Bhatia Battery of Intelligence Testing
Bhatia Battery of Intelligence Testing
Bhatia Battery of Intelligence Testing
IQ Calculation
pIQ= (MA/CA)*100
pIQ- Performance IQ (since we are only conducting performance test)
CA- Chronological age- Actual age,
MA- Mental age- this we will get after adding up all the scores from the subtests, and
converting it according to the table from the manual.
IQ Table-
IQ Range IQ Classification
145-160 Very Gifted or Highly Advanced
130-144 Gifted or very Advanced
120-129 Superior
110-119 High Average
90-109 Average
80-89 Low Average
70-79 Borderline Impaired or Delayed
55-69 Mildly Impaired or Delayed
40-54 Moderately Impaired or Delayed