W268.01 DLV FDR WWTP - & - Disposal Palembang
W268.01 DLV FDR WWTP - & - Disposal Palembang
W268.01 DLV FDR WWTP - & - Disposal Palembang
Consultant Report
March 2015
This document has been published by the Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), an
Australian Government funded project designed to promote economic growth in
Indonesia by enhancing the relevance, quality and quantum of infrastructure
The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australia
Indonesia Partnership or the Australian Government. Please direct any comments or
questions to the IndII Director, tel. +62 (21) 7278-0538, fax +62 (21) 7278-0539.
Website: www.indii.co.id.
This report has been prepared by MWH Australia Pty Ltd. who was engaged under the
Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative (IndII), an Australian Aid project managed by SMEC
on behalf of the Australian Government, as part of the Activity 268.1 Detailed
Engineering Design.
MWH Global
© IndII 2014
All original intellectual property contained within this document is the property of the Indonesia
Infrastructure Initiative (IndII). It can be used freely without attribution by consultants and IndII partners in
preparing IndII documents, reports designs and plans; it can also be used freely by other agencies or
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Every attempt has been made to ensure that referenced documents within this publication have been
correctly attributed. However, IndII would value being advised of any corrections required, or advice
concerning source documents and/ or updated data.
These reports have been prepared for use by the Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative under the
auspices of the SMEC Australia Pty Ltd. MWH Australia accepts no liability to any Contractor,
Third Party or Final Owner off the asset which is the subject of this report ore deliverable.
Table of Contents & Abbreviations
Table 3-1: WWTP Average Influent Flow and Load Summary .......................................... 4
Table 5-7: Design Configuration Summary – BTF Feed Pump Station ............................ 26
Table 9-1: Summary of Palembang Site Seismic Design Parameters (Ref. Indonesian
National Standard SNI 1726:2012) ................................................................................. 51
Figure 4-1: Flow bypass operation under (a) normal operation and (b) low flow
commissioning operation ............................................................................................... 12
This Detailed Design Report has been prepared for the W268.1 – City Sewerage
Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Program (Package A – Palembang). Package A is
divided into the following sub-packages:
• Palembang (Sei Selayur) Wastewater Collections & Transfer System
• Palembang (Sei Selayur) Wastewater Treatment Plant & Effluent Disposal
This report has been generated to describe the detailed design for the Palembang (Sei
Selayur) Wastewater Treatment Plant & Effluent Disposal sub-package.
The design of the Sei Selayur wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) has been completed
in order to meet a series of performance requirements for plant flow and effluent
quality. A summary of pertinent performance requirements is given in the following
The configuration of the Sei Selayur WWTP will comprise of the following process
• Inlet works
• Anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR)
• Biological trickling filter (BTF)
• Secondary clarifier
• Chlorine disinfection
• Sludge drying beds
This configuration is illustrated in a high level process flow diagram shown in.Figure 0-
The inlet works will comprise of a automatically raked bar screen. An additional,
manually raked screen will be provided to treat flows when the automatically raked
screen is unavailable. The screens will remove large solid objects such as rags and
debris, protecting downstream equipment. The screened wastewater will flow through
a vortex style grit removal chamber to remove grit in the form of inert solid material,
preventing the build-up of grit in the ABR.
The ABR will be the primary means of removal of BOD load at Sei Selayur WWTP. It is
anticipated that the ABR will remove approximately 70% of influent BOD to the plant.
The ABR will consist of two trains, each consisting of three up-flow cells in series.
The flow will then pass through a trickling filter which will provide additional removal
of BOD. The combination of the anaerobic treatment and the biological trickling filter
will allow the plant to meet the BOD effluent target specified for the WWTP.
The flow will pass from the trickling filter to the secondary clarifier in order to ensure
adequate removal of total suspended solids. Flow not sent to the BTF will bypass the
clarifier and flow directly to the chlorine contact tank. Solids removed in the clarifier
operation will be returned to the ABR to be removed as part of the ABR solids removal
Solids from the WWTP will be periodically removed from each ABR cell by means of a
sludge pump. The ABR design will incorporate a relatively high sludge age of 60 days,
which will produce a highly stable (low volatile solid content) solid waste stream. The
advantage of this is that the solids may be directly applied to sludge drying beds
without any further digestion, such as in sludge lagoons.
The wastewater collection network will gather flows from users throughout the
catchment and transfer flows to the WWTP via a single transfer pump station. The
transfer of flows to the WWTP will be subject to peaks, which must be managed. Flows
up to the design daily peak dry weather flow (PDWF) will receive full treatment at the
WWTP without bypassing. Above PDWF and up to the maximum capacity of the
network pump station a portion of the influent flow will overtop a fixed bypass weir at
the inlet works of the treatment plant and be transferred to the plant discharge via a
manually raked screen. When the flow received is at the maximum capacity of the
network pump station the instantaneous flow passed to the treatment process will
climb to 800 L/s.
During early operation of the WWTP, the load to the plant will be significantly below
the plant capacity as the collection system grows and more system connections are
made. The low load is expected to result in better WWTP performance in terms of BOD
removal, however, this may be required to be balanced with effluent pH, which may be
reduced due to nitrification in the trickling filter. To manage low loading, flow at the
inlet works may be split in early years of operation and a stream which bypasses the
ABR may be passed directly to the trickling filter and the ABR effluent may bypass the
trickling filter, effectively to operate the ABR and trickling filter and clarifier in parallel.
This bypass arrangement will allow the trickling filter heterotrophic operation to be
maintained and will allow the pH of the effluent stream to be maintained.
The wastewater treatment plant will be located on a 5.9 Ha site located along the Musi
River in the Kelurahan of Sei Selayur. The site is bordered by the PT Pupuk Sriwijaya
(Pusri) fertiliser plant to the west along Jalan Dr. Sutami, a police station and informal
settlements along the north and east, a timber mill along the south west and the Musi
River along the south. Approximately 0.24 Ha of the site was made unavailable for
WWTP facilities based on initial Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP)
The WWTP site is long and narrow (generally 80m – 100m wide) shaped like an “L”.
The main process units were laid out within the north-south portion of the site to allow
the process to be laid out in a linear fashion to minimise pipe lengths and to use the
natural grade of the site down to the river to assist gravity flow through the plant.
The east-west branch of the site will be used primarily for sludge drying. The waste
pump station / septage receiving facility will be located near to the primary site
All facilities required for the final design capacity of the WWTP will be constructed in
the initial stage. Any future expansion of the WWTP capacity will require the purchase
of additional land.
The influent rising main will enter the site from the southern end of the western
boundary along Jalan Dr. Sutami. The WWTP effluent will be discharged to the
adjacent Musi River along the southern border of the site. Broad-order numerical
modelling was conducted to confirm effluent will be sufficiently dispersed from the
selected discharge location.
The primary site entrance for the WWTP will be provided on the far west edge of the
site along Jalan Dr. Ir. Sutami.
The following on-site amenities (and associated features) will be provided for the
• administration building & control room
• staff quarters
• guard station
• workshop & storage
• main switchroom
These facilities (except the main switchroom and guard house) will be primarily located
in the west end of the site so that they are close to the primary site entrance. The
guardhouse will be located at the primary site entrance. The main switchroom will be
located adjacent to the BTF and the pump stations to be adjacent to the key electrical
demands on the site.
Two sources were located and reviewed, which state the anticipated flood level of the
Musi River adjacent to the WWTP is around 3.7-3.75m MSL (sources: Desktop Study
Report for Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigations, Golder Associates, Feb
2014 and Strategy of Drainage and Flood Control in Palembang City, Eddy Santana
Putra, F.X. Suryadi, Kira Tarigan, Akhmad Bastari and Marlina Sylvia). The frequency
for this flood event is not available; therefore, a conservative approach has been
adopted and the WWTP has been designed to avoid inundation and submergence of
process units at the “flood” level of 3.75m MSL.
The site survey has indicated the WWTP site is generally flat ranging around 2.0 –
2.5 mEL. Site grading will require 1.5 – 3.5m fill to accommodate gravity flow through
WWTP and to bring plant above “flood” level. This may be a significant cost. The
geotechnical analysis will be finalised before the impact on the WWTP site is
If the frequency of flood events is known it may be practical to lower the site and
accept occasional inundation. Further investigation is being undertaken in an
attempt to locate and obtain relevant information for this purpose.
The bore logs show poor soils up to 15m depth and deep foundations (piles) will be
required for all major structures. The fill required to bring the site above the flood level
will also have an additional impact on the foundation design.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This Detailed Design Report has been prepared for the W268.1 – City Sewerage
Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Program (Package A – Palembang). Package A is
divided into the following sub-packages:
• Palembang (Sei Selayur) Wastewater Collections & Transfer System
• Palembang (Sei Selayur) Wastewater Treatment Plant & Effluent Disposal
This report has been generated to describe the detailed design for the Palembang (Sei
Selayur) Wastewater Treatment Plant & Effluent Disposal sub-package.
The City Sewerage – DED includes detailed engineering designs and documentations
for the three cities under two packages:
• Package A – Palembang
• Package B – Makassar and Cimahi
The key objective of the Palembang (Sei Selayur) Wastewater Treatment Plant &
Effluent Disposal sub-package is to provide a detailed design package for a wastewater
treatment facility which can be included as part of a tender package for later
construction of the works.
Drivers for creating an off-site sewerage system include the desire to eliminate public
health “hot spots” within the city which are mostly associated with poor sanitation
facilities and waterborne diseases and are prevalent in the lower socio-economic
areas; and to work towards meeting the Governor’s stated environmental objective of
making the Musi River a Class I or II river in terms of water quality. The implementation
of an effective citywide wastewater management strategy comprising a combination of
onsite sanitation, neighbourhood and centralised collection and treatment systems will
go a long way towards meeting these objectives. [Master Plan (IndII, 2011)]
This program will provide the design of a network for collection of wastewater from
nominated residential and commercial areas, a plant to treat the wastewater to a
nominated effluent quality level and an outfall system designed to minimise the impact
from the treated wastewater discharged from the plan on the receiving water body.
The detailed design for the collection system is presented in a separate report.
The design is undertaken in close consultation and collaboration with the city
governments and is expected to enhance their capacity and skills for sustainable future
wastewater management.
Design has been developed based on the following key assumptions and constraints:
• Wastewater flows and loads developed based on assumptions presented in the
Basis of Design reports and in this document. The collection system is to be
installed concurrently with the WWTP and therefore no wastewater flow
measurements or quality sampling was available.
• Provision of a collection system with connections upstream of septic tanks has
been adopted as a basis for review of loading development.
• Effluent quality BOD and TSS requirements are as cited in Master Plan.
Assume no other requirements than those identified in Table 3-4.
• Buildings on the WWTP site such as staff quarters, toilet blocks and guard
house to be designed by local designer.
• Environmental review and permitting by others.
• Water and power will be available for the site.
• Buildings including the saw mill kilns currently located on the allocated WWTP
site will be relocated as part of the LARP process.
This chapter builds on information presented in the Basis of Design documents for the
collection and WWTP/effluent disposal systems (Annexes A & C).
The Sei Selayur WWTP is designed to treat the sewerage flows collected in the
Palembang (Sei Selayur) collection and transfer system. The major flows and loads to
the WWTP, as defined in the Basis of Design documents, are summarised in Table 3-1.
The flows defined above will be subject to fluctuation, caused by variation in the flows
of wastewater in the reticulation network due to factors such as weather conditions
and the behaviour of wastewater contributors.
The average dry weather flow (ADWF) represents the average flow from the
wastewater contributors in the collection area including steady groundwater
infiltration but without any contribution from wet weather events. The peak dry
weather flow (PDWF) represents the maximum flow anticipated from the collection
system due to daily and seasonal fluctuations in wastewater generation and not
including contributions from wet weather events. The peak wet weather flow (PWWF)
represents the maximum flow anticipated in the collection system including
contributions from wet weather events.
The wastewater collection network will gather flows from users throughout the
catchment and transfer flows to the WWTP via pump stations. The transfer of flows to
the WWTP will be subject to peaks, which must be managed. Flows up to the pump
capacities associated with the design daily peak dry weather flow (PDWF) will receive
full treatment at the WWTP without bypassing. Above PDWF and up to the maximum
capacity of the network pump station a portion of the influent flow will overtop a fixed
bypass weir at the inlet works of the treatment plant and be transferred to the plant
discharge via a manually raked screen. The management of peak flows as part of the
operation of the WWTP is discussed in further detail in Section 4.1 of this report.
The Sei Selayur WWTP has been designed to receive influent sewage with contaminant
concentrations as defined in Table 3-3. The plant design was devised in conjunction
with the defined influent concentrations given below and the required effluent limits
outlined in Section 3.5.
Influent biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was defined in the Basis of Design Report.
This value was used to derive the Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) influent concentration
based on the assumed ratio of 4.5 kg BOD / kg TKN given the expected per capita loads
of BOD and TKN in standard domestic sewerage.
The length of time until flow into a treatment plant matches the plant capacity is
dependent on the rate at which properties are connected to the collection system. A
slow rate of connection will mean the treatment plant will be operating below its
capacity, perhaps significantly below, for a number of years.
The anticipated rate of connection for the Sei Selayur collection system (based on rates
achieved in other cities in Indonesia) is 2,000 connections per year. Assuming also that
2,000 connections are completed prior to the WWTP start-up the initial ADWF has
been estimated to be 1.6 MLD with no assumed groundwater infiltration.
The management of the plant operation at low flows and loads, as expected in the
early years of plant operation, is discussed in Section 4.2.
The effluent quality requirements for the Sei Selayur WWTP are listed in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4: Effluent Quality Requirements
Parameter Units Value Remarks
pH 6-9 Provincial standard
BOD mg/L 50 Provincial standard
Suspended solids mg/L 100 Provincial standard
Fats, oil and grease mg/L 10 Provincial standard
Class II standard for the Musi
River gives a river quality
standard for this parameter.
E. Coli cfu/100 mL 2,500 Value selected for WWTP
effluent is recommendation only
and has not been based on a
receiving water study.
The odour control and gas capture systems shall be designed to achieve a maximum
odour concentration of 15 OU at the nearest sensitive receptor, as caused by the
WWTP gas emission. A sensitive receptor shall be defined as one of the following:
• Medium/high density residential area
• School
• Hospital
• Community facility (e.g. park, place of worship, etc.)
The systems shall also be designed to provide a safe working environment above and
around covered process units. It is anticipated that hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas will be
the main gaseous contaminant of interest. The Australian Guidelines for safe working
hydrogen sulphide levels are provided in Table 3-5.
This section outlines how variation in the influent flows and loads to the plant will be
managed. Note that the management of low flows and loads which are expected to be
encountered in early operation of the plant (directly following plant commissioning)
are discussed in Section 4.2.
The wastewater collection network will gather flows from users throughout the
catchment and transfer flows to the WWTP via transfer pump stations. The transfer of
flows to the WWTP will be subject to peaks, which must be managed. Flows up to the
pump station capacities associated with design daily peak dry weather flow (PDWF)
will receive full treatment at the WWTP without bypassing. Above PDWF and up to the
maximum capacity of the network pump stations a portion of the influent flow will
overtop a fixed bypass weir at the inlet works of the treatment plant and be
transferred to the plant discharge via a manually raked screen.
Further definition and quantification of the key design flows are described in Section
The transfer pump stations use fixed speed pumps. When the contributing flow from
the upstream collection system is less than the minimum pump capacity the pumps
will stop and wait for the flow to collect in the pump station wetwell. This will result in
repeated pump starts and periods of no flow into the WWTP. The operation of the
transfer pump stations is further defined in the collection & transfer system concept
design report.
The operation of the transfer pump stations feeding the WWTP is outlined in Table 3-2.
The resulting impact on the WWTP inlet flow splits is defined in Table 4-1.
The hydraulic design accommodates the full treatment capacity through the entire
process with the following exceptions:
• the BTF receives a constant pumped flow and is therefore not impacted by
flow peaks;
• the clarifier receives all flow from the BTF not recycled to the BTF inlet.
The hydraulic profile and process flow diagram for the plant are presented in Annex 3.
Inlet Works: Flows bypassing the WWTP will overflow a weir upstream of the inlet
flume and be diverted via a wet weather overflow channel to the river. This overflow
will pass through a manually raked screen. The manually raked screen will require
manual operation by plant staff. It is expected that the concentrations of contaminants
in this high flow will be low due to dilution incurred by high flows.
Anaerobic Baffled Reactors (ABR): Each ABR tank is designed to receive up to half of
the full flow from the inlet works. Weirs at the inlet works outlet evenly split flow
between the two tanks. Effluent leaves each cell of an ABR tank via a series of short
weirs and baffle walls. The large surface area of the ABR tanks will provide some level
of temporary attenuation of flow fluctuations; however, the duration of peak events is
not known so this attenuation cannot be quantified and it is assumed for the design
basis that the full peak flow will be passed through the tank.
Biological Trickling Filter (BTF): The BTF operation will utilise a constant feed flow to
the filter via a fixed speed pump. The BTF effluent will flow to the BTF recirculation
chamber of the BTF feed pump station. From here flow may either be returned to the
BTF feed pumps, to be recycled back through the BTF, or overflow a weir to be passed
forward in the plant operation.
The BTF feed pump speed is set such that the recycle ratio of the BTF is 1:1 under
ADWF conditions. The recycle ratio is defined as:
The BTF recycle rate will vary according to the flow into the BTF pump station from the
upstream process. As such, the operation will be self-regulating, with the BTF feed
pumps operating at a fixed flow. To achieve a 1:1 recycle ratio, the total duty BTF feed
pump capacity will be equal to 2 x ADWF.
Secondary Clarifier: The secondary clarifier will be designed to receive all of the BTF
effluent less the recycle flow back to the BTF. Flows above the maximum flow to the
BTF will bypass the clarifier and be sent directly to the Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT).
This will be passively controlled using weirs.
Effluent Disposal: The effluent disposal will be free discharging by gravity up to a flood
level (3.75mEL).
The Sei Selayur collection and transfer system and WWTP will be developed
concurrently. As a result, the flow and load to the treatment plant is expected to
increase over time in accordance with the number of properties connected to the
reticulation network. The rate of connection is outlined in Section 3.4.
The WWTP is planned to be commissioned approximately one year into the connection
period. This will dictate the feed conditions as defined in Table 4-2, which outlines the
network flow upon commissioning, not including the septage loads. It is assumed the
septage flows will be equal to the ultimate septage loads.
In order to mitigate this risk, the treatment plant has been configured with two flow
diversions, described as follows:
• ABR Bypass: this bypass provides the ability for a portion of the flow from the
inlet works to be sent directly to the BTF. The configuration will pass raw
wastewater containing both BOD and TKN to the trickling filter allowing for the
BTF operation to be maintained even at the low flow case.
• BTF Bypass: this bypass provides the ability to direct anaerobic baffled reactor
effluent around the trickling filters directly to the disinfection system and
subsequently the river discharge. The effluent is expected to be suitable for
direct discharge due to the low loading of the anaerobic tanks.
A schematic of the low flow strategy is given in Figure 4-1. Note that all septage flow
will be sent to the ABR , and not included in the bypass to the BTF.
The two required bypass flows will be initiated in commissioning of the WWTP. The de-
commissioning of the bypass flows will occur at a point where the plant performance
allows for normal plant operation.
In addition, it is recommended that one of the two ABR trains be operated in the early
years of plant operation. This will allow for the development of a microbial population
at low flows.
This system of bypasses allows for all elements of the plant to be made operational
from commissioning.
Alkalinity correction has not been included in the detailed design. However, the
potential risk of low alkalinity and subsequently low pH in the plant effluent has been
identified as part of the detailed design of the WWTP. Influent design assumptions
have been made, as outlined in the BOD, in order to develop the WWTP design. It is
expected that the bypass arrangements described here will be sufficient to operate the
WWTP to meet the required licence conditions for effluent pH, in light of the influent
assumptions made.
Provision for alkalinity correction may be made in future operation of the plant in
order to address alkalinity issues caused due to variations from the design assumptions
used in this report. A number of options for the correction of alkalinity may be
considered in future such as caustic solution dosing or an appropriate equivalent.
Septage Trickling Filter Bypass - nil
(a) Normal Operation
Influent Trickling Filter / Provision
Provision for
Anaerobic Disinfection
== 1.65
1.65 Secondary Alkalinity
Alkalinity Disinfection //
Baffled Reactor River
MLD Clarifier Correction
Correction River Discharge
Septage Trickling Filter Bypass
Figure 4-1: Flow bypass operation under (a) normal operation and (b) low flow
commissioning operation
The Sei Selayur WWTP will consist of the following unit processes:
• Inlet Works (Screening and Grit Removal)
• Anaerobic Baffled Reactors
• Biological Trickling Filter
• Secondary Clarifier
• Chlorine Contact Facility
• Odour Control Facilities
• Site Waste Return System
The overall process configuration is shown in the plant PFD (Drawing 200-G010 in
Annex D). The design development of each unit process is described in detail below.
The operational philosophy for the plant is outlined in the Operational Philosophy
(included in Volume 2.3 Part 3 of the specifications).
The process train has been developed to ensure ease of operation and low
maintenance requirements. However, provisions have been allowed for flexibility in
operation, potentially mitigating the risk associated with variation in plant conditions
which may arise during the commissioning and ongoing operation of the plant. These
provisions include recycle streams in the anaerobic baffled reactors and bypass flows
to allow flow management where the plant is operating at low loads, as described in
the following sections.
The inlet works must accommodate the flows presented in Table 5-1.
Wet weather bypass: Wet weather flows in excess of the peak plant capacity will
overtop a long straight weir located upstream of the flume. The bypass will be
equipped with a manually cleaned coarse screen with a 10mm bar spacing. It is
expected that the concentrations of contaminants in this high flow will be low due to
dilution incurred by high flows.
Inlet Screening: A screen opening of 5mm was selected to provide removal of inerts.
Mechanically raked barscreens will be provided for inlet screening. The screen consists
of a frame with vertical metal bars which is installed in the flow stream. Larger solids
will be captured on the bars while the remaining flow passes through. A mechanical
rake is lowered intermittently into the channel and is pulled up along the screen to
remove any materials collected on the screen. The rake deposits collected screenings
onto an adjacent screenings conveyor/compactor.
A cleaning rake cycle will be initiated by an upstream level switch indicating flow
through the inlet works.
The mechanically raked barscreen was selected for this application because there are
minimal parts requiring maintenance and all maintenance can be conducted without
requiring drainage of the channel.
An inlet screen bypass is provided around the mechanically raked barscreens in the
event of blinding of the screens due to unexpectedly high loading or failure of the
mechanical rake. The bypass will be equipped with a manually cleaned coarse screen
with a 10mm bar spacing.
Grit Removal: Grit removal was included to reduce the build-up of grit within the
anaerobic baffled reactors which would require periodic manual removal. Two options
for grit removal were considered: vortex grit chamber and horizontal grit chambers.
The horizontal grit chamber option was eliminated due to its inability to function
reliably over the wide range of flows anticipated; high headloss and the excessive wear
of submerged equipment increasing maintenance requirements. Vortex grit chambers
are energy efficient and require a small footprint. Headloss through a vortex system is
low. Vortex grit systems remove a high percentage of fine grit and have consistent
removal efficiency over a wide flow range. Although they have maintenance problems
with paddles collecting rags, the grit sump clogging and requiring high-pressure
agitation using water or air to loosen grit compacted in the sump, the chambers have
no submerged bearings or parts that require maintenance.
The grit vortex will include a system for removal of the grit to a grit bin. This will
include the required grit pump and grit classifier systems, as defined by the equipment
The septage receiving station will include a septage screening channel to remove rags,
plastics, wood and a portion of grit (i.e. inorganic solids like rocks, gravel, sand) from
the septage before it enters the WWTP to protect downstream equipment and prevent
accumulation of excessive inert material in the anaerobic tanks.
The screened septage will drain to the adjacent grit settling chamber and then to the
site waste pump station. The waste pump station is described in Section 5.10.
The septage receiving station must accommodate the flows presented inTable 5-3.
A pull-out bay will be located next to the waste pump station for parking of septage
trucks during emptying. The pull-out bay will be provided with a drain to the waste
pump station for collection of spilled septage.
The septage truck discharge hoses will be set in the receiving chamber on the septage
screening channel. The screening channel will contain two manually cleaned coarse
screens in series with a 20mm and then 10mm bar spacing. Each screen will be
equipped with a drainage shelf on which screenings manually removed from the
screen can be placed to drain. Screened septage from the trough will drain by gravity
to the adjacent site waste pump station.
The screening trough will require visual inspection and manual cleaning of the screens
during septage unloading events.
The septage grit chamber provides a settling point to provide some reduction in grit
transferred to the ABRs. The grit chamber will require periodic manual removal of
accumulated grit.
An anaerobic baffled reactor has been designed as part of the WWTP in order to
remove BOD load from the influent wastewater. The process will form the primary
means of BOD removal, and is designed to remove a minimum of 70% of the BOD load
of the plant.
The performance requirements set out for the anaerobic treatment are outlined in
Table 5-4, extracted from the basis of design.
The primary function of the anaerobic treatment is to convert the BOD to biogas (a
mixture of carbon dioxide and methane) and water without the presence of oxygen.
The BOD removal achieved in anaerobic ponds is predicted to be 70% of the incoming
BOD load in a warm climate such as Indonesia.
concentration of sludge in the tank, and will hence be highly stabilised. This will allow
for sludge to be transferred directly to a sludge drying bed, as described in Section 5.8.
Bioreactor configuration: The design used for the anaerobic treatment is an anaerobic
baffled reactor (ABR). The ABR configuration uses a series of 3 (no.) discrete tank
sections, referred to as cells. The orientation of feed and effluent points from each cell
forces the wastewater flow in an upward direction through each cell. As the biomass
population (sludge concentration) in each cell is established, the wastewater will be
forced to pass upward through a high concentration sludge blanket.
Screened and
de-gritted flow
from Inlet Effluent to
Works BTF Pump
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
The anaerobic digestion process will occur via a series of reactions, a high level
summary is as follows:
• Hydrolysis – breaking down long chain volatile fatty acids (VFAs) into smaller
chain molecules, such as monosaccharides (identified as the rate limiting step
of the process)
• Acetogenesis – converting intermediate products into acetate
• Methanogenesis – converting either acetate or intermediate acidic compounds
to methane and carbon dioxide.
The use of an anaerobic baffled reactor allows the above processes to be somewhat
segregated into various segments, generating a more efficient population tuned to a
specific process in various cells. This segregation will potentially allow for more rapid
completion of rate limiting digestion steps (Foxon, et al, 2006).
Design Modelling: The anaerobic baffled reactor design has been developed by means
of both process calculations and simulation modelling (Refer Annex E). The model was
developed using the BioWinTM software package developed by EnviroSim.
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) Development: HRT of the bioreactor has been
developed as part of the detailed design. The original site concept utilised a 3 day HRT.
Review of literature has found operating examples of Australian wastewater treatment
plant operations where a HRT of 1.5 days has been shown to produce adequate
performance. The specification of a smaller HRT allows for a proportionally smaller
tank to be constructed, realising significant capital expenditure savings and a more
adaptable design given site area constraints. The use of a 1.5 day HRT was modelled
for operability and robustness using the BioWinTM software.
During periods of maximum flow into the plant (800 L/s), the sludge blanket is
expected to be lifted due to the increased upflow rate in each cell. It is anticipated that
during extended periods of high flow the solids capture performance of the ABR may
Solids Retention Time (SRT) Development: The design SRT and solids concentration
values are outlined in Table 5-5.
The high SRT will allow for the production of more stable sludge with a lower
proportion of volatile solids. More stable sludge will allow for significant advantage in
the sludge removal process, in terms of sludge stability and volume. The more
complete digestion of sludge will increase sludge stability, avoiding the requirement of
any further sludge stabilisation process, such as a sludge lagoon, prior to sludge being
applied to sludge drying beds. Furthermore, smaller volumes of sludge will require
removal, due to the more complete digestion of volatile solids.
Hydraulic Recycle: The anaerobic baffled reactor design has allowed provision for a 10
ML/d recycle stream in each train to direct flow from the final cell of each train to the
inlet of the first cell of each train. This recycle has been included to improve the
stability of the anaerobic process in relation to shock loading and low pH influent. This
is predominantly important in mitigating risk associated with unknown pH and
alkalinity in the plant feed water.
Biogas capture: The anaerobic treatment process emits a biogas consisting of methane
and a number of odorous chemicals such as hydrogen sulphide and amines and
therefore the anaerobic tanks are often covered and the gas managed for safety and
health concerns. The biogas handling system is described in Section 5.10.
Sludge Pumps: A sloped floor will direct sludge in each cell of the ABR to a central
sludge low point. Sludge will then be drawn from the sludge low point via a suction line
to an externally mounted progressive cavity pump which will pump sludge to the
drying beds. Each cell will have a dedicated sludge pump. The pumps will be manually
operated as required to maintain sludge concentration in each cell. The frequency of
desludging events will be discussed in the final operations and maintenance manuals
which are to be completed.
At the point of commissioning of the Sei Selayur WWTP the inlet flow from the
network will be low, as discussed in the flow management section. However, the
septage flow has been assumed to be constant throughout the growth of the network,
as outlined in Table 5-3. Hence, the percentage of the plant flow and load which
originates as septage will be higher at the commissioning of the WWTP. Septage flow
will be directed to the inlet of the ABR, bypassing the inlet works grit removal
chamber. As such, grit associated with the septage flow will be captured in the ABR
solids blanket and subsequently removed via the ABR sludge pumps. During the early
operation, the proportion of the sludge made up by grit will be higher than expected
when the plant is operating at design capacity. Hence the sludge pumps will need to be
supplied with consideration of pumping abrasive sludge flows. Attention must be made
to the requirement for increased liner replacements given the progressive cavity pump
design proposed.
The anaerobic baffled reactor tanks will operate as two trains, each designed to treat
half of the plant design capacity. Weirs at the inlet works will divide the incoming flow
evenly between the trains. Flow will be fed into the bottom of the first cell of each ABR
train via a dedicated pipe from the inlet works.
Flow will pass an underflow baffle into the main volume of the first ABR cell. Flow will
then traverse the ABR cell, flowing upwards through a sludge blanket before passing an
overflow baffle wall at the far end of the first ABR cell. Flow will then be fed to the
bottom of the next cell via an underflow baffle. This process will repeat through all
three ABR cells. Flow will exit the third cell by exiting through outlet orifices into the
effluent channel. The outlet orifices will be submerged to prevent accumulated biogas
from leaking into the effluent channel.
The process will accumulate sludge as BOD is removed. The sludge will be periodically
removed in order to maintain stable ABR operation.
The design dimensions of the anaerobic tanks are outlined in Table 5-5.
Solids Removal: The concentration of sludge within the anaerobic reactor will require
management during plant operation. Sludge removal will be periodically required from
the ABR tanks, as the biomass population increases over time. The build-up of sludge
will be monitored by the plant operational staff, given a sludge inventory
measurement which is detailed as part of the particular specification for operation,
testing and commissioning.
Sludge will be removed from each cell of the ABR by means of an external, fixed-speed,
progressive cavity pump. Solids will be removed via a manual operation of the sludge
pumps as detailed in the particular specification for operation, testing and
commissioning. When the concentration of sludge in each cell increases to a
predetermined level, a solids removal operation will be required.
It is anticipated that sludge will be removed from each cell on a fortnightly basis where
the ABR is operating at full design capacity, resulting in 6 sludge removal events per
fortnight. However, this frequency may be varied according to the prevailing
concentration of solids in each cell which will vary according to the load on the ABR. In
early years, the sludge removal operation will be less frequent.
Recycle Pumps: Each tank will be equipped with a fixed speed, submersible recycle
pump and recycle stream. Each recycle pump will be operated manually by plant
operations where there is a requirement given the operating conditions described
ABR Isolation: Each anaerobic baffled reactor tank may be manually isolated using a
stop log at the inlet works. Either one or both tanks may be isolated. The ABR bypass
will allow for flow to be diverted directly to the trickling filter.
The anaerobic baffled reactor is designed to remove 70% of the plant BOD load at full
plant capacity, resulting in a concentration of approximately 105 mg/L of BOD being
fed forward. The combination of the biological trickling filter (BTF) and the
downstream secondary clarifier shall complete the remaining required removal of BOD
to ensure the WWTP reliably achieves the plant target effluent condition. The BTF will
treat BOD in the ABR effluent via an aerobic process, converting organic material (BOD)
to CO2 and new cellular material. The BTF may also provide some nitrification under
certain conditions, converting ammonia to nitrates/nitrites and new cells.
Number of Filters: The BTF operation will use one BTF, upstream of a clarifier process.
The design of the BTF unit operation has been amended from that presented in the
basis of design report, where two BTF units were proposed.
Flushing: The aerobic BOD removal will generate bacterial growth which will increase
the biofilm layer thickness present on the media. The biofilm layer must remain
sufficiently thin in order to maintain aerobic operation. In order to achieve this, the
system will undergo a periodic flush, nominally defined to occur daily. During a flush
the rotational speed of the distributor arm will be reduced, increasing the hydraulic
dose rate to the media which is defined with units of mm water per pass of the
distributor arm. The dose during normal operation has been specified as 30 mm/pass,
while the flush dose is defined as 300mm/pass. The increase in dose rate is intended to
remove excess solids build-up on the trickling filter media, which will then be passed
Ventilation: The trickling filter will require forced airflow in order to maintain the
aerobic operation. This will be provided via a series of extraction points at the base of
the media bed structure, where air is drawn via the site odour control fans, drawing air
downwards through the media. The trickling filter shall incorporate a cover with air
inlets. The cover shall reduce the likelihood of any foul air emission from the top
surface of the media associated with the anaerobic baffled reactor effluent, which may
have a residual concentration of hydrogen sulphide. The ventilation rate shall be set to
a minimum required to achieve adequate distribution of air through the media, which
is predicted to exceed the air requirement of the biological reaction.
The design parameters used for the trickling filter are outlined in Table 5-6.
ABR effluent will flow via gravity from the ABR to the BTF feed pump station. The flow
from the BTF feed pumps to the filter media will be constant where the recycle rate
will vary to accommodate variation in flows from upstream processes. To achieve this,
the operating BTF feed pump will transfer a set flow to the rotating distributer arm and
hence onto the filter media. The flow leaving the filter will be directed back to the BTF
return well, as part of the BTF feed pump station. Flow will be passed via a non-return
flap valve from the BTF return well back to the BTF feed pump station wet well at a
rate which makes up the difference between the feed to the BTF pump station and the
flowrate of the BTF feed pumps. All flow which is not recycled will be passed
downstream to the outlet well. As such, minimal control will be required for the BTF
feed pump station operation.
Flow which enters the BTF pump station above the capacity of the BTF pumps (431L/s)
will bypass a weir and be diverted to the chlorine contact tank.
BTF Feed Pump Station: The BTF will be fed via the BTF feed pump station. The design
parameters of the BTF feed pump station are outlined in
Table 5-7. The pumps will operate in a duty/duty/standby configuration. The pumps
will be sized to give a total flow of 463 L/s under normal operation with two pumps
BTF Distributor Arm: The distributer arm will be motorised such that feed is evenly
distributed onto the plastic media. The BTF distributor will operate at a constant speed
except during an automated flush sequence, which will be programmed in the plant
control system to be completed at the set interval (default 24 hours, operator
When a flush sequence is called by the plant control system, the distributor arm motor
will slow to the rotational speed required to give the set flush pass rate 300 mm/pass
for set number of revolutions (default 1 revolution, operator adjustable).
The set-points required for this operation are to be set in commissioning; however, the
required frequency of the flush sequence may vary over the life of the filter as more
connections are made to the reticulation system, and the load on the unit operation
The operator may also manually hose down the distributor arm from the access
platform where there are blockages identified by means of observation as part of
regular maintenance checks.
A secondary clarifier has been included in the plant design in order to limit the risk of
the plant effluent solids concentration rising above the discharge limit. The secondary
clarifier will remove TSS from the plant flow downstream of the BTF. This process will
also decrease the effluent BOD, through the removal of organic solids.
The use of the secondary clarifier process has been modelled as part of the process
modelling completed in Biowin, discussed previously. The BTF operation is primarily
focussed on the removal of BOD from the influent stream by means of an attached
growth aerobic process. While some volatile solids will be removed via digestion, the
process will incur the growth of biomass, adding to the aggregate solids. The overall
biological process poses a risk that the solids concentration may not be reduced in the
trickling filter.
The secondary clarifier will treat flows downstream of the BTF to ensure excess TSS is
removed, limiting the risk of failure of the TSS target. The clarifier design is anticipated
to remove both TSS and BOD, with BOD removal being achieved as organic solids are
The secondary clarifier design allows for an appropriate upflow rate and solid loading
to ensure the required capture of solids is maintained under design flows and loads.
The clarifier has been designed with an upflow rate of 1.40m/hr under average plant
flow conditions. The clarifiers will be sized to receive up to the full flow which is
treated by the BTF. Any flows above that which the BTF may treat (limited by the BTF
feed pump capacity) shall overflow the BTF pump station and bypass the clarifier
operation. As such, the clarifier may only be fed with BTF effluent. ABR effluent which
is not treated in the BTF will also bypass the clarifier operation.
The clarifier will be equipped with a Tow-Bro style sludge withdrawal system which will
traverse the clarifier floor driven by a fixed speed motor. The Tow-Bro style system
hydraulically removes the solids through a perforated hollow tube running from the
centre well to the outer wall of the tank providing uniform sludge removal across the
diameter of the tank bottom. The solids collection tube will be connected directly to
the suction header of an adjacent clarifier sludge pump station. The pump station will
utilise a duty/standby configuration.
The clarifier sludge stream, which is drawn via the clarifier sludge pumps, will be
directed to the ABR for wasting. The sizing parameters used for the secondary clarifier
are outlined in Table 5-8.
The secondary clarifier will occupy the site directly to the south of the BTF.
The effluent quality requirements of the WWTP, presented in this report, define an
E.Coli limit of 2,500 cfu/100mL in the river discharge. Disinfection is predicted to be
required in order to meet this objective. The performance requirements of the
selected disinfection process are defined in Table 5-9.
Chlorine oxidation has been selected as the design basis for disinfection at the WWTP,
where chlorine is used to oxidise bacterial populations. The design is based on a Ct
approach, which specifies a minimum value for the product of the oxidant species
concentration and the contact time in the disinfection process, summarised as follows:
Two methods of chlorine disinfection were considered using various forms of chlorine
as the disinfecting oxidant; breakpoint chlorination using free chlorine and
monochloramine. Free chlorine and monochloramine are similar chemicals which can
both be used as the oxidant in chlorine disinfection. Free chlorine, however; is a much
stronger oxidant and therefore to achieve a similar bacterial reduction has a lower
required Ct when compared to monochloramine.
Monochloramine is a less effective oxidant than free chlorine, and as such a higher Ct
value will be required to achieve the same level of bacterial reduction. However,
where a significant concentration of ammonia is present, the mass of chlorine required
to achieve breakpoint chlorination may be far greater than that required to achieve the
required monochloramine concentration. This means monochloramine is the most
chemically effective option.
The current design of the WWTP does not provide ammonia removal meaning that the
liquid flow into the chlorine contact channel will contain a portion of ammonia. Hence,
monochloramine has been identified as the most appropriate oxidant for disinfection
in this case.
The chlorination will be provided via dosing of sodium hypochlorite which has been
seen as a robust process in a range of chlorination facilities worldwide. Sodium
hypochlorite may be stored as a liquid phase chemical in bulk storage.
The disinfection process has been designed to treat all flows which are treated by the
The chlorination will be provided in the form of a chlorine contact tank (CCT).
Following dosing, the flow will overtop a weir into the contact tank prior to passing an
underflow baffle. The baffles in the inlet structure are aimed minimising the risk of
poor mixing in the CCT.
Flow in the CCT will traverse a serpentine channel of approximately 120m in length. At
the tank outlet, the flow will pass an underflow baffle prior to overtopping an outlet
weir to an outlet compartment. Flow will discharge from the outlet compartment to
the Musi River.
Suspended solids in the effluent may impact on the performance of the disinfection
process. There is a risk associated with suspended solids that the chlorine dose
required to maintain adequate disinfection may increase.
The sodium hypochlorite storage tanks have been sized to allow for a total of 14 days
of onsite storage where the plant is operating under full design loads. This storage time
will be longer in early years of operation where the flows through the plant are lower.
The 14 day storage requirement is based on the supply of sodium hypochlorite being
readily available to replenish the plant supply within a number of days.
Chlorine contact tank volume m 580
Minimum required chloramine At ADWF mg/L 4.2
At inimum mg/L 2.7
At PDWF mg/L 10.8
Chlorine contact tank configuration Serpentine Tank
Number of serpentine passes no. 4
Sodium hypochlorite recommended mg/L 12.5
solution strength
Sodium hypochlorite dosing pump flow Minimum l/hr 83
Maximum l/hr 436
Expected fortnightly chemical usage m 45.4
Number of dosing pumps no. 2
Dosing pump configuration Duty/standby
Average carrier water flow L/hr 1220
The anaerobic treatment process will generate solids described as anaerobic sludge.
Removal of a portion of the stabilised sludge from the anaerobic baffled reactor is
required to prevent solids overloading which will reduce hydraulic retention time and
compromise the ABR performance. The sludge will settle in each of the three upflow
cells of each ABR. The settling process provides some concentrating of solids up to 2 to
5% dry solids; however, further sludge drying will be required.
The BTF will also accrue solids which will be partially captured in the secondary clarifier
process. Solids from the secondary clarifier are expected to be captured at relatively
low total solids concentration of approximately 0.5 wt% dry solids. The secondary
clarifier solids shall be returned to the ABR and subsequently removed to the sludge
drying beds with the ABR solids.
Sludge will be dried by means of sludge drying beds which will reduce the volume of
sludge and increase the dry solids concentration generating a solids product suitable
for disposal. The solids are expected to be dried to a solids content allowing the sludge
to be spadeable (approximately 15% solids by weight). Site specific data will be
required to determine an accurate estimate of the expected sludge drying
concentration, taking into account climatic conditions.
The performance requirements for the sludge handling system are outlined in
Table 5-11.
The major design parameter of the sludge drying beds is the area required, which is
dictated by the mass of solids produced by the WWTP. The majority of biological
removal at the WWTP is achieved via anaerobic treatment, which provides a
comparatively low production of solids, when compared with aerobic treatment.
The sludge drying beds will be equipped with a sand/gravel underdrain and decanting
gate for the removal of supernatant. This supernatant will be captured and transferred
to the site waste pump station and subsequently be returned to the inlet of the
anaerobic baffled reactors. The beds can be retrofitted with a lightweight roof
structure to prevent rain falling on the beds and re-wetting the dried sludge once
sludge production has neared the design conditions.
Sludge will be drawn from each ABR cell by operating the relevant sludge removal
pump. Stabilised sludge will be transferred to the sludge drying beds for solar drying
and storage prior to disposal to landfill.
Key sludge handling design specifications are summarised in Table 5-12. The design is
based on the use of sludge drying beds when the WWTP is operating at design
capacity, as specified in Section 3.1.
Sludge wasting will be performed manually by the plant. Operator observations will be
required to ensure sludge is removed only when there is sufficient concentration of dry
solids in the base of ABR cell.
The distribution of sludge onto the drying beds will be performed using a distribution
manifold utilising manually operated valves located at each drying bed. The operator
will open the required valve to direct sludge to a specific drying bed. The design intent
is for several drying beds to be filled per desludging event then isolated for the set
drying time.
Sludge will then be removed from the drying beds and sent for disposal following the
minimum drying time, currently anticipated to be 14 days. The length of time required
for drying shall be confirmed during the initial years of the WWTP operation. The solids
concentration of the dried sludge, after various drying times may be determined by
total solids test performed in the site laboratory by drying a sample of sludge taken
The odour control and gas capture requirements of the WWTP are specified in Section
3.6. In order to achieve the gas capture requirements a series of odour control system
performance requirements have been estimated, as outlined in the Basis of Design and
summarised in Table 5-13.
10 Minimum 2 m above
Minimum vent stack
m tallest point of OCU
height (nominal) unit
Through discharge
Minimum discharge
m/s 15 cone; <9 m/s through
vent stack body
Media replacement
Odour treatment unit
Months 24 required every 24
design service life
Contaminant removal
- Hydrogen sulphide >95 Based on typical
- Mercaptan >70 values achievable by
biological treatment
- Dimethyl sulphide >70 systems
- Ammonia >10
- VOC >30
Based on typical
Vent stack outlet odour values achievable by
ou <2,500
concentration biological treatment
Allowance has been made in the process design for the capture, removal and
treatment of foul air from the following process units:
Gas containment covers will be installed over the process units listed above to capture
gases released from the wastewater. Ventilation fans will be used to extract the
captured gases from under the covers and transfer the volume to an odour treatment
system or directly to a vent stack for discharge to the atmosphere.
A single odour treatment system will be provided to extract and treat gases captured
from the Inlet Works, ABR Effluent Diversion Box, BTF Feed Pump Station and the BTF
unit. The proposed odour treatment technology will be a biological Air Trickling Filter
(ATF) unit which provides up to 95% removal of odorous contaminants. Captured gases
will be extracted from the covered process units via fixed-speed duty/standby fans and
the treated air discharged via an elevated vent stacks to promote dispersion.
Under the current design intent, no treatment shall be provided for gases captured in
the ABR tanks and effluent channel. The ABR gases will be flared to remove flammable
components (predominantly methane) and discharged directly via an elevated vent
stack to promote dispersion.
The following cover types and materials are proposed for the covered process units:
• Inlet Works – flat, trafficable, chequered-plate aluminium or GRP covers
• ABR Tanks – arc-span GRP cover or similar
• ABR Effluent Diversion Box – GRP/concrete roof with aluminium hatches
• BTF Feed Pump Station – concrete roof with aluminium hatches
• BTF unit – arc-span/domed GRP covers or similar
Access hatches or removable cover sections will be provided on the covers to allow for
inspection and operator access under the cover, where required. The location and size
of access hatches are identified on the corresponding General Arrangement drawings.
All covered process units will be provided with corrosion-resistant lining to minimise
the impact of sulphuric acid corrosion from hydrogen sulphide (H2S) presence in the
headspace. A Hazardous Area Classification exercise has been completed for all
covered spaces. All electrical and mechanical equipment located under the covers will
need to be suitably rated and constructed of corrosion resistant materials, as per the
outcomes of the Hazardous Area Classification.
The ATF unit will be based on a multi-stage, once-through biological media filter
technology. The ATF unit will be a column containing wetted media beds with
immobilised bacteria population. Pollutants in the extracted air come into contact with
the liquid layer on the media surface and are degraded by autotrophic and/or
heterotrophic bacteria. The ATF column will contain separate autotrophic bed(s) for
hydrogen sulphide removal and heterotrophic bed(s) for organic compound removal.
The ATF will be sized based on a minimum 12 seconds empty bed contact time (EBCT)
and target removal efficiencies The ATF will require a single-pass nutrient supply to
maintain its biological activity. This will be supplied via the secondary clarifier effluent
or potable water service. The liquid purged from the ATF column will be acidic (pH 1-2)
and shall be drained to the site waste pump station and subsequently returned to the
head of works.
The specific key design parameters for the odour treatment systems are specified in
Table 5-14.
1. The peak H2S concentrations are expected to be observed intermittently in the early operating years, where
sewage residence times may be in excess of 50 hours. The actual gas-phase H 2S concentration will be dependent
on, amongst other things, the nature and extent of turbulence and the ventilation rate at the point where
wastewater contacts air. At this point, there is a percentage of equilibrium value which indicates the percentage
of the maximum equilibrium concentration of hydrogen sulphide which actually enters the gas phase. The
percentage equilibriums assumed for this project are between 13% (quiescent surface) and 50% (inlet works,
turbulent pump station).
The anaerobic treatment process within the ABR emits a biogas consisting of methane
and a number of odorous chemicals such as hydrogen sulphide and amines. Due to this
emission, anaerobic process units are often covered and the gas managed for safety
and health concerns. When they are not covered, anaerobic process units are designed
to facilitate the generation of a scum layer or crust.
The methane within the biogas is highly flammable and, if contained, must be
managed appropriately for safe operation of the WWTP. The flammable biogas can be
used to generate power or create a hot water supply; however, these facilities are
complex and expensive and require significant operation and maintenance inputs and
experience. In the future, once the plant is operational, gas quality and production can
be monitored to assess the viability and design criteria for an energy recovery system.
In lieu of use of the biogas, it will need to be disposed of by either venting to the
atmosphere or by discharging through a flare. Venting provides a simple, low
maintenance option, but provides no treatment of the odours other than through
dilution and no reduction in the emitted greenhouse gasses. Flaring increases the
quantity of mechanical equipment requiring maintenance on-site, but reduces odours
and the emission of methane gas which is a key greenhouse gas.
In all cases, the design of the ABR and biogas piping must meet standards that
determine the hazardous classification of the headspace, the areas outside of the
covers, and of the biogas piping route and fixtures. This classification directly impacts
the electrical protection requirements of all power and control elements within the
A high level qualitative assessment was conducted of the three options for biogas
handling: crust layer, venting and flaring. The relative advantages and disadvantages of
these options are presented below:
• Natural crust layer:
o Advantages:
Lowest capital and O&M costs
No biogas handling skills/health & safety procedures required
o Disadvantages:
No control over emissions
Not suitable for retrofit for power generation facility
• Venting:
o Advantages:
Low O&M costs
Suitable for retrofit for power generation facility
Covered tanks minimise visual impact of plant
o Disadvantages:
High capital
Biogas handling skills/ health & safety procedures required
No treatment of odorous emissions
• Flaring:
o Advantages:
Treatment of odorous and greenhouse gasses
Suitable for retrofit for power generation facility
Covered tanks minimise visual impact of plant
o Disadvantages:
Highest capital and O&M costs
Biogas handling skills/health & safety procedures required
The design has proceeded on the basis of flaring the biogas for odour and greenhouse
gas emission control. Covering the reactors will result in concentration of the
flammable biogas and will require the operations staff to become familiar with
operation of the reactor and the associated health and safety procedures.
The primary risk associated with the combustible biogas is the possibility of explosions.
Explosions, like fire, require three elements: fuel, oxygen, and an ignition source.
Combustible biogas will ignite only within a specific range of fuel/oxygen mixtures. Too
little or too much biogas will not ignite. These conditions are defined as the Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL) and the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL). Any amount of gas between
the two limits is explosive. The LEL and UEL gas concentrations are defined by a
percent of total volume, with the balance as normal air. The predominant combustible
gas within the biogas mixture is methane which has an LEL of 5.0% and UEL of 15.0%.
During normal operation, the airspace within the covered ABR will contain no fresh air
and the biogas will be safely above the UEL. Maintenance operations which will require
access within the ABR will require a safety operation to displace the methane rich
biogas with a neutral gas such as nitrogen.
The performance requirements for the biogas handling system are outlined in
Table 5-15.
Biogas will be extracted from one point from each of the six ABR cells. Each extraction
point will be equipped with an isolation valve, sampling/purge point, condensate trap,
and flame arrestor. The extraction lines will feed into a common header for each tank.
Each header will be equipped with an isolation valve before the headers are joined to
enable a single tank to be taken out of service.
An emergency pressure/vacuum relief with flame arrestor will be fitted on the cover of
two of the three cells to protect the system against overpressure. The gas headspace is
common across all three cells. A pressure gauge and transmitter will be fitted on each
tank for monitoring and alarming of system pressure.
The above grade biogas piping will be constructed of 316 stainless steel for impact and
corrosion resistance. The ductwork will be sloped to allow condensation from the
moist biogas to drain either back to the ABR or to a low point with drain on the
common duct to the flare.
The design summary for the biogas handling system is outlined in Table 5-16.
A site waste system has been included in the Sei Selayur WWTP to transfer waste flows
to the head of the works. The waste system will essentially comprise of a pump station
with two submersible pumps operating in a duty/standby configuration.
The site waste water pump station will operate two major functions; to collect waste
from various sources throughout the WWTP and received septage and transfer the
flow to the inlet works.
The waste pump station will include two submersible waste transfer pumps operating
in a duty/standby configuration.
The waste pump station wet well will include an emergency overflow to an adjacent
storm drain.
The WWTP has been designed to accommodate necessary treatment operations within
the limited site area available. Expansion of the WWTP has not been considered at this
stage of design. As per the Master Plan documentation, expansion to a higher capacity
ultimate configuration will require additional land availability.
The initial environmental examination (IEE) conducted for the ADB confirmed the
project is not a new incursion to an ecologically untouched area.
No requirements for the DED design have been identified from the EIA at the time of
issue of this report.
The statutory and regulatory requirements relevant to this project as identified by the
IEE conducted for the ADB include:
• environmental permit and AMDAL report prior to any bidding or procurement
• discharge permit in the initial months of WWTP operation
There are informal settlements within the nominated site boundary. An allowance of
2400m2 (0.24 Ha) (100m2 per person for 15 people and 300m2 per business for 3
businesses) within the northwest corner of the site has been requested by the AMDAL
consultant at the meeting with BAPPEDA in Palembang 05 February 2014 for relocation
of displaced persons. Design of any development within this allowance will be by
A timber mill adjacent to the WWTP site includes kilns constructed within the
nominated site boundary. The area is estimated to encompass 0.4 Ha. During a
subsequent meeting with IndII it was confirmed that this area can be used for the
WWTP facilities and all existing structures within the WWTP site boundary shall be
demolished as part of the construction works.
The wastewater treatment plant will be located on a 5.95 Ha site located along the
Musi River in the Kelurahan of Sei Selayur. The site is bordered by the PT Pupuk
Sriwijaya (Pusri) fertiliser plant to the west along Jalan Dr. Sutami, a police station and
informal settlements along the north and east, a timber mill along the south west and
the Musi River along the south.
As noted in Section 6.3 - Social – Involuntary Resettlement the following area on the
site were reserved due to resettlement concerns:
• approximately 0.24 Ha within the northwest corner relocation of persons
displaced on site
The survey was conducted on the Geographic Coordinate System WGS-84. Further
details to be provided in final survey documentation.
No official flood or tidal river level information has been provided for the WWTP site.
Unofficial and anecdotal information has therefore been used to provide a basis for the
Two sources were found which state the anticipated flood level of the Musi River
adjacent to the WWTP is around 3.7-3.75m MSL (sources Desktop Study Report for
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Investigations, Golder Associates, Feb 2014 and
Strategy of Drainage and Flood Control in Palembang City, Eddy Santana Putra, F.X.
Suryadi, Kira Tarigan, Akhmad Bastari and Marlina Sylvia). The frequency for this flood
event is not available; therefore, a conservative approach has been adopted and the
WWTP has been designed to avoid inundation and submergence of process units at the
“flood” level.
The site survey has indicated the WWTP site is generally flat ranging around 2.0 –
2.5 mEL. Site grading will require 1.5 – 3.5m fill to accommodate gravity flow through
WWTP and to bring plant above “flood” level. This may be a significant cost. The
geotechnical investigation must be finalised before the impact can be confirmed.
If the frequency of the “flood” event is know it may be practical to lower the site and
accept occasional inundation.
The report Strategy of Drainage and Flood Control in Palembang City, Eddy Santana
Putra, F.X. Suryadi, Kira Tarigan, Akhmad Bastari and Marlina Sylvia has further data
on tidal levels in the Musi River including:
• Wet season:
o highest water level: +3.7 m MSL
o average high tide: +2.0 m MSL
o lowest water level: +1.8 m MSL
• Dry season:
o highest water level: +1.2 m MSL
o average water level: +0.0 m MSL
o lowest water level: ‐1.2 m MSL
The influent pressure main will enter the site from the southern end of the western
boundary along Jalan Dr. Sutami. Further information on the incoming sewer collection
system can be found in the collection and transfer design report.
WWTP effluent will be discharged to the adjacent Musi River along the southern
border of the site. The discharge is approximately 2km downstream of the nearest
water treatment plant intake. Broad-order numerical modelling was conducted to
confirm effluent will be sufficiently dispersed from the selected discharge location. The
modelling report is included in Annex 8.
The modelling indicated the discharge will be well dispersed. No diffusers will be
required on the discharge pipework which will terminate at a simple headwall which
will be fitted with a non-return valve.
The primary site entrance for the WWTP will be provided on the far west edge of the
site along Jalan Dr. Ir. Sutami.
The following vehicles will require access to the WWTP once operational:
• Septage tankers
• Chemical delivery truck
• Maintenance vehicles (crane, truck)
• Personnel vehicles
Temporary access will also be required during construction for construction vehicles
and equipment delivery. This access is anticipated to be provided from the future
primary site entrance and the unsealed road to the lumber mill along the southern
west boundary.
The WWTP site is long and narrow (generally 80m – 100m wide) shaped like an “L”.
The main process units were laid out within the north-south portion of the site to allow
the process to be arranged in a linear fashion to minimise pipe lengths and to locate
the final process unit adjacent to the river.
The east-west branch of the site will be used primarily for sludge drying. The waste
pump station / septage receiving facility will be located near the primary entrance to
minimise the incursion on septage trucks into the site.
All facilities required for the final design capacity of the WWTP will be constructed in
the initial stage. Any future expansion of the WWTP capacity will require the purchase
of additional land.
The extent of staff support facilities is a direct function of the number of people based
at the plant. The plant staffing requirements are estimated in Table 7-1.
The following on-site amenities (and associated features) will be provided for the
The administration building & control room will include the following features:
• 1 no. air conditioned office for head operator
• 1 no. general indoor office area with desks, chairs, space for paper files,
computers, and telephones for remaining operation staff
• 1 no. meeting room for up to 10 people
• 1 no. men’s water closet with lockers, toilet, sink and shower facilities
• 1 no. women’s water closet with lockers, toilet, sink and shower facilities
• 1 no. room with bench and sink for laboratory testing
Staff quarters
Guard station
The workshop and storage building will include the following features:
• 1 no. general indoor office area with desk, chair, space for paper files,
computer and telephone
• 1 no. open plan workshop area
• 1 no. storage room
• 1 no. water closet with lockers, toilet, sink and shower facilities
Main switchroom
The main switchroom will be located adjacent to the BTF and the pump stations to be
adjacent to the key electrical demands on the site.
These building requirements will be supplied to a separate designer for building layout
and design (including architectural requirements, power supply, potable water supply,
fire water supply, telecommunications and wastewater facilities).
Site water will be discharged to the Musi River. Further site water management details
(including design flood levels and surface water discharge arrangements) will be
established in the next stage of detail design.
Chapter 8: Utilities
External utility services that will be needed at the plant site include site / potable
water, telecommunications and electrical power.
No recycled water facilities will be provided as part of the WWTP to supply water for
process equipment. Therefore, potable water will be required for all water demands
on site. A summary of the water demands at the site are presented in Table 8-1.
PDAM will supply site / potable water for the WWTP. Coordination with the local
authority will be the responsibility of the contractor.
The water supply will most likely come from Jalan Dr. Sutami along the west edge of
the site. A double check valve will be installed at the connection point to prevent
backflow into the main potable water line.
Additional storage and pumping facilities may be required on site if sufficient pressure
and / or flow cannot be supplied by the water supply network.
Coordination with the local authority will be the responsibility of the contractor. The
telecommunications connection will most likely come from Jalan Dr. Sutami along the
west edge of the site.
PLN will be the likely supplier of electricity for the WWTP. Coordination with the local
authority will be the responsibility of the contractor. The power connection will most
likely come from Jalan Dr. Sutami along the west edge of the site.
Table 9-1: Summary of Palembang Site Seismic Design Parameters (Ref. Indonesian
National Standard SNI 1726:2012)
Parameter Value Description/Ref.
Site Classification E Soft Ground as per Draft Geotechnical
Report (Section 7.5)
I 1.25 Importance Factor
Ss 0.275 Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCER), 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at short period
S1 0.175 Mapped Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCER), 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at a period of 1 s
Ri 2 Response modification factor, impulsive
Rc 1 Response modification factor, convective
Fa 2.42 Short-period site coefficient
Fv 3.275 Long-period site coefficient (1 second)
SMS 0.666 The MCER, 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at short period
adjusted for site class effects
SM1 0.573 The MCER, 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at a period of 1 s
adjusted for site class effects
SDS 0.444 Design, 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at short period
adjusted for site class effects
SD1 0.382 Design, 5% damped, spectral response
acceleration parameter at a period of 1 s
adjusted for site class effects
Note:- For simplicity all the piled structures are given the same Importance Factor.
The flooding and geotechnical conditions are discussed in Sections 7.3 and 7.4
It is anticipated, that most belowground pipelines plus utilities and services can be
installed without the need for special foundations whilst the following structures can
be supported on relatively shallow footings (in conjunction with compacted subgrade
and site grading):
• All buildings (presupposing these will be a single storey)
• Septage receival facility and site waste pump station
• Clarifier sludge pump station
• Sludge drying beds.
Due to the presence and depth of the underlying soft soils and the proximity to the
groundwater table, shallow footings are not suitable for major and/or settlement-
sensitive structures and pipelines due to the significant settlement that will occur
under the applied loads (even after a 12 month pre-loading period). These structures
and pipelines include the following:
• Inlet works
• Odour control facility (OCF) support slab
• Anaerobic baffled reactors (ABR)
• ABR effluent diversion box
• Biological trickling filter (BTF)
• BTF feed pump station
• Clarifier
• Disk filter (Makassar only)
• Chemical storage and dosing facility
• Chlorine contact tank (CCT)
• Connecting pipelines between ABR, BTF, clarifier, CCT and effluent outlet.
Deep foundations comprising either driven precast concrete piles (such as Wika spun
piles) or driven open tubular steel pipe sections are required. It has been determined,
based on an assessment of these options, that there are uncertainties regarding the
suitability of driven concrete piles with regard to durability, high potential for excessive
driving stress during installation, and the adequacy of these piles to accommodate
lateral loads.
Accordingly, the DED has been prepared based on the use of driven open tubular steel
pipes acting as piled foundations for major and/or settlement-sensitive structures and
All equipment provided will be selected and designed for suitable operation and
connection to the station power supply as follows:
• Nominal voltage between phases – 380 V
• System highest phase voltage - 418 V (i.e. plus 10%)
• System lowest phase voltage - 357 V (i.e. minus 6%)
• Nominal voltage between phase & neutral - 220 V
• Number of phases - 3
• Fundamental Frequency - 50 Hz
• Control and instrumentation Voltage - 24VDC
PF kVAR Bank
kW kVA Amp WITH NO Target PF
Station Total Installed Demand 240 300 475 0.80 0.93 65.66
Station Total Operational Demand (Nominal) 212 265 420 0.80 0.93 58.00
Wastewater flows through the main portion of the WWTP and effluent discharges by
gravity. A power failure will have the following impact on the process:
• Inlet works: minimal impact on flow, manual screen cleaning required,
reduced grit removal efficiency
• Anaerobic baffled reactors: no impact on the treatment capability of the
anaerobic treatment process, sludge removal not available
• Biological trickling filter: filter off line
• Clarifier: no impact on flow through the clarifier, sludge removal not available
• Chlorine contact tank: no impact on flow through tank, no disinfection
• Effluent disposal: no impact on flow
UPS systems will be provided within the MCC in the main electrical switchroom
building to ensure that all key instrumentation, controller, and communications system
remain functional during mains power outage for a minimum of two hours. The UPS
status will be monitored from the plant SCADA system. The UPS will be supplied with a
rectifier unit to allow the plant control and instrumentation equipment to be supplied
at 24 VDC secure supply.
Where possible, electrical cabinets will be installed indoors to avoid the influences of
weather and vermin. Locating cabinets outdoors can cause early deterioration to
equipment and in turn, reduce operability and installation life.
Where electrical cabinets are installed outdoors, cabinets and enclosures will be
suitably rated weather-proof to Ingress Protection (IP) 56.
The plant MCC is located in the electrical switchroom. The MCC is to be provided with
incoming and outgoing breakers, energy meter, distribution boards, controls and
motor starters etc. as shown in the single line diagram. The MCC shall additionally
include master PLC, I/Os, UPS, 240/24V DC power supply unit in a separate
Variable Speed Drives (VSD’s) will be used for the BTF distributor arm only.
The use of VSD’s has been minimised where not required for efficient operation of
equipment to reduce capital costs, including the costs associated with VSD units,
cabling, programming, harmonic mitigation equipment, additional switchroom space
and air conditioning requirements
VSDs are typically rated to operate at a maximum nominal ambient temperature of 40º
C to 50º C for maximum operational optimisation. During summer ambient peaks it is
possible that the building within the plant can achieve or exceed the nominal ambient
temperatures for equipment operation. Forced ventilation (air conditioning) is
recommended within rooms where VSD’s are installed to ensure equipment reliability
and mitigate potential failures to process equipment.
The Distribution boards shall be provided for the following areas and applications:
• UPS DB for Administration Building
• Lighting and Small Power DB for Switchroom Building
• Lighting and Small Power DB for Administration Building.
• Lighting and Small Power DB for Staff Housing.
• Lighting and Small Power DB for Workshop.
• Process DBs (to be designed and supplied by respective process vendor and
located near to the process area)
Except for process DBs, all DBs are located inside the building.
To achieve a high rating of conductance within the electrical system, all cables will
have copper conductors of circular cross-section and sized as required for equipment
operation. Cables will be installed with suitable mechanical protection and wiring
enclosures to mitigate the environmental influence and vermin.
Single core, phase coloured PVC insulated, multi-stranded, copper conductor cables of
minimum sizes according to the following table shall be used for wiring in the
• Power cables, 2.5 mm³
• Control cables, 1.5 mm²
• Instrument cables, 0.5 mm²
Provisions have been made in the design for future installation of additional electrical
equipment due to plant expansions or upgrades. MCC’s and cabinets have been
designed with provisional allowances for future equipment installations and minor
Associated conduit and wiring systems into and out of the electrical room include
provision of spare space within conduits/cable tray networks and within wiring
All future spare allowances will be within the nominal vicinity of 25% spare capacity.
The design and installation of electrical equipment will aim to achieve, wherever
possible, reasonable vicinity to the specific equipment to minimise electrical cable
reticulation and enhance plant operability. Distribution boards supplied by the process
vendors shall be located near the respective process area to reduce the length of
distribution cables.
The electrical switchroom building will make provisions for installation of the plant
MCC with all necessary switchgear and control gear equipment required (as shown in
the Single Line Diagram) for the plant operation and distribution, including allowances
for future equipment.
This could be achieved through designing the switchroom with a spare capacity
allowance of 25%, or spare space allowance adjacent to the building to allow future
expansion. The option of designing the spare capacity would be preferred as this will
reduce the impacts to future construction.
Sufficient clearance shall be provided around the MCC for ease of maintenance with a
minimum of 600mm clearance from any obscurities when a cabinet door is opened at
90 degrees, for example.
The plant operation will be based on the philosophy of a manned plant, with operators
being housed at the plant during non-business hours and on weekends. Therefore, no
offsite monitoring will be required for the WWTP plant.
The plant control system will be provide a moderate level of automation and not a full
autonomous operation. The system will require minimal operator intervention under
normal conditions with regular manual operator interaction required.
The key objective of the control system is to provide the ability to efficiently and safely
control and monitor the treatment plant both locally, and remotely. This includes the
The SCADA system will provide performance monitoring data, such as accumulated
equipment run-times, process tending etc. to an asset management/logging system.
The data interface and data access protocols will be defined during the design phase.
The plant control system will provide the following basic hierarchy of control from the
field devices to the control room:
• Local manual control mode of individual equipment and sub-systems. This
mode is operated from the Local Control Stations (LCS) located within close
proximity to the plant equipment such as pump motors etc.
• Remote manual control mode (only available on selected equipment) of
individual devices and sub-systems through the plant SCADA system. This
mode will mainly be used for periodic maintenance, testing, and short term
operation and will be available through any of the HMI operator workstations
when the applicable LCS’s have been set to ‘Remote’ mode.
• Remote automatic control mode (only available on select equipment), based
on operator-entered set-points and logic sequencing.
The following are the key hardware components of the plant control system with a
functional description of each of the components:
The WWTP will be controlled by a centralised/master PLC with remote PLC I/O clusters.
The master PLC will be programmed to provide automatic sequencing and control of
the select equipment, monitor status, and initiate alarms.
The master PLC will be independent of the HMI. Should the HMI be unavailable, or
unattended, the PLC will continue to operate on the basis of the last entered set-
points. The PLC will operate over a ring Ethernet network via a series of managed ‘hub’
switches, to allow access to the network through various locations on the plant. The
PLC will be specified to include programming software, spare PLC hardware
components, and operator training.
The PLCs supplied by each process vendor shall have the compatibility to interface to
the master PLC located in the electrical switchroom building. The individual process
vendor supplied PLC & I/Os shall be located within a reasonable vicinity of their
respective process area. The vendor PLC I/O equipment can be installed within the
same cabinet as the process vendor distribution board, but shall be installed within a
dedicated compartment/tier to maintain segregation and shall be installed as per
manufacturer’s requirements.
The master PLC, I/Os and converter switches located in the switchroom shall be
mounted in a separate IP 20 compartment within the MCC. A double General Purpose
Outlet (GPO) shall be supplied in this cubicle to allow charging of programmer’s
laptops and or ancillary equipment during programming or maintenance.
The general control system architecture drawing details the main components of the
control system. Any further details shall be confirmed by the contractor in accordance
with the manufacturer and respective vendor packages.
A HMI will be located within the electrical switchroom building, and a main
engineering HMI workstation via desktop computer will be located within the plant
administration building.
To ensure security and reliability, the HMI workstations will not be used as general-
purpose computers and will have no connection to the Internet, and will not have
general-purpose office software such as Microsoft Office.
Communications between fixed SCADA nodes, including the HMI workstations and the
PLC and remote I/O clusters, will be via Ethernet CAT5/6 cable within the building and
up to 50 meter distances. Between locations greater than 50 meters, multimode
Ethernet over fibre optic cable will be provided. The fibre optic cable will provide
redundancy and reduce cabling across large spans between the plants communication
system architecture and provides optimal opportunities for expansion for future
The communication between the process vendor PLCs and the master PLC in the
electrical switchroom is via fibre optic cables.
12.1.1 PIPING
The proposed piping materials within the WWTP site are as follows:
• Below grade pressure lines and all gravity lines:
o > 600mm diameter: MSCL
o 300mm-600mm diameter: DICL
o < 300mm diameter: HDPE
• Above grade pressure lines:
o ≥ 100mm diameter: DICL
o < 100mm diameter: PVC
The site will potentially experience significant differential settlement; therefore, pipe
materials which have good flexibility and resistance to sheer are required.
12.1.2 OTHER
• Penstocks to be 316 stainless steel.
• Handrailing, stairways and associated supports to be hot dipped galvanised.
Commonly used isolation coatings in this application are solventless epoxy or polyuria
coatings. Cast-in high density polyethylene protective liners have also been adopted in
some structures and the application of a calcium aluminate based mortar layer which
inhibits the bacterial activity necessary to produce sulphuric acid has also been
popular, especially with rehabilitation and protection of deteriorated concrete surfaces
from such attack and it’s use is gaining popularity in some new structures.
The above options are considered the most appropriate isolation methods having
considered aspects such as local practices, application constraints, environmental
factors, service life etc.
Open decking will be aluminium grating except in potentially corrosive areas in which
case the decking will be fiberglass grating.
The inlet works will be fitted with closed decking consisting of GRP covers and foul air
extraction offtakes. Decking will be set in pieces not more than 1200mm wide by the
width of the opening with hinged (flush surface mounted to prevent trip hazard) lifting
rings to allow hand insertion for lifting. The covers will be fitted with hinged access
hatches where required.
The ABR tanks will be covered with air tight, moulded GRP sections designed to
accommodate an internal working pressure of 3kPa, supplied and installed by specialist
supplier/Contractor. Cover access hatch positions and details are to be finalised at the
next detail design phase.
The BTF feed pump station will be fitted with a concrete cover with aluminium
Local area lights will be provided at each process area, including at the top deck level.
One light located nearest the light switch will be placed on a photovoltaic cell to turn
on at dark. The remaining lights will be manually turned on and off.
Site lighting will be placed along the main entrance roads. These site lights will be
placed on photovoltaic cells to activate at dark.
The power supply to area lights will be from the lighting distribution board located
inside the electrical switchroom building.
All lighting and associated equipment selections should be applicable to the installed
environment, including manufacturer’s recommended ambient temperature operating
ranges, manufacturer’s installation and segregation requirements and a min IP56
Hose stations will be provided in process areas at a spacing of not more than 15 meter.
Each hose station will be 1-1/2” diameter with a coupler for a 3/4-inch hose. Hose
racks will be provided at each hose station. Isolation valves will be provided at the rise
to each hose station.
The Contractor will be required to make any required adjustments of detailed designed
structures and pipework to suit exact requirements of selected equipment and fittings.
Final layout of permanent roads and drainage within WWTP site determined by
Contractor (to match access requirements for buildings) based on road and drainage
engineering requirements defined in DED drawings and documentation.
Temporary works sites (including areas for Contractor’s plant and equipment and
storage of plant, equipment and materials) determined by Contractor.