1 TPH For 10.54P Boiler IBR Design Calculations - R2-6-2-13
1 TPH For 10.54P Boiler IBR Design Calculations - R2-6-2-13
1 TPH For 10.54P Boiler IBR Design Calculations - R2-6-2-13
1 TPH Boiler
Internal Pressure Kg/cm 2 10.54
Maximum Temperature 0C -
Saturation Temperature 0C 183.1
Flow Kg/hr 1 Tons / Hr of Steam
Radiography As per code
Stress Relieving As per code
Hydrostatic Test Pressure kg/cm 2 15.81
= 568000 kcal / hr
= 0.6642444 MW
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
The working temp. Shall be taken as for saturated Steam, Drum or Shell,
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
For Tube Plate where the gas entry temp. Is not greater than 800 deg. F =
Saturated steam temp. At W.P. + 2 x Tube Plate Thk.
Saturated Temp. At W.P. = 183.1 Deg. C
Design temp. For Tube Plate = 183.1+2*16
= 215.1 Deg. C
= 419.18 Deg. F
For Tube Plate where the gas entry temp. Is not greater than 800 deg. F =
Saturated steam temp. At W.P. + 2 x Tube Plate Thk.
Saturated Temp. At W.P. = 183.1 Deg. C
Design temp. For Combustion Chamber Tube Plate = 183.1+2*16
= 215.1 Deg. C
= 419.18 Deg. F
7 Nozzle Necks
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
Ref. Regulation Nos. 563 & 564 and 270 & 271 of IBR
Cylindrical Shells under internal Pressure
t= Thickness of Shell 10 mm
W.P.= Working Pressure 10.54 Kg/Cm2
D= Inside Diameter of Shell 1900 mm
f = Allowable Stress of material 1406 Kg/Cm2
E= Weld Factor 1
C= Corrosion allowance 0.762
W.P.(Cal) = 2x1406x1x(10-0.762)
Formula A,
Formula B,
Formula A,
P= 2x2109x(12-0.75) x 1+1012/15x400
2.5x1012 1 + 0.03x1012x1.5
Formula B,
P= 1.73x1896000x(12-0.75)^2.5
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
Formula A,
Formula B,
Formula A,
P= 2x2045.73x(16-0.75) x 1+1424/15x466
2.5x1424 1 + 0.03x1424x1.5
Formula B,
P= 1.73x1896000x(16-0.75)^2.5
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
Formula A,
Formula B,
Formula A,
P= 2x2045.73x(10-0.75) x 1+410/15x164
2.5x410 1 + 0.03x410x1.5
Formula B,
P= 1.73x1896000x(10-0.75)^2.5
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
W.P. = (14.4-0.75) x 1195.1
W.P. = (14.4-0.75) x 1195.1
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
= 62.908122 mm
Actual Sec. area of stay tubes = 606.65016 ……… Consindering 12.5% allw
= 60.931091 mm
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
T1 = 7.910 mm 0.311 in
T2 = 2.493 mm 0.098 in
T3 = 3.175 mm 0.125 in
Area to be compensated X = W x T1 = 5.6401 sq.in
As= 2 ( 3 + Ts ) x ( Ts - T1 )
As= 0.558379895 sq.in
Ap= W x tp
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
t= 0.35 x P x (2 - a / b) x a ^2 + W + e1
W= Ab x Sb
W= 1280 kgf
t= 0.35 x 10.54 x (2 - 305 / 410 ) x 305^2 + 1280 + 0.75
t= 19.77 mm
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
Is = P x D^3 x L
1.33 x 1E07
Ir = P x D^3 x L
1.33 x 1E07
Ir = 328541.699 mm^4
If = Lf x tf ^ 3 / 12
If = 17455.7 mm^4
Combined section C.G.
Yg = As x Ys + Af x Yf'
( As + Af )
Yg = 21.70 mm
Combined MI
Ia = Is + If + As x ( Yg - Ys )^2 + Af x ( Yg - Yf )^2
867778.5803 mm^4
Ratio = Ir / Ia = 0.378600839524577
Since available moment of inertia Ia is more than require Is, stiffener is adequate.
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
T1 = 7.910 mm 0.311 in
T2 = 2.229 mm 0.088 in
T3 = 3.175 mm 0.125 in
Area to be compensated X = W x T1 = 4.7819 sq.in
As= 2 ( 3 + Ts ) x ( Ts - T1 )
As= 0.558379895 sq.in
Ap= W x tp
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
t = 0.35 x P x (2 - a / b) x a ^2 + W + e1
W= Ab x Sb
W= 1280 kgf
t= 0.35 x 10.54 x (2 - 250 / 350 ) x 250^2 + 1280 + 0.75
t= 16.53 mm
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
W.P. = C x D^2
6.04 x 55^2
W.P. =
W.P. = C x D^2
W.P. = C x D^2
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
Formula A,
Formula B,
Formula A,
P= 2x1803.42x(10.97-0.75) x 1+157.33/15x97
2.5x157.33 1 + 0.03x157.33x1.5
Formula B,
P= 1.73x1840880x(10.97-0.75)^2.5
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
T1 = 7.910 mm 0.311 in
T2 = 1.503 mm 0.059 in
T3 = 3.175 mm 0.125 in
Area to be compensated X = W x T1 = 2.0636 sq.in
As= 2 ( 3 + Ts ) x ( Ts - T1 )
As= 0.558379895 sq.in
Ap= W x tp
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
t1 = PxD
(2 S e + P) x X
Where :
P= Design pressure 10.54 kg/sq.cm
S= Permissible stress 1202 kg/sq.cm
e= Welding factor 0.95
c= Factor 0.75 mm
D= External Diameter of stand pipe
t1 = Required thickness as per IBR 362
X= Factor 1
tn = Actual pipe thickness provided
All the branches / nozzles are at 90 deg. to the boiler center line
t2 = D / 32 + c
Description NB D t1 t2 t tn
Safety valve N1, N2 25 33.4 0.9034202 1.04375 1.193 4.547
Air Vent N3 25 33.4 0.9034202 1.04375 1.193 4.547
Stop valve, N4 80 88.9 1.15835497 2.77813 3.175 7.62
Blowdown N5 40 48.3 0.97186215 1.50938 1.725 5.08
Feed Vavle, N6, N7 40 48.3 0.97186215 1.50938 1.725 5.08
Water level controller N8, N9 25 33.4 0.9034202 1.04375 1.193 4.547
To header N10, N11 25 33.4 0.9034202 1.04375 1.193 4.547
Provided nozzles thicknesses 'tn' are more than 't' and hence are adequate
Lo = 2 A - D1 L1
Where :
Lo = Size of fillet weld arround outer periphery mm
L1 = Size of fillet weld arround inner periphery mm
Dn = Opening diameter in shell mm
A= Cross sectional area of opening in shell = Dn x Ts mm
Do = Outer diameter of pad mm
D1 = Inner diameter of pad mm
Description Dn Do D1 A L1 Lo
Manhole pad 460 580 468 4600 10 7.7931
Headhole pad 390 510 398 3900 10 7.4902
Ash drop hole 168.3 275 175 1683 10 5.8764
Handhole pad 140 229 116 1400 10 7.1616
Since provided outer weld sizes are more than Lo calculated, design is safe.
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
T1 = 10.168 mm 0.4 in
T2 = 1.289 mm 0.051 in
T3 = 3.175 mm 0.125 in
Area to be compensated X = W x T1 = 2.2064 sq.in
As= 2 ( 3 + Ts ) x ( Ts - T1 )
As= -0.044842232 sq.in
Ap= W x tp
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Manufacturer - Lotus Boilers Pressure Vessels Pvt. Ltd. 1 TPH Boiler
As per IBR Reg. 580
The spacing of tube holes such that the minimum width of ligament
between the tube holes shall be not less than D/8 + ½.
0.84695 inches
Thk and c/s of the plate between the tube holes shall be not less than
0.125 D + 0.2 = minimum thichness in inches 0.54695 inches
0.17 D + 0.025 = minimum cross section in square inches 0.49685 inches
t1 = 7 x Ap x P / [ Min (X, Y) x tg x S ]
Description tg Ap Y X t1 t
I 16 56267 196 190 0.971 0.971
II 16 40376 132 135 1.003 1.003
Since provided gusset thickness is more than calculated thickness, design is adequate.
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