2 - The Five Temples of The Earthmother Part 1 - Life and Moon
2 - The Five Temples of The Earthmother Part 1 - Life and Moon
2 - The Five Temples of The Earthmother Part 1 - Life and Moon
Design: Shawn Merwin, Christopher Sniezak
Editing: Robert M. Everson
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Art Director: John Arcadian
Graphic Designer/Layout: Tim Jones
Project Management: Phil Vecchione
Cartographer: Andrew Smith
Cover Art: “Dungeon” by Sebastian Wagner
Interior Art: Goblin Cutthroat by Dave Allsop, Water Elemental by Jeshields, Dire Wolf by Storn Cook,
Krenshar from DM’s Guild Resources
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Introduction Chapter 1: The
Temple of Life
The Five Temples of the Earthmother is a series of
short adventures, broken into chapters, which take
place on the island of Alaron in the Moonshae Isles
of the Forgotten Realms. Each chapter in the series
details a different adventure site: each a lost temple
dedicated to the Earthmother, the force representing Royal Summons
the primal essence of nature and life, a revered force This chapter begins with the PCs either entering, or
in the Moonshaes. going about their normal business in, the capital and
The first two chapters are presented here. The seat of High King Derid, Caer Callidyrr. Begin play by
first chapter, "The Temple of Life," assumes the providing one or more of the following rumors:
characters start at 1st level, and that they achieve
• The fight against the goblin forces in the Dernall
3rd level by the end of this chapter.
Forest was going well until recently, when they
The second chapter, “The Temple of the Moon,”
say the Great Druid Antola Pilark simply
assumes the characters begin at 3rd level and reach
disappeared. Since then, the goblin forces have
4th level by the end of the chapter.
made headway in retaking the forest.
The adventure is optimized for 5 characters.
• The High King and his queen continue to be
devastated by the taking of their son, Maddoc, by
Adventure Synopsis the Viceroy of Snowdown, Lady Erliza Daressin.
Every attempt to retrieve him made by Derid's
The adventure begins when High King Derid
forces has been rebuffed, and the queen rarely
Kendrick, the ruler of the Ffolk of the Moonshae
leaves her chambers anymore out of grief.
Isles, summons the adventurers to hear a proposal.
• All attempts by the High King to reach an accord
He reveals to them a prophecy that speaks of the
with the Fey Queen of Gwennyth have failed.
disappearance of the Great Druid, and the return of
While the fey monarch is courteous, she refuses to
the five lost Temples of the Earthmother.
let Derid even attempt to re-establish his ancestral
High King Derid asks the PCs to enter the highly
home at Caer Corwell.
dangerous Dernall Forest and search for the first of
• Since the former leader of the wild Northlanders,
these five temples, all of which disappeared long ago
known by her followers as the Storm Maiden, was
but are said to return in the current age.
lost at sea, Derid has had good luck reforming a
Before finding the first temple, the PCs must
connection with their new leader, Rault the Wise.
navigate the forest and deal with the threat posed by
An alliance between the Ffolk and the
the Great Gark, the Goblin King of Nachtur. By
Northlanders would be welcome news to humans
defeating the smaller goblin forces and avoiding the
throughout the Moonshae Isles—and bad for their
larger ones, the PCs find the first of the lost temples:
The Temple of Life.
Soon the characters are led to the second temple,
After hearing these rumors, each of the PCs receives
the Temple of the Crescent Moon. There they can
a summons signed by the hand of the High King
prevent the escape of an ancient enemy of the
himself. If the PCs answer the summons, they are
righteous and devout people of the Moonshae Isles.
granted access to the castle at Caer Callidyrr.
The rest of the series sees the adventures continue
to fight the forces of the Great Gark, while
simultaneously braving the lost temples and helping
fulfil the prophecy that may save the Moonshae Isles
from a larger looming threat.
Answering the summons of the High King Derid however. He suggests the PCs start by going to the
Kendrick, you are shown into a chamber at the royal beleaguered village of Lehigh. That is the first
castle of Caer Callidyrr. It is not as lavish a setting as settlement south of Caer Callidyrr in the Dernall
you would expect for someone called "High King," Forest along the High King's Road. That would
but the food and drink served are both top quality. make a good base from which to begin exploring
the forest for the temples.
After only a few moments waiting with other adventurers • The adventurers are to enter the Dernall Forest,
who also answered the summons, a middle-aged man enters defeat or avoid any unfriendly creatures
the chamber, prompting the servants to bow. The man nods encountered there, enter each of the five temples
and attempts a smile in your direction, but the weight of of the Earthmother, and use some magical water
ruling such a hard land is easy to see in the High King’s eyes
from a moonwell to re-consecrate the temple. Re-
consecrating the temples could mean removing
and shoulders.
any offending powers and putting things right.
He speaks without pomp or pretense. "Thank you for
And, of course, any sacred items of the
answering my call. My resources are taxed at the moment Earthmother found in the temples should be
with," he pauses, "so many other concerns, so I am now brought back to Caer Callidyrr.
calling on adventurers for my more important and dangerous • For doing this, the High King is willing to offer 50
missions. And what I am about to ask of you may prove to be gold coins to each of the adventurers for each of
terribly dangerous but of the utmost importance." the temples found and consecrated. Any non-
sacred treasure in the temples can be kept by the
Use the bullet points below to highlight the mission PCs, and even consecrated treasure that might be
details that Derid asks the adventurers to undertake: useful in the completion of their task might be
kept if druids agree that it should be so. He also
• Throughout the Moonshae Isles, many centuries provides each adventurer with one potion of
ago, were five temples dedicated to the healing to assist them in their mission.
Earthmother, the most worshipped deity in the • Ten vials of holy moonwell water are provided as
Moonshaes. As time passed, these temples well. This water should only be used for
disappeared, and now even exact knowledge of consecrating the temples.
their former locations has been lost.
Let the adventurers ask any questions they may
• A prophecy has come to light, and it seems that the have. Derid is both unwilling and unable to negotiate
events spoken of in the prophecy are starting to on the payment. He affirms that in addition to the
occur. The prophecy talks about the goblin attacks gold, the adventurers will have the undying
in the Dernall Forest, the disappearance of the gratitude of a High King should they succeed, which
Great Druid, and the inversion of the face of is probably more valuable than a few extra coins.
Selûne, so that her tears precede her face rather Derid is willing to supply the adventurers with
than trail it. (The face of Selûne is the moon, and basic equipment, but everything more valuable is
the Tears of Selûne are asteroids that usually trail already being used in other areas.
it, but once every few hundred years the Tears The High King suggests that the adventurers take
precede the moon.) the ten vials of holy moonwell water and leave as
• The astronomical event talked about in the close to dawn as possible. Trying to navigate the
prophecy is supposed to bring the five lost Dernall Forest after darkness falls gives a distinct
temples of the Earthmother back to the advantage to the goblins.
Moonshaes. It is vitally important, according to the
prophecy, that these temples be found,
rededicated to the Earthmother, and any artifacts A Dangerous Journey
of the Earthmother be brought out before the Once the adventurers leave the safety of Caer
temples disappear again. Callidyrr and head south, they face immediate
• The prophecy does not tell how long the temples danger. The goblin forces are faring much better
will remain present in this realm before they than anyone realizes, and even getting to Lehigh will
disappear again. The prophecy does speak of test the adventurers' mettle.
certain signs that will point to the location of the The trip to Lehigh is a little more than 10 miles.
temples, but they are all very vague. He believes The denseness of the forest and the care with which
the signs will be unmistakable once seen, the adventurers must travel means 10 hours is
required to make the journey. Horses draw too much attacked by goblin forces, and he was captured in the
attention from the goblins and their wolf allies, so attack. He is not sure if the village fell in the attack,
traveling on foot is a necessity. but he wants to find out. He thanks the PCs for
While short rests on the journey should not be a saving him, and he offers to accompany them back to
problem, trying to take a long rest would probably Lehigh if they can supply him with a weapon. Use
draw attention from the goblin forces. Use your best commoner stats from the Monster Manual for
judgement if the PCs attempt a long rest during the Hillias.
A Terrible Ambush
Before the adventurers are even three miles into
their journey, they see evidence of the boldness of
the Great Gark's forces:
The High King's Road may once have been smooth thanks to
frequent travel and maintenance, but these goblin wars have
obviously taken a toll. In places the road is overgrown with
weeds and bushes, and in others trees have been
purposefully felled across it to hinder travel.
Ahead, in a place where the road is relatively smooth and
clear, a prone form struggles. The person, a human-sized
male, tries to shout, but his words are muffled. After a
moment's study from 100 feet away, it is obvious the man's
hands and feet are bound with rope and his mouth gagged.
If they choose to approach, the adventurers can
sneak off the road with no checks necessary. After
The Slithering Bridge
travelling a few hundred feet into dense brush, they Further along the High King's Road, a bridge spans a
see what is causing the commotion: stream. Danger lurks beneath the bridge:
Ten goblins surround a majestic silver stag, while three The noise of running water grows stronger as you continue
goblins with crushed skulls lay at its feet. Four of the goblins south along the High King's Road toward Lehigh. You emerge
hold lengths of rope, each lassoed around the beast’s neck. from the denser part of the forest to see a rickety wooden
The other six are trying to close in and capture the stag. It bridge spanning a 15-foot-wide stream.
looks like the four goblins have the beast under control, but
just barely. The bridge is safe, although it creaks and moans as it
is traversed. Only a few inches separate the water
If the adventurers strike quickly, they surprise the from the bridge’s wooden planks.
ten goblins. The four goblins holding the silver stag A solitary goblin, called Slipper by her peers in the
(use stats for elk) cannot attack, as they need to use goblin army, swims in the water beneath the bridge.
their actions to maintain control of the beast. As She is an outcast in her clan because of her love of
soon as one of the rope-holding goblins is defeated, and affinity for snakes. She seems to be able to
the beast breaks free and attacks the goblins as well. command them. She is currently playing with 5
constrictor snakes in the stream beneath the
The rest of the goblins attack the adventurers with bridge.
gusto, but they are under strict orders not to hurt When the adventurers cross the bridge or ford the
the stag. If the adventurers look like they are about stream, Slipper hears them and whispers for her
to target the stag with an attack (accidentally or on snakes to attack. The PCs must make a DC 13
purpose), Hillias warns them that doing so would be Wisdom (Perception) check to hear her whispers.
terrible luck, as these beasts are omens of good Those who fail the check are surprised when the
fortune to followers of the Earthmother. snakes emerge and attack.
The goblins have nothing of value on them. Treasure. If the PCs defeat Slipper, she carries a
However, after the battle, the stag cautiously potion of poison in addition to her normal
approaches the adventurer who acted in the most equipment.
valiant and virtuous manner (DM’s choice). The
silver stag lowers his head and touches that Corrupt Summoning
adventurer with a horn on the forehead. A silver
mark in the shape of a stag appears on the When the PCs are finally within a mile of the village
adventurer's forehead. After doing this, the stag runs of Lehigh, read:
into the woods, but the wearer of the mark has a
strong feeling the stag will not be gone for long. Two small farmsteads flank the road, indicating that you are
within close proximity of Lehigh. The farmsteads, however,
The Mark of the Silver Stag are now burnt husks. Any crops or livestock once there have
You have been touched by a creature revered by followers of been demolished. Ahead, the sounds of chanting start low
the Earthmother. This grants you the following: and booming, but slowly rise to a frenzied crescendo.
Blessed Among the Ffolk. The Ffolk of the Moonshaes, as
well as other followers of the Earthmother or nature deities
such as Chauntea or Silvanus, treat you with respect. You
If Hillias is still with the party, he confirms that the
have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks when goblin army attacked Lehigh, and he was captured in
interacting with nature worshippers. that attack. Although he was unconscious for a time,
Nature's Respite. You can use one hit die as if you had just he believes that at least 24 hours have passed since
taken a short rest, but you only need to rest for 1 minute that attack started.
instead of one hour. This ability is regained after taking a long The PCs can move ahead and examine the scene.
rest. On the outskirts of the village, bodies of humans,
elves, halflings, and dwarves cover the ground,
mixed with an equal number of goblins and wolves.
A handful of goblins are pulling goblin bodies toward
a large circle drawn in the dirt. Sigils and other Mimrala, the Goblin Shaman
arcane markings decorate the circle. Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil
With a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion)
check, the adventurers ascertain this is some sort of Armor Class 12
summoning circle. This might be the start of a ritual Hit Points 21 (6d6)
that will allow fiendish spirits to be summoned to Speed 30 ft.
inhabit the goblin bodies, allowing them to fight on. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Two dozen or so villagers watch from the cover of 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
buildings. An equal number of goblins hide on the Saving Throws Dexterity +4, Wisdom +4
outskirts, keeping an eye on the villagers to make Skills Arcana +3, Religion +3
sure they don't attack or escape. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Finally, a goblin painted with blood and wearing Languages Common, Goblin
wolf pelts steps away from the rest of the goblins Challenge 1 (200 XP)
and moves toward the circle, separating herself from Nimble Escape. Mimrala can take the Disengage or
the pack. Two worgs flank her. After a moment, she Hide action as a bonus action on each of her turns.
starts chanting, and some of the goblin corpses begin
to twitch. It is up to the adventurers to stop the Actions
ritual, or the town will surely be overrun!
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Stopping the Ritual reach 5 ft. or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
The goblin shaman, a particularly vicious and piercing damage.
cunning creature called Mimrala, continues her
ritual until she takes damage. The 2 worgs acting as Spellcasting. Mimrala is a 2nd-level spellcaster that
her bodyguards attack anyone who dares to attack uses Wisdom as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC
Mimrala, even from a range. None of the other 12; +4 to hit with spell attacks). Mimrala knows the
goblins move to interfere, as they are far enough following spells from the cleric's spell list:
away and are concerned with keeping the villagers • Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, thaumaturgy
from interfering. • 1st Level (2 slots): bane, command
The adventurers start 200 feet from the chanting
shaman and the worgs. The enemies are surprised XP Awards
for the first round, since the adventurers are out of After dealing with Mimrala and lifting the siege on
sight. As soon as attacks come, the worgs rush the village of Lehigh, each character gains a special
forward to attack. As mentioned above, the goblin award of 100 XP.
shaman continues the ritual until damaged. After
that, she fights. If she is damaged and both of her Concluding the Trip
worgs are defeated, she flees. If any of the goblins were captured and interrogated
At the same time as the shaman flees, the villagers during the trip, they are quite easy to pry
risk an all-out assault on the remaining goblins. information from, but they don't have much to tell.
These goblins, seeing their shaman fleeing, also flee.
If Mimrala escapes, make sure that the PCs • The small raiding party was chosen to ride north
encounter her later, as she thirsts for revenge. and see how hard it would be to take the town
Treasure. If the PCs manage to kill or capture closest to Caer Callidyrr. Despite the tiny group,
Mimrala, they find she carries a piece of dark onyx they almost succeeded. It simply shows how weak
worth 200 gp, a silver dagger, a spell scroll the High King's forces actually are.
containing false life and witch bolt, and a potion of • Their leader, the Great Gark, is no mere goblin
growth. king. He is a magical being from another place, and
he wields power even greater than the greatest
goblin shaman.
will not work. The Great Gark would not allow that If desired, the DM can add some random encounters
to happen. as goblins and wolves occasionally pass near the
With the goblins routed, the siege on the town of town, but none attack directly.
Lehigh is ended. Survivors of the attack emerge from After the third night in Lehigh, the adventurers
behind locked doors to cheer the brave souls who receive a sign:
defeated the shaman and saved their village.
As you look up into the skies at dusk, expecting to see the
Lehigh face of Selûne, you instead see her Tears moving slowly
across the sky. It is as the prophecy said: the tears are, for the
Having freed the town from the goblin siege, the first time in your memory, preceding the moon rather than
adventurers can now rest and recover. They find the trailing it.
town damaged from the attacks but still inhabitable.
Then, out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of a
There is no inn or tavern, but the remaining
silver stag at the edge of town. It stomps, snorts, nods its
inhabitants offer places to sleep for the heroes of
Lehigh, and they take turns meeting at people's head in your direction, and then walks away, looking back at
homes to unwind and share stories. you expectantly.
Lehigh is a lumber town, so only the most basic
goods are for sale. The PCs are treated as heroes for Any adventurer with the mark of the silver stag
saving the town, so they are fed by the people understands that the stag wants them to follow it.
without the need to pay for meals or drink. The path to the first temple of the Earthmother is
The DM can populate the town with NPCs as within reach.
needed. Below are some suggestions:
• Eazelle, a half-elven soldier, is one of the few
survivors of the small royal garrison stationed
The Temple of Life
here before the attack. She is the highest ranking The first of the returned temples of the Earthmother
soldier left, and while she takes her is called the Temple of Life. This place was used in
responsibilities seriously, she is obviously in shock early celebrations and rituals connected to birth,
from the attack. She could be useful as an NPC ally growth, marriage, animal husbandry, and the
to join them (use guard stats). She could also acceptance of death. This temple was excavated
come to the PCs seeking advice on how to keep from a large hill.
Lehigh safe. Before the adventurers can arrive at the location
of the Temple of Life, following the silver stag deep
• Forje is the surviving member of the former town
into the Dernall Forest, they must first contend with
council—the rest of them died defending the town
a hobgoblin strike team tasked by the Great Gark to
while Forje hid. He obtained a royal writ to
track them down and kill them.
procure lumber in the Dernall Forest, which
means many townspeople work for him. He is
universally despised in the town for his false
Assassins and Badgers
charm, greed, and political ambitions. As long as As the adventurers follow the silver stag, a group of
the adventurers have something to offer him, three hobgoblins, known as Gark's Assassins,
however, he acts as a benefactor and patron. quietly follows the party. They were sent by Gark to
• Trawlindy is a young girl whose parents both died keep an eye on the situation since the arrival of the
in defense of the town. A local family has taken her adventurers. The hobgoblins have 4 giant badgers;
in, but she cries all the time, asking if anyone has the creatures are trained to track prey via smell.
seen her soldier puppet that her father carved for Before the silver stag and the adventurers reach
her. If an adventurer returns the marionette they the Temple of Life, the hunting party that follows
found earlier, she becomes attached to the one them attacks, hoping to surprise them. When the
who hands it back. From that point on, while the hobgoblins are about to spring, have the
adventurers are in Lehigh, she follows that adventurer(s) traveling in the rear attempt a DC 11
adventurer wherever they are in town. Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, the rear
guard hears the pursuit and the adventurers avoid
being surprised. On a failed check, the adventurers
are surprised. Only the giant badgers, however, act
in the first round. The hobgoblins use that round to Krenshar
watch the tactics of the adventurers and target any Medium beast, unaligned
spellcasters starting in the next round.
Treasure. Each badger wears a collar set with Armor Class 13
silver. Each would fetch 25 gp to an interested buyer. Hit Points 28 (8d6)
Speed 40 ft.
The Temple Entrance 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
Skills Intimidation +5
The silver stag finally arrives at the group’s Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
destination: the returned Temple of Life. The
Languages ---
entrance, an intricately carved stone archway, is set
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
into the side of a large hill. A DC 10 Intelligence
(Religion) check recognizes the carvings on the
archway to hold power in areas of life and birth.
Having delivered the characters to the temple, the Multiattack. The krenshar makes two attacks: one with
silver stag nods at the group and heads off into the its bite and one with its claws.
woods, leaving the heroes to fulfill their destinies. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
A krenshar has made a home near the recently target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage
reappeared temple, and it leads a pack of 4 giant Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
weasels. As the PCs study the archway, the target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
creatures storm from the woods to attack. Unsubtle Frightening Roar. Each creature chosen by the
in their tactics, the creatures cannot surprise the krenshar within 60 feet when it roars must succeed on
party. a DC 11 Charisma saving throw or fall prone and
After dealing with the become frightened for 1 minute.
krenshar and weasels, Creatures cannot stand from prone
the adventurers are while affected. Affected creatures
free to enter. A tunnel
can use an action on their turn to
leads straight down
attempt another saving throw.
into the hill, ending in
When a creature makes the saving
the first chamber. All
throw or the effect ends the
of the chambers are
unlit, and the ceilings creature is immune to a krenshar's
are 10 feet high unless Frightening Roar for the next 24
otherwise noted. hours.
1. The Four Faces XP Awards
Give each character a special award of 100 XP for
putting the statues in the proper places.
The walls of this chamber contain faded frescoes depicting
various scenes in a life well lived. The northwest corner 2. The Pool
shows images of birth, a happy family gathered around a
The wooden door leading into area 2 is locked. The
newborn babe with the mother, the umbilical cord still
lock can be picked with a DC 10 Dexterity (Thieves'
attached. In the northeast corner, scenes of youth reaching
Tools) check, or broken open with a DC 15 Strength
adulthood are depicted. The southeast corner shows mature check. If all else fails, the door can be hacked down
creatures farming, hunting, and providing for their families. over a series of rounds with weapons. This latter
The southwest corner shows people in old age teaching the method warns the creatures in the pool, giving them
young how to perform various tasks. advantage on initiative checks.
Resting on the floor in each corner is a marble pedestal.
Strewn about the room are 4 marbles statues: one of a baby, The western end of the chamber contains a pool of water, its
one of a young adult, one of a mature adult, and the final of clarity and stillness almost supernatural in beauty. The
an old person. frescos on the walls show a variety of people, young and old,
Hanging from the ceiling is a silver chain. A clasp at the end being submerged in the pool.
indicates that something once hung from the chain, but Through the distortion of the water, you notice a piece of
whatever it was is missing. gold at the bottom.
Passages to the north and south end in wooden doors, but
a large, rough hole in the east wall opens into a large, dark This pool contains 3 lesser water elementals. A DC
cavern. 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check is needed to
figure out that something other than water rests in
As the heroes take in the scene, the frescos brighten the pool.
noticeably, until the point where they are actually
giving off a light painful to behold. Then the The elementals remain hidden until someone
pedestals flare, and everyone in the room takes 1 enters the water, or until holy moonwell water is
point of radiant damage. added to the pool. Doing the latter deals 2d10 points
Give the adventurers a chance to respond. They of damage to any elementals in contact with the
can turn off the light and avoid taking more damage pool.
by placing the correct statues on the correct Treasure. The pendant in the pool is made of
pedestals. The baby statue belongs in the northwest gold, a non-magical totem dedicated to the
corner, matching the scenes of birth. The young Earthmother. It is worth 10 gp to a merchant, but a
adult goes in the northeast, the mature adult in the follower of the Earthmother would pay 100 gp for it.
southeast, and the elderly person in the southwest.
For each minute the adventures remain in the
temple and fail to put the statues in the right place ,
they take 1 point of radiant damage. The entrance to
the temple seals with a magical force, making escape
impossible until the statues are placed correctly.
If the players cannot figure out the pattern, allow
the characters a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check to figure it out.
If the characters try to take a long rest in this
room, a force of giant ants from area 4 comes to
investigate, disturbing any sleep or meditation.
Treasure. When all 4 statues are placed correctly,
a potion of healing appears on the pedestal next to
the baby statue, a gift from the Earthmother.
Lesser Water Elemental
Small elemental, neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 30 (6d10)
Speed 20 ft., swim 90 ft.
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Resistances acid
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Aquan
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Water Form. The elemental can enter a hostile
creature’s space and stop there. It can move through a
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Freeze. If the elemental takes cold damage, it partially
freezes. It is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. This chamber was a place where people who lost
Drown. A creature in the elemental's space must make friends and loved ones could grieve. When the grief
a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the was at its worst, the magic of the place allowed
creature chokes on foul water, becoming poisoned for mourners to step through the walls, into the
1 minute. At the end of each turn, the creature can "beyond." (That is the area shown beyond the dotted
attempt the saving throw again to end the effect. line on the map.) Mourners would feel a sense of
peace while beyond the "walls of death."
After the adventurers have studied the walls for a
3. The Beyond few moments, 4 grief motes emerge from the "walls
of death" and attack. Grief motes are manifestations
The wooden door leading into area 3 is locked.
Carved into the door are the images of a scythe and a of all the mourning that took place here.
Because they are incorporeal, the grief motes can
skull. The lock can be picked with a DC 10 Dexterity
pass through the walls unhindered. When an
(Thieves' Tools) check, or broken open with a DC 15
adventurer takes damage, the walls waver and
Strength check. If all else fails, the door can be
hacked down over a series of rounds with weapons. become insubstantial to that person. Thus, PCs at
less than maximum hit points can step through the
If the door is hacked down, the creatures inside can
"walls of death."
move into a position to attack with surprise.
All attacks made against the grief motes by
creatures beyond the walls of death are made with
This oddly shaped chamber, like the others, contains frescos.
advantage. However, creatures cannot regain hit
These frescos depict scenes of death and mourning, but each points when here.
also holds the seeds of hope. Motifs of renewal and a Treasure. Small tokens of love and remembrance
peaceful afterlife are highlighted throughout. have been left here over time, and they can be
collected. They include a gold ring worth 50 gp, a
silver hairpin with 10 gp, and an engraved spyglass.
Grief Mote In order for the temple to be consecrated, the
Small undead, neutral evil adventurers must find the symbol of the
Earthmother that the ant colony collected and
Armor Class 13 buried in the hive. When the first PC walks at least
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3) 30 feet into the cavern (past the first earth column),
Speed fly 40 ft. the ants attack.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The first wave of the attack includes 6 hive
6 (-2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) workers and 2 hive warriors. Four rounds later,
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant reinforcements arrive in the form of 2 hive soldiers
Damage Immunities necrotic and 2 more hive workers.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, The unstable ceiling can be used to an
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained adventurer's advantage. When standing next to one
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 of the dirt supports, a PC can make a DC 15
Languages --- Intelligence (Investigation) check to damage the
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) support with a melee attack and collapse the ceiling
Incorporeal Movement. The grief mote can move on an adjacent creature. This does 1d10 bludgeoning
through other creatures and objects as if they were damage and knocks the creature prone. On a failed
check, the adventurer collapses the ceiling on herself
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
as well, dealing the same damage to herself as to the
ends its turn inside an object.
target creature.
Treasure. Examining the hive reveals that it goes
much deeper into the hill, but the tunnels are too
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one narrow to effectively navigate. The ants have
target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) necrotic damage. collected 150 gp worth of gems and loose coins. In
Overwhelm. All creatures within 5 feet of the grief addition, a large silver symbol of the Earthmother is
mote must make a DC 9 Charisma saving throw. On a partially buried in a wall. A hook on the symbol fits
failure, a creature is overcome with powerful sadness into the clasp of the silver chain in area 1. Hanging
and attacks at disadvantage until the end of their next the symbol from the chain and dumping the
turn. moonwell water into the pool consecrates the
4. The Colony
Hive Warrior (Giant Ant)
Just before the temple disappeared from this plane, a
Small beast, unaligned
small colony of ants had burrowed into the temple
from the surrounding hill. Through time and magical Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
alteration, the ants evolved into large and terribly Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
dangerous creatures. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
The hole in the wall from the entry chamber leads west into a 14 (+2) 10 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
roughhewn cavern of rubble and dirt. It looks as if someone Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 10
has dug out a large area with a shovel. Natural supports are Languages ---
formed by areas of unexcavated dirt, but they have so far Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
held firm, keeping the ceiling from collapsing.
The walls and floors are partially covered in a white, sticky Actions
substance. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. Hive Soldier (Giant Ant)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Small beast, unaligned
16 (+3) 10 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 10 Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Languages --- Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Actions 16 (+3) 10 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-5) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Languages ---
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target Challenge 1 (200 XP)
is grappled (DC 13).
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
is grappled (DC 13).
Acid Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the
target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, the target takes 7 (2d6) acid damage.
With the removal of all invaders from the Temple of
Life and the consecration complete, the adventurers
can either rest in the temple or leave to return to
Lehigh. The trip back to Lehigh is uneventful, unless
the DM thinks that another encounter is needed.
XP Awards
By consecrating the Temple of Life back to the
Earthmother, each character gains a special award of
200 XP.
Chapter 2: The
When they are ready for the next mission, read:
Temple of the
serious threats. A small group of royal soldiers has arrived
from Caer Callidyrr to reinforce the town. They bring grim
news. The goblin forces have, over the last few days, raided
Crescent Moon several of the small villages and thorps within the Dernall
Forest. Some of the towns held, others have fallen, but it is
Hundreds of years ago, the lycanthropic Black Blood apparent that the goblin warring is only intensifying.
tribe summoned an aspect of Malar, called the Wolf, As you walk the village on a sunny morning, a swarm of
into the world. The pack ran roughshod over parts of dragonflies buzzes past you. An old lumberjack, back bent
the Moonshae Islands, killing Northlanders and Ffolk with age but with arms like tree trunks, smiles at the sky.
by the score. The Wolf was finally stopped by Reed “Praise be to the Earthmother. A swarm of tiny dragons
Caldwyr, one of the Ffolk living among the means a blessing is forthcoming.”
Northlanders, and the Order of the Gleaming Night, a “You’ve got that right!” says a shrill, disembodied voice
religious order who worshipped the Earthmother in from somewhere above you. The old man falls to the ground
her aspect of the moon. in shock, and the voice laughs. “Serves you right, treeslayer!
The Order of the Gleaming Night and Reed
But I am not here for you.”
couldn’t kill or banish the Wolf, so they imprisoned
From where the voice was, you now see a tiny winged
the beast within a vault below one of their most
creature. A tiny longsword dangles at its hip, and a miniscule
sacred temples, The Crescent Moon. Fearing the
Wolf would escape one day, Reed asked the Order of longbow is slung over its back. It purses its lips, giving you all
the Gleaming Night if they could transfer his soul a judgmental glare.
into his halberd Failbhe, or Wolf Slayer, the weapon
he wielded during his adventuring career. This sprite is called Jext, and he lives in a nearby
The Order transferred his soul, but his psyche was glade, protected by magic from the ravages of man
damaged during the ritual, causing Reed to forget his and goblin alike. He tells the adventurers why he is
identity and purpose. The Order of the Gleaming here:
Night locked Failbhe, now containing Reed’s essence,
beneath the temple: if the Wolf ever got loose, • He and his fellows were going about their
Failbhe would be there to stop it again. business a few days ago, when suddenly this
As the decades and centuries passed, the building appeared out of the fog: right in the
Earthmother decided to lock away some of her middle of the glade. (The adventurers can
temples until the time was right for them to confirm this new temple appeared the same
reappear and fulfill a prophecy. The Order of the night as the inversion of the Tears of Selûne.)
Gleaming Night has passed out of history, and for • The sprites spent a day trying to decide what to
hundreds of years no one renewed the prison of the do, when a silver stag arrived in the glen and
Wolf. The Temple of the Crescent Moon is now back, warned them to evacuate the area.
and the Wolf is thrashing within his prison. • Moments later, a huge pack of wolves arrived
and started howling and whining at the door of
the building. The stag, who had just saved the
The Next Messenger pixies from a wolf attack, told them to find some
Assuming the adventurers returned to Lehigh after of the big folk who need to be told about the
their foray into the Tempt of Life, they should be temple.
well rested, and probably level 3, which puts them • Jext was selected to be the one to find the big
on track for this trek into the Temple of the Crescent folk, so here he is. (If one of the adventurers has
Moon. the mark of the silver stag, that is the sign that
If the PCs have not yet reached level 3, the DM can they are the right group. Otherwise the sprite
run some brief encounters with goblins or can just say that he can tell, based on his
hobgoblins skulking around Lehigh. They are touching of the soul of the silver stag, that this is
keeping an eye on the adventurers, who now have the right group.)
the attention of the Great Gark. • Jext is ready to lead the adventurers to the
Round 2
Outside the Temple If the PCs weren’t aggressive in the first round, this
The adventurers arrive at the glade at night, when is when the wolves begin their initial assault. That
the moon shoots its rays through the trees. No means 2 wolves per PC attack.
wolves are currently present, but that will change If the PCs were aggressive in round 1, one
soon enough: additional wolf per PC moves forward to attack.
As the temple further solidifies, fine details can be
Jext leads you into his glade, a secluded area in the middle of seen in the stone work. If anyone is standing in the
the forest. It’s cool and damp with a thin fog hanging in the area where the temple is manifesting, the cold and
air. Around the glade are a number of pine trees, with a unsettling feeling is now a painful prickling
smattering of oaks mixed in. In the moonlight, the trees cast sensation on their bodies and they feel their hind
strange and slightly unsettling shadows. brain urging them to move.
The fog swirls and pulses with the ebb of the moonlight
across the glade. It coalesces, and the outline of a building
forms in the moonlit mist. Then come the howls from the
woods, howls by the hundreds, and they are getting closer.
Wolf Attack
The PCs need to survive for three rounds as the
temple fully manifests, after which they can retreat
inside. The howling wolves quickly converge on the
temple, and they number in the hundreds. The
adventurers can only survive by fleeing into the
temple, and they should be aware of those
circumstances before combat begins.
Round 1
The wolves emerge from the woods and start
circling but not attacking, moving like a sea of black
and grey fur with the glint of armor shining off of the
few ridden worgs gone feral. Each adventurer can
act normally, but if any of them harm the wolves, the
beasts go from stalking around to attacking in the
first round. Round 3
If the wolves answer open adventurer hostility, The temple fully phases into existence at the end of
only two wolves attack per PC in that round. Make this round, with the moon-powered mist drawing
allowances for PCs the party tries to protect, such as the temple back into reality with a shimmering glow
if they want to bury the wizard in the middle of the that brightens the evening to daylight for a moment.
party, then only have that PC be attacked once or not All the wolves, including the ones attacking,
at all—with another adventurer getting those retreat for a moment from the shining light, giving
attacks. the PCs their next turn during round four to act
In the first round, The Temple of the Crescent unhindered.
Moon is only a hazy outline in the glowing mist. If If a PC is standing in the area where the temple
any PC tries to enter, they only get a cold clammy manifested, they must make a DC 10 Constitution
sensation and feel uncomfortable pressure. saving throw. If they succeed, they are shunted out
of the way, taking 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage. If
they fail, they are instantly killed as their body is
fused into the structure of the temple and the energy
of the manifestation sucks out every bit of their life
Inside the Moon Temple
There are several notable elements in the room.
A PC who looks through the books in the rubble
finds that most of them are recreational reading
The Temple of the Crescent Moon is dusty but lit with material, adventure stories, fairy tales, and a few
moonlight, allowed to shine through by several ceiling slits. travel logs.
The moonlight reflects off white marble floors and walls, There is, however, a journal from someone called
making the place shine with a soft glow.
Lexinova, who seemed to be an important member
of a group calling themselves The Order of the
The square room, topped with a dome, is filled with stone
Gleaming Night. Most of the journal has water
benches that face a circular stone podium bearing a crescent
damage and is unreadable, and the passages that are
shaped altar. The phases of the moon are carved into the still legible are written in old Common and are fairly
altar. The benches are arranged so that four aisles run in the boring stuff about Lexinova’s daily life. She was
cardinal directions. One could walk from the outside of the apparently here for a very long time and led an
benches to the altar using any of these pathways. unremarkable life.
A door on the left wall is hidden behind rubble from A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
partially collapsed walls. Scattered books peek out from check reveals some more interesting passages and
among the rubble. On the right wall are two doors and an information in the journal, hidden in secret writing
intact wall. amid the boring parts:
• A passage of the hidden writing reads: “If only the • Anyone damaged by her life drain automatically
ritual had worked as we had intended, then Reed succeeds on the Constitution saving throw the first
would understand his purpose and I wouldn’t be time. Subsequent attacks do require the saving
stuck in this temple for another five and a half throw.
years. Reed, or I guess Failbhe is how it thinks of Treasure. The room on the right served as the
itself now, is fun to talk to though. I think I’ll go quarters of The Order of the Gleaming Night who
have a chat with the Wolf Slayer right now. At lived here. Among the still-standing desks and beds
least I can still remember which moons to press are a number of centuries-old writings. To the right
when I seem to forget everything else.” buyer they would be worth 500 gp.
• Hidden in a slit on the journal cover are
accountings of several rituals, including how to
transfer a soul into an inanimate object, how to The Temple Below
strengthen a Ward of Binding, and how certain
magic is tied to the moon. Those who understand 1. The Moonhall
the power of the moon might be able to learn
some of those rituals and magicks. The stairs descend into darkness, but as each step is trod
Opening either door to the right awakens the wraith upon, it lights up with the glow of the moon and the carving
of Lexinova, which still lingers here. She’s jealous of of the crescent moon in the middle of the floor glows
the living and wants those who live to join her in brighter than the rest of it. Stepping off the stairs onto the
death. floor causes the moonlight glow to spread from the stepped-
Inspecting the altar shows the moon carvings are upon spot across the entire floor.
not all uniform, and the two crescent moons are
jutting out of the stone while every other carving is
embedded. Pressing them both simultaneously Three stone doors lead from the room: on the north,
makes the altar rotate, revealing a set of descending east, and west walls. The north door has a halberd
stairs. impaling a wolf carved onto it. The east door
contains a small cylindrical hole in it about the size
Lexinova’s Wraith of a spear, below a carving of a crescent moon. The
west door looks like it has been crumbling away and
When the altar is touched or any of the doors could collapse at any moment.
opened, a ghostly figure emerges and speaks. The statue in the southern part of room depicts a
moon attached to the wall. It doesn’t move but is a
A dark form emerges from the altar, a vaguely feminine form. lovely decoration.
She wears black, wispy robes that bear a pattern of crescent If the adventures take more than just a few
moons. “Friends to speak with me,” says a ragged, minutes in this chamber, they hear a faint scratching
whispering voice. “Failbhe stopped talking to me. Now you sound from behind the crumbling door.
will stay here forever and keep me company.”
2. The Amulet Room (East) As soon as a PC touches the moonbox, four statues
from the mural wall animate and attack anyone in
the room.
The room has a short walkway that leads to a couple of short The statues attack the PC who attacked them last
staircases leading down, where a box made of pure or, if they haven’t been attacked, go after whoever
moonlight, bearing symbols and sigils, floats waist high in the last manipulated the moonbox. They fight until
middle of the room. Around the room are life-sized carvings defeated or all the PCs are dead, chasing them into
of priests and druids worshiping the moon on the walls, as if other chambers if necessary. If a statue is destroyed,
they’re part of a living mural carved with the most exquisite another comes out of the mural to replace it.
The only way to stop the onslaught is to open the
moonbox, which is a puzzle box that requires the
arcane and religious symbols to be manipulated to
open it. The 4 mural statues try to eliminate the
intruders. Once the moonbox is open, the statues
stop their assault and return to the mural.
The Moonbox ACTIONS
The puzzle of the moonbox gets harder as it Multiattack. The mural statue makes two bash attacks
continues. To solve it, the party needs to make a Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
combination of six Intelligence (Arcana) and target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Intelligence (Religion) checks. Manipulating the
moonbox runes takes an action, as they need to be
slid around the six different surfaces of the box. 3. The Halberd Room (North)
The DCs for both the Intelligence (Religion) and
Intelligence (Arcana) checks start at 5. When a PC is The door to the north opens easily, revealing a floor of large
successful at one of them, the DC to be successful black and white tiles, the same as a chess board. Eight
with that skill again increases by 5. So if a PC is
statues of priests stand against the left and right walls of the
successful with Arcana check, the DC increases to 10,
room, four on either side and each within one of the tiles.
while the Religion DC is still 5. If Arcana is successful
Near the back wall is a wide beam of moonlight coming
again it goes to 15, while Religion remains at 5.
A DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check can be out of the ceiling—or maybe the floor, as it is hard to tell.
substituted for any of the checks, and magic that Within the beam of moonlight is a halberd, hanging in mid-air
opens locks (such as knock) will count as one and slowly rotating.
Treasure. The moonbox opens to reveal its When an adventurer gets to the third row of squares
contents: the amulet of the crescent moon, a pearl into the room, the door slams shut, knocking anyone
and silver crescent pendant that glows with in the doorway out of the room, and a voice booms
moonlight. Anyone donning the amulet immediately out from the halberd: “Ah ha. You’ve come to see if
comprehends its power to reinforce the wards on you’re worthy to wield me, the great Failbhe! Let us
the prison. It still takes a short rest to attune this test your skill in arms and your ability to think on
item for the other abilities it possesses. your feet.” With that the halberd flies at you,
whirling in a steel spinning circle of death, as some
The Amulet of the Crescent Moon of you fall to the ceiling.
Wondrous item, rare
While wearing this amulet you are cloaked in a soft light that The Battle
only shows itself at night. The glow is as powerful as This checkerboard tiled floor was once a space the
torchlight, and it can be turned on and off with an action.
Order of the Crescent Moon used for training. The
When the moonlight is glowing, you can reroll a Wisdom
tiled floor flips gravity, depending on the color
saving throw against a spell. This power recharges after a
long rest.
someone would be standing on and how the floor
The Amulet also has the power in it to reinvest the wards feels at any moment. While this is going on, two of
of the Wolf’s prison. the statues, one on the left and one on the right, fire
magic bolts of energy at creatures in the room. And
finally, Failbhe the sentient halberd, tests them by
Mural Statues trying to kill them.
Medium construct, Neutral
The Door
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) It takes a DC 15 Strength check to open the door.
Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21) Once someone does they can enter or leave, but the
Speed 30 ft. door slams shut again immediately after their turn.
15 (+2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) The Floor
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and The gravity switches based on tile color. As soon as
slashing from non-magical weapons that aren't combat starts, flip one color. Anyone on that color
adamantine falls up to the ceiling.
Damage Immunities poison Anyone falling in either direction takes 1d6
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned damage and falls prone unless they succeed at a DC
Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 10 15 Dexterity saving throw. If they succeed they can
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
either step off the tile onto an adjacent opposite-
colored tile or land safely on the ceiling or floor.
In subsequent rounds, determine when the gravity The Sentient Halberd
switch flips from black to white at the very end of Failbhe is a sentient weapon that has gone a little
each initiative round. (If playing “theater of the mad over the centuries, but it holds the soul of a
mind,” draw two circles on a piece of paper and label great hero from the distant past—and it still believes
them black and white. Use some kind of marker for in heroism. To that end, he attempts to beat the PCs
each player—pieces of paper with their names on into unconsciousness if it can—but it won’t kill
them will do in a pinch—to determine who is on them.
white and who is on black before you declare the During the fight, Failbhe talks a lot. If an
initial gravity switch. You can ask them what color adventurer strikes and “harms” him, it congratulates
they’re standing on. It doesn’t really matter since it’s that person on her skill or technique. Misses result in
a straight fifty - fifty shot they’ll be on a gravity Failbhe pointing out their errors in footwork or their
square. If playing with mini’s on a map you can see if commitment to the art of combat. It’s not overly fond
a PC is on a black or white tile.) of magic unless the magic is used in a clever manner.
The reverse gravity tile color is determined by It thinks a level-headed healer is worth their weight
rolling a d6. in gold.
If the PCs lose the fight, they awaken to find
• 1-3 it’s the white. themselves outside the room, battered and beaten
• 4-6 it’s the black. but not dead.
If the PCs defeat Failbhe, it stops the gravity floor,
The Statues halts the statues from firing, and opens the door. It
A magic rune on the foreheads of the second statue congratulates the PCs and tells them they’re worthy,
in on the right and the third statue in on the left fire especially the one in the group who showed the
bolts of concentrated moonlight at the adventurers most martial prowess or potential, and lets that PC
closest to them. If two PCs are equidistant, a statue know it would like to travel with him. Failbhe then
randomly shoots one of them. floats to that PC and allows itself to be grasped.
They can be stopped by damaging them (see
below), by disabling the magical energy powering Failbhe, the Sentient Halberd
them [DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check], some kind Medium sentient weapon (neutral good)
of magical dispelling, or by disabling the mechanism
Armor Class 18
that allows their heads to rotate around and target
Hit Points 60 (10d8 + 20)
people [DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check].
Speed fly 30 ft.
Creative players might find other ways to disable
the statues, feel free to let them be creative and set
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
the DC for their checks in the 18 to 20 range and give
them advantage if it sounds like a particularly good Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Wis +2
idea. The statues are in the initiative order. Skills Athletics +4
Senses Senses shapechangers
Magical Moon Bolt Statues Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Initiative +2
Armor Class 17 ACTIONS
Hit Points 20 Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing or piercing
Actions damage.
Attack: Ranged Magic Attack. +5 to hit, range 60 ft. Piercing Strike (Recharge 6). Ranged Weapon Attack:
Hit: (5) 1d8+1 force damage. +6 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 4)
piercing damage, and the target is pushed back 10 feet.
Parry. Failbhe adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack
that would hit it.
Failbhe thinks another 25 years will do it but if it can just get
someone to touch them they’ll fall apart. To that
Weapon (halberd), Rare (requires attunement by a creature it end, the Pixie-Wolf has heard the altar move and the
has accepted as worthy)
PCs descend into the vault.
You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
When the PCs open the door to this room, read:
magic weapon. It has the following additional properties.
Wolf Slayer. Failbhe scores a critical hit against wolves,
werewolves and the Wolf on attack rolls of 18+. The door crumbles as you touch it. Several oddly placed and
Dancing Halberd. Once a day Failbhe can take to the air and constructed walls stand within the room, each falling apart.
dance about in battle. Failbhe acts on his wielder’s turn and Remnants of runes etched into these walls are barely legible.
can do the following for 1 minute: A tiny winged creature flits out from behind one of the
• (1/day) Spinning Halberd. Failbhe starts to spin and makes crumbling walls and squeaks, “Talk about someone being
an attack against any adjacent foes. It uses the attack and several hundred years too late!”
damage modifiers of the creature it is attuned to.
• (1/day) Defender. As a reaction, Failbhe can add 2 to its
wielders AC against one melee attack that would hit them. The Con
As the Wolf in a pixie’s body, Ingrin the Pixie-Wolf’s
Sentience. Failbhe is a sentient neutral good weapon with an goal is to escape the temple, but it cannot do so until
Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 11, and a Charisma of 14. He
the ward on the door of the inner prison room is
has hearing and vision out to 30 feet and can speak and
broken, now the only piece holding it here. It’s
understand Common.
Personality. Failbhe is a hero at its core but it’s forgotten its
patient enough to wait for an opportunity and clever
true name and purpose. Even when it learns the truth, the enough to not lie if at all possible. Everything it
knowledge slides away from it just as soon as it hears the knows from its experience as a pixie is true.
words. Fortunately, Failbhe is not one to get down about When the adventurers start talking to the Pixie-
such things and is always looking for the next person to save Wolf, it tells them its story, but only up to the point
and the next heroic thing to do for the good of the Moonshae where the pixie hid in the prison. Then it will try to
Islands. To say the weapon is chipper would be an get them to release the Wolf’s physical form from the
understatement. inner room. It can provide the following information:
As long as its wielder is engaged in activities that seem
heroic or will provide an opportunity for heroism, Failbhe is • The Wolf is still trapped in an inner prison the
happy. If more than a week passes without trying or planning Order of the Gleaming Night constructed. That
to engage in heroic activity, a conflict between it and the door is the one to the smaller chamber within this
wielder occurs. one. They thought it better to have two locks
rather than one.
• If asked why she’s still alive, she tells them she
doesn’t require sustenance in the same way as
4. The Prison (West) they do, she can live on starlight and moonbeams,
The scratching at the crumbling door was done by a and the prison room has plenty of moonbeams.
pixie called Ingrin. She was friends with the Order of • There’s a sentient halberd in the other room. It’s
the Gleaming Night centuries ago. Ingrin was present called Failbhe, it is a little insane. (The Wolf-Fairy
when the Black Blood tribe attacked the temple to doesn’t know about the traps in the room)
free the Wolf. While the Gleaming Night soldiers fell, • There’s a magic amulet in the room across from
the Earthmother moved the temple to another plane, this but it's locked. Lexinova said Failbhe could
trapping Ingrin inside with Lexinova, the only other open the door. It’s also inside some kind of magic
creature in the temple. box. Lexinova knew how to open it.
Lexinova died soon after, and returned as a wraith. If the PCs open the outer door the Pixie-Wolf will
She attempted to kill Ingrin, forcing the pixie to hide show the PCs through the room right to the door of
in the only safe place: the prison of the Wolf. the inner prison.
At some point in the past she fell prey to the Wolf’s
influence and let the spirit of the creature inhabit The Inner Prison
her body. This allowed the Wolf to escape from the The door to the inner prison is scratched up since
inner prison but it still can’t escape from the outer. the Pixie-Wolf has been wearing it down to break
Beyond that the wolf can’t escape the temple until the seal. The body of the Wolf is still inside the inner
both sets of wards are completely destroyed. It prison, desiccated and held in place by beams of
moonlight. Unfortunately for the Pixie-Wolf, that
body is now dead. It can’t inhabit it anymore but it
doesn’t know that. There are a lot of different things that could happen
in the Temple of the Crescent Moon. The PCs could
Consecration unleash The Wolf on the Moonshae Islands again,
In order for the temple to be re-consecrated to the maybe make an enemy out of the Wolf, acquire a
Earthmother, the ward on the inner prison door has new friend in Failbhe or Ingrin if they free her from
to be reinforced. This is done with a DC 15 the Wolf spirit, or they might reinforce the wards of
Intelligence (Religion) check while wearing the the Temple of the Crescent Moon and trap the Wolf
amulet of the crescent moon and pouring moonwell again.
water onto the door. Anyone wearing the amulet If the PCs retain Failbhe, they might want to help
knows this must happen. If the PCs found the secrets him regain his lost memories. Beyond that there are
within the diary upstairs, the DC is reduced to 10, still three more temples to the Earth Mother that
and the check is made at advantage. need to be dealt with. Adventure abounds in the
If this is done, the spirit of the Wolf is pushed back Moonshae Islands. Look for the next three chapters
into its now desiccated body, removing its threat in The Five Temples of the Earthmother, Part 2: Beast
forever. However, the Pixie-Wolf tries to fool them and Shipwreck.
into breaking the seal.
If the adventurers talk about the ritual, the Pixie-
Wolf speaks up vehemently:
“No! Don’t be silly. The Wolf is weak and is right there in that
room. Open the door and kill it while it is weak. And then we
will all be safe again!”
XP Awards
By consecrating the Temple of the Crescent Moon
back to the Earthmother, each character gains a
special award of 300 XP.