Bhatia Battery of Intelligence Testing

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This is an intelligence assessment for adults.

Description of the test-
This test was created by Chandra Mohan Bhatia in the year 1955. The age limit for this test
is 11 to 16 years. In intelligence there are 2 domains- verbal domain and performance
domain. This test is purely a performance-based test (such as executive functions, decision
making, logical reasoning etc.) That means that the IQ we get from this test is not the
complete IQ but only the Performance IQ.
Merit of performance test is-
The following groups can also perform this test-
 That people who does not understand English,
 Individuals who do not have formal education,
 people who are auditorily impaired,
 people who are deaf.
Subtests of Bhatia Battery of Intelligence Testing are-
1- Koh’s Block Design Test
2- Alexander Pass along Test
3- Pattern Drawing Test
4- Digit Span Test
5- Picture completion/ Construction Test
All the above tests are pre-existing individual parts of other IQ test and are taken. Its not
constructed by Bhatia. These are all put together to suit the needs of certain population.

Koh’s Block Design Test-

There are 2 types of boxes available in each set. In few there are 4 colours and in few its only
white & red. These are the cubes. There are also few cards which have a pattern of cubes.
The participant has to assemble the cubes in such a way that the pattern shown in the card is
formed. The types of cubes (for white-red set) are- one side complete red, one side complete
white, one side half white and half red. In original Koh’s block test there are 16 patterns (16
cards), but in Bhatia only 10 are taken. The cards to be shown on-by-one. And the no. of
cubes required to complete the pattern increases as we go ahead with the cards, and hence
also increases the difficulty level & the complexity of the task increases. The test needs to be
stopped when the participant makes 2 consecutive designs incorrect. There is also a time limit
for each card, the time limit is not to be mentioned to the participant, but is used for scoring
purpose. As the difficulty level increases, the maximum time for each card also increases. If
the participant doesn’t make the pattern within the time limit, or fails to do it for 2
consecutive designs then the test has to be stopped. So, it will be considered as a failure. And
after 2 failures that particular subtest needs to be stopped and need to move on to the next
Alexander pass along test-
In this test there is a box with few blocks, and few cards with some designs, which the
participant has to follow and replicate the same design on the box using the blocks, but
without lifting any block and only by moving it. The complexity and the time limit increase
as we complete 1 card and move to another. The time limit is not to be told to participant but
is used for scoring purpose only. The test needs to be stopped after 2 consecutive failures.
There are total of 8 designs (8 cards) in this subtest.
While giving it to the participant, the blocks need to be arranged in exactly opposite to the
design that’s shown in the card.
Pattern Drawing Test-
In this test there are few designs on the cards. The participant has to replicate those designs
on a paper without lifting their pencil. The complexity of the task increases as we go ahead
with the designs. After 2 consecutive failures the test needs to be stopped.

Digit Span Test-

In this test there is 2 groups of sequences of numbers. One is forward and another is for
backward. In this test the tester has to read out the numbers from 1 sequence, and the
participant has to repeat the same digits either in same way or in backward (depending upon
from which group the sequence was taken). For E.g.- if the sequence 5,8,2 was taken from
forward group, then the participant has to repeat in the same order; whereas if the sequence
6,2,9 was taken from backward group then the participant has to repeat those digits in
backward order. (Note- we need to be careful while giving the instructions- that the same
pause should be given between each digit, and also the last digit should not give the
impression that we are done saying out the sequence. But instead, some stimulus needs to be
given to tell the participant that I’m done and they can repeat the digits. Stimulus can be such
as tapping on the desk) This is an immediate memory test, there are 3 alternative sets. If
failure is recorded in 1st set then we try the 2nd and 3rd alternative sets. If failure is recorded in
all 3 alternatives, then a final failure is recorded, and we stop the test.
Picture Completion / Construction Test-
Its like a puzzle where there are pieces and a final picture of how the picture should look like
after joining the pieces. We have to show the final figure that this is what they have to make
using the pieces.

IQ Calculation
pIQ= (MA/CA)*100
pIQ- Performance IQ (since we are only conducting performance test)
CA- Chronological age- Actual age,
MA- Mental age- this we will get after adding up all the scores from the subtests, and
converting it according to the table from the manual.
IQ Table-
IQ Range IQ Classification
145-160 Very Gifted or Highly Advanced
130-144 Gifted or very Advanced
120-129 Superior
110-119 High Average
90-109 Average
80-89 Low Average
70-79 Borderline Impaired or Delayed
55-69 Mildly Impaired or Delayed
40-54 Moderately Impaired or Delayed

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