Roberts, Donaldson. Ante-Nicene Christian Library: Translations of The Writings of The Fathers Down To A. D. 325. 1867. Volume 24.

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ESSRS. CLARK have now the very great pleasure of pub-

M lishing the final issue of the Ante-Nicene Series :

The Completion of Origen against Celsus ; and

Early Liturgies ; with Fragments not hitherto given.

They are thankful for the support they have received in a very
arduous undertaking ; and they take this opportunity of acknow-
ledging the great services of the Editors, whose learning has
recommended the Series to Scholars, whilst their fairness and
impartiality have been admitted by men of all shades of opinion.

An Index Volume to the whole Series is in active prepara-

tion, and will be a most useful addition to its value. It will be

published at a very moderate price, and it is particularly re-

quested that those who desire it will send their names as soon
as possible to the Publishers.

Messrs. Clark regret that they have received very little

encouragement to pubHsh the Homilies of Origen ; but they

are still open to the consideration of the matter if sufficient sup-

port can be obtained.

They trust that the Subscribers to the Ante-Nicene Series

will continue their subscription to the Works of St. Augustine,
of which four volumes are now ready, viz. :

The City of God, In Two Volumes.

Writings in connection with the Donatist Contro-

versy. One Volume.
The Anti-Pelagian Writings of Augustine. Vol. I.

They are glad to announce as in contemplation a uniform trans-

lation of the Works of Chrysostom.



DOIVN TO A.D. 325-















The Liturgy of St. James lias been translated by "William Macdonald,

M.A. ; that of tlie Evangelist Mark by George Ross Merry, B.A. ;

and that of the Holy Apostles by Dr. Donaldson.


Introductory Notice, 3

I. The Divine Liturgy of James,

11. The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist
Mark, 47

III. Liturgy of the Holy Apostles, or Order of the Sacra-

ments, 73

The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles, composed by St. Adaeus

and St. Maris, Teachers of the Easterns, 77


Introdijctory Notice, 95

Ambrose, 97

A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion, 105



From the Latin Translation of Cassiodorus, 139
1. Comments on the First Epistle of Peter, 139
2. Comments on the Epistle of Jude, 143
3. Comments on the First Epistle of John, 147
4. Comments on the Second Epistle of John, 153

From Nicetas Bishop of Heraclea's Catena, 154

in. From the Catena on Luke, Edited by Corderius. 157


IV. From the Books of the Hypottposes, .... PAGE


V. From the Book on Providence, 162

VI. From the Book " On the Soul," 163

VII. From the Book " On Seander," ..... 164

VIII. Other Fragments from Antonius Melissa, . . . 164

IX. Fragment of the Treatise on Marriage, .... 166

X. Fragments of other Lost Books, 166

XI. Fragments found in Greek only in the Oxford Edition, 167

XII. Fragments not given in the Oxford Edition, . . .175



HE word " Liturgy" has a special meaning as

applied to the following documents. It denotes

the service used in the celebration of the Eucha-


Various liturgies have come down to us from antiquity

and their age, authorship, and genuineness have been matter
of keen discussion. In our own country two writers on this
subject stand specially prominent: the Rev. William Palmer,
M.A., who in his Orlgines Liiurgicce (Oxford, 1832) gave a
dissertation on Primitive Liturgies and the Rev. J. Mason

Neale, who devoted a large portion of his life to liturgies,

edited four of them in his Tetralogia Liturgica (London,
1849), five of them in his Liturgies of St. Mark, St. James,
St. Clement, St. Chrysostom, and St. Basil (sec. ed. London,

1868), and discussed them in a masterly manner in several

works, but especially in his General Introduction to a History
of the Holy Eastern Church (London, 1850).
Ancient liturgies are generally divided into four families,
— the Liturgy of the Jerusalem Church, adopted throughout
the East the Alexandrian, used in Egypt and the neigh-

bouring countries and the Roman and Gallican Liturgies.


To these Neale has added a fifth, the Liturgy of Persia or

There is also a liturgy not included in any of these fami-
lies —the Clementine. It seems never tohave been used in
any public service. It forms part of the eighth book of the
Apostolical Constitutions (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vol.

The age ascribed to these documents depends very much


on the temperament and inclination of the inquirer. Those
who have great reverence for them think that they must
have had an apostolic origin, that they contain the apostolic
form, first handed down by tradition, and then committed to
writing, but they allow that there is a certain amount of
interpolation and addition of a date later than the Nicene
Council. Such words as " consubstantial " and "mother of
God " bear indisputable witness to this. Others think that
there is no real historical proof of their early existence at all,

—that they all belong to a late date, and bear evident marks
of having been written long after the age of the apostles.
There can scarcely be a doubt that they were not com-
mitted to writing till a comparatively late day. Those who
think that their origin was apostolic allow this. " The
period," says Palmer,^ " when liturgies were first committed
to writing is uncertain, and has been the subject of some
controversy. Le Brun contends that no liturgy was written
till the fifth century but his arguments seem quite insuffi-

cient to prove this, and he is accordingly opposed by Mura-

tori and other eminent ritualists. It seems certain, on the
other hand, that the liturgy of the Apostolical Constitutions
was written end of the third or beginning of the
at the
fourth centuryand there is no reason to deny that others

may have been written about the same time, or not long
Neale ^ sums up the results of his study in the following
words " I shall content myself therefore with assuming,

(1) that these liturgies, though not composed by the Apostles

whose names they bear, were the legitimate developement of
their unwritten tradition respecting the Christian Sacrifice
the words, probably, in the most important parts, the general
tenor in all portions, descending unchanged from the apos-
tolic authors. That the Liturgy of S. James is of earlier
date, as to its main fabric, than a.d. 200 that the Clementine

Office is at least not later than 260; that the Liturgy of S.

1 Origines Liturgicx, p. 11.
2 General Introduction to the History of the Holy Eastern Churchy
p. 319.


Mark is nearly coeval with that of S. James ; while those of

S. Basil and S. Chrysostom are to be referred respectively
by whom they purport to be composed. lu
to the Saints
additions do
allthese cases, several manifest insertions and
not alter the truth of the general statement."
1. The Roman Liturgy. The first writer who is supposed

to allude to a Liturgy is Innocentius, in the begin-

ning of the fifth century but it may well be doubted
his words refer to any liturgy now extant.
Some have at-
tributed the authorship of the Roman Liturgy to Leo

Great, who was made bishop of Rome in a.d. 451 ;

some to

Gelasius, who was made bishop of Rome in a.d. 492

and ;

some Gregory the First, who was made bishop of Rome

in A.D. 590. Such being the opinions of those who have
given most study to the subject, we have not deemed

necessary to translate it, though Probst, in his Liturgie der

drei ersten christlichen Jahrhunderte (Tubingen, 1870),
bably out of affection for his own Church, has given it a
place beside the Clementine and those of St. James and St.

2. The Gallican has claim to antiquity.
still less In fact,
Daniel marks the spurious {v66ol)} Mabillon tries
it among
to prove that three ecclesiastics had a share in
the author-

ship of this liturgy: Musseus, presbyter of Marseilles,

died after the middle of the fifth century ; Sidonius, bishop
of Auvergne, who died a.d. 494; and Hilary, bishop of
Poictiers, who died a.d. 366.^ Palmer strives to show with
great ingenuity that it is not improbable that the Gallican
Liturgy may have been originally derived from St. John
but arguments are merely conjectures.
3. The Liturgy of St. James, the Liturgy of the
of Jerusalem. Asseman, Zaccaria, Dr. Brett, Palmer,

lope,and Neale, think that the main structure of this liturgy

isthe work of St. James, while they admit that it contains
some evident interpolations. Leo Allatius, Bona, Bellar-
mine, Baronius, and some others, think that the whole is

1 Codex Liturgicus, vol. iv. p. 35, note.

2 Palmer, vol. i. p. 144.

the genuine production of the apostle. Cave, Fabricius,
Dupin, Le Nourry, Basnage, Tillemont, and many others,
think that it is entirely destitute of any claim to an apostolic
origin, and that it belongs to a much later age.
" From the Liturgy of S. James," says Neale, " are de-
rived, on the one hand, the forty Syro-Jacobite offices on :

the other, the Csesarean office, or Liturgy of S. Basil, with

its offshoots; that of S. Chrysostora, and the Armeno-
There are only two manuscripts of the Greek Liturgy of
St. —
James, one of the tenth, the other of the twelfth century,
— with fragments of a third. The first edition appeared at
Eome in 1526. In more recent times it has been edited
by Rev. W. Trollope, M.A. (Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark,
1848), Neale in the two works mentioned above, and Daniel
in his Codex Liturgicus. Bishop Eattray edited the Ana-
phora (London, 1744), and attempted to separate the ori-
ginal from the interpolations, " though," says Neale, " the
supposed restoration is unsatisfactory enough." Bunsen, in
his Analecta Ante-Niccena, vol. iii., has tried to restore the
Anaplwra to the state in which it may have been in the fourth
century, " as far as was possible quantum fieri jyotuit.'"
The Liturgy of St. Mark, the liturgy of the church
of Alexandria. The same difference of opinion exists in
regard to the age and genuineness of this liturgy as we
found existing James, and the same
in regard to that of St.
scholars occupy the same relative position.
The offshoots from St. Mark's Liturgy are St. Basil, St.
Cyril, and St. Gregory, and the Ethiopic Canon or Liturgy
of All Apostles. In regard to tlie Liturgy of St. Cyril,
Neale says that it is " to all intents and purposes the same
as that of S. Mark and it seems highly probable that the

Liturgy of S. Mark came, as we have it now, from the

hands of S. Cyril, or, to use the expression of Abu'Iberkat,
that Cyril 'perfected' it."^
There is only one manuscript of the Liturgy of St. Mark,
probably belonging to the twelfth century. The first edition
1 General Introd. p. 317. 3 j^^^ p, 324.

appeared at Paris in 1583. The liturgy is given in Kenau-

dot's Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio, torn. i. pp. 120-148
(editio secunda correctior. Francof urti ad Moenum, 1847), in
Neale's two works, and in Daniel's Codex Liturgiciis.
5. The Liturgy of the Apostles Adjsus and Maris. This
liturgy has been brought prominently forward by Neale,
who says " It is generally passed over as of very inferior

importance, and Kenaudot alone seems to have been pre-

pared to acknowledge in some degree its great antiquity."
He thinks that it is " one of the earliest, and perhaps the
very earliest, of the many formularies of the Christian
Sacrifice." ^ It is one of the three Nestorian liturgies, the
other two being that of Nestorius and that of Theodore the
A Latin translation of it is given in Eenaudot's Collectio
(tom. pp. 578-592, ed. sec), which is reprinted in Daniel's

Codex Liturgicus. It is from this version that our translation

is made. Several prayers and hymns are indicated only by
the initial words, and the rubrical directions are probably of
a much later date than the text.
The Liturgies are divided into two parts,— the part before
" Lift we up our hearts," and the part after this. The first
is termed the Proanaphoral Part, the second the Anaphora.

TroUope describes what he conceives to be the form of

worship in the early Church, thus :
^ " The service of this

day divided two parts at the latter of which,

itself into ;

called in the Eastern Churches Liturgia mystica, and in the

Western Ilissa fidelium, none but perfect and approved
Christians were allowed to be present. To the Missa
Catechumenorim, or that part of the service which preceded
the prayers peculiar to communicants only, not only be-
lievers, but Gentiles, were admitted, in the hope that some
might possibly become converts to the faith. After the
Psalms and Lessons with which the service commenced, as on
ordinary occasions, a section from the Acts of the Apostles
or the Epistles was read ; after which the deacon or pres-
byter read the Gospel. Then followed an exhortation from
1 General Introd. p. 319. ^ m^^ p, 323. 3 Introduction, p. 11.
one or more of the presbyters ; and the bishop or president
delivered a Homily or Sermon^ explanatory, it should seem,
of the Scripture which had been read, and exciting the people
to an imitation of the virtues therein exemplified. When
the preacher had concluded his discourse with a doxology
in praise of the Holy Trinity, a deacon made proclamation
for all infidels and non-communicants to withdraw then ;

came the dismissal of the several classes of catechumens,

energuraens, competents, and penitents, after the prayers for
each respectively, as on ordinary days and the Missa jidelium ;

commenced. This two parts, essentially

office consisted of

distinct viz., of prayers for the faithful^ and for mankind


in general, introductory to the Oblation and the Anaphora ;

or Oblation itself. The introductory part varied considerably

in the formularies of different churches; but in the Anaphora
all the existing liturgies so closely agree, in substance at
least, if not in words, that they can only be reasonably referred
to the same common origin. Their arrangement, indeed, is
not always the same but the following essential points belong,

without exception, to them all 1. The Kiss of Peace :

2. ;

The form beginning, Lift up your hearts ; 3. The Hymn,

Therefore with angels, etc. 4. Commemoration of the words

of Institution 5. The Oblation ; 6. Prayer of Consecra-


tion 7. Prayers for the Church on Earth

; 8. Prayers for ;

the Dead 9. The Lord's Prayer

; 10. Breaking of the ;

Bread; 11. Communion."

Neale gives a more minute account of the different parts
of the service. He divides the proanaphoral portion into
parts in the following manner :

The Preparatory Prayers.


11. The Initial Hymn or Introit.

1. The Mass I
^^^- The Little Entrance,

of the < IV. The Trisagion.

Catechumens. | V. The Lections.
VI. The Prayers after the Gospel, and expulsion
of the Catechumens.

General Introduction, p. 359.


The Prayers for the Faithful.



2. The Mass I
^^- The Great Entrance,
of the / III. The Offertory.
Faithful. \ IV. The Kiss of Peace.
V. The Creed.

The anaphora he divides into four parts in the following

The Preface.

II. The Prayer of the Triumphal Hymn.

"The great
III. The Triumphal Hymn.
Eucharistic Prayer.
IV. Commemoration of our Lord's Life.
V. Commemoration of Institution.

f VI. "Words of Institution of the Bread.

VII. Words of Institution of the Wine.
"The VIII. Oblation of the Body and Blood.
Consecration. IX. Introductory Prayer for the Descent of
the Holy Ghost.
X. Prayer for the Change of Elements.

XI. General Intercession for Quick and Dead.

" The great
XII. Prayer before the Lord's Prayer.
XIII. The Lord's Prayer.
XIV. The Embolismus.

XV. The Prayer of Inclination.

XVI. The Holy Things for Holy
Persons,' and
Elevation of the Host.
"The XVII. The Fraction.
Communion. XVIII. The Confession.
XIX. The Communion.
XX. The Antidoron and Prayers of Thanks-


The whole subject is discussed by Mr. Neale with extra-

ordinary minuteness, fulness of detail, and perfect mastery
of his subject ; and to his work we refer those who wish to
prosecute the study of the subject.
^ General Introduction^ p. 463.

The Priest.

SOVEREIGN Lord our God, contemn me not,

defiled with a multitude of sins : for, behold, I
have come to this Thy divine and heavenly-
but looking only
mystery, not as being worthy ;

to Thy goodness, I direct my voice

Thee: God be merciful

to me, a sinner I have sinned against Heaven, and before


Thee, and am unworthy to come into the presence of this

Thy holy and spiritual table, upon which Thy only-begotten
Son, and our Lord Jesus Christ, is mystically set forth as
a sacrifice for me, a sinner, and stained with every spot.
Wherefore I present to Thee this supplication and thanks-
giving, that Thy Spirit the Comforter may be sent down
upon me, strengthening and fitting me for this service and ;

count me worthy to make known without condemnation the

word, delivered from Thee by me to the people, in Christ
Jesus our Lord, with whom Thou art blessed, together with
Thy all-holy, and good, and quickening, and consubstantial
Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity. Amen.

Prayer of the standing beside the altar.

IL Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

Holy Spirit, the triune light of the Godhead, which is

unity subsisting in trinity, divided, yet indivisible : for the

Trinity is the one God Almighty, whose glory the heavens
declare, and the earth His dominion, and the sea His might,

and every sentient and intellectual creature at all times pro-
claims His majesty for all glory becomes Him, and honour

and might, greatness and magnificence, now and ever, and to

all eternity. Amen.

Prayer of the incense at the beginning.

HI. Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, O Word of God, who

didst freely offer Thyself a blameless sacrifice upon the cross
to God even the Father, the coal of double nature, that didst
touch the lips of the prophet with the tongs, and didst take
away his sins, touch also the hearts of us sinners, and purify
us from every stain, and present us holy beside Thy holy
altar, that we may offer Thee a sacrifice of praise : and
accept from us, Thy unprofitable servants, this incense as an
odour of a sweet smell, and make fragrant the evil odour of
our soul and body, and purify us with the sanctifying power
of Thy all-holy Spirit : for Thou alone art holy, who sanc-
and art communicated to the faithful and glory
tifiest, ;

becomes Thee, with Thy eternal Father, and Thy all-holy,

and good, and quickening Spirit, now and ever, and to all
eternity. Amen.

Prayer of the commencement.

IV. O beneficent King eternal, and Creator of the universe,

receive Thy church, coming unto Thee through Thy Christ
fulfil to each what is profitable ; lead all to perfection, and
make us perfectly worthy of the grace of Thy sanctification,
gathering us together within Thy holy church, which Thou
hast purchased by the precious blood of Thy only-begotten
Son, and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with whom
Thou art blessed and glorified, together with Tiiy all-holy,
and good, and quickening Spirit, now and ever, and to all
eternity. Amen.

The Deacon.

V. Let us again pray to the Lord.



Tlie Priest^ prayer of the incense at the entrance of the


God, who didst accept the gifts of Abel, the sacrifice of

Noah and of Abram, the incense of Aaron and of Zacharias,
accept also from the hand of us sinners this incense for an
odour of a sweet smell, and for remission of our sins, and
those of all Thy people; for blessed art Thou, and glory-
becomes Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
now and ever.
The Deacon.

Sir, pronounce the blessing.^

The Priest prays.

Our Lord and God, Jesus Christ, who through exceeding

goodness and love not to be restrained wast crucified, and
didst not refuse to be pierced by the spear and nails who ;

didst provide this mysterious and awful service as an everlast-

ing memorial for us perpetually : bless Thy ministry in Christ
the God, and bless our entrance, and fully complete the pre-
sentation of this our service by Thy unutterable compassion,
now and ever, and to all eternity. Amen.

The responsive prayer from the Deacon.

VI. The Lord bless us, and make us worthy seraphically

to offer gifts, and to sing the oft-sung hymn of the divine
Trisagion, by the fulness and exceeding abundance of all the
perfection of holiness, now and ever.

Then the Deacon begins to sing in the entrance.

Thou who art Son and Word of God,

the only-begotten
immortal who ; submit for our salvation to become
flesh of the holy God-mother, and ever-virgin Mary; who
didst immutably become man and wast crucified, O Christ
our God, and didst by Thy death tread death under foot
who art one of the Holy Trinity, glorified together with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.

^ This is addressed to the priest. Some translate, " Lord, bless us."


The Priest says this prayer from the gates to the altar.

VII. God Almighty, Lord gi'eat in glory, who hast given

to usan entrance into the Holy of Holies, through the sojourn-
ing among men of Thy only-begotten Son, our Lord, and
God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, we supplicate and invoke Thy
goodness, since we are fearful and trembling when about to
stand at Thy holy altar send forth upon us, O God, Thy

good grace, and sanctify our souls, and bodies, and spirits,
and turn our thoughts to piety, in order that with a pure
conscience we may bring unto Thee gifts, offerings, and fruits
for the remission of our transgressions, and for the propitia-
tion of all Thy people, by the grace and mercies and loving-
kindness of Thy only-begotten Son, with whom Thou art
blessed to all eternity. Amen.

After the approach to the altar, the Priest says

VIII. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Priest.

The Lord and sanctify us for the entrance

bless us all,

and celebration of the divine and pure mysteries, giving rest

to the blessed souls among the good and just, by His grace
and loving-kindness, now and ever, and to all eternity.

Then the Deacon says the bidding ptrayer.

IX. In peace let us beseech the Lord.

For the peace that is from above, and for God's love to
man, and for the salvation of our souls, let us beseech the
For the peace of the whole world, for the unity of all the
holy churches of God, let us beseech the Lord.
For the remission of our sins, and forgiveness of our
transgressions, and for our deliverance from all tribulation,

wrath, danger, and distress, and from the uprising of our

enemies, let us beseech the Lord.

Then the Singers sing the Trisagion Hymn.

Holy God, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy upon

TJien the Priest pray s^ lowing.

X. O compassionate and merciful, long-suffering, and very
gracious and true God, look from Thy prepared dwelling-
place, and hear us Thy suppliants, and deliver us from every
temptation of the devil and of man ; withhold not Thy aid
from us, nor bring on us chastisements too heavy for our
strength for we are unable to overcome what is opposed to

us; but Thou art able. Lord, to save us from everything

that is against us. Save us, O God, from the difficulties of
this world, according to Thy goodness, in order that, having
drawn nigh with a pure conscience to Thy holy altar, we
may send up to Thee without condemnation the blessed
hymn Trisagion, together with the heavenly powers, and
that, having performed the service, well pleasing to Thee
and divine, we may be counted worthy of eternal life.


Because Thou Lord our God, and dwellest and

art holy.
abidest in holy places, we send up the praise and the hymn
Trisagion to Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity.

The People.
The Priest.
XL Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

Tlie Singers,


Tlien there are read in order the holy oracles of the Old Tes-
tament, and of the prophets ; and the incarnation of the Son of
God is set forth, and His sufferings and resxirreciion from the
dead, His ascension into heaven, and His second, ajypearing with
glory; and this takes place daihj in the holy and divine service.

After the reading and instruction the Deacon says

XII. Let us all say, Lord, be merciful.

Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, we beseech Thee,
hear us.
For the peace which is from above, and for the salvation
of our souls, let us beseech the Lord.
For the peace of the whole world, and the unity of all the
holy churches of God, let us beseech the Lord.
For the salvation and help of all the Christ-loving people,
we beseech Thee, hear us.
For our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath, danger,
distress, from captivity, bitter death, and from our iniquities,
we beseech Thee, hear us.
For the people standing round, and waiting for the rich
and plenteous mercy that is from Thee, we beseech Thee, be
merciful and gracious.
Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thine inheritance.
Visit Thy world in mercy and compassion.
Exalt the horn of Christians by the power of the precious
and quickening cross.
We beseech Thee, most merciful Lord, hear us praying to
Thee, and have mercy upon us.

The Peop)le thrice.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

The Deacon,

XIII. For the remission of our sins, and forgiveness of

our transgressions, and for our deliverance from all tribula-
tion, wrath, danger, and distress, let us beseech the Lord.
Let us all entreat from the Lord, that we may pass the
whole day, perfect, holy, peaceful, and without sin.

Let us entreat from tlie Lord a messenger of peace, a

faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies.
Let us entreat from the Lord forgiveness and remission of
our sins and transgressions.
Let us entreat from the Lord the things which are good
and proper for our souls, and peace for the world.
Let us entreat from the Lord, that we may spend the
remaining period of our life in peace and health.
Let us entreat that the close of our lives may be Christian,
without pain and without shame, and a good plea at the
dread and awful judgment-seat of Christ.

TJie Priest.

XIV. For Thou art the gospel and the light, Saviour and
keeper of our souls and bodies, God, and Thy only-begotten
Son, and Thy all-holy Spirit, now and ever.

The People.
The Priest.

[Commemorating with all the holy and just, our all-holy,

pure, most glorious Lady, the God-mother, and ever-virgin
Mary, let us devote ourselves, and one another, and our
whole life, to Christ our God.]

The People.
To Thee, Lord.
The Priest.

God, who hast taught us Thy divine and saving oracles,

enlighten the souls of us sinners for the comprehension of
the things which have been before spoken, so that we may
not only be seen to be hearers of spiritual things, but also
doers of good deeds, striving after guileless faith, blameless
life, and pure conversation.

In Christ Jesus our Lord, with whom Thou art blessed,

together with Thy all-holy, good, and quickening Spirit, now
and always, and for ever.

The People.
Tlie Priest.
XV. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Let us bow our heads to the Lord

The People.
To Thee, Lord.

The Priest prays., saying

Sovereign giver of life, and provider of good things, who

didst give to mankind the blessed hope of eternal our life,

Lord Jesus Christ, count us worthy in holiness, and perfect

this Thy divine service to the enjoyment of future blessed-

A loud.
So that, guarded by Thy power at all times, and led into
the light of truth, we may send up the praise and the thanks-
giving to Thee, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
now and ever.

The People.
The Deacon.
XVI. Let none of the catechumens, none of the unbaptized,
none of those who are unable to join with us in prayer;
look at one another: the door: all erect :^ let us again pray
to the Lord.
1 These clauses are elliptical. After " prayer " supply " remain ;

is for " shut the door " and " all erect," for " stand all erect."
the door


The Priest says the prayer of incense.

Sovereign Almighty, King of Glory, who knowest all

things before their creation, manifest Thyself to us calling

upon Thee and redeem us from the shame
at this holy hour,
of our transgressions ; mind and our thoughts
cleanse our
from impure desires, from worldly deceit, from all influence
of the devil ; and accept from the hands of us sinners this
incense, as Thou didst accept the offering of Abel, and Noah,
and Aaron, and Samuel, and of all Thy saints, guarding us
from everything evil, and preserving us for continually pleas-
ing, and worshipping, and glorifying Thee, the Father, and
Thy only-begotten Son, and Thy all-holy Spirit, now and
always, and for ever.

And the Readers begin the Cherubic Hymn.

Let all mortal flesh be silent, and stand with fear and
trembling, and meditate nothing earthly within itself: for
the King and Lord of lords, Christ our God, comes
of kings
forward to be and to be given for food to the
faithful ; and the bands of angels go before Him with every
power and dominion, the many-eyed cherubim, and the six-
winged seraphim, covering their faces, and crying aloud the
hymn. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

The Priest, bringing in the holy gifts, says this prayer

XVII. O God, our God, who didst send forth the heavenly
bread, the food of the whole world, our Lord Jesus Christ,
to be a Saviour, and Redeemer, and Benefactor, blessing and
sanctifying us, do Thou Thyself bless this offering, and gra-
it to Thy altar above the skies
ciously receive remember in ;

Thy goodness and love those who have brought it, and those
for whom they have brought it, and preserve us without
condemnation in the service of Thy divine mysteries for :

hallowed and glorified is Thy all-honoured and great name.

Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to all

The Priest
Peace be to all.

The Beacon.

Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest.

Blessed be God, who blesseth and sanctifieth us all at the

presentation of the divine and pure mysteries, and giveth
rest to the blessed souls among the holy and just, now and
always, and to all eternity.

The Deacon.
XVIII. Let us attend in wisdom.

The Priest begins.

I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Maker of heaven

and earth, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
And the rest of the creed.

Then he prays, bowing his neck.

XIX. God and Sovereign of all, make us, who are un-
worthy, worthy of this hour, lover of mankind that being ;

pure from all deceit and all hypocrisy, we may be united with
one another by the bond of peace and love, being confirmed
by the sanctification of Thy divine knowledge through Thine
only-begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with
whom Thou art blessed, together with Thy all-holy, and good,
and quickening Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity.
The Deacon.
XX. Let us stand well, let us stand reverently, let us
stand in the fear of God, and with compunction of heart.
In peace let us pray to the Lord.

The Priest.

For God of peace, mercy, love, compassion, and loving-

kindness art Thou, and Thine only-begotten Son, and Thine
all-holy Spirit, now and ever.


The People.
The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Let us salute one another with an holy kiss. Let us bow
our heads to the Lord.

The Priest hows, saying this prayer

XXI. Only Lord and merciful God, on those who are

bowing their necks before Thy holy altar, and seeking the
spiritual gifts that come from Thee, send forth Thy good
grace ; and bless us all with every spiritual blessing, that can-
not be taken from us. Thou, who dwellest on high, and hast
regard unto things that are lowly.


For worthy and worship and most glorious is Thy

of praise
all-holy name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and
always, and to all eternity.

The Deacon.
Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest.

The Lord will bless us, and minister with us all by His
grace and loving-kindness.

And again.

The Lord will bless us, and make us worthy to stand at

His holy altar, at all times, now and always, and for ever.

And again.

Blessed be God, who blesseth and sanctifieth us all in our



attendance upon, and service of, His pure mysteries, now and
always, and for ever.

The Deacon makes the Universal Collect.

XXII. In peace let us pray to the Lord.

Tlie People.

O Lord, have mercy.

The Deacon.
Save us, us, pity and keep us, O God,
have mercy upon
by Thy grace.
For the peace that is from above, and the loving-kindness
of God, and the salvation of our souls, let us beseech the
For the peace of the whole world, and the unity of all the
holy churches of God, let us beseech the Lord.
For those who bear and labour honourably in the
holy churches of God; who remember the poor,
for those
the widows and the orphans, the strangers and needy ones
and for those who have requested us to mention them in our
prayers, let us beseech the Lord.
For those whoare in old age and infirmity, for the sick
and suffering,and those who are troubled by unclean spirits,
for their speedy cure from God and their salvation, let us
beseech the Lord.
For those who are passing their days in virginity, and
celibacy, and discipline, and for those in holy matrimony; and
for the holy fathers and brethren agonizing in mountains,
and dens, and caves of the earth, let us beseech the Lord.
For Christians sailing, travelling, living among strangers,
and for our brethren in captivity, in exile, in prison, and in
bitter slavery, their peaceful return, let us beseech the Lord.
For the remission and forgiveness of our trans-
of our sins,
gressions, and for our deliverance from all tribulation, wrath,
danger, and constraint, and uprising against us of enemies, let
us beseech the Lord.
For favourable weather, peaceful showers, beneficent dews.


abundance of fruits, the perfect close of a good season, and

for the crown of the year, let us beseech the Lord.
For our fathers and brethren present, and praying with us
in this holy hour, and at every season, their zeal, labour, and
earnestness, let us beseech the Lord.
For every Christian soul in tribulation and distress, and
needing the mercy and succour of God ; for the return of the
erring, the health of the sick, the deliverance of the captives,
the rest of the fathers and brethren that have fallen asleep
aforetime, let us beseech the Lord.
For the hearing and acceptance of our prayer before God,
and the sending down on us His rich mercies and compassion,
let us beseech the Lord.
Let us commemorate our all-holy, pure, most glorious,
blessed lady, God-mother, and ever virgin Mary, and all the
holy and just, that we may all find mercy through their
prayers and intercessions.
And for the offered, precious, heavenly, unutterable, pure,
glorious, dread, awful, divine gifts, and the salvation of the
priest who stands by and offers them, let us offer supplica-
tion to God the Lord.

The People.
O Lord, have mercy.


Then the Priest makes the sign of the cross on the gifts,
and standing, speaks separately thus
XXIII. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
goodwill among men.


Lord, Thou wilt open my lips, and my mouth shall show

forth Thy praise.


Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise, O Lord, that I

may tell of Thy glory, of Thy majesty, all the day.
: : ;



Of Amen. And of the Son. Amen.

the Father. And
of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now and always, and to all
eternity. Amen.

And bowing to this side and to that, he says :

XXIV. Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His
name together.

And they answer, hoiving

The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of
the Highest shall overshadow thee.

Then the Priest, at great length

O Sovereign Lord, who hast visited us in compassion and

mercies, and hast freely given to us, Thy humble and sinful
and unworthy servants, boldness to stand at Thy holy altar,
and to offer to Thee this dread and bloodless sacrifice for our
sins, and for the errors of the people, look upon me Thy un-

profitable servant, and blot out my transgressions for Thy

compassion's sake; and purify my lips and heart from all
pollution of flesh and spirit; and remove from me every
shameful and foolish thought, and fit me by the power of
Thy all-holy Spirit for this service; and receive me gra-
ciously by Thy goodness as I draw nigh to Thy altar; and be
pleased, O Lord, that these gifts brought by our hands may
be acceptable, stooping to my w^eakness; and cast me not
away from Thy presence, and abhor not my unworthiness
but pity me according to Thy great mercy, and according to
the multitude of Thy mercies pass by my transgressions, that,
having come before Thy glory without condemnation, I may
be counted worthy of the protection of Thy only-begotten
Son, and of the illumination of Thy all-holy Spirit, that I
may not be as a slave of sin cast out, but as Thy servant
may find grace and mercy and forgiveness of sins before
Thee, both in the world that now is and in that which is to
come. I beseech Thee, Almighty Sovereign, all-powerful

Lord, hear my prayer ; for Thou art He who workest all in

all,and we all seek in all things the help and succour that
come from Thee and Thy only-begotten Son, and the good
and quickening and consubstantial Spirit, now and ever.
XXV. O God, who through Thy great and unspeakable
love didst send forth Thy only-begotten Son into the world,
in order that He might turn back the lost sheep, turn not
away us sinners, laying hold of Thee by this dread and blood-
less sacrifice ; for we trust not in our own righteousness, but
in Thy good mercy, by which Thou purchasest our race.
We entreat and beseech Thy goodness that it may not be for
condemnation to Thy people that this mystery for salvation
has been administered by us, but for remission of sins, for
renewal of souls and bodies, for the well-pleasing of Thee, God
and Father, in the mercy and love of Thy only-begotten Son,
with whom Thou art blessed, together with Thy all-holy and
good and quickening Spirit, now and always, and for ever.
XXVI. O Lord God, who didst create us, and bring us into
life, who hast shown to us ways to salvation, who hast granted
to us a revelation of heavenly mysteries, and hast appointed
us to this ministry in the power of Thy all-holy Spirit, grant,
O Sovereign, that we may become servants of Thy new testa-
ment, ministers of Thy pure mysteries, and receive us as we
draw near to Thy holy altar, according to the greatness of
Thy mercy, that wemay become worthy of offering to Thee
giftsand sacrifices for our transgressions and for those of the
people and grant to us, O Lord, with all fear and a pure con-

science to offer to Thee this spiritual and bloodless sacrifice,

and graciously receiving it unto Thy holy and spiritual altar
above the skies for an odour of a sweet spiritual smell, send
down in answer on us the grace of Thy all-holy Spirit. And,
O God, look upon us, and have regard to this our reasonable
service, and accept it, as Thou didst accept the gifts of Abel,
the sacrifices of Noah, the priestly offices of Moses and
Aaron, the peace-offerings of Samuel, the repentance of
David, the incense of Zacharias. As Thou didst accept from
the hand of Thy apostles this true service, so accept also in
Tiiy goodness from the hands of us sinners these offered gifts;
and grant that our offering may be acceptable, sanctified by
the Holy Spirit, as a propitiation for our transgressions and
the errors of the people, and for the rest of the souls that
have fallen asleep aforetime; that we also, Thy humble,
sinful, and unworthy servants, being counted worthy with-
out guile to serve Thy holy altar, may receive the reward of
faithful and wise stewards, and may find grace and mercy in
the terrible day of Thy just and good retribution.

Prayer of the veil.

XXVII. We thank Thee, O Lord our God, that Thou hast

given us boldness for the entrance of Thy holy places, which
Thou hast renewed to us as a new and living way through
the veil of the flesh of Thy Christ. We therefore, being
counted worthy to enter into the place of the tabernacle of
Thy glory, and to be within the veil, and to behold the Holy

of Holies, cast ourselves down before Thy goodness Lord, :

have mercy on us since : we are full of fear and trembling,

when about to stand at Thy holy altar, and to offer this dread
and bloodless sacrifice for our own sins and for the errors of
the people send forth, O God, Thy good grace, and sanctify

our souls, and bodies, and spirits ; and turn our thoughts to
holiness, that with a pure conscience we may bring to Thee an
offering of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

A loud.
By the mercy and loving-kindness of Thy only-begotten
Son, with whom Thou art blessed, together with Thy all-

holy, and good, and quickening Spirit, now and always.

The People.
The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The Deacon.
Let us stand reverently, let us stand in the fear of God,
and with contrition let us attend to the holy communion ser-

vice, to offer peace to God.



The People.

An offering of peace, a sacrifice of praise.

The Priest.

And, uncovering the robes that darkly invest in symbol

this sacred ceremonial, do Thou reveal it clearly to us : fill

our intellectual vision with absolute and having purified


our poverty from every pollution of flesh and spirit, make it

worthy of this dread and awful approach for Thou art an :

all-merciful and gracious God, and we send up the praise

and the thanksgiving to Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
now, and always, and for ever.

Then he says aloud

XXVIII. The love of the Lord and Father, the grace
of the Lord and Son, and the fellowship and the gift of the
Holy Spirit, be with us all.

The People.
And with thy spirit.

The Priest.

Let us lift up our minds and our hearts.

T/ie People.

It is becoming and right.

Then the Priest prays.

Verily it is becoming and

right, proper and due to praise
Thee, to sing of Thee, to bless Thee, to worship Thee, to
glorify Thee, to give Thee thanks. Maker of every creature
visible and good things, the
invisible, the treasure of eternal
fountain of and immortality, God and Lord of all, whom

the heavens of heavens praise, and all the host of them ; the
sun, and the moon, and all the choir of the stars earth, sea, ;

and all that is in them Jerusalem, the heavenly assembly,


and church of the first-born that are written in heaven ; spirits

of just men and of prophets; souls of martyrs and of apostles;


angels, archangels, thrones, principalities, and

authorities, and dread powersand the many-eyed cherubim,

and the six-winged seraphim, which cover their faces with

two wings, their feet with two, and with two they fly, crying
one to another with unresting lips, with unceasing praises.


With loud voice singing the victorious hymn of Thy

majestic glory, crying aloud, praising, shouting, and saying

The People.

Holy, holy, holy, O Lord of Sabaoth, the heaven and the

earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest ; blessed
is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in
the highest.

The Priest, making the sign of the cross on the gifts, sar/s :

XXIX. Holy art Thou, King of eternity, and Lord and

giver of all holiness ; holy also Thy only-begotten Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, by whom Thou hast made all things holy ;

also Thy Holy Spirit, which searches all things, even Thy deep
things, O God : holy art Thou, almighty, all-powerful, good,
dread, merciful, most compassionate to Thy creatures who ;

didst make man from earth after Thine own image and like-
ness who didst give him the joy of paradise
and when he ;

transgressed Thy commandment, and fell away, didst not

disregard nor desert him, O Good One, but didst chasten
him as a merciful father, call him by the law, instruct him
by the prophets; and afterwards didst send forth Thine
only-begotten Son Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, into the
world, that He by His coming might renew and restore Thy
image; who, having descended from heaven, and become
flesh of the Holy Spirit and Virgin God-mother Mary, and
having sojourned among men, fulfilled the dispensation for the
salvation of our race and being about to endure His volun-

tary and life-giving death by the cross, He the sinless for us

the sinners, in the night in which He was betrayed, nay, rather
delivered Himself up for the life and salvation of the world.
: : : : ;


Then the Priest holds the bread in his handy and says
XXX. Having taken the bread His holy and pure and
blameless and immortal hands, lifting up His eyes to heaven,
and showing it to Thee, His God and Father, He gave
thanks, and hallowed, and broke, and gave it to us, His dis-
ciples and apostles, saying

The Deacons say:

For the remission of sins and life everlasting.

Then he says aloud:

Take, eat : this is my body, broken for you, and given for
remission of sins.

The People.
Then he takes the cup^ and says
In manner, after supper, He took the cup, and having
mixed wine and water, lifting up His eyes to heaven, and
presenting it to Thee, His God and Father, He gave thanks,
and hallowed and blessed it, and filled it with the Holy Spirit,
and gave it to us His disciples, saying, Drink ye all of it
this is my blood of the new testament shed for you and
many, and distributed for the remission of sins.

The People.
The Priest.

This do in remembrance of me ; for as often as ye eat this

bread, and drink this cup, ye do show forth the Lord's death,
and confess His resurrection, till He come.

The Deacons say

We believe and confess.

The People.
We show forth Thy death, O Lord, and confess Thy re-
: ;


The Priest.

XXXI. Remembering, therefore, His life-giving suffer-

ings, His saving cross, His death and His burial, and resurrec-
tion from the dead on the third day, and His ascension into
heaven, and sitting at the right hand of Thee, our God and
Father, and His second glorious and awful appearing, when
He shall come with glory to judge the quick and the dead,
and render to every one according to His works even we, ;

sinful men, offer unto Thee, O Lord, this dread and blood-
less sacrifice, praying that Thou wilt not deal with us after
our sins, nor reward us according to our iniquities ; but that
Thou, according to Thy mercy and Thy unspeakable loving-
kindness, passing by and blotting out the handwriting against
us Thy suppliants,
wilt grant to us Thy heavenly and eternal
gifts,which eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, and
which have not entered into the heart of man (to conceive)
that Thou hast prepared, O God, for those who love Thee
and reject not, O loving Lord, the people for my sake, or
for my sin's sake.

Then he says, thrice

For Thy people and Thy church supplicate Thee.

The People.

Have mercy on us, O Lord our God, Father Almighty.

Again the Priest says :

XXXIL Have mercy upon us, O God Almighty.

Have mercy upon us, O God our Saviour.
Have mercy upon us, O God, according to Thy great
mercy, and send forth on us, and on these offered gifts, Thy
all-holy Spirit.

Then, hoioing his neck, he says :

The sovereign and quickening Spirit, that sits upon the

throne with Thee, our God and Father, and with Thy only-
begotten Son, reigning with Thee; the consubstantial and
: ;


co-eternal ; and in the prophets, and

that spoke in the law
in Thy New
Testament; that descended in the form of a dove
on our Lord Jesus Christ at the river Jordan, and abode on
Him that descended on Thy apostles in the form of tongues

of fire in the upper room of the holy and glorious Zion on

the day of Pentecost : this Thine down,
all-holy Spirit, send
O Lord, upon us, and upon these offered holy gifts

And rising up, he says aloud

That coming, by His holy and good and glorious appear-

ing, He may sanctify this bread, and make it the holy body
of Thy Christ.

The People.


The Priest.

And this cup the precious blood of Thy Christ.

The People.

TJie Priest hy himself standing.

XXXIII. That they may be to all that partake of them

for remission of sins, and for life everlasting, for the sancti-
fication of souls and of bodies, for bearing the fruit of good
works, for the stablishing of Thy holy catholic church, which
Thou hast founded on the rock of faith, that the gates of
hell may not prevail against it ; delivering it from all heresy
and scandals, and from those who work iniquity, keeping it

till the fulness of the time.

And having bowed, he says:

XXXIV. We present them to Thee also, O Lord, for the

holy places, which Thou hast glorified by the divine appear-
ing of Thy Christ, and by the visitation of Thy all-holy
Spirit; especially for the glorious Zion, the mother of all
the churches; and for Thy holy, catholic, and apostolic

church throughout the world : even now, O Lord, bestow
upon her the rich gifts of Thy all-holy Spirit.
Eemember also, O Lord, our holy fathers and brethren in
and the bishops
it, in all the world, who rightly divide the
word of Thy truth.
Remember also, O Lord, every city and country, and
those of the true faith dwelling in them, their peace and
Remember, O Lord, Christians sailing, travelling, sojourn-
ing in strange lands; our fathers and brethren, who are in
bonds, prison, captivity, and exile; and who are in mines,
under and in bitter slavery.
Remember, O Lord, the sick and aflSicted, and those
troubled by unclean spirits, their speedy healing from Thee,
O God, and their salvation.
Remember, O Lord, every Christian soul in affliction and
distress, needing Thy mercy and succour, O God; and the
return of the erring.
Remember, O Lord, our fathers and brethren, toiling hard,
and ministering unto us, for Thy holy name's sake.
Remember all, O Lord, for good have mercy on all, O :

Lord, be reconciled to us all give peace to the multitudes


of Thy people put away scandals bring wars to an end

: :

make the uprising of heresies to cease : grant Thy peace and

Thy love to us, O God our Saviour, the hope of all the
ends of the earth.
Remember, O Lord, favourable weather, peaceful showers,
beneficent dews, abundance of fruits, and to crown the year
with Thy goodness ; for the eyes of all wait on Thee, and
Thou givest their food in due season : thou openest Thy hand,
and fillest every living thing with gladness.
Remember, O Lord, those who bear fruit, and labour
honourably in the holy (services) of Thy church and those ;

who forget not the poor, the widows, the orphans, the
strangers, and the needy ; and all who have desired us to
remember them in our prayers. Moreover, O Lord, be
pleased to remember those who have brought these offerings
this day to Thy holy altar, and for what each one has
: :


brought them or with what mind, and those persons who

have just now been mentioned to Thee.
Remember, O Lord, according to the multitude of Thy
mercy and compassion, me also, Thy humble and unprofitable
servant and the deacons who surround Thy holy altar, and

graciously give them a blameless life, keep their ministry

undefiled, and purchase for them a good degree, that we may
find mercy and grace, with all the saints that have been well
pleasing to Thee since the world began, to generation and
generation —
grandsires, sires, patriarchs, prophets, apostles,
martyrs, confessors, teachers, saints, and every just spirit
made perfect in the faith of Thy Christ.
XXXV. Hail, Mary, highly favoured the Lord is with

Thee ; blessed art thou among women, and blessed the fruit
of thy womb, for thou didst bear the Saviour of our souls.

Then the Priest says aloud

Hail in the highest, our all-holy, pure, most blessed, glorious
Lady, the God-mother and ever-virgin Mary.

The Singers.
Verily becoming to bless Thee, the God-bearing, the
it is

ever-blessed, and all-blameless, and mother of our God, more

honourable than the cherubim, and incomparably more
glorious than the seraphim : thee, who didst bear with purity
God the Word, thee the true God-mother, we magnify.

A7id again they sing

In thee, highly favoured, all creation rejoices, the host of
angels, and the race of men ; hallowed temple, and spiritual
paradise, pride of virgins, of whom God was made flesh and
our God, who was before eternity, became a little child for :

He made Thy womb His throne, and Thy belly broader than
the heavens. In thee, O highly favoured one, all creation
rejoices : glory unto thee.

The Deacons.
XXXVI. Remember us, O Lord God.


The Priest, bowing, says

Eemember, O Lord God, the spirits and all flesh, of whom

we have made mention, and of whom we have not made
mention, who are of the true faith, from righteous Abel
unto this day unto them do Thou give rest there in the

land of the living, in Thy kingdom, in the joy of paradise,

in the bosom Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, our
holy fathers whence pain, and grief, and lamentation have

fled there the light of Thy countenance looks upon them,


and enlightens them for ever. Make the end of our lives
Christian, acceptable, blameless, and peaceful, O Lord, O
Lord, gathering us together under the feet of Thine elect,
when Thou wilt, and as Thou wilt only without shame and

transgressions, through Thy only-begotten Son, our Lord and

God and Saviour Jesus Christ : for He is the only sinless
one who hath appeared on the earth.

The Deacon.

And and stablishing of the whole world, and

for the peace
of the holy churches of God, and for the purposes for which
each one made his offering, or according to the desire he has :

and for the people standing round, and for all men, and all

The People.
And for all men and all women.

The Priest says aloud :

Wherefore, both to them and to us, do Thou in Thy good-

ness and love,

The People.

Forgive, remit, pardon, O

God, our transgressions, volun-
tary and involuntary : and in word in knowledge
in deed :

and in ignorance by night and by day in thought and

: :

intent : in Thy goodness and love, forgive us them all.


The Priest.

Through the grace and compassion and love of Thy only-

begotten Son, with whom Thou art blessed and glorified,
together with the all-holy, and good, and quickening Spirit,
now and ever, and to all eternity.

The People.
The Priest.

XXXVII. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Again, and continually, in peace let us pray to the Lord.
For the gifts to the Lord God presented and sanctified,
precious, heavenly, unspeakable, pure, glorious, dread, awful,
divine, let us pray.
That the Lord our God, having graciously received them
to His altar that is holy and above the heavens, rational and
spiritual, for the odour of a sweet spiritual savour, may send
down in answer upon us the divine grace and the gift of the
all-holy Spirit, let us pray.
Having prayed for the unity of the faith, and the commu-
nion of His all-holy and adorable Spirit, let us commend our-
selves and one another, and our whole life, to Christ our God.

The People.

The Priest prays.

XXXVIII. God and Father of our Lord and God and
Saviour Jesus Christ, the glorious Lord, the blessed essence,
the bounteous goodness, the God and Sovereign of all, who
art blessed to all eternity, who sittest upon the cherubim, and
by the seraphim, before whom stand thousand
art glorified
thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand hosts of

angels and archangels: Thou hast accepted the gifts, offerings,

and brought unto Thee as an odour of a sweet spiritual
smell, and hast been pleased to sanctify them, and make them
perfect, O good One, by the grace of Thy Christ, and by the
presence of Thy all-holy Spirit. Sanctify also, O Lord, our
souls,and bodies, and spirits, and touch our understandings,
and search our consciences, and cast out from us every evil
imagination, every impure feeling, every base desire, every
unbecoming thought, all envy, and vanity, and hypocrisy,
all lying, all deceit, every worldly affection, all covetousness,
all vainglory, all indifference, all vice, all passion, all anger,
all malice, all blasphemy, every motion of the flesh and
spirit that is not in accordance with Thy holy will.


And count us worthy, O loving Lord, with boldness,

without condemnation, in a pure heart, with a contrite spirit,

with unshamed face, with sanctified lips, to dare to call upon

Thee, the holy God, Father in heaven, and to say,

The People.

Our Father, which art in heaven : hallowed be Thy

name and so on.

The Priest, bowing, says :

And lead us not into temptation. Lord, Lord of Hosts, who

knowest our frailty, but deliver us from the evil one and his
works, and from all his malice and craftiness, for the sake
of Thy holy name, which has been placed upon our humility.


For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever.

The People.
llie Priest.

XXXIX. Peace be to all.

: : :


The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

The People.
To Thee, O Lord.

The Priest prays, speaking thus

To Thee, O Lord, we Thy servants have bowed our heads
before Thy holy altar, waiting for the rich mercies that are
from Thee. Send forth upon us, O Lord, Thy plenteous
grace and Thy blessing and sanctify our souls, bodies, and

spirits, that we may become worthy communicants and par-

takers of Thy holy mysteries, to the forgiveness of sins and

life everlasting.

A loud.
For adorable and glorified art Thou, our God, and Thy
only-begotten Son, and Thy all-holy Spirit, now and ever.

The People.
The Priest says aloud

And the grace and the mercies of the holy and consub-
stantial, and uncreated, and adorable Trinity, shall be with
us all.

The People.
And with thy spirit.

The Deacon.
In the fear of God, let us attend.

The Priest, elevating the gifts, says secretly

O holy Lord, that abidest in holy places, sanctify us by

the word of Thy grace, and by the visitation of Thy all-holy
: :


Spirit : for Thou, O Lord, hast said, Ye will be holy, for I

am holy. O Lord our God, incomprehensible Word of God,
one in substance with the Father and the Holy Spirit, co-
eternal and indivisible, accept the pure hymn, in Thy holy
and bloodless sacrifices; with the cherubim, and seraphim,
and from me, a sinful man, crying and saying.


XL. The holy things unto the holy.

The People.

One holy, one Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the
Father, to whom be glory to all eternity.

The Deacon.
XLI. For the remission of our sins, and the propitiation
of our souls,and for every soul in tribulation and distress,
needing the mercy and succour of God, and for the return of
the erring, the healing of the sick, the deliverance of the cap-
tives, the rest of our fathers and brethren, who have fallen
asleep aforetime, let us all say fervently, Lord, have mercy.

The People.
Lord, have mercy. Twelve times.

Then the Priest breaks the bread, and holds the half in his

light hand, and the half in his left, and dips that in his

right hand in the chalice, saying

The union of the all-holy body and precious blood of our

Lord and God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Then he makes the sign of the cross on that in his left hand :
then with that which has been signed the other half: then
forthwith he begins to divide, and before all to give to

each chalice a single piece, saying

It has been made one, and sanctified, and perfected, in the

name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
now and ever.
: : : :


And when he makes the sign of the cross on the bread, he


Behold the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father, that

taketh away the sin of the world, sacrificed for the life and

salvation of the world.

And when he gives a single piece to each chalice, he says :

A holy portion of Christ, full of grace and truth, of the

Father, and of the Holy Spirit, to whom be the glory and the
power to all eternity.

Then he begins to divide, and to say

XLII. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. In

green pastures, and so on (Ps. xxiii.).


I will bless the Lord at all times, and so on (Ps. xxxiv.).


I will extol Thee, my God, O King, and so on (Ps. cxlv.).


O praise the Lord, all ye nations, and so on (Ps. cxvii.).

The Deacon.
Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest.

The Lord and keep us without condemnation

will bless us,
for the participation of His pure gifts, now and always, and
for ever.

And when they have filled, the Deacon says

Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest says

The Lord will bless us, and make us worthy with the pure
touchings of our fingers to take the live coal, and place it
: ::


upon the mouths of the faithful for the purification and re-
newal of their souls and bodies, now and always.


O taste and see that the Lord is good, who is parted and
not divided, distributed to the faithful and not expended, for
the remission of sins, and the life everlasting, now and always,
and for ever.

The Deacon.
In the peace of Christ, let us sing.

TJie Singers.

O taste and see that the Lord is good.

The Priest says the prayer hefore the communion.

O Lord our God, the heavenly bread, the life of the
universe, I have sinned against Heaven, and before Thee,
and am not worthy to partake of Thy pure mysteries but ;

as a merciful God, make me worthy by Thy grace, without

condemnation to partake of Thy holy body and precious
blood, for the remission of sins, and life everlasting.

XLIII. Then he to the clergy; and ivhen the

deacons take the disks and the chalices for distribution to

the people, the Deacon, who takes the first disk, says.

Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest replies

Glory to God who has sanctified and is sanctifying us all.

The Deacon says

Be Thou exalted, O God, over the heavens, and Thy

glory over all the earth, and Thy kingdom endureth to all

And when the Deacon is about to put it on the side-table, the

Priest says

Blessed be the name of the Lord our God for ever.

' Or patens.
: :


The Deacon.

In the fear of God, and in faith and love, draw nigh.

The People.

Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

And again, when he lifts the disk from the side-table, he says:

Sir, pronounce the blessing.

The Priest.

Save Thy people, O God, and bless Thine inheritance.

The Priest again.

Glory to our God, who has sanctified us all.

And when he has put the chalice back on the holy table, the
Priest says:

Blessed be the name of the Lord to all eternity.

The Deacons and the People say

Fill our mouths with Thy praise, O Lord, and fill our
lips with joy, that we may sing of Th;^ glory, of Thy great-
ness all the day.

And again

We render thanks to Thee, Christ our God, that Thou

hast made us worthy to partake of Thy body and blood, for
the remission of sins, and for life everlasting. Do Thou, in
Thy goodness and love, keep us, we pray Thee, without con-

The prayer of incense at the last entrance.

XLIV. We render thanks to Thee, the Saviour and God

of all, for all the good things Thou and for the
hast given us,
participation of Thy holy and pure mysteries, and we offer
to Thee this incense, praying: Keep us under the shadow of
Thy wings, and count us worthy till our last breath to par-


take of Thy holy rites for the sanctification of our souls and
bodies, for the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven: for
Thou, O God, art our sanctification, and we send up praise
and thanksgiving to Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Deacon begins in the entrance.

Glory to Thee, glory to Thee, glory to Thee, O Christ

the King, only-begotten Word of the Father, that Thou
hast counted us, Thy and unworthy servants, worthy
to enjoy thy pure mysteries for the remission of sins, and
for life everlasting glory to Thee.

And when he has made the entrance, the Deacon begins to

speak thus

XLV. Again and again, and at all times, in peace, let us

beseech the Lord.
That the participation of His holy rites may be to us for
the turning away from every wicked thing, for our support
on the journey to life everlasting, for the communion and
gift of the Holy Spirit, let us pray.

The Priest pra^s.

Commemorating our all-holy, pure, most glorious, blessed

Lady, the God-Mother and Ever- Virgin Mary, and all the
saints that have been well-pleasing to Thee since the world
began, let us devote ourselves, and one another, and our
whole life, to Christ our God.

The People.
To Thee, O Lord.

The Priest.

XLVI. O God, who through Thy great and unspeakable

love didst condescend to the weakness of Thy servants, and
hast counted us worthy to partake of this heavenly table,
condemn not us sinners for the participation of Thy pure
mysteries ; but keep us, O good One, in the sanctification of
Thy Holy Spirit, that being made holy, we may find part

and inheritance with all Thy saints that have been well-
pleasing toThee since the world began, in the light of Thy
countenance, through the mercy of Thy only-begotten Son,
our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, with whom
Thou art blessed, together with Thy all-holy, and good, and
quickening Spirit for blessed and glorified is Thy all-

precious and glorious name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

now and ever, and to all eternity.

The People.
The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
XLVII. Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

The Priest.

O God, great and marvellous, look upon Thy servants, for

we have bowed our heads to Thee. Stretch forth Thy hand,
strong and full of blessings, and bless Thy people. Keep
Thine inheritance, that always and at all times we may
glorify Thee, our only living and true God, the holy and con-
substantial Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and
ever, and to all eternity.

For unto Thee is becoming and is due praise from us all,
and honour, and adoration, and thanksgiving, Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, now and ever.

The Deacon.
XLVni. In the peace of Christ let us sing.

And again he says :

In the peace of Christ let us go on.


The People.
In the name of the Lord. Sir, pronounce the blessing.

Dismission prayer, spoken by the Deacon.

Going on from glory to glory, we praise Thee, the Saviour

of our souls. Glory to Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit
now and ever, and to all eternity. We praise Thee, the
Saviour of our souls.

The Priest says a prayer from the altar to the sacristy.

XLIX. Going on from strength to strength, and having

fulfilled all the divine service in Thy temple, even now we
beseech Thee, O Lord our God, make us worthy of perfect
loving-kindness ; make straight our path root us : in Thy
fear, and make us worthy of the heavenly kingdom, in Christ
Jesus our Lord, with whom Thou art blessed, together with
Thy all-holy, and good, and quickening Spirit, now and
always, and for ever.
The Deacon.
L. Again and again, and at all times, in peace let us
beseech the Lord.

Prayer said in the sacristy after the dismissal.

Thou hast given unto us, O Lord, sanctification in the

communion of the all-holy body and precious blood of Thy
only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ ;
give unto us also
the grace of Thy good and keep us blameless in the

faith, lead us unto perfect adoption and redemption, and to

the coming joys of eternity for Thou art our sanctification

and light, O God, and Thy only-begotten Son, and Thy all-
holy Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity. Amen.

The Deacon.
In the peace of Christ let us keep watch.

The Priest.

BlessedGod, who blesseth and sanctifieth through the


communion of the holy, and quickening, and pure mysteries,

now and ever, and to all eternity. Amen.


Then the prayer of propitiation.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the liviDg God, Lamb and

Shepherd, who takest away the sin of the world, who didst
freely forgive their debt to the two debtors, and gavest re-
mission of her sins to the woman that was a sinner, who
gavest healing to the paralytic, with the remission of his sins
forgive, remit, pardon, O God, our and
offences, voluntary
involuntary, in knowledge and in ignorance, by transgres-
sion and by disobedience, which Thy all-holy Spirit knows
better than Thy servants do and if men, carnal and dwell-

ing in this world, have in aught erred from Thy command-

ments, either moved by the devil, whether in word or in deed,
or if they have come under a curse, or by reason of some
special vow, I entreat and beseech Thy unspeakable loving-
kindness, that they may be set free from their word, and
released from the oath and the special vow, according to Thy
goodness. Verily, O Sovereign Lord, hear my supplication
on behalf of Thy and do Thou pass by all their
errors, remembering them no more forgive them every

transgression, voluntary and involuntary deliver them from


everlasting punishment for Thou art He that hast com-


manded us, saying, Whatsoever things ye bind upon earth,

shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever things ye loose

upon earth, shall be loosed in heaven for thou art our God,

a God able to pity, and to save and to forgive sins and glory ;

is due unto Thee, with the eternal Father, and the quicken-

ing Spirit, now and ever, and to all eternity. Amen.




The Priest.

I. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

Tlie Deacon.

The People.

Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy.

The Pokiest prays.

We give Thee thanks, yea, more than thanks, O Lord our

God, the Father of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus
Christ, for all Thy goodness at all times and in all places,
because Thou hast shielded, rescued, helped, and guided us
all the days of our lives, and brought us unto this hour,

permitting us again to stand before Thee in Thy holy place,

that we may implore forgiveness of our sins and propitiation
to all Thy people. "We pray and beseech Thee, merciful
God, to grant in Thy goodness that we may spend this holy
day and all the time of our lives without sin, in fulness of
joy, health, safety, holiness, and reverence of Thee. But
all envy, all fear, all temptation, all the influence of Satan,

all the snares of wicked men, do Thou, O Lord, drive away

from us, and from Thy holy catholic and apostolic church.
Bestow upon us, O Lord, what is good and meet. What-
ever sin we commit in thought, word, or deed, do Thou
in Thy goodness and mercy be pleased to pardon. Leave
us not, O Lord, while we hope in Thee nor lead us into ;

temptation, but deliver us from the evil one and from his
works, through the grace, mercy, and love of Thine only-
begotten Son.

In a loud voice.

Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, in Thy most holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now,
henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.

The Priest.
11. Peace be to all.

The People.

And to thy spirit.

TJie Deacon.
Pray for the king.-"^

The People.
Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy.

The Priest prays.

O God, Sovereign Lord, the Father of our Lord and God

and Saviour Jesus Christ, we pray and beseech Thee to
grant that our king may enjoy peace, and be just and brave.
Subdue under him, O God, all his adversaries and enemies.
Gird on Thy shield and armour, and rise to his aid. Give
him the victory, O God, that his heart may be set on peace
^ Kather " for the emperor," says Rcuaudot; and the word (ixai'hiii;

will stand this meaning.


and the praise of Thy holy name, that we too in his peace-
ful reign may spend a calm and tranquil life in all rever-
ence and godly fear, through the grace, mercy, and love of
Thine only-begotten Son.

In a loud voice.

Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, with Thy most holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now,
henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.

The Priest.
III. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Pray for the pope and the bishop.

The People.
Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy ; Lord, have mercy.

The Priest.

O Sovereign and Almighty God, the Father of our Lord,

God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, we pray and beseech Thee to
defend in Thy good mercy our most holy and blessed high
priest Pope A,^ and our most reverend Bishop A. Preserve
them for us through many years in peace, while they accord-
ing to Thy holy and blessed will fulfil the sacred priesthood
committed to their care, and dispense aright the word of truth;
with all the orthodox bishops, elders, deacons, sub-deacons,
readers, singers, and laity, with the entire body of the holy

1 The Patriarch of Alexandria is meant. 1^'he word Twxaj was used

at first to designate all bishops ; but its application gradually became
more restricted, and so here the Patriarch of Alexandria is called ^raxaj,
as being superior to the bishops of his patriarchate.


and only catholic church. Graciously bestow upon them

peace, health, and salvation. The prayers they offer up
for us, and we for them, do Thou, O Lord, receive at Thy
holy, heavenly, and reasonable altar. But all the enemies
of Thy holy church put Thou speedily under their feet,
through the grace, mercy, and love of Thine only-begotten


Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, with Thy all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit, now,
henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.
The Priest.

IV. Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Stand and pray.

The People.

Lord have mercy (thrice).

The Priest offers up the prayer of entrance^ and for incense.

The Priest.

Sovereign Lord our God, who hast chosen the lamp of
the twelve apostles with its twelve lights, and hast sent them
forth to proclaim throughout the whole world and teach the
gospel of Thy kingdom, and to heal sickness and every weak-
ness among the people, and hast breathed upon their faces
and said unto them, " Keceive the Holy Spirit the Comforter :

whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them and ;

whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained " Breathe also
1 This is the " little entrance."
' :


Thy Holy Spirit upon us Thy servants, who, standing

around, are about to enter on Thy holy service, [bestow-
ing what is meet] ^
upon the bishops, elders, deacons,
readers, singers, and laity, with the entire body of the holy
catholicand apostolic church. From the curse and execra-
tion,from condemnation, imprisonment, and banishment,
and from the portion of the adversary, O Lord, deliver us.
Purify our lives and cleanse our hearts from all pollution
and from all wickedness, that with pure heart and conscience
we may offer to Thee this incense for a sweet-smelling savour,
and for the remission of our sins and the sins of all Thy
people, through the grace, mercy, and love of Thine only-
begotten Son.

A loud.
Through whom and with whom be the glory and the
power to Thee, with Thy all-holy, good, and life-giving
Spirit, now, henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.
Tlie Deacon.
V. Stand.
They sing the " Only-hegotten Son and Word.''^

The Gospel is carried in, and the Deacon says

Let us pray.

The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Let us pray.
1 The text here is defective. Some suppose that a sentence has been
2 Given in full in c. VI. of the Liturgy of James.
: :

The People.
Lord, have mercy.

The Priest says the prayer of the Trisagion.

O Sovereign Lord Christ Jesus, the co-eternal Word of the

eternal Father, who wast made in all things like as we are,

but without sin, for the salvation of our race ; who hast sent
forth Thy holy disciples and apostles to proclaim and teach
the gospel of Thy kingdom, and to heal all disease, all sick-
ness among Thy people, be pleased now, O Lord, to send
forth Thy light and Thy truth. Enlighten the eyes of our
minds, that we may understand Thy divine oracles. Fit us

to become and not only hearers, but doers of Thy

word, that we, becoming fruitful, and yielding good fruit
from thirty to an hundred fold, may be deemed worthy of
the kingdom of heaven.


Let Thy mercy speedily overtake us, O Lord. For Thou

art the bringer of good tidings, the Saviour and Guardian
of our souls and bodies and we offer glory, thanks, and the

Trisagion to Thee, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now,

henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.
Holy God, holy mighty, holy immortal.

VI. After the Trisagion the Priest makes the sign of the cross
upon the people, and says
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

Then follow the nTp6ar')(wp.ev {let us attend) The Apostle and


Prologue of the Hallelujah. The Deacons^ after a pre-

scribed form^ say
Lord, bless us.^
1 See note on p. 13.

The Priest says :

May the Lord in His mercy bless and help us, now,
henceforth, and for evermore.

The Priest, before the Gospel is read, offers incense, and says :

Accept at Thy holy, heavenly, and reasonable altar, O

Lord, the incense we offer in presence of Thy sacred glory.
Send down upon us in return the grace of Thy Holy Spirit,
for Thou art blessed, and let Thy glory encircle us.

VII. The Deacon, when he is about to read the Gospel, says :

Lord, bless us.

The Priest.

May the Lord, who is the blessed God, bless and strengthen
us, and make us hearers of His holy Gospel, now, hence-
forth, and for evermore. Amen.

The Deacon.
Stand and let us hear the holy Gospel.

The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

VIII. The Deacon reads the Gospel, and the Priest says the
prayer of the Collect {rrfv a-uvdTrrrjv).

Look down in mercy and compassion, O Lord, and heal

the sick among Thy people. May all our brethren who
have gone or who are about to go abroad, safely reach their
destination in due season. Send down the gracious rain
upon the thirsty lands, and make the rivers flow in full
stream, according to Thy grace. The fruits of the land do
Thou, O Lord, fill with seed and make ripe for the harvest.
In peace, courage, justice, and tranquillity preserve the
kingdom of Thy servant, whom Thou hast deemed worthy
to reign over this land. From evil days, from famine and
pestilence, from the assault of barbarians, defend, O Lord,
and worthy of Thy compassion,
this Christ-loving city, lowly
as Thou didst spare Nineveh of old for Thou art full of;

mercy and compassion, and rememberest not the iniquities

of men against them. Thou hast said through Thy prophet
Isaiah, " I will defend this city, to save it for mine own
sake, and for my servant David's sake." Wherefore we pray
and beseech Thee to defend in Thy good mercy this city, for
the sake of the martyr and evangelist Mark, who has shown
us the way of salvation through the grace, mercy, and love
of Thine only-begotten Son.


Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, with Thy all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit.

The Deacon.
IX. Begin.

Then they say the verse. The Deacon says the three}

The Priest.

O Sovereign and Almighty God, the Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, we pray and beseech Thee to fill our hearts
with the peace of heaven, and to bestow moreover the peace
of this life. Preserve for us through many years our most
holy and blessed Pope A [Patriarch], and our most pious
Bishop A, while they, according to Thy holy and blessed
will, peacefully fulfil the holy priesthood committed to their
care, and dispense aright the word of truth, with all the
orthodox bishops, elders, deacons, sub-deacons, readers,
singers, with the entire body of the holy catholicand apos-
tolic church. Bless our meetings, O Lord, Grant that we
may hold them without let or hindrance, according to Thy
holy will. Be pleased to give to us, and Thy servants after
us for ever, houses of praise and prayer. Rise, O Lord, and
^ Probably by the three are meant three prayers.
: ^


let Thine enemies be scattered. Let all who hate Thy holy-

name be put to flight. Bless Thy faithful and orthodox

people. Multiply them by thousands and tens of thousands.
Let no deadly sin prevail against them, or against Thy
holy people, through the grace, mercy, and love of Thine
only-begotten Son.


Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, with Thy all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit.

The People.
The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Deacon.
Take care that none of the catechumens

Then they sing " The Chericbim" mystically.

X. The Priest offers incense at the entrance^ and prays :

Lord our God, who lackest nothing, accept this incense
offered by an unworthy hand, and deem us all worthy of
Thy blessing, for Thou art our sanctification, and we ascribe
glory to Thee.

The holy things are carried to the altar, and the Priest prays

O holy, highest, awe-inspiring God, who dwellest among

the saints, sanctify us, and deem us worthy of Thy reverend
priesthood. Bring us to Thy precious altar with a good
conscience, and cleanse our hearts from all pollution. Drive
away from us all unholy thoughts, and sanctify our souls
and minds. Grant that, with reverence of Thee, we may
perform the service of our holy fathers, and propitiate Thy
^ Some such word as " remain" is intentionally omitted.
: : :


presence through all time; for Thou art He who blesseth

and sanctifieth all things, and to Thee we ascribe glory and

The Deacon.
XI. Salute one another.

The Priest says the prayer of salutation.

Sovereign and Almighty Lord, look down from heaven

on Thy church, on all Thy people, and on all Thy flock.
Save us all, Thy unworthy servants, the sheep of Thy fold.
Give us Thy peace. Thy help, and Thy love, and send to
us the gift of Thy Holy Spirit, that with a pure heart and
a good conscience we may salute one another with an holy
kiss, without hypocrisy, and with no hostile purpose, but

guileless and pure in one spirit, in the bond of peace and

love, one body and one spirit, in one faith, even as we have
been called in one hope of our calling, that we may all meet
in the divine and boundless love, in Christ Jesus our Lord,
with whom Thou art blessed.

Then the Priest offers the incense, and says

The incense is offered to Thy name. Let it ascend, we
implore Thee, from the hands of Thy poor and sinful ser-
vants to Thy heavenly altar for a sweet-smelling savour, and
the propitiation ofall Thy people. For all glory, honour,
and thanks are due unto Thee, the Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost, now, henceforth, and for evermore. Amen.

After the " salutation,^ the Deacon in a loud voice says

XII. Stand and make the offering duly.

The Priest, making the sign of the cross over the dish and
chalices, says in a loud voice

1 believe in one God, etc.

The Deacon,
Stand for prayer.
; : :


The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The Deacon.
Pray for those who present the offering.

The Priest says the prayer of oblation (r»}? '7rpo9ea-e(o<i).

Sovereign Lord, Christ Jesus the Word, who art equal
in power with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the great high
priest ; the bread that came down from heaven, and saved
our souls from ruin ; who gavest Thyself, a spotless Lamb,
for the life of the world :we pray and beseech Thee, O Lord,
in Thy mercy, to let Thy presence rest upon this bread and
these chalices on the all-holy table, while angels, archangels,
and Thy holy priests stand round and minister for Thy glory
and the renewing of our souls, through the grace, mercy,
and love of Thine only-begotten Son, through whom and with
whom be glory and power to Thee.

And when the People say,

And from the Holy Spirit was He made flesh

The Priest makes the sign of the cross, and says :

And was crucified for us.

The Priest makes the sign of the cross again, and says
And to the Holy Spirit.

Xni. In like manner also, after the Creed, he makes the sign
of the cross upon the people, and says aloud
The Lord be with all.

The People.
And with thy spirit.

The Priest.

Let us lift up our hearts.


The People,
We lift them up to the Lord.
The Priest.

Let us give thanks to the Lord.

The People.
It is meet and right.

The Deacon.
• • « • •

The Priest begins the Anaphora.

O Lord God, Sovereign and Almighty Father, truly it

is meet and and becoming, and good for our souls,

right, holy
to praise, bless, and thank Thee; to make open confession
to Thee by day and night with voice, lips, and heart without
ceasing to Thee who hast made the heaven, and all that is

therein the earth, and all that is therein the sea, fountains,
; ;

rivers, lakes, and all that is therein to Thee who, after


Thine own image and likeness, hast made man, upon whom
Thou didst also bestow the joys of Paradise ; and when he
trespassed against Thee, Thou didst neither neglect nor for-
sake him, good Lord, but didst recall him by Thy law,
instruct him by Thy prophets, restore and renew him by
this awful, life-giving, and heavenly mystery. And all this

Thou hast done by Thy wisdom and the light of truth. Thine
only-begotten Son, our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus
Christ, through whom, thanking Thee with Him and the
Holy Spirit, we offer this reasonable and bloodless sacrifice,

which all nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun,
from the north and the south, present to Thee, O Lord ; for
great is Thy name among all peoples, and in all places are
incense, sacrifice, and oblation offered to Thy holy name.
XIV. We pray and beseech Thee, O Lord, to remember
in Thy good mercy the holy and only catholic and apostolic
church throughout the whole world, and all Thy people, and
all the sheep of this fold. Vouchsafe to the hearts of all of
us the peace of heaven, but grant us also the peace of this life.

Guide and direct in all peace the king [or emperor], army,
magistrates, councils/ peoples, and neighbourhoods, and all

our outgoings and incomings.

O King of Peace, grant us Thy peace in unity and love.
May we be Thine, O Lord ; for we know no other God but
Thee, and name no other name but Thine. Give life unto
the souls of all of us, and let no deadly sin prevail against
us, or against all Thy people.
Look down in mercy and compassion, O Lord, and heal
the sick among Thy people. Deliver them and us, O Lord,
from sickness and disease, and drive away the spirit of weak-
ness. Kaise up those who have been long afflicted, and heal
those who are vexed with unclean spirits. Have mercy on
all who are in prison, or in mines, or on trial, or condemned,

or in exile, or crushed by cruel bondage or tribute. Deliver

them, O Lord, for Thou God, who settest the captives
art our
free ; who raisest up the down-trodden who givest hope to

the hopeless, and help to the helpless ; who liftest up the

fallen ; who givest refuge to the shipwrecked, and vengeance
to the oppressed. Pity, relieve, and restore every Chris-
tian soul that is afflicted or But do Thou, O
Lord, the physician of our souls and bodies, the guardian
of all flesh, look down, and by Thy saving power heal all the
diseases of soul and body. Guide and prosper our brethren
who have gone or who are about to go abroad. Whether
they travel by land, or river, or lake, by public road, or in
whatever way journeying, bring them everywhere to a safe
and tranquil haven. Be pleased to be with them by land
and sea, and them in health and joy to joyful and
healthful homes. Ever defend, O Lord, our journey through
this life from trouble and storm. Send down rich and
copious showers on the dry and thirsty lands. Gladden and
revive the face of the earth, that it may spring forth and re-
joice in the raindrops. Make the rivers flow in full stream.
Gladden and revive the face of the earth with the swelling
waters. Fill all the channels of the streams, and multiply
the fruits of the earth. Bless, O Lord, the fruits of the
^ /3oi/7i«f, senates.

earth, and keep them safe and unharmed. Fill them with
seed, and make them ripe for the harvest. Bless even now,
O Lord, Thy yearly crown of blessing for the sake of the
poor of Thy people, the widow, the orphan, and the stranger,
and for the sake of all of us who have our hope in Thee
and call upon Thy holy name for the eyes of all are upon

Thee, and Thou givest them bread in due season. O Thou

who givest food to all flesh, fill our hearts with joy and glad-
ness, that at all times, having all sufficiency, we may abound
to every good work in Christ Jesus our Lord. O King of
kings and Lord of lords, defend the kingdom of Thy ser-
vant, our orthodox and Christ-loving sovereign, whom Thou
hast deemed worthy to reign over this land in peace, courage,
and justice. Subdue under him, O Lord, every enemy and
adversary, whether at home or abroad. Gird on Thy shield
and armour, and rise to his aid. Draw Thy sword, and help
him to fight against them that persecute him. Shield him
in the day of battle, and grant that the fruit of his loins may
situpon his throne. Be kind to him, O Lord, for the sake
of Thy holy and apostolic church, and all Thy Christ-loving
people, that we too in his peaceful reign may live a calm and
tranquil life, in all reverence and godliness. O Lord our
God, give peace to the souls of our fathers and brethren who
have fallen asleep in Jesus, remembering our forefathers of
old, our fathers, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, con-
fessors, bishops, and the souls of all the holy and just men
who have died in the Lord. Especially remember those
whose memory we this day celebrate, and our holy father
Mark, the apostle and evangelist, who has shown us the way
of salvation.
Hail ! thou art highly favoured ; the Lord is with thee ;

blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of

thy womb, because thou hast brought forth the Saviour of
our souls.


Especially (remember) our all-holy, pure, and blessed

Lady, Mary the Virgin Mother of God.

The Deacon.
Lord, bless us.

The Priest.

The Lord will bless thee in His grace, now, henceforth,

and for evermore.

The Deacon reads the record of the dead (ja ScTTTv^a).

The Priest bows and prays.

XV. Give peace, O Sovereign Lord our God, to the souls

of all who dwell in the tabernacles of Thy saints. Graciously
bestow upon them in Thy kingdom Thy promised blessing,
which eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, nor has it
entered into the heart of man what Thou, O God, hast pre-
pared for those who love Thy holy name. Give peace to
their souls, and deem them worthy of the kingdom of heaven.
Grant that we may end our lives as Christians, acceptable
unto Thee and without sin, and be pleased to give us part
and lot with all Thy saints. Accept, O God, by Thy mini-
stering archangels at Thy holy, heavenly, and reasonable
altar in the spacious heavens, the thankofferings of those
who offer sacrifice and and of those who desire to
offer much or little, in secret or openly, but have it not to
give. Accept the thankofferings of those who have pre-
sented them this day, as Thou didst accept the gifts of Thy
righteous Abel.

The Priest offers incense, and says :

As Thou didst accept the sacrifice of our father Abraham,

the incense of Zacharias, the alms of Cornelius, and the
widow's two mites, accept also the thankofferings of these, and
give them for the things of time the things of eternity, and
for the things of earth the things of heaven. Defend, O
Lord, our most holy and blessed Pope [Patriarch] J, whom
Thou hast fore-ordained to rule over Thy holy catholic and
apostolic church, and our most pious Bishop A, that they
: ;

througli many years of peace may, according to Thy holy
and blessed will, fulfil the sacred priesthood committed to
their care, and dispense aright the word of truth. Remem-
ber the orthodox bishops everywhere, the elders, deacons,
sub-deacons, readers, singers, monks, virgins, widows, and
laity. Eemember, O Lord, the holy city of our God, Jesus
Christ, and the imperial city, and this city of ours, and all
cities and all lands, and the peace and safety of those who
dwell therein in the orthodox faith of Christ. Be mindful, O
Lord, of the return of the backsliding, and of every Chris-
tian soul that is afflicted and oppressed, and in need of Thy

divine mercy and help. Be mindful, O Lord, of our brethren

in captivity. Grant that they may find mercy and com-
passion with those who have led them captive. Be mindful
also of us, O Lord, Thy sinful and unworthy servants, and
blot out our sins in Thy goodness and mercy. Be mindful
also of me, Thy lowly, sinful, and unworthy servant, and in
Thy mercy blot out my sins. Be with us, Lord, who
minister unto Thy holy name. Bless our meetings, O Lord.
Utterly uproot idolatry from the world. Crush under our
feet Satan, and all his wicked influence. Humble now, as at
all times, the enemies of Thy church. Lay bare their pride.
Speedily show them their weakness. Bring
to nought the
wicked plots they contrive against us. Arise, O Lord, and
let Thine enemies be scattered, and let all who hate Thy

holy name be put to flight. Do Thou bless a thousand

times ten thousand Thy faithful and orthodox people while
they do Thy holy will.

The Deacon.
Let those who are seated stand.

The Priest says the following prayer

Deliver the captive ; rescue the distressed ; feed the
hungry ; comfort the faint-hearted ; convert the erring
enlighten the darkened raise the fallen ; confirm the waver-

ing ; and guide them all, good Lord, into the

heal the sick ;

way of salvation, and into Thy sacred fold. Deliver us from

our iniquities ; protect and defend us at all times.
: ;


The Deacon,
Turn to the east.

The Priest hows and prays.

For Thou art far above all principality, and power, and
might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only
in this world, but in that which is to come. Kound Thee stand
ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands
of holy angels and hosts of archangels ; and Thy two most
honoured creatures, the many-eyed cherubim and the six-
winged seraphim. With twain they cover their faces, and
with twain they cover their feet, and with twain they do
fly ; and they cry one to another for ever with the voice

of praise, and glorify Thee, O Lord, singing aloud the

triumphal and thrice-holy^ hymn to Thy great glory.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth. Heaven and
earth are full of Thy glory

Thou dost ever sanctify all men but ; with all who glorify
Thee, receive also, O Sovereign Lord, our sanctification, who
with them celebrate Thy praise, and say,

The People.
Holy, holy, holy Lord.

The Priest makes the sign of the cross over the sacred mysteries.

XVI. For truly heavenand earth are full of Thy glory,

through the manifestation of our Lord and God and Saviour
Jesus Christ. Fill, O God, this sacrifice with Thy blessing,
through the inspiration of Thy all-holy Spirit. For the
Lord Himself, our God and universal King, Christ Jesus,
reclining at meat the same night on which he delivered Him-
self up for our sins and died in the flesh for all, took bread
in His holy, pure, and guiltless hands, and lifting His eyes
to His Father, our God, and the God of all, gave thanks
and when He had blessed, hallowed, and broken the bread,
gave it to His holy and blessed disciples and apostles, saying,
1 The Trisagion.


"Take, eat."

The Deacon.
Pray earnestly.

The Priest {aloud).

For this is my body, which is broken for you, and divided

for the remission of sins.

The People.
The Priest prays.
After the same manner also, when He had supped, He
took the cup of wine mingled with water, and lifting His
eyes to Thee, His Father, our God, and the God of all, gave
thanks; and when He had blessed and filled it with the
Holy Spirit, gave it to His holy and blessed disciples and
apostles, saying,

Drink ye all of it.

The Deacon.
Pray earnestly again.

The Priest {aloud).

For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed

for you and for many, and distributed among you for the
remission of sins.

The People.
The Priest pi^ays thus

This do ye in remembrance of me for as often as ye eat


this bread and drink this cup, ye do show forth my death

and acknowledge my resurrection and ascension until I come.


O Sovereign and Almighty Lord, King of heaven, while

we show forth the death of Thine only-begotten Son, our
Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, and acknowledge
His blessed resurrection from the dead on the third day, we
do also openly declare His ascension into heaven, and His
sitting on the right hand of Thee, God and Father, and
await His second terrible and dreadful coming, in which He
will come to judge righteously the quick and the dead, and
to render to each man according to his works.
XVII. O Lord our God, we have placed before Thee what
is Thine from Thine own mercies. We pray and beseech
Thee, O good and merciful God, to send down from Thy
holy heaven, from the mansion Thou hast prepared, and
from Thine infinite bosom, the Paraclete Himself, holy,
powerful, and life-giving, the Spirit of truth, who spake in
the law, the apostles, and prophets ; who is everywhere pre-
sent, and filleth all things, freely working sanctification in
whom He will with Thy good pleasure one in His nature ;

manifold in His working the fountain of divine blessing of

; ;

like substance with Thee, and proceeding from Thee sitting ;

with Thee on the throne of Thy kingdom, and with Thine

only-begotten Son, our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus
Christ. Send down upon us also, and upon this bread and
upon these cups. Thy Holy Spirit, that by His all-powerful
and divine influence He may sanctify and consecrate them,
and make this bread the body.

The People.
The Priest {aloud).
And cup the blood of the new testament, of the very
Lord, and God, and Saviour, and universal King Christ

The Deacon.
Deacons, come down.

The Priest {aloud).

That to all of us who partake thereof they may tend unto

faith, sobriety, healing, temperance, sanctification, the re-

newal of soul, body, and spirit, participation in the blessed-
ness of eternal and immortality, the glory of Thy most

holy name, and the remission of sins, that Thy most holy,
precious, and glorious name may be praised and glorified in
this as in all things.

The People.
As it was and is.

The Priest.

XVIII. Peace be to all.

The Deacon.

The Priest prays in secret.

O God of light, Father of life, Author of Grace, Creator

of worlds, Founder of knowledge. Giver of wisdom, Treasure
of holiness. Teacher of pure prayers, Benefactor of our
souls, who who put their trust in
glvest to the faint-hearted
Thee those things into which the angels desire to look. O
Sovereign Lord, who hast brought us up from the depths
of darkness to light, who hast given us life from death, who
hast graciously bestowed upon us freedom from slavery,
who hast scattered the darkness of sin within us, through the
presence of Thine only-begotten Son, do Thou now also,

through the visitation of Thy all-holy Spirit, enlighten the

eyes of our understanding, that we may partake without fear
of condemnation of this heavenly and immortal food, and
sanctify us wholly in soul, body, and spirit, that with Thy
holy disciples and apostles we may say this prayer to Thee :

" Our Father who art in heaven," etc.


And grant, O Sovereign Lord, in Thy mercy, that we

with freedom of speech, without fear of condemnation, with
pure heart and enlightened soul, with face that is not

ashamed, and with hallowed lips, may venture to call upon

Thee, the holy God who art in heaven, as our Father, and

The People.
Our Father who art in heaven, etc.

Tlie Priest prays.

Verily, Lord, Lord, lead us not into temptation, but

deliver us from evil for Thy abundant mercy showeth that

we through our great infirmity are unable to resist it. Grant

that we may find a way whereby we may be able to with-
stand temptation for Thou hast given us power to tread upon

serpents, and scorpions, and all the power of the enemy.

For Thine is the kingdom and power.

The People.

The Priest.
XIX. Peace be to all.

The Deacon.
Bow your heads to Jesus.

The People.
Thou, Lord.

The Priest prays.

O Sovereign and Almighty Lord, who sittest upon the
cherubim, and art glorified by the seraphim; who hast
made the heaven out of waters, and adorned it with choirs
of stars ; who hast placed an unbodied host of angels in the
highest heavens to sing Thy praise for ever ; before Thee
have we bowed our souls and bodies in token of our bondage.
We beseech Thee to repel the dark assaults of sin from our
understanding, and to gladden our minds with the divine

radiance of Thy Holy Spirit, that, filled with the knowledge

of Thee, we may worthily partake of the mercies set before
us, the pure body and precious blood of Thine only-begotten
Son, our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pardon
all our sins in Thy abundant and unsearchable goodness,
through the grace, mercy, and love of Thine only-begotten
Through whom and with whom be glory and power to
Thee, with the all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit.

The Priest.
XX. Peace be to all.

The Deacon.
With the fear of God.

The Priest prays.

O holy, highest, awe-inspiring God, who dwellest among
the saints, sanctify us by the word of Thy grace and by the
inspiration of Thy all-holy Spirit; for Thou hast said,O
Lord our God, "Be ye holy; for \ am holy." O Word
of God, past finding out, and co-eternal
with the Father and the Holy and sharer of their
sovereignty, accept the pure song which cherubim and
seraphim, and the unworthy iips of Thy sinful and unworthy
servant, sing aloud.

The People.
Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.

The Priest (aloud).

Holy things for the holy.

The People.
One Father holy, one Son holy, one Spirit holy, in the
unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Deacon.
For salvation and help.
: : : :


The Priest makes the sign of the cross upon the people, and
saith in a loud voice :

The Lord be with all.

The Priest hreahs the bread, and saith

Praise ye God.

The Priest divides it among those present, and saith

The Lord will bless and help you through His great

The Priest says

The Clergy say :

The Holy Spirit commands and sanctifies.

The Priest.

Lo, they are sanctified and consecrated.

The Clergy.

One Father holy (thrice).

The Priest says

The Lord be with all.

The Clergy.
And with thy spirit.

The Priest says

The Lord Himself hath blessed it.

The Priest partakes, and prays.

" According to Thy loving-kindness," etc.

" As the hart panteth after the water-brooks," etc.

When he gives the bread to the clergy, he says

The holy body.

: :


And lohen he gives the chalice^ he says:

The precious blood of our Lord, and God, and Saviour.

After the service is completed, the Deacon says

XXI. Stand for prayer.

The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The Deacon.

The Priest says the prayer of thanksgiving.

O Sovereign Lord our God, we thank Thee that we
have partaken of Thy holy, pure, immortal, and heavenly
mysteries, which Thou hast given for our good, and for the
sanctification and salvation of our souls and bodies. We
pray and beseech Thee, O Lord, to grant in Thy good
mercy, that by partaking of the holy body and precious
blood of Thine only-begotten Son, we may have faith that
is not ashamed, love that is unfeigned, fulness
of hohness,
power to eschew evil and keep Thy commandments, provision
for eternal life, and an acceptable defence before the awful

tribunal of Thy Christ.

In a loud voice.

Through whom and with whom be glory and power to

Thee, with Thy all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit.

The Priest then turns to the people, and says

XXII. O mightiest King, co-eternal with the Father, who
by Thy might hast vanquished hell and trodden death under
foot, who hast bound the strong man, and by Thy
power and the enlightening radiance of Thy unspeakable
Godhead hast raised Adam from the tomb, send forth Thy
invisible right hand, which is full of blessing, and bless us
all. Pity us, O
Lord, and strengthen us by Thy divine
power. Take away from us the sinful and wicked influence
of carnal desire. Let the light shine into our souls, and

dispel the surrounding darkness of sin. Unite us to the all-

blessed assembly that is well-pleasing unto Thee for through

Thee and with Thee, all praise, honour, power, adoration,

and thanksgiving are due unto the Father and the Holy
Spirit, now, henceforth, and for evermore.

The Deacon.
Depart in peace.

The People.
In the name of the Lord.
The Priest {aloud).
XXIII. The love of God the Father; the grace of the Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ ; the communion and gift of the all-
holy Spirit, be with us all, now, henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.
Amen. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

The Priest prays in the sacristy^ and says :

O Lord, Thou hast given us sanctification by partaking

of the all-holy body and precious blood of Thine only-be-
gotten Son ;
give us the grace and gift of the all-holy Spirit.
Enable us to lead blameless lives; and guide us unto the
perfect redemption, and adoption, and the everlasting joys of
the world to come. For Thou art our sanctification,and we
ascribe glory unto Thee, the Father, and the Son, and the
all-holy Spirit, now, henceforth, and for evermore.

The People.
The Priest.
Peace be to all.

The People.
And to thy spirit.

The Priest dismisses them, and says :

May God bless, who blesseth and sanctifieth, who de-

fendeth and preserveth us all through the partaking of His
holy mysteries ; and who is blessed for ever. Amen.



I. First : Glory to God in the highest ; and, Our Father

which art in heaven.

Strengthen, O our Lord and God, our weakness through
Thy mercy, that we may administer the holy mystery which
has been given for the renovation and salvation of our de-
graded nature, through the mercies of Thy beloved Son the
Lord of all.

On common days.

Adored, glorified, lauded, celebrated, exalted, and blessed

in heaven and on earth, be the adorable and glorious name
of Thine ever-glorious Trinity, O Lord of all.

071 common days they sing the Psalm (xv.). Lord, who
shall dwell in Thy tabernacle ? entire with its canon^ of the

mystery of the sacraments.

Who shall shout with joy ?

Before the resplendent throne of Thy majesty, O Lord,
and the exalted and sublime throne of Thy glory, and on the

1 Suicer says that a canon is a psalm or hymn (canticum) wont to be

sung on certain days, ordinarily and as if by rule. He quotes Zonaras,

who says that a canon is metrical, and is composed of nine odes. See
Sophocles, Glossary of Byzantine Greek, Introduction, §43. The canon
of the Nestorian Church is somewhat different. See Neale, General In-
troduction to the History of the Eastern Church, p. 979.


awful seat of the strength of Thy love and the propitiatory-

altar which Thy will hath established, in the region of Thy
pasture, with thousands of cherubim praising Thee, and
ten thousands of seraphim sanctifying Thee, we draw near,
adore, thank, and glorify Thee always, O Lord of all.

On commemorations and Fridays.

Thy name, great and holy, illustrious and blessed, the
blessed and incomprehensible name of Thy glorious Trinity,
and Thy kindness to our race, we ought at all times to bless,
adore, and glorify, O Lord of all.

Responsory ^ at the chancel, as above.

commanded. To the priest. How breathes in us,

O our Lord and God, the sweet fragrance of the sweetness
of Thy love illumined are our souls, through the know-

ledge of Thy truth : may we be rendered worthy of receiv-

ing the manifestation of Thy beloved from Thy holy heavens :

there shall we render thanks unto Thee, and (in the mean-
time) glorify Thee without ceasing in Thy church, crowned
and filled with every aid and blessing, because Thou art
Lord and Father, Creator of all.
III. Prayer of incense.

We shall repeat the hymn to Thy glorious Trinity, O

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

On fast-days.
And on account.

At the commemoration of saints.

Thou, O Lord, art truly the raiser up of our bodies Thou :

art the good Saviour of our souls, and the secure preserver
of our life; and we ought to thank Thee continually, to
adore and glorify Thee, O Lord of all.

" The psalm, or verses of a psalm, sung after the epistle, was always

from being chanted on the steps (gradus) of the pulpit.

entitled gradual,
When sung by one person without interruption, it was called tractus
when chanted alternately by several singers, it was termed responsory."
—Palmer, Origines Liturgicie, vol. ii. p. 46, note.

At the lessons}

Holy Thou, worthy of praise, mighty, immortal, who

dwellest in the holies, and Thy will resteth in them have :

regard unto us, O Lord ; be merciful unto us, and pity us,
as Thou art our helper in all circumstances, O Lord of all.

IV. At the apostle?

Enlighten, O our Lord and God, the movements of our

meditations to hear and understand the sweet listenings to
Thy life-giving and divine commands; and grant unto us
through Thy grace and mercy to gather from them the
assurance of love, and hope, and salvation suitable to soul
and body, and we shall sing to Thee everlasting glory with-
out ceasing and always, O Lord of all.

On fast-days.
To Thee, the wise governor.

V. Descending, he shall salute the Gospel, saying this prayer

before the altar.
Thee, the renowned seed of Thy Father, and the image of
the person of Thy Father, who wast revealed in tlie body
of our humanity, and didst arise to us in the light of Thy
annunciation, Thee we thank, adore, etc.

And after the proclamation :^

Thee, O Lord God Almighty, we beseech and entreat,

perfect with us Thy grace, and pour out through our hands
Thy gift, the pity and compassion of Thy divinity. May
they be to us for the propitiation of the offences of Thy
people, and for the forgiveness of the sins of the entire flock
of Thy pasture, through Thy grace and tender mercies, O
good friend of men, O Lord of all.

VI. 'TJie Deacons say:

Bow your heads.

1 i.e. while the lesson from the Old Testament is being read.
2 i.e. while the lesson from the Apostolical Epistles is being read.
3 Renaudot understands by the proclamation the reading aloud of the
: ::


The Priest says tliis secret prayer in the sanctuary {Bema) :

O Lord God Omnipotent, Thine is the holy catholic

church, inasmuch as Thou, through the great passion of
Thy Christ, didst buy the sheep of Thy pasture and from ;

the grace of the Holy Spirit, who is indeed of one nature

with Thy glorious divinity, are granted the degrees of the
true priestly ordination ; and through Thy clemency Thou
didst vouchsafe, O
Lord, to make our weakness spiritual
members in the great body of Thy holy church, that we
might administer spiritual aid to faithful souls. Now, O
Lord, perfect Thy grace with us, and pour out Thy gift
through our hands : and may Thy tender mercies and the
clemency of Thy divinity be upon us, and upon the people
whom Thou hast chosen for Thyself.


And grant unto us, O Lord, through Thy clemency, that

we may all and equally every day of our life,
please Thy divinity, and be rendered worthy of the aid of
Thy grace to offer Thee praise, honour, thanksgiving, and
adoration at all times, O Lord.

VII. And the Deacons ascend to the altar ^ and say

He who has not received baptism, etc.^

And tlie Priest begins the responsory of the mysteries, and the
Sacristan and Deacon place the disk and the chalice upon
the altar. The Priest crosses his hands, and says
We offer praise to Thy glorious Trinity at all times and
for ever.

And proceeds
May Christ, who was offered for our salvation, and com-
manded us commemorate His death and His resurrection.
Himself receive this sacrifice from the hands of our weak-
ness, through His grace and mercies for ever. Amen.
^ The Malabar Lit. fills up, "let him depart."
: : ;


And proceeds
Laid are the renowned holy and life-giving mysteries upon
the altar of the mighty Lord, even until His advent, for
ever. Amen.
Praise. Thy memory. Our Father. The apostles of
the Father. Upon the holy altar. They who have slept.
Matthew, Mark, Luke, etc.



Vin. The Priest draws near to celebrate, and thrice hows before
the altar, the middle of which he kisses, then the right and the
left wings ; and bows to the higher portion of it, and says
Bless, O Lord. Pray for me, my fathers, brethren, and
masters, that God may grant unto me the capability and
power to perform this service to which I have drawn near,
and that this oblation may be accepted from the hands of
my weakness, for myself, for you, and for the whole body of
the holy catholic church, through His grace and mercies for
ever. Amen.
And they respond:

May Christ listen to thy prayers, and be pleased with thy

sacrifice, receivethy oblation, and honour thy priesthood,
and grant unto us, through thy mediation, the pardon of our
offences, and the forgiveness of our sins, through His grace
and mercies for ever.

Presently he bows to the lower part, uttering the same loords

and they respond in the same manner : then he hows to

the altar, and says

God, Lord of all, be with us all through His grace and
mercies for ever. Amen.
1 *' In the Syriac copy, 70, Biblioth. Reg., this title does not occur, the
service going forward without interruption."— Ethekidge.
: : : : :

And bowing to the Deacon, zvJio is on the left, he sai/s

God, the Lord of all, confirm thy words, and secure to

thee peace, and accept this oblation from my hands for me,
for thee, for the whole body of the holy catholic church,
and for the entire world, through His grace and mercies for

He bows himself to the altar, and says in secret

IX. O our Lord and God, look not on the multitude of our
sins, and let not Thy dignity be turned away on account of

the heinousness of our iniquities; but through Thine unspeak-

able grace sanctify this sacrifice of Thine, and grant through
it power and capability, so that Thou mayest forget our

many sins, and be merciful when Thou shalt appear at the

end of time, in the man whom Thou hast assumed from
among us, and we may find before Thee grace and mercy,
and be rendered worthy to praise Thee with spiritual^ assem-

He rises, and says this 'prayer in secret

We thank Thee, O our Lord and God, for the abundant

riches of Thy grace to us.

And he proceeds
Us who were sinful and degraded, on account of the mul-
titude of Thy clemency, Thou hast made worthy to celebrate
the holy mysteries of the body and blood of Thy Christ.
We beg aid from Thee for the strengthening of our souls,
that in perfect love and true faith we may administer Thy
gift to us.

And we Thee praise, glory, thanksgiving,
shall ascribe to
and adoration, now, always, and for ever and ever.

Be signs himself with the sign of the cross, and they respond :

X. And he proceeds
Peace be with you.
^ Intellectualibus.
: : : ::


They respond
With thee and with thy spirit.

And they give peace to each other, and say

For all [Catholics].^

The Deacon says :

Let us thank, entreat, and beseech.

The priest says this prayer in secret

Lord, mighty God, help my weakness through Thy

clemency and the aid of Thy grace ; and make me worthy of
offering before Thee this oblation, as for the common aid of
all, and to the praise of Thy Trinity, O Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost.

Another prayer, which is said also in the Liturgy of Nestorius.

O our Lord and God, restrain our thoughts, that they

wander not amid the vanities of this world. O Lord our
God, grant that I may be united to the affection of Thy
love, unworthy though I be. Glory be to Thee, O Christ.
Ascend into the chamber of Thy renowned light, O Lord
sow in me the good seed of humility and under the wings ;

of Thy grace hide me through Thy mercy. If Thou wert

to mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand % Because there
is mercy with Thee.

In another MS. the Priest says the following prayer in secret

Omother of our Lord Jesus Christ, beseech for me the

only-begotten Son, who was born of thee, to forgive me my
offences and my sins, and to accept from my feeble and
sinful hands this sacrifice which my weakness offers upon
this altar, through thy intercession for me, O holy mother.

XI. When the Deacon shall say. With watchfulness and care,
immediately the Priest rises up and uncovers the sacra-
ments, taking away the veil loith which they were covered
he blesses the incense, and says a canon with a loud voice.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God
1 The word Catholics is omitted in most mss.
:: : : ;


the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with

us all, now, etc.

ffe signs the sacraments, and they res'pond

The Priest proceeds

Upwards be your minds.

They respond
They are towards Thee, O God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Israel, O glorious King.

The Priest.

The oblation is offered to God, the Lord of all.

They respond
It is meet and right.

The Deacon.
Peace be with you.

The Priest puts on the incense, and says this prayer :

O Lord, Lord, grant me

an open countenance before
Thee, that with the confidence which is from Thee we may
fulfil this awful and divine sacrifice with consciences free

fyom all iniquity and bitterness. Sow in us, O Lord, affec-

tion, peace, and concord towards each other, and toward
every one.

And standing, he says in secret:

Worthy of glory from every mouth, and of thanksgiving

from all tongues, and of adoration and exaltation from all

creatures, is the adorable and glorious name of Father, Son,

and Holy Ghost, who created the world through His grace,
and its inhabitants through His clemency, who saved men
through His mercy, and showed great favour towards
mortals. Thy majesty, O Lord, thousands of thousands of
heavenly (spirits), and ten thousand myriads of holy angels,
hosts of spirits, ministers of fire and spirit, bless and adore
with the holy cherubim and the spiritual seraphim they
: : ;


sanctify and celebrate Thy name, crying and praising, with-

out ceasing crying unto each other.

They say with a loud voice

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; full are the

heavens and the earth of His glory.

The Priest in secret

Holy, holy, holy art Thou, O Lord God Almighty ; the

heavens and the earth are His glory and the nature
full of
of His essence, as they are glorious with the honour of His
splendour (as it is written), The heaven and the earth are

full of me, saith the mighty Lord. Holy art Thou, O God
[our] Father, truly the only one, of whom the whole family
in heaven and earth is named. Holy art Thou, Eternal
Son, through whom all things were made. Holy art Thou,
holy, eternal Spirit, through whom all things are sanctified.
Woe to me, woe to me, who have been astonied, because I
am a man of polluted lips, and dwell among a people of
polluted lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the mighty
Lord. How terrible to-day is this place For this is none

other than the house of God and the gate of heaven

because Thou hast been seen eye to eye, O Lord. Now, I
pray, may Thy grace be with us, O Lord ; purge away our
impurities, and sanctify our lips unite the voices of our

insignificance with the sanctification of seraphim and arch-

angels. Glory be to Thy tender mercies, because Thou hast
associated the earthly with the heavenly.^

And he proceeds.^ saying in secret this prayer^ in a bowing

posture :

XII. And with those heavenly powers we give Thee thanks,

even we. Thine and feeble servants
insignificant, pithless,
because Thou hast granted unto us Thy
great grace which
cannot be repaid. For indeed Thou didst take upon Thee
our human nature, that Thou mightest bestow life on us
through Thy divinity Thou didst exalt our low condition
; ;

^ Spiritualibus.



Thou didst raise our ruined state ; Thou didst rouse up our
mortality ; Thou didst wash away our sins ; Thou didst blot
out the guilt of our sins Thou didst enlighten our intelli-

gence, and Thou didst condemn our enemy, O Lord our God;
and Thou didst cause the insignificance of our pithless nature
to triumph. Through the tender mercies of Thy grace poured
out, O clement One, pardon our offences and sins ; blot out
my offences in the judgment. on account of all Thy
aids and Thy favours to us, we shall ascribe unto Thee praise/
honour, thanksgiving, and adoration, now, always, and for
ever and ever.

The Priest signs the sacraments. The response is made.


The Deacon.
In your minds. Pray for peace with us.

The Priest says this prayer halving, and in a low voice

O Lord God Almighty, accept this oblation for the whole

holy catholic church, and for all the pious and righteous
fathers who have been pleasing to Thee, and for all the
prophets and apostles, and for all the martyrs and confessors,
and for all and are sick, and
that mourn, that are in straits,
for all that are under and for all the
difficulties and trials,

weak and the oppressed, and for all the dead that have gone
from amongst us then for all that ask a prayer from our

weakness, and for me, a degraded and feeble sinner. O Lord

our God, according to Thy mercies and the multitude of
Thy favours, look upon Thy people, and on me, a feeble
man, not according to my sins and my follies, but that they
may become worthy of the forgiveness of their sins through
this holy body, which they receive with faith, through the
grace of Thy mercy for ever and ever. Amen.

In another MS. that prayer begins thus :

O Lord God Almighty, hear the voice of my cry before

1 Hymnum.

Thee at this time. Give ear, O Lord, and hear my groan-

ings before Thy
majesty, and accept the entreaty of me, a
sinner, with which I call upon Thy grace, at this hour at
which the sacrifice is offered to Thy Father. Have mercy
on all creatures; spare the guihy convert the erring; ;

restore the oppressed on the disquieted bestow rest heal

; ;

the weak; console the afflicted; and perfect the alms of

those who work righteousness on account of Thy holy name.
Have mercy on me also, a sinner, through Thy grace. O
Lord God Almighty, may this oblation be accepted for the
entire holy catholic church ; and for priests, kings, princes,
and the rest as above.

The Priest says this prayer of inclination in secret :

XHL Do Thou, O
Lord, through Thy many and ineffable
mercies, make the memorial good and acceptable to all the
pious and righteous fathers who have been pleading before
Thee commemoration of the body and blood of Thy
in the
Christ, which we offer to Thee upon Thy pure and holy
altar, as Thou hast taught us and grant unto us Thy rest

all the days of this life.

He proceeds :

O Lord our God, bestow on us Thy rest and peace all the
of this life, that all the inhabitants of the earth may
know Thee, that Thou art the only true God the Father,
and Thou didst send our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son and
Thy beloved; and He Himself our Lord and God came
and taught us all purity and holiness. Make remembrance
of prophets, apostles, martyrs, confessors, bishops, doctors,
priests, deacons, and all the sons of the holy catholic
who have been signed with the sign of life, of holy baptism.
We also, O Lord.

He proceeds :

We, Thy degraded, weak, and feeble servants who are con-
gregated in Thy name, and now stand before Thee, and have
received with joy the form which is from Thee, praising,
: : :


glorifying, and commemorate and celebrate this

great, awful, holy, and divine mystery of the passion, death,
burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
And may Thy Holy Spirit come, O Lord, and rest upon
this oblation of Thy servants which they offer, and bless and
sanctify it ; and may it be unto us, O Lord, for the propitia-
tion of our offences and the forgiveness of our sins, and for
a grand hope of resurrection from the dead, and for a new
life in the kingdom of the heavens, with all who have been

pleasing beforeHim. And on account of the whole of Thy

wonderful dispensation towards us, we shall render thanks
unto Thee, and glorify Thee without ceasing in Thy church,
redeemed by the precious blood of Thy Christ, with open
mouths and joyful countenances :


Ascribing praise,^ honour, thanksgiving, and adoration to

Thy holy, loving, and life-giving name, now, always, and for

The Priest signs the mysteries loith the cross, and they respond


The Priest hoios himself and kisses the altar, first in the midde,

then at the two sides right and left, and says this prayer

In another MS., says a Psalm? Have mercy upon me, O

God, even to, and sinners shall be converted unto Thee.
Unto Thee lift I up mine eyes,'' even to, have mercy upon us,
O Lord, have mercy upon us. Stretch forth Thy hand, and
letThy right hand save me, O Lord may Thy mercies re- ;

main upon me, O Lord, for ever, and despise not the works
of Thy hands.

Then he says this prayer

XIV. O Christ, peace of those in heaven and great rest of

1 Hymnum. * Ps. li. ^ Ps. cxxiil
: ^


those below,^ grant that Thy rest and peace may dwell in the
four parts of the world, but especially in Thy holy catholic
church grant that the priesthood with the government may

have peace ; cause wars to cease from the ends of the earth,
and scatter the nations that delight in wars,^ that we may
enjoy the blessing of living in tranquillity and peace, in all
temperance and fear of God, Spare the offences and sins
of the dead, through Thy grace and mercies for ever.

And to those ivJio are around the altar he says

Bless, O Lord. Bless, O Lord.

And he puts on the incense loith which he covers himself

and says :

Sweeten, O Lord our God, the pleasant odour of our

souls through the sweetness of Thy love, and through it
cleanse me from the stains of my sin, and forgive me my
offences and sins, whether known or unknown to me.

A second time he takes the incense loith both hands^ and censes
the mysteries ; 'presently he says :

The clemency of Thy grace, O our Lord and God, gives

us access to these renowned, holy, life-giving, and divine
mysteries, unworthy though we be.

The Priest repeats these ivords once and again, and at each in-
terval unites his hands over his breast in the form of a
cross. He kisses the altar in the middle., and receives loith
both hands the upper oblation ; and looking up, says :

Praise be to Thy holy name, O Lord Jesus Christ, and

adoration to Thy majesty, always and for ever. Amen. For
He is the living and life-giving bread which cometli down
from heaven, and giveth life to the whole world, of which
they who eat die not and they who receive it are saved by

it, and do not see corruption, and live through it for ever;

and Thou art the antidote of our mortality, and the resurrec-
tion of our entire frame.
1 i.e. the dead. " Lit. ''
wish for wars."
— :


In another MS. there is a different reading.

Glory to Thee, O God the Father, who didst sendThine

only-begotten Son for our salvation, and He Himself before
He suffered, etc.

XV. In the MS. of Elias, which loe have followed, there is a

defect., seeing that the whole recitation of the xoords of Christ is
omitted through the fault of the transcriber, or because these
ought to have been taken from another source, namely, from the
Liturgy of Theodoras or Nestorius. In that ivhich the Patriarch
Joseph wrote at Rome, 1697, that entire passage is remodelled
according to the Chaldean missal published at Rome, as in the
mass, a translation of ivhich icas edited by Alexius Menesius.
Since there were no other codices at hand, in this place it seemed
good to place asterisks to indicate the defects. * * * *

XVI. Praise to Thy holy name, O Lord, as above.

The Priest kisses the host in the form of a cross ; in such a

way, however, that his lips do not touch it, but appear to
kiss it ; and he says :

Glory to Thee, O Lord ;

glory to Thee, O Lord, on
account of Thine unspeakable gift to us, for ever.

Then he draws nigh to the fraction of the host, ivhich he accom-

p)lishes with both his hands, saying :

Wedraw nigh, O Lord, with true faith, and break with

thanksgiving and sign through Thy mercy the body and
blood of our Life-giver, Jesus Christ, in the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

And, naming the Trinity, he breaks the host, ivhich he holds in

his hands, into two parts : and the one which is in his left
hand he lays doivn on the disk ; with the other, which he
holds in his right hand, he signs the chalice, saying

The precious blood is signed with the holy body of our

Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and the
Son, and the Holy Ghost for ever.
: : : : :


And they respond:

Then he dips it even to the middle in the chalice, and signs
with it the body lohich is in the paten, saying
of our
The holy body is signed with the propitiatory blood
Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Ghost for ever.

And they respond


And he unites the two parts, the one with the other, saying

Divided, sanctified, completed, perfected, united, and com-

mingled have been these renowned, holy, life-giving, and
divine mysteries, the one with the other, in the adorable and
glorious name of Thy glorious Trinity, O Father, Son, and
Holy Ghost, that they may be to us, O Lord, for the propi-
tiation of our offencesand the forgiveness of our sins also ;

for the grand hope of a resurrection from the dead, and of

a new life in the kingdom of the heavens, for us and for the
holy church of Christ our Lord, here and in every place
whatsoever, now and always, and for ever.

XVII. In the meantime he signs the host loith his right thumb
form of a cross from the loioer part to the upper,
in the
and from the right to the left, and thus forms a slight
fissure in it ivhere it has been dipped in the blood. He
puts apart of it into the chalice in the form of a cross

the loioerpart is placed towards the priest, the upper

towards the chalice, so that the place of the fissure looks
to the chalice. He boxes, and rising, says

Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, who hast made

me, unworthy though I be, through Thy grace, a minister
and mediator of Thy renowned, holy, life-giving, and divine
mysteries: through the grace of Thy mercy, make me
worthy of the pardon of my offences and the forgiveness of
my sins.
: : :


He signs himself witJi the sign of the cross on his

and does the same to those standing round him.

In another MS.

He signs his forehead loith the sign

of the cross, and says:
Gloiy to Thee, O
Lord, who didst create me by Thy
grace. Glory to Thee, O Lord, who didst call me by Thy
mercy. Glory to Thee, O Lord, who didst appoint me the
mediator of Thy gift and on account of all the benefits to

my weakness, ascribed unto Thee be praise, honour, thanks-

giving, and adoration, now, etc.

The Beacons approach, and he signs each one of them on the

forehead, saying

Christ accept thy ministry: Christ cause thy face to

shine Christ save thy life Christ make thy youth
: :
to grow.

And they respond:

Christ accept thy oblation.

XVIII. All return to their oion place ; and the Priest,

bowing, rises and says in the tone
of the Gospel:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God
the Father, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with
us all.

The Priest signs himself and lifts up his hand over his head,
so that it should he in the air, and the people be partakers
in the signing

The Deacon says

We all with fear : and at these words, He hath given to
us His mysteries.

The Priest begins to break the body, and says

Be merciful, O Lord, through Thy clemency to the sins
and follies of Thy servants, and sanctify our lips throucrh
: :: : : :


Thy grace, that they may give the fruits of glory and praise
to Thy divinity, with all Thy saints in Thy kingdom.

And, raising his voice, he says

And make us worthy, O Lord our God, to stand before

Thee continually without stain, with pure heart, with open
countenance, and with the confidence which is from Thee,
mercifully granted to us : and let us all with one accord
invoke Thee, and say thus : Our Father, etc.

The People say

Our Father.

The Priest.

O Lord God Almighty, O Lord and our good God, who

art full of mercy, we beg Thee, O Lord our God, and
beseech the clemency of Thy goodness ; lead us not into
temptation, but deliver and save us from the evil one and
his hosts ; because Thine is the kingdom, the power, the

strength, the might, and the dominion in heaven and on

earth, now and always.

He signs himself, and they respond

XIX. And he proceeds

Peace be with you.

They respond:
With thee and with thy spirit.

He proceeds
It is becoming that the holy things should be to the holy
in perfection.

And they say

One holy Father one holy Son one Holy Ghost. Glory
: :

be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, for
ever and ever. Amen.
: :


Tlie Deacon.
Praise ye.

And they say the responsory. And when the Deacon comes to

carry the chalice, he says :

Let us pray for peace with us.

The Priest says

The grace of the Holy Ghost be with thee, with us, and
with those who receive Him.

And he gives the chalice to the Deacon. Tlie Deacon says :

Bless, O Lord.

The Priest.

The gift of the grace of our Life-giver and Lord Jesus

Christ be completed, in mercies, with all.

And he signs the people ivith the cross. In the meantime the
responsories are said.

Brethren, receive the body of the Son, cries the church,

and drink ye His chalice with faith in the house of His

On feast-days.
Strengthen, O Lord.

On the Lord's day.

O Lord Jesus Christ.


The mysteries which we have received.

The responsories being ended, the Deacon says

All therefore.

Ajid they respond:

Glory be to Himself on account of His ineffable gift.



The Deacon.
Let us pray for peace with us.

The Priest at the middle of the altar says this prayer

XX. It is meet, O Lord,

and right in all days, times,
and hours, and praise the awful name of
to thank, adore,
Thy majesty, because Thou hast through Thy grace, O Lord,
made us, mortal men possessing a frail nature, worthy to
sanctify Thy name with the heavenly ^ beings, and to
become partakers of the mysteries of Thy gift, and to be
delighted with the sweetness of Thy oracles. And voices of
glory and thanksgiving we ever offer up to Thy sublime
divinity, O Lord.


God, Lord, King, Saviour, and Life-giver,

Christ, our
through His grace has made us worthy to receive His body
and His precious and all-sanctifying blood. May He grant
unto us that we may be pleasing unto Him in our words,
works, thoughts, and deeds, so that that pledge which we
have received may be to us for the pardon of our offences,
the forgiveness of our sins, and the grand hope of a resur-
from the dead, and a new and true life in the king-
dom who have been pleasing before
of the heavens, with all
Him, through His grace and His mercies for ever.

On ordinary days.

Praise, O Lord, honour, blessing, and thanksgiving we

ought to ascribe to Thy glorious Trinity for the gift of Thy
holy mysteries, which Thou hast given to us for the propitia-
tion of our offences, O Lord of all.


Blessed be Thy adorable honour, from Thy glorious place,

O Christ, the propitiator of our offences and our sins, and
who takest away our follies through Thy renowned, holy,
^ Spiritualibus.
life-giving, and divine mysteries. Christ the hope of our
nature always and for ever. Amen.

Obsignation or final benediction.

May our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom we have ministered,

and whom we have seen and honoured in His renowned, holy,
and divine mysteries. Himself render us worthy
of the splendid glory of His kingdom, and of gladness with
His holy angels, and for confidence before Him, that we
may stand at His right hand. And on our entire congrega-
tion may His mercies and compassion be continually poured
out, now and always, and ever.

On the Lord's day and on feast-days.

May He Himself who blessed us with all spiritual bless-

ings in the heavens, through Jesus Christ our Lord, and
prepared us for His kingdom, and called us to the desirable
good things which neither cease nor perish, as He promised
to us in His life-giving gospel, and said to the blessed con-
gregation of His disciples Verily, verily I say unto you,

that every one who eateth my body and drinketh my blood,

abideth in me, and I in him, and I will raise him up at the
last day ; and he cometh not to judgment, but I will make

him pass from death to eternal life, may He Himself now
bless this congregation, and maintain our position, and render
glorious our people who have come and rejoiced in receiving
His renowned, holy, life-giving, and divine mysteries ; and
may ye be sealed and guarded by the holy sign of the Lord's
cross from all evils, secret and open, now and always.




HE text of thetwo following short pieces is found
in the Spicilegium Syriacum of the late Dr.
Cureton. This careful scholar speaks of the
second of these compositions as containing " some
very obscure passages." The same remark holds good also
of the first.Dr. Payne Smith describes them both as " full
of difficulties." So far as these arise from errors in the
text, they might have been removed, had I been able to avail
myself of the opportunity kindly offered me by Dr. Eieu,
Keeper of the Oriental MSS. at the British Museum, of in-
specting the original MS. As it is, several have, it is hoped,
been successfully met by conjecture.
To Dr. E. Payne Smith, Dean of Canterbury, who, as on
two previous occasions, has most kindly and patiently afforded
me his valuable assistance, I beg to offer my very grateful
B. P. Peatten.
— ;:


MEMORIAL^ which Ambrose, a chief man of

Greece, wrote who became a Christian, and all

his fellow-senators raised an outcry against him

and he fled from them, and wrote and pointed
out to them all their foohshness.
Beginning his discourse,^ he answered and said :

Think not, men of Greece, that my separation from your

customs has been made without a just and proper reason.
For I acquainted myself with your wisdom, [consisting]

of poetry, of oratory, of philosophy and, when I found not ;

[there] anything [agreeable to what is] right, or that is

worthy of the Divine nature, I resolved to make myself
acquainted with the w^isdom of the Christians also, and to
learn and see who [they are], and when [they took their rise],
and what is [the nature of] this new and strange wisdom [of
theirs],^ or on what good [hopes] those who are imbued with
it rely, that they speak [only] that which is true.
Men of Greece, when I came to examine [the Christian
writings], I found not any folly^ [in them], as I had found

^ This piece lias much in common with the Discourse to the Greeks
(Aoyoj ^pk "ExXYivctg), ascribed by many to Justin, which is contained
in vol. ii. pp. 279-283 of this Library. Two things seem to be evident
(1) That neither of the two pieces is the original composition for each :

contains something not found in the other (2) That the original was in

Greek : for the Syriac has in some instances evidently mistranslated the
The Greek {/Trof^vtifixr».

" and in the beginning of his words."

^ Lit.,

" what is the newness and strangeness of it."

* Lit.,

^ The word also means " sin ;" and this notion is
the more promi-
nent of the two in what follows.

in the celebrated Homer, who has said concerning the wars

of the two trials } " Because of Helen, many of the Greeks
perished at Troy, away from their beloved home." ^ For,
first of all, we are told ^ concerning Agamemnon their king,
that by reason of the foolishness of his brother Menelaus,
and the violence of his madness, and the uncontrollable
nature of his passion, he resolved to go and rescue Helen
from [the hands of] a certain leprous* shepherd and [after- ;

wards], when the Greeks had become victorious in the war,

and burnt cities, and taken women and children captive, and
the land was filled with blood, and the rivers with corpses,
Agamemnon himself also was found to be taken captive by
[his] passion for Briseis. Patroclus, again, we are told, was
slain,and Achilles, the son of the goddess Thetis, mourned
over him Hector was dragged [along the ground], and

Priam and Hecuba together were weeping over the loss of

their children Astyanax, the son of Hector, was thrown

down from the walls of Ilion, and his mother Andromache

the mighty Ajax bore away [into captivity] and that which ;

was taken as booty was, after a little while, [all] squandered

in sensual indulgence.
Of the wiles of Odysseus the son of Laertes, and of his
murders, who shall tell the tale ? For of a hundred and
ten suitors did his house in one day become the grave, and

1 It is difficult to assign any satisfactory meaning to the -word

. in . ro
which appears, however, to be the readiog of the MS.,

since Cureton endeavours to justify the rendering given. " Calamities,"

a sense the word wUl also bear, seems no easier of explanation. If we
could assume the meaning to be " nations" (iiationes), a word similar
in sound to that found in the text, explaining it of heathen peoples,
Gentiles (comp. TertuUian, de Idol. 22, "per decs nationum"), this
might seem to meet the difficulty. But there is no trace in this com-
position of a Latin influence if a foreign word must be used, we should

rather have expected the Greek sSi/yi.

" II. ii. 177 sq. ^ Lit., " they say."

* It has been proposed to substitute in the Greek copy T.nrxpw,

" dainty," for Mirpov. But the Syriac confirms the MS. reading. The
term is thought to be expressive of the contempt in which shepherds
were held. See vol. ii. p. 279, note 1.

it was filled with corpses and blood. He,too, [it was] that by

his wickedness gained the praises [of men], because through

[his] pre-eminence in craft he escaped detection ; he, too,
[it was] who, you say, sailed upon the sea, and heard [not]
the voice of the Sirens [only] because he stopped his ears
with wax,^
again, the son of Peleus, who bounded
The famous Achilles,
across the river, and routed^ the Trojans, and slew Hector,
— this said hero of yours became the slave of Philoxena, and
was overcome by an Amazon [as she lay] dead and stretched
[upon her bier] and he put off his armour, and arrayed

himself in nuptial garments, and finally fell a sacrifice to

Thus much concerning [your] great men ; ^ and thou,
Homer, hadst deserved forgiveness, if thy silly story-telling
had gone so far [only] as to prate about men, and not about
the gods. As for what [he says] about the gods, I am ashamed
even to speak of it : for the stories that have been invented
about them are very wicked and shocking ; passing strange,'*
too, and not to be believed ; and, if the truth must be told,^
fit only to be laughed at. For a person will [be compelled
to] laugh when he meets with them, and will not believe them
when he hears them. For [think of] gods who did not one
of them observe the laws of rectitude, or of purity, or of
modesty, but [were] adulterers, and spent their time in
debauchery, and [yet] were not condemned to death, as they
ought to have been !

^ In the Greek this is adduced as an evidence of his weakness :

" be-
cause he was unable to stop his ears by [his] self-control (<p^o»jjo-£/)."

^ *0;^, the reading of the text, which can only mean " fled," is
manifestly incorrect. The Aphel of this verb, *Or-^l, " caused to flee,"
is suggested by Dr. Payne Smith, who also proposes if^v, "exstirpavit."
^ Or, " [your] heroes."

4 This is not intended as a translation of ^—i^jlib, which is literally

*' conquered." Dr. Payne Smith thinks it just possible that there was
in the Greek some derivative of vnnp^ctXKu = " to surpass belief," which
the Syrian translator misunderstood.
^ This is conjectured to be the meaning of what would
be literally
rendered, " et id quod coactum est."

Why, the sovereign of the gods, the very " father of gods
and men," not only, as ye say, was an adulterer (this was but a
light thing), but even slew his own father, and was a psederast.
I will first of all speak of [his] adultery, though I blush [to
do so] for he appeared to Antiope as a satyr, and descended

upon Danae as a shower of gold, and became a bull for

Europa, and a swan for Leda whilst the love of Semele, ;

the mother of Dionysus, exposed both his own ardency [of

passion] and the jealousy of the chaste Hera. Ganymede
the Phrygian, too, he carried off [disguised] as an eagle, that
the fair and comely boy, forsooth, might serve as cup-bearer
to him. This said sovereign of the gods, moreover, killed
his father Kronos, that he might seize upon his kingdom.
Oh ! to how many charges is the sovereign of the gods
amenable,^ and how many deaths does he deserve [to die], as
an adulterer, and as a sorcerer,^ and as a paederast ! Kead to
the sovereign of the gods, men of Greece, the law con-
cerning parricide, and the condemnation pronounced on
adultery, and [about} the shame that attaches to the vile sin
of paederasty. How many adulterers has the sovereign of
the gods indoctrinated [in sin] Nay, how many paederasts,

and and murderers

sorcerers, So that, if a man be found in-

dulging his passions, he must not be put to death because :

he has done this that he may become like the sovereign of

the gods and, if he be found a murderer, he has an excuse

[in] the sovereign of thegods ; and, if a man be a sorcerer,

he has learned it from the sovereign of the gods and, if he ;

be a pasderast, the sovereign of the gods is his apologist.

Then, again, if one should speak of courage, Achilles was
more valiant than this said sovereign of the gods for he :

slew the man that slew his friend but the sovereign of the ;

gods wept over Sarpedon his sou when he was dying, being
distressed [for him].
Pluto, again, who is a god, carried off Kora,^ and the

^ Lit., " of how many censures is . . . full."

2 Since he could change his form to suit his purpose.
^ That is, " the Daughter" (namely, of Demeter), the name under which
Proserpine was worshipped in Attica.
— :


mother of Kora was hurrying hither and thither searching

all desert places
for her daughter in and, [although] Alex- ;

ander Paris, when he had carried off Helen, paid the penalty
of vengeance, as [having made himself] her lover by force,
yet Pluto, who is a god, when he carried off Kora, re-

mained without rebuke and, [although] Menelaus, who is a


man, knew how to search for Helen his wife, yet Demeter,
who is a goddess, knew not where to search for Kora her
Let HephaBstus put away jealousy from him, and not in-
dulge resentment.^ For he was hated,^ because he was old
and lame while Ares was loved, because he was a youth

and beautiful in form. There was, however, a reproof [ad-

ministered in respect] of the adultery. Hephsestus was not,
indeed, [at first] aware of the love existing between Venus^
his wife and Ares but, when he did become acquainted with

it, Hephgestus said " Come, see a ridiculous and senseless


piece of behaviour —
how to me, who am her own, Venus,
the daughter of the sovereign of the gods, is offering insult
to me, [I say] who am her own, and is paying honour to Ares,
who is a stranger to her." But to the sovereign of the gods
itwas not displeasing for he loved such as were like these.

Penelope, moreover, remained a widow twenty years, because

she was expecting [the return of] her husband Odysseus, and
busied herself with cunning tasks,^ and persevered in works
of skill, while all those suitors kept pressing her [to marry
them] but Venus, who is a goddess, when Hephaestus her

husband was close to her, deserted him, because she was

overcome by love for Ares. Hearken, men of Greece
which of you would have dared to do this, or would even
have endured to see it? And, if any one should dare [to

^ Because the behaviour of which he had to complain was sanctioned

by the highest of the gods.
2 For . 1 m iZj, " was tried," read vj-J-CdZ]. The Greek has^fj««/'(T»To.

Cureton: "forgotten."
3 The word is " Balthi."

* Dr. Payne Smith reads (^^ I JiD instead of (v^- ^ ^liD, a word
which, as Cureton says, is not in the lexicons.
! ! !!


act so], what torture would be in store for him, or what

Kronos, again, who is a god, who devoured all those chil-

dren [of his], was not even brought before a court of justice.
They further tell [us] that the sovereign of the gods, his
son, was the only one that escaped from him and that the ;

madness of Kronos his father was cheated [of its purpose]

because Rhea his wife, the mother of the sovereign of the
gods, offered him a stone in the place of the said sovereign
of the gods, his son, to prevent him from devouring him.
Hearken, men of Greece, and reflect upon this madness
Why, [even] the dumb animal that grazes in the field knows
its [proper] food, and does not touch strange food the wild ;

beast, too, and the reptile, and the bird, know their food. As
for men, I need not say anything about them ye yourselves :

are acquainted with their food, and understand it [well]. But

Kronos, who is a god, not knowing his [proper] food, ate up
a stone
Therefore, O men of Greece, if ye will have such gods as
these, do not find fault with one another when ye do such-like
things. Be not angry with thy son when he forms the design
to kill thee : because he [thus] resembles the sovereign of the
gods. And, if a man commit adultery with thy wife, why
dost thou think of him as an enemy, and yet to the sove-
reign of the gods, who is like him, doest worship and service?
Why, too, dost thou find fault with thy wife when she has
committed adultery and leads a dissolute life,^ and [yet]
payest honour to Venus, and placest her [images] in shrines?
Persuade [your] Solon to repeal his laws Lycurgus, also, to ;

make no laws ; let the Areopagus repeaP theirs, and judge no

more ; and let the Athenians have councils no longer. Let
the Athenians discharge Socrates [from his office] for no :

one like Kronos has [ever] come before him. Let them
not put to death Orestes, who killed his mother for, lo :

1 The reading of the Greek copy, dKoKoLOTug ^omav, is here given. The
Syrian adapter, misunderstanding dx,oXxaTus, renders :
" and is without
2 Careton, " break."


the sovereign of the gods did worse things than these to his
father. CEdipus also [too] hastily inflicted mischief on him-
self, in depriving his eyes of sight, because he had killed his
mother unwittingly: for he did not think about^ the sovereign
of the gods, who killed his father and [yet] remained without
punishment. Medea, again, who killed her children, the
Corinthians banish [from their country] ; and [yet] they do
service and honour to Kronos, who devoured his children.
Then, too, as regards Alexander Paris he was right in —
carrying off Helen [for he did it] that he might become

like Pluto, who carried off Kora. Let [your] men be set
free from law, and let [your] cities be [the abode] of wanton
women, and a dwelling-place for sorcerers.
Wherefore, O men of Greece, seeing that your gods are
grovelling like yourselves, and your heroes destitute of courage,^
as your dramas tell and your stories declare then, again, —
[what shall be said] of the tribulations of Orestes ; and the
couch of Thyestes and the foul taint [in the family] of

Pelops and concerning Danaus, who through jealousy killed


his sons [-in-law], and deprived them of offspring ; the ban-

quet of Thyestes, too, [feeding upon] the corpse [set before
him by way] of vengeance for her [whom he had wronged]
[about] Procne also, to this hour screaming as she flies

her sister too, warbling with her tongue cut out?^ What,
moreover, is it fitting murder committed by
to say about the
CEdipus, who took his own mother
[to wife], and whose

brothers killed one another, they being [at the same time]
his sons'?
Your festivals, too, I hate; for there is no moderation where
they are ; the sweet flutes also, dispellers of care, which play
as an incitement to dancing;* and the preparation of oint-
^ Lit., " look at."
2 So in the Greek copy. The Syriac, which has " valiant," appears to
have mistaken oiuxvopoi for dvlpuot.
3 The tradition seems to be followed which makes Procne to have been

changed into a swallow, and her sister (Philomela) into a nightingale.

* Cureton " play with a tremulous motion." But the Syriac very well

answers to the Greek ix.KccXovfisi/01 Ttpo; oioTpuhitg kiuyioh;^ if we take ^o

to denote result:, " so as to produce [movement]."

ments, wherewith ye anoint yourselves; and the chaplets

which ye put on. In the abundance of your wickedness,
too, ye have forgotten shame, and your understandings have
become blinded, and ye have been infuriated^ by the heat [of
passion], and have loved the adulterous bed.^
Had these things been said
by another, perhaps [our ad-
versaries] would have brought an accusation against him,
[on the plea] that they were untrue. But your own poets
say them, and your own hymns and dramas declare them.
Come, therefore, and be instructed in the word of God,
and in the wisdom which is fraught with comfort. Rejoice,
and become partakers of it. Acquaint yourselves with the
King Immortal, and acknowledge His servants. For not in
arms do they make their boast, nor do they commit murders :

because our Commander has no delight in abundance of

strength, nor yet in horsemen and their gallant array, nor
yet in illustrious descent; but He delights in the pure soul,
fenced round by a rampart of righteousness. The word of
God, moreover, and the promises of our good King, and the
works of God, are ever teaching us. Oh [the blessedness of]
the soul that is redeemed by the power of the word ! Oh
[the blessedness of] the trumpet of peace without war ! Oh
[the blessedness of] the teaching which quenches the fire of
appetite ! makes not poets, nor fits [men]
which, [though it]

to be philosophers, nor has[among its votaries] the orators of

the crowd yet instructs [men], and makes the dead not to

die, and lifts men from the earth [as] gods up to the region
which is above the firmament. Come, be instructed, and be
like me for I too was [once] as ye are.

1 Greek, k/3«;4%eyc:^fpo;. ^ Lit., " bed of falsity."



Mara, son of Serapion, to Serapion, my son: peace.

When thy master and guardian wrote me a letter, and in-
formed me that thou wast very diligent in study, [though so]
young in years, I blessed God that thou, a little boy, [and]
without a guide [to direct thee], hadst begun in good earnest
and to myself [also] this was a comfort — that I heard of
thee, little boy [as thou art, as displaying] such greatness of
mind and conscientiousness :^ [a character] which, in the case
of many [who have begun well], has shown no eagerness to
On this account, lo, I have written for thee this record,
[touching] that which I have by careful observation dis-
covered in the world. For the kind of life men lead has
been carefully observed by me. I tread the path of learning,^
and from the study of Greek philosophy^ have I found out
all these things, although they suffered shipwreck when the
birth of life took place.'*

^ Lit., "good conscience."

- Or, "my daily converse is with learning." So Dr. Payne Smith is
inclined to take these diflBcult words, supplying, as Cureton evidently
does, the pronoun ]S\. The construction would be easier if we could
take the participle j^.^ai!sD as a passive, and render :
" It (the kind of
life men lead) has been explored by me by means of study."
2 Lit., "Grsecism."
The meaning probably is, that the maxims referred to lost their im-

portance for him when he entered upon the new life of a Christian (so
Cureton), or their importance to mankind when Christianity itself was born
into the world. But why he did not substitute more distinctive Christian
teaching is not clear. Perhaps the fear of persecution influenced him.

Be diligent, then, my son, in [attention to] those things

which are becoming for the free,^ [so as] to devote thyself
to learning, and to follow after wisdom and endeavour thus

to become confirmed in those [habits] with which

thou hast
begun. Call to mind also my precepts, as a quiet person
who fond of the pursuit of learning. And, even though

[such a life] should seem to thee very irksome, [yet] when

thou hast made experience of it for a little while, it will
become very pleasant to thee for to me also it so happened.

When, moreover, a person has left his home, and is able

[still] to preserve his [previous] character, and
properly does
that which it behoves him to do, he is that chosen man who
is called " the blessing of God," and one who
does not find
aught else to compare with his freedom.^ For, as for those
persons who are called to the pursuit of learning, they are
seeking to extricate themselves from the turmoils of time;
and those who take hold upon wisdom, they are clinging
to the hope of righteousness; and those who take
stand on truth, they are displaying the banner of their
virtue ; and those who cultivate philosophy, they are look-
ing to escape from the vexations of the world. And do
thou too, my son, thus wisely behave thyself in [regard to]
these things, as a wise person who seeks to spend a pure
life;and [beware] lest the gain which many hunger after
enervate thee, and thy mind turn to covet riches, which
have no stability. For, when they are acquired by fraud,
they do not continue nor, even when justly [obtained], do

they last and all those things which are seen by thee in the

world, as belonging to that which is [only] for a little time,

[are destined] to depart like a dream : for they are [but
the risings and settings of the seasons.

About the [objects of that] vainglory, too, of which the
life of men is full, be not thou solicitous : seeing that from
those things which give us joy there quickly comes to
harm. Most especially [is this the case with] the birth of
1 That is, the matters constituting
"a liberal education."
2 Cureton's less rendering probably gives the true sense
literal : "with
whose liberty nothing else can be compared."

beloved children. For in two respects it plainly brings us

harm : in the case of the virtuous, [our very] affection for
them torments us, and from their [very excellence of] cha-
racter we suffer torture ; and, in the case of the vicious, we
are worried with their correction, and afflicted with their
Thou hast heard,^ moreover, concerning our companions,
when they were leaving Samosata, they were distressed
[about it], and, as if complaining of the time [in which their

lot was cast], said thus " We are now far removed from

our home, and we cannot return [again] to our city, or behold

our people, or offer to our gods the greeting of praise."
Meet was it that that day should be called [a day] of lamen-
tation, because one heavy grief possessed them all alike.
For they wept as they remembered their fathers, and [they
thought of] their mothers^ with sobs, and they were dis-
tressed for their brethren, [and] grieved for their betrothed
whom they had left behind. And, although we had heard
that their ^ former companions were proceeding to Seleucia,
we clandestinely [set out, and] proceeded on the way towards
them, and united our own misery with theirs. Then was
our grief exceedingly violent, and fitly did our weeping

abound, by reason of our desperate plight, and our wailing

gathered [itself into] a dense cloud,* and our misery grew
vaster than a mountain had the power to
: for not one of us
ward off For affection for
the disasters that assailed him.
the living was intense, as well as sorrow for the dead, and
our miseries were driving us on without any way [of escape].
For we saw our brethren and our children captives, and
we remembered our deceased companions, who were laid [to
rest] in a foreign® land. Each one of us, too, was anxious

^ Cureton :
" I have heard." The unpoiuted text is here ambiguous.

2 Read ^cnZaiLD"!, instead of ^OOlZok)'), "peoples."

3 Perhaps "our" is meant.
* Cureton " and the dark cloud collected our sighs." But the words

immediately following, as well as the fact that in each of the clauses the
nominative is placed last, favours the rendering given.
5 Lit., "borrowed."

for himself, lest he should have disaster added to disaster,

or [lest] another calamity should overtake that which vi^ent

before it. What enjoyment could men have that were

prisoners, [and] who experienced [things like] these?
But as for thee, my beloved, be not distressed because in
thy loneliness thou hast^ been driven from place to place.
For to these things men are born, since they [are destined]
to meet with the accidents of time. But [rather] let thy
thought be this, that to wise men every place is alike, and
[that] in every city the good have many fathers and mothers.
Else, [if thou doubt it], take thee a proof from [what thou
hast seen] thyself. How many people who know thee not
love thee as [one of] their own children ; and [what] a host
of women receive thee as [they would] their own beloved
ones ! Verily, as a stranger thou hast been fortunate ; verily,
for thy small love many people have conceived an ardent
affection for thee.
What, again, are we to say concerning the delusion^ which
has taken up its abode in the world? Both by reason of
toil ^ painful is the journey through it, and by its agitations
are we, like a reed by the force of the wind, bent now in this
direction, now For I have been amazed at many
in that.
who cast away their children, and I have been astonished at
others who bring up those that are not theirs. There are
persons who acquire riches in the world, and I have also been
astonished at others who inherit that which is not [of] their
own [acquisition]. Thus [mayest thou] understand and see
that we are walking under the guidance of delusion.
Begin and tell us, O wisest of men,* on which of [his]

possessions a man can place reliance, or concerning what

things he can say that they are such as abide. [Wilt thou

^ Lit., "because thy loneliness has."

2 Or " error." He may refer either to the delusion of those who pur-
sue supposed earthly good, or to the false appearances by which men
are deceived in such pursuit.
3 For ]^Vv'^ read jlvnv-^
* Cureton " A sage among men
: once began to say to us." This would
require .-•;-*, not ]i.j».


say so] of abundance of riches ? they are snatched away. Of

fortresses? they are spoiled. Of cities'? they are laid waste.
Of it is brought down.
greatness? Of magnificence? it is
overthrown. Of beauty? it withers. Or of laws? they
pass away. Or of poverty ? it is despised. Or of children ?
they die. Or of friends? they prove false. Or of the
men] ? jealousy goes before them.
praises [of
Let a man, therefore, rejoice in his empire, like Darius
or in his good fortune, like Polycrates ; or in his bravery,
like Achilles ; or in his wife, like Agamemnon ; or in his
offspring, like Priam ; or in hisArchimedes ; or in
skill, like

his wisdom, like Socrates or in his learning, like Pythagoras


or in his ingenuity, like Palamedes ;

the life of men, my
son, departs from the world, but their praises and their
virtues abide for ever.
Do thou, then, my little son, choose thee that which fadeth
not away. For those who occupy themselves with these
things are called modest, and [are] beloved, and lovers of
a good name.
When, moreover, anything untoward befalls thee, do not
lay the blame on man, nor be angry against God, nor ful-
minate against the time thou livest in.

If thou shalt continue in this mind, thy gift is not small

which thou hast received from God, which has no need of
riches, and is never reduced to poverty. For without fear
shalt thou pass thy life,^ and with rejoicing. For fear and
apologies for [one's] nature belong not to the wise, but to
such as walk contrary to law. For no man has ever been
deprived of his wisdom, as of his property.
Follow dihgently learning rather than riches. For the
greater are [one's] possessions, the greater is the evil [atten-
dant upon them]. For I have myself observed that, where
[a man's] goods are many, so also are the tribulations which
happen [to him] and, where luxuries are accumulated, there

also do sorrows congregate and, where riches are abundant,


there is [stored up] the bitterness of many a year.

If, therefore, thou shalt behave with understanding, and


shalt diligently watch over [thy conduct], God will not re-
frain from helping thee, nor men from loving thee.
Let that which thou art able to acquire suffice thee and ;

if, moreover, thou art able to do without property, thou shalt

be called blessed, and no man whatsoever shall be jealous of

And remember also this, that nothing will disturb thy
life very greatly, except [it be the love of] gain ;
[and] that
no man after his death is called an owner of property
because it is by the desire of this that weak men are led
captive, and they know not that a man dwells among his
possessions [only] in the manner of a chance-comer, and
they are haunted with fear because these [possessions] are
not secured to them for they have abandoned that which is

their own, and seek that which is not theirs.

What are we to say, when the wise are dragged by force
by the hands of tyrants, and their wisdom is deprived of
its freedom^ by slander, and they are plundered for their

[superior] intelligence, without [the opportunity of making]

a defence ? [They are not wholly to be pitied.] For what
benefit did the Athenians obtain by putting Socrates to
death, seeing that they received [as] retribution for it famine
and pestilence ? Or the people of Samos by the burning of
Pythagoras, seeing that in one hour the whole ^ of their
country was covered with sand ? Or the Jews [by the
murder] of their Wise King, seeing that from that very
time their kingdom was driven away [from them] ? For
with justice did God grant a recompense to the wisdom of
[all] three of them. For the Athenians died by famine;
and the people of Samos were covered by the sea without
remedy; and the Jews, brought to desolation and expelled
from their kingdom, are driven away into every land. [Nay],
. Socrates did not die, because of Plato nor yet Pythagoras,

because of the statue of Hera nor yet the Wise King,


because of the new laws which he enacted.

Moreover I, my son, have attentively observed mankind,
1 Lit., " made captive."
8 For mVoo read rnVn


[and noticed] in what a dismal state of ruin they are. And I

have been amazed that they are not utterly prostrated^ by the
calamities which surround them, and [that] even [their] wars^
are not enough for them, nor the pains [they endure], nor the
diseases, nor the death, nor the poverty but [that], like savage

beasts, they must needs rush upon one another in [their]

enmity, [trying] which of them shall inflict the greater mis-
chief on his fellow. For they have broken away from the
bounds of truth, and transgress all honest laws, because they
are bent on fulfilling their selfish desires (for, whensoever
a man is eagerly set on [obtaining] that which he desires,
how is it possible that he should fitly do that which it behoves
him [to do] ?) and they acknowledge no restraint,^ and but

seldom stretch out their hands towards truth and goodness,

but in their manner of life behave like the deaf^ and the
blind. Moreover, the wicked rejoice, and the righteous are
disquieted. He that has, denies [that he has] and he that ;

has not, struggles to acquire. The poor seek [help], and the
rich hide [their wealth], and every man laughs at his fellow.
Those that are drunken are stupefied, and those that have
recovered themselves are ashamed.^ Some weep, and some
sing and some laugh, and others are a prey to care.
; They
rejoice in things evil, and a man that speaks the truth they
Should a man, then, be surprised when the world Is seeking
to witherhim with [its] scorn, seeing that they [and he] have
not one [and the same] manner of life ? These are the things
for which they care. One of them is looking [forward to
the time] when in battle he shall obtain the renown of vic-
tory ; yet the valiant perceive not by how many foolish
objects of desire a man is led captive in the world. But
would that for a little while self-repentance visited them

^ No verb is found in the lexicons to which n . g^n A «] can be

referred. It may perhaps be Eshtaphel of a verb ^£lI3, cognate with
i^O, "to be bent."

2 For IrOyib read |jCD-,iO. s

Qr " moderation."
Cureton: "dumb." The word |j»i:>j has both senses.
^ Or "penitent."

For, while victorious by their bravery, they are overcome by

the power of covetousness. For I have made trial of men,
and with this result : that the one thing on which they are
intent, is abundance of riches. Therefore also it is that they
have no settled purpose ; but, through the instability of their
minds, a man is of a sudden cast down [from his elation of
spirit] to be swallowed up with sadness. They look not at the
vast wealth of eternity, [nor consider] that every visitation of
trouble is conducting us all alike to the same [final] period.
For they are devoted to the majesty of the belly, [that] huge
blot [on the character] of the vicious.
Moreover, [as regards] this [letter] which it has come into
my mind to write to thee, it is not enough to read it, but the
best thing is that it be put in practice.-^ For I know for
myself, that have made experiment of this
when thou shalt
mode of life, it will be very pleasant to thee, and thou wilt
be free from sore vexation because it is [only] on account

of children that we tolerate riches.^

Put, therefore, sadness away from thee, O [most] beloved
of mankind, —a thing which never in anywise benefits [a
man] and drive care away from
; thee, which brings with
it no advantage whatsoever. For we have no resource or
skill [that can avail us nothing] — but a great mind [able]
to cope with the disasters and to endure the tribulations
which we are always receiving at the hands of the times.
For at these things does it behove us to look, and not [only]
at those which are fraught with rejoicing and good repute.
Devote thyself to wisdom, the fount of all things good, the
treasure that faileth not. There shalt thou lay thy head,
and be at ease. For this shall be to thee father and mother,
and a good companion for thy life.

^ So Dr. Payne Smith, who is inclined to take OlD i>0, O^ in the

sense, " it goes before, it is best, with respect to it." Cui-eton translates,

"it should also proceed to practice," joining "JOCTIJ with the participle
just mentioned whereas Dr. Smith connects it with (,nS^?, thus:

" but that it should be [put] in practice is best with respect to it."
2 This appears to show that the life of learned seclusion which be has

been recommending is one of celibacy — mouasticism.


Enter into closest intimacy with fortitude and patience,

those [virtues] which are able [successfully] to encounter the
tribulations that befall feeble men. For so great is their
strength, that they are adequate to sustain hunger, and [can]
endure thirst, and mitigate every trouble. With toil, more-
over, yea even with dissolution, they make right merry.
To these things give diligent attention, and thou shalt lead
an untroubled life, and I also shall have comfort,^ and thou
shalt be called " the delight of his parents."
For in that time of yore, when our city was standing in
her greatness, thou mayest be aware that against many per-
sons [among us] abominable words were uttered but for ;

ourselves,^ we acknowledged long ago that we received love,

no less than honour, to the fullest extent from the multitude
of her people it was the state of the times [only] that for-

bade [our] completing those things which we had resolved on

doing.^ And here also in the prison-house we give thanks
to God that we have received the love of many : for we are
striving to our utmost to maintain a Hfe of sobriety and
cheerfulness ;
* and, if any one drive us by force, he will

[but] be bearing public testimony against himself, that he

is estranged from all things good, and he will receive dis-
grace and shame from the foul mark of shame [thatis upon

him]. For we have shown our truth [that truth] which in —

our [now] ruined kingdom we possessed not.^ But, if the

^ Or, "
and thou shalt be to me a comfort," as Cureton.
That is, "mj'self."

2 Such appears to be the sense of this obscure passage. The literal

rendering is, " We acknowledged of old that we received equal love and
honour to the fullest extent from her multitude" (or, from her great-
ness) " but the time forbade [our] completing those things which were

[already] accomplished in our mind." What things he refers to (for his

words seem to have a particular reference) is not clear. The word ren-
dered " greatness," or " multitude," is in reality two words in pointed
MSS. Here it does not appear, except from the sense, which is intended.
Lit., " We are putting ourself to the proof to [see how far we can]

stand in wisdom," etc.

^ "This is a very hopeless passage. . . . Perhaps the codex has
_3_K)3ci£D, '
the kingdom of our ruin,' i.e. the ruined country in which



Eomans go [back] to our own country,

shall permit us to

[as called upon] by justice and righteousness [to do], they

will be acting like humane men, and will earn
the name

of good and righteous, and at the same time [will

have] a

peaceful country in which to dwell for they will exhibit


their greatness when they shall leave us free men,

[and] we

shall be obedient to the sovereign power wdiich the time has

allotted to us. But let them not, like tyrants, drive us as
[though we were] slaves. Yet, if it has been [already] de-
termined what shall be done, we shall receive nothing more
[dreadful] than the peaceful death which is in store for us.
But thou, my little son, if thou resolve diligently to
acquaint thyself with these things, first of all put a check
on appetite, and set limits to that in which thou art [indulg-
ing]. Seek the power to refrain from being angry; and,
to [the
instead of [yielding to] outbursts of passion, listen
promptings of] kindness.
For myself, what I am henceforth solicitous about is this
—[that], so far as I have recollections [of the past], I may
leave behind me a book [containing them], and with a

dent mind finish the journey which I am appointed [to take],

and depart without suffering out of the sad afflictions of the
world. For my prayer is, that I may receive [my] dismissal
and [by] what kind of death concerns me not. But, if any
one should be troubled or anxious [about this], I have no
counsel to give him for yonder, in the dwelling-place of all

the world, will he find us before him.

One of his friends asked Mara, son of Serapion, when in

bonds at his side: "Nay, by thy life, Mara, tell me what
[cause] of laughter thou hast seen, that thou laughest."
am laughing," said Mara, " at Time •} inasmuch as, although
he has not borrowed any evil from me, he is paying me back."
[Here] ends the letter of Mara, son of Serapion.

we used to dwell. For possiblyit refers to what he has said before

about the ruined greatness of his city, captured by the Romans. I

suppose Mara was a Persian,"—Dr. Payne Smith.
1 Or, "the time."





HOSE around Sedrach, Misak, and Abednago

in the furnace of fire, say as they praise God,
" Bless, ye heavens, the Lord praise and exalt;

Him for ever

" then, " Bless, ye angels, the
" then, " Bless the Lord,
Lord all ye waters that are above
heaven." So the Scriptures assign the heavens and the
waters to the class of pure powers [spirits], as is shown in
Genesis. Suitably, then, inasmuch as " power " is used with
a variety of meaning, Daniel adds, " Let every power bless
the Lord " then, further, " Bless the Lord, sun and moon ;"

and, " Bless the Lord, ye stars of heaven. Bless the Lord,
all ye that worship [Him] praise and confess the God of

gods, for His mercy is for ever." It is written in Daniel,

on the occasion of the three children praising in the furnace.
n. " Blessed art Thou, who lookest on the abysses as Thou
sittest on the cherubim," says Daniel, in agreement with

Enoch, who said, " And I saw all sorts of matter." For the
abyss, which is in its essence boundless, is bounded by the
power of God. These material essences then, from which
the separate genera and their species are produced, are called
abysses ; since you would not call the water alone the abyss,
although matter is allegorically called water, the abyss.
III. " In the beginning God made the heaven and the
earth " (Gen. i. 1), both terrestrial and celestial things. And
that this is true, the Lord said to Osee, " Go, take to thy-
self a wife of fornication, and children of fornication : be-
cause the land committing fornication, shall commit fornica-
tion, [departing] from the Lord " (Hos. i. 2). For it is not

the element [of earth] that he speaks of, but those that dwell
in the element, those who have an earthly disposition.
IV. And that the Son is the beginning^ [or head], Hosea
teaches clearly:"And it shall be, that in the place in which it
was said to them, Ye are not my people, they shall be called
the children of the living God and the children of Judah

and the children of Israel shall be gathered to the same place,

and they shall place over them one head,^ and they shall come
up out of the land ; for great is the day of Jezreel " (Hos. i.
10, 11). For whom one believes, him He chooses. But one
believes the Son, who is the head wherefore also he said in

addition " But I will have mercy on the sons of Judah, and

will save them by the Lord their God " (Hos. i. 7). Now
the Saviour who saves is the Son of God. He is then the
V. The Spirit by Osee says, "I am your Instructor"
(Hos. V. 2) ; " Blow ye * the trumpet upon the hills of the
Lord sound upon the high places " (Hos. v. 8). And is not

baptism itself, which is the sign of regeneration, an escape

from matter, by the teaching of the Saviour, a great impetuous

stream, ever rushing on and bearing us along ? The Lord
accordingly, leading us out of disorder, illumines us by bring-
ing us into the light, which is shadowless and is material
no longer.
VI. This river and sea of matter two prophets^ cut
asunder and divided by the power of the Lord, the matter
being bounded, through both divisions of the water. Famous
leaders both, by whom the signs were believed, they complied
with the will of God, so that the righteous man may pro-
ceed from matter, having journeyed through it first. On
the one of these commanders also was imposed the name of
our Saviour."
VII. Now, regeneration is by water and spirit, as was all
creation: "For the Spirit of God moved on the abyss"
^ dpy.^. ^ eipxvjv. ^ ctpx^l-

< " Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah." A. V. —
5 Moses who divided the sea, and Joshua who divided the Jordan.
Joshua —Jesus.

(Gen. i. 2). And for this reason the Saviour was baptized,
though not Himself needing to be so, in order that He
might consecrate the whole water for those who were being
regenerated. Thus it is not the body only, but the soul,
that we cleanse. It is accordingly a sign of the sanctifying
of our invisible part, and of the straining off from the new
and spiritual creation of the unclean spirits that have got
mixed up with the soul.
VIH. " The water above the heaven." Since baptism is
performed by water and the Spirit as a protection against
the twofold fire, — that
which lays hold of wdiat is visible,
and that which what is invisible and of neces-
lays hold of ;

sity, there being an immaterial element of water aud a

material, is it a protection against the twofold ^ fire. And
the earthly water cleanses the body ; but the heavenly water,
by reason of its being immaterial and invisible, is an emblem
of the Holy Spirit, who is the purifier of what is invisible,

as the water of the Spirit, as the other of the body.

IX. God, out of goodness, hath mingled fear with good-
ness. For what is beneficial for each one, that He also
supplies, as a physician to a sick man, as a father to his in-
subordinate child :
" For he that spareth his rod hateth his
son " (Prov. xiii. 24). And the Lord and His apostles walked
in the midst of fear and labours. When, then, the afflic-

tion is sent in the person of a righteous man,^ it is either from

the Lord rebuking him for a sin committed before, or guard-
ing him on account of the future, or not preventing by the
exercise of His power an assault from without,^ for some —
good end to him and to those near, for the sake of example.
X. Now those that dwell in a corrupt body, like those who
sail in an old ship, do not lie on their back, but are ever
praying, stretching their hands to God.
XL The ancients were exceedingly distressed, unless they
had always some suffering in the body. For they were
^ B;x/.t/')7j —substantive. ^ orccv ovv 'xtari.v au^a-rai;

3 The sense is hazy, but about as clear as that to be obtained by sub-

stituting conjecturaUy for Tr^ooa/SoX^» (assault), T^po; fio'Aviv, or l^rz/SoA'^;*, or


afraid, that if they received not in this world the punishment

of the sins which, in numbers through ignorance, accom-
pany those tliat are in the flesh, they would in the other
world suffer the penalty all at once. So that they preferred
curative treatment here. What is to be dreaded is, then, not
external disease, but sins, for which disease [comes], and dis-
ease of the soul, not of the body : " For all flesh is grass
(Isa. xl. 6), and corporeal and external good things are tem-
porary ; "but the things which are unseen are eternal"
(2 Cor. iv. 18).
XII. As to knowledge, some elements of it we already
possess ; by what we do possess, we firmly hope [to
attain]. For neither have we attained all, nor do we lack
all. But we have received, as it were, an earnest of the eter-
nal blessings, and of the ancestral riches. The provisions
for the Lord'sway are the Lord's beatitudes. For He said
" Seek," and anxiously seek, " the kingdom of God, and all
these things shall be added to you : for the Father knovveth
what things ye have need of" (Matt. vi. 33, 32). Thus He
limits not only our occupations, but our cares. For He says :

" Ye cannot, by taking thought, add aught to your stature"

(Alatt. vi.27 Luke xii. 25). For God knows well what it

is good for us to have and what to want. He wishes, there-

fore, that we, emptying ourselves of worldly cares, should be
filled with that which is directed towards God. "For we
groan, desiring to be clothed upon with that which is incor-
ruptible, before putting off corruption." For when faith is

shed abroad, unbelief is nonplussed. Similarly also with

knowledge and righteousness. We must therefore not only
empty the soul, but fill it with God. For no longer is there
evil in it, since that has been made to cease ; nor yet is there
good, since it has not yet received good. But what is neither
good nor evil is nothing. "For to the swept and empty
house return" (Matt. xii. 44), if none of the blessings of
salvation has been put in, the unclean spirit that dwelt there
before, taking with him seven other unclean spirits. Where-
emptying the soul of what is evil, we must fill with
fore, after
the good God that which is His chosen dwelling-place. For


when the empty rooms are filled, then follows the seal, that

the sanctuary may be guarded for God.

XIII. " By two and three witnesses every word is estab-
lished" (Deut. xvii. 6). By Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,

by whose witness and help the prescribed commandments

ought to be kept.
XIV. Fasting, according to the signification of the word,
is abstinence from food. Now food makes us neither more
righteous nor less. But mystically it shows that, as life is

maintained in individuals by sustenance, and want of sus-

tenance is the token of death ; so also ought we to fast from
worldly things, that we may die to the world, and after that,
by partaking of divine sustenance, live to God. Especially
does fasting empty the soul of matter, and make it, along
with the body, pure and light for the divine words. Worldly
food is, then, the former life and sins ; but the divine food is

faith, hope, love, patience, knowledge, peace, temperance.

For "blessed are they that hunger and thirst after" God's
"righteousness; for they shall be filled" (Matt. v. 6). The
soul, but not the body, which is susceptible of this craving.
it is

XV. The Saviour showed to the believing apostles prayer

to be stronger than faith in the case of a demoniac, whom
they could not cleanse, when He said, Such things are
accomplished by prayer. He who has believed has obtained
forgiveness of sins from the Lord but he who has attained

knowledge, inasmuch as he no longer sins, obtains from him-

self the forgiveness of the rest.

XVI. For as cures, and prophecies, and signs are per-

formed by the agency of men, God working in them, so also
is Gnostic teaching. For God shows His power through men.
And the prophecy rightly says, " I will send to them a man
who will save them" (Isa. xix. 20). Accordingly He sends
forth at one time prophets, at another apostles, to be saviours
of men. Thus God does good by the agency of men. For
it is not that God can do some things, and cannot do others

He is never powerless in anything. No more are some things

done with, and some things against His will; and some things
by Him, and some things by another. But He even brought

us into being by means of men, and trained us by means of

XVII. God made us, having previously no existence.
For if we had a previous existence, we must have known

where we were, and how and why we came hither. But if

we had no pre-existence, then God is the sole author of our
creation. As, then, He made us who had no existence,
so also, now that we are made, Pie saves us by His own
grace, if we show ourselves worthy and susceptible if not, ;

He^ will let us pass to our proper end. For He is Lord both
of the living and the dead.
XVIII. But see the power of God, not only in the case
of men, in bringing to existence out of non-existence, and
making them when brought into being grow up according
to the progress of the time of life, but also in saving those
who believe, in a way suitable to each individual. And now
He changes both hours, and times, and fruits, and elements.
For this is the one God, who has measured both the becrinninsr

and the end of events suitably to each one.

XIX. Advancing from faith and fear to knowledge, man
knows how to say Lord, Lord but not as His slave, he has

learned to say. Our Father. Having set free the spirit of

bondage, which produces fear, and advanced by love to adop-
tion, he now reverences from love Him whom he feared
before. For he no longer abstains from what he ought to
abstain from out of fear, but out of love clings to the com-
mandments. " The Spirit itself," it is said, " beareth witness
when we cry, Abba, Father" (Rom. viii. 15 Gal. iv. 6). ;

XX. Now the Lord with His precious blood redeems us,
freeing us from our old bitter masters, that is, our sins, on
account of which the spiritual [powers] of wickedness ruled
over us. Accordingly He leads us into the liberty of the
Father, —
sons that are co-heirs and friends. " For," says the
Lord, " they that do the will of my Father are my brethren

^ The reading is, dTrapviaii vrpo; to olaslov tsM;

^vi and the Latin

translator renders, " nou segnes siraus ad fiuem proprium." It seems


better, with Sylburgius, to take u fcvi as equivalent to u Ss ^--j, and to

put a comma after /xti, so as to render as above.


and fellow-heirs" (Matt. xii. 50). " Call no man, therefore,

father to yourselves on earth" (Matt, xxiii. 9). For it is

masters that are on earth. But

heaven is the Father, of
whom is the whole family, both in heaven and on earth (Eph.
iii. 15). For love rules willing [hearts], but fear the un-
willing. One kind of fear is base but the other, leading us ;

as a pedagogue to good, brings us to Christ, and is saving.

XXI. Now if one has a conception of God, it by no
means corresponds with His worthiness. For what can the
worthiness of God be? But let him, as far as is possible,
conceive of a great and incomprehensible and most beautiful
light; inaccessible, comprehending all good power, all comely
virtue ; caring for all, compassionate, passionless, good
knowing all things, foreknowing all things, pure, sweet,
shining, stainless.
XXII. Since the movement of the soul is self-originated,
the grace of God demands from it what the soul possesses,
willingness as its contribution to salvation. For the soul
wishes to be its own good ; which the Lord, [however], gives
it. For it is not devoid of sensation so as to be carried along
like a body. Having
the result of taking, and taking of

willing and keeping hold of what one has re-

and desiring ;

ceived, of the exercise of care and of ability. Wherefore God

has endowed the soul with free choice, that He may show it
its duty, and that it choosing, may receive and retain.

XXIII. As through the body the Lord spake and healed,

so also formerly by the prophets, and now by the apostles
and teachers. For the church is the minister of the Lord's
power. Thence He then assumed humanity,^ that by it
He might minister to the Father's will. And at all times,
the God who loves humanity"^ invests Himself with man for
the salvation of men, —
in former times with the prophets,
and now with the church. For it is fitting that like should
minister to like, in order to a like salvation.
XXIV. For we were of the earth. Caesar is the . . .

prince, for the time being, whose earthly image is the old
man, to which he has returned. To him, then, we are to
— —


render the earthly things, which we bore in the image of the

earthly, and the things of God to God. For each one of the
passions is on us as a letter, and stamp, and sign. Now the
Lord marks us with another stamp, and with other names and
letters, faith instead of unbelief, and so forth. Thus we are
translated from what is material to what is spiritual, " having
borne the image of the heavenly" (1 Cor. xv. 49).
XXV. John says " I indeed baptize you with water, but

there cometh after me lie that baptizeth with the Spirit

and fire" (Matt. iii. 11). But He baptized no one with fire.
But some, as Heraclius says, marked with fire the ears of
those who were sealed understanding so the apostolic saying,

" For His fan is in His hand, to purge His floor and He :

will gather the wheat into the garner but the chaff He will ;

burn with fire unquenchable." ^ There is joined, then, the

expression "by fire" to that " by the Spirit;" since He sepa-
I'ates the wheat from the chaff, that is, from the material

husk, by the Spirit and the chaff is separated, being fanned


by the wind r so also the Spirit possesses a power of separating

material forces. Since, then, some things are produced from
what is unproduced and indestructible, that is, the germs of —
life, — the wheat also is stored, and the material part, as long
as it is conjoined with the superior part, remains; when
separated from it, it is destroyed ; for it had its existence in
another thing. This separating element, then, is the Spirit,
and the destroying element is the fire and material fire is :

to be understood. But since that which is saved is like wheat,

and that which grows in the soul like chaff, and the one is
incorporeal, and that which is separated is material to the ;

incorporeal He opposes spirit, which is rarefied and pure

almost more so than mind and to the material [He opposes]

fire, not as being evil or bad, but as strong and capable of

cleansing away evil. For fire is conceived as a good force and

powerful, destructive of what is baser, and conservative of
what is better. Wherefore this fire is by the prophets called
XXVI. Thus also, then, when God is called " a con-
^ Matt. iii. 12. ^ Qr spirit Trviv^uot-og.

suming fire," it is because a name and sign, not of wicked-

ness, but of power, is to be selected. For as fire is the most
potent of the elements, and masters all things ; so also God
is all-powerful and almighty, who is able to hold, to create,
to make, to nourish, to make grow, to save, having power of
body and soul. As, then, fire is superior to the elements, so
is the Almighty Ruler to gods, and powers, and principalities.

The pow^er of fire is twofold one power conduces to the


production and maturing of fruits and of animals, of which

the sun is the image and the other to consumption and

destruction, as terrestrial fire. When, then, God is called a

consuming fire, [He is called] a mighty and resistless power,
to which nothing is impossible, but which is able to destroy.
Respecting such a power, also, the Saviour says, '' I came

to send fire upon the earth" (Luke xii. 49), indicating a

power to purify what is holy, but destructive, as they say, of
what is material ; and, as we should say, disciplinary. Now
fear pertains to and diffusion to light.

XXVII. Now the more ancient men ^ did not write, as

they neither wished to encroach on the time devoted to atten-
tion bestowed on what they handed down, in the way of
teaching, by the additional attention bestowed on writing,
nor spent the time for considering what was to be said on
writing. And, perhaps convinced that the function of com-
position and the department of teaching did not belong to the
same cast of mind, they gave way to those who had a natural
turn for it. For in the case of a speaker, the stream of speech
flows unchecked and impetuous, and you may catch it up
hastily. But that which
is always tested by readers, meeting

with strict" examination, is thought worthy of the utmost

pains, and is, so to speak, the written confirmation of [oral]
instruction,and of the voice so wafted along to posterity by
written composition. For that which was committed in trust
to the elders, speaking in waiting, uses the writer's help to
hand itself down to those who are to read it. As, then, the

2 It seems better, with Sylb., to read dx,pi/iovs, qualifying i^iroioiu; (as

above), than cc>!,pi(iu$, adv. qualifying (iotcrctvt^Sfisuov^ tested.


magnet, repelling other matter, attracts iron alone by reason of

affinity ; though many read them, attract those
so also books,
alone who are capable of comprehending them. For the word
of truth is to some "foolishness" (1 Cor. i. 18), and to others
a " stumbling-block" {ib.); but to a few " wisdom" (ib.). So
also is the power of God found to be. But far from the
Gnostic be envy. For it is for this reason also that he asks
whether it be worse to give to the unworthy, or not commit
to the worthy and runs the risk, from his abundant love of

communicating, not only to every one who is qualified, but

sometimes also to one unworthy, who asks importunately ;

not on account of his entreaty (for he loves not glory), but

on account of the persistency of the petitioner who bends his
mind towards faith with copious entreaty.
XXVIII. There are those calling themselves Gnostics who
are envious of those in their own house more than strangers.
And, as the sea is open to all, but one swims, another sails, and
a third catches fish ; and as the land is common, but one walks,

another ploughs, another hunts, somebody else searches the
mines, and another builds a house so also, when the Scrip-

ture is read, one is helped to faith, another to morality, and

a third is freed from superstition by the knowledge of things.
The athlete, who knows the Olympic stadium, strips for train-
ing, contends, and becomes victor, tripping up his antagonists
who contend against his scientific method, and fighting out
the contest. For scientific knowledge {^v(iicrL<i) is necessary
both for the training of the soul and for gravity of conduct
making the faithful more active and keen observers of things.
For as there is no believing without elementary instruction,
so neither is there comprehension without science {yvcoaL<;).
XXIX. For what is useful and necessary to salvation,
such as [the knowledge of] the Father, and Son, and Holy
Spirit, and also of our own soul, are wholly requisite ; and
it is at once beneficial and necessary to attain to the scien-

tific account of them. And to those who have assumed

the lead in doing good, much experience is advantageous ; so
that none of the things which appear to be known necessarily
and eruditely by others may escape their notice. The exposi-


tion, too, of heterodox teaching affords another exercise of

the inquiring soul, and keeps the disciple from being seduced
from the truth, by his having already had practice before-
hand in sounding all round on warlike instruments of music.
XXX. The life of the Gnostic rule, (as they say that
Crete was barren of deadly animals,) is pure from every evil
deed, and thought, and word not only hating no one, but

beyond envy and hatred, and all evil-speaking and slander.

XXXI. In length of days, it is not on account of his
having lived long that the man is to be regarded happy, to
whose lot it has also fallen, through his having lived, to be
worthy of living for ever. He has pained no one, except in
instructing by the word the wounded in heart, as it were by
a salutary honey, which is at once sweet and pungent. So
that, above all, the Gnostic preserves the decorous along with
that which is in accordance with reason. For passion being
cut away and stript off from the whole soul, he henceforth
consorts and lives with what is noblest, which has now become
pure, and emancipated to adoption.
XXXII. Pythagoras thought that he who gave things
their names, ought to be regarded not only the most intelli-
gent, but the oldest of the wise men. Yie must, then, search
the Scriptures accurately, since they are admitted to be
expressed in parables, and from the names hunt out the
thoughts which the Holy Spirit, propounding respecting
things, teaches by imprinting His mind, so to speak, on the
e:ipressions ; that the names used with various meanings,
being made the subject of accurate investigation, may be
explained, and that that which is hidden under many integu-
ments may, being handled and learned, come to light and
gleam forth. For so also lead turns white as you rub it
white lead being produced from black. So also scientific
knowledge (gnosis), shedding its light and brightness on
things, shows itself to be in truth the divine wisdom, the
pure light, which illumines the men whose eyeball is clear,

unto the sure vision and comprehension of truth.

XXXIII. Lighting, then, our torch at the source of that
light, by the passionate desire which has it for its object, and

striving as much as possible to be assimilated to it, we become

men (<^wTe?) full of light (<^6oto?), Israelites indeed. For
He and brethren who by desire and pur-
called those friends
suit aimed after likeness to the Divinity.
XXXIV. Pure places and meadows have received voices
and visions of holy phantasms. But every man who has
been perfectly purified, shall be thought worthy of divine
teaching and of power.
XXXV. Now I know that the mysteries of science
(gnosis) are a laughing-stock to many, especially when not
patched up with sophistical figurative language. And the
few are at first startled at them as when light is suddenly

brought into a convivial party in the dark. Subsequently, on

getting used and accustomed, and trained to reasoning, as if
gladdened and exulting for delight, they [praise] the Lord. . . .

For as pleasure has for its essence release from pain so also ;

has knowledge the removal of ignorance. For as those that

are most asleep think they are most awake, being under the
power of dream-visions very vivid and fixed so those that ;

are most ignorant think that they know most. But blessed
are they who rouse themselves from this sleep and derange-
ment, and raise their eyes to the light and the truth.
XXXVI. It is, therefore, equally requisite for him who
wishes to have a pupil who
and has blended faith
is docile,

with aspiration, to exercise himself and constantly to study by

himself, investigating the truth of his speculations; and when
he thinks himself right, to descend to questions regarding
things contiguous. For the young birds make attempts to

fly in the nest, exercising their wings.

XXXVII. For Gnostic virtue everywhere makes man
good, and meek, and harmless,^ and painless, and blessed,
and ready to associate in the best way with all that is divine,
in the best way with men, at once a contemplative and active
divine image, and turns him into a lover of what is good by
love. For what is good (to koXov), as there it is contem-

1 For a/3x«/3£V in the text, we must, translating thus, read «/3Xa/3^.

If we translate, as we may, " Gnostic virtue is a thing everywhere good,
and meek," etc., no change is requii-ed in the reading.

plated and comprehended by wisdom, is here by self-control

and righteousness carried into effect through faith practising :

in the flesh an angelic ministry hallowing the soul in the


body, as in a place clear and stainless.

XXXVIII. Against Tatian, who says that the words,
Let there be light" (Gen. i. 3), are supplicatory. If, then,

He is supplicating the supreme God, how does He say, " I

am God, and beside none else" (Isa. xliv. 6) ? We
me there is

have said that there are punishments for blasphemies, for

nonsense, for outrageous expressions ; which are punished
and chastised by reason.
XXXIX. And he said, too, that on account of their hair
and finery, women are punished by the Power that is set
over these matters ; which Samson strength in
also gave to
his hair ; which punishes the women who allure to fornica-
tion through the adornment of their hair.
XL. As by the effluence of good, people are made good,
in like manner are they made bad. Good is the judgment
of God, and the discrimination of the believing from the
unbelieving, and the judgment beforehand, so as not to fall
into greater judgment —
this judgment being correction.
XLI. Scripture says that infants which are exposed are
delivered to a guardian angel, and that by him they are
trained and reared. " And they shall be," it says, " as the
faithful in this world of a hundred years of age." AVherefore
also Peter, in the Eevelation, says " And a flash of fire,

leaping from those infants, and striking the eyes of the

women." For the just shines forth as a spark in a reed,
and will judge the nations (Wisd. iii. 7).
XLII. "With the holy Thou wilt be holy" (Ps. xviii. 26).
"According to thy praise is thy name glorified;"
God being
glorifiedthrough our knowledge, and through the inheritance.
Thus also it is said, " The Lord liveth," and " The Lord hath
risen" (Luke xxiv. 34).
XLIII. "A people whom I knew not hath served me"
(Ps. xviii. 43) ;
— by covenant I knew them not, alien sons,
who desired what pertained to another.
XLIV. "Magnifying the salvations of His king" (Ps.

xviii. 50). All the faithful are called kings, brought to

royalty through inheritance.
XLV. Long-suffering is sweetness above honey ; not be-

cause it is long-suffering, but in consequence of the fruit of

long-suffering. Since, then, the man of self-control is devoid
of passion, inasmuch as he restrains the passions, not without
toil but when habit is formed, he is no longer a man of

self-control, the man having come under the influence of

one habit and of the Holy Spirit.

XL VI. The passions that arc in the soul are called spirits,
not spirits of power, since in that case the man under the
influence of passion would be a legion of demons ; but [they
are so called] in consequence of the impulse they communi-
cate. For the soul itself, through modifications, taking on
this and that other sort of qualities of wickedness, is said to

receive spirits.

VII. The Word does not bid us renounce property ;^
but to manage property without inordinate affection and on ;

anything happening, not to be vexed or grieved and not to ;

desire to acquire. Divine Providence bids keep away from

possession accompanied with passion, and from all inordinate
affection, and [from this] turns back those still remaining^
in the flesh.
XLVIII. For instance, Peter says in the Apocalypse,
that abortive infants shall share the better fate ;^ that these
are committed to a guardian angel, so that, on receiving
knowledge, they may obtain the better abode, having had the
same experiences which they would have had had they been
in the body. But the others shall obtain salvation merely, as
being injured and pitied, and remain without punishment,
receiving this reward.
XLIX. The milk of women, flowing from the breasts
and thickening, says Peter in the Apocalypse, will produce

x.T7iaiu^, instead of uTiaiu;, as in the text, and Kriiaiv for x.twiv in

the next clause.

2 'Auxarpiipii IxJ f^ovovs rovg h (xxpKi. For which, as slightly preferable,
Sylburg. proposes hi /nivourei; Iv (sa.px.iy as above,
3 Adopting the reading ^o(>«f, instead of that in the text, i:iipa.;.

minute beasts, that prey on flesh, and running back into

them will consume them : teaching that punishments arise
for sins. He says that they are produced from sins ; as it

was for their sins that the people were sold. And for their
want of faith in Christ, as the apostle says, they were bitten
by serpents,
L. An ancient said that the embryo is a living thing for ;

that the soul entering into the womb after it has been by
cleansing prepared for conception, and introduced by one of
the angels who preside over generation, and who knows the
time for conception, moves the woman to intercourse and ;

that, on the seed being deposited, the spirit, which is in the

seed, is, so to speak, appropriated, and is thus assumed into
conjunction in the process of formation. He cited as a proof
to all, how, when the angels give glad tidings to the barren,
they introduce souls before conception. And in the Gospel
" the babe leapt" (Luke i. 43) as a living thing. And the
barren are barren for this reason, that the soul, which unites
for the deposit of the seed, is not introduced so as to secure
conception and generation.
LI. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Ps. xix. 1).
The heavens are taken in various meanings, both those defined
by space and revolution, and those by covenant, —
the imme-
diate operation of the first-created angels. For the covenants
caused a more especial appearance of angels, — that-^ in the case
of Adam, that in the case of Noah, that in the case of Abra-
ham, that in the case of Moses. For, moved by the Lord, the
first-created angels exercised their influence on the angels
attached to the prophets, considering the covenants the glory
of God. Furthermore, the things done on earth by angels
were done by the first-created angels to the glory of God.
LII. It is the Lord that is principally denominated the
Heavens, and then the First-created and after these also the

holy men before the Law, and Moses, and

as the patriarchs,
the prophets ; the firmament
then also the apostles. " And
showeth His handiwork." He applies the term " firmament"
{arepeco/Mo) to God, the passionless and immoveable, as also
^ i.e. the covenant.

elsewhere the same David says, " I will love Thee, O Lord,
my strength {arepicofia) and nay refuge" (Ps. xviii. 1).
Accordingly, the firmament itself shows forth the work of

His hands, — that is, shows and manifests the work of His
angels. For He shows forth and manifests those whom He
hath made.
LIH. " Day unto day uttereth speech." As the heavens
have various meanings, so also has day. Now speech is the
Lord ; and He is also frequently called day. " And night
unto night showeth forth knowledge." The devil knew that
the Lord w^as to come. But he did not believe that He w^as
God; wherefore also he tempted Him, in order to know if He
were powerful. It is said, " he left^ Him, and departed from
Him for a season " that is, he postponed the discovery till

the resurrection. For he knew that He who was to rise was

the Lord. Likewise also the demons since also they suspected ;

that Solomon w^as the Lord, and they knew that he was not
so, on his sinning. " Night to night." All the demons knew

that He who rose after the passion was the Lord. And
already Enoch had said, that the angels who transgressed
taught men astronomy and divination, and the rest of the arts.
LIV. " There are no speeches or words whose voices are
not heard," neither of days nor nights. " Their sound is gone
forth unto all the earth." He has transferred the discourse
to the saints alone, whom he calls both heavens and days.
LV. The stars, spiritual bodies, that have communications
with the angels set over them, and are governed by them,
are not the cause of the production of things, but are signs
of what is taking place, and will take place, and have taken
place in the case of atmospheric changes, of fruitfuluess and
barrenness, of pestilence and fevers, and in the case of men.
The stars do not in the least degree exert influences, but
indicate what is, and has been.
and will be,

LVL "And in the sun hath He set His tabernacle." There

is a transposition here. For it is of the second coming that
the discourse is. So, then, we must read what is transposed
1 For saj/, -which is the reading of the text, Sylbui'gius' suggestion of
iia or eixas lias been adopted.

in its due sequence :

" And he, as a bridegroom issuing from
his chamber, will rejoice as a giant to run his way. From
heaven's end is his going forth and there is no one who

shall hide himself from his heat;" and then, "He hath set
His tabernacle in the sun."
Some say that He deposited the Lord's body in the sun,
as Hermogenes. And " His tabernacle," some say, is His
body, others the church of the faithful.
Our Pantgenus used to say, that prophecy utters its expres-
sions indefinitely for the most part, and uses the present for
the future, and again the present for the past. Which is

also seen here.-^ For " He hath set " is put both for the past
and the future. For the future, because, on the comple-
tion of this period, which is to run according to its present^
constitution, the Lord will come to restore the righteous,
the faithful, in whom He one and the
rests, as in a tent, to
same unity ; for all are one body, of the same race, and have
chosen the same faith and righteousness. But some as head,
some as eyes, some as ears, some as hands, some as breasts,
some as feet, shall be set, resplendent, in the sun. " Shine
forth as the sun" (Matt. xiii. 43), or in the sun ; since an
angel high in command is in the sun. For he is appointed
for rule over days ; as the moon is for ruling over night.^
Now angels are called days. Along with the angels in* the
sun, it is said, they shall have assigned to them one abode, to
be for some time and in some respects the sun, as it were the
head of the body which is one. And, besides, they also are
the rulers of the days, as that angel in the sun, for the
greater purpose for which he before them^ migrated to the
same place. And again destined to ascend progressively,
they reach the first abode, in accordance with the past
" He hath set :" so that the first-created angels shall no

^ Or rather, as Sylb. points out, this is a case of the past used for the
present, etc.
^ 'Tra.povaiccv, kc<.t(x.<jto(.(jiu, the reading of the text, is, as Sylburg. remarks,
plainly corrupt ; '7ret.povaa,v, as above, is the most obvious correction.
^ Gen. i. 18. * ^s^' here clearly should be icoiff or 1^'.
^ If we may venture to change uvtov into u.inl>v.

longer, according to providence, exercise a definite ministry,

but may be in repose, and devoted to the contemplation of
God alone ; while those next to them shall be promoted to
the post which they have left ; and so those beneath them
LVII. There are then, according to the apostle, those on
the summit,^ the first-created. And they are thrones, although
Powers, being the first-created, inasmuch as God rests in

them, as also in those who believe. For each one, according

to his own stage of advancement, possesses the knowdedge

God in a way special to himself ; and in this knowledge God

reposes, those who possessknowledge being made immortal by
knowledge. And is not " He set His tabernacle in the sun"
to be understood thus % God " set in the sun," that is, in the

God who is beside Him, as in the Gospel, Eli, Eli,^ instead

of God, my God. And what is " above all rule, and

authority,and power, and every name that is named," are
those from among men that are made perfect as angels and
archangels, [so as to rise] to the nature of the angels first-
created. For those who are changed from men to angels are
instructed for a thousand years by the angels after they are
brought to perfection. Then those who have taught are
translated to archangelic authority; and those who have
learned instruct those again who from men are changed to
angels. Thus afterwards, in the prescribed periods, they
are brought to the proper angelic state of the body.
LVIII. " The law of God is perfect, converting souls
(Ps. xix. 8). The Saviour Himself is called Law and AVord,
" Out of
as Peter in " the Preaching," and the prophet :

Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord
from Jerusalem" (Isa. ii. 3).

LIX. "The testimony of the Lord is sure, making

1 'Ef/ TT.
ccKpf ec'TTOKXTxarxasi. The last word yields no suitable sense,
and conjecture as to the right reading is vain and we have ;
left it

untranslated. The Latin translator renders qui in summa arce

2"Hx/o? is (with marvellous ignorance of the Hebrew tongue, as

Combefisius notices) here identified with Eli, •'px-


children wise." The covenant of the Lord is true, making

wise children ; both the apostles, and
those free from evil,

then also us. Besides, the testimony of the Lord, according

to which He rose again after His passion, having been veri-
fied by fact, led the church to confirmation in faith.
LX. " The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring for ever."
He says that those wlio have been turned from fear to faith
and righteousness endure for ever.
"The judgments of the Lord are true," sure, and In- —
capable of being overturned and giving rewards according

to what is right, bringing the righteous to the unity of the

faith. For this is shown in the words, " justified for the

same." ^ " Such desires ^ are above gold and precious stone."

LXL "For also Thy servant keeps them." Not that

David alone is but the whole people saved is
called servant ;

called the servant of God, in virtue of obedience to the com-

LXII. " Cleanse me from my secret [faults] ;"— thoughts
contrary to right reason — defects. For He calls this foreign

to the righteous man.

LXHL " If they have not dominion over me, then shall I
be innocent." If those who persecute me as they did the
Lord, do not have dominion over me, I shall not be innocent.
For no one becomes a martyr unless he is persecuted ; nor
appears righteous, unless, being wronged, he takes no
revenge ; nor forbearing
1 Ps. xix. 12, Septuagint.
2 a/ roiainat iTTidufiiat, for which the Septuagint has i^/^:/^»T«, as
in A. V.









HAP. i. 3.—" Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, who by His great mercy
hath regenerated us." For if God generated us
of matter, He afterwards, by progress in life,

regenerated us.
" The Father of our Lord, by the resurrection of Jesus
Christ " who, according to your faith, rises again in us
as, on the other hand, He dies in us, through the operation
of our unbelief. For He said again, that the soul never
returns a second time to the body in this life and that ;

which has become angelic does not become unrighteous or

evil, so as not to have the opportunity of again sinning by

the assumption of flesh but that in the resurrection the


soul ^ returns to the body, and both are joined to one another
according to their peculiar nature, adapting themselves,

^ Fell notes that Cassiodorus states that he had in his translation

corrected what he considered erroneous in the original. Fell also is
inchned to believe that these fragments are from Clement's lost work
TTtoTVTTuaus, of which he believes Admnbrationes of Cassiodorus (which
we have rendered " Comments") to be a translation,
2 " Utramque " is the reading, which is plainly corrupt. We have con-
jectured " animam." The rest of the sentence is so ungrammatical and
impracticable as it stands, that it is only by taking considerable liberties
with it that it is translateable at all.


through the composition of each, by a kind of congruity like

a building of stones.
Besides, Peter says, chap. ii. 5, " Ye also, as living stones,
are built up a house " meaning the place of the
angelic abode, guarded in heaven.^ " For you," he says,
" who are kept by the power of God, by faith and contem-
plation, to receive the end of your faith, the salvation of your
Hence it appears that the soul is not naturally immortal
but is made immortal by the grace of God, through faith

and righteousness, and by knowledge. " Of which salva-

tion," he says (ver. 10), " the prophets have inquired and
searched diligently," and what follows. It is declared by
this that the prophets spake with wisdom, and that the Spirit
of Christ was in them, according to the possession of Christ,
and in subjection to Christ. For God works through arch-
angels and kindred angels, who are called spirits of Christ.
" Which are now," he says (ver. 12), " reported unto you
by them that have preached the gospel unto you." The
old things which were done by the prophets and escape the
observation of most, are now revealed to you by the evan-
gelists. " For to you," he says (ih.)^ " they are manifested by
the Holy Ghost, who was sent " that is the Paraclete, of
whom the Lord said, " If I go not away, He will not come
(John xvi. 7). "Unto whom" {ib.), it is said, "the angels
desire to look ;
" not the apostate angels, as most suspect, but,

1 The text here has " sicut sagena vel " (like a drag-net or), which
we have omitted, being utterly incapable of divining any conceivable
resemblance or analogy which a drag-net can afford for the re-union of
the soul and body. " Sagena" is either a blunder for something else which
we cannot conjecture, or the sentence is here, as elsewhere, mutilated.

But possible that it may have been the union of the blessed to each
it is

other, and their conjunction with one another according to their affinities,
which was the point handled in the original sentences, of which we have
only these obscure and confusing remains.
2 " Coeli," plainly a mistake for " coelo " or " ccelis." There is ap-
parently a hiatus here. " The angelic abode, guarded in heaven," most
probably is the explanation of "an inheritance incorruptible and unde-
filed, reserved in heaven,"

what is a divine truth, angels who desire to obtain the advan-

tage of that perfection.
" By precious blood," he says (ver. 19), " as of a
without blemish and without spot." Here he touches on the
ancient Levitical and sacerdotal celebrations but means a ;

soul pure through righteousness which is offered to God.

" Verily foreknown before tlie foundation of the world"
(ver. 20). Inasmuch as He was foreknown before every
creature, because He was Christ. " But manifested in the
last times" by the generation of a body.
" Being born again, not of corruptible seed" (ver. 23).
The which is produced along with the body is
soul, then,
some think.
corruptible, as
"But the word of the Lord," he says (ver. 25), "endureth
for ever :" as well prophecy as divine doctrine.
Chap. ii. 9. —
" But ye are a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood." That we are a chosen race by the election of
God is abundantly clear. He says royal, because we are
called to sovereignty and belong to Christ and priesthood ;

on account of the oblation which is made by prayers and

instructions, by which are gained the souls which are offered
to God.
" Who, when He was reviled," he says (ver. 23), " reviled
not; when He suffered, threatened not." The Lord acted
so in His goodness and patience. " But committed Himself
to him that judged Him unrighteously:"^ whether Himself,
so that, regarding Himself in this way, there is a trans-
position.^ He indeed gave Himself up to those who judged
according to an unjust law because He was unserviceable

to them, inasmuch as He was righteous or. He committed :

to God those who judged unrighteously, and without cause

insisted on His death, so that they might be instructed by
suffering punishment.
Chap. iii. 10. — " For he that will love life, and see good
days;" that is, who wishes to become eternal and immortal.
And He calls the Lord life, and the days good, that is holy.
" For the eyes of the Lord," he says, " are upon the
^ Sic. 2 Hyperbaton.


righteous, and His ears on their prayers :" he means the

manifold inspection of the Holy Spirit. '• The face of the
Lord on them that do evil" (ver. 12) that is, whether
is ;

judgment, or vengeance, or manifestation.

" But sanctify the Lord Christ," he says, " in your hearts "
(ver. 15). For so you have in the Lord's prayer, " Hallowed
be Tliy name" (Matt. vi. 9).
"For Christ," he says (ver. 18), "hath once suffered for
our sins, the just for the unjust, that He nn'ght present^ us
to God; being put to death in the flesh, but quickened in the
spirit." He says these things, reducing them to their faith.
That is, He became alive in our spirits.
" Coming," he says (ver. 20), " He preached to those who
were once unbelieving." They saw not His form, but they
heard His voice.
" When the long-suffering of God" (ih.) holds out. God
is so good, as to work the result by the teaching of salvation.
"By the resurrection," it is said (ver. 21), "of Jesus
Christ :" that, namely, which is effected in us by faith.
" Angels being subjected to Him" (ver. 22), which are
the first order ; and " principalities" being subject, who are
of the second order; and "powers" being also subject, which
are said to belong to the third order.
" Who shall give account," he says, chap. iv. 5, " to Him
who is ready to judge the quick and the dead."
These are trained through previous judgments (ver. 6).
Therefore he adds, " For this cause was the gospel preached
also to the —
dead" to us, namely, who were at one time un-
believers. " That they might be judged according to men,"
he says, ib., " in the flesh, but live according to God in the
spirit." Because, that is, they have fallen away from faith
whilst they are still in the flesh they are judged according to
preceding judgments, that they might repent. Accordingly,
he also adds, saying, " That they might live according to
God in the spirit." So Paul also ; for he, too, states some-
thing of this nature when he says, " Whom I have delivered
to Satan, that he might live in the spirit" (1 Cor. v. 5)
1 Offerret.

that is, "as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

Similarly also Paul says, " Variously, and in many ways, God
of old spake to our fathers" (Heb. i. 1).
" Rejoice," it is said (ver. 13), " that ye are partakers in
the sufferings of Christ:" that is, if ye are righteous, ye
suffer for righteousness' sake, as Christ suffered for righteous-
ness. " Happy are ye, for the Spirit of God, who is the
Spirit of His glory and virtue, resteth on you." This pos-
sessive " His" signifies also an angelic spirit : inasmuch as
the glory of God those are, through whom, according to
faith and righteousness, He is glorified, to honourable glory,
according to the advancement of the saints who are brought
in. "The Spirit of God on us," may be thus understood;
that is, who through faith comes on the soul, like a graceful-
ness of mind and beauty of soul.
"Since," it is said (ver. 17), "it is time for judgment
beginning at the house of God." For judgment will over-
take these in the appointed persecutions.
" But the God of all grace," he says (chap. v. 10). " Of
all grace," he says, because He is good, and the giver of
all good things.
" Marcus, my son, saluteth you" (ver. 14). Mark, the
follower of Peter, while Peter publicly preached the gospel
at Rome before some of Caesar's equites, and adduced many
testimonies to Christ, in order that thereby they might be
able to commit to memory what was spoken, of what was
spoken by Peter, wrote entirely what is called the Gospel
according to Mark. As Luke also may be recognised^ by
the style, both to have composed the Acts of the Apostles,
and to have translated Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.


Jude, who wrote the catholic epistle, the brother of the
sons of Joseph, and very religious, whilst knowing the near
relationship of the Lord, yet did not say that he himself was
1 The reading is " agnosceret." To yield any sense it must have been
"agnoscatur" or " agnosceretur."

His brother. But what ? " Jade, a servant of

said he (ver. 1)
Jesus Christ," — of Him
Lord; but " the brother of James."
For this is true he was His brother, (the son) ^ of Joseph.

" For (ver. 4) certain men have entered unawares, ungodly

men, who liad been of old ordained and predestined to the
judgment of our God ; " not that they might become impious,
but that, being now impious, they were ordained to judgment.
For the Lord God," he says (ver. 5), " who once delivered a
people out of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed
not;" that is, that He might train them through punishment.
For they were indeed punished, and they perished on account
of those that are saved, until they turn to the Lord. " But
the angels," he says (ver. 6), " that kept not their own pre-
eminence," that, namely, which they received through ad-
vancement, "but left their own habitation," meaning, that is,

the heaven and the stars, became, and are called apostates.
"He hath reserved" (he says, "to the judgment of

the great day, in chains, under darkness." He means the

locality near the earth," that is, the dark air. Now he called
" chains" the loss of the honour in which they had stood, and
the lust of feeble things since, bound by their own lust, they

cannot be converted. " As Sodom and Gomorrha," he says

(ver. 7). . By which the Lord signifies that pardon had
. .

been granted;^ and that on being disciplined they had re-

pented. " Similarly * to the same," he says (ver. 8), " also
those dreamers," —
that is, who dream in their imagination
lusts and wicked desires, regarding as good not that which is
truly good, and superior to all good, —" defile the flesh, despise

dominion, and speak evil of majesty," that is, the only Lord,^
who is our Lord, Jesus Christ, and alone worthy of

praise. They " speak evil of majesty," that is, of the angels.

^ " Son " supplied. ^ Terris.

^ " Quibus siguificat Dominus remissius esse," the reading here, defies
translation and emendation. We suppose a hiatus here, and chauge " re-
missius" into "remissum" to get the above sense. The statement can-
not apply to Sodom and Gomorrha.
Similiter iisdem.
^ Dominus —Dominium, referring to the clause " despise dominion."


" When Michael, the archangel (ver. 9), disputing with

the devil, debated about the body of Moses." Here he con-
firms the assumption of Moses. He is here called Michael,
M'ho through an angel near to us debated with the devil.
" But these," he says (ver. 10), " speak evil of those things
which they know not but what they know naturally, as

brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves." He

means that they eat, and drink, and indulge in uncleanness,
and says that they do other things that are common to them
with animals, devoid of reason.
"Woe unto them!" he says (ver. 11), "for they have
gone in the way of Cain." For so also we lie under Adam's
sin through similarity of sin. " Clouds," he says (ver. 12),
" without water who do not possess in themselves the

divine and fruitful word." Wherefore, he says, " men of

this are carried about both by winds and violent
blasts."^ " Trees," he says, "of autumn, without fruit,"
unbelievers, that is, who bear no fruit of fidelity. " Twice
dead," he says once, namely, when they sinned by trans-

gressing, and a second time when delivered up to punish-

ment, according to the predestined judgments of God in- ;

asmuch as it is to be reckoned death, even when each one

does not forthwith deserve the inheritance. " Waves," he
says (ver. 13), " of a raging sea." By these words he
signifies the life of the Gentiles, whose end is abominable
ambition.^ —
" Wandering stars," that is, he means those
who err and are apostates are of that kind of stars which fell

from the seats of the angels, " to whom," for their apostasy,
" the blackness of darkness is reserved for ever. Enoch
also, from Adam," he says (ver. 14), " pro-
the seventh
phesied of these." In these words he verifies the prophecy.
" Those," he says (ver. 19), " separating" the faithful from
the unfaithful, being convicted according to their own unbelief.
^ Spiritibns.
2 The reading " vitam Gentilem quorum ambitionis abomi-
nabilis est finis," is manifestly corrupt. " The end of whose ambition is
abominable " would be obtained by a slighter change than what is given

And again those separating from the flesh.^ He says," Animal^

not having the spirit ;" that is, the spirit which is by faith,

which supervenes through the practice of righteousness.

"But ye, beloved," he says (ver. 20), " building up your-
selves on your most holy faith, in the Holy Spirit." " But
some," he says (ver. 21), "save, plucking them from the
fire" (ver. 22) ; " but of some have compassion in fear," that
is,teach those who fall into the fire to free themselves.
" Hating," he says (ver. 23), " that spotted garment, which is
carnal " that of the soul, namely ; the spotted garment is a

spirit polluted by carnal lusts.^

" Now to Him," he says (ver. 24), " who is able to keep
you without stumbling, and present you faultless before the
presence of His glory in joy." In the presence of His glory :

he means in the presence of the angels, to be presented fault-

less, having become angels.* When Daniel speaks of the people

and comes into the presence of the Lord, he does not say this,
because he saw God : for it is impossible that any one whose
heart is not pure should see God ; but he says this, that every-
thing that the people did was in the sight of God, and was
manifest to Him; that is hid from the Lord.
is, that nothing
Now, Mark, the Lord being
in the Gospel according to
interrogated by the chief of the priests if He was the Christ,
the son of the blessed God, answering, said, "I am ;^ and ye
shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power."
But powers' mean the holy angels. Further, when He
says " at the right hand of God," He means the self-same
[beings], by reason of the equality and likeness of the angelic

^ " Discernentes a carnibus," —a sentence which has got either dis-

placed or corrupted, or both.
- Animales.
^ By
a slight change of punctuation, and by substituting "maculata"
for "macula," we get the sense as above. "Animas videlicet tunica
macula est," is the reading of the text.
* We have here with some hesitation altered the punctuation. In the
text, " To be presented" begins a new sentence.
^ Mark xiv. 62. There is blundering here as to the differences be-
tween the evangelists' accounts, as a comparison of them shows.
^ Virtutis. ^ Virtntes.


and holy powers, which are called by the name of God. He

says, therefore, that He sits at the right hand that is, that

He rests in pre-eminent honour. In the other Gospels, how-

ever. He is have replied to the high priest, on his
said not to
asking He
was the Son of God.
if But what said He ?
"You say." ^ Answering sufficiently well. For had He said,
It is as you understand, he would have said what was not true,
not confessing Himself to be the Son of God [for] they did ;

not entertain this opinion of Him ; but by saying " You

say,"^ He spake truly. For what they had no knowledge of,
but expressed in words, that He confessed to be true.


Chap. i. 1. "That which was from the beginning; which
we have seen with our eyes which we have heard."

Following the Gospel according to John, and in accord-

ance with it, this Epistle also contains the spiritual principle.

What therefore he says, " from the beginning," the Pres-

byter explained to this effect, that the beginning of genera-
tion is not separated from the beginning of the Creator. For
when he says, " That which was from the beginning," he
touches upon the generation without beginning of the Son,
who is co-existent with the Father. There was, then, a Word
importing an unbeginning eternity ; as also the Word itself,

that is,Son of God, who being, by equality of substance,

one with the Father, is eternal and uncreate. That He was
always the Word, is signified by saying, " In the beginning
was the Word." But by the expression, " we have seen
with our eyes," he signifies the Lord's presence in the flesh
" and our hands have handled," he says, " of the Word of
life." He means not only His flesh, but the virtues of the
Son, like the sunbeam which penetrates to the lowest places,
— this sunbeam coming in the flesh became palpable to the
disciples. It is accordingly related in traditions, that John,

1 Matt. xxvi. 64 :
" Thou hast said : nevertheless, I say unto you,
Hereafter ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power,
and coming in the clouds of heaven."
2 i.e. It is as you say.


touching the outward body itself, sent his hand deep down
into and that the sohdity of the flesh offered no obstacle,

but gave way to the hand of the disciple.

" And our hands have handled of the Word of life ;

that is, He who came in the flesh became capable of being

tonched. As also,
Ver. 2. " The life was
manifested." For in the Gospel
he thus speaks " And what was made, in Him was life,

and the life was the light of men" (John i. 3, 4).

" And we show unto you that eternal life, which was with
the Father, and was manifested unto you."
He signifies by the appellation of Father, that the Son
also existed always, without beginning.
Ver. 5. " For God," he says, " is light."

He does not express the divine essence, but wishing to

declare the majesty of God, he has applied to the Divinity
what is best and most excellent in the view of men. Thus
also Paul, when he speaks of "light inaccessible" (1 Tim.
vi. 16). But John himself also in this same Epistle says,
" God is love " (1 John iv. 16) pointing out the excellencies

of God, that He is kind and merciful and because He is ;

light, makes men righteous, according to the advancement

of the soul, through charity. God, then, who is ineffable
in respect of His substance, is light.
" And in Him is no darkness at all," —
that is, no passion, no
keeping up of evil respecting any one, [He] destroys no one,
but gives salvation to all. Light moreover signifies, either
the precepts of the Law, or faith, or doctrine. Darkness is
the opposite of these things. Not as if there were another
way ; since there is only one way according to the divine
precepts. For the work of God is unity. Duality and all

from perversity of life.

else that exists, except unity, arises
Ver. 7. "And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son," he
says, "cleanses us." For the doctrine of the Lord, which
is very powerful, is called His blood.

Ver. 10. " If we say that we have not sinned, we make

Him a liar, and His word is not in us." His doctrine, that is,
or word is truth.

Cliap. ii. 1. " And if any man sin," he says, " we have an
advocate^ with the Father, Jesus Christ." For so the Lord
is an advocate with the Father for us. So also is there an
advocate, whom, after His assumption, He vouchsafed to
send. For these primitive and first-created virtues are un-
changeable as to substance, and along with subordinate
angels and archangels, whose names they share, effect
divine operations. Thus also Moses names the virtue of
the angel Michael, by an angel near to himself and of
lowest grade. The like also we find in the holy prophets ;

but to Moses an angel appeared near and at hand. Moses

heard him and spoke to him, manifestly, face to face. On
the other prophets, through the agency of angels, an im-
pression was made, as of beings hearing and seeing.
On this account also, they alone heard, and they alone
saw ; as also is seen in the case of Samuel (1 Sam. iii. 3).
by which he was called
Elisseus also alone heard the voice
(1 Kings xix.). If the voice had been open and common,
it would have been heard by all. In this instance it was
heard by him alone, in whom the impression made by the
angel worked.
Ver. 2. " And not only for our sins," —that is, for those
of the faithful, — is the Lord the propitiator, does he say,
" but also for the whole world." He, indeed, saves all but

some [He saves], converting tliem by punishments ; others,

however, who follow voluntarily [He saves] with dignity of
honour ; so " that every
knee should bow to Him, of things
in heaven, and things on earth, and things under the earth "
(Phil. ii. 10) that is, angels, men, and souls that before His

advent have departed from this temporal life.

Ver. 3. " And by this we know that we know Him, if
we keep His commandments." For the Gnostic^ [he who
knows] also does the w^orks which pertain to the province of
virtue. But he who performs the works is not necessarily
also a Gnostic. For a man may be a doer of right works,
and yet not a knower of the mysteries of science. Finally,
knowing that some works are performed from fear of punisli-
1 Consolatorem. ^ n lutellector" in Latin



ment, and some on account of the promise of reward, lie

shows the perfection of the man gifted with knowledge, who
fulfils his works by love. Further, he adds, and says :

Ver. 5. " But wdioso keepeth His word, in him verily is

the love of God perfected : hereby know we that we are in

Him," —by faith and love.
Ver. 7. " I write no new commandment unto you, but
an old commandment, which ye had from the beginning,"
through the Law, that is, and the prophets where it is said,;

God is one. Accordingly, also, he infers, " For the old

commandment is the word which ye have heard."
Again, however, he says :

Ver. 8. " This is the commandment for the darkness ;

of perversion, that is, " has passed away, and, lo, the true light

hath already shone," that is, through faith, through know-
ledge, through the Covenant working in men, through pre-
pared judgments.
Ver. 9. " He that saith he is in the light," —
in the light,
he means in the truth, —
" and hateth," he says, " his
brother." By his brother, he means not only his neighbour,
but also the Lord. For unbelievers hate Him and do not
keep His commandments. Therefore also he infers :

Ver. 10. " He that loveth his brother abideth in the light
and there is none occasion of stumbling in him."
Vers. 12-14. He then indicates the stages of advancement
and progress of souls that are still located in the flesh and ;

calls those whose sins have been forgiven, for the Lord's

name's sake, " little children," for many believe on account

of the name only. He stjdes " fathers " the perfect, " who
have known what was from the beginning," and received with

understanding, the Son, that is, of whom he said above,
that which was from the beginning."
" I write," says he, " to you, young men, because ye have
overcome the wicked one." Young men strong in despising
pleasures. " The wicked one " points out the eminence of the
devil. " The children," moreover, know the Father having ;

fled from idols and gathered together to the one God.

Ver. 13. " For the world,"' he says, " is in the wicked one."


Is not the world, and all that is in the world, called God's
creation and very good ? Yes. But,
Ver. 16. " The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and
the ambition of the world," which arise from the perversion
of life, " are not of the Father, but of the world," and of you.

Ver. 17. " Therefore also the world shall pass away, and
the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God" and

His commandments " abideth for ever."

Ver. 19. " They went out from us but they were not of ;

us" neither the apostate angels, nor men falling away;
" but that they may be manifested that they are not of us."
With sufficient clearness he distinguishes the class of the elect
and that of the lost, and that which remaining in faith " has
an unction from the Holy One," which comes through faith.
He that abideth not in faith.
Ver. 22. "A liar" and "an antichrist, who denieth that
Jesus is the Christ." For Jesus, Saviour and Redeemer, is
also Christ the King.
Ver. 23. " He who denies the Son," by ignoring Him,
" has not the Father, nor does he But he who know Him."
knoweth the Son and the Father, knows according to know-
ledge, and when the Lord shall be manifested at His second
advent, shall have confidence and not be confounded. Which
confusion is heavy punishment.
Ver. 29. " Every one," he says, " who doeth righteousness
is born of God;" being regenerated, that is, according to
Chap. iii. 1. " For the world knoweth us not, as it knew
Him not." He means by the world those who live a worldly
life in pleasures.
Ver. 2. " Beloved," says he, " now are we the sons of God,"
not by natural affection, but because we have God as our
Father. For it is the greater love that, seeing we have no
relationship to He nevertheless loves us and calls us
His sons. " And it
hath not yet appeared what we shall be
that is, to what kind of glory we shall attain. " For if He
shall be manifested," —that is, if we are made perfect, — " we
shall be like Him," as reposing and justified, pure in virtue,


" so that we may see Him" (His countenance) " as He is,"

by comprehension.
Ver. 8. " He that doeth unrighteousness is of the devil,"
that is, and choosing the
of the devil as his father, following
same things. " The devil sinneth from the beginning," he
says. From the beginning from which he began to sin, in-
corrigibly persevering in sinning.
Ver. 9. He says, " Whosoever is born of God does not
commit sin, for His seed remaineth in him;" that is, His
word in him who is born again through faith.
Ver. 10. " Thus we know the children of God, as likewise
the children of the devil," who choose things like the devil
for so also they are said to be of the wicked one.
Ver. 15. " Every one who hateth his brother is a mur-
derer." For in him through unbelief Christ dies. Rightly,
therefore, he continues, "And ye know that no murderer
and unbeliever hath eternal life abiding in him." For the
living Christ^ abides in the believing soul.
Ver. 16. "For He Himself laid down His life for us;"
that is, for those who believe ; that is, for the apostles. If
then He laid down His life for the apostles, he means His
apostles themselves : as if he said. We, I say, the apostles, for
whom He laid " ought to lay down our Hves
down His life,

for the brethren;" for the salvation of their neighbours was

the glory of the apostles.
Ver. 20. He says, " For God is greater than our heart
that is, the virtue of God [is greater] than conscience, which
will follow the soul. Wherefore he continues, and says,
" and knoweth all things."
Ver. 21. " Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, it will

have confidence before God."

Ver. 24. " And hereby we know that He dwelleth in us
by His Spirit, which He hath given us;" that is, by super-
intendence and foresight of future events.
Chap. iv. 18. He says, " Perfect love casteth out fear."
For the perfection of a believing man is love.

1 The text reads " Christi," which yields no suitable sense, and for
which we have substituted " Christus."


Chap. V. 6. He says, " This is He who came by water and

blood " and again,
Ver. 7. " For there are three that bear witness, the Spirit,"
which is life, " and the water," which is regeneration and
faith, " and the blood," which is knowledge ; " and these
three are one." For in the Saviour are those saving virtues,
and life itself exists in His own Son.
Ver. 14. " And this is the confidence which we have to-
wards Him, that if we ask anything according to His will,
He will hear us." He does not say absolutely what we shall
ask, but what we ought to ask.
Ver. 19. " And the whole world lieth in the wicked one
not the creation, but worldly men, and those who live accord-
ing to their lusts.

Ver. 20. " And the Son of God hath come and given us
understanding," which comes to us, that is, by faith, and is

also called the Holy Spirit.


The second Epistle of John, which is written to Virgins,
is very simple. It was written to a Babylonian lady, by
name Electa, and indicates the election of the holy church.
He establishes in this Epistle that the following out of the
faith is not without charity, and so that no one divide Jesus
Christ; but only to believe that Jesus Christ has come in
the flesh. For he who has the Son by apprehension in his
intellect knows also the Father, and grasps with his mind in-
telligibly the greatness of His power working without begin-
ning of time.
Ver. 10. He "If any come unto you and bring not
this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid
him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is par-

taker of his evil deeds." He forbids us to salute such, and

to receive them to our hospitality. For this is not harsh in
the case of a man of this sort. But he admonishes them
neither to confer nor dispute with such as are not able to
handle divine things with intelligence, lest through them they


be seduced from the doctrine of truth, influenced by plausi-

ble reasons. Now, I think that we are not even to pray
with such, because in the prayer which is made at home,
after rising from prayer, the salutation of joy is also the

token of peace.



I. JOB I. 21.

But Job's words may be more elegantly understood thus

"Naked" of evil and sin was I formed from the earth at
the beginning, as if from a " mother's womb naked to the :

earth shall I also depart ;" naked,-^ not of possessions, for

that were a trivial and common thing, but of evil and sin, and
of the unsightly shape which follows those who have led bad
lives. Obviously, all of us human beings are born naked,
and again are buried naked, swathed only in grave-clothes.
For God hath provided for us another life, and made the
present life the way for the course which leads to it appoint- ;

ing the supplies derived from what we possess merely as pro-

visions for the way and on our quitting this way, the wealth,

consisting of the things which we possessed, journeys no

farther with us. For not a single thing that we possess is
properly our own: of one possession alone, that is godliness,
are we properly owners. Of this, death, when it overtakes
us, will not rob us ; but from all else it will eject us, though
against our will. For it is for the support of life that we all

have received what we possess and after enjoying merely the


use of it, each one departs, obtaining from life a brief remem-
brance. For this is the end of all prosperity this is the con- ;

clusion of the good things of this life. Well, then, does the
infant, on opening its eyes, after issuing from the womb, im-
1 This down to "lives" is quoted, Miscellanies, book iv. ch. xxv. p. 214,
vol, ii. Aute-Niceae Libraiy.


mecHately begin with crying, not with laughter. For it weeps,

as if bewailing whose hands from the outset it tastes of
life, at
deadly gifts. For immediately on being born its hands and'
feet are swaddled and swathed in bonds it takes the breast.

O introduction to Hfe, precursor of death The child has but !

just entered on life, and straightway there is put upon it the

raiment of the dead for nature reminds those that are born

of their end. Wherefore also the child, on being born, wails,

as if crying plaintively to its mother. Why, O mother,
didst thou bring me forth to this life, in which prolongation
of life is progress to death? hast thou brought me Why
on being born, swaddling
into this troubled world, in which,
bands are my first experience ? Why hast thou delivered
me to such a life as this, in which both a pitiable youth
wastes away before old age, and old age is shunned as under
the doom of death % Dreadful, O mother, is the course of
life, which has death as the goal of the runner. Bitter is the
road of life we travel, with the grave as the wayfarer's inn.
Perilous the sea of life we sail ; for it has Hades as a pirate
to attack us. Man alone is born in all respects naked, with-
out a weapon or clothing born with him ; not as being inferior
to the other animals, but that nakedness and your bringing
nothing with you may produce thought ; and that thought
may bring out dexterity, expel sloth, introduce the arts for
the supply of our needs, and beget variety of contrivances.
For, naked, man is full of contrivances, being pricked on by
his necessity, as by a goad, how to escape rains, how to elude
cold, how to fence off blows, how to till the earth, how to
terrify wild beasts, how
subdue the more powerful of them.
Wetted with rain, he contrived a roof having suffered from ;

cold, he invented clothing; being struck, he constructed a

breastplate bleeding his hands with the thorns in tilling

the ground, he availed himself of the help of tools ; in his

naked become a prey to wild beasts, he dis-
state liable to
covered from his fear an art which frightened what frightened
him. Nakedness begat one accomplishment after another
so that even his nakedness was a gift and a master- favour.
Accordingly, Job also being made naked of wealth, posses-

sions, of the blessing of children, of a numerous offspring, and

having everything in a short time, uttered this grateful
exclamation : " Naked came I out of the womb, naked also
shall I depart thither
— to God, that is, and to that blessed
lot and rest.


Job Calmness is a thing which, of all other
xxiv. 7.
things, most to be prized. As an example of this, the

word proposes to us the blessed Job. For it is said of him,

" What man is like Job, who drinketh up scorning hke
water ? " For truly enviable, and, in my judgment, worthy
of all admiration, a man is, if he has attained to such a
degree of long-suffering as to be able with ease to grapple
with the pain, truly keen, and not easily conquered by every-
body, which arises from being wronged.


Matt. v. 42. Alms are to be given, but with judgment, and
to the deserving, that we may obtain a recompense from the
Most High. But woe to those who have and who take under
false pretences, or who are able to help themselves and want
to take from others. For he who has, and, to carry out false
pretences or out of laziness, takes, shall be condemned.


Matt. xiii. 31, 32. The word which proclaims the king-
dom of heaven is sharp and pungent as mustard, and re-
presses bile, that is, anger, and checks inflammation, that is,

pride ; and from this word theand eternal

soul's true health

soundness^ flow. To such increased size did the growth of

the word come, that the tree which sprang from it (that is,
the Church of Christ established over the whole earth) filled
the world, so that the fowls of the air — that is, divine
angels and lofty souls — dwelt in its branches.
^ iiix.pxaict.


Matt. xii. 46. A pear], and that pellucid and of purest ray,
IS Jesus, whom of the lightning flash of Divinity the Virgin
bore. For as the pearl, produced in flesh and the oyster-
shell and moisture, appears to be a body moist and transpa-
rent, full of light and spirit ; so also God the Word, incar-
nate, is intellectual light,^ sending His rays, through a body
luminous and moist.




Luke iii. 22. God here assumed the " likeness " not of a
man, but " of a dove," because He wished, by a new appari-
tion of the Spirit in the likeness of a dove, to declare His
simplicity and majesty.
Luke xvi. 17. Perhaps by the iota and tittle His right-
eousness cries, " If ye come right unto me, I will also come
right to you; but if crooked, Icome crooked,
also will
saith the Lord of hosts ;" intimating that the
ways of sinners
are intricate and crooked. For the way right and agree-
able to nature which is intimated by the iota of Jesus, is His
goodness, which constantly directs those who believe from
hearing. « There shall not, therefore, pass from the
one iota or one tittle," neither from the right and good the
mutual promises, nor from the crooked and unjust the
punishment assigned to them. " For the Lord doeth good
to the good, but those who turn aside into crooked
God will lead with the workers of iniquity " (Ps. cxxv. 4).
1 (faro; here has probably taken the place of (pantvov.




" Because of the angels." By the angels he means right-

eous and virtuous men. Let her be veiled then, that she may
not lead them to stumble into fornication. For the real
angels in heaven see her though veiled.


" And if yve have known Christ after the flesh." As

" after the flesh " in our case is being in the midst of sins,
and being out of them is " not after the flesh " so also
" after the flesh " in the case of Christ was His subjection
to natural affections, and His not being subject to them is to
be " not after the flesh." But, he says, as He was released,
so also are we.


" Our heart is enlarged," to teach you all things. But ye

are straitened in your own bowels, that is, in love to God, in
which ye ought to love me.


"And they that are Christ's [have crucified] the flesh."

And why mention one aspect of virtue after another ? For
there are some who have crucified themselves as far as the
passions are concerned, and the passions as far as respects
themselves. According to this interpretation the " and " is

not superfluous. "And they that are Christ's" — that is,

strivins after Him — " have crucified their own flesh."



CHAP. 176.

Yes, truly, the apostles were baptized, as Clement the

Hypoty poses. For,
Stromatist relates in the fifth book of the
in explaining the apostolic statement, " I thank God that
I baptized none of you," he says, Christ is said to have
baptized Peter alone, and Peter Andrew, and Andrew John,
and they James and the rest.



Clement, writing in the sixth book of the Hypoty-
poses,makes this statement. For he says that Peter and
James and John, after the Saviour's ascension, though pre-
eminently honoured by the Lord, did not contend for glory,
but made James the Just, bishop of Jerusalem.



So, then, through the visit of the divine word to them, the
power of Simon was extinguished, and immediately was de-
stroyed along with the man himself. And such a ray of
godliness shone forth on the minds of Peter's hearers, that
they were not satisfied with the once hearing or with the
unwritten teaching of the divine proclamation, but with all
manner Mark, to whom the Gospel
of entreaties importuned
is companion of Peter, that he would
ascribed, he being the
leave in writing a record of the teaching which had been
delivered to them verbally ; and did not let the man alone
till they prevailed upon him and so to them we owe the

scripture called the " Gospel by Mark." On learning what

had been done, through the revelation of the Spirit, it is said
that the apostle was delighted with the enthusiasm of the
men, and sanctioned the composition for reading in the
churches. Clemens gives the narrative in the sixth book of
the Hypotyposes.


Then, the divine Scripture says, Herod, on the

also, as

execution of James, seeing that what was done pleased the

Jews, laid hands also on Peter; and having put him in
chains, would have presently put him to death, had not an
angel in a divine vision appeared to him by night, and
wondrously releasing him from his bonds, sent him away to
the ministry of preaching.



And in the Hypotyposes, in a word, he has made abbre-

viated narratives of the whole testamentary Scripture ; and
has not passed over the disputed books, I mean Jude and —
the rest of the Catholic Epistles and Barnabas, and what
is called the Eevelation of Peter. And he says that the
Epistle to the Hebrews is Paul's, and was written to the
Hebrews in the Hebrew language ; but that Luke, having
carefully translated it, gave it to the Greeks, and hence the
same colouring in the expression is discoverable in this
epistleand the Acts and that the name " Paul an apostle

was very properly not prefixed, for, he says, that writing to

the Hebrews, who were prejudiced against him and suspected,
he with great wisdom did not repel them in the beginning by
putting down his name.


1 Tim. ii. 6. " In his times ; " that is, when men were in

a condition of fitness for faith.

1 Tim. iii. 16. "Was seen of angels." O mystery!
The angels saw Christ while He was with us, not having
seen Him before. Not as by men.
1 Tim. v. 8. " And especially those of his own house."
He provides for his own and those of his own house, who
not only provides for his relatives, but also for himself, by
extirpating the passions.

1 Tim. V. 10. "If she have washed the feet of saints;"

that is, if she has performed without shame the meanest
offices for the saints.
1 Tim. V. 21. " Without prejudice " ^ that is, without
falling under the doom and punishment of disohedience
through making any false step.
1 Tim. vi. 13. " Who witnessed before Pontius Pilate."
For He testified by what he did that He was Christ the Son
of God.
2 Tim. ii. 2. "By many witnesses " ^ that is, the law and

the prophets. For there the apostle made witnesses of his

own preaching.


To James the Just, and John and Peter, the Lord after
His resurrection imparted knowledge These
(r-qv ryvuxxLv).

imparted it to the rest of the apostles, and the rest of the

apostles to the Seventy, of whom Barnabas was one.


And of this James, Clement also relates an anecdote

worthy of remembrance in the seventh book of the Hypo-
ty poses, from a tradition of his predecessors. He says that
the man who brought him to trial, on seeing him bear his
testimony, was moved, and confessed that he was a Christian
himself. Accordingly, he says, they were both led away
together, and on the way the other asked James to forgive
him. And he, considering a little, said, " Peace be to thee,"
and kissed him. And so both were beheaded together.

SAME, VI. 14.

And now, as the blessed Presbyter used to say, since the

Lord, as the Apostle of the Almighty, was sent to the
1 -n-poKpt/aoirog," without preferring one before another." —A. V.
2 o;«. A. V. " before."


Hebrews, Paul, as having been sent to the Gentiles, did not

subscribe himself apostle of the Hebrews, out of modesty
and reverence for the Lord, and because, being the herald
and apostle of the Gentiles, his writing to the Hebrews was
something over and above [his assigned function].


Again, in the same books Clement has set down a tradition

which he had received from the elders before him, in regard
to the order of the Gospels, to the following effect. He says
that the Gospels containing the genealogies were written first,

and that the Gospel according to Mark was composed under

the following circumstances
Peter having preached the word publicly at Eome, and by
the Spirit proclaimed the gospel, those who were present,
who were numerous, entreated Mark, inasmuch as he had
attended him from an early period, and remembered what
had been said, to write down what had been spoken. On his
composing the Gospel, he handed it to those who had made
the request to him which coming to Peter's knowledge, he

neither hindered nor encouraged. But John, the last of all,

seeing that what was corporeal was set forth in the Gospels,
on the entreaty of his intimate friends, and inspired by the
Spirit, composed a spiritual Gospel.




Being is in God. God is divine being, eternal and with-

out beginning, incorporeal and illimitable, and the cause of
what exists. Being is that which wholly subsists. Nature
is the truth of things, or the inner reality of them. Accord-

ing to others, it is the production of what has come to exist-

ence; and according to others, again, it is the providence
of God, causing the being, and the manner of being, in the
things which are produced.

IN THE SAME, P. 152.

Willing is a natural power, which desires what is in

accordance with nature. Willing is a natural appetency,
corresponding with the nature of the rational creature.
Willing is a natural spontaneous movement of the self-
determining mind, or the mind voluntarily moved about
anything. Spontaneity is themind moved naturally, or an
intellectual self-determining movement of the soul.





Souls that breathe free of all things, possess life, and
though separated from the body, and found possessed of a
longing for it, are borne immortal to the bosom of God as :

in the winter season the vapours of the earth attracted by

the sun's rays rise to him.



All souls are immortal, even those of the wicked, for whom
itwere better that they were not deathless. For, punished
with the endless vengeance of quenchless fire, and not
dying, it is impossible for them to have a period put to
their misery.




Never be afraid of the slanderer who addresses you. But
rather say, Stop, brother ; I daily commit more grievous
errors, and how can I judge him? For you will gain two
things, healing with one plaster both yourself and your
neighbour. He shows what is really evil.Whence, by these
arguments, God has contrived to make each one's disposition



It is not abstaining from deeds that justifies the believer,

but purity and sincerity of thoughts.



Repentance then becomes capable of wiping out every sin,
when on the occurrence of the soul's fault it admits no delay,
and does not let the impulse pass on to a long space of time.
For it is in this way that evil will be unable to leave a trace
in us, being plucked away at the moment of its assault like
a newly planted plant.
As the creatures called crabs are easy to catch, from their
going sometimes forward and sometimes backward ; so also
1 The evidence on which this is ascribed to Clement is very slender.

the soul, which at one time is laughing, at another weeping,

and at another giving way to luxury, can do no good.
He who is sometimes grieving, and is sometimes enjoying
himself and laughing, is like a man stoning the dog of
voluptuousness with bread, who chases it in appearance, but
in fact invites it to remain near him.


Some flatterers were congratulating a wise man. He said
to them, If you stop praising me, I think myself something
great after your departure ; but if you do not stop praising
me, I guess my own impurity.
Feigned praise is worth less than true censure.


To the weak and infirm, what is moderate appears exces-



The reproof that is given with knowledge is very faithful.

Sometimes also the knowledge of those who are condemned
is found to be the most perfect demonstration.



To the man who exalts and magnifies himself is attached

the quick transition and the fall to low estate, as the divine
word teaches.


Pure speech and a spotless life are the throne and true
temple of God.




It is not only fornication, but also the giving in marriage
prematurely, that is called fornication ; when, so to speak, one
not of ripe age is given to a husband, either of her own
accord or by her parents.





Flattery is the bane of friendship. Most men are accus-

tomed to pay court to the good fortune of princes, rather
than to the princes themselves.


32, P. 45, AND SERMON 33, P. 57.

The shun luxury as the bane of soul

lovers of frugality
and body. The possession and use of necessaries has nothing
injurious in quality, but it has in quantity above measure.
Scarcity of food is a necessary benefit.



The vivid remembrance of death is a check upon diet;

and when the diet is lessened, the passions are diminished
along with it.


Above all, Christians are not allowed to correct with violence

the delinquencies of sins. For it is not those that abstain
from wickedness from compulsion, but those that abstain from
choice, thatGod crowns. It is impossible for a man to be
steadilygood except by his own choice. For he that is made
good by compulsion of another is not good for he is not ;

what he is by his own choice. For it is the freedom of each

one that makes true goodness and reveals real wickedness.
Whence through these dispositions God contrived to make
His own disposition manifest.



Quoted in the Paschal Chronicle.

Accordingly, in the years gone by, Jesus went to eat the

passover sacrificed by the Jews, keeping the feast. But
wdien He had preached. He who was the Passover, the Lamb
of God, led His
as a sheep to the slaughter, presently taught
disciples themystery of the type on the thirteenth day, on
which also they inquired, " Where wilt Thou that we prepare
for Thee to eat the passover ?" (Matt. xxvi. 17.) It was on
this day, then, that both the consecration of the unleavened
bread and the preparation for the feast took place. Whence
John naturally describes the disciples as already previously
prepared to have their feet washed by the Lord. And on the
following day our Saviour suffered, He who was the Pass-
over, —propitiously sacrificed by the Jews.

Suitably, therefore, to the fourteenth day, on which He
! ;


also suffered, in the morning, the chief priests and the

scribes, who brought Him to Pilate, did not enter the
Prastorium, that they might not be defiled, but might freely
eat the passover in the evening. With this precise deter-
mination of the days both the whole Scriptures agree, and
the Gospels harmonize. The resurrection also attests it. He
certainly rose on the third day, which fell on the first day of
the weeks of harvest, on which the law prescribed that the
priest should offer up the sheaf.


What choral dance and high festival is held in heaven,
if there isone that has become an exile and a fugitive from
the life led under the Father, knowing not that those who
put themselves far from Him shall perish ; if he has squan-
dered the gift, and substance, and inheritance of the Father
if there is one whose faith has failed, and whose hope is

spent, by rushing along with the Gentiles into the same

profligacy of debauchery and then, famished and destitute,

and not even filled with what the swine eat, has arisen and
come to his Father !

But the kind Father waits not till the son comes to Him.
For perchance he would never be able or venture to approach,
did he not find Him gracious. Wherefore, when he merely
wishing, when he straightway made a beginning, when he
took the first step, while he was yet a great way off, He
[the Father] was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell
upon his neck and kissed him. And then the son, taking
courage, confessed what he had done.
Wherefore the Father bestows on him the glory and honour
that was due and meet, putting on him the best robe, the
robe of immortality and a ring, a royal signet and divine

seal, — impress of consecration, signature of glory, pledge of

testimony (for it is said, " He hath set to his seal that God is

33) ; and shoes, not those perishable ones



which he that hath set his foot on holy ground is bidden

take nor such as he who is sent to preach the kingdom

of heaven is forbidden to put on, but such as wear not, and

are suited for the journey to heaven, becoming and adorning
the heavenly path, such as unwashed feet never put on, but
those which are washed by our Teacher and Lord.
Many, truly, are the shoes of the sinful soul, by which it
is bound and cramped. For each man is cramped by the
cords of his own sins. Accordingly, Abraham swears to the
king of Sodom, " I will not take of all that is thine, from
a thread to a shoe-latchet " (Gen. xiv. 23). On account of
these being defiled and polluted on the earth, every kind of
wrong and selfishness engrosses life. As the Lord reproves
Israel by Amos, saying, ^' For three iniquities of Israel, yea,
for four, I will not turn him back because they have given

away the righteous for silver, and the needy for a pair of
shoes, which tread upon the dust of the ground" (Amos ii. 6).
2. Now the shoes which the Father bids the servant give
to the repentant son who has betaken himself to Him, do not
impede or drag to the earth (for the earthly tabernacle
weighs down tlie anxious mind) ; but they are buoyant, and
ascending, and waft to heaven, and serve as such a ladder
and chariot as he requires who has turned his mind towards
the Father. For, beautiful after being first beautifully adorned
with all these things without, he enters into the gladness
within. For " Bring out " was said by Him who had first

said, " While he was yet a great way off, he ran and fell

upon his neck." For it is here^ that all the preparation for
entrance to the marriage to which we are invited must be
accomplished. He, then, who has been made ready to enter
will say, " This my joy is fulfilled " (John iii. 29). But the
unlovely and unsightly man will hear, " Friend, how camest
thou in here, without having a wedding garment?" (Matt,
xxii. 12.) And the fat and unctuous food, the delicacies —
abundant and sufficing of the blessed, the fatted calf is —
killed which is also again spoken of as a lamb (not literally)

1 We have
ventured to substitute ivzuvda, instead of IvTildtu. He is

showing that the preparation must be made before we go in.



that no one may suppose it small but it is the great and ;

greatest. For not small is " the Lamb of God who taketh
away the sin of the world" (John i. 29), who "was led as a
sheep to the slaughter," the sacrifice full of marrow, all whose
fat, according to the sacred law, was the Lord's. For He
was wholly devoted and consecrated to the Lord ; so well
grown, and to such excessive size, as to reach and extend
over all, and to fill those who eat Him and feed upon Him.
For He is both flesh and bread, and has given Himself as
both to us to be eaten.
To who come to Him, the Father gives the
the sons, then,
calf, and and eaten. But those who do not come
it is slain
to Him He piirsues and disinherits, and is found to be a
most powerful bull. Here, by reason of His size and prowess,
it is said of Him, "His glory is as that of an unicorn"

(Num. xxiii. 22). And the prophet Habakkuk sees Him

bearing horns, and celebrates His defensive attitude — " horns
in His hands" (Hab. iii. 4). Wherefore the sign shows

His power and authority, horns that pierce on both sides,
or rather, on all sides, and through everything. And those
who eat are so strengthened, and retain such strength from
the life-giving food in them, that they themselves are stronger
than their enemies, and are all but armed with the horns of
a bull ; as it is said, " In thee shall we butt our enemies
(Ps. xliv. 5).
3. Gladness there is, and music, and dances ; although the
elder son, who had ever been with and ever obedient to the
Father, takes it ill, when he who never had himself been
dissipated or profligate sees the guilty one made happy.
Accordingly the Father calls him, saying, " Son, thou art
ever with me." And what greater joy and feast and festivity
can be than being continually with God, standing by His
side and serving Him? "And all that is mine is thine."
And blessed is the heir of God, for whom the Father holds
possession, — the faithful, to whom the whole world of posses-
sions belongs.
" It was meet that we should be glad, and rejoice ; for thy
brother was dead, and is alive again." Kind Father, who

givest all things life, and raisest the dead. "And was
lost, and is found." And " blessed is the man whom Thou
hast chosen and accepted " (Ps. Ixiv. 4), and whom having
sought, Thou dost find. " Blessed are those whose iniquities
are forgiven, whose sins are covered" (Ps. xxxii. 1). It is

for man to repent of sins ; but let this be accompanied with

a change that will not be checked. For he who does not
act so shall be put to shame, because he has acted not with
his whole heart, but in haste.
And it is And let us endeavour after
ours to flee to God.
this and energetically. For He says, " Come
unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest " (Matt. xi. 28). And prayer and confession
with humility are voluntary acts. Wherefore it is enjoined,
" First tell thy sins, that thou mayest be justified " (Isa.
xliii. 26). What afterwards we shall obtain, and what we
shall be, it is not for us to judge.
4. Such is the strict meaning of the parable.^
The repentant son came to the pitying Father, never hoping
for these things, — the best robe, and the ring, and the shoes,
— or to taste the fatted calf, or to share in gladness, or enjoy
music and dances but he would have been contented with

obtaining what in his own estimation he deemed himself

worth. " Make me," he had made up his mind to say, " as
one of thy hired servants." But when he saw the Father's
welcome meeting him, he did not say this, but said what he
had in his mind to say first, " Father, I have sinned against
Heaven, and before thee." And so both his humility and his
accusation became the cause of justification and glory. For
the righteous man condemns himself in his first words. So
also the publican departed justified rather than the Pharisee.
The son, then, knew not
either what he was to obtain, or how
on himself the things given him since he
to take or use or put ;

did not take the robe himself, and put it on. But it is said,
" Put it on him." He did not himself put the ring on his

^ Here Grabe notes that what follows is a new exposition of the

parable, and is by another and a later hand, as is shown by the refuta-
tion of Novatus towards the end.

were bidden '' Put a ring on his hand."

finger, but those wlio
Nor did he put the shoes on himself, but it was tliey who
heard, " and shoes on his feet."
these things were perhaps incredible to him
And and to
others,and unexpected before they took place but gladly ;

received and praised were the gifts with which

he was pre-

5. The parable exhibits this thought,
that the exercise of

the faculty of reason has been accorded to each man.

Where- ^

fore the prodigal is introduced, demanding

from his father
his portion, that is, of the state of mind, endowed by reason.
granted to in order to the
For the possession of reason is all,

pursuit of what is good, and the avoidance of what is bad.

But many who are furnished by God with this make a bad
use of the knowledge that has been given them,
and land in
the sub-
the profligacy of evil practices, and wickedly waste
of reason,— the eye on disgraceful sights, the tongue on
blasphemous words, the smell on foetid licentious excesses of
pleasures, the mouth on swinish gluttony, the hands on thefts,
the feet on running into plots, the thoughts
on impious
love of ease,
counsels, the inclinations on indulgence on the
the mind on brutish pastime. They preserve nothing of the
substance of reason unsquandered. Such an one, therefore,
Christ represents in the parable, —
as a rational creature,

with his reason darkened, and asking from the Divine Being
what is suitable to reason; then as obtaining from God,
making a wicked use of what had been given, and especially
vouchsafed to
of the benefits of baptism, which had been
him whence also He calls him a prodigal ; and then, after

the dissipation of what had been given him, and

again his
of God
restoration by repentance, [He represents] the love
shown to him.
6. For He says,
" Bring hither the fatted calf, kill it, and
let us eat and be merry ; for this my son "—a name of nearest
relationship, and significative of what is given to the faithful
"was dead and lost,"— an expression of extremest aliena-
tion for what is more alien to the living than the lost

dead ? For neither can be possessed any more. But having


from the nearest relationship fallen to extremest alienation,

again by repentance he returned to near relationship. For
it is said, " Put on him the best robe," which was his the

moment he obtained baptism. I mean the glory of baptism,

the remission of and the communication of the other

blessings, which he obtained immediately he had touched

the font.
" And put a ring on his hand." Here is the mystery of
the Trinity; which the seal impressed on those who believe.

" And put shoes on his feet," for " the preparation of the
gospel of peace " (Eph. vi. 15), and the whole course that
leads to good actions.
7. But whom Christ finds lost, after sin committed since
baptism, those Novatus, enemy of God, resigns to destruction.
Do not let us then reckon any fault if we repent ; guard-
ing against falHng, let us, if we have fallen, retrace our
steps. And while dreading to offend, let us, after offend-
ing, avoid despair, and be eager to be confirmed and on ;

up again. Let us obey the Lord,

sinking, let us haste to rise
who calls to us, " Come unto me, all ye that labour, and I
will give you rest " (Matt. xi. 28). Let us employ the gift
of reason for actions of prudence. Let us learn now absti-
nence from M-hat is wicked, that we may not be forced to
learn in the future. Let us employ life as a training school
for what is good and let us be roused to the hatred of sin.

Let us bear about a deep love for the Creator let us cleave ;

to Him with our whole heart ; let us not wickedly waste the
substance of reason, like the prodigal. Let us obtain the
joy laid up, in which Paul exulting, exclaimed, " Who shall
separate us from the love of Christ?" (Rom. viii. 35.) To
Him belongs glory and honour, with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, world without end. Amen.



Therefore God does not here take the semblance of man,

but of a dove, because He wished to show the simplicity and

gentleness of the new manifestation of the Spirit by the

likeness of the dove. For the law was stern, and punished
with the sword ; but grace is joyous, and trains by the word
of meekness. Hence the Lord also says to the apostles,

who said that He should punish with fire those who would
not receive Him, after the manner of Elias: "Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of " (Luke ix. 55).


Possibly by the «iota and the tittle" His righteousness

exclaims, " If ye come right to me, I also will come right

you ; if ye walk crooked, I also will walk crooked, saith the

Lord of hosts " (Lev. xxvi. 24), alluding to the offences of
sinners under the name of crooked ways. For the straight
way, and that according to nature, which is pointed out by
the iota of Jesus, is His goodness, which is immoveable
towards those who have obediently believed. There shall
not then pass away from the law neither the iota nor the
tittle ;

that is, neither the promise that applies to the straight
the way, nor the punishment threatened against those
diverge. For the Lord is good to the straight in the way ;

but " those that turn aside after their crooked ways He shall
lead forth with those that work iniquity" (Ps. cxxv. 5).
" And with the innocent He is innocent, and with the fro-
ward He is froward " (Ps. xviii. 27) ; and to the crooked He
sends crooked ways.

His own luminous image God impressed as with a seal, even

the greatest,— onman made in His likeness, that he might
be ruler and lord over all things, and that all things might
serve him. Wherefore God judges man to be wholly His,
and His own image. He is invisible but His image, man, ;

is visible. Whatever one, then, does to man, whether good

or bad, is referred to Himself. Wherefore from Him judg-
ment shall proceed, appointing to all according to desert;
for He will avenge His own image.





As it is possible even now for man to form men, accord-

ing to the original formation of Adam, He no longer now
creates, on account of His having granted once for all to man
the power of generating men, saying to our nature, " In-
crease,and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. i. 28).
So by His omnipotent and omniscient power. He

arranged that the dissolution and death of our bodies should

be effected by a natural sequence and order, through the
change of their elements, in accordance with His divine
knowledge and comprehension.


I. P. 248.

Further, Clement the Stromatist, in the various definitions

which he framed, that they might guide the man desirous of
studying theology in every dogma of religion, defining what
spirit is, and how it is called spirit, says : " Spirit is a sub-
stance, subtle, immaterial, and which issues forth without

from the unpublished disputation against ico-

noclasts, of nicephorus of constantinople ;
edited in greek and latin by le nourry in his
apparatus to the library of the fathers, vol.
i. p. 1334 a.b. from clement the presbyter op
Alexandria's book against judaizers.

Solomon the son of David, in the books styled " The

Keigns of the Kings," comprehending not only that the

structure of the true temple was celestial and spiritual, but

had which He who was both the
also a reference to the flesh,
son and Lord of David was to build up, both for His own
presence, where, as a living image. He resolved to make His
shrine, and for the church that was to rise up through the
union of faith, says expressly, " Will God in very deed dwell

with men on the earth?" (1 Kings viii. 27.)

He dwells on the earth clothed in flesh, and His abode
with men is effected by the conjunction and harmony which
obtains among the righteous, and which build and rear a
new temple. For the righteous are the earth, being still

encompassed with the earth ; and earth, too, in comparison

with the greatness of the Lord. Thus also the blessed Peter
hesitates not to say, " Ye also, as living stones, are built up,

a spiritual house, a holy temple, to offer up spiritual sacri-

fices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. ii. 5).

And with reference to the body, which by circumscription

He consecrated as a hallowed place for Himself upon earth.
He " Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise

it up again. The Jews therefore said, In forty-six years

was this temple built, and wilt thou raise it up in three days I
But He spake of the temple of His body" (John ii. 19-21).


What is God ? " God," as the Lord saith, " is a Spirit."

Now spirit is properly substance, incorporeal, and uncircum-

scribed. And that is incorporeal which does not consist
of a body, or whose existence is not according to breadth,
length, and depth. And that is uncircurascribed^ which has

1 With an exclamation of surprise at the Latin translator giving a

translation which is Capperonn amends the text,
utterly unintelligible,
substituting w toVoj ovluiru, etc., for oy toVoj ovlils toVo; to, etc., and
translates accordingly. The emendation isadopted, with the exception
of the Tw, instead of which to is retained.

no place, which is wholly in all, and in each entire, and the

same in itself.


^vaL<; (nature) is so called from ro m-e^vKevai (to be born).

The first substance is everything which subsists by itself, as
a stone is called a substance. The second is a substance
capable of increase, as a plant grows and decays. The third
is animated and sentient substance, as animal, horse. The
fourth is animate, sentient, rational substance, as man.
"Wherefore each one of us is made as consisting of all, having
an immaterial soul and a mind, which is the image of God.


The fear of God, who is impassable, is free of pertui'bation.

For it is not God that one dreads, but the falling away from

God. He who dreads this, dreads falling into what is evil,

and dreads what is evil. And he that fears a fall wishes
himself to be immortal and passionless.

THE SAME, p. 341.

Let there be a law against those who dare to look at things

sacred and divine irreverently, and in a way unworthy of
God, to inflict on them the punishment of blindness.

THE SAME, p. 657.

Universally, the Christian is friendly to solitude, and quiet,

and tranquillity, and peace.


That mystic name which is called the Tetragrammaton,
by which alone they who had access to the Holy of Holies
were protected, is pronounced Jehovah, which means, " Who
is, and who shall be." The candlestick which stood at the

south of the altar signified the seven planets, which seem to

us to revolve around the meridian/ on either side of which
rise threebranches ; since the sun also, like the lamp, bal-
anced in the midst of the planets by divine wisdom, illumines
by its light those above and below. On the other side of
the altar was situated the table on which the loaves were
displayed, because from that quarter of the heaven vital and
nourishing breezes blow.

FROM J. A. Cramer's CATENiE grjecorum patrum in nov.


On Acts vii. 24, 25. Theit was by his

mystics say that
word alone that Moses slew the Egyptian as certainly after- ;

wards it is related in the Acts that [Peter] slew with his

word those who kept back part of the price of the land, and

THE SAME, VOL. IV. P. 291.

OnEora. viii. 38. " Or life, that of our present exist-

ence," and " death," —
that caused by the assault of persecu-
tors, and " angels, and principalities, and powers," apostate


P. 369, CHAP. X. 3.

Andhaving neither known nor done the requirement of

the law, what they conceived, that they also thought that
the law required. And they did not believe the law, as pro-
phesying, but the bare word; and followed it from fear,
but not with their disposition and in faith.

VOL. VI. p. 385.

On 2 Cor. V. 16. " And if we have known Christ after

the flesh."
And so far, he says, no one any longer lives after the
flesh. For that is not life, but death. For Christ also, that
See Miscellanies, Book v. chap. vi. p. 241, Ante-Nicene Library,

which is plainly the source from which this extract is taken.


He might show this/ ceased to live after the flesh. How?

Not by putting off tlie body Far be it For with it as
! !

His own He shall come, the Judge of all. But by divesting

Himself of physical affections, such as hunger, and thirst,
and sleep, and weariness. For now He has a body incapable
of suffering and of injury.
As " after the flesh " in our case is being in the midst of

sins, and being out of them to be " not after the flesh " so
was His subjection
also after the flesh, in the case of Christ,
to natural affections, and not to be subject to them was not
to be " after the flesh." " But," he says, as He was re- <•'

leased, so also are we." ^ Let there be no longer, he says,

subjection to the influences of the flesh. Thus Clement, the
fourth book of the Hypotyposes.


On 2 Cor. vi. 11. " Our heart is enlarged."

For wont to expand, so also love. For love is
as heat is
a thing of warmth. As if he would say, I love you not only
with mouth, but with heart, and have you all within. Where-
fore he says: "Ye are not straitened in us, since desire
itself expands the soul." " Our heart is enlarged" to teach
you all things " but ye are straitened in your own bowels,"

that is, in love to God, in which you ought to love me.

Thus Clement, in the fourth book of the Hypotyposes.

FROM VOL. VII. P. 286.

Heb. i. 1. " At sundry times and divers manners."

Since the Lord, being the Apostle of the Almighty, was
sent to the Hebrews, it was out of modesty that Paul did not

1 We omit or;, which the text has after os/f jj, which seems to indicate

the omission of a clause, but as it stands is superfluous. The Latin

translator retains it and according to his rendering, the translation

would be, " showed that He ceased."

2 This extract,down to "are we," has already been given among the
extracts from the Hypotyposes, p. 158.


subscribe himself apostle of the Hebrews, from reverence for

the Lord, and because he was the herald and apostle of the
Gentiles, and wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews in addition

[to his proper work].^

The same work contains a passage from The Instructor,

book i. (Ante-Nicene Library, Clem. Alex. vol. i.)
chap. vi.

The passage is that beginning, " For the blood is found to be,"
etc., p. 140, down to " potent charms of affection," p. 146.

Portions, however, are omitted. There are a good many

various readings ; but although the passnge in question, as
found in Cramer's work, is printed in full in Migne's edition,
on the alleged ground of the considerable variation from the
text of Clement, the variation is not such as to make a trans-
lation of the passage as found in Cramer of any special
interest or value.
"We have noted the following readings
lylverac, in p. 141, where, the verb being omitted, we have
inserted is : There is an obstruction, etc.

crvpLjja';, tubes, instead of a-')]pa<yya<; (hollows), hollows of

the breasts.
<yeiTVLa^ovao)v, for r^etrviovawv, neighbouring (arteries).

iiTiXij-^ei, for ijjbirepiK.i^-^eL^ interruption (such as this).

a7roKki'}p(oaL<i occurs as in the text, for which the emenda-
tion uTrdXijpTjaL'i, as specified in the note, has been adopted.
^Tt9 earl, omitted here, which is " sweet through grace,"
is supplied.

F. 142.

7aXa, milk, instead of /xdwa, manna, (that food) manna.

P. 143.

-^pr] Be Karavorjaat rrjv (pvaiv (but it is necessary to con-

sider nature), for ov KaravevoijKore'ij r. (j)., through want of
consideration of nature.
^ This extract, almost verbatim, has been already given from Eusebius,
among the extracts from the Ilypolyjwses, p. 161.

KaraKXeiofievT}, agreeing with food, for KaTaKXeiofievcp,

agreeing with heat (enclosed within).
ryLveTat for ry^p (which is untranslated), (the blood) is (a
preparation) for milk.

P. 144,

TQivvv Tov Xoyov is supplied, and eiKOTWfi omitted in the

clause, Paul using appropriate figurative language.

P. 145.

irXip is supplied before aWa to ev avTy, and the blood in

it, etc., is omitted.

P. 146.

" For Diogenes Apolloniates will have it" is omitted.

irdvrrj, rendered " in all respects," is connected with the
preceding sentence.

P. 147.

on roLvvv, for '/29 S'. And that (milk is produced).

rrjvcKavTa for TTjviKciSe in the clause, '^
and the grass and
meadows are juicy and moist," not translated.
irpoeipriiievu), above mentioned (milk), omitted.
rpv^ij^ for T/90^7}?, (sweet) nutriment.
T&j omitted before ry\vKei, sweet (wine), and KaOdirep,
" as, when suffering."
TO Xiirapov for rw Xnrapw, and dpL^rfKco^ for dpiZrjXoVj in
the sentence " Further, many use the fat of milk, called

butter, for the lamp, plainly," etc.





sumiDg, 124, 125 ; Christ came to Kronos devours his children, 102.
send, on earth, 125.
Firmament, the, 131, 132. Law of the Lord, the, 134.
Flattery, 155, 156. Learning to be i^referred to riches,
Flesh, crucifying the, 158; living after 109.
the, 178, 179. Liberty, 122, 123.
Life, the sadness and misery of, 155.
God, the soul to be filled with, 120 Life and good days, 141.
employs the agency of men for Light, God is, 148.
effecting good, 121 the power of, ; Light and darkness, 150.
121, 122; the worthiness of, in- Lirurgies, primitive, an account of,
comprehensiMe, 123 a consuming ; 3, etc.
fire, 124, 125 ; is light and love, LoTigsuflfering, 130.
148; no darliness in, ibid. ; a spirit, Love, 179.
176. Love, God is, 148.
Gospels, the order of the composi- Love and fear, 122.
tion of, 162. Luke and his wiitings, 143.

Hearts, enlarged, 179. Maea, a letter of, to Serapion, 105,

Heavens, the, 131. etc. ; the laughter of, 114.
Hebrews, the Epistle to the, trans- Mark, how and when he composed
by Luke out of Hebrew, 160;
lated his Gospel, 143, 159, 162.
why Paul did not affix his name -M^irk, the Liturgy of, 47.
to, "160, 162. Medea, 103.
Hector, 98. Men, some, changed into angels, 134.
Helen, 98. Milk of women, curious statements
Hephsestus and Venus, 101. respecting, 130, 131.
Homer, his gods and heroes, 98, 99. Moses slaying the Egyptian, 178.
Horns, their emblematic import, 170. Mustard -sec I, the parable of the
House, the, swept and empty, 120. grain of, 156.
House, a spiritual, 140.
Naked from the earth, and naked re-
Image of God, man made in the, 174. turning to the eaith, 154.
Incarnation, the, 123. Nakedness of man by nature, the ad-
Incense, prayers at the offering; of, vantages arising from, 155.
12, 13, 19, 50, 53, £6, 61, 80, 85. Nature, 102.
Infant, the complaint of a, on enter-
ing the world, 1.54, 155. Odysseus, 98, 99.
Infants, exposed and abortive, cared ffidipus, 103.
for by angels, 129, 130.
Iota and tittle, 157, 174. Passions of the soul, 130.
Passover, the, 167.
James the Just, 159 ; anecdote of, Paul, why he did not affix his name
161. to the Epi.-tle to the Hebrews, 160,
James, the Liturgy of, 11, etc. 162, 17i), ISO.
Jehovah, 177. Peail of great price, the, 157.
Jesus, the baptism of, 119; descent Penelope, 101.
of a dove on, 157, 173. Peter, the relation of, to the Gospel of
John, comments on the first Epistle Mark discrepant statements re-

of, 147, etc. second Epistle of,

; specting, 159, 160.
153 ; character of the Gospel of, Pluto carries off Kora, 100, 101.
162. Power of Gud, the, 121, 122.
Jude, author of the Catholic Epistle Prayer, the power of, 121.
so called, 143 ; comments on the Pre-existence, the, of man denied,
Epistle of, 144. 122.
Jupiter, his character and deeds, 144. Piiesthood, a royal, 141.
Procne, and her sister, 103, note.
Kissing the altar, 84 ; the host, 86. Prodigal son, the parable of, 168-173.
Knowledge, 120, 126, 128. Property, we are not bidden to re-
Kora, 100, 101. nounce, 130.
Prophecy, Pantsenus' remarks on the Sufferings, feeling among the ancients
use of the tenses in, 133. in respect to personal, 119, 120;
Propitiation, the prayer of, 45. of Christ, partakers of the, 143.
Sun, how God sets His tabernacle in
Reason, man naturally endowed with, the, 132, 133, 134 ; an angel in,
and may abuse, 17-. rules the day, 133.
Ptegeneration, 118, 139.
llepentance, 164 ; of sin after bap- Temple, the, of Solomon a type, 175,
tism, 173. 176.
Resurrection, the, 139. Tenses, the use of the, in prophecy,
Riches, learning to be preferred to, 133.
109 ; the love of, disturbs life, 110 ; Tetragrammaton, the, 177.
men intent on possessing, 112. Three, the, which bear witness, 153.
Right hand of God, the, 146. Thrones, principalities, etc., 134.
Robe, the best, and the ring, 168, 172. Thyestes, 103.
"Trees, autumnal, without fruit,"
Scriptures, the use of, 126 to be; 145.
searched diligently, 127. Trisagion hymn, 15 ; prayer, 52.
Sedrach, Misak, and Abednago, the Trojan war, the, 98.
song of, 117.
Shoes, the, given to the returned Unclean spirit's return, the, 120.
prodigal, 168, 169. Ungodly men, the, described and de-
Sin after baptism may be repented of, nounced by Jude, 145.
Slander, 164. Veil, prayer of the, 26.
Sodom and Gomorrah, 144. Venus, Hephaestus, and Ares, 101.
Sons of God, 151.
Soul, the, to be tilled with God, 120 ; Water, the, above the firmament,
not naturally immortal, 140 ; cor- 119.
ruptible, 141 ; all souls immortal, "Waves of a raging sea," 145.
163. Williog, 163.
Speaking and writing compared, 125. Wise, the persecutors of the, pun-
Spirit, 175, 176. ished, 110.
Stars, the, 132. Witnesses, two or three, 121.
Stars, wandering, 145. Writing and speaking compared, 125.
Substance, 177. Word, the, 147 ; handling of, ibid.



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J. P. L AN GE, D. D.,



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