Peat Inventory East Kalimantan - DR
Peat Inventory East Kalimantan - DR
Peat Inventory East Kalimantan - DR
List of Activities
1.1 Preparation
1. Consultation with Ministry of Environment and Forestry Directorate of Peat Degradation
Control, MoEF together with GIZ Propeat;
2. Data and equipment preparation.
3. Preparation of work map
4. Preliminary report preparation
5. Planning consolidation meeting
1.2 Planning consolidation meeting
1.2.1 Meeting with local Government.
Prior to the field survey is being carried out, a meeting is necessary to be held with the
Provincial Government and the District/ City Government where the KHG is located. The
meeting is in a Focused Group Discussion form with all relevant stakeholders including
representatives of the concessions/private sector and the community at the KHG
location to be surveyed.
1.2.2 Field survey
The field survey was carried out on non-permit/concessions area according to the work
plan that had been made. The type of information observed is as follows in Table 3. (in
1.3 Fauna
1.1 Visual Encounter Survey
On this observation team will set transect for every plot area to conduct The Visual Encounter
Survey (VES), this method is applied to identify any wildlife surrounding the transect area, and
held during the day and also at night to observe nocturnal fauna. The method is used to
produce a species list for an area, to determine the species richness, and estimate relative
diversity (Crump and Scott, 1994). Procedure for a VES involves searching a fauna, either along
a transect or in a plot, and recording the number of individuals encountered per unit of time
(person-hours) (Crump and Scott, 1994). VES generally requires minimal equipment:
datasheets, pencil/pen, calipers, and spring balance (if measurements are taken), plastic bag,
and a marker pen (if individuals are to be collected) (Crump and Scott, 1994). Sticks or rakes
may also be used to turn over leaves and small logs (Crump and Scott, 1994). The VES works
best for surveying forest understory anurans that are active in the open (Crump and Scott,
1994). It is also the best method for surveying rare species or those which are unlikely to be
caught with traps (Crump and Scott, 1994). However, this technique cannot be used to survey
fossorial species or those that live in the canopy (Crump and Scott, 1994). To avoid biases
between individuals, each person must have had the same training, be at the same level of
expertise, and put the same effort in when surveying (Crump and Scott, 1994). Another bias
with the VES is that not all habitat types and microhabitats within a habitat can be sampled with
equal success due to differences in strata (Crump and Scott, 1994). Open habitats can be
surveyed more efficiently than those with dense vegetation as visibility is better (Crump and
Scott, 1994). Weather can also affect visibility, with rain and mist generally decreasing it (Crump
and Scott, 1994).
2.1 Metode Pengambilan dan Pengolahan Data
3.1.1 Flora/Vegetation
Determination of the plot point is at the specified area (TOR) in each location. The location
should be considered to be able to represent a certain type of vegetation cover. Vegetation data
were collected using the vegetation analysis method by combining the transect method and the
multiple plot method. At each point will be one transect, and 2-5 plots were made in each
10 m
10 m
20 m
The data that we collected from field will be analized with this process:
∑ individu suatu jenis
K suatu jenis
x 100%
Luas petak contoh K seluruh jenis
∑ Sub- petak ditemukan suatu jenis FR=
F suatu jenis
x 100%
∑ Seluruh sub- petak contoh F seluruh jenis
c. Domination (D) dan Relative Domination (DR). D* is only count on tree level vegetation
LBD = ¼ π d2, d = diameter (m
Criteria Value
High INP > 42,66
Medium 21,96 – 42,66
Low INP < 21,96
Source: Fachrul (2007)
ln (N)
R = Species richness index
S = Total Species
N = Total population species
ln = Log Natural
Criteria Value
High R > 5,0
Medium 3,5 – 5,0
Low R < 3,5
Source: Magurran (1988)
H’ = Diversity index
S = Species count
Pi = (ni/N) Species ratio i (ni) ; pi – pro-portion of the registered species from species
ln = Log Natural
Table 3. Diversity index criteria
Criteria Value
High >3
Medium 2–3
Low 0–2
Source: Barbour et al. (1987)
Keterangan :
C = Dominance index Simpson
S = Total species
ni = Total count species i
N = pro-portion of the registered species from species n
Pi = ni/N = iproporsi species ke i
Table 4. Dominance index criteria (C)
H’ = Diversity index
S = Total Species
ln = Log Natural
Evenness index higher than a growth rate indicates a more even distribution of the
number of individuals in each species. Evenness index ranges from 0.
Table 5. Evenness index criteria
In addition to calculating the quantitative value, a list of plant species is also made along with
their protected status by referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry
of the Republic of Indonesia Number P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018, CITES
Appendix version 22 June 2021 for international trade and the IUCN Red List version 2021-2 for
its conservation status. Information about the distribution of these plants is also collected so that
it is known that these plants are endemic and their distribution is limited or not. It is hoped that
this information can be taken into consideration for the management of these plant species in
particular, which is an integral part of the management of the area as a whole.
Land cover, land use, forest product utilization and condition data collection
Primary forests, secondary forests, plantation, shrubs (no trees): seasonal crops, settlements.
Canopy cover conditions are divided into dense, medium, and rare.
Input: identification of sediment outcrops, about pyrite content, estimating the extent of the
distribution of open pyrite sediments
Output: according to above-mentioned criteria.
- Input: water pH measurement with pH H2O2.
- Output: the depth of the pyrite layer (qualitatively if it is already open will be found
yellow straw spots on the ground, the water will look clear and the pH is very acidic,
and if it is not open, smells of sulfur, or when tested with H2O2, pyrite is detected.
This study measures the level of local wisdom from locals’ community appreciation in the
management and protection of peat hydrological areas. The research method carried out
begins with preparation, a survey of research sites, data collection (primary and
secondary data), and data analysis
Sampling on the respondents conducts by cluster sampling technique. Cluster sampling
is a data analysis method that selects a sample from small groups of units. Data
collection methods used in this study were structured interviews, questionnaires, and
direct surveys in the field.
Community knowledge, local wisdom, appreciation, intention to protect the peatland,
community perceptions of the benefits and conservation, each variable observed in the
study will be measured and assessed by first determining the measurement parameters.
Table 6. Social Variable and Parameters
No Activity / Wee
Milestones k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Preparation
a. Consultation with MoEF and GIZ
b. Compilation of secondary data
c. Preparation of work map
d. Preparation of preliminary report
e. Planning consolidation meeting with Ministry and GIZ
f. Preliminary report
2. Meeting with local government
3. Field survey
4. Progress report, including field data of 13 peat
characteristics, photo and video recording with drone
5. Supervision and monitoring of activity progress and
data check by MoEF/KLHK and GIZ
6. Photo and video recording with drone
7. Compilation of data from field surveys and Laboratory
8. Preparation and discussion of the final report, including
data of 13 peat ecosystem characteristics, photo and
video recording with drone
9. Supervision and monitoring of activity progress and
data check by MoEF/KLHK and GIZ
10. Finalization of Reports and Printing of Characteristics of
KHG Observation Points Maps on 1: 50,000 scale, Tally
Sheet and GPS log documentation, Drone Land Cover
Map (10% of total
observation points)
Our Team
Team Leader:
Name : Rustam
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : PhD
Summary Experience:
1. Consultant/ Technical Support for Berau District Action Plan of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), 2020, GGGI
2. Consultant/Technical Support for Forest Management Unit (KPH) on Landscape
conservation and biodiversity data based to support business plan and emission
reduction, 2018, GGGI
3. Training for Trainer of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), 2017,
Environmental Study Center (PSL) Kalimantan Region.
4. Identification for High Conservation Value on Landscape Based in East Kalimantan
province, Indonesia, 2017, TNC.
5. High Conservation Value Forest Assessment in PT. Adimitra Lestari North
Kalimantan, 2013, WWF.
Field Coordinator 1:
Name : Brian Martin
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
Summary Experience:
1. Biodiversity inventory Project in Kayan Mentarang National Park, Malinau 2015,
Mulawarman University (UNMUL)
2. Pro Natura, Biodiversity Inventory Project in Wain River Protected Forest,
Balikpapan. 2016, Small wild Cat Project.
3. Biodiversity Inventory and Environmental indicator Project in Reclamation Area
of PT. KITADIN site Tandung Mayang, 2016-2017, PT. KITADIN
4. Project Species Officer (Siamensis Crocodile) Mesangat, 2018, WCS-IP
5. Borneo crocodile expedition Malaysia – Kalimantan (Indonesia), 2018, UNIMAS
6. Intern, 2019, CLP (Conservation Leadership Program)
7. Field Research Officer, 2019-2021, Yayasan Ulin (Ironwood Foundation)
8. HCV assessment PT. Spice Island Maluku, 2020-2021, PT. Spice Island Maluku
9. Species Distribution Modeling with Remote Sensing ARSET Project, 2021,
10. Biodiversity analyst – Project Ecosystem Essentials Area of Mesangat Wetland
2021-2024, Consortium of YU and YASIWA TFCA
Field Coordinator 2:
Name : Raharjo Ari Suwasono
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Master of Forestry
1. Biology Team Sampling Flora and Fauna of Environmental Monitoring at PT
Sago Prima Pratama, Nunukan Every Semester from 2016 to 2019, PT
Smart Teknik.
2. Botanist on Environmental Monitoring activities at the PT. Kitadin Site
Tadung Mayang Former Mine Site, Bontang. Every year from 2017 to 2019,
Collaboration between PT. Kitadin and UPT CTESD UNMUL.
3. Botanist on Development of PSP (Permanent Sample Plot) in Secondary
Secondary Slash Forest in PT. Hanurata Forest Area; August 2019, PT.
Hanurata Forest Area.
4. Botanist on Biodiversity Study and Monitoring activities at PT. Pupuk
Kalimantan Timur’s Biodiversity Park in Bontang. July 2019, PT. Pupuk
Kalimantan Timur
5. Vegetation Survey to collect data on the importance of forest communities
from the vegetation aspect of the prospective location of the Forest Park in
Kutai Kartanegara Regency, July 2019, Kutai Kartanegara Government.
6. Vegetation Survey to collect data on the importance of forest communities
from the vegetation aspect which will be used as consideration for applying
for permission to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to obtain the
designation as Forest Park in West Kutai District, May 2019, Cooperation
between the Faculty of Forestry UNMUL and the West Kutai Regional
7. Botanist on Field Survey for the Development of the Belantara Foundation
Baseline Data Area in East Kalimantan Province, April 2019, Belantara
8. Botanist on PT Daya Maju Lestari's AMDAL Document Preparation Activity in
West Kutai Regency and Mahakam Ulu East Kalimantan, February 2019,
Collaboration between PT Daya Maju Lestari and PPLH UNMUL.
9. Botanist on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Assessment by PT
Geomap International Engineering and Environmental Consultant at Batu
Ampar – Mentawir, East Kalimantan,January 2019, PT Inhutani I.
10. Botanist on Biodiversity Study and Monitoring in PT Badak LNG Bontang
Forest Area, East Kalimantan, December 2018, Collaboration between PT
Badak LNG and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNMUL
Field Coordinator 3:
Name : Saparwadi
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Master of Forestry
1. Summary Experience: MCAI Indonesia BIOMA Foundation's Mapping Team
for the Spatial Planning of Lung Barang Village, Mentarang Ulu Subdistrict,
and Metut Village, South Malinau Subdistrict, Malinau Regency, East
Kalimantan Province
2. In Murung Raya Regency, social mapping and the preparation of the PPM
Master Plan (Community Development and Empowerment Program) in seven
Adaro Metcoal PKP2B areas (6 sub-districts) Mahakam Ulu District and
Central Kalimantan (2 Districts)
3. Tuana Tuha Village, Kenohan District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency – Bumi
Foundation – Instructor of Mapping and Spatial Planning Training
4. As Secretary of the Human Biosphere Foundation's Daily Management
5. Planete Urgence & BIOMA Foundation's Mahakam Delta Mangrove
Ecosystem Rehabilitation Project Coordinator
6. The FPIC/FPIC of the greenhouse gas emission reduction program in the
district of West Kutai, the FPCPF Carbon Fund cooperation program, the
Ministry of Forestry, and the Province of East Kalimantan's socialization and
implementation team
7. PT. NPC (Nala Plama caudasa) – Consulting JUMP, the survey team of the
flora and fauna biodiversity of the East Kutai District
8. JUMP Konsulting has developed management materials for High
Conservation Areas (HCV) in collaboration with the Kutai Kartanegara
Plantation Service.
9. Tabang sub-social district's forestry acceleration team (Muara Salung Village,
Muara Belinau Village, Muara Belianu Village, Muara Tuboq Village, Muara
Kebaq Village, Umaq Bekuay Village) BIOMA-TNC
Drone Pilot I:
Name : Muhammad Fajar Tegar Wahyudi
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
Summary Experience:
1. Certificated in Pilot drone, APDI (Asosiasi Pilot Drone Indonesia), 2020.
2. Trainer of GIS Training for East Kutai District, 2020, UNDP.
3. Pilot Drone and GIS Analyst of Aerial Mapping for Land Use Planning in Semuntai
and Sandeley Villages, Paser District, 2020, UKCCU.
4. GIS Analyst of Prototype Initiative, 2019, Green Growth Compact (GGC).
Drone Pilot II:
Name : Armansyah
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
Summary Experience:
1. Trainer of GIS Training for East Kutai District, 2020, UNDP.
2. Pilot Drone and GIS Analyst of Aerial Mapping for Land Use Planning in
Semuntai and Sandeley Villages, Paser District, UKCCU, 2020.
3. Pilot Drone in Participatory Land Use Planning in Pura Sajau, 2020, Pura Sajau
4. Pilot Drone in Master Plan of Sigending Protection Area and Ecotourism, 2019,
Collaboration of TAF, TFCA and Teluk Sulaiman Village
Social I:
Name : Rina Wahyu Cahyani
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
Summary Experience:
1. Study of Ecological and Development in Social Economic of Kratom Plant (Mitragyna
speciosa), 2018, KPHL Gerbang Barito Unit IX Central Kalimantan.
2. Identification, Preparation, Support and Gap Analyst on Local Community
Characteristic (Kampung Iklim Plus Program) to support the emission reduction in
East Kalimantan Province, 2019, FCPF
3. Modeling Study of Kampung Iklim Plus based on Forest and Land Characteristic,
2020, IPB Press
Social II:
Name : Achmad Sopian
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. NTFP Talkshow Series Training on Managing Aroma and Energy from the
Forest, October 24, 2020, Faculty Forestry Mulawarman University
2. Student Assistant for Laboratory Biology, 2020, Dendrology and Forest Ecology
Courses Conservation Ecology and Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity
3. FCPF/climate village socialization and consultation committee in paser 2019,
4. Research Student Assistant for Research Types of Litsea, 2019, Faculty's
Educational Forest Forestry Mulawarman University.
Social III:
Name : Mita Priskawati
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Biodiversity Surveyor, 2017, YASIWA
2. Internship Giz Forclime in Northh Kalimantan, 2016, Giz Forclime.
3. Student Research Technical Staff ITC University of Twente Netherlands in Delta
Mahakam, 2018, ITC University of Twente Netherlands.
4. The EIA Biological Surveyor Team, 2018 of PT. West Kutai Wilsa Kencana
Wilderness Foundation.
5. Kalimantan Forest Surveyor TeamSurveyor, 2020, of PT. Kitadin Jaya Agung
6. Carbon-Fund FPIC Team, 2020, DDPI
Administration I:
Name : Ninda Annisa Putri
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Administration of AWP KalFor for Kalimantan Timur, 2020, UNDP KalFor
2. Administration of AWP KalFor for Kutai Timur, 2020, UNDP KalFor
3. Administration of Insentive NRM and ANKT, 2020 – 2021, UNDP KalFor
4. Administration of Safety Drone for Kalimantan Timur Government, 2021, 16 –
17 September, UNDP KalFor
5. Administration of Increasement Of Understandin to Manage and Protect The
Non- State-Owned Forest Area in East Kutai Region, 5 October 2020, UNDP
Administration II:
Name : Nurirah Hidayat
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Administration of AWP KalFor for Kalimantan Timur, 2020, UNDP KalFor
2. Administration of AWP KalFor for Kutai Timur, 2020, UNDP KalFor
3. Administration of Insentive NRM and ANKT, 2020 – 2021, UNDP KalFor
Administration I:
Name : Norhayati
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Administration of Safety Drone for Kalimantan Timur Government, 2021, 16 –
17 September, UNDP KalFor
2. Administration of Increasement Of Understandin to Manage and Protect The
Non- State-Owned Forest Area in East Kutai Region, 5 October 2020, UNDP
Surveyor I:
Name : Stela Serliani
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Carbon-Fund FPIC Team, 2020, DDPI
2. Student Research Technical Staff ITC University of Twente Netherlands in Delta
Mahakam, 2018, ITC University of Twente Netherlands.
3. The EIA Biological Surveyor Team, 2018 of PT. West Kutai Wilsa Kencana
Wilderness Foundation.
4. Kalimantan Forest Surveyor TeamSurveyor, 2020, of PT. Kitadin Jaya Agung
Surveyor II:
Name : Sabat Sandrania
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Student Assistant for Laboratory Biology, 2019, Dendrology and Forest Ecology
Courses Conservation Ecology and Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity.
2. FCPF/climate village socialization and consultation committee in paser, 2019,
3. NTFP Talkshow Series Training on Managing Aroma and Energy from the Forest,
Faculty Forestry Mulawarman University, October 24, 2020
4. Intern program, 2021, Kawal Borneo Community Foundation (KBCF)
5. Assistant GIS Instructor, 2020, PPIG UNMUL and the East Kalimantan Forestry
ServiceTraining on GIS Analysis and Emission Calculation in MMR Readiness East
Surveyor III:
Name : Audina
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Event Organizer (EO) Annual Work Plan (AWP) and Botanical Garden in East Kutai,
2021-2021, East Kutai Government.
2. Incentive Event Organizer (EO) NRM and Areal of High Conservation Value in East
Borneo, 2020-2021, East Kutai Government.
Surveyor IV:
Name : Nurma
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Student Research Technical Staff ITC University of Twente Netherlands in Delta
Mahakam, 2018, ITC University of Twente Netherlands.
2. The EIA Biological Team, 2020, PT. West Kutai Wilsa Kencan Wilderness
3. GIS assistance, 2019,PT. Kitadin Jaya AgungKalTim
4. Carbon-Fund FPIC Team, 2020, DDPI
Surveyor V:
Name : Murang Herkanus
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Social Survey of land use and sustainability in Mentarang District 2018, UNMUL
2. Vegetation inventory team at Delta Mahakam 2019, UNMUL
3. Biodiversity and Social Survey Team in the Delta Kayan River Basin, 2020,
Fahutan UNMUL and GIZ
4. Supervision team for verification of in situ plant enrichment at Kutai National
Park , 2018 PT INDOMINCO
5. Monitoring of PT.BBE post-mining land in Kutai Kartanegara, 2018, PT
6. Monitoring of post-mining, 2018/2019 PT. KTD Bontang
Surveyor VI:
Name : Arkhan
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Student Assistant for Laboratory Biology, 2020, Dendrology and Forest Ecology
Courses Conservation Ecology and Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity
2. FCPF/climate village socialization and consultation committee in paser, 2019,
DDPI Kaltim
3. Research Student Assistant for Research Types of Litsea, 2019, Faculty's
Educational Forest Forestry Mulawarman University
4. NTFP Talkshow Series Training on Managing Aroma and Energy from the
Forest, 2020, Forestry of Faculty- UNMUL
Surveyor VII:
Name : Fajriansyah
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Research assistant in the field of Flora Biodiversity Project, 2020, Badak LNG
2. EDLH Consultant in Eskapindo Flora-Fauna, 2019, Adindo Kaltara Company
3. Amdal Consultant in MPJ Flora-Fauna, 2020, Kobexindo Company
4. Amdal Consultant in MPJ Flora-Fauna and Kutai Kartanegara, 2018, BBE
5. Mangrove Forest Inventory expert energy assistant in Penajam, 2018, GAKKUM
Kaltim-Kaltara Company
7. Village socialization facilitator in Paser with FPIC, 2020, DDPI
8. Peat swamp survey in Berau, 2018, GIZ
9. Flora environmental monitoring, 2020, Pertamina Sanga-Sanga
10. Flora environmental monitoring in Nunukan, 2020, DTR Sembakung Company
Surveyor VIII:
Name : Arung Aulia Pujangga
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Bird Monitoring in Kec. Big Bentian Regency. West Kutai , 2019, UNMUL
2. Biodiversity (Bird) Survey at Muara Siran, 2019, GIZ
3. Landscape Biodiversity Survey, 2020, GIZ and Faculty Collaboration Forestry
Mulawarman University
4. Vegetation Inventory, 2021, PT. Human Baraperkasa
Surveyor IX:
Name : Lasmito
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
1. Botanist on Vegetation Survey to collect data on the importance of forest
communities from the vegetation aspect which will be used as consideration for
submitting an application for permission to the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry to obtain the designation as Forest Park in West Kutai District. May 2019
Cooperation between the Faculty of Forestry Unmul and the West Kutai
Regional Government.
2. Botanist on Field Survey for the Development, April 2019 Belantara Foundation
Baseline Data Area in East Kalimantan Province.
3. Botanist on PT Daya Maju Lestari's AMDAL Document Preparation Activity in
West Kutai Regency and Mahakam Ulu East Kalimantan. February 2019 ,
Collaboration between PT Daya Maju Lestari and PPLH Unmul.
4. Botanist on High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) Assessment, January 2019,
PT Geomap International Engineering and Environmental Consultant at PT
Inhutani I Batu Ampar - Mentawir, East Kalimantan.
5. Botanist on Biodiversity Study and Monitoring in PT Badak LNG Bontang Forest
Area, East Kalimantan. December 2018, Collaboration between PT Badak LNG
and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mulawarman University.
Surveyor X:
Name : Doni H Limbong
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
2. Village socialization facilitator in Paser with FPIC, 2020, DDPI
3. Peat swamp survey in Berau, 2018, GIZ
4. Flora environmental monitoring, 2020, Pertamina Sanga-Sanga Company
5. Flora environmental monitoring in Nunukan, 2020, DTR Sembakung Company
6. Flora environmental monitoring, 2020, Kitadin Company (Ambalut site)
7. Vegetation analysis in Delta Mahakam Mangrove Area, 2020, BIOMA
8. Biodiversity research assistant for peat swamp land in Muara Siran, 2021, GIZ
9. Leader of Timber Cruising in Separi, 2021, PT Insani Bara Perkasa
Surveyor XI:
Name : Diky Hermawan
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Bachelor
2. Village socialization facilitator in Paser with FPIC, 2020, DDPI
3. Peat swamp survey in Berau, 2018-2019, GIZ
4. Flora environmental monitoring, 2020, Pertamina Sanga-Sanga Company
5. Flora environmental monitoring in Nunukan, 2020, DTR Sembakung Company
6. Flora environmental monitoring, 2020, Kitadin (Ambalut site)
7. Vegetation analysis in Delta Mahakam Mangrove Area, 2020, BIOMA
8. Biodiversity research assistant for peat swamp land in Muara SiraN, 2021, GIZ
9. Leader of Timber Cruising, 2021, Separi under PT Insani Bara Perkasa
Surveyor XII:
Name : Loby
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Real Work Lecture in Muara Java Coastal (Handil) Kab. Kutai Kartanegara,
2019, UNMUL
2. Field Work Practice Population Survey of Bornean Gibbons in Weheya
Protection Forest Collaboration, 2020, Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman
3. Fauna environmental monitoring in Nunukan, 2020, DTR Sembakung Company
4. Fauna environmental monitoring, 2020, Kitadin (Ambalut site)
Surveyor XIII:
Name : Bonifasius
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Training on Introduction to Reduce Emission from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD) +; April 26, 2014, DDPI
2. Training Participants of Geospatial Information System to Increase the Scale of
Land Cover Maps in Forest Management Units, October 2020, UNMUL
3. Fauna environmental monitoring in Nunukan, 2020, DTR Sembakung Company
4. Fauna environmental monitoring, 2020, Kitadin (Ambalut site)
Surveyor XIV:
Name : Daniel Musa
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Bird Monitoring in Kec. Big Bentian Regency. West Kutai , 2019, UNMUL
2. Biodiversity (Bird) Survey at Muara Siran, 2019, GIZ
3. Landscape Biodiversity Survey, 2020, GIZ and Faculty Collaboration Forestry
Mulawarman University
4. Kalimantan Gibbon Population Survey in the Forest Protect Weheya, 2020,
5. Vegetation Inventory, 2021, PT. Human Baraperkasa
Surveyor XV:
Name : Heri
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Assistant Trainer in Basic Training of Geographic Information System and
Remote Sensing in East Kutai, 24-28 August 2020, UNMUL
2. Event Organizer (EO) Annual Work Plan (AWP) and Botanical Garden in East
Kutai, 2021-2021, East Kutai Government
3. Bird Monitoring in Kec. Big Bentian Regency. West Kutai , 2019, UNMUL
4. Biodiversity (Bird) Survey at Muara Siran, 2019, GIZ
Surveyor XVI:
Name : Rafles Ginting
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Assistant Trainer in Basic Training of Geographic Information System and
Remote Sensing in East Kutai, 24-28 August 2020, UNMUL
2. Landscape Biodiversity Survey, 2020, GIZ and Faculty Collaboration
Forestry Mulawarman University
Surveyor XVII:
Name : Tri Setiawan
Nationality : Indonesia
Education : Student
1. Participants in the training on the use of drones organized by Indonesia training
June 24 - 26, 2020 September 2020. Mapping Center (IMC) and Papua Mapping
2. Bird Monitoring in Kec. Big Bentian Regency. West Kutai , 2019, UNMUL
3. Biodiversity (Bird) Survey at Muara Siran, 2019, GIZ
4. Landscape Biodiversity Survey, 2020, GIZ and Faculty Collaboration Forestry
Mulawarman University
5. Participants of the HCVF training, 15 July 2016, MAPFLOFA Fahutan Unmul