B.Tech - Minor Program - Course structure-JNTUH
B.Tech - Minor Program - Course structure-JNTUH
B.Tech - Minor Program - Course structure-JNTUH
Python Basics, Objects- Python Objects, Standard Types, Other Built-in Types, Internal Types, Standard Type Operators,
Standard Type Built-in Functions, Categorizing the Standard Types, Unsupported Types
Numbers - Introduction to Numbers, Integers, Floating Point Real Numbers, Complex Numbers, Operators, Built-in Functions,
Related Modules
Sequences - Strings, Lists, and Tuples, Mapping and Set Types
FILES: File Objects, File Built-in Function [ open() ], File Built-in Methods, File Built-in Attributes, Standard Files, Command-
line Arguments, File System, File Execution, Persistent Storage Modules, Related Modules
Exceptions: Exceptions in Python, Detecting and Handling Exceptions, Context Management, *Exceptions as Strings, Raising
Exceptions, Assertions, Standard Exceptions, *Creating Exceptions, Why Exceptions (Now)?, Why Exceptions at All?,
Exceptions and the sys Module, Related Modules
Modules: Modules and Files, Namespaces, Importing Modules, Importing Module Attributes, Module Built-in Functions,
Packages, Other Features of Modules
Regular Expressions: Introduction, Special Symbols and Characters, Res and Python
Multithreaded Programming: Introduction, Threads and Processes, Python, Threads, and the Global Interpreter Lock, Thread
Module, Threading Module, Related Modules
GUI Programming: Introduction, Tkinter and Python Programming, Brief Tour of Other GUIs, Related Modules and Other GUIs
WEB Programming: Introduction, Wed Surfing with Python, Creating Simple Web Clients, Advanced Web Clients, CGI-Helping
Servers Process Client Data, Building CGI Application
Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers
Database Programming: Introduction, Python Database Application Programmer’s Interface (DB-API), Object Relational
Managers (ORMs), Related Modules
1. Core Python Programming, Wesley J. Chun, Second Edition, Pearson.
B.Tech. IOT (Minor) III Year I Sem. L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
Prerequisites: Students should install Python on Linux platform.
Course Objectives:
• To be able to introduce core programming basics and program design with functions using Python programming
• To understand a range of Object-Oriented Programming, as well as in-depth data and information processing
• To understand the high-performance programs designed to strengthen the practical expertise.
Course Outcomes:
• Student should be able to understand the basic concepts scripting and the contributions of scripting language
• Ability to explore python especially the object oriented concepts, and the built in objects of Python.
• Ability to create practical and contemporary applications such as TCP/IP network programming, Web applications,
discrete event simulations
List of Programs:
1. Write a program to demonstrate different number data types in Python.
2. Write a program to perform different Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python.
3. Write a program to create, concatenate and print a string and accessing sub-string from a given string.
4. Write a python script to print the current date in the following format “Sun May 29 02:26:23 IST 2017”
5. Write a program to create, append, and remove lists in python.
6. Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in python.
7. Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in python.
8. Write a python program to find largest of three numbers.
9. Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from Celsius, Fahrenheit.
Course Objective:
1. To review and strengthen important mathematical concepts required for AI & ML.
2. Introduce the concept of learning patterns from data and develop a strong theoretical foundation for understanding state
of the art Machine Learning algorithms.
Defining Artificial Intelligence, Defining AI techniques, Using Predicate Logic and Representing Knowledge as Rules,
Representing simple facts in logic, Computable functions and predicates, Procedural vs Declarative knowledge, Logic
Mathematical foundations: Matrix Theory and Statistics for Machine Learning.
Idea of Machines learning from data, Classification of problem – Regression and Classification, Supervised and Unsupervised
Linear Regression: Model representation for single variable, Single variable Cost Function, Gradient Decent for Linear
Regression, Gradient Decent in practice.
Logistic Regression: Classification, Hypothesis Representation, Decision Boundary, Cost function, Advanced Optimization,
Multi-classification (One vs All), Problem of Overfitting.
Discussion on clustering algorithms and use-cases centered around clustering and classification.
1. Anindita Das Bhattacharjee, “Practical Workbook Artificial Intelligence and SoftComputing for beginners, Shroff
Publisher-X team Publisher.
2. Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 2017.
3. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2011.
4. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2e, 2011.
1. A Course on “Mathematics”.
1. To understand the fundamentals of Computer Networks.
2. To understand the fundamentals of Cryptography.
3. To understand various Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption algorithms.
4. To understand Mathematics of Cryptography, IDS and Firewalls.
5. To apply algorithms used for message Integrity and Authentication.
1. Demonstrate the knowledge of Computer Networks, Cryptography, Information security concepts and
2. Ability to apply security principles in system design.
Introduction to Computer Networks, Network hardware, Network software, OSI and TCP/IP Reference models, Security
attacks, Security Services and Mechanisms.
Integer Arithmetic, Modular Arithmetic, Traditional Symmetric Key Ciphers, Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES).
Mathematics of Cryptography: Primes, Primality Testing, Factorization, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Asymmetric
Cryptography: Introduction, RSA Cryptosystem, Rabin Cryptosystem,
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem,
Message Integrity and Message Authentication: Message Authentication Code (MAC), SHA-512 - Digital Signatures.
Security at the Application Layer: PGP and S/MIME. Security at Transport Layer: SSL and TLS. - Principles of IDS and
1. Computer Networks, Andrew S Tanenbaum, David. j. Wetherall, 5th Edition. Pearson Education/PHI.
2. Cryptography & Network Security by Behrouz A. Forouzan. Special Indian Edition, TMH.
1. Network Security Essentials (Applications and Standards), William Stallings Pearson Education.
A Course on “Mathematics
1. To apply algorithms on various Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption algorithms.
2. To demonstrate IDS Tools
3. To apply algorithms used for message Integrity and Authentication
Lab Exercises
1. Write a program to perform encryption and decryption using the followingsubstitution ciphers.
2. Caeser cipher
3. Play fair cipher
4. Hill Cipher
5. Write a program to implement the DES algorithm.
6. Write a program to implement RSA algorithm.
7. Calculate the message digest of a text using the SHA-1 algorithm.
8. Working with sniffers for monitoring network communication (Wireshark).
9. Configuring S/MIME for email communication.
10. Using Snort, perform real time traffic analysis and packet logging.
1. “Cryptography and Network Security” by William Stallings 3rd Edition, PearsonEducation.
2. “Applied Cryptography” by Bruce Schneier.
1. Cryptography and Network Security by Behrouz A. Forouzan.
B.Tech. Minor in Data Science - III year I semester syllabus (2021-22)
Course Objectives:
• Learn concepts, techniques and tools they need to deal with various facets of data science practice, including data
collection and integration
• Understand the basic types of data and basic statistics
• Identify the importance of data reduction and data visualization techniques
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course, the student should be able to
• CO-1: Understand basic terms what Statistical Inference means. Identify probability distributions commonly used as
foundations for statistical modeling. Fit a model to data
• CO-2: describe the data using various statistical measures
• CO-3: utilize R elements for data handling
• CO-4: perform data reduction and apply visualization techniques.
UNIT-I: Introduction
What is Data Science? - Big Data and Data Science hype – and getting past the hype - Datafication - Current landscape of
perspectives - Statistical Inference - Populations and samples - Statistical modeling, probability distributions, fitting a model –
Over fitting.
Basics of R: Introduction, R-Environment Setup, Programming with R, Basic Data Types.
Vectors: Creating and Naming Vectors, Vector Arithmetic, Vector sub setting,
Matrices: Creating and Naming Matrices, Matrix Sub setting, Arrays, Class.
Factors and Data Frames: Introduction to Factors: Factor Levels, Summarizing a Factor, Ordered Factors, Comparing
Ordered Factors, Introduction to Data Frame, sub setting of Data Frames, Extending Data Frames, Sorting Data Frames.
Lists: Introduction, creating a List: Creating a Named List, Accessing List Elements, Manipulating List Elements, Merging
Lists, Converting Lists to Vectors
Conditionals and Control Flow: Relational Operators, Relational Operators and Vectors, Logical Operators, Logical
Operators and Vectors, Conditional Statements.
Iterative Programming in R: Introduction, While Loop, For Loop, Looping Over List.
Functions in R: Introduction, writing a Function in R, Nested Functions, Function Scoping, Recursion, Loading an R Package,
Mathematical Functions in R.
Data Reduction: Overview of Data Reduction Strategies, Wavelet Transforms, Principal Components Analysis, Attribute
Subset Selection, Regression and Log-Linear Models: Parametric Data Reduction, Histograms, Clustering, Sampling, Data
Cube Aggregation.
Data Visualization: Pixel-Oriented Visualization Techniques, Geometric Projection Visualization Techniques, Icon-Based
Visualization Techniques, Hierarchical Visualization Techniques, Visualizing Complex Data and Relations.
1. Doing Data Science, Straight Talk from The Frontline. Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt, O’Reilly, 2014
2. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 3rd ed. The Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Data Management Systems.
3. K G Srinivas, G M Siddesh, “Statistical programming in R”, Oxford Publications.
1. Introduction to Data Mining, Pang-Ning Tan, Vipin Kumar, Michael Steinbanch, Pearson Education.
2. Brain S. Everitt, “A Handbook of Statistical Analysis Using R”, Second Edition, 4 LLC, 2014.
3. Dalgaard, Peter, “Introductory statistics with R”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.
4. Paul Teetor, “R Cookbook”, O’Reilly, 2011.
B.Tech. Data Science (Minor) III Year I Sem. L T P C
0 0 3 1.5
1. R Environment setup: Installation of R and RStudio in Windows
2. Write R commands for
i. Variable declaration and retrieving the value of the stored variables,
ii. Write an R script with comments,
iii. Type of a variable using class () Function.
3. Write R command to
i. illustrate summation, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations on vectors using vectors.
ii. Enumerate multiplication and division operations between matrices and vectors in R console
6. Write R command to
i. Illustrate the usage of Vector sub setting& Matrix sub setting
ii. Write a program to create an array of 3×3 matrixes with 3 rows and 3 columns.
iii. Write a program to create a class, object, and function
7. Write a command in R console
i. to create a tshirt_factor, which is ordered with levels ‘S’, ‘M’, and ‘L’. Is it possible to
identify from the examples discussed earlier, if blood type ‘O’ is greater or less than blood type ‘A’?
ii. Write the command in R console to create a new data frame containing the ‘age’ parameter from the existing
data frame. Check if the result is a data frame or not. Also R commands for data frame functions cbind(),
rbind(), sort()
8. Write R command for
i. Create a list containing strings, numbers, vectors and logical values
ii. To create a list containing a vector, a matrix, and a list. Also give names to the elements in the list and display
the list also access the list elements
iii. To add a new element at the end of the list and delete the element from the middle display the same
iv. To create two lists, merge two lists. Convert the lists into vectors and perform addition on the two vectors.
Display the resultant vector.
9. Write R command for
i. logical operators—AND (&), OR (|) and NOT (!).
ii. Conditional Statements
iii. Create four vectors namely patientid, age, diabetes, and status. Put these four vectors into a data frame
patientdata and print the values using a for loop& While loop
iv. Create a user-defined function to compute the square of an integer in R
v. Create a user-defined function to compute the square of an integer in R
vi. Recursion function for a) factorial of a number b) find nth Fibonacci number
10. Write R code for i) Illustrate Quick Sort ii) Illustrate Binary Search Tree
11. Write R command to
i. illustrate Mathematical functions & I/O functions
ii. Illustrate Naming of functions and sapply(), lapply(), tapply() &mapply()
12. Write R command for
i. Pie chart& 3D Pie Chart, Bar Chart to demonstrate the percentage conveyance of various ways for traveling
to office such as walking, car, bus, cycle, and train
ii. Using a chart legend, show the percentage conveyance of various ways for traveling to office such as walking,
car, bus, cycle, and train.
a. Walking is assigned red color, car – blue color, bus – yellow color, cycle – green color, and train – white
color; all these values are assigned through cols and lbls variables and the legend function.
b. The fill parameter is used to assign colors to the legend.
c. Legend is added to the top-right side of the chart, by assigning
iii. Using box plots, Histogram, Line Graph, Multiple line graphs and scatter plot to demonstrate the relation
between the cars speed and the distance taken to stop, Consider the parameters data and x Display the speed
and dist parameter of Cars data set using x and data parameters
1. K G Srinivas, G M Siddesh, “Statistical programming in R”, Oxford Publications.
B.Tech. Minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) - III year I
semester syllabus (2021-22)