Jenelyn R. Andrino - (Lesson 2.2 TEGr114)

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Learning Tasks/Activities

1. A. It offers high-quality career paths.

It expands the student's perspectives.
It plays a major part in students and encourages them to strive for excellence.

B. Focusing more on improving my English and language side of knowledge.

Studying even more in terms of language and English.

C. Why English is important in the learners learning chapter?

2. 1. Methods of instruction - There are various undeniable cognitive benefits to learning a

language. Multilingual students had better memory, problem-solving, and critical-
thinking skills, as well as better focus, multitasking, and listening skills.

2. Materials for Instruction - Teaching tools make classes more enjoyable, transparent,
and understandable for students. They can be utilized at any level of the learning process
to increase vocabulary and knowledge. Teaching aids for second language learning excite
students so that they can learn a language quickly and easily.

3. Assessment - Assessment is a crucial element of learning since it helps students learn.

When students can see how they are doing in class, they can determine whether or not
they understand the topic. Assessment has the potential to motivate students.

4. Relationship with students in a certain way - Make your kids feel appreciated when
they turn in their schoolwork. Instead of learning new words, encourage your kids to read
English literature for pleasure. Using English outside of the classroom demonstrates that
they can utilize the language in real life, making your lessons more valuable.

5. Dealing with mistakes made by kids - Correct your students in a systematic manner.
Even if you're in the middle of an English conversation, gently say the correct phrase or
term without interrupting the student. It's also a good idea to make a list of faults and go
over them at the end of the talk.

A. Fill the concepts found in the table to discuss the six methods.

Methods Theoritical Focus/Goal Type of Teache Learner's Possible Weak Strengt

Orientation languag r's Role Role Activities nesse hs
e s
The By translating Read books Both a fo Reques The Request Only It is
Grammar sentences in the reign and  t that students that the the benefici
a native t
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your learn the students moth al to use
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native Memorize ts that the their tongu classroo
languages, the target memor teacher friends' e is m with
students language's ize and instructs discussio used, kids of
apply grammar apply a them to ns in their while diverse
grammatical rules and rule to learn. original the levels of
rules. vocabulary. their language target intellige
own and then langu nce,
langua translate age is both
ge. them into ignor very
the target ed. intellige
language. nt and
not so
Audiolingu Language Oral Vocabul The Is to pay Identifyin The Speakin
al instruction in rehearsal ary teache attention g the pupils g and
a foreign r to the sound are listening
language instruc teacher's system, perpl skills
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ts to answer as collection se the honed,
memor exactly as of sounds teach resultin
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senten possible. be used explai improve
ces to speak ns the d
with an the target infor pronunc
empha language. matio iation
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intona assist straig listening
tion. pupils in htfor abilities.
articulati ward
ng and mann
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recognizi rathe
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most in
fundame detail
ntal .
Electric Oral reading To teach Langua To To The It is Can be
Method language ge assist maintain lesson not used to
based on instructi studen vigilance, begins cond compen
the course on ts in improve with an ucive sate for
objectives learnin listening inductive to the
and the g by abilities, activity in behav flaws of
ability of transfe and which ior another
the rring impact students predi ..
students. knowle students' utilize ction
dge to concentra reading and
them tion and material contr
and interest. to ol.
creatin identify
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in for
which moveme
they nt.
Direct Assist L2 To Students Students It is Is
Method students in direct and talk a lot, assu mostly
gaining a class teachers gesture a med concern
practical activiti play a lot, act a that a ed with
understand es and collaborati lot, and secon questio
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age learning better age patterns
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to interact be
partici with you, learn
pate in the more ed in
class they the
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consta 5une. mann
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