, word,
compose xiě (file)
man, wight, human_being, human, human race, mankind, individual,
⼈類 ⼈类 rénlèi
human species, Homo_sapiens, populace, creature, hominid, world,
mortality, microcosm, humans, humanitarianism, humanity, humanness,
human beings/species, people, species, humankind, human beings,
public, mortal
⾄於 ⾄于 zhìyū as for/to
買 买 mǎi pick up, invest, hire, buy, purchase, put_down, trade, get mǎi (file)
尤其 尤其 yóuqí especially
進⼊ 进⼊ jìnrù
go_into, get_in, debouch, get in, go into, move into, come_into, pass,
step_in, lapse, get_into, set in, go in, get into, kick in, penetrate,
intromission, pierce, come_in, come in, enter, entry, sink, impenetrate
情形 情形 qíngxíng
circumstance, trimness, event, trim, instance, state of affairs, case,
circumstances, status, situation, condition
啦 啦 lā
particle: used when informing sb. of st.; indicating
妳 妳 nǐ you(female) nǐ (file)
觀念 观念 guānniàn
conception, intension, theory, philosophy, idolum, connotation, idea,
sense, presentation, notion, concept, construct, intellection,
presentment, thought, notional, conceit
給 给 gěi for, for the benefit of, by (in passive cons.) gěi (file)
軟體 软体 ruǎntǐ software
品質 品质 pǐnzhí
calibre, appraisal, caliber, character, self, intrinsic, brew, quality, timber,
精神 精神 jīngshén
courage, esprit, moral, get-up-and-go, ginger, vitality, Psyche, psyche,
spunk, gumption, juice, sand, mind, mental, mens, mickey, mettle,
nature, grit, oomph, genius, vigour, substance, psychic, backbone,
nous, nerve, pazazz, essence, pep, spirit, inward, drive, push, soul, gist
影響 影响 yǐngxiǎng influence
過 过 guò
pass, cross, transfer (e.g., ownership), undergo a process, go through,
celebrate, observe guò (file)
參與 参与 cānyū participate in
部分 部分 bùfèn
partial, department, section, partialness, slice, pars, part, det.: part,
percent, partage, sphere, component, divvy, segment, portion, fraction,
sector, chapter, share, percentage, piece, division, sectional, parcel
透過 透过 tòuguò via
訓練 训练 xùnliàn training
具有 具有 jùyǒu
be provided with, have, have got, possess, hold, possession, carry,
inhere, bear
共同 共同 gòngtóng common, joint
所謂 所谓 suǒwèi so-called
⽬標 ⽬标 mùbiāo
polestar, objective, goal, bourn, object, meaning, aim, end point, target,
cause, landmark, butt, lodestar, bull's eye, mark, tee, cynosure, end,
bell ringer, loadstar, quaesitum, destination
起來 起来 qǐlái [aspect]
⾳樂 ⾳乐 yīnyuè music
廠商 ⼚商 chǎngshāng
factory owner, factories and stores, firm, maker, business organization,
business concern, manufacturing business, concern, manufacturer,
受到 受到 shòudào
experience, receive, come in for, suffer, undergo, come_in_for, be given,
come_to, be subjected to
⼥性 ⼥性 nǔxìng
lady, female sex, womankind, feminie, female, sex, petticoat, femininity,
female person, woman, she, patroness, womanhood, fair, feminine
路 路 lù
road, path, way, journey, distance, means, sequence, logic, line, region,
district, route, sort, grade, class lù (file)
快 快 kuài
fast, quick, quick-witted, ingenious, sharp (of knives), straightforward
kuài (file)
部份 部份 bùfèn
composition, segment, section, side, portion, slice, proportion, part, det.:
part, share, component, division, phase, place, piece
jade, crumpet, female, female person, Gill, bitch, chick, fair, squaw,
⼥⼈ ⼥⼈ nǔrén
womenfolk, adult female, doll, momma, wench, skirt, womankind, girl,
jill, wife, broad, petticoat, sister, woman, bimbo, bird, jane, she, hen,
hairpin, dame, women
⼈⺠ ⼈⺠ rénmín
multitude, citizen, quarter, Volk, hoi polloi, subject, people, nationals,
masses, the people, mass, demotic
⼟地 ⼟地 tǔdì
country, acre, terra, soil, premise, realm, territory, dirt, local god of the
land, farming, earth, ground, kingdom, holding, agrarian, solid ground,
benefice, esplees, tract, village god, glebe, terra firma, land, dry land
⾯對 ⾯对 miànduì
face up, stand up, face, look_out_on, confront, front, affront, envisage,
accost, breast
新聞 新闻 xīnwén
unco, leak, intelligence, newsworthiness, witting, journalistic,
information, journalism, courant, news
go, resume, keep_on, abide, come on, persist in, extend, run_on, run
繼續 继续 jìxù
on, carry_on, stretch, sustain, pursue, keep going, continuance,
get_along, get_on, remain, continue, keep_up, go ahead, keep up, come
up, continuation, hold, carry, run, go_on, maintain, go on, bide, plow
ahead, hold_on, piece, restart
相信 相信 xiāngxìn
deem, believe, credit, esteem, accredit, feel, trow, count, have faith in,
guess, lippen, buy, be convinced of, hold, think, trust, accept, know,
hone, believe_in, favour, believe in, hope
變成 变成 biànchéng
grow_into, change into, go, form, grow into, change state, develop into,
turn to, fall, turn_into, be, turn, become, turn into, grow, run, get
計劃 计划 jìhuà plan, project, program
強調 强调 qiángdiào
point up, enforce, emphasise, urge, underline, overstress, give
emphasis to, play up, keynote, insist, punctuate, accent, betone,
foreground, emphasize, emphatic, stress, set off, overemphasize,
accentuate, bring out
存在 存在 cúnzài exist, be
制度 制度 zhìdù
ism, organization, dispensation, regimen, machine, regulations, form,
system, regime, organisation, economy, institutional, institution
意義 意义 yìyì
importance, significance, denotation, purport, drift, signality, emptiness,
meaning, construction, bearing, substance, import, effect, insignificancy,
hang, signification, sense
課程 课程 kèchéng
course of instruction, lesson, course, course of lectures, course of
study, curricular, class, curricula, syllabus, curriculum, program
成功 成功 chénggōng succeed
爸爸 爸爸 bàbà
old man, father, papa, pappa, daddy, pa, begetter, pop, dada, dad, male
parent, pater, pappy, pops, poppa
負責 负责 fùzé
preside, be responsible for, see, entail, sponsor, be in charge of, blame,
answer, undertake, liable, respond
⺠間 ⺠间 mínjiān
grass roots, people-to-people, nongovernmental, among the people, folk,
幾乎 ⼏乎 jīhū
chiefly, anear, about, near, just_about, most, well-nigh, almost, closely,
practically, intimately, all but, nearly, just about, virtually, much, nigh
科技 科技 kējì
technology, tech, engineering science, applied science, science and
technology, technological, engineering
動物 动物 dòngwù
thing, critter, crittur, zoic, anthropomorphism, animal, deer, animate
being, beast, creature, burrow, sire, worker, fauna, brute
電話 电话 diànhuà
blower, phone call, headphone, earpiece, telephone, telephone_call,
buzz, earphone, horn, telephone set, phone_call, telephony, phone
stance, treatment, demeanor, dealing, deportment, pose, behavior,
態度 态度 tàidù
manner, demeanour, way, bearing, attitude, air, behaviour, front, mien,
conduct, mental attitude, approach, posture, address, position,
bedside_manner, movement, gesture, comportment, presence, sort
建設 建设 jiànshè construction
事業 事业 shìyè
proposition, task, pidgin, institution, undertaking, deed, facilities, life
history, endeavour, endeavor, cause, career, project, action, enterprise
⽼ ⽼ lǎo
old, aged;of long standing, outdated, tough, overgrown, dark (of colors)
lǎo (file)
那麼 那么 nàmo so
常常 常常 chángcháng
oftentimes, ofttimes, commonly, ordinarily, oft, often, a great deal,
normally, frequently, unremarkably, much, usually
graphic symbol, writing, pronunciation (of a word), form of a written
字 字 zì
character, receipt, printing type, script, name taken at the age of 20,
courtesy name, wordage, character, grapheme, contract, scripts,
symbolic representation, style of handwriting, word zì (file)
條件 条件 tiáojiàn
mood, formula, conditional, precondition, prerequisite, requisition, factor,
qualification, requirement, stipulation, proviso, circumstances, provision,
term, reservation, if, condition
loose, bloom, make longer, set ... free, let sb. have his own way, show,
readjust, free, make larger, put in, fly, etc., release, discharge, leave
放 放 fàng
alone, bung, lay aside, put, expansion, make longer/larger/etc., fling,
localize, lend (money) at interest, let go, set, pasture, pose, set free,
blossom, lay, let off, put out to pasture, send away, play, expand, make
larger/etc., readjus fàng (file)
電影 电影 diànyǐng
cinematography, moving_picture, pix, kinema, picture, film, movie,
moving picture, flick, cinema, motion_picture, cinematic, celluloid,
picture show, motion picture, flicker
開 开 kāi
open, open up, reclaim (land), open out, come loose, start, begin,
operate, turn on (light), run (business), hold (meeting/etc.), divide into,
reveal kāi (file)
⼀起 ⼀起 yīqǐ
in_chorus, together, in all, in the same place, holus-bolus, altogether, in
elicit, beget, causation, give rise to, incite, pique, engender, bring_on,
trigger, fire, compel, kick_up, superindividual, draw, spawn, invite,
引起 引起 yǐnqǐ
touch_off, occasion, lead, bring_about, procure, touch off, raise,
enkindle, give, poke, produce, capture, generate, stir, arouse, excite, put
forward, provoke, breed, bring, conjure up, grip, create, kindle, tempt,
set_up, interest, give rise, enga
擁有 拥有 yǒngyǒu
occupy, have, receive, aught, hold back, keep, keep back, owe, retain,
own, possess, possession, hold, seize, take, acquire, corral, hold on
事件 事件 shìjiàn
fact, event, page, incidental, go, case, job, natural event, timing,
proceedings, social occasion, happening, occurrence, matter, occasion,
incident, shebang, affair, chapter, concernment
語⾔ 语⾔ yǔyán
linguistic communication, lingual, language, idiom, tongue, oral
communication, speech, perspicuity, lingo, contumely, Fortran, parole,
natural language, spoken language, linguistic process
故事 故事 gùshì
spiel, recital, relation, scam, rede, plot, yarn, narration, story, fiction,
tale, history, legend, narrative
套 套 tào m.[general]
死 死 sǐ die sǐ (file)
結構 结构 jiégòu
framework, construction, structure, schematism, economy, fabric,
mechanics, composition, machinery, contexture, texture, constellation,
fable, ordonnance, skeleton, organization, frame, architecture,
chemistry, make
住 住 zhù
inhabit, cease, stay, visit, shack, dwell, stop, people, live, reside,
populate, dig zhù (file)
皆 皆 jiē all, everyone jiē (file)
座 座 zuò
fare, stand, base, constellation, footstall, pedestal, m.[general], ,
customer, Aquarius, seating, plinth, place, seat zuò (file)
僅 仅 jǐn scantily, simply, alone, merely, barely, only, but, just jǐn (file)
值得 值得 zhíde
be worth, merit, pay, rate, behove, worthwhile, worth, worthy, deserve,
call_for, command
academic, literate, pandit, letters, litterateur, learned person, literati,
學者 学者 xuézhě
philomath, pundit, academician, faculty member, scholar, bookman,
clerk, student, scholarly person, man of letters, man of learning,
speleologist, doctor, clerisy, initiate, swami, punditry, savant, learned
man, sophist
⼋ ⼋ bā det.: eight
交通 交通 jiāotōng
intercourse, commutation, transportation, communication, commuting,
traffic, traffic_light, liaison man, communications, dealings, liaison
階段 阶段 jiēduàn
staged, period, phase angle, stage, gradation, level, peg, grade, remove,
phase, leg, step
電視 电视 diànshì
TV, box, iconoscope, video, television set, teevee, orthicon, huckster,
TV set, radiovision, television, telecasting, airwave, telly
⺟親 ⺟亲 mǔqīn
venter, materfamilias, mother, mither, sultana, maternal, female parent,
嘛 嘛 má
particle: used to persuade someone to do something; used to
emphasize the obvious má (file)
記者 记者 jìzhě
journalist, writer, correspondent, newspaperwoman, newspaperman,
gazetteer, newswriter, reporter, pressman, newshound, newsman,
壓⼒ 压⼒ yālì
force per unit area, P, strain, overwhelming force, pressure sensation,
burdensomeness, oppressiveness, pressure, onerousness, stress,
compulsion, constraint, muscle, lading
喝 喝 hē drink hē (file)
敢 敢 gǎn dare, make bold, have courage to, be sure, have confidence to, venture,
have the confidence to, be certain gǎn (file)
public facility, college, courtyard, designation for certain government
院 院 yuàn
offices and pub, hospital, clinic, branch of government, university,
institutes, compound, abbey, academy, institute, yard, educational
institution, faculty
也許 也许 yěxǔ
possibly, peradventure, conceivably, assumedly, mayhap, doubtless,
ablings, perhaps, perchance, potentially, probably, maybe, presumably,
ablins, just
⼈們 ⼈们 rénmen
workforce, hands, work force, folk, people, they, the people, men,
manpower, common people
⾝體 ⾝体 shēntǐ
soma, system, physical structure, body, health, carcase, corpus, frame,
person, somatic, organic structure, personage
程度 程度 chéngdù
latitude, rate, degree, point, measure, way, grade, gree, pitch, cut,
length, plane, stage, level, extent, scale, notch
⾓⾊ ⻆⾊ jiǎosè
theatrical role, character, persona, part, function, office, fictional
character, actor, fictitious character, personage, role
repair, background, picture, state (of affairs), state of affairs, status,
狀況 状况 zhuàngkuàng
gear, scene, setting, scope, condition, state, circumstance, trimness,
context, showing, trim, factor, condition/state (of affairs), situation,
shoes, consideration, place
專家 专家 zhuānjiā
guru, pundit, adept, expertise, professional person, specializer,
specialist, proficient, whiz, oner, expert, swami, savant, dab,
professional, authority, stunner, technician
清楚 清楚 qīngchǔ clear
玩 玩 wán amuse oneself, treat lightly, have fun, resort to, enjoy, appreciate, play,
toy, trifle with, employ, disport, shoot, amuse onself wán (file)
效果 效果 xiàoguǒ
operation, execution, result, effect, background, sound effects, purpose,
point, background signal, fruitage, outcome, force, punch
⽗親 ⽗亲 fùqīn parent, father, pere, Pa, begetter, governor, abba, male parent, pater, guv
專業 专业 zhuānyè professional
經費 经费 jīngfèi
finances, monetary resource, expenses, expense, expenditure,
pecuniary resource, fund, outlay, funds, outgo, cash in hand
曾經 曾经 céngjīng
in one case, , one time, formerly, syne, at one time, of all time, once,
⼯作 ⼯作 gōngzuò work
歡迎 欢迎 huānyíng invite, greet, take in, receive, welcome, gratulate, embrace, salute
⼩時 ⼩时 xiǎoshí hour
男⼈ 男⼈ nánrén
male, man, chap, mankind, buck, bastard, gentleman, jack, gent, men,
blighter, cuss, hombre, lad, adult male, groom, husband, bimbo, dog,
fellow, mon, menfolk, fella
避免 避免 bìmiǎn
forbear, preclude, refrain_from, forebear, escape, help, elude, leapfrog,
refrain from, stave_off, evite, shun, obviate, avoid, evade, waive, help
oneself, ward_off, ward, miss, avert, ward off, balk, refrain
屬於 属于 shǔyū
fall under, be part of, pertain, appertain, belong, relegate, fall into,
belong_to, fall_under, reside, belong to, attach
實施 实施 shíshī put into effect, implement
聲⾳ 声⾳ shēngyīn
voice, vocal, language, huskiness, vox, vocalization, audio, noise,
sonic, tone, sound, phone, audio frequency
主義 主义 zhǔyì
tenet, principle, hang, system, ticket, creed, philosophy, school of
thought, evangel, ism, gospel, masonry, maxim, doctrine, -ism
興趣 兴趣 xìngqù
relish, appetite, zestfulness, dish, cup of tea, pastime, hobby, interest,
gusto, bag, avocation, zest
⼭ ⼭ shān
Shan, jebel, pike, mountain, whitethorn, hump, anything resembling a
mountain, gable, kop, chimney, hill, Surname, mount shān (file)
得 得 dé get dé (file)
回來 回来 huílái come back, get_back, recur, revisit, come, return, be back, come_back
主任 主任 zhǔrèn
head, principal, captain, chair, director, head teacher, chief, chairman,
school principal
經常 经常 jīngcháng
everyday, daily, alway, often, a great deal, frequently, sempre, much,
regularly, constantly, evermore, day-to-day
不再 不再 búzài no more/longer
電⼦ 电⼦ diànzǐ electron
思想 思想 sīxiǎng
cogitation, mentation, imagery, imaging, lunatic_fringe, mental imagery,
idea, thinking, imagination, ideology, thought, pensee, ideological
終於 终于 zhōngyū
in the last analysis, at long last, at last, lastly, ultimately, all things
considered, out, on the whole, at_last, eventually, in the final analysis,
謝謝 谢谢 xièxiè thank
除 除 chú except
上 上 shàng
go up, mount, board, get on, go to, go to, leave for, present, forge/go
ahead, enter, place sth. in position shàng (file)
價格 价格 jiàgé price
去 去 qù
particle: used to denote an action away from the speaker or to denote
the direction of the action qù (file)
⽅向 ⽅向 fāngxiàng
path, set, directional, aspect, tenor, course, lay, exposure, way, range,
aim, trend, direction, bearing, orientation, hand, tack, way of life, quarter,
channel, line, heading
need, care, encumbrance, buck, accountability, blame, obligation, turn,
責任 责任 zérèn
load, responsibleness, incumbrance, responsibility, onus, commission,
burden, commitment, loading, trust, pigeon, charge, business, fault,
place, liability, duty, guardianship
須 须 xū must, have to
簡單 简单 jiǎndān
terse, casual, commonplace, simple, oversimplified, ordinary,
往往 往往 wǎngwǎng oftentimes, ofttimes, always, more often than not, frequently, oft, often
業務 业务 yèwù
service, practice, vocational work, line of work, affair, line, occupation,
professional work, business, transaction
報導 报导 bàodǎo report,
發揮 发挥 fāhuī bring into play, give free rein to, develop (idea/etc.), elaborate
⼈才 ⼈才 réncái
talent, capable person, a talented person, qualified personnel, a person
of ability
⾏政 ⾏政 xíngzhèng administration
銀⾏ 银⾏ yínháng
jug, depository financial institution, bank building, banking company,
banking concern, bank
社區 社区 shèqū community
fibre, strength, potency, ability, guts, kick, cogency, point, dint, energy,
⼒量 ⼒量 lìliàng
mightiness, physical strength, demon, force, punch, whiz, tooth, might,
forcefulness, exercise, fiber, powerfulness, lift, pith, leverage, agency,
push, muscle, power
啊 啊 ā
indicating elation, indicating doubt or questioning, indicating puzzled
surprise, indicating agreement/approval ā (file)
愈 愈 yū the more...
校⻑ 校⻓ xiàozhǎng
prexy, head, principal, headteacher, schoolmaster, master, warden,
president, beak, rector, superintendent, director, head teacher, preceptor,
headmaster, chancellor, school principal
通常 通常 tōngcháng normal, commonly, customarily, more often than not, general, usual, on
average, as a rule, ordinarily, mostly, as usual, typically, generally,
normally, by and large, unremarkably, on the average, usually
委員 委员 wěiyuán
commissar, committee man, committee, committee member,
commissioner, committeeman, delegate, board member, commissary
motif, a character, a characteristic, manner, trait, differentiation, flavor,
特⾊ 特⾊ tèsè
colour, singularity, distinction, characteristic, hue, stripe, physiognomy, a
distinguishing feature, idiom, specialty, character, difference, particular,
distinguishing feature, distinguishing feature/quality, salience, coloration,
distinguishing quality, specific, feature, peculiarity, artistic st
結果 结果 jiéguǒ finally
有時 有时 yǒushí now and then, at times, betweentimes, from time to time, sometimes
教師 教师 jiàoshī
beak, don, school teacher, schoolman, teacher, schoolmaster, preceptor,
professor, pedagogue, schoolteacher, coach, master, instructor,
educator, preceptorship
法 法 fǎ
law, method, way, mode, standard, model, legalists, Legalist School,
Buddhist doctrine, dharma, magic arts
原則 原则 yuánzé
god, rule, formula, regulation, principle, fundamental, axiom, basis,
linguistic rule, faith, principium
臉 脸 liǎn
map, mug, kisser, puss, visage, snoot, frontispiece, pan, smiler,
mazzard, mush, facial, countenance, phiz, figurehead, face,
physiognomy, front, human face liǎn (file)
達 达 dá lead, attain, extend, amount to, ryke, express, attainment, inform, reach
節⽬ 节⽬ jiémù item, item (on program), programme, act, telecast, number, program
智慧 智慧 zhìhuì
lore, sapiency, sconce, wit, intelligence, gumption, savvy, wiseness,
soundness, wisdom, grey_matter, sapience
來⾃ 来⾃ láizì
come from, originate from, come, stem/originate from, attach_to, stem,
come/stem/originate from, hail
形式 形式 xíngshì
circumstance, form, kind, modality, reading, interpretation, variety,
shape, embodiment, species, mode, version, sort
以為 以为 yǐwéi
suspect, suppose, consider erroneously, repute, animadvert, esteem,
trow, speak up, feel, count, believe/consider erroneously, calculate, view
as, guess, ween, look, expect, think erroneously, think, hold, opine,
interpret, sound off, take_for, consider, take for
擔任 担任 dānrèn
hold the post of, take charge of, assume, take_charge, fill, shoulder,
adopt, skipper, assume the office of, assume office of, act_as, take, act
as, play, undertake, take over, take on
⼈⼝ ⼈⼝ rénkǒu population
剛 刚 gāng exactly, only a short while ago, just now, barely, only just, just gāng (file)
傳統 传统 chuántǒng
rule, patrimony, legacy, custom, heritage, convention, conventionality,
routine, normal practice, common practice, tradition
總是 总是 zǒngshì always
前往 前往 qiánwǎng depart, cruise, go_to, go, leave, go to, proceed to, pay, seek, leave for
投資 投资 tóuzī investment
對象 对象 duìxiàng
boy/girl friend, mate, fair game, boy friend, prey, boy, object, quarry,
target, girl friend, catch, match
出來 出来 chūlái
come forward, issue, come up, step up, step to the fore, out (toward
one), come_out, pop out, come out, rise, come to the fore, step forward,
emergence, come forth, emerge
兒童 ⼉童 értóng
kid, nipper, enfant, tyke, youngster, small fry, minor, shaver, nestling,
tike, child, chit, fry, children, infant, tiddler, small-fry
牠 牠 tā it (animal) tā (file)
程式 程式 chéngshì
formula, instruction, computer programme, pattern, form, modality,
subprogram, routine, programme, course, function, subroutine,
procedure, mode, order, sequence, computer program, program
婦⼥ 妇⼥ fùnǔ
feme, womankind, female, femininity, cummer, woman, femme, quean,
bevy, matron, toots, womanhood, feminine, womenfolk, women
找到 找到 zhǎodào
light upon, find, discover, run_down, founded, regain, strike, come upon,
come across, run down, trace, turn_up, happen upon, get, chance on,
chance upon
成本 成本 chéngběn cost
回到 回到 huídào
remount, retour, recur, turn back, regress, regain, revert, go_back, return
to, return, go back to
部 部 bù m.[general] bù (file)
期間 期间 qíjiān
length, period, time period, amount of time, duration, course, interim,
period of time, time, standing, chapter, tract, space, term, streak, efflux
整體 整体 zhěngtǐ
integrity, allness, entirety, integer, integral, monolith, entireness,
ensemble, wholeness, entire, tout ensemble, whole, totality, unity
採⽤ 采⽤ cǎiyòng
invoke, admit, assume, adoptive, use, adopt, select for use, embrace,
accept, employment, take, introduce, take up, take_on, take over, take
on, borrow, employ, adoption
歐洲 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe
頗 颇 pǒ
pretty, quite an, very, quite, jolly, fearfully, quite a, molto, middling,
considerably, greatly
不⾜ 不⾜ bùzú not be enough, not be worth (doing sth.), cannot, should not
總 总 zǒng always, invariably, anyway, after all, inevitably, sooner or later zǒng (file)
分析 分析 fēnxī analyze
在於 在于 zàiyū
be at, on, lie, in, depend on, lie_in, rest with, lie in, be determined by,
consist_in, consist in
意識 意识 yìshì
consciousness, witting, sensibility, conscious, conscience, ideology,
awareness, subconscious, mentality
公尺 公尺 gōngchǐ m.[standard]
度 度 dù m.[activity]
⼤概 ⼤概 dàgài
chiefly, if not, perchance, approximately, believably, maybe, presumably,
plausibly, almost, conceivably, most likely, assumedly, ablings, likely,
perhaps, probably, supposedly, ablins, credibly, assumably, belike
對⽅ 对⽅ duìfāng
other party, the other party, fellow, party, other side, adversary, other
官員 官员 guānyuán
beg, official, mandarinate, administrative official, office-bearer, officer,
bureaucrat, placeman, federal agent, government officials, agent,
officialism, functionary, director, officeholder, officialdom, myrmidon
voice, enounce, enunciate, publish, free, sound, announce, pronounce,
發表 发表 fābiǎo
deliver, circulation, put_out, release, issue, vend, circularize, give,
give_out, denote, present, circulate, publicize, blazon, promulgate,
改⾰ 改⾰ gǎigé reform
強 强 qiáng strong, powerful, vigorous, better, slightly more than, plus qiáng (file)
樹 树 shù
wood, Ruptiliocarpon caracolito, tree, arbor, Surname, caracolito
shù (file)
適合 适合 shìhé
qualify, conform, fit, go, befit, quadrate, will, accord, tailor, beseem,
serve, comport, gee, answer, become, fit_in, service, pertain, like,
accommodate, agree, belong, characterize, make, suit, match
國外 国外 guówài overseas
成績 成绩 chéngjī
execution, carrying into action, achievement, result, showing, carrying
out, performance, grade, success, doing, batting average
⼈物 ⼈物 rénwù
character, persona, original, spirit, figure painting, character in literature,
figure, person in literature, person, fish, personage, personality
聽到 听到 tīngdào hear
居⺠ 居⺠ jūmín
municipality, population, citizen, denizen, townie, people, dweller,
populace, residenter, resident, towny, inhabitant, habitant, liver
美麗 美丽 měilì beautiful
帶來 带来 dàilái
bring, redound, impart, bring_on, bring on, express, fetch, lend, convey,
contribute, bring about, bestow, carry, bring oneself, add, usher, incur,
感情 感情 gǎnqíng
warmheartedness, reticence, sensation, affection, susceptibility, feeling,
feelings, heart, affective, withers, expression, tenderness, emotion,
sentiment, fondness, soul, affectionateness, soulfulness, passion
起 起 qǐ [aspect] qǐ (file)
全部 全部 quánbù
lot, aggregate, all, gross, entirety, allness, shebang, caboodle, complete,
bunch, sum, total, gamut, entire, det.: all, totality, whole, everything
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