Power Electronic Converters For Ship Propulsion

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The predominant type of prime movers for DP
propulsion plant is Electric Drive .Practically every DP
propulsion device installed in newly constructed vessels
Ch.Sunil ,B.Tech 3rd year (EEE), as well as in most of the conversions is driven by an
V.Srikar ,B.Tech 3rd year(EEE). electric motor. In recent years, variable speed AC
ABSTRACT: Drives has become available and has been used in some
applications for DP propulsion. The most commonly
The present paper deals with the ship used motor drives are:
propulsion technology using power  DC converters, or SCR for DC motors.
electronic converters, Variable speed drives,  Cyclo converters for AC motors ,normally for
power distribution in an on board vessel , Synchronous motors .
Cyclo-converters and its limitations. Main  Current Source Inverters (CSI) for Ac motors
emphasis is laid on Voltage and current (Synchronous Motors )
source inverters, their extensive use in  Voltage Source Inverters ,(VSI)for AC motors
modern ship propulsion techniques have been ,i.e. asynchronous ,synchronous and permanent
lucidly explained. An attempt has been made magnet synchronous motors.
to expose the merits and demerits of power
electronic converters and its use in driving ship
propulsion electric motors. This paper may
provide a clear-cut idea on the sophisticated CONTROLLABLE PITCH PROPELLER :
technology behind ship propulsion. It may be also used
as a reference in field of “Power Electronic CP propeller is considerably more complex than a
Converters” applications. Fixed Pitch propeller also inaccessible for routine
maintenance and require dry docking of vessel to gain
KEY WORD: access to or removal of thruster .
SCR, Cyclo converters, Synchro Converters,
podded propulsion, Current Source Inverters,
Voltage Source Inverters, Frequency converters.
 A fixed pitch propeller is driven by
the DC propulsion motors .Varying the
propeller RPM and reversing the rotation
of the propeller shaft allow the thrust
to be controlled in magnitude and direction.
 The limitation of voltage (max voltages are
600V AC/750V DC) =>leads to
heavy, expensive motors , cables runs .
 Commutator wear =>higher
maintenance requirements of the DC motors.
 Practical limit for DC motor drives
is 2-3 MW.
 The power factor will vary from
0-0.92(α =15 degrees) – correspondent to
0-100% propeller rpm.
 Introduction of the high current SCR in
the late 1960s, the AC/DC electric propulsion drive
has become quite popular.
 Vessels with this type of propulsion
include fishing trawlers and factory
vessels, research vessels, ice breakers,
Figure -1 showing; Load characteristics for a direct
on line asynchronous motor and, off shore supply vessels, conventionally
Load characteristics for a direct on line
asynchronous motor with load curves for moored and dynamically positioned drill
a CPP propeller respectively. vessels, and semisubmersibles .

AC generators 97% x SCRs 98% x Propulsion DC

 Ac controlled produced by Diesel
motors 94%
generators at constant voltage (600 VDC (x reduction gear 98%)
--------------Total system efficiency 89% (87%)
max) and frequency.

 Freely rotate able (azimuth through

360°) and may produce thrust in any direction.
 Incorporates an electrical AC motor mounted
directly on the short propeller shaft,
inside a
sealed pod unit that is submerged under the
vessel hull.
 The motor drives a fixed-pitch propeller
 Variable speed drives has been in Figure 2 showing; shaft line drive configurations(in
respect to redundancy)
industrial use since in many decades, but first at the
end of the 1960’s by use of power semiconductors.
system configurations are available for the
At the beginning, DC motors where the most
variable frequency control.
feasible alternative for propulsion control.
 During the 1980’s, AC motor drives became
industrially available, and
commercially competitive.
 Since then, almost all new deliveries of
electric propulsion are based on one of
the AC Drive topologies.
 Controls the RPM of the drive motor
 (induction or synchronous motors) by
varying the frequency of the system.

Figure 3 : showing AC Motor drives used in marine

CYCLO CONVERTER VARIABLE of AC supply frequency (approx. 20 Hz)
 Complex AC supply effects
 The cycloconverter is an SCR Converter
 Because of the phase control modulation, the
System which converts a fixed frequency, fixed
cycloconverter will always draw lagging
voltage input into a variable frequency,
reactive current, even if the motor operates at
variable voltage output in a single stage
unity power factor.
without the need for a DC link and may be used to
 The supply power factor (PF) is motor voltage-
power either synchronous or asynchronous
dependent and is about 0.76
 The installed kVA capacity would be
 In marine applications, only synchronous
approximately 25 to 30% more than that required
motors (AC motor with DC excitation) have been
for AC/DC alternative.
used with cycloconvertors. Synchronous
NOTE: 3-pulse half wave Cyclo Converter is not
machines are preferred to cage
used in marine applications.
induction motors(asynchronous machines)
 Direct AC to AC converter
due to their large air gap giving them a higher
 SCR Thyristor
degree of robustness.
 Synchronous motor (AC motor with DC
 Its major advantage is high torque at low
speeds with low torque pulsations and
 High power at low speed
excellent dynamic response performance:
 Applied as direct propeller drives on
modern icebreakers (possible to free a
propeller frozen in ice or to cut a block of ice
without stalling the motor)
 Can inherently reverse and regenerate.
 Can easily provide large overloads (e.g. 250%
and field weakening)
 Multiple bridges give high power ratings
 Ratings typically up to 30MW pre drive
motor, 500 RPM.
 Output frequency is limited to 30 to 40%
 . power factor.
Above figure 5 shows Shuttle Tanker  .
Equipped with
 Cyclo Converter propeller Drives
 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
 drives for DC Motor cargo and
ballast pumps.
Figure 6 : showing 12 -Pulse Controlled
(CURRENT SOURCE VARIABLE Rectifier with 6 – pulse SCI
SPEED DRIVES ) In marine applications LCI drives with 12

(LOAD COMMUTATED INVERTER –LCI pulse on both converters has been used to
,CURRENT SOURCE INVERTER get DC current as smooth as possible

CSI ) (rectifier) and to get 12-step waveform instead of 6-

 The line side converter (naturally step on the output of the machine inverter lower

commutated AC/DC thyristor input converter) takes torque pulsations on all speeds.
power from a constant frequency (60 Hz) LIMITATIONS :
 High torque pulsations
bus and produces a controlled DC voltage
There are high torque pulsations on lower speed
on so called DC link, on the same way as SCR - DC
(quasi-square wave frequency inverter).
drive converter.
However, since the propeller produce significant
 The machine side converter
thrust only for speeds higher then about 30%
(output side converter) normally operates
To 40% of rated speed that limitation has no
in the inversion mode.Inverter thyristors are
important consequence in marine applications.
commutated by the synchronous motor
 Power Factor and harmonics
induced voltage (emf).
The supply converter functions as does the
 In order to assure the appropriate induced
conventional AC/DC converter in providing a
voltage at the motor terminals, which is
Source of controllable voltage, whilst the
necessary toturn off the inverter thyristors, the
machine converter and synchronous machine
synchronous motor must operate in the
Functions as a DC motor with a six segment
capacitive mode that is with leading power commutator.

For marine application these requirements

are not desirable for two main reasons:
 Propeller acceleration is limited by
cavitations of propeller. Basically,
cavitations is water evaporation on propeller
suction side which produces noise, vibration, stress
and erosion on propeller blades and on
surrounding hull surfaces. Hence, motor drive (900-
1200 rpm) applications.
 Constant performance at all speeds/loads
with low torque pulsations
 Harmonic distortion will often be below the limits REFERENCES:
defined by rules and guidelines without  B R PELLEY, Thyristor –phase controlled
additional filtering. converters and cyclo-converters ,New York,
RESULTS /CONCLUSIONS: BY A Wiley Inter science,1971
SIMPLE COMPARISION OF ALL DRIVES:  S B DEWAN , Power semi conductor circuits ,
All converters will impose some harmonic New York, John Wiley,1975
distortion on to the supply network which,  S B DEWAN & M D KANKAM, A method of
if left untreated, could affect the operation harmonic analysis of cyclo-converters ,IEEE
and life of any other equipment connected Trans,1970 , pg.455
to that supply. Fig 7 :  ADNANES,A.K(2003),Maritime Electrical
Installations and Diesel Electric

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