N Orma - AMDEC EN 0133200 - C
N Orma - AMDEC EN 0133200 - C
N Orma - AMDEC EN 0133200 - C
01 – 33 – 200 / - - C
© RENAULT 2011.
Duplication is not permitted without the approval of the issuing department.
No communication permitted without approval from RENAULT.
4.1.1. Select subjects to be dealt with 10
4.1.2. Organising the FMEA study 10
4.2.1. Preparing the FMEA 11
4.2.2. Identifying potential failures 12
4.3.1. Principle of evaluation: 17
4.3.2. Ranking indexes 18
4.3.3. Calculating criticality 20
4.3.4. Classification 20
4.3.5. Deciding corrective actions on a priority basis 21
4.5. STAGE 5: FOLLOW UP 25
4.6. STAGE 6: APPLY 26
4.7.1. Principle of checking 27
4.7.2. Building knowledge based on experience 28
AMIOD : Approval to Build Definitive Off-Tool Parts (Mechanical Engineering ; JPOM4 logic).
Durability : In the dependability area, durability is the capacity of equipment to perform a function until
a limit state is reached (Standard NF X 60-500).
E‰ : is the result indicator of the 3-month Estel survey that polls customer / users of the product.
S1 ‰ : SOFRES per thousand after the customer has used the product for 1 year.
S3 ‰ : SOFRES per thousand after the customer has used the product for 3 years.
The FMEAs that are compiled for the RENAULT Group must be in French (as a priority) or in English.
Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMEA) is a method used to analyse the potential
reliability of a product. This method contributes to the performance of the company.
FMEA favours spending time and cost on prevention so that less will be spent during
The FMEA is used to identify the potential failures and related consequences that would affect the
correct operation of the product, manufacturing process, production facilities or equipment being
studied. It assess the risks linked to the occurrence of such failures so that corrective actions can be
taken, if needed, at the design, implementation or operational (production, maintenance, monitoring)
phase of the product, manufacturing process, facilities or equipment.
The FMEA applies to the AUTOMOBILE PRODUCT at the different design stages of the Engineering
Department. The scope of the study by system and/or element may cover the following:
Note: The FMEA is not the ideal tool for evaluating software.
The FMEA applies to the industrialisation PROCESS of the product used by Production Engineering
departments. The scope of the study by system and/or element may cover the following:
- PRODUCTION FACILITIES during the phase in which the facilities are designed (see Machinery
FMEA – CNOMO Standard E41.50.530.N).
- Physical and facilities WORKFLOWS during the phase in which operational modes are drawn up
(see § 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: FLOW FMEA in this standard).
In the context of projects, FMEA progress and the results obtained are decision-making elements that
the Quality Department takes into consideration before issuing RECOMMENDATIONS and
APPROVALS at Project milestones ("Vehicle" or "Mechanical Unit").
It is the responsibility of the Technical Departments and Suppliers to assume ownership of this
Failure Mode, Effects and criticality Analysis is a rigorous and preventive method that aims at listing
and then evaluating the potential failures of a system and/or element. This method of analysis leads to
the organisation of these failures into a hierarchy based on which the appropriate actions to be taken
can be decided. A schedule that is used to follow up these corrective or monitoring actions is set up.
Application of these measures is checked in the field.
The knowledge gained from every study is used as a diagnosis support and for future projects.
The scope of the analysis is the design and definition of the automobile product, which is examined in
the various stages of its development before the Part Tooling Development (TGA) stage. This is
undertaken in order to ensure that the technical solution decided upon meets specifications related to
quantified requirements as well as customer expectations and industrial constraints.
Consequences of potential failures must be related to the customer / user of the product (driver,
passenger, another road user, repair network, emergency organisations, recycler, etc.; it may also
relate to regulations).
The scope of the analysis is designing the industrialisation plan (production process, assembly
process, rework process or inspection process) of an automobile product, which is examined during
the different planned operations of production: manufacturing, inspection, handling, etc. to ensure that
as per the industrial process a product can be mass-produced in compliance with requirements
specified in plans.
Consequences of potential failures must be related to the customer / user of the product.
This standard is also used to indicate the effect that a single type of product non-compliance may
have on manufacturing/assembly, but without obligation (a Process FMEA, in which customer-side
manufacturing/assembly effects are indicated, would not replace a facilities or flow FMEA).
The scope of the analysis is the production tool, machine, robot, machining fixture, tooling, etc., which
is examined during the design phase in order to ensure that during operation it will meet objectives
related to product compliance as well as Reliability, Maintainability, Availability, Safety of people and
equipment (FMDS), required in the specifications of the facility.
Consequences of potential failure are relative to the user of the facility: that is, the Manufacturer of the
automobile product.
Note: The production facility FMEA is carried out in compliance with CNOMO standard
E41.50.530.N. It has not been given in detail in this standard.
The scope of the analysis is relative to the movement of parts of the product, its packaging and the
flow of information while the facilities are in operation.
Consequences of potential failures are relative to the Manufacturer and/or Operator as well as the
Industrial Logistics Department.
The FMEA is one of the Operating Reliability tools (see standard 01 33 204)
Implementing Product, Process, Facilities and Flow FMEA optimises the robustness of the product-process
design on a priority basis and sets up, if needed, a monitoring plan that is adapted to risks.
Functional Requirements
Technical Functional Analysis Design FMEA
Manufacturing Process Plan Process FMEA
Robustness of product/process definition
Facility requirement
Drawings of the facility Facilities FMEA
1) The FMEA is available to every one of us to construct quality and reliability measures that
prevent failures, to meet customer / user requirements and to contribute to the
performance of the industrial system.
In the context of Customer – Supplier relations, every person involved has a task to
accomplish, either on an individual basis or collectively:
. To accomplish task "n", quantified input data from the Supplier who has completed upstream
task "n-1" is necessary.
. While exiting this phase, we must provide results that are in compliance with the objective so
that the person responsible for downstream task "n+1" can complete it.
The FMEA is a tool used to construct quality and reliability that contributes to the completion of
task "n". By implementing the FMEA, it is possible to validate the task or optimise it before
sending it to "its direct Customer" (figure 1).
Added value
Task n-1 TASK n Task n+1
Examination of every task in this chain of activities takes place with a view to satisfying the
customer / user of the product.
FMEA studies are planned in a way that they are completed before key decision-making dates in
a project schedule.
Stage 1:
A product, process or service is always designed with a positive outcome in mind. When we
speak about a service to be offered to the customer / user of the Product, we speak in terms of
customer satisfaction. This service is then broken down into technical solutions, components,
characteristics, etc. with the aim of making everything run so that the customer / user of the
product is satisfied.
Stage 2:
The FMEA procedure will be based on the critical or negative aspect: "what could possibly
happen to make this service unavailable and to what extent would the Customer / user of the
product be affected by it?" Therefore, here, we list the potential failures that make this service
Stage 3:
The FMEA procedure is definitely not just a critical review of the product or process design. With
this procedure, corrective solutions can be found that are used to optimise the future design of
the product and its industrialisation.
Figure 2
Within a multidisciplinary group, the competence of the participants is used to explore the
subject being studied. Each member shares his/her experience and knowledge.
The creativity of the members of the group is put to the test when they have to go beyond their
experience and have to imagine potential failures and those that are the less probable.
Rigour is developed by implementing the entire FMEA method in a systematic manner. The
FMEA method can be divided into 7 stages (see figure 3 below).
Figure 3
Implementing an FMEA consists in methodically rolling out the procedure in 7 stages. The aim of
methodically applying the FMEA is to make a list of potential failures which tends toward
exhaustiveness and resolving them on a preventive basis. Each stage is described below.
The aim of initialisation is to "present a problem” and manage it in time. This first step is fundamental
for the study to be a successful one. It materialises by way of documenting the summary sheet
(appendix 1).
Systematizing the FMEA will only serve to validate that which is already controlled. It would lead to
unnecessary added expenditure for the Company.
On the other hand, the FMEA must be used wherever there are anticipated or measured risks,
innovations, incomplete information or significant issues for the Company.
The project manager (vehicle, system, unit, industrial project, production facilities, etc.) and the Quality
manager draw up a list of subjects at risk as soon as general principles are approved at the design
and industrialisation stages.
It is obligatory for the requestor of the study (project or task "n" manager) who is internal or external to
RENAULT and the FMEA coordinator to document the “summary sheet”, which serves the purpose of
a contract between the requestor and the group. It is made up of the following information:
- Vehicle, unit, scope of the study and key dates: date of request of the FMEA, VPC/PC/Pre-
Contract, CO/Contract, TGA/RO/IOD, ABVC/AMS-lot or ABPT/AMEI.
Important point:
Process FMEA: the action plan must be drawn up for TGA/RO/IOD and risks must be cleared for
- The name of the requestor (subject manager) and decision-maker (manager of important choices
and decisions).
- The limits of the subject (references related to the product, process plan, etc.).
- Location where the FMEA in progress and the implemented FMEA are archived.
- Study progress:
It is the responsibility of the requestor to manage the FMEA. The end of forecast studies (clearing of
risks) is certified by a signature on the summary sheet by the requester or by the decision maker.
Analysis consists in studying risks that can be imagined and that are known from experience. This
search is always structured on the basis of functional analysis.
The aim of this first phase is to ensure that all the members of the work group have the same level of
knowledge on the subject and to get specialists to speak about the same scope.
This phase also serves the purpose of ensuring that the participants are familiar with the FMEA
- the functional analysis of the requirement, which lists, characterises and develops all service
functions of the system to be studied as well as the phases in the life cycle. Functional analysis
of the requirement (stated in the functional specifications) is a prerequisite to the FMEA.
The FMEA group takes from it the elements necessary for the FMEA study (main and constraints
functions as well as related value criteria that fall within the scope of the study). These elements
are attached to the FMEA file.
- the technical functional analysis, which explains how the solution is supposed to operate, its
organisation, during all the phases of the life cycle that are studied. This analysis is presented in
the form of flow charts. Qualified and quantified operating conditions are listed. The flow chart is a
result of the design phase or is created by the FMEA group.
- the description of the industrial process that is planned for mass producing the product. The
industrial process is defined in the production and inspection process plan. Technical sheets and
the description of the operating mode provide input data. This data can be seen on a process
diagram (or manufacturing diagram or synoptic). Input and output conditions (Customer –
Supplier relationship) are drawn up.
Using functional analysis is mandatory so that the members of the group have the same vision of the
subject and can make a comprehensive list of all the potential failure causes, modes and effects that
are possible as well as Design Controls.
The aim of the second phase is to highlight all potential failures of the studied system that can be
imagined or that are known. Failures have the following qualitative and quantitative criteria:
The potential failure mode is the manner in which the system will stop running or will run unusually.
Deal with potential failure modes that may appear at 0 km and also those that are likely to appear
over time: reliability of the product (consider the entire product life cycle).
Does it occur…
- totally,
- partially,
- at 0 km,
- over time (e.g.: after 3 months, 7 years, 100 000 kms, above 25 000 cycles, etc.)
- …
- The potential failure mode arises from operating conditions (see flow chart).
- Wherever possible, quantified criteria will complement information on the potential failure mode
(e.g.: noise heard within the first few kilometres (fault occurs at "0 km"), progressive breaking of
the shaft under 50 daN, 100 000 kms onwards, bearing seizure 150 000 kms onwards, etc. (fault
occurs "over time").
To complement and add to potential failure modes, include failures proven on the replaced product in
the analysis.
The potential cause of failure is the initial anomaly that is likely to lead to the potential failure mode.
The potential cause of failure is always an unsuitable or non-compliant characteristic of the product:
- as regards the Design FMEA, characteristics of the product that are estimated, unsuitable,
missing, superfluous, etc. must be considered.
- as regards the Process FMEA, characteristics of the product that are manufactured and are
estimated to be non-compliant must be considered.
When the potential causes of failure are being looked for, it is essential to describe and
formalise the entire causal chain in the analysis grid. This is the potential failure scenario.
- Design FMEA:
• to imagine the potential modes and causes of failure, systematically explore the entire body,
contacts and the design and service flows of the flow chart.
• for a given technical function, imagine, for example, 5 to 7 potential failure modes.
• for every potential failure mode, search for the characteristic(s) of the product at the
source of the potential failure (explore: material, geometry, dimensioning, thermal treatment,
appearance, assembly conditions, etc.); always go back to root causes; prohibit causes
related to “incorrect design, incorrect wiring route, etc.”.
- Process FMEA:
In the analysis grid, the potential cause of failure must be given in the following manner:
• Example:
Effect E2 Mode B Product-cause B1 Prevention PB1 Detection DB1 S2 OB1 DB1 RPN5
Product-cause B2 Prevention PB2 Detection DB2 S2 OB2 DB2 RPN6
… S2 … … RPNn
• Example:
- on the other, it states the potential consequences for the final user of the vehicle.
Note: If necessary, this standard is also used to indicate the effect that product non-compliance can
have on manufacturing/assembly. In this case, the effect on the customer / user of the product must
also be indicated.
It is the potential failure mode that leads to the disruption of a service function.
- The wording of the disrupted service functions is chosen on the basis of the potential failure mode
and the functional analysis of the requirement.
. no service function,
- For the Design and Process FMEA, the consequences for the customer / user of the product are
stated on the basis of the table that appears in Appendix 4.
In the flow FMEA, the manufacturer and central production departments are the Customers: DLI (see
appendix 5)
Design Control is an action planned, in progress or already implemented so as to prevent the potential
failure cause (and/or potential failure mode) from appearing and affecting task N+1.
Design Control is an activity that is carried out by the designer of the product or process to check
whether the design of the product or manufacturing process is in compliance in relation to the
imagined potential failure scenarios.
* Remark:
The later non-compliance is detected, the more considerable business consequences are.
Therefore, for business reasons and as the responsibility of each department, in a Design and
Process FMEA, all potential non-compliance must be detected before going to the next stage in the
design/industrialisation/manufacturing process. This next stage is called “Task N+1” in the rest of the
Task N+1 is the stage which comes immediately after (downstream from) the analysed activity. So, it
does not yet relate to the customer / user of the product (see figure 1).
- In the Design FMEA, Task N+1 is an activity that falls under the Industrialisation Methods
Dept (manufacturing process engineering dept).
- In the Process FMEA, Task N+1 is an activity that falls under the Manufacturing sector,
downstream from the studied process.
"Do not generate a defect, do not accept a defect, do not deliver a defect."
- Actions related to Prevention that aim to prevent the potential cause or failure mode from
appearing; give priority to theoretical Prevention actions. From among the different Design
Controls, certain actions can also be qualified as Prevention actions when they are implemented
with a view to optimising a technical solution so that the potential cause or failure mode does not
appear. They work towards lowering the Occurrence index O:
. simulation program at limit states, digital simulation, digital mock-up design review (DMDR),
. correlation of calculations/testing
- Actions related to Detection that aim to detect the potential cause or failure mode that is
supposed to have occurred; give priority to theoretical Detection actions. Detection actions
aim to detect the potential cause or failure mode that is supposed to have occurred and work
towards lowering the Detection index D.
. Simulating the injection of a plastic part to detect areas to which the material has not spread
in a theoretical manner
Distinction made between Prevention actions and Detection actions in the analysis grid:
Analysis grid:
Note: The grid is compiled on A3-size paper or online (see Appendix 3).
Evaluation consists in quantifying the level of risk of each potential failure in order to help the
requestor, decision-maker and participants of the study to define corrective actions that have to be
given priority.
Evaluation is conducted once the entire analysis (effects, modes, causes and design controls) has
ended. A ranking table lays down the limits that define acceptable risks and those that are not.
Evaluation is based on the sequence of events that leads to the customer / user of the product
perceiving a failure and to consequences that impact him/her (see figure 5).
For a potential cause of failure to lead to a potential failure mode that impacts the customer / user of
the product, the 3 following conditions need to be fulfilled:
Final Task
Customer N+1
However, it is possible to have a contract drawn up between the person in charge of task N and the
person in charge of the downstream task (N+1 or N+2, etc.) so that Detection is officially set up and
included in the scope of the person in charge of the downstream task, who then becomes responsible
for it.
If P is the probability that the customer / user of the product is affected by, it can be expressed in the
following manner: P = P1 x P2/1 x P3
- Severity index S: is the ranking of the consequences of each potential failure perceived by the
customer / user of the product (see Appendix 4).
In the Process FMEA, it is also possible to indicate in a timely manner the effect of product non-
compliance has on manufacturing/assembly. In this case, for every potential failure that has an
effect on manufacturing/assembly, the consequences for the customer / user of the product must
also be indicated and both will have to be dealt with.
- Occurrence index O: corresponds to the probability that the product cause appears and leads to
the mode. It arises from predetermined ranking and is a function of the product P1 x P2/1. When
an Occurrence index is attributed, it is necessary to include these 2 probabilities (see tables in
Appendix 4).
Design FMEA: the Occurrence index should be estimated based on Prevention actions which
were identified during analysis, the Occurrence ranking table given in Appendices, and on:
• feedback and knowledge in the case of a solution based on basic solution elements that are
already known and implemented (as in the case of improvements or innovations)
• experience gained in the case of inventions, during design, through mock-up creation, testing,
design of experiments, durability testing conducted in an environment that represents mass
production of the vehicle.
Process FMEA: the Occurrence index should be estimated based on Prevention actions which
were identified during analysis, the Occurrence ranking table given in Appendices, and on:
o process dispersion related to a characteristic when the manufacturing process has already
been implemented in a similar context,
o P1 is estimated for each product cause-mode pair: it takes into account the impact of each
process cause on the product cause.
• and, probability P2/1 for appearance of the potential failure mode (same for Design FMEA)
- Detection index D:
• it corresponds to the probability that the product cause (and/or mode) that is supposed to have
appeared affects task n+1:
o In the Design FMEA, it is inferred from the risk percentage that is estimated during product
design that a product characteristic, which may lead to a potential failure, has not been
identified and intercepted before affecting Product/Process design task N+1.
o In the Process FMEA, it is inferred from the risk percentage that is estimated during
manufacturing process design that a manufactured product characteristic that is not in
compliance with the drawing, has not been identified and intercepted before delivery to the
manufacturing sector following the studied process.
D is estimated for every product cause-mode pair and takes into account the impact of
each process Detection on process causes (if such Detection exists).
Design FMEA: the Detection index should be estimated based on Detection actions which were
identified during analysis, the Detection ranking table given in Appendices; and on:
Process FMEA: the Detection index should be estimated based on Detection actions which were
identified during analysis, the Detection ranking table given in Appendices; and on:
• Note: detection encompasses a larger area than inspection (a 100% inspection may prove to
be entirely ineffective in terms of detection. E.g.: 100% functional inspection to detect a failure
mode that appears over time, after 100 000 kms/5 years).
- Design and Process FMEA: ranking varies from 1 to 10; see appendix 4.
Note 1: during evaluation, it is very important to define ranking values related to Severity, Occurrence
and Detection up to the most precise value; however, in case doubt exists between the 2 values (e.g.:
doubt between S = 7 or S = 8), the higher value must be considered so as to prioritise the protection of
the customer / user of the product.
Note 2: a common error is to assume that because a phenomenon is not going to occur, the Severity
to be associated with it must be low: do not confuse failure criticality indicated by the Risk
Priority Number (RPN) with the Severity level indicated by S.
Note 3: as regards evaluating P2/1, this probability is always of interest: it contributes to the
evaluation of the Occurrence index O, up to the most precise value. It may so happen that a
Note 4: The robustness of product design is a quality of product definition that is applied to the
technical drawing. This makes it more or less sensitive to non-compliance that appears during
manufacturing. If the characteristic is within the tolerance, no failure mode will appear.
- for a so-called robust solution, even if the characteristic exceeds the tolerance, no failure
mode will appear before deviating for example from 1x, 2x, 3x, Nx, etc. the tolerance. In this
case, it can be said that the product definition that is applied to the drawing is robust since
Non-Compliance does not lead to a failure mode. In this case, the opportunity to increase the
tolerance value might have to be examined. In FMEA (product and process alike), in this case,
if the potential cause of failure appears but does not lead to the failure mode: P2/1 is
considered to tend towards 0.
- conversely, if we imagine that as soon as a characteristic exits the tolerance, the failure mode
appears, this would mean that the tolerance value is at the maximum. This could also mean
that the product definition applied to the drawing is very sensitive to Non-Compliance. In the
FMEA (product and process alike), in this case, if the potential cause of failure appears, it
immediately leads to the failure mode: P2/1 is considered to tend towards 1.
Note 5: certain design controls may have an incident that simultaneously occurs on the Occurrence
index and the Detection index. Take these cases into consideration when evaluating O and D. E.g.:
• in the Design FMEA, a chain of dimensions may lower the Occurrence index so as to
have dimensions that do not cause interference between the parts and the
mechanism. It is also made up of theoretical Detection that is efficient in finding the
interference risk.
• in the Process FMEA, simulation of plastic part injection to ensure no areas on the
injected part are free from materials will enable similar action to be taken on the
Occurrence of these areas without material appearing and their Detection.
Every time "potential effect of failure, potential failure mode, potential cause of failure and Detection"
are associated, multiply the 3 ranking values: Severity, Occurrence and Detection.
The result is the Risk Priority Number that is also called Criticality.
RPN = S x O x D.
Evaluation is assessed by the members of the group based on databases and by default, on their
knowledge and experience.
Probabilities P1, P2/1, P3, ranking values and RPN are saved and kept on analysis sheets.
4.3.4. Classification
To obtain an overall image of the level of risk of the studied system, the RPNs are represented in the
form of a bar graph.
This representation makes it easier to follow up improvements that will be made later.
1 to 4
9 and 10
1 1000
36 50 100
Figure 6
The purpose of this decision is to implement everything that would make it possible to:
- meet objectives related to compliance, quality, reliability, durability (refer to the FMEA summary
Corrective actions are undertaken for all RPNs that exceed the threshold set by this standard.
Product and process RPN > 36 when S = 9 and 10
RPN > 50 when S = 5 to 8
RPN > 100 when S = 1 to 4
- Acting on O as priority in such a way that the potential failure does not occur (Prevention is
better than cure).
P2/1 Increase robustness of the product design: the solution should not be very sensitive to
variations in tolerances or add redundancy, etc.
P1 & P2/1 Combine both actions
D Secondly, act on detection only if needed.
Set up or improve Detection (calculations, chain of dimensions accompanied by a review of
dispersions, digital simulation that is correlated with physical tests, design of experiments,
application of Technical Dept rules, constraint/resistance diagram, recommendation from an
expert, producing prototypes, representative durability tests: vehicle, unit or component, in
the laboratory, on the bench or in the vehicle, etc.).
Note: in complex scenarios, set up progression that goes from the theoretical to the physical
as regards Detection. Vehicle or unit testing is only planned to demonstrate compliance.
Example 1 for progressive Detection:
1. dimensioning calculations
2. chains of dimensions
3. drawing review
4. digital simulation
5. mock-up creation
6. physical prototype that is representative of mass production or not
7. unit testing, destructive testing, etc.
8. vehicle testing
Example 2 for progressive Detection:
1. digital simulation
2. recommendations from technical departments and experts
3. physical prototype
NOTE: In complex and exceptional scenarios, when the result can only be obtained with
components made during a process that is representative of mass production, the result will
be planned in accordance with the project milestone.
- If a choice has to be made between 2 solutions having the same predicted level of quality, opt for
the less costly one while taking into consideration investment and operation.
Solution S O D RPN
A 1 1 1 1
P2/1 = 1 ; P1 = 0 P3 = 0
B 7 10 1 70
P2/1 = 1 ; P1 = 0.3 P3 = 0
C 7 1 10 70
P2/1 = 1 ; P1 = 0 P3 = 1
Solution A: Isn’t the solution too robust? Why plan 100% effective Detection for a failure that has very
low probability and has no impact on the customer / user of the product?
Solution B: manufacturing the product with non-compliance estimated at 30% and 100% efficient
Detection (no potential non-compliance will affect task n+1).
Solution C: manufacturing the product with 100% compliance and no planned Detection.
With regard to predicted quality where there is equivalence between B and C, only a business study
that considers operational investment and operating cost must make it possible to select the most
economic solution without forgetting the risk to the customer / user of the product.
For all corrective actions that have been decided upon, an action plan needs to be formalised
on the analysis sheet:
- Write down measures that are recommended to reduce the RPN (act on P1 and/or P2/1 and/or P3).
- Write down the name of the person in charge of the action (his/her department) and the date on
which the studied corrective solution is presented.
Action plan
Recommended Manager
measure Technical dept
Target Completion Date
Recommended measure Technical dept
Completion Date
RPN Manager
Recommended measure Technical dept
Completion Date
Important point: The RPN must not be re-evaluated at this stage but at stage 5.
The FMEA group can estimate the potential gain in relation to the RPN threshold to be reached by
considering that the action plan will be implemented with positive results. However, at this stage in
FMEA progress, do not place expected results in the “Measure taken” column: the action that
is actually taken is not yet known.
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Looking for corrective solutions is generally carried out outside the FMEA group, especially when
major modifications must be made to the product and process. However, it may be outlined within the
FMEA group.
From the action plan drawn up at the previous stage, the designated manager makes sure that
resources are used to construct and formalise corrective solutions; examples:
Corrective solutions must be constructed and formalised in order to be presented to the FMEA
group at stage 5.
Follow up consists in analysing and evaluating the proposed corrective solutions (figure 7), as given
previously (§ 4.2. and 4.3.).
Looking for
corrective solutions
Stage 4
> threshold
≤ threshold
Stage 6
Figure 7 - Procedure
This stage in which potential failures are corrected continues until all RPNs at risk reach a level that is
lower than the set thresholds (figure 8).
Number of
Initial Follow- Follow- Milestone
state up 1 up n
Corrective solutions that were validated during the follow-up are applied.
- ...
Figure 9
Checking ensures that the objectives that were set when the "summary sheet" was drawn up are met.
It is carried out on 2 occasions, for Purchased Parts and Internally Worked Parts:
1- During the design phase, at every quality review at milestones and especially:
• for the Design FMEA: at TGA/RO/IOD ; risks must be cleared (stage 7) for this milestone.
in order to ensure that the corrective actions are in place and effective ; risks must be cleared
(stage 7) for these milestones.
2- During mass production phase, to estimate the efficiency of the FMEA study in relation to
failures proven during manufacturing and at the customer-site. Verification on the basis of a diagnosis grid at the time of every quality review at milestones
- confirm with measurements, every time it is possible, hypotheses accepted during provisional
For example: implement capability of the facility to determine the actual P1 level, check the accuracy
of the chain of dimensions and related calculations, check flow time, in-process materials, etc.
Note: The group takes ownership of the FMEA. Every member must comply with FMEA
commitments and modifications made to the FMEA file must be a result of a concerted effort.
Results of the check are recorded in a summary note that is attached to the FMEA file. It is a part of
the Quality Assurance file.
When one project milestone goes to the next one, a diagnosis (see appendix 6) is strongly
recommended so that FMEA compliance can be attested in relation to the present standard (or in
relation to a standard that is deemed to have equivalence: at this stage, formalise deviations with
regard to the criteria used for clearing risks and criteria in the RENAULT standard).
The requestor of the study, or the decision-maker if needed, decides on the end of the FMEA and
clearing risks by signing the summary sheet after checking the results presented by the group.
At the milestone where risks should be cleared (stage 7), 2 cases appear:
• Case 1: if all RPN are lower than the thresholds: the requestor signs the summary sheet so
as to close the forecast study after having checked whether all potential risks have been
cleared (no RPN exceeds threshold); evidence is based on facts.
• Case 2: if certain RPN exceed thresholds: the decision-maker (project team) must be
informed about the potential risks that have not been cleared or that cannot be cleared by the
FMEA team contingent on proof of confidence provided by the FMEA team (level to which a
risk has been cleared, proof presented) and project issues. This will help him/her make
recommendations as regards continuing the project:
- During manufacturing: the FMEA file is included as a part of the process audit repository.
On the one hand, the sustainability of corrective actions can be checked and on the other hand,
effectiveness of the FMEA study, by comparing the deviation between potential failures and
failures proven on the process.
- that can be used for future projects (as is or to provide additional information),
- that can be used when the product or process undergoes changes (phase II, increase in the
number of production centres, etc.),
The FMEA standard is reviewed on a regular basis in order to include changes made to Company
requirements and strategy.
The FMEA study must be archived in a place where it can be accessed for future use (examples:
intranet, BMIR, IG database, E-Room, etc.). It constitutes one of the elements that contribute towards
proving that the designed product is reliable.
In addition to this, a FMEA file must be compiled and archived in paper or electronic format and will
include the following:
P Weeks
N Forecast
I Completed
G Key Meeting: M Follow up: F Check: C Milestone date: Mil
stages 2 and 3 stage 5 stage 7
Initial Follow up Number of RPN > threshold
E S 9 to 10:
P RPN RPN > 36
S 5 to 8:
T No. RPN > 50 Dates
S 1 to 4:
RPN > 100 Initial state Follow-up 1 Follow-up n Milestone
Archive location:
Appendix 2: normative: Listing source data and functional analysis to be carried out
1 2 3 4 5
References :
Function Potential failure Design Controls Action plan
No. and/or Effect Mode Cause Prevention Detection S O D RPN Recom- Manager. Result
mended Dept.
process Customer Disturbed (P2/1) (P1) (P3) measures Target Action S O D RPN
consequence function Completi taken
on Date
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. Product name
2. Specify: Design, Process or Flow FMEA
3. Names of FMEA participants and coordinator
4. Source dates, and dates on which changes were made to the document
5. Page no.
6. N°. which helps locate the line for each potenti al cause of failure
7. Studied functions (Design FMEA) or descriptions of manufacturing operations (Process FMEA) or flow
management points (flow FMEA)
8. Disturbed function and consequences for the customer / user of the product or manufacturing/assembly
9. Potential failure mode: states the manner in which the system no longer functions.
Also write down the probability value in this column: P 2/1.
10. Potential cause of failure relative to the product: initial anomaly that may produce the potential failure
The causal chain is the cascade of events that is of importance when the product-cause appears.
Also write down the probability value in this column: P 1.
11. Prevention control: provisions planned in order to prevent the cause or mode from occurring
12. Detection control: planned provisions for preventing the cause (and/or mode) that may appear from
affecting task n+1. Also write down probability value P3 in this column.
13. Quantify indexes related to Severity, Occurrence and Detection on the basis of ranking tables and
calculate criticality level (RPN):
• S: Severity index: see Severity ranking.
• O: Occurrence index: see Occurrence ranking and see product of probabilities P1 x P2/1.
• D: Detection index: see Detection ranking and see probability P3
• RPN = S x O x D
14. Write down the measures that are planned to reduce the RPN (act on P1 and/or P2/1 and/or P3).
15. Name of the person in charge of the action and the Target Completion Date for presenting the
proposed corrective solution.
16. Record of the corrective measure presented at the time of analysis and evaluation (stage 5).
17. Calculation of the new RPN after the proposed corrective solution has been analysed and evaluated.
the customer
perceived by
1 equipments performance.
The defect, which the customer considers The failure leads to a very minor
Minor defect leading
to product approval
driving comfort; the cost of repair is very performance.
low and can wait until standard service.
The defect, which the customer considers The failure leads to minor deterioration in
to be minor, leads to a defect impacting the vehicle or equipments performance.
driving comfort; the cost of repair is low and
can wait until standard service.
The customer considers the defect to be The failure leads to major deterioration in
Major defect leading to a
5 major; repair that does not cost much must vehicle or equipments performance.
loss of performance
vehicle with the possibility of delaying the impossible to use the vehicle (e.g.: "very
stop; the customer can no longer rely on loud noise"), but the customer could use
loss of
The extreme nature of the consequences Disturbed function leads to non-compliance
as regards the customer / users of the with regulations or with an EIC-PS
10 vehicle is relative to individuals’ safety (Undesirable Customer Event that is
safety and/or to non-compliance with “Potentially related to Safety”), without
regulations. warning .
- A change is perceived and is considered abnormal by one of the senses or unusual behaviour is
noticed, the nature of which and/or intensity and/or development will be perceived without a doubt
by most customer / users of the product/manufacturing/assembly as an anomaly that is likely to
become a more serious undesirable event;
- This anomaly must encourage the customer to decide upon the appropriate instinctive action ,
in a reasonable frame of time that will allow the customer to execute this action for the safety of
all users;
- The time it takes for the undesirable event to appear must be long enough;
- The time it takes for a more serious undesirable event to appear is given a value. The
reproducible aspect of the warning is validated either by simulation or by physical tests, etc.
this implies that the designer would have identified beforehand the "appropriate instinctive”
reactions that the customer would naturally adopt when a warning is noticed.
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Examples of warning, as information only, to evaluate the Severity of the effect on the customer /
user of the product:
Sight oil leakage / smoke that the customer / user can see, warning light on the dashboard, misaligned
steering wheel, etc.
Touch vibration perceptible in steering wheel/pedals, abnormal gearshift lever oscillation, hot point, etc.
Smell odours related to heat/fuel inside the cabin, etc.
Hearing sound alert from the on-board computer, loud metal on metal sounds (e.g.: loose link that will not
break in the short term), clanking/squeaking, etc.
Unusual cold starting the vehicle becomes more and more difficult, right/left play on the wheel, degraded
behaviour straight-ahead ability, erratic acceleration noticed, no response to a command or unusual
response, etc.
For information purposes: table of equivalence between FMEA, HCPP and NISSAN Grade severities:
Note: FMEA Severities 1 and 2 correspond to HCCP Severity class 4 when the latter is used.
Examples of warning indicators, as information only, to evaluate the Severity of the effect product
non-compliance has on manufacturing/assembly:
Sight oil leakage / smoke that the manufacturing/assembly personnel can see, warning light on the
console, rotating light activated, etc.
Touch unusual vibration, hot point, etc.
Smell heat-related odours, chemical odours, etc.
Hearing console sound alert, loud metal on metal sounds (e.g.: loose link that will not break in the short
term), clanking/squeaking, air leak from HP pipe, etc.
Behaviour robot stops in unusual position, etc.
Note: for every potential failure where an effect on manufacturing/assembly is mentioned, the
effect on the customer / user of the product will have to be mentioned and must appear
in the FMEA. Risks must be cleared in both cases.
Design and Process FMEA – Severity Index S (summary table provided for information purposes)
Severity Criteria to be used in Design and Process FMEA: Criteria to be used only in the Process FMEA:
Effect on the customer / user of the Disturbed product service function Effect that product non-compliance has on manufacturing/assembly
The customer does not notice the defect. No obvious deterioration in vehicle or Product non-compliance leads to, at the most, a minor problem related to operation or for the operator.
tolerated or
equipments performance.
by the
D The customer tolerates the defect. No obvious deterioration in vehicle or Product non-compliance leads to minor facility failure; no noticeable deterioration of material: as
or equipments performance. information, Repair Time < 3 min.
2 4
E Production sequence is not disrupted.
E Products may be reworked on the line and at the workstation (less than 100% of production); no scrap
The defect, which the customer The failure leads to a very minor Non-compliant products may be reworked on the line but not at the workstation (less than 100% of
product approval comfort
Minor defect leading to a
3 D The defect, which the customer The failure leads to minor deterioration in Non-compliance of the product leads to average facility failure. This requires short-term repair work of the
considers to be minor, leads to a defect vehicle or equipments performance. facility. For information: 3 min < Repair Time < 20 min.
impacting the driving comfort; the cost of Production sequence is slightly disrupted.
repair is low and can wait until standard Non-compliant products must be sorted. No scrap. A part (less than 100% of production) is reworked on
service. the line but not at the workstation.
Loss of production is negligible.
The customer considers the defect to be The failure leads to major deterioration in 100% of production must be reworked, or the vehicle/unit must be repaired off line but is not sent to the
Major defect leading to a
major; repair that does not cost much vehicle or equipments performance. repair workshop.
loss of performance
vehicle with the possibility of delaying the makes it impossible to use the vehicle repair workshop; the time taken for repair will be between half an hour and one hour.
loss of confidence
7 B2 stop; the customer can no longer rely on (e.g.: "very loud noise"), but the
the vehicle. customer could use the vehicle in
complete safety.
1 The failure immediately leads to an off- The failure makes it impossible to use Product non-compliance leads to serious facility failure or significant damages to material. For
road breakdown (the customer cannot the vehicle: e.g.: "does not start", information: 60 min < Repair Time < 180 min.
delay the stop while driving). "stopping the engine while driving”. Production sequence is severely disrupted.
8 B1
100% of production is scrapped or the vehicle/unit must be repaired in the repair workshop; the time
taken for repair is greater than one hour.
Loss of production is significant.
The extreme nature of the consequences Disturbed function leads to non- Product non-compliance leads to critical failure of the facility. This requires Repair Time > 180 min.
as regards the customer / users of the compliance with regulations or with an The potential failure of the product may endanger manufacturing and maintenance personnel; with
related to safety
warning (1). ?
© RENAULT 2011
RENAULT 01 - 33 - 200 / - - C
• Proven and compliant reliability technical solution and under 10.10 [
• Defined characteristics control
2 • To a large extent known and robust To a large extent known, [10.10 à
solution integrated with the technical 100.10 [
It is not very probable that the margin, which can appear low.
product-cause will lead to failure Controlled Dispersion of production that
mode. is significantly low in relation to
Tolerance, but exceptional random
4 Technical solution that is Moderate probability of having a non- [500.10 à
moderately sensitive to the compliant product characteristic. 1 000.10 [
5 dispersion of product [1 000.10 à
characteristics. Controlled process or procedure that is 2 000.10 [
6 occasionally unstable. -6
[2 000.10 à
It is fairly probable that the product- Controlled Dispersion of production but -6
5 000.10 [
cause will lead to failure mode. risk of unexpected drift.
7 Technical solution that is very High probability of having a non- [5 000.10 à
sensitive to the dispersion of compliant product characteristic 10 000.10 [
8 product characteristics. [10 000.10 à
Partially controlled process or 20 000.10 [
It is very probable that the product- procedure.
cause will lead to failure mode. Dispersion of production that is partially
controlled and high in relation to
9 Technical solution that is directly Very high probability of having a non- [20 000.10 à
influenced by dispersions of compliant product characteristic: 50 000.10 [
10 product characteristics: [50 000.10 à
Very high
P2/1 tends towards 1 P1 tends towards 1 100 000.10 ]
It is practically certain that the Uncontrolled or unstable process or
product-cause will lead to failure procedure.
mode. Dispersion of uncontrolled production
that is significantly high in relation to
Note: depending on the analysis ratio as regards qualitative evaluation, take the highest corresponding
O index. As regards quantitative evaluation, take the corresponding O index.
To estimate the Occurrence index O in the Process FMEA, the indicative values given below can also
be used:
*for centered distribution only: in that case, mean of the sample equals to nominal value.
Detection is the action planned in order to prevent the potential cause and/or Probability
D failure mode that is supposed to have appeared from affecting task N+1. P3
1 No potential failure will affect task n+1. [0 à 0,1%[
• the product validation process is complete and appropriate as regards S/R
(Safety/Regulation) requirements
• tests related to the component, system, unit, vehicle, etc. are representative of
usage by customers and the product is representative of mass production
• opinions of Technical experts are convergent
• sequence of planned Detection is optimal (calculation, simulation, prototypes,
2 It is not very probable that a potential failure affects task n+1. [0,1 à 0,2%[
• the product validation process is complete and appropriate to a large extent as
regards S/R requirements
• tests related to the component, system, unit, vehicle, etc. are representative of
3 usage [0,2 à 0,3%[
• digital simulation or calculation methods are tested (constraint-resistance
diagram, etc.)
• provisions taken are in compliance with Technical department standards
• the sequence of Detections is practically optimal, etc.
4 It is slightly probable that a potential failure affects task n+1. [0,3 à 0,5%[
• the product validation process is partial and does not integrate all variables as
regards S/R requirements
5 • tests related to the component, system, unit, vehicle, etc are partially [0,5 à 1%[
representative of usage (all elements related to the environment are not
• digital simulation or calculation methods are partial (dynamic aspects, chain of
6 dimensions in 1 dimension instead of 2 dimensions, etc. not considered) [1 à 2%[
• the Technical department standard does not integrate all parameters
• the sequence of planned Detection is partial, etc.
7 It is fairly probable that a potential failure affects task n+1. [2 à 3%[
• the product validation process is not very appropriate as regards S/R
8 • tests related to the component, system, unit, vehicle, etc are not really [3 à 5%[
representative of usage (no integration from the environment, etc.)
• calculation or digital simulation is not totally appropriate (in nominal
configuration, etc.)
• drawing review, etc.
9 It is highly probable that a potential failure affects task n+1. [5 à 10%[
• the product validation process is not appropriate as regards S/R requirements or
it is not planned at all
10 • tests related to the component, system, unit, vehicle, etc. are not representative [10 à 100%]
• calculations or digital simulations are not appropriate or are not planned
• detection is not planned or is not effective
Detection is the action planned in order to prevent the potential cause and/or P3
D failure mode that is supposed to have appeared from affecting task N+1.
The failure has a very low probability of affecting task N+1: P3 => 0 [0 à 0,1%[
1 The different inspection procedures or the events that make it impossible to continue
the manufacturing or assembly process can be expected to detect the failure with
• 100% automatic inspection + process for calibration and isolating non-compliance
in an efficient manner
• POKA-YOKE, where it is absolutely impossible to continue the manufacturing
• functional characteristic that is obviously detectable (no steering wheel, vehicle
non-ignition, etc.)
2 The failure has a low probability of affecting task N+1: [0,1 à 0,2%[
The different inspection procedures or the events that make it impossible to continue
the manufacturing or assembly process can probably be expected to detect the failure.
3 • statistical product or process control + maintenance plan of the installation [0,2 à 0,3%[
• simple unit inspection by an operator
• the nature of the impossibility to make the assembly can let a few failures pass
• the fault locator may let a few failures pass, etc.
4 The failure has a moderate probability of affecting task N+1: [0,3 à 0,5%[
5 The different inspection procedures or the events that make it impossible to continue [0,5 à 1%[
6 the manufacturing or assembly process do not detect the failure effectively. [1 à 2%[
• inspection with an appropriate frequency, with production monitoring.
• 100% manual inspection where Detection is difficult (measure, appearance, etc.).
• the manufacturing or assembly process allows defects to pass rather easily, etc.
7 The failure has a high probability of affecting task N+1: [2 à 3%[
The different inspection procedures or the events that make it impossible to continue
the manufacturing or assembly process do not detect the failure.
• control by sampling, incorrectly adapted
8 [3 à 5%[
• subjective control of the non-compliant characteristic
• non-conformity that cannot be easily detected
• ineffective detection: inspection might work correctly, but non-compliant parts run
the risk of being mixed with compliant parts, etc.
9 The failure has a very high probability of affecting task N+1: P3 => 1 [5 à 10%[
The defect is not detected during manufacturing, assembly or control.
• detection deals with a potential failure mode, which affects the life cycle of the
10 component (mode cannot be detected at 0 km) [10 à 100%]
• the defect cannot be detected easily (incomplete electrical connection, visual
inspection in a difficult environment, etc.)
• the characteristic that is considered to be non-compliant is not controlled
• the non-compliant characteristic that is controlled is not identified as being non-
The FLOW FMEA is designed in the same way as the Design and Process FMEA.
The most significant differences are defined below. Supplementary information to the FMEA standard is
In the flow FMEA, the manufacturer and central production departments (DLI) (see below) are the
Detection is the action planned in order to prevent the cause (and/or mode) from affecting the manufacturer
and the Industrial Logistics Department.
Flow FMEA: Ranking varies from 1 to 4 for O and D and from 1 to 5 for S (see below).
To obtain an overall image of the level of risk of the studied system, the RPNs are represented in the
form of a bar graph.
Severity S
1 to 4
1 80
5 16
Threshold Threshold
Compile a file and archive it, in paper or electronic format. It will include the following:
Summary sheet. X
Data from the studied subject and modifications:
- operating modes. X
Functional analysis:
- study on functions, X
- flows diagram. X
Sheets related to analyses, evaluation and corrective actions. X
Summary notes. X
Ranking tables
(1) The loss of volume % and vehicles-in-cycle indicator are to be defined at the beginning of the
FMEA by the manufacturer and the Central Production Department (DPLI).
Occurrence index O:
Detection index D:
Probability P3 where the cause or mode may affect a downstream Manufacturing sector
D Practical provision
P3 Flow level measure Alert Reactivity Measur
1 Effective detection YES YES YES YES
P3 tends towards 0
2 Moderately effective YES YES YES NO
3 Slightly effective YES YES NO NO
P3 tends towards 1
Detection is ineffective or no Detection
2 In relation to planned limits, the processed perimeter is complete:
Design FMEA: - functions
- components
- product characteristics, etc. are integrated
5 The Renault evaluation table is used or the ranking table that is
applied is correlated:
- The Severity (S) index is adapted to the customer / user-effect
- Occurrence index (O):
• cause-mode pairs are evaluated
- Detection index
• all Detection is evaluated
8 Potential failures are cleared:
1. a summary report certifies whether the corrective solutions that
have been set up and are effective
2. when the FMEA requestor signs at the bottom of the summary
sheet, s/he certifies that the potential failures have been cleared
K - 0 Design FMEA study accepted
2 In relation to planned limits, the processed perimeter is complete:
Process FMEA: - operations, inter-operations
- planned rework
- device for inspection, etc. are analysed
5 The Renault ranking is used or the ranking table that is applied is
- the effect on the customer / user of the product has to be indicated;
manufacturing/assembly effect on the customer may be indicated
- in both cases, the Severity index S is adapted to the customer-effect
- Occurrence index (O):
• cause-mode pairs are evaluated
• P1 probabilities (and P2/1, preferably) are put forward
- Detection index (D):
• all Detection is evaluated
• P3 probabilities are put forward preferably
- all RPNs are calculated
K - 0 Process FMEA study accepted