Lecture Notes On General Relativity and Cosmology Mhadrat Fy Nzryt Alnsbyt Alamt
Lecture Notes On General Relativity and Cosmology Mhadrat Fy Nzryt Alnsbyt Alamt
Lecture Notes On General Relativity and Cosmology Mhadrat Fy Nzryt Alnsbyt Alamt
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4 Spacetime Curvature 55
Spacetime Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
The Gaussian curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Riemannian geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The locally Inertial Coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Unchanging Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Equation of geodesics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Shortest Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Riemann Curvature Tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Symmetry Properties of Rmlk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Number of components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Ricci tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Constant Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
The Einstein Tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Special Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
The Einstein Equations for Empty Spacetime . . . . . . . . 72
8 Cosmology 97
The Einstein Static Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Dust Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
The Cosmological Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
The de Sitter solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
The Robertson-Walker metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Friedmann Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Cosmological Red shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
The Einstein …eld equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
The Equation of Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
The Friedmann Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Solving the Friedmann Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Chapter 1
In this chapter I will present the basics of the special theory of relativ-
ity proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 and the years that followed,
emphasizing the basic formulations and projecting the main aspects
related to the concept of spacetime continuum. It should be pointed
out here that although much of the basic ingredients of the theory of
special relativity were available in the literature at the end of the nine-
teenth century, but it was Albert Einstein who collected all the beans
of the chain to produce a meaningful and consistent framework that
can be used to understand the world. It was Einstein who consistently
uni…ed the laws of Mechanics and the laws of electromagnetism under
one scheme which was called the theory of Special relativity. There are
some useful videos on the you tube some of them are my own. The
reader can view these at
Pre-relativistic Physics
Classical Physics was based on three major subjects
10 Review of Special Relativity
Basic De…nitions
Before discussing the di¤erent transformation laws of motion let me
introduce some basic de…nitions which are necessary for this topic.
Frame of Reference
Any point which is at rest or moving can be considered a reference
for the motion. A frame of reference is any coordinate system that is
at rest or moving with any speed. A moving ( or even at rest ) car or
a ship or a plane or a lift can be considered as a frame of reference.
Inertial Frame of Reference
Is any coordinate system which is at rest or moving with constant
velocity with respect to any coordinate system.
Non-Inertial frame of reference
Is any coordinate system moving with arbitrary velocity. Accord-
ingly a rotating frame of reference is non-inertial.
Review of Special Relativity 11
Galilean Transformations
According to the classical doctrine space and time were considered as
two separate entities. In Newtonian Mechanics an absolute reference
for space is needed in order to de…ne motion properly. Time was taken
as a measure for change and motion1 . Time has no need to have any
reference except for its de…nition in terms of natural units (year, day
...etc.) or conventional units (hour, minute, seconds), otherwise time
was considered to be absolute as if it is a continuously ‡owing river.
In terms of this classical description of space and time, the relative
0 0
position of an object in a reference frame S moving along the xx axis
with constant velocity v with respect to another frame S which might
be considered at rest is
x =x t
y =y
z =z (1.1)
t =t
Relative Velocity
0 0
According to (1.1) the velocity u of the object with respect to S in
terms of its velocity u with respect to S is
dx dx 0
= )u =u+
dt dt
This is the law of the velocity addition according to Galileo. The
velocity of an object depends on the frame of reference of the observer.
For example if two persons are standing on the back of a truck …ring
bullets in opposite directions then the bullets have di¤erent velocities
depending on the frame of the observer. In both directions the velocity
of the bullets is 1000 km/hr with respect to the men on the truck,
but these velocities are di¤erent with respect to the person in the rest
frame at the road. See the …gure below
The shape of the trajectory of a moving particle may also look
di¤erently when viewed from di¤erent frames of reference. For example
a ball thrown upward by an observer in a moving vehicle will have a
straight trajectory up and down but it will have a parabolic trajectory
when observed by an observer at rest on the road side.
However some Muslim thinkers declared that space and time are to be consid-
ered as two integral entities that cannot be separated from one another. (see: M.B.
Altaie, Daqiq al-Kalam: the Islamic Approach to the Philosophy of Nature).
12 Review of Special Relativity
2 :jpg
Figure 1-2 Relative velocity
Laws of Electrodynamics
James Clark Maxwell formulated the basic laws of electromagnetism
in one package to become laws of classical electrodynamics. These can
Review of Special Relativity 13
r:E = 0
r:B = 0 (1.3)
r E=
1 @E
r B= 2
c @t
where E is the electric …eld, and B is the magnetic …eld. The above
set of equations are called Maxwell Equations.
Anton Lorentz found that Maxwell’s equations are invariant un-
der Lorentz transformations while Newton’s laws are invariant under
Galilean transformations. Accordingly, and in order to resolve the
problem we have either to change the laws of electrodynamics and get
them to satisfy Galilean transformations or modify Newton’s laws to
make them satisfy Lorentz transformations. This caused a problem for
physicists studying the electrodynamics of moving bodies. The force
expressed in 3 components is not invariant under Lorentz transforma-
tions. Therefore, a new theory was needed to reformulate Newtonian
mechanics in terms of the new transformations so that it will be in
harmony with Maxwell’s electrodynamics.
Lorentz Transformations
Anton Henderik Lorentz was an active theoretician who tried to explain
the behavior of electrically charged moving bodies using the notion of
the aether. His investigations led him to discover that Maxwell’s equa-
tions are not invariant under Galilean transformations but are invari-
ant under new transformations that involves space and time. These
transformations, which are now called Lorentz transformations. In one
dimension these are given by
x t
x0 = q = (x vt)
1 c2
y0 = y
z0 = z (1.4)
t c2 xv
t0 = q = t
2 c2
where c = 1="0p0 is the velocity of light (or EM radiations) in vac-
uum, and = 1= 1 v 2 =c2 . From (1.4) it is clear that space is tightly
14 Review of Special Relativity
related with time and time is tightly related with space, whereas in the
Galilean transformations given by (1.1) space and time are separate
and independent.
s = ( x1 )2 + ( x2 )2 + ( x3 )2 + ( x4 )2
the spacial coordinates x1 ; x2 ; x3 stands for x; y; z and x4 should contain
the time. The easiest way to construct the time in harmony with spacial
coordinates is to take as ct. but since we are looking for an axis which
is to be perpendicular to the other 3 axes, we should consider setting
the new axis to be imaginary so that x4 = ict: As such the spacetime
interval can be expressed as
s = ( x)2 + ( y)2 + ( z)2 c2 ( t)2
x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z; x4 = ict
This should be invariant under Lorentz transformations given by (1.4).
An object at rest in the system S must have a velocity v with respect
dx1 dx1 iv
to system S; hence, for 0
= 0; dx4
= c
. Now Eqn. (1.7) give
cos + sin
0 = dx1
=0 (1.9)
dx4 sin + cos
1 iv=c
cos = =q ; sin =i =q (1.11)
v2 2
1 c2
1 vc2
and x
t c2
t0 = q = (t x=c)
1 c2
which are the …rst and the fourth equations of Lorentz transformations
given in (1.4).
Home Work (2): Verify that (1.5) is invariant under (1.4). This
means that
ds 2 = ds2 (1.12)
Note that in special relativity ds is called the spacetime interval but
later when we study General Relativity we will call it the spacetime
metric or the line element.
x = x (1.13)
So that
dx = dx (1.14)
Note that from now on we will label the coordinates with upper indices
and label coe¢ cients with upper, lower or mixed indices.
We will use the Einstein Summation Conversion by which repeated
18 Review of Special Relativity
indices are summed over without writing explicitly the summation sign,
so (1.13) becomes
x0 = x = 1x
+ 2x
+ 3x
+ 4x
where are constant coe¢ cients for a constant velocity belonging to
Lorentz transformations.
We note that
dx = dx
As mentioned above, the Lorentz transformations are required to pre-
serve the spacetime interval ds2 invariant, i.e.,
this leads to
0 1
0 0 i
B 0 1 0 0 C
C (1.17)
0 0 1 0 A
i 0 0
So that we can write Eqn. (??) in matrix form as
0 01 1 0 10 1 1
x 0 0 i x
B x02 C B 0 1 C
0 0 C B x2B C
B 03 C = B C (1.18)
@ x A @ 0 0 1 0 A @ x3 A
x04 i 0 0 x4
then 0 1
cosh 0 0 sinh
B 0 1 0 0 C
A (1.20)
0 0 1 0
sinh 0 0 cosh
this clearly correspond to rotation of the coordinates ict and x by angle
= i . For this reason we say that there is a homomorphic relation
ship between the Lorentz group and the rotation group. In fact rotation
in space forms a subgroup of the Lorentz group.
Review of Special Relativity 19
0 x
x =q (1.21)
1 c2
If L = x, and L0 = x therefore
L = L0 1 (1.22)
Note that x is the distance measured at rest. This shows that the
spatial distance contract as the object moves faster. This is called
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction.
Time dilation
A gain the time interval in relativity theory is not invariant too. It
could be easily proved that
t= q (1.23)
1 c2
20 Review of Special Relativity
Velocity addition
We can easily prove that the relativistic form of the velocity. This can
be obtained from the Lorentz transformations (1.4) where we have
dx dt
dx0 = q
1 c2
dt c2
dt0 = q
1 c2
0dx u
u = 0 = uv (1.24)
dt 1 c2
where u = dt
is the velocity of the object with respect to rest frame and
0 0
u = is the velocity of the object with respect to the frame moving
with velocity v with respect to the rest frame. The minus sign should
be used if the velocities are parallel, and the plus sign is to be used if
the velocities are anti-parallel
Length contraction and time dilation were known before Einstein
but the law of velocity addition and the relativity of simultaneity be-
came known to Albert Einstein …rst.
2. Two beam riders are moving in opposite directions with the speed
of light with respect to an inertial observer. What is the relative
speed of one rider with respect to. the other?
Review of Special Relativity 21
Relativity of Simultaneity
In pre-relativity physics simultaneous events where always possible be-
cause time was an independent variable. But since space and time are
now interdependent, therefore simultaneous events are no longer pos-
sible for two reasons:
For observers who are at rest with respect to each other there is always
a …nite time interval between them that is caused by the …niteness of
the velocity of light. This is given by
For observers in relative motion we have di¤erent coordinate-time mea-
sure depending on their relative velocities. Therefore the absolute si-
multaneity is lost according to special relativity. The situation can be
illustrated with the following example:
Consider the following experiment in the Einstein train. A light
source situated at the centre of the train A is switched on, and the
light beam travels forward and backward to reach the front and rear
ends of the train at the same time as viewed by an observer on the
train. Show that, as viewed from an observer on the road the arrival
of the light at these two points is not simultaneous, but reaches the
rear end of the train at a time vL=c2 before reaching the front end.
This means that a simultaneous event with respect to one observer
might not be simultaneous with respect to another observer. This is
an example of the relativity of simultaneity.
m = m0 (1 ) 2
1 2
m = m0 (1 + + :::)
2 c2
1 m0 2
m = m0 + + ::: (1.27)
2 c2
m = m0 + 2 + :::
Note also that the kinetic energy in special relativity is given by
E 2 = p2 c2 + m20 c4 (1.29)
This can be easily derived as follows. We have
m0 c2
1 c2
so that
m20 c4
E2 = 2
1 c2
Review of Special Relativity 23
and we have
m20 v 2 c2
p2 c2 = 2
1 c2
so that
E2 p2 c2 = m20 c4 :
Massless Particles
Massless particles are those for which the rest mass is zero like
photons. For massless particles like photons E = pc exactly, however,
we note that even for massive particles if the velocity is high (we call
them ultra-relativistic particles) then pc >> m0 c2 which means that
E ' pc: Most elementary particles acquire energies that allow them to
have high velocities and behave like ultra=relativistic particles.
Home Work (3d): Calculate the speed of a body that have total
energy equal twice its rest mass energy
Home Work (3e): A body at rest explode into two fragments
each of mass 1:0 kg that moves apart at speeds of 0:6c relative to the
original body. Find the mass of the original body.
Minkowski Spacetime
In 1907 Herman Minkowski suggested that a better realization of space-
time continuum could be achieved if we de…ne
x0 = ct; x4 = ict
x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z (1.30)
ds2 = dx dx (1.33)
24 Review of Special Relativity
0 1 0 1
00 01 02 03 1 0 0 0
B C B 0 1 0 0 C
10 11 12 13 C=B
A @ 0
C (1.34)
20 21 22 23 0 1 0 A
30 31 32 33 0 0 0 1
Spacetime diagrams
A spacetime diagram in 2d is formed of two axes one for time which may
be taken to be ct and the other for space which is taken by convention
as x. An event is represented in this diagram as a point. Accordingly
a line (collection of points) is a history. This history is called a world
The line x = ct is a border line between the physical world (the
timelike world) in which events are connected with signals propagating
with a velocity less than or equal that of light, and the non-physical
world (the spacelike world) in which events are connected by signals
moving with velocities greater than that of light in free space. The
upper part of the diagram con…ne all the future events while the lower
part contains all the past events. The origin is a singular point that
stands for the present.
If we draw inclined lines in Minkowski space then we are presenting
another inertial frame of reference moving with velocity v with respect
to the original one. In Fig. (1-5) we have such a frame of reference
Review of Special Relativity 25
The Light-Cones
From Minkowski diagrams we can form the so-called light-cone shown
in the Fig. (1-6) below;
Since time has become an extra dimension Einstein realized that the
structure of the physical world is based in 4 dimensional space-time.
Accordingly the physical vector quantities should be regarded as having
26 Review of Special Relativity
Figure 1-7 Two di¤erent light-cones one representing a point at rest and
the other is a point moving with constant velocity
A = en An = e1 A1 + e2 A2 + e3 A3 + e4 A4 (1.36)
The scalar components An can be obtained by scalar products:
An = en A (1.37)
where en are basis vectors that satisfy the orthonormality relations:
en em = nm : (1.38)
0 0
In a coordinate system S a vector A is de…ned as
0 0 0
A = A (x );
whereas a vector in S is de…ned as:
A = A(x );
and since
x = f (x ):
Therefore we can identify two types of vectors: covariant vectors and
contravariant vectors. These two types of vectors will be discussed later
in chapter three.
Review of Special Relativity 27
Velocity 4-Vector
The velocity 4-vector components are de…ned by
U =
dx dx x
U1 = Ux = = q =q
d dt 1
c2 c2
U2 = q
1 c2
U3 = q (1.41)
1 c2
dx4 icdt ic
U4 = = q =q
d dt 1
c2 c2
The 4-momentum
The Momentum 4-Vector is de…ned by
p = m0 u
m0 x
p1 = px = q
1 c2
m0 y
p2 = py = q (1.42)
1 c2
m0 z
p3 = pz = q
1 c2
m0 (ic)
p4 = pt = q ; (1.43)
1 c2
So we can write the 4-momentum as
28 Review of Special Relativity
p = (p; ) (1.44)
where p is the 3-momentum.Maxwell Equations in 4-Vector form
We mentioned earlier that the Maxwell equations of the Electro-
dynamics satisfy Lorentz transformations; therefore it would not be
in con‡ict with special relativity. It will su¢ ce to accommodate the
Maxwell equations into the framework of special relativity to reformu-
late them in terms of 4-vectors. For this purpose we remind the reader
that the four Maxwell equations are
1 @E 4
r H= + J
c @t c
1 @H
r E=
c @t
r:E = 4 (1.45)
r:H = 0
@ 4
F = J (1.46)
@x c
while the other two equations can be written as follows
@ @ @
F + F + F =0 (1.47)
@x @x @x
where F is the Electromagnetic Field Tensor given by
0 1
0 Hz Hy iEx
B Hz 0 Hx iEy C
F =B @ Hy
C (1.48)
Hx 0 iEz A
iEx iEy iEz 0
and J is the 4-current given by
J = (Jx ; Jy ; Jz ; ic ) (1.49)
This current satis…es the equation of continuity
=0 (1.50)
In order to verify that (1.46) and (1.47) are correct we make the
direct substitution
@F 1 @F 2 @F 3 @F 4 4
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
= J
@x @x @x @x c
Substituting for = 1 we …nd
Review of Special Relativity 29
@F 11 @F 12 @F 13 @F 14 4 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
= J (1.51)
@x @x @x @x c
and from (1.48) we …nd that
F 11 = 0; F 12 = Hz ; F 13 = Hy ; F 14 = iEx
and from (1.49) we …nd that
J 1 = Jx
Substituting in (1.51) we …nd that
@Hz @Hy @Ex 4
= + Jx
@y @z c @t c
Similarly, substituting for = 2; we …nd that
@Hx @Hz @Ey 4
= + Jy
@z @x c @t c
and for = 3 gives
@Hx @Hy @Ez 4
= + Jz
@y @x c@t c
So that if we multiply each of the above three equations by the respec-
tive unit vector and add them we …nd
1 @E 4
r H= + J
c @t c
which is the …rst of Maxwell’s equations written in (1.45).
Other values of will yield the other two equations and proper substi-
tutions for the values of ; and will yield the other two equations,
this will be left as homework for the students.
1. An observer on a spacecraft moving at 0:7c relative to the earth
…nds that a car takes 40:0 min to make a trip. How long does
the trip take to the driver of the car?
2. How fast must a spacecraft travel relative to the earth for each
day on the spacecraft to correspond to 2 d on the earth?
4. The mass of a particle is triple its rest mass. What is its speed?
6. How much work (in MeV) must be done to increase the speed of
an electron from 1:2 108 m/s to 2:4 108 m/s?
7. Show that 12 m 2 ; where m = m0 = 1 2 =c2 ; does not equal the
9. Verify that s
1 p2
p = 1+
1 2 =c2 m20 c2
10. Show that the relative velocity of two observers each moving with
velocity c with respect to the ground in the same direction is c.
@2 @2 @2
+ + r2 = 4 G (2.2)
@x2 @y 2 @z 2
where is the gravitational potential of a distribution of matter of
density .
In special relativity we have seen that Lorentz transformations is
required to preserve the invariance of physical quantities, and therefore,
to preserve the invariance of the new line element
d = c2 dt2 (dx2 + dy 2 + dz 2 ) (2.3)
The Galilean transformations cannot guarantee the constancy of the
velocity of light and furthermore the Newtonian description of gravity
implies the Principle of “Action at a distance” which means that the
gravitational interactions are taking place at in…nite speed, something
32 The Principles of General Relativity
1 @2
r2 = 4 G (2.4)
c2 @t2
Di¢ culties
If is a scalar …eld then must also be a scalar …eld. On the other
hand the equivalence of matter and energy requires us to recognize any
energy density as a source of gravitational potential. So that is the
00-component of second rank tensor and Eqn. (2.4) should read
1 @ 2 ik
2 2
r2 ik = 4 GTik (2.5)
c @t
But in this case what is the meaning of ik ? The above equation is
a second order equation of motion describing the propagation of a …eld
with the velocity of light in spacetime, so such a …eld can be the EM
…eld itself. therefore one question we come across will be how would the
light be a¤ected by gravitation? The other question that appears here
is: special relativity treats inertial frames that are free. Gravitational
…eld exerts acceleration, i.e. force. How can we bring both together??
ma =
And the gravitational mass obtained from the law of gravitation
mg =
The question is Does ma = mg ?
The Principles of General Relativity 33
General Covariance
As we have seen in chapter 1 the invariance of physical quantities in
special relativity under coordinate transformations of inertial frames
is necessary to maintain the universality of physics. Therefore, if we
will generalize the universality of physics to cover non-inertial frames
therefore we should look for physical quantities that preserve itself un-
der some general coordinate transformations. Also it is very important
that the form of the physical laws be preserved under such a general
coordinate transformations.
To guarantee these requirements Einstein postulated that
“The laws of physics should be invariant under general coordinate trans-
formations”. This was called The “Principle of General Covariance”.
The Principles of General Relativity 35
Physical implications
The requirement that the laws of physics be the same in all inertial and
none-inertial frames, with the fact that spacetime is now to be realized
as a continuum, implies that the physical quantities get expressed in
terms of objects that allows for the integrity of the spacetime. From
our experience with special relativity we can infer that these objects
are to be described in 4 dimensional space no less. On the other hand
taking into consideration that now space and time might be curved
suggests that four vectors might not be su¢ cient to cover the whole
spacetime manifold. Four vectors can only be realized in a local coor-
dinate system.
ds2 = g dx dx (2.6)
where we adopt the notations
x = (x0 ; x1 ; x2 ; x3 ) = (ct; x; y; z) g = g (x )
is the metric tensor.
Obviously this means that
ds2 = g00 dx0 dx0 + g01 dx0 dx1 + g02 dx0 dx2 + g14 dx0 dx3
+g10 dx1 dx0 + g11 dx1 dx1 + g12 dx1 dx2 + g13 dx1 dx3
+g20 dx2 dx0 + g21 dx2 dx1 + g22 dx2 dx2 + g23 dx2 dx3
+g30 dx3 dx0 + g31 dx3 dx1 + g32 dx3 dx2 + g33 dx3 dx3
The disappearance of the cross terms will mean that the spacetime
is axi-symmetric. Then the metric will take the diagonal form
x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z; x4 = ict
But it is also possible to use
x0 = ct; x1 = x; x2 = y; x3 = z;
where ix0 = x4 . In every case we have 4 coordinates.
Geometrical realization
A spacetime can be one of three types:
Flat: in which Euclidean geometry applies, e.g. the sum of the angels
of a triangle equals 180 degrees, the ratio of the circumference of a
circle to its radius is 2 , etc. Minkowski spacetime is an example of
‡at spacetime.
The Principles of General Relativity 37
Accelerated Observers
Consider the Minkowski spacetime with the standard line element
c2 gt0 gt0
x= cosh 1 + x0 cosh
g c c
0 0
c gt x gt0
y = y 0 ; z = z 0 ; t = sinh + sinh (2.12)
g c c c
we obtain
2 2 gx0
ds = c 1 + 2 dt02 dx02 dy 02 dz 02
How can we interpret this line element? Clearly this line-element
is describing an accelerated coordinate system in which time is bent
gx0 0
dt = 1 + 2 dt (2.13)
c2 gt0 c gt0
x= cosh 1 ; y = 0; z = 0; t = sinh
g c g c
This shows that the primed coordinate system is an accelerated sys-
tem with uniform acceleration g with respect to the un-primed system.
We will come back to this metric later in chapter 4.
Rotating Coordinates
Described in cylindrical coordinates, a ‡at Minkowski space time is
described by the line element
ds2 = c2 dt2 dr2 r2 d2 dz 2
A rotating coordinate system S is described by the coordinates
0 0 0 0
t = t; r = r ; = !t; z = z (2.14)
The Principles of General Relativity 39
Accordingly the line element in S will be
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 0
ds 2 = (c2 ! 2 r 2 )dt 2 2!r 2 d dt dr 2 r 2d dz 2
Dropping the primes we then have for the invariant spacetime interval
in a rotating frame
ds2 = (c2 ! 2 r2 )dt2 2!r2 d dt dr2 r2 d dz 2
But since
ds2 = g dx dx = g00 dx0 + 2g0i dx0 dxi + gik dxi dxk
Therefore we conclude that in a rotating frame
0 2 2 !r2
(1 !c2r ) 0 c
B 0 1 0 0 C
g =B @ !r 2
A (2.15)
0 r 0
0 0 0 1
The fact that the frame is rotating is shown in the terms g02 and g20
and also in g00 . This expresses the fact that a rotating frame is not
Minkowskian. Let us investigate time intervals and distances in this
frame of reference. The interval is given by the di¤erence between the
coordinate time at two points on …xed r, ; and z. This is
ds2 = g00 c2 dt2 = (c2 ! 2 r2 )dt2 = c2 d 2
therefore the proper invariant time is given by
p !2 r2
d = g00 dt = 1 dt (2.17)
!2 r2
Since c2
< 1 then d < dt:
1. The usual formula for the period T of a simple pendulum of length
l is s
T =2
where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Denoting the iner-
tial mass of the pendulum bob by mi and its gravitational mass
by mg , derive an alternative expression for T in terms of these
masses, the radius R of the Earth and its mass Mg .
2. By employing spherical polar coordinates show that the circum-
ference C of a circle of radius R inscribed on a sphere S 2 (as in
Fig. 2-4) obeys the inequality C < 2 R.
40 The Principles of General Relativity
Chapter 3
Coordinate transformations
Consider two coordinate systems xi and x0i . We will assume that in
the overlapping region where the two coordinates overlap the functions
of xi and x i are twice di¤erentiable.
0 0
x i = x i (xk )
@xk 0 i
dxk = dx (3.2)
@x0 i
42 Tensors and Tensor Calculus
So that
@x i @xk i
= l (3.3)
@xk @x0 l
These transformations are valid if
@x i
jj k jj 6= 0 (3.4)
This means that the transformation matrix should be non-singular.
Quantities that do not change their magnitude under coordinate trans-
formations are called Scalars.
A scalar …eld is a function of spacetime coordinates that does not
change under any transformation of the type discussed above. Thus
0 0 0
[xi ] = [xi (x k )] = (x k ) (3.5)
The quantity ds2 , which is the square of the distance between two
neighboring points, is unchanged under coordinate transformations1 .
0 0 0
gik dxi dxk = gik dx i dx k (3.6)
Using (3.1)-(3.3) we …nd that
0 @xl @xm
gik = glm (3.7)
@x0 i @x0 k
This equation relates the metric tensor of two spacetimes. In a ‡at
spacetime det jgj = 1.
These are quantities that are completely speci…ed by their magnitude
and direction. Having the direction in their de…nition does not allow
preserving them under coordinate transformation. In fact there are two
types of vectors under coordinate transformation
In some books this requirement is taken as if it is an axiom.
Tensors and Tensor Calculus 43
Ai (P ) jP
de…nes the components of the tangent vector to at the point P .
Conversely, given a set of four quantities Ai at P we can construct a
curve P by choosing = 0 at P and de…ning
xi ( ) = xiP + Ai (3.8)
in a small neighborhood of P . Then Ai will be the components of a
tangent vector to & P at P .
In another coordinate system x0i we can de…ne A0i (P )in the same way
as before. The relation between Ai and A0i is given by
0 0 0
0i@x i k @x i 1 @x i 2
A = A = A + A + ::::::: (3.9)
@xk @x1 @x2
Any set of components that transforms like (3.9) constitutes a Con-
travariant vector.
Covariant vectors
Let '(xi )be a scalar function of xi . The equations '(xi )= C, for various
values of C, describes a set of 3-dimensional surfaces in the spacetime.
The normal to the surface at a point P is dx i so we de…ne:
@'(xk )
Bi = (3.10)
0 @'
Bk = : (3.11)
@x0 k
The relationships between the components of this normal vector in
coordinate systems xi and x0i are given by
0i @x i k @xl l k
A Bi0 = A Bl = k A Bl = Al Bl (3.14)
@xk @x0 i
Example (1)
Given the vector V being described in two dimensional Cartesian
coordinate with the components (V x ; V y ); express V in polar coordi-
nates with the components (V r ; V ):
Solution: We have two coordinate systems x = (x; y) and x =
(r; ) with r = (x2 + y 2 )1=2 and = tan 1 ( xy );
@r x @r y
Vr = V + V
@x @y
@ x @ y
V = V + V
@x @y
@r x @r y @ 1 @ 1
Now @x = r
= cos ; @y
= r
= sin and @x
= r sin
; @y
= r cos
V r = cos V x + sin V y
1 1
V = Vx+ Vy
r sin r cos
@x @y
Vr = Vx + Vy
@r @r
= cos Vx + sin Vy
@x @y
V = Vx + Vy
@ @
= r sin Vx + r cos Vy
V V = V r Vr + V V = V x Vx + V y Vy
Tensors and Tensor Calculus 45
We learned that a vector in any n-dimensional space is an object that
represent the resultant of its components. A vector V has a magnitude
and de…nite direction. Vectors are used to describe linear quantities
which have their e¤ect is a well de…ned direction, like the electric …eld
for example. However, Tensors are objects with di¤erent character,
they do not have de…nite directions, instead a tensor like Tij is an
object de…ned by its sole components. Tensors describe quantities with
character of a distribution over a surface or a volume of any dimension.
An example of a tensor is the torsion tensor.
Contravariant tensors
A quantity T i1 i2 i3 :::in transforming like:
0 0 0 0
@x i1 @x i2 @x i3 @x in j1 j2 j3 ::::jn
0 i i i :::i
T =
1 2 3 n
::: T : (3.15)
@xj1 @xj2 @xj3 @xjn
is called a Contravariant tensor of rank n.
Covariant tensor
A quantity transforming like
0 @xj1 @xj2 @xj3 @xjn
Ti1 i2 i3 :::in = ::: Tj j j ::::j : (3.16)
@x0 i1 @x0 i2 @x0 i3 @x0 in 1 2 3 n
is called a covariant tensor of rank n.
Mixed tensors
A quantity transforming like
0 0
0 i i i :::i
@x i1 @x i2 @xl1 @xl2
T 1 2 3
j1 j2 j3 :::jm ::::
@xk1 @xk2 @x0 j1 @x0 j2
@x n @xlm
::::::::::::: kn 0 jm Tlk11l2k:::l
2 :::kn
@x @x m
0 1
T 00 T 01 T 02 T 03
B T 10 T 11 T 12 T 13 C
T ij =B
@ T 20
C (3.18)
T 21 T 22 T 23 A
T 30 T 31 T 32 T 33
(T 00 is the time-time component, T 11 , T 22 , T 33 are spatial compo-
nents, others are mixed components)
Note that here we are using the Einstein summation convention. The
metric tensor gik transform like a 2nd -rank tensor.
@xk @xl
gij0 = gkl (3.20)
@x0i @x0j
We now introduce the inverse of the matrix gik : Assuming that
g = det jjgik jj 6= 0
Because of the quadratic form (3.19) has a signature of 2 therefore
g < 0. Writing the inverse matrix as g jk , we get
gij g jk = i: (3.21)
The determinant g does not transform like a scalar. We have
0 @xk @xl
g 0 = det jjgij jj = det jj gkl jj
@x0i @x0j
@xk @xl
= det jj 0 i jj: det jjgkl jj: det jj 0 j jj
@x @x
0 2
= [Jfx ! x g] :g;
x ! x0
Tensors and Tensor Calculus 47
So that
0 2
ds 2 = dr2 + r2 d (3.24)
Home Work (5):
k k
1. Given gij g ik = i, show that i transforms like a 2nd rank mixed
gik Ak = Ai (3.25)
g ik Ai = Ak (3.26)
Magnitude of a Vector
We de…ne the magnitude of a vector as
A2 = gik Ai Ak (3.27)
= g00 A0 A0 + g01 A0 A1 + ::::::::: (3.28)
AB cos = Ai B i = scalar = A0 B 0 + A1 B 1 + A2 B 2 + A3 B 3
0 1
>0 then Ai is called time-like
gik Ai Ak = @ < 0 then Ai is called space-like A (3.29)
=0 then Ai is called null vector
Note that
1 1
Tik = (Tik + Tki ) + (Tik Tki ) = T(ik) + T[ik] (3.30)
2 2
T[ik] = (Tik Tki )
is the antisymmetric part of the tensor. A totally antisymmetric tensor
can be constructed accordingly.
Generally for any order
1 X
T(i1 ::::in ) = Tip1::::::: ipn (3.31)
n! p
1 X
T[i1 ::::in ] = ( 1)p Tip1::::::: ipn (3.32)
n! p
@Ak @Ai
Fik = ;
@xi @xk
where Ak are the components of the electromagnetic vector potential.
The EM …eld tensor is given by
0 1
0 Hz Hy iEx
B Hz 0 Hx iEy C
F ik =B
@ Hy
C (3.33)
Hx 0 iEz A
iEx iEy iEz 0
Home Work (7): Verify that the four Maxwell equations can be
written in the forms
F[ij;k] = 0 and that F;kik = j i
50 Tensors and Tensor Calculus
Levi-Civita tensor:
Consider the antisymmetric symbol
0 1
+1; for permutation of (ijkl)
[ijkl] = @ 1; for permutation of (ijkl) A
0; for repetition of indices
= ( g 0 )1=2 [ijkl]
= 0ijkl (3.34)
1 ijkl
d = dxi dxj dxk dxl
l 1 ijkl
d = dxi dxj dxk
ij 1 ijkl
d = dxk dxl
Parallel Transport
When we move a vector normal to a surface parallel to itself in Euclid-
ean space then we can be sure that the vector will be kept normal at
all times with no change in its direction or magnitude. But when we
Tensors and Tensor Calculus 51
Bi = ik Bl xk
where jk are functions of spacetime and are called Christofell Symbols.
Covariant di¤erentiation
How would the quantity @xk
@Bk @ @xi
= Bi
@x0 m @x0 m @x0k
@Bk @xi @Bi @ 2 xi
0m = 0k 0m + Bi
@x @x @x @x0 m @x0 k
@Bk @xi @Bi @xn @ 2 xi
= + Bi
@x0 m @x0 k @xn @x0 m @x0 m @x0 k
@Bk @xi @xn @Bi @ 2 xi
0m = 0k 0m + Bi (3.35)
@x @x @x @xn @x0 m @x0 k
Because of the second term this quantity does not transform like a
tensor if the coordinates are second di¤erentiable. Such a case happens
when we deal with accelerated systems; otherwise if the coordinate
system is inertial (v =constant), then the coordinates will not be second
di¤erentiable and the derivative of a vector will transform like a tensor.
As we have seen above a translation of a vector a long a curve will not
guarantee its invariance unless we require parallel transport.
The di¤erence between the continuous and dotted vector in the …gure
above is given by
Bi (xk + xk ) Bi (xk ) k Bi k
Bi (xk + xk ) Bi (xk ) + Bi = x x
xk xk
@Bi l
= ik Bl xk
@Bi l l
Bi;k = ik Bl = Bi;k ik Bl (3.36)
This is called the covariant derivative of a vector.
If Bi;k would transform like a tensor (of 2nd rank) then l
ik transform
Home Work (8)(a) Prove the above expression. (b) Using (3.13)
Show that Bi;k transforms like a 2nd rank tensor.
The second term on right hand side shows that does not transform
like a tensor.
A scalar like Ai Ai is invariant under coordinate transformation, so
Tensors and Tensor Calculus 53
0 0
Ai A i ;k
= Ai A i (3.38)
From the de…nition of the covariant derivative above and this relation-
ship we can prove that
Ai;k = + i
lk A
Tj;k = + i
pk Tjp p i
jk Tp (3.40)
@gik p p
gik;l = ( il ) gpk ( kl ) gip (3.41)
1. Which of the following expressions are invalid with respect to
the summation convention? Simplify those expressions that are
valid. (a) Aij B jk Ajl , (b) gik g ik , (c) Rik gik , (d) eiklm eiklm , T ik
glk (e).
2. Show that the product of two tensors is a tensor.
3. Aik is a tensor such that the matrix (Aik ) is non-singular. Show
that the components of the inverse matrix transform as a tensor.
4. Use two dimensional polar coordinates (r, ) on Euclidean plane.
Let Ar and A be the radial and transverse components of a vector
A at a typical point chosen with respect to locally Cartesian axes,
with direction coinciding with = constant and r =constant, re-
spectively. Show that a parallel transport of the vector at a point
P to a neighboring point Q(r + r; + ) gives the component
of the vector Q as Ar + A ; A Ar .
5. Show by direct enumeration that the number of algebraically in-
dependent components of Riklm is 20.
54 Tensors and Tensor Calculus
Spacetime Curvature
Spacetime Geometry
56 Spacetime Curvature
K = k1 k2 = (4.1)
r 1 r2
Gauss showed that K does not depend on the choice of the vectors
1, 2, or equivalently on the planes of intersection. In this sense K is
an invariant of the surface at the point considered. It may, however,
have a positive or negative sign. Consider, for example, a sphere S 2 of
radius a. Because S 2 is a homogeneous space (like S 3 is) the curvature
is the same everywhere, so that at any point on the sphere both k1 and
k2 are equal to 1=a and
S2 : K = >0
Riemannian geometry
This is a non-Euclidean geometry describing spaces with positive cur-
vature, e.g. the surface of a sphere. The geometrical assumptions are
i i
(a) jk = kj
(b)gij;k = 0 (4.2)
In 4d space, ikl have 4 4 4 = 64 components. But under
condition (a) the number of independent components of ikj will be
reduced under to [(4 4) 6] 4 = 40.
The second condition implies
p p
gik;l = gik;l ( il ) gpk ( kl ) gip =0
gik;l = kjil + ijkl ; (4.3)
kjil =( il ) gpk
np 6= 0 (4.5)
in the coordinate system ( xi ) at a point P . Let the coordinates at P
be given by xiP , now de…ne a new coordinate in the neighborhood of P
x0i = 0i
kl P (xk xkP )(xl xlP )
Then at P we have
@x0i i @ 2 x0i
x0P i = 0; jP = k; jP + 0i
kl P =0
@xk @xk @xl
Then from
lk =0 (4.6)
This shows that the primed system we have chosen is locally ‡at. Notice
that this means that we have absorbed the variations coming from the
Christofell symbols into the derivatives.
Further by linear transformations (e.g., Vierbein transformations)
we can arrange to have a coordinate system with
gik = ik = diag(1; 1; 1; 1); kl =0 (4.7)
at any chosen point P . Such a coordinate system is called Locally
Inertial Coordinate system.
What do we mean by a straight line in Euclidean space? We know that
it is a line with unchanging direction and shortest distance.
Unchanging Direction
Let be a curve given by real parameters so that a typical point on
has coordinates xi ( ). The tangent vector to the curve at P has the
Ui = (4.8)
Unchanging direction means that as we move along the curve the
rate of change of U is zero. i.e.
Spacetime Curvature 59
dU i
Ui = + i
kl U
xl = 0
in terms of the components of U this becomes
d2 xi i dx dxl
+ kl =0 (4.9)
d 2 d d
A line de…ned by this equation in a Riemannian space is called Geo-
Equation of geodesics
We would like now to …nd the trajectories of particles in curved space-
time. This means that we need to …nd the equation of the geodesics.
Now multiply (4.9) by
and use (4.4)
dxi dxm
gim = constant (4.10)
d d
The parameter can be replace with the spacetime interval s and
the constant can be normalized to be 1 (time-like geodesic) or 1
(space-like geodesic) or is zero then it is called null geodesic. The
null geodesic is the path of light. So that in the physical Riemannian
spacetime the equation of motion is given by
d2 xi k
i dx dx
+ kl =0
ds2 ds ds
dxi dxm
gim =1 (4.11)
d d
60 Spacetime Curvature
Shortest Distance
It is not di¢ cult to prove that (4.9) describes the shortest distance in a
Riemannian space. The distance between two points P1 and P2 along
is given by
Z1 1=2
dxi dxk
s(P1 ; P2 j ) = gik d (4.12)
d d
s(P1 ; P2 j ) = 0 (4.13)
Z1 1=2
dxi dxk
S(P1 ; P2 ) = gik d if S(P1 ; P2 ) = 0; then S is minimum
d d
We have to solve
2 3
Z1 1=2 Z
4 dxi dxk 5 = 0 or
gik Ld = 0: (4.14)
d d
Example (1): Two dimensional Euclidean plane in Cartesian coordi-
nates. Here we have
ds2 = dx2 + dy 2
g11 = g22 = 1; g12 = g21 = 0; so all km = 0 and the geodesic
equations become
d2 x d2 y
= =0
ds2 ds2
solutions of this is x = as + c1 and y = bs + c2 , where a; b; c1 and
c2 are constants. Therefore, the geodesic is
y = Cx + D
ds2 = dr2 + r2 d (4.17)
then Christofell symbols are
1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
11 = 12 = 22 = 11 = 0; 21 = 12 = ; 22 = r
so the geodesic equations are
d2 r d
r =0 (4.18)
ds2 ds
d2 2 dr d
+ =0 (4.19)
ds r ds ds
We must verify that these equations describe straight lines. If dds = 0;
then =constant, and from (4.18) r = as + b which is a straight line.
0 0
Otherwise, if dds = 6= 0 then we divide (4.19) by to get
1d 2 dr
0 + =0
ds r ds
Integrating we obtain
ln + ln r2 = const.
0 d
r2 = r2 = h = const. (4.20)
62 Spacetime Curvature
Dividing the equation for the metric (4.17) by ds2 and using (4.20)
2 2
dr d
1 = + r2
ds ds
dr h2
= +
ds r2
dr 1 2 1l2
= r h2 (4.21)
ds r
accordingly (4.17) gives
d h
= 2 (4.22)
ds r
dividing (4.21) and (4.22) we obtain
d h d 1 h
= = cos
dr r (r2 h2 )1=2 dr r
1 h
0 = cos
= cos( 0) (4.23)
which is the equation of a straight line in polar coordinates (see Fig.
h cot
cos ( 0) +q =0
this means that
A cos + B sin + C cot = 0
If we multiply by r sin then we obtain the form
x+ y+ z =0
x = A sin cos ; y = B sin sin ; z = C cos
It thus represents a plane section of the sphere through the origin, i.e.
a great circle. This is what we set out to prove.
i @ imk @ iml i n i n
Rmlk = + nl mk nk ml (4.29)
@xl @xk
Ai;kl = l
+ inl An;k n i
kl A;n
= Ai;kl + imk;l Am + i m
mk A;l
i n i n m
+ nl A;k + nl mk A
n i n i m
lk A;n lk mn A
Ai;kl Ai;lk = ( i
ml;k + i n
nl mk
ml )A
Riklm = [gim;kl + gkl;im gmk;il gil;mk ] (4.30)
Riklm;p = [gim;k;lp + gkl;imp gmk;ilp gil;mkp ] (4.31)
Symmetry Properties of Rmlk
Since the symmetry properties of a tensor do dot depend on the coor-
dinate system we can use (4.30) and …nd that
Number of components
A 4th rank tensor generally has 44 = 256 components. However, be-
cause of the symmetry properties (4.32), the number of independent
components of Rmlk is only 20.
Ricci tensor
The Ricci tensor is de…ned by
g im Riklm = Rkl
p p
@ 2 ln g @ ikl m@ ln g
= k l l
+ mkn
lm kl m
@x @x @x @x
It is clear that
R = g kl Rlk (4.35)
Constant Curvature
In a spacetime of constant curvature we have
Rpm = gpm (4.36)
where n = gii .
A spacetime satisfying (4.36) is called Einstein space. For such a
spacetime the Riemann tensor can be written as
Rptmn = (gnt gpm gmt gpn ) (4.37)
n(n 1)
by taking the divergence of (4.37) and using (4.41) we …nd for n 3
mi mi mi
Rjk;l + Rlj;k + Rkl;j =0 (4.42)
and put m = k, i = j to get
m i
R;l Rl;m Rl;i =0 (4.43)
which is equivalent to (4.41).
Home Work (13): Consider the surface of 2-sphere S 2 :
ds2 = a2 d + sin2 d'2 :
Find the components of Rij then show that R = g ij Rij = a2
i i
1. Show that if kl 6= lk then the condition gik;l = 0 implies that
i 1
(kl) = g im (gmk;l + gml;k gkl;m ) + g im gkn n
[lm] + g im gl n
n [km]
2. Show that if [kl] 6= 0 it will transform as a tensor.
1 1 1
3. Calculate 00 ; 11 ; 22 for the line element
2 2 2GM 2 2GM 2
ds = c 1 dt 1 dr2 r2 d + sin2 d'2
c2 r c2 r
where M; G; c are constants. Compare the result for 00 for
c2 r
<< 1 with the Newtonian gravitational acceleration.
4. Calculate Rki and R for the metric
(ds)2 = c2 (dt)2 e2H t (dr)2 + r2 (d )2 + sin2 (d )2
and show that this metric describes an empty spacetime if it is to
satisfy the modi…ed Einstein …eld equations with the cosmological
constant = 3H 2 =c2 .
Chapter 5
r2 ' = 4 G (5.1)
should take into account (a) the equivalence of gravitational and inertial
masses, and (b) that this equation should be invariant under Lorentz
transformation. This means that (5.1) should take the general form
g lm rl rm ik = 4 GTik (5.2)
where rl is a covariant derivative, Tik is the energy-momentum tensor
and ik is a second rank tensor that is related to the gravitational po-
tential. The hint that g44 being related to the Newtonian gravitational
potential may suggest that gik or a suitable multiple of it may replace
ik , but since the covariant derivative of gik vanishes rules out such a
There is another tensor that contains the …rst and second derivatives
of gik and plays an important part in the geometry of spacetime; this is
the Riemann curvature tensor Rijkl . However this is a 4th rank tensor,
but a better substitute would be the combination
68 The Field Equations
T;kik = 0 (5.5)
This is necessary to maintain that the total energy and momentum is
conserved. Using the symmetry of the Ricci tensor we see that (5.4)
follows as an identity if we choose in (5.3) b = 21 a. Accordingly we
get the Einstein equations to read
Rik gik R = Tik (5.6)
This is the Einstein Field equation for non-empty spacetime, where
8 G
= (5.7)
is a constant which was calculated later by Einstein assuming that his
equation should reduce to Newton’s equation in the weak …eld limit
as we will see below. It is clear from (5.6) that the Einstein …eld
equation is equating geometry to the energy-momentum content of the
spacetime. This implies that the geometry of the spacetime is produced
according to the energy-momentum content of the spacetime; the LHS
of (5.6) is pure geometry whereas the RHS is pure matter/energy. This
was coined in a beautiful sentence by John Wheeler saying that "Matter
tells spacetime how to curve and spacetime tells matter how to move"
This, in some sense, indicates the equivalence of matter/energy and
In 4d-spacetime, the set of equations (5.6) represent 16 di¤erential
equations that are reduced to 10 independent equations by the sym-
metry properties of Rik .
In fact the Einstein equations can be derived rigorously from the
gravitational action
I= R gd4 x (5.8)
same form as that of the Newton’s equation of motion and his gravi-
tational law. This was the argument used in order to determine as
given in (5.6). Taking c = 1, we can assume that the metric tensor for
a weak gravitational …eld can be written as
j hik j<< 1
This means that terms second order and higher in h will be ignored.
Also indices of h will be raised and lowered by ik rather than gik .
We de…ne
T44 = (5.11)
All other components of Tik are zero.
Now let us contract (5.6) multiplying by g ik and sum over i and k
(with g ik gik = 4) we get
R 2R = T
so that
R= T (5.12)
therefore we can write
Rik = Tik gik T (5.13)
Using (5.9) we get
1 lm 1
Rik = hik;lm + h;ik hli;lk hlk;il (5.14)
2 2i
Ignoring the time derivatives we get
1 2
R44 = r h44 (5.15)
So that from (5.13) and (5.15) we get
T44 g44 T = =2 (5.16)
so that
r2 h44 = (5.17)
70 The Field Equations
2r2 = (5.18)
Comparing with the Poisson equation for the gravitational …eld
r2 = 4 G
We …nd that
=8 G (5.19)
If c were introduced we would get
= G
So that the full Einstein …eld equations read
1 8 G
Gik Rik gik R = Tik (5.20)
2 c4
These are the Einstein …eld equations for a spacetime with a source
inside it. It is important to notice that these equations unify Mat-
ter and Geometry. The right hand side contains purely geometrical
terms, whereas the left hand side contains the energy-momentum ten-
sor, which represents matter. It was the Einstein dream to convert the
left hand side into a geometrical expression, but was never fruitfully
Energy-Momentum Tensor
The energy momentum tensor plays a central role in general relativity;
it is the source for the Einstein …eld equations. Consequently, the
geometrical properties of the spacetime will be determined according
to the form of Tik .
The form of Tik is di¤erent for the di¤erent forms of matter and energy.
It is normally derived from the action principle.
Basically Tik has 4 4 = 16 components. But practically all except
the diagonal components are zero, such that Tik becomes
0 1
T00 0 0 0
B 0 T11 0 0 C
Tik = B
@ 0
C (5.21)
0 T22 0 A
0 0 0 T33
Here we are not going to consider the derivation of the energy mo-
mentum tensor but will give the forms that are most common after we
outline the derivation method.
The general formula for Tik is
" #
@L 1 @L mn @L 1 ik
T ik = 2 + g gmn;l Lg (5.22)
@gik;l ;l 2 @gik;l @gik 2
Special Cases
(A) EM …eld
The action of the EM …eld is
XZ 1
p X Z
lm 4
A= ma da Flm F gd x ea Ai dxi (5.25)
16 a
L= Fik F ik
@L 1 1 m
= F;l Fkm g lm = F Fkm
@g ik 8 8 i
1 1
Tik = Fim Fkm Flm F lm gik (5.26)
(em) 4 4
u u u
Tik = (T11 ; T22 ; T33 ; T44 ) = diag ; ; ;u (5.27)
(em) 3 3 3
72 The Field Equations
T ik = 0v
i k
v ; (5.28)
T 44 = 0 + 3P = (5.30)
In a general (non-rest, non-locally inertial) frame of reference we
may write
T ik = (p + )v i v k pg ik ; (5.31)
T 44 = 0 (5.32)
Tik = 0 (5.33)
Accordingly (5.20) becomes
Gik Rik gik R = 0 (5.34)
These equations represent the gravitational …eld outside the gravitating
source (i.e. outside the massive distribution). Note that if the space-
time is empty then this does not imply that it should be necessarily
‡at, so that we can have a curved spacetime but without energy matter
content and the Einstein …eld equations still will have a non-trivial so-
lution. Also we note that, in the weak …eld solution, the gravitational
The Field Equations 73
= (6.1)
76 The Schwarzschild Solution
2 2
ds2 = Ac2 dt2 Bdr2 Cr2 d + sin2 d + Ddtdr (6.2)
C = 1 and D = 0 (6.3)
ds2 = e c2 dt2 e dr2 r2 d + sin2 d'2 (6.5)
where ;and ;are functions of t and r.
R 2R = T
Rik = 0 (6.8)
s 1 @gmi @gmk @gik
ik = g ms + (6.11)
2 @xj @xi @xm
and the explicit forms (6.9) and (6.10) we …nd that
1 1@ 0 1@ 1 @
10 = ; 00 = ; 100 = e ;
2 @t 2 @t 2 @r
1 1
22 = re ; 33 = r sin2 e ;
3 3 2 1 1 1@
23 = 32 = cot ; 33 = sin cos ; 10 = 01 = :(6.12)
2 @t
where the prime denotes di¤erentiation with respect to R and dot is
di¤erentiation with respect to T
The (00) and (11) components of gives
1 1
R00 = e + =0 (6.13)
r r2 r2
1 1
R11 = e + + =0 (6.14)
r r2 r2
From these we get
0 0 @( + )
+ =0) =0 (6.15)
This means,
+ = f (t) (6.16)
The arbitrary function f (T )can, however, be set to equal zero since
we still have an arbitrary time transformation. Therefore we can take
without loss of generality
78 The Schwarzschild Solution
+ =0 (6.17)
=0 (6.18)
e =e =1 ; (A = const:) (6.19)
This means that the line-element (6.5) becomes
A A 2
ds =2
1 2
c dt 2
1 dr2 r2 (d + sin2 d 2 ) (6.20)
r r
2GM 2GM 2
ds2 = 1 c2 dt2 1 dr2 r2 (d + sin2 d 2 )
c2 r c2 r
This is known as the Schwarzschild line element. This solution is man-
ifestly static.
0 0 m 1 m (r 2m) 1 m
10 = 01 = ; 00 = ; 11 =
r(r 2m) r3 r(r 2m)
22 = (r 2m); 133 = (r 2m) sin
2 2 1
12 = 21 = 313 = 331 = ; 233 = sin cos
3 3
23 = 32 = cot ; all others = 0: (6.26)
where m = GMc2
For i = 0 (using our usual convention of coordinates) this give us
:: 2m ::
t+ tr = 0 (6.27)
r(r 2m)
d 2m :
1 t =0
ds r
and the solution is
2m :
1 t = b = constant (6.28)
For i = 2 we get
:: 2:: :
+ r sin cos =0 (6.29)
For i = 3 we get
2: : :: : :
+ r cot =0 (6.30)
For i = 1 we take the expression
2m 2m
ds2 = 1 c2 dt2 1 dr2 r2 (d 2 +sin2 d 2 ) (6.31)
r r
and divide both sides by ds2 = c2 d 2
to get
1 :2
2m :2 2m r r2 : 2 :2
1= 1 t 1 ( + sin2 ) (6.32)
r r c2 c2
The use of this form is useful in case we want to consider the trajectories
of light rays in the background of Schwarzschild spacetime in that case
we only need to set the LHS to 0 instead of 1.
The Schwarzschild Solution 81
d2 1 1 mc2 3m
+ = 2 + 2 (6.37)
d 2 r r a r
This is the di¤erential equation for the orbits in Schwarzschild space-
If we have light rays propagating in the Schwarzschild spacetime
then the equation for the orbit will be
d2 1 1 mc2 3m
+ = 2 + 2 (6.38)
d 2 r r a r
82 The Schwarzschild Solution
p = a0 1 e2 (6.40)
The real …eld for testing general relativity is the whole universe because
the gravitational …eld, unlike the electromagnetic …eld, can only be
obtained naturally and cannot be generated in the laboratories. The
Earth’s gravitational …eld is too weak in comparison with the strength
required by general relativity to manifest its predictions. In order to
get sense of the time dilation caused by gravity for example we write
Eq. (6.24) as
t= q (7.1)
1 c2 r
where t1 refers to the time at a point very far from the mass M. So
t t1 2GM
= 1 (7.2)
t1 c2 r
t t1 GM
' (7.3)
t1 c2 r
86 Experimental Test of General Relativity
x = x ( ); = 1; 2; 3;
x = x0 ( ) + ;
= const: (7.5)
This describes a light ray leaving A at tA + =c and reaching B at
tB + =c.
Now in the rest frame of A the time interval =c corresponds to our
proper time interval (measured by A) of
cn 1=2
A = [g00 (a )]
A : B
z= (7.9)
A c 2 RE
White dwarf stars like Sirius B and 40 Eridani B does show redshifts
in the range of 10 4 to 10 5 , which is of the right order of magnitude.
More reliable and quantitatively accurate measurement, however are
possible only in a terrestrial experiments. For example in 1960 Pound
and Rebka measured the change in the frequency of a gamma-ray pho-
ton emitted by an excited iron nucleus as it fell from a height of 60 70
feet. As such a photon falls though a height h, the Newtonian poten-
tial increases by gh where g is the acceleration due to gravity at the
Earth’s surface. From (7.9) we see that the photon should undergo a
blueshift, that is its frequency increases by a fraction gh=c2 . Although
this fraction is as small as 10 15 , it can be measured by modern lab-
oratory techniques (Mossbaeur spectrometry). The Pound and Rebka
experiment and other’s later works have con…rmed the gravitational
redshift e¤ect.
d2 1 1 3m
2 + = 2 (7.10)
d r r r
If no massive object exist in the pathway of the light ray then we have
a straight path as in …g. (7-3)
d2 1 1
+ =0
d 2 r r
which has the solution
1 1
= cos (7.11)
r r0
Experimental Test of General Relativity 89
r 0
d2 1 1 3m
2 + = 2 cos2
d r r r0
which has the general solution
1 1 m
= cos + 2 (1 + sin2 )
r r0 r0
For the straight path if r ! 1 then ! 2 : But for the curved path
if r ! 1 then ! 2 + , where is the angle of bending. Therefore
we can write
1 m
0 = cos + 2 (1 + sin2 )j = =2+
r0 r0
This gives
1 m
sin + 2 (1 + cos2 ) = 0
r0 r0
We expect that will be very small angle for moderately massive
objects like the Sun so that we can use the approximation
1 2m
+ 2 =0
r0 r0
which means that
= (7.12)
since the de‡ection of the light ray is occurring twice once before en-
countering the closest distance with the Sun and once after that then
we should take the total de‡ection to be 2 : This means that the total
de‡ection written in terms of the mass of the de‡ecting object is
4m 4GM
=2 = = 2 (7.13)
r0 c r0
90 Experimental Test of General Relativity
For the case of the Sun r = 7 105 km, Msun = 2 1030 Kg, so that
= = 1: 75" (7.14)
c2 r0
Gravitational Lensing
The power of large masses to bend light paths invites comparison with
optical lenses, hence the topic of ‘gravitational lensing’. The analogy,
however, is not complete, as we shall see.
First, consider light coming from in…nity and bent by a ‘lens’L to
reach an observer O. Call the distance of closest approach between
the light path and the lens b –an ‘impact parameter’. The bending of
the light path may be simply represented as taking place at one point,
discontinuously, as shown in Fig. (7-4). (Note that the angles involved
here are extremely small; of the order of a few seconds of arc at most,
as we saw above. The diagram is therefore greatly exaggerated.) Light
is detected by the observer at a distance D from L:
D= (7.15)
However, from (7.13) above = = b
D= (7.16)
Experimental Test of General Relativity 91
1 Ds = s Ds + aDLS (7.17)
92 Experimental Test of General Relativity
4m 4m
= =
b 1 DL
4 mDLS
1 = s +
1 DL Ds
E = (7.19)
and E is called the ‘Einstein angle’.
2 4m
E (7.20)
This equation has two solutions, 1 and 2 (which are of di¤erent signs).
Their product is
j 1 2j = E = (7.23)
We now …nd one more relation between 1 and 2 . This depends on
the di¤ering path lengths of the two rays. Consider a point P in the
observer plane on the line SL extrapolated, as in Fig. (7-7). From P
an Einstein ring is seen: so in the planar diagram light fronts arriving
along the two paths do so at the same time. In addition, to a good
approximation, , the angle between these two rays, is equal to 1 +
2 , the corresponding angle at O. Let OP = d, CP = l1 , DP = l2 .
Also let CL = LD = h (and LO = D, above). Then by Pythagorean
q 1l2
2 (h + d)2 (h + d)2
l1 = D2 + (h + d) = D 1 + D+ (7.24)
D2 2D
94 Experimental Test of General Relativity
(h d)2
l2 D+ (7.25)
l1 = 2h
l2 = (7.26)
But 2h = D( 1 + 2 ), so l1 l2 = D( 1 + 2) and the time di¤erence
between the two signals arriving at P is
l1 l2 D
t= = ( 1 + 2) (7.27)
c c
On the other hand S (compare Figs. 7-6 and 7-7) and from the
theory of quadratic equations we have from (7.22)
2 2
j 1 + 2j = s (7.28)
D 2 2
t= j 1 2j (7.29)
2c t 2
j 1 2j = (7.30)
This is a second relation between 1 and 2 ; so by measuring 1 ; 2 and
t, the Equations (7.23) and (7.30) allow us in principle to determine D
and m, the distance away and mass of the lens. It was mentioned above
that this model is too simplistic; two e¤ects which have been ignored are
the echo delay e¤ect (the subject of the next section) and the expansion
of the Universe. Nevertheless we have shown how gravitational lensing
is a useful tool for cosmology.
Home Work (15): Calculate the Einstein angle for (a) Lensing
within the galaxy of a star by an object of one solar mass between us
and the star, (b) lensing of a source at a cosmological distance by our
Galaxy (M 109 M ).
1. Find the radius at which light would travel in a circular path
round a body of mass M , (i) according the General Relativity,
(ii) according to Newtonian theory.
v = Hr (8.1)
98 Cosmology
ds2 = c2 dt2 d h2 i
2 2 2 2
= c dt a2 d 2 2
+ sin d + sin 2
d' (8.4)
dr2 2 2
ds2 = c2 dt2 a2 + r2 d + sin2 d' (8.6)
1 r2
Dust Universe
Let us now apply the Einstein …eld equation to the line element in (8.4)
assuming that the spatial part of the universe is …lled with pressureless
dust. First we have
g00 = 1; g11 = 2
; g22 = a2 r2 ; g33 = a2 r2 sin2
1 r
1 r2 1 1
g 00 = 1; g 11 = , g 22
= , g 33
a2 a2 r 2 a2 r2 sin2
From which we can calculate the Christofell symbols
1 r 2 3 1 1
11 = ; 12 = 13 = ; 22 = r(1 r2 )
1 r2 r
33 = r(1 r2 ) sin2 ; 2
33 = sin cos ; 3
32 = cot
Accordingly the Ricci scalar and the components of Ricci tensor
can be calculated as follows
R = g ik Rik =
R00 = 0; R11 = 2 (8.9)
So that
1 3
R= 2 R00
2 a
1 1 2 1 1 1
R1 R = R2 R = R33 R= 2 (8.10)
2 2 2 a
From the above results we can calculate the RHS of the
Einstein equations
1 jk 8 G j
Rij g gik R = Ti
2 c4
1 j 8 G j
Rij iR = Ti
2 c4
1 8 G 0
R00 R= T0
2 c4
1 8 G
R R= T ( = 1; 2; 3) (8.11)
2 c4
100 Cosmology
So that
1 8 G 0
R00 R= T0 (8.12)
2 c4
1 8 G
R R= T ( = 1; 2; 3) (8.13)
2 c4
Now, if we assume that the universe is …lled with pressureless dust then
will have
3 8 G 1
= 0; =0 (8.15)
a2 c 2 a 2
Clearly no sensible solution can be drawn from this result. This means
that the original Einstein …eld equations do not lend itself to a static
spacetime solution.
1 8 G
Rik gik R + gik = Tik (8.16)
2 c4
3 8 G
+ = 0 (8.17)
a2 c2
+ =0 (8.18)
From which we deduce that
Cosmology 101
1=2 1=2
1 c 1
a= = (8.19)
2 G 0
a 1029 cm and 10 58
cm 2
The smallness of the value of the cosmological constant at present is
a striking feature of the universe. This is the subject of many recent
studies and investigations1 .
The Einstein universe went out of interest soon after Edwin Hubble
discovered that the universe is expanding. However recently the inter-
est in the Einstein universe revived in the context of studying quantum
…led theoretic e¤ects and thermodynamical e¤ects using this model.
H 2 r2 H 2 r2 2
ds2 = c2 1 dt2 1 dr2 r2 d + sin2 d'2
c2 c2
where H is a constant related to by
3H 2
= (8.22)
It is very easy to show that the de Sitter universe is empty!!
Home Work (16): Show that the de Sitter line element is a solu-
tion of the modi…ed Einstein …eld equations with for empty spacetime
and with a cosmological constant.
ds2 = c2 dt2 e2Ht dr2 + r2 d + sin2 d'2 (8.23)
2 2GM
Vesc = (8.26)
accordingly we get
V = Hr (8.27)
This is exactly the Hubble law for the velocity of galaxies.
dr2 2
ds2 = c2 dt2 S 2 (t) + r2 d + sin2 d'2 : (8.28)
1 kr2
The function S(t) is the scale factor and yet to be determined. Also
k is known as the curvature constant in this solution but it has to be
determined too. This can be normalized to take the values 1; 0 and 1.
We will take this occasion to talk about the scale factor S(t). On
a surface of, say a sphere, we can de…ne any point to be an origin.
Cosmology 103
The distance between two point S(t) can be a measure of the size of
the spherical surface and accordingly can be taken to stand for the
“radius”of the surface.
Also, since the distance in curved spacetime is coordinate-dependent,
therefore, some kind of a universal measure should be de…ned so as to
get a proper meaning for the distance; this is possible if we de…ne a
“proper distance”given by
D = S(t)r (8.29)
where S(t) is the scale factor and r is the radial position coordinate.
Friedmann Models
Earlier to the time when Robertson and Walker suggested their solu-
tions, Alexander Friedmann suggested a time-dependent solution for
the Einstein …eld equations in 1924. This model pre-assumes that the
universe is homogeneous and isotropic with the galaxies behaving like
particles of pressureless dust. The line element reads
dr2 2
ds2 = c2 dt2 S 2 (t) + r2 d + sin2 d'2 : (8.30)
1 kr2
2. Open ‡at model (k = 0): where the universe starts from a sin-
gularity S(t = 0) = 0 and expands in an decelerating mode till
reaching a coasting speed. This is also called the Einstein –de
Sitter universe.
c2 dt2 = S 2 (t) (8.31)
1 kr2
Integrating we have
+ t0 Zr1
cdt dr
= p
S(t) 1 kr2
t1 + t1 0
c t0 c t1 t0 S(t0 )
= ! = ;
S(t0 ) S(t1 ) t1 S(t1 )
S(t0 )
1+z = (8.32)
S(t1 )
z= 1 (8.33)
is called the cosmological redshift parameter. Note that this should not
be confused with the gravitational red shift, which is asymmetric.
S 2 (t)
g00 = 1; g11 = ; g22 = r2 S 2 (t); g33 = r2 S 2 (t) sin2
1 kr2
Cosmology 105
1 S_ 1 @S dS
01 = 2
02 = 3
03 = 2
= ; S_ =
c S S @x0 dt
1 kr 2 3 1
11 = 2
; 12 = 13 = :
1 kr r
1 2 1
22 = r(1 kr ); 33 = r 1 kr2 sin2
33 = sin cos
23 = cot :
_ 2
S Sr S S_ _ 2 sin2
S Sr
0 0 0
22 = ; 11 = ; 33 = (8.35)
c c(1 kr2 ) c
3 S•
R00 =
c2 S !
1 2 3 1 S• 2S_ 2 + 2kc2
R1 = R2 = R3 = 2 +
c S S2
6 S• S_ 2 + kc2
R= 2 + (8.36)
c S S2
1 3 S_ 2 + kc2
G00 = R00 R=
2 c2 S2
1 1 2S• S_ 2 + kc2
G11 = G22 = G33 = R11 R= +
2 c2 S S2
8 G j
Gji = T (8.37)
c4 i
we obtain
S_ 2 + kc2 8 G 0
= T (8.38)
S 2 3c2 0
2S• S_ + kc2 8 G 8 G 8 G
+ 2
= 2 T11 = 2 T22 = 2 T33 (8.39)
S S c c c
106 Cosmology
dE + P dV = T dS = dQ (8.40)
where dE is the internal energy, pdV is the work done and dQ is the
quantity of heat involved. dQ is considered zero because there is no
transfer of heat outside the universe. Let be the mass density, then
4 3 2 4 3
E= S c; M= S
3 3
dE dS 4 d
= 4 S 3 c2 + S 3 c2
dt dt 3 dt
4 3 dV dS
V = S ; =4 S2 (8.41)
3 dt dt
Assuming that T ds = 0, we get
S_ P
_ +3 + = 0; (8.42)
S c2
This is called the Fluid Equation.
S_ 2 + kc2 8 G 0
= T (8.43)
S 2 3c2 0
2S• S_ 2 + kc2 8 G 8 G 8 G
+ 2
= 2 T11 = 2 T22 = 2 T33 (8.44)
S S c c c
Note that the above two equations plus the ‡uid equation are not
su¢ cient to determine the state of the universe because we need an
equation of state to de…ne the relation between and P . This equation
of state depends on the type of matter …lling the universe. We will give
such equation when we come to solve the Friedmann equations.
First let us identify that
T00 = c2 (8.45)
T11 = T22 = T33 = P (8.46)
so that (8.43) becomes
S_ 8 G kc2
= (8.47)
S 3 S2
Cosmology 107
2S• S_ 2 + kc2 8 G
+ = P (8.48)
S S2 c2
Using (8.47) we get
S• 4 G 3P
= + (8.49)
S 3 c2
This is called the second Friedmann equation or the Acceleration Equa-
_ +3 =0 (8.50)
This can be written in the form
1 d
S3 = 0
S 3 dt
which means that
S 3 = constant
so that
which means that
0 S0
= (8.51)
where 0 is the present energy density, and S(t0 ) = 1:
How does S change with time? This needs us to go back to Fried-
mann equations. Taking k = 0 (‡at universe) in (8.47) we have
S_ 8 G 0
= : (8.52)
S 3 S3
108 Cosmology
so that
8 G
S_ 2 = 0
3 S
To solve this take S(t) t , then
2q 2 = q ) q = (8.54)
so that
0 t20
(t) = = 0 2 (8.56)
S 3 (t) t
The radiation model
In this case we assume that the universe is …lled with massless radiation
only. The equation of state is given by
P = (8.57)
T00 = c2 , T11 = T22 = T33 = (8.58)
The ‡uid equation gives us
_ +4 =0 (8.59)
which means that
( S 4) = 0
which means that
S(t) = S(t0 ) (8.61)
Cosmology 109
0 t0
(t) = = 0 (8.62)
S 4 (t) t
Note that: (t) is the same in both cases (dust and radiation).
But a universe dominated by radiation expands more slowly than the
one dominated by dust. The reason is that the pressure causes more
= dust + rad
This means that the scale factor will have a more complicated be-
havior and so to convert (S) into (t) is much harder. It is possible to
obtain exact solutions for this situation but they are very messy. We
will consider the simpler situation where one or other of the densities is
by far the larger. In that case we can say that the Friedmann equation
is accurately solved by just including the dominant component. That
is we can use the expansion rates we have already found. For example
suppose that radiation is much more important then one would have
S(t) / t1=2 to the S(t) / t2=3 law. It is very possible that this is the
solution, which applies in our present universe.
So if S(t) is small (the early state of the universe)
But for
dust / 1=S 3
Cancel o¤ the S 2 on both sides and you will …nd the solution is S / t.
So when the last term comes to dominate, the expansion of the universe
becomes yet faster. In this case, the velocity does not tend to zero at
late times, but instead becomes constant. This is sometimes known as
free expansion.
Things are very di¤erent if k is positive. It then becomes possible
for H to be zero, by the two terms on the RHS of Friedmann equation
canceling each other out. Indeed this is inevitable, because the nega-
tive in‡uence of the k=S 2 term will become more and more important
relative to the density term as time goes by. In such a universe, there-
fore, the expansion must come to an end after a …nite amount of time.
As gravitational attraction persists, the re-collapse of the universe be-
comes inevitable.
In fact the collapse of the universe is fairly easy to describe, because
the equations governing the evolution are time reversible. That is if
one substitutes t by t, they remain the same. The collapse phase is
therefore just like the expansion in reverse, and so after a …nite time the
universe will come to an end in a Big Crunch. These three behaviors
are illustrated in Figure (8-1).
Home Work (17) Discuss the fate of the universe assuming that
the density term is proportional to 1=S 2 .
1. Consider the surface of 2d sphere of radius R shown in the …gure
below. Write the general for the circumference of a circle as
a function of r, remembering that r = R. Demonstrate that
this gives the normal ‡at relationship for small r. Evaluate the
relation for the case when the circle is at the equator.
112 Cosmology
3. Expand this for r << R to show that the ‡at space result that the
number is 2 r2 n is recovered. Do you see more or fewer galaxies
out to the same radius if the universe is spherical rather than
4. Assuming a typical Galaxy weighs 1011 Msun , and using the criti-
cal density given in the equation , use your answer to the previous
problem to estimate the number of galaxies in the observable uni-
verse. How many protons are there in the observable universe?
5. An ideal gas has pressure p = 13 nhv P i; the average being over the
direction of particle motion. Here n is the number density. Using
the equation for the total relativistic energy of a massless particle,
show that this gives p = 31 nhEphoton i . Hence demonstrate the
equation for radiation.
Cosmology 113
rad = rad c
Compute the temperature when the universe was one second old, using
the Friedmann equation and the radiation-dominated solution a(t) _
t1=2 .
(b) What was the corresponding mass density at that time. Com-
pare it with that of water. How old was the universe when its density
matches that of water.
1. In the dust dominated open universe the present age of the uni-
verse is given by the equation
1 0 1 2 0
H0 t0 = 3=2
1 0 2 (1 0) 0
116 The Evolution of the Universe
verse when the average temperature was about 5000 K the electrons
got combined to the neuclei to form atoms of these elements. At this
recombination event the newly formed atoms emited photons with the
equivalent binding energy of those electrons and the universe suddenly
became transparent. These photons had the chance then to travel
very long distances without being interrupted by any objects. Con-
sequently such photons formed a smooth homogenous and isotropic
themal background for the universe. As the universe expanded since
then the wavelength of those photons get redshifted (became longer)
and they became a thermal bath of microwaves forming what became
known as the Cosmic Microwave Backround Radiation (CMBR). The
equivalent antenna temperature of these radiation is now about 2:73
Indeed this kind of radiation was a predition for the Gamow theory
and during the sixties of last century prominent physicists like and Jim
Peeble worked hard on searching for these radiation. They invested
substantial amount of money and large e¤orts to detect thos photons
predicted by the Gamow scenario.