Compass Traverse

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28-1. 28-2. 28-3. 28-4. 28-5. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND DIRECTIONS ADJUSTMENT OF A CLOSED COMPASS TRAVERSE PRECISION OF COMPASS READINGS SOURCES. OF ERROR IN COMPASS WORK 1. Bent Need£e Bent Pivot Sluggish Needge Plane of Sight Not Vertical Electnicably Charged Compass Box Local Attraction Magnetic Variations Enrors in Reading The Needte MISTAKES IN COMPASS WORK ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM Te Adjustment 0 A Closed Compass Traverse | Lesson 28 SEEMS Series 28-1. ADJUSTHENT OF A CLOSED COMPASS TRAVERSE. of a closed compass traverse is similay The adjustment of an open compass traverse except that ; closed traverse the effects of observat onal errors A considered. The following are the three ipoortant st formed during the adjustment: (a) computing and aq3ysi* tng (b) selecting the best line or ¢ ing the interior angles, : live in the traverse which is unaffected by local attrac," and (c) adjusting the observed bearings of succes linea It will be noted that the last two steps are sin;- larly done in the adjustment of an open compass traverse, Each interior angle is computed from the observed bea;_ ings of the back line and the forward line at each travers. station. These computed angles, which are taken to be inde- pendent of local attraction, are determined conveniently py simply drawing an isolated sketch of each station. The con puted interior angles, when summed up, should be equal to (n-2)180°, in which n is the number of sides or interior angles in the traverse. However, there will always be some amount of inconsistency due to errors of observation or the effects of local attraction. Any discrepancy between these two quantities is the error of closure. If the error in the sum of the interior angles is quite large, it is possible that a mistake in reading the compass was committed, and it is advisable to recheck the field measurements or possibly repeat it. When adjusting the interior angles, the correction to be applied to each angle must first be ascertained. The correction is determined by dividing the total error of closure by the number of interior angles in the traverse. Since it is assumed that the error of observing bearings is accidental, the error of closure is distributed equally and the interior angles are corrected accordingly. If the sum of the computed angles is less than (n-2)180°, the correct- ion is added to each interior angle to determine the ad- justed angle at each station. However, if the same sum is greater than (n-2)180°, the correction is correspondingly subtracted from each computed interior angle. When the error cannot be divided equally among the angles, an arbit- rary method of adjustment should be applied. Usually, this is done by-apportioning a larger correction to angles for which the conditions prevailing during the observation were noted to be least favorable. After the required corrections are applied, the sum of the adjusted interior angles should then be equal to (n-2)180°; if not, an error has probably been committed in the computations. After the interior angles have alrea j the forward and back bearings of each line-in'tre “travetsd are also corrected. Just as in the adjustment of oben compass traverse, the observed bearings are adj sted by starting from the "best line" or a 1i adjusted by forward and back bearings are assum Seay ce cco mucenie ed to be correct. since Omens LEY EE poth ends of the best line are as local attraction, any other observation neaee ends are also assumed to be correct. Also. the aonyetheee of bearings of successive lines is made around the eeenent starting from either end of the best line. adjusted foreacy and back bearings are computed wit interior angles. ' h reference to adjusted To ‘check the adjustments made, the forward bearin of the best line is also computed from the corrected bearings and adjusted interior angles. It will be safe to access that a traverse has been adjusted accordingly if the same forward bearing is determined. free from Fig. 28-1. Sample field notes for a closed compass traverse. eas Seotamver 11908, clover Brig | ey 25,Bhpck 4, Fruz Sfbdivisfpn) tan Cetecke te. G79 we 9708 221 ISERVED| BEARINGS 2 adn fsow | wsotoF rs0% | westsow Foow | sozse 5oW | ove basr sole | wzepow 0 fanaves la3aras' 6535" e755 9745" 91°50" 6/710 ris [539351 [s40%00" Dau: “ORWAR Isso" [sexes worn Iwao". [s20"054 The tabulation of data for a closed compass traverse is kept in a form similar to that shown in Figure 28-1. The portrayed data is simply a record of the different observa- tions made. All pertinent data are entered line by line in different columns giving the line description, length of the line, and the observed forward and back bearings. It alse includes a tabulation of computed interior angles, corrections applied, the adjusted interior angies, and the adjusted bearings. ° 28-2. PRECISION OF COMPASS READINGS. It must first of all be clearly understood that the compass MEE Se ee, i ument of precision. When using a magnet, eee apreciaa work should not be attempted ROR sexDecteg The compass is not recommended for laying out direction, with the type of precision requ ree aes ts deignca StS neering constructions. A magne RaenTootocoes be used only for ordinary surveys requiring low accu acy and precision. In an earlier lesson, it was exp at the compass is well suited for preliminary and reconnaissance surveys such as those required for highways, transmission, lines, xailways, canals, and other similar purposes. ‘It. i, also ideal for exploratory surveys required in geologic ang half-degrees. Estimating the position of the needle to about one-third of the one-half degree graduation (or 10 min) is usually possible. On some compasses, bearings could be read to within 15 minutes of correct values, ‘however, a much lower accuracy is obtainable on small pocket compasses which could be read only to about one or two degrees. An accurate quantitative statement regarding the accu- xacy of compass surveys could not be made because of the varying conditions affecting this type of work. It would be safe, however, to state that the error of closure attain- able in most compass surveys will fall within 1/500 to 1/1000. Such accuracy is suitable for the various types of surveys mentioned earlier. 28-3. SOURCES OF ERROR IN COMPASS WORK. There are various sources of errors and mistakes related to the use of a magnetic compass. Somé of these are listed as follows: 1. Bent Needle. When a magnetic compass with a bent needle is used, all observed bearings will have a constant error. Either end of the needle will read higher or lower than the correct value. To eliminate the error during an observation, both ends of the needle are read and the two angular values determined should be averaged. Pliers may be used to straightened a bent needle. 2. Bent Pivot. A variable systematic error is intro- duced when a magnetic compass has a bent pivot. The magni- tude of the error will depend upon the direction in which the eight is made. The error can be eliminated by reading both ends of the needle and averaging the two values obser~ ved. A bent pivot may be straightened by hand or Pair of pitera, When | straightened out correctly the ends of the shou ve re Reyes serene Bore oie exactly 180 degrees apart for + fluggish Needle. When the magnetism of the needle is yeek it tends to lag and move in a sluggish manner. This jag produces et etom ekFor since the needle is not likel Come to rest exactly on the magnetic meridian. A weak Sea SEEN bts needle may be remagnetizea by drawin magnet from the center to the ends of bar horth-seeking end of the compass needle if7,,™@gnet- The south-seeking half of the bar magnet a drawn over the must be seen to it that the needle eae eee aerial It magnet on each return stroke during remagnetiaine oye” tapping the glass lightly as the needle comes nearle net rest, prevents the needle from sticking to the sive £0 the pivot is blunt, it may be sharpened by a pel Se If piece of sandpaper, or by rubbing it on a fine-grained oilstone. 4. Plane of Sight Not Vertical. When observing the di- rection of a line, the line of sight may be steeply in- clined if the sight vanes are bent. The correct | alignment of the vanes may be tested by aligning it with a plumb line when the compass is leveled. 5. Electrically Charged Compass Box. The glass cover of the compass box becomes slightly charged with electricity when its surface is rubbed. It attracts the magnetic needle and causes it to stick. Touching the glass cover with a moistened finger will remove static electricity. 6. Local Attraction. The correct pointing of the magne- tic needle toward magnetic north is usually affected by different forms of local attraction such as power transmis— Sion lines, items made of iron or steel, underground ore deposits, and etc. Compass directions should always be observed at both ends of any line to detect local attract~ fon and to be able to make the necessary corrections or adjustments. : 7. Magnetic Variations. Systematic errors in compass surveys are caused by daily, annual, secular, or irregular Variation in magnetic declination. Such variations are the sources of the largest and most significant errors in com Dass work. Since most types of variations in magnetic de~ elination can be detected it is possible to apply correct fons. and perform'adjustments on observed magnetic direct- ions. &. Errors in Reading The Needle. Usually the source of most accidental errors in.compass work is due to the inabi- lity of the observer to determine exactly the point on the graduated circle where the needle comes to rest. Before any reading is taken it is important that the compass needle g its ends over a should be level. The observer should look down and along the direction of the needle and not obliquely since this causes parallax and results in an incorrect reading. 28-4. MISTAKES IN COMPASS WORK. work Some of the typical mistakes committed in compass include the following: a) Reading the wrong end of the magnetic needle. = | b) Failing to observe the reverse bearings or azimu AEP he men ines in the traverse. a 3 Not releasing the needle completely and not Alles) it to swing freely about the pivot. : H 4) Misreading the quadrant letters when taking a bea, ing near the cardinal points of the compass. For example bearing of N15°25'W, is misread as N15°25'E, or a bear iy? of S76°15'E is misread as N76°15'E. f e) Bearing letters are not changed when using the versed bearing of a line. £) Setting off the magnetic declination on the Wrong side of north. 9) Failing to adjust the observed traverse angles Prior to calculating bearings or azimuths of traverse lines, h) Mixing or interchanging the recording o£ azimuths from north and south, magnetic and true bearings, Clockwise and counterclockwise angles, or forward.and back bearings, i} Selecting a line for referencing arbitrary direct. ions which may be difficult to locate later. 28-5. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEM. /, ADJUSTMENT OF A CLOSED COMPASS TRAVERSE. The follow- jor angles and. correct them, for observational errors, Assuming the observed Ng re ing sides. OBSERVED BEARINGS LINE || LENGTH FORWARD BACK AB 46.50 m $ 30°40'W N30°40'E ac 75.15 S$ 83°50'E N84°30' Ww. a) 117.35 N02"00'w SO215'E DE 74.92 S$ 89°30'w DUE EAST EA 60.25 $ 28°50'E N28°00' Ww Fig. 28-2. Plot of the closed traverse based on observed data, 0°00" , lo ozs! usean 200" SL Gammanee SEE SEE or ae Solution: |, Solving for the interior angles: a) At station A: Fég. 28-3. N Loq = N28°OO'W (observed bearing of AE) Lap > S30°40'W (observed bearing of AB) = 180° + Last Cap = 180° + 28°00' + 30°40! = 238°40 (interlor angle at A) Fig. 28-4: b) At station B: CLyq= N3O°40'E (observed bearing of BA) CCye= S83°SO'E (observed bearing of BC) @, = 180° (p+ Lge) = 180°-(30°40!' + 83°50') = 65°30! (Intertor angle at 8) ¢) At station C: Fég. 28-5. N o i. j—ed oC, = N84°30'W (observed bearing of CB) =? : eb = a©,42 NO2°OO'W (ebserved bearing of CO) @, = Lep- Coa = 84°30! - 02°00 = 82°30! (interior angle at C) Fig. 28-6. d) At station D; Ly" $02°15'E (observed bearing of DC) 4g S89°SO'W (observed bearing of DE) Bq * Laat Lay = 02°15'+ 89°30! = 91°45! (nterlor angle at 0) @) At station E: Fig. 8-7. 4° Due East oq? $28°50'E {observed bearing of Ep) (observed bearing of EA) @, = 180° (aq Le a) = 61°10" 2. Adjusting the interior angles: a) Sum, = 539°35' + Oy +O, +O +O,” 2e°40'+ 65" 30! “82° 30' + 91°45'+ 61° lo’ (sum of Interior anglos) = 180° = (90%o0' F268" 50') Unterior angle at E) The sum of the interior angles of a polygon of 5 sides should equal to: sum, = (n- 2)180° = (5- 2) 180° = 540° e 2 Sump - Suma = 540° - 539°35' 25! (error of closure) = 25'/5 2 05! Since Sum, is less than Sum, ,the correction is added to each interior ‘angle to determine the adjusted interior angle at each station, therefore: CORR # ee ee - Bn of 2. 2. e/n e, + corr corr corr corr corr « 238°40' + 05' 65°30' 82°30! 91°45! 61°10" wh nis the number of sides (correction per Interior angle) . + 08) + 05! + 05 +08) sum 3. Solving for the adjusted bearings: a) Adjustment of lines BC and CB (Note: from alther end of the best line). 1, + 65°35! : on nt G4" N30°40'E the best line) Gg” 180" (abe + 8) 238°45' 65°35! 82°35! 91°50! 6115" 540°00! The adjustment is started (adjusted Int, angie at B) (correct bearing of BA, ig = 180° (hq + Op) = 180°- (30°40! +, 65°35") = 93°45! or = $83°45'E (adjusted bearing of BC) w Also; Chy = N83°45'W (adjusted bearing of CB which Is opposite the adjusted bearing of BC) b) Adjustment of tines CD and DC: Fég. 28-9. @, = 82°35! (adjusted int. angle at C) oC!,* N83°45'W (adjusted bearing of CB) 1 “ 1 Lea? Cop ~ : = 83°45! - 82°35) 01°10! or NOI°IO'W (adjusted bearing of CD) Also; oC = SOI°1O' E (adjusted bearing of DC which Is opposite the a ‘adjusted bearing of CD) ¢) Adjustment of lines DE and ED:. Fég. 28-10. @ = 91°50! (adjusted tnt, angle at 0 L4q% SOIIO'E (adjusted bearing of DC) tg = 180° 400j.~ Oy = 180° + Ol°10'- 91°50" = 89°20' or = N69°20'W (adjusted bearing of DE) Also; oC), " S89°20'E (adjusted bearing of ED which Is opposite the ad~ Justed bearing of DE) 4) Adjustment of lines EA and AE: = 61°15! (adjusted Int.angle at E) ig" S89°20'E (adjusted bearing of ED) HAEMOST, Fég. 28-11, 61°15" = 28°05! or = §$28°OS'E (adjusted bearing of EA) (adjusted bearing of AE which Is opposite the aq. ; och, = N28°05'W Also; ‘ae:t Justed bearing of EA) : i t line AB is computed from Solution Check: The forward bearing of the bes the adjusted bearing of AE and the adjusted Interior angle at station A If the same forward and back bearings are determined, the adjustment of the traverse was done correctly. 4 i, = N-28°05'W - (adjusted bearing of AE) oe, = 238°45' (adjusted Int. angle at A Gi, = O4- (180° + a4) 238°45' - (180° + 28°05') 30°40! or S$ 30°40' W (adjusted bearing of AB) Also; hq = N30°40'E (adjusted bearing of BA which is opposite the ad- Justed bearing of AB) Since the computed bearing of lines AB and BA are the same as the gi- ven bearings of the best line, the preceding computations are all assumed to be correct. |. Tabulation of adjusted traverse data: sta | TWrERIOR itremior | ine | AbsusTED BEARINGS ANGLES ANGLES. FORWARD BACK a | 23°40" 238°45" aB | S30°40'wW | N30°40°E 8 6 : 65°35! Bc | $83°45'E | N83°45'W c-| e2tz0 82°35' ep | Noltto'w] soriote . 81" 45" 91°60! DE | Ns9*20'w | sas°20' € taoks so sets. EA | $26°0s'E | N28*05' w BL Benen SEIDEN OF ane

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