Truck Boom Tadano ZR500

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TADANO HYDRAULIC TRUCK LOADER CRANES CARC NE ‘ZR500series rea Hook ays Ee 2R506/505/504/503 Dominate Your Profession with the ZR500 Series! Professional-level specifications:12 ton-m (8.23+ton lifting capacity x 3,.6-meter work radius) ‘The ZR500 series, with a lifting capacity of 323 tons andaworking -adiins of 3.6 motors, exceeds the 12 t-m performance rating at the top of its class. Tadano ZR500 cranes excel in safety, strength and power. They are built to the specifications 344 that you require; the more you use one, the clearer if you will see just how good it is. Smooth boom Neat, streamlined extension and boom ends retraction he cables and sheaves, Automatic swing lock Special valves enable aeall internal fora dean, Locks the boom in place smooth boom extension clutter -free appearanee. and retraction for =xcept 6-section boom crane. smoother operation. area when tho trock is being ériven for greater safety. Centralized control panels Allthe important function Switches and rated liting capacity chart are grouped ‘ogothor in panels “oneon cach side of the erane, Outriggers forabsolute stability and safety Handling so easy thet the extension and retraction can be performed with one hand, Its unique double safety measures provide protection against accidental extension the outrigger beam éuring travel and retraction during loading. i 1 3.8m 111 High-capacity hydraulic oil tank. gives hard-working stamina. ZR500 cranes just keep on lifting. With a capacity exeeding 58.61, ADVANCED EQUIP! The ZR500 series feature Nerney re 7 7 spre aidicnasesinggiradietiid the "Hlookn' system to further ‘when the erane is working its hardest. enhance work efficiency. 4] Sire eres TuanGWW leat pollen | tne bane sais cabs nin the development ofits innovative ‘Hook-In’system.A pull ofaleverand ‘the crane hook is stowed automatically. ‘No more manual belaying. O ZR500 series RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES Eres =item este So = gestae inl STR ee Dap as 90 a5 17 7g (ait (ol AT AS | Ta es Fsiopg Csyg) 0280 220 Tem) iol oT TAoT ta Ramsar vg a cola ee) ao Ae aT i ars (oy [eT [80 90] ‘TMZRS04 TAN att aesog tamer a) a ao Te ap | a ‘seimi5 oon esomboam. a eau ce (nl_—_a7e aR | BOT we [eo ee 7p 78 Toe uaa a) 325012860120 | a |) 1680116801 0 ta eT po | ao Two 1 Tay aso || $0 | 70 50-170 0 Tao Tn 10 ac Foret mara Te tetas ember i Tepe aol ae Ta Tiga aan tea igo 0 | oo use pe Fal So 1a a0 [ao |e | 0 a || Be) | 8 nore: {Tins tha sn an aes ag oes om oaate 2 These rumeical vals cl aes iting eapacassretasogon ca sen ‘Thali exacts ron ay ys fo ono ee coding (rife ode crass anne peso ne na 20 110 [ao 30 | ae | Ze ——sossa0. sooo Ho 0 [se Talo Ten [roe | eo ae WORKING RANGE _______ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NODE ‘TM-2R503 | TM-2R504 | TM-ZR505 | TM-ZASO6 ‘TN-ZR503/504/505/506 Sune carncay; zo a7 Sega aan ei parees pares) oom ay eas J or an Bes [RS Fo ovat pa aero acs em Sections ATMA RE ON engin Sam 33im “Sri Ge | BTS Extending Speed | ssrm/255 | Fi04n/ 268 ovation ange/Speed | AMES Nox HockHeoh” —ipproc Bn [Ao wine Hoc Shera ios Soin Se | Wire rope Demeterxera | ane ‘awnieam Toe. Eterm ann, Wl asa seed rater. | corte 350 ose rnb bain ay At eg ook Speed I 28min ipm ‘curriGceRS arvaly exited ears anchyeay oxorodacs Tntagal th cane fare. Poner wander ‘eeended With Max =3an Wa:30n tin 22m EYORAULIC SYSTEM 012345678 Sm Hwis Wisiei7 bch re Se aT Control Valves I up onli wih top ety ve ta ‘STANDARD SAFETY Sane: | Loader @ Lead nicer @crer-sindeg alam TO indesiorlme @Hoo sally ach @Leve ce vrais cle vanes chek alos ard lr valves SGTABLE TRUCKS | Gres vane nas TAOS ess wndoam anges a basdn a st tm rd ‘Sows shade masse tsom aden ced sss ann 1 Open spends et crane are guanrised nthe xin be perce EOL. 2 Ne alovrcn moc toon dolcton dara cnn. ‘ Spoctications are subject fo change without notice, VE TADANO TADANO LTD. (riomatonal Headquates) 4-12, Kameaana 2-chomo,Sumisa‘es, Tokyo 190-0014, Japan “Te: 81-8-9601-7752 Fax 81-9-9621-7785, hitp:iiwmwtadano, him E-mal:tanihq @tacana.cajp

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