Materials and Techniques Used For The "Vienna Moamin": Multianalytical Investigation of A Book About Hunting With Falcons From The Thirteenth Century
Materials and Techniques Used For The "Vienna Moamin": Multianalytical Investigation of A Book About Hunting With Falcons From The Thirteenth Century
Materials and Techniques Used For The "Vienna Moamin": Multianalytical Investigation of A Book About Hunting With Falcons From The Thirteenth Century
A multianalytical approach was used to characterize the materials in the “Vienna Moamin”, an outstanding richly
illustrated manuscript from the late thirteenth century, which was made in Italy and is now kept in the Kunsthis-
torisches Museum Wien. The investigations were carried out with a non-invasive approach by using complemen-
tary techniques, such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF), reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (rFTIR), Raman
spectroscopy, and fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS). In addition, XRF scans were performed in two areas
which yielded chemical maps showing the elemental distribution. The results revealed that typical materials from the
medieval times were applied for the manuscript. Calcium carbonate on the parchment surface indicated a dehairing
process with lime and/or whitening with chalk. Two different iron gall inks were detected in the main text and mar-
ginal notes, and vermilion was used for rubrication. The color palette included azurite, a green colorant composed of
orpiment and indigo, yellow ochre, brown iron oxide pigments, minium, vermilion, brazilwood lake, and carbon black.
Moreover, mosaic gold was detected in gold-beige hues. Lead white was identified for white areas and fine decora-
tion lines, as well as in mixture with blue and red pigments for light color shades. No reliable information could be
obtained concerning the binding media. Two differing application techniques for gold leaf were detected, which cor-
respond with stylistic differences: either on gypsum or chalk preparation layers. Furthermore, calcium soap contents in
certain colors were determined only on one folio with unique characteristics. The XRF scans of two historiated initials
revealed that similar materials were applied in both cases and provided further valuable information about the paint-
ing technique. The results obtained enabled to gain insights into Italian thirteenth century manuscript production
techniques and to characterize the used materials. The investigations showed the importance of scanning XRF for the
elucidation of painting techniques, but also the demand of scanning devices utilizing compound specific analytical
techniques such as rFTIR.
Keywords: Illuminated manuscripts, Non-invasive, Material analyses, Painting technique, Scanning XRF, Reflection
FTIR, Raman, FORS, Mosaic gold, Brazilwood lake
In the year 1240 Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen
(1194–1250), a great enthusiast of falconry and author
of an unrivalled treatise on the subject, “De arte venandi
cum avibus”, ordered the translation into Latin of an
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Institute of Science and Technology in Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
Arabic treatise based on texts of the eighth and ninth
Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria century. His court philosopher Theodore of Antioch
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Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 2 of 17
thus compiled the “Liber Moamin falconarii de scientia However, it is not as simple in practice. An unambiguous
venandi per aves et quadrupedes” (The Book of Falconer attribution requires ideally complete data sets contain-
Moamin on the Art of Hunting with Birds and Quadru- ing the chemical and historical information about local
peds), which was personally revised by Frederick II dur- workshops/persons over long time periods, which may
ing the siege of Faenza [1]. The Latin text became famous serve as references for the particular styles. For this rea-
and was copied multiple times, and it was also trans- son, one aim of the Centre of Image and Material Analy-
lated into Neapolitan, Tuscan and Franco-Italian [2]. The sis in Cultural Heritage in Vienna (CIMA) [6] is to build
“Vienna Moamin”, a luxury volume for a high ranking corresponding databases as complete as possible and to
person, is one of the 29 surviving Latin copies, and dates link it with other institutions in a further step.
back to circa 1300. At the middle of the fifteenth century To the best of our knowledge, only few chemical data
it was in Hungary, in the hands of Janos Rozgonyi, mem- has been published concerning the materials in late thir-
ber of the royal court, before being acquired by a Vien- teenth century manuscripts from Italy [7]. Hence, the
nese humanist and physician, Johannes Fuxmagen who results reported in this study may add to the knowledge
wrote his name in the volume. At the beginning of the about medieval manuscript production and provide ref-
sixteenth century the manuscript was part of the collec- erence data for the attribution of other manuscripts.
tion of Emperor Maximilian I (1459–1519), a passionate Some obstacles which may complicate an attribution, e.g.
hunter himself, and later on it passed to Archduke Ferdi- the contribution of multiple artists, have been mentioned
nand II. of Tyrol (1529–1595) [2]. It is nowadays kept in by Trentelman and Turner [8] and will be addressed as
the Imperial Armoury (Hofjagd- und Rüstkammer), Kun- well in the present study. Moreover, the strengths and
sthistorisches Museum Wien (Inv. No. K4984). The man- weaknesses of the applied analytical techniques will be
uscript was made in central or southern Italy by presently discussed. Particular attention will be given to XRF scan-
unknown artists and consists of 54 parchment folios with ning, which has been increasingly used in combination
single column text and 101 historiated initials. Interest- with other techniques for the study of manuscripts in the
ingly, instructions in Italian for the illuminator were writ- last years [9–12].
ten in the margins and have survived for the most part,
giving an insight into the creation of the scenes [3]. As an Experimental
example, folio 47 verso is presented in Fig. 1. The parch- During two measurement campaigns the Vienna Moamin
ment and the text of the manuscript are relatively well was investigated at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
preserved. The same accounts for the majority of the illu- (2017) and the conservation workshop of the Collection
minations, although delamination of gold leaf and local- of Arms and Armour, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
ized paint losses occurred frequently. Extensive media (2018) by using mobile equipment for completely non-
loss must be observed only on few folios, including folio invasive analyses. The applied techniques were X-ray flu-
1r which was investigated in this study. It represents a orescence (XRF), Raman spectroscopy, reflection Fourier
document of high cultural and historical significance, transform infrared spectroscopy (rFTIR), and fiber optic
which contains an in-depth treatment of the species of reflectance spectroscopy (FORS).
birds of prey used in falconry and the medical treatment During the analyses the manuscript was placed hori-
of their illnesses, as well as those of hunting dogs. A real zontally on a lifting platform, which was used for adjust-
gold and a standard facsimile edition have been brought ing the measuring position and distance. A felt below
out recently [4]. Moreover, a commentary volume includ- the lifting platform facilitated its horizontal movement.
ing codicological information is presently in press [5]. The instruments were mounted either on a tripod for the
Progresses in the design of mobile analytical instru- XRF and Raman analyses, or a tetrapod in case of rFTIR
ments, which enable to characterize materials in manu- and FORS as shown in Fig. 2. The tetrapod provides
scripts non-invasively in libraries and museums, led to maximum stability, particularly if the rFTIR instrument
an increased collaboration between natural sciences and weighing ca. 8 kg is mounted, and can be disassembled
the humanities, particularly material sciences and phi- for easy transport.
lology. A common interest concerns the question if the Prior to the analyses, 21 folios were chosen after vis-
results from material analyses can be used to attribute ual inspection of the manuscript with the intention to
manuscripts to particular authors or workshops. This cover as many analytical questions regarding materials
seems basically possible, as the materials in medieval and techniques as possible. Due to the limited access
times often contained impurities or characteristic trace to the manuscript, not all measurement points were
elements. Moreover, the application techniques were not analyzed by all methods available. The analyzed folios
standardized and specific practices of certain workshops are listed in Table 1. In total 186 measurement points
could provide useful information for an attribution. (mp) were analyzed. XRF was applied on 21 folios (171
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 3 of 17
Fig. 1 Visible light image of folio 47v in the Vienna Moamin (thirteenth century)
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Fig. 2 FORS analyses of the Vienna Moamin. A lifting platform was used for the adjustment of the measuring position and the adequate distance.
The fiber optic probe was mounted on a tetrapod, which also served to mount the rFTIR instrument
XRF × × × × × × × × × × ×
rFTIR × × × × ×
Raman × × × × × ×
FORS × × ×
XRF scanning ×
Technique Folio
35r 37r 37v 44v 47v 48v 49r 49v 51v 52r
XRF × × × × × × × × × ×
rFTIR × × × × ×
Raman × × × × ×
FORS × ×
XRF scanning ×
mp), rFTIR on 10 folios (66 mp), Raman on 11 folios XRF single point measurements
(36 mp), and FORS on 5 folios (19 mp). XRF scanning The manuscript was examined with a spectrometer Type
was performed on folios 10v and 47v. ELIO (XGLab S.R.L./Bruker Nano Analytics, Milano,
Images of folios 1r, 10v, 19r, 37r, and 47v which also Italy). It consists of a 4 Watt X-ray rhodium (Rh) tube and
show the analyzed points are provided in Additional a silicon drift chamber detector (SDD) with a resolution
files 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. of 155 eV and an active area of 25 m m2. The measuring
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 5 of 17
geometry is 0°/63.5° with an X-ray spot of 1 mm diam- detector. The spot size was 50 µm and spectra were col-
eter. The excitation voltage was set to 40 kV with a tube lected in the range between 3000 and 100 cm−1 with a
current of 60 µA, and the acquisition time was 60 s. The resolution of 8 cm−1. RamanReader data collection soft-
system was operated with software version, ware was applied to operate the system and the spectra
which was also used for the evaluation of the data. obtained were compared to reference spectra from the
collection of samples by using Opus 7.5.
XRF scanning
Two historiated initials were scanned by using the ELIO Fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS)
spectrometer in steps of 0.5 mm in x and y direction and FORS analyses were conducted using a spectrometer
an acquisition time of 2 s per measurement point (mp). MSP400 (J&M Analytik AG, Aalen, Germany) equipped
The excitation voltage was set to 40 kV with a tube cur- with a halogen lamp, a 244 diode array detector, and
rent of 100 µA. Two elemental maps were captured quartz fiber optics. The self-built probe [15] has a 0°/45°
on folios 10v and 47v, which consisted of 40 × 60 mps measuring geometry and a collimator enables a spot
(scanning time 80 min) and 85 × 85 mps (scanning time diameter of 1.5 mm (see Additional file 6). Reflectance
240 min). The software includes a mapping application, spectra were collected either in the range between 380
which allows a manual definition of the keV range for the and 900 nm or 320 and 1147 nm. The spectrometer was
elements to be mapped. operated utilizing TidasDAQ3 software. Additionally,
Panorama 4.0 software was used for spectra evaluation by
rFTIR comparison to a database with spectra obtained in mate-
A spectrometer Alpha (Bruker Optics, Ettlingen, Ger- rials from the collection of samples mentioned above.
many) equipped with a DTGS detector and a module for
external reflection was available for the rFTIR measure- Results and discussion
ments. An image of the IR spot obtained by an Osiris Materials used to make the Vienna Moamin
camera for infrared reflectography (Opus Instruments, A summary of the basic materials used by the scribes and
Norwich, UK) showed that it covers ~ 5 mm (roughly illuminators for the Vienna Moamin including the results
circular), with increasing intensity towards the center. of the respective analytical techniques is given in Table 2
However, Legrand et al. reported an experimentally and the results are discussed more in detail subsequently.
determined effective spot size of 1.8 mm (horizontal) In general, our results suggest that the color palette
and 2.1 mm (vertical) [13]. The background was acquired includes colorants which have been widely used for book
using a gold mirror and reflectance spectra (average decoration throughout the Middle Ages, e.g. lead white,
of either 64 or 128 scans) were collected in the range azurite, minium or vermilion. On the other hand, materi-
between 7000 and 375 cm−1 with a resolution of 4 cm−1. als such as mosaic gold or Brazilwood lake seem to have
The operation of the instrument and the evaluation of been used not before the late thirteenth century—the
the spectra was performed with Opus 7.5 software. The time when the Moamin was manufactured. Interestingly,
reflectance spectra were evaluated either without pro- Nabais et al. [16] report an almost similar color palette
cessing, or occasionally after calculation of absorption compared to the Moamin (except the additional use of
index spectra by Kramers–Kronig transformation in the lapis lazuli) in a Galician-Portuguese songbook (The
range between 4000 and 375 cm−1, followed by baseline Ajuda Songbook) dated around 1300.
correction (concave rubberband correction, 10 iterations,
64 baseline points). The available spectral databases The parchment
included reflectance spectra of materials in the mate- The detection of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) by rFTIR
rial collection of the Institute of Science and Technology and Raman on the parchment surface argues for the use
in Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, as well as spectra of lime for dehairing of the skins, as residues of lime may
measured in transmission mode from the IRUG 2007 react with atmospheric CO2 to form CaCO3 [17] and/
database [14]. or whitening of the parchment with chalk. The bands
with maxima at 1450 cm−1 and 875 cm−1 in the absorp-
Raman spectroscopy tion index spectra match with the IRUG reference cal-
Raman analyses were performed with a micro-Raman cite MP00108, and were assigned to ν3-asymmetric CO3
spectrometer Pro-Raman-L-Dual-G (Enwave Optronics, stretching and ν2-asymmetric CO3 deformation, respec-
Irvine, CA, USA) equipped with a 785 nm Diode Laser tively [18]. Additionally, calcium soaps were determined
(~ 350 mW), a fiber optic probe with 50 × long working by rFTIR in a single measurement point on folio 37r,
distance objective (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Ger- which possibly represents a reaction product of residual
many), and a Peltier cooled two dimensional CCD array subcutaneous fat from the skins with calcium carbonate.
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 6 of 17
Table 2 Materials determined by XRF (including XRF scanning), rFTIR, Raman, and FORS in the Vienna Moamin. Minor elements
determined by XRF are presented in brackets
Material Conclusion XRF rFTIR Raman FORS
The main fatty acids in animal fat are oleic acid, pal- 1329 (strong), 535, and 373 cm−1 (Fig. 3a). FORS spec-
mitic acid, and stearic acid [19], which all show relatively tra of the brown inks of the main text showed increas-
similar FTIR spectra [20]. The characteristic bands of ing reflectance values towards the NIR region (Fig. 3b)
calcium stearate are observed at 2957 cm−1 (antisymmet- analogously to the iron gall ink spectra reported by
ric νaCH3), 2922 and 2852 cm−1 (antisymmetric νaCH2 Aceto and Cala [25].
and symmetric νsCH2), as well as 1580 and 1546 cm−1 No indications of iron gall inks were obtained by
(antisymmetric νaCOO− stretching in unidentate and rFTIR. The relatively large spot size of the rFTIR instru-
bidentate coordination with calcium ions) [21]. Calcium ment did not allow an analysis of the ink alone without
soaps were also determined in various other manuscripts the surrounding parchment, which contributed to the
during our investigations [6], e.g. in Codex slavicus 8 spectra obtained. However, a comparison of several
(fourteenth century, Austrian National Library), but the measurement points in the main text to the blank parch-
non-invasive techniques used did not allow to receive ment showed increased intensities in the absorption
further information concerning the origin of the material. index spectra in the regions of the amide I (vCO, vCN
and δNH) and the ωCH2/δCH (methine) parchment
Brown and red writing inks bands at 1645 cm−1 and 1334 cm−1 [26]. These features
XRF analyses revealed different elemental composi- overlap with the antisymmetric νaCO and symmetric
tions of the brown inks used for the main body of the νsCO vibrations of calcium oxalate dihydrate (weddel-
text (Fe with low Cu and Pb contents) and the marginal lite) [27] and match with the IRUG reference spectrum
notes (S, K and Fe with low Cu content). In both cases weddellite MP00425. The formation of oxalates in iron
the Raman spectra showed the characteristic spec- gall inks indicates oxidative degradation of organic com-
tral features of iron gall inks, which were, according pounds [28], although the mechanisms are currently not
to the literature [22–24], at about 1576, 1478 (strong), well understood.
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 7 of 17
Fig. 3 a Comparison of Raman spectra of the brown ink in the text (red) and the marginal note (yellow) on folio 10v with an iron gall ink reference
spectrum (blue) and b a FORS spectrum of the brown ink in the text of folio 1v compared with the light brown ink (green) on folio 47v
Green areas in the historiated initials and decorations
Fig. 5 Comparison of the reflectance spectrum obtained from a
were painted by using a mixture of indigo and orpiment.
green area (red) with a reference spectrum of gypsum measured in
Orpiment was detected by XRF (As, S) and Raman spec- transmission (blue). The strong SO4 vibrations (ν3 and ν4) are inverted,
troscopy, whereas the characteristic spectral features of but the OH bands are almost invisible
indigo matched with the respective Raman and FORS
reference spectra (see Additional file 8). The indigo con-
tent was too low for a determination by rFTIR, but the camera suggested that Pb derives from fine decora-
spectra showed the characteristic features of gypsum. It tion lines painted with lead white, which have partially
has been reported [33, 34] that gypsum often is associ- flaked off. Silicon is a main constituent of kaolinite. Si–O
ated with orpiment derived from geothermal or volcanic stretching bands (between 1130 and 970 cm−1) as well as
environments and hence, it can be considered most prob- Al–O–Si deformation (537 cm−1) and Si–O–Si deforma-
ably as an impurity of the yellow pigment. The character- tion (467 cm−1) bands [39] are inverted in the reflectance
istic bands of gypsum were inverted in the rFTIR spectra spectrum. Furthermore, OH stretching bands in the cor-
showing maxima at ca. 1146, 675, and 601 cm−1, corre- responding absorption index spectrum at 3690, 3669
sponding to the ν3 SO4 and ν4 SO4 vibrations [35]. The and 3617 cm−1 match with the IRUG kaolinite reference
inversion of bands is often observed in reflection FTIR MP00109.
spectra of oxyanion pigments and results from the specu-
larly reflected proportion of the radiation [36]. Moreover, Gold‑beige
combination bands of ν1 and ν3 modes of SO4 at 2227 and The color was often applied in the historiated initials,
2120 cm−1 appear similar to transmission spectra, e.g. as well as ornamental decorations. It appears moder-
IRUG reference gypsum MP00105, and the OH bands ately shiny. In three single measurement points, Sn and
were generally almost invisible in the reflectance spectra Pb were detected by XRF, although in various ratios.
for unknown reasons (Fig. 5). This would, in principle, argue for the use of lead tin
yellow (Pb2SnO4). In fact, an in-depth evaluation and
Yellow interpretation of the XRF scanning data, which will be
The elements Si, Ti, Fe, and Pb were detected in a yellow discussed below in the respective section, showed that
color solely on folio 1r by means of XRF, which suggests mosaic gold (SnS2) was used in this manuscript. The
the use of yellow ochre. Ti is a minor element, the Kα line rFTIR results indirectly supported this finding, as no
is very weak and the Kβ line is imperceptible. The content characteristic spectral features could be observed in the
of Ti and other minor elements (K, Ca) is characteristic region between ca. 580 and 400 cm−1, where Nodari
for individual ochres and is used for their classification and Ricciardi [40] reported inverted bands in the rFTIR
[37, 38]. However, we did not quantify the Ti content spectra of lead tin yellow type 1 in egg white at 569,
and K and Ca could not be determined due to the rela- 504, 459, and 427 cm−1. In the rFTIR spectra the parch-
tively high contents of both elements in the parchment. ment bands were strongly attenuated by the pigment
The rFTIR results as well as the image from the on-board layer and mainly very broad spectral features were
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 9 of 17
observable. In addition, the spectrum obtained on folio strongly attenuated compared to the spectra of the
37r showed the characteristic vibrations of gypsum ν3 blank parchment.
SO4 at 1141 and 1119 cm−1, as well as ν4 SO4 at 669
and 594 cm−1, though relatively weak. According to the Red and pink
literature, mosaic gold, also known as aurum musicum High amounts of Ca were detected by XRF in the dark
or purpurinus, is a golden-brown pigment with a very red color mainly used in the historiated initials, along
subdued sparkle, which was first used in the thirteenth with K and few Cu. In accordance with these results the
century, but still was considered a novelty by the trea- rFTIR analyses showed high quantities of C aCO3. How-
tise writers in the fourteenth century [41, 42]. In this ever, an identification of the colorant was not possible by
respect, the detection of mosaic gold in the Moamin is these methods. In contrast, FORS analyses indicated the
an example of a quite early use of mosaic gold. Nabais presence of Brazilwood lake, which was further used in
et al. [16] also consider the detection of mosaic gold
in the Galician-Portuguese Ajuva Songbook dated
around 1300 as an early occurrence in manuscripts.
Unfortunately, the gold-beige color was not analyzed
by Raman spectroscopy or FORS, which also would be
appropriate methods for the identification of the pig-
ment. The reason therefore is that the Raman analyses
mainly focused on the characterization of the writ-
ing inks, black and green pigments and FORS mainly
on the blue, green and red pigments. We experienced
in previous analyses of various manuscripts that par-
ticularly inks, as well as black and green pigments can
hardly be characterized by XRF, rFTIR or FORS. Fur-
thermore, the limited access to the manuscript did not
allow a complete study of the materials by all meth-
ods applied. However, the detection of the pigment in
manuscripts has been reported by means of a single
characteristic Raman band at 314 cm−1 [43]. This band
can be assigned to a phonon mode of the 2H polytype
of SnS2 [44], and very similar results were obtained by
excitation with either 514 nm or 785 nm lasers [45].
Moreover, a characteristic FORS spectrum with inflec-
tion points at 500 and 525–535 nm has been published
by Aceto et al. [46]. It should be mentioned that the
unique optical characteristics of mosaic gold will surely
lead us to use Raman spectroscopy and FORS in addi-
tion to XRF for a comprehensive identification in future
Minium (Pb3O4) was used frequently in initials and
decorations. The XRF analysis showed that in orange
areas Pb often was detected together with Cu, which
most probably derives from a transfer of material from
blue areas on the folios with azurite. Minium was also
identified by Raman spectroscopy. Three bands in
the rFTIR absorption index spectra at 531, 531, and
460 cm−1 are in accordance with the data reported for Fig. 6 a Comparison of the FORS spectra of red and pink areas
minium measured by using ATR-FTIR [29]. Although on folio 47v with a brazilwood lake spectrum measured in a
the pigment does not absorb in the region between fifteenth century Book of Hours. b The first derivative spectra show
1700 and 1100 cm−1, the bands of parchment are characteristic inflection points around 588 nm
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 10 of 17
combination with lead white for pink hues in the initials. Binding media for illumination
It has been reported that Brazilwood-based colors were The most important binding media for illumination in
used from the fourteenth century [16] and hence, its pres- medieval times were glair and Arabic gum [50, 51]. In
ence in the Moamin would be an example of an early use. principle, rFTIR would allow the characterization of
The spectra from a red and a pink area on the middle ini- both materials. In practice the spectra obtained from the
tial in Fig. 1 (folio 47v) are depicted in Fig. 6a) and show paint layers in the illuminations generally showed a con-
the characteristic spectral features of the Brazilwood tribution of parchment bands, which may overlap with
chromophore as published by Melo et al. [43] and Aceto the bands of glair, as both are proteinaceous materials.
et al. [46]. Moreover, a Brazilwood lake spectrum from a Hence, no clear statements can be made. Furthermore,
fifteenth century Book of Hours (ms 24 in the library of we could not detect spectral features of Arabic gum in
Palalacio Nacional de Mafra (PNM) in Portugal) matches the colors of the Moamin. A previous study investigating
well with the spectra obtained in the Moamin. The spec- azurite in mixture with glair and Arabic gum suggested
trum was kindly provided by Tatiana Vitorino, who is co- that the sensitivity of the used instrument only hardly
author of the paper mentioned before. The first derivative allows the characterization of binding media [30], which
of the spectra is shown in Fig. 6b). The inflection points might also account for other pigments.
are very close to each other around 588 nm, which fur-
ther underlines the similarity. Leaf gilding technique
With respect to the identification of C aCO3 by rFTIR, Delamination of gold leaf was recognizable on several
Melo et al. [43] reported that C aCO3 was frequently historiated initials, which enabled a direct analysis of
added “either to help pigment precipitation or to contrib- the pink ground layer for the gold leaf on folios 1r, 16v,
ute to the substrate”. The red color was not analyzed by 19r, and 26v. The rFTIR results showed that calcium car-
using Raman spectroscopy. However, to our knowledge bonate (chalk) was used for the ground layer of folio 1r,
an identification of Brazilwood lakes in manuscripts by whereas gypsum was used on the other analyzed folios
using a 785 nm laser has not been reported so far and (Fig. 7). It is rather probable that the amide I and amide
even Brazilwood extracts without binding medium seem II bands (ca. 1655 and 1555 cm−1) in the rFTIR spec-
to produce strong fluorescence with only very weak tra obtained from folio 16v derive from a proteinaceous
Raman peaks [47]. Moreover, Mulholland et al. [48] binding medium than from the parchment below, as the
tested various excitation sources (488, 532, 633, 785, 830, grounds for gilding were applied as relatively thick lay-
and 1064 nm) for the analysis of a Brazilwood watercolor ers, In accordance with the rFTIR results, solely Ca was
pigment and observed strong fluorescence for any excita-
tion source, and peaks were only observed in case of the
1064 nm laser despite of the high level of fluorescence.
This demonstrates the limitations of Raman spectroscopy
when only one or two excitation lasers are available.
Brown iron oxide was detected on folio 1r by XRF (Ca
and Fe) and Raman spectroscopy (see Additional file 9).
Moreover, rFTIR revealed an addition of gypsum. In con-
trast, brown earth pigments with contents of Si and Fe
could be determined on other folios.
In general, the historiated initials were outlined in black
and the presence of carbon black was revealed by two
broad Raman bands around 1589 and 1324 cm−1 in
accordance with the literature [49], Additional file 10
shows the respective spectrum. In addition, FORS spec-
tra showed high absorption values in the entire spectral Fig. 7 The absorption index spectra from the ground layers for
range analyzed. Carbon black was further detected in the leaf gilding on folios 1r (blue) and 16v (red) show the characteristic
depiction of a dog next to the historiated initial on folio bands of chalk and gypsum. The amide I and amide II bands of the
proteinaceous binding medium are labelled with black asterisks
44v (not shown).
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 11 of 17
detected by XRF on folio 1r, whereas Ca and S were were obtained by FORS regarding the colorant. However,
detected on folios 19r and 26v. Sulfur was not unambigu- the XFR scans on folios 10v and 47v rather suggested that
ously determined on folio 16v due to a relatively high lead mainly vermilion is present.
content and hence an overlap of Pb Mα with S Kα. It was interesting to find a proteinaceous layer over the
Furthermore, small intensities Hg and Pb were gold leaf on folio 1r and 47v by rFTIR. The gold leaf acted
detected by XRF, indicating that the pink color consists as a mirror for the incident infrared radiation, and hence
of a mixture of vermilion and a Pb component—minium a transflectance spectrum [52] was obtained. Figure 8
or lead white—with gypsum. Only inconclusive results depicts that the spectrum matched well with the IRUG
reference spectrum for egg white PR00025, and a com-
parison with other protein reference spectra showed that
glues have much higher amide I/amide II ratios. How-
ever, an unambiguous identification of proteinaceous
materials by FTIR is not possible.
The proteinaceous compound was further detected on
the black outline which partially was applied on top of
the gold. It is quite obvious that the results of these single
point measurements do not allow statements about the
distribution of the material and thus it remains unclear,
whether the material represents a layer which was
applied onto the gold by intention of the illuminator, an
attempt for a consolidation of the badly preserved gild-
ing, or simply a contamination. However, an rFTIR scan-
ning device, as implemented by Legrand et al. [13] would
have been useful in order to obtain information regarding
these questions.
Fig. 9 The style of the historiated initial on folio 1r as well as its size differs remarkably from the initials on other analyzed folios such as folio 37r,
which is shown as a representative example
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 12 of 17
artistic design of the other decorations and hence, a dif- was added intentionally to the blue azurite, as brilliant
ferent authorship might be assumed. The results of the colors were preferred by the illuminators in the Middle
material analyses clearly supported this assumption. Ages [54]. However, hematite (α-Fe2O3) and goethite
The most remarkable differences include a differing sup- (α-FeOOH) seem to be common impurities in azurite
port for leaf gilding (CaCO3 instead of CaSO4), the use [31].
of yellow ochre solely on folio 1r, and contents of cal- The quality of the image stitched by the Elio software
cium soaps in various colors—white, blue, pink, brown, is rather poor concerning the lateral resolution and color
and grey. Interestingly, calcium soaps were not detected rendering. However, a higher quality stitched image with
in the parchment, the writing red inks, and the yellow better color rendering could be obtained when Photo-
or orange areas. Calcium stearate, which is indicative of merge in Photoshop CS6 was employed, as depicted on
calcium soaps, can easily be determined by means of the the bottom right in Fig. 11. Additional file 12 shows the
antisymmetric and symmetric C–H stretching vibrations original size of the stitched image.
at 2920 and 2850 cm−1 and the antisymmetric C OO− The Ca map shows highest intensities in the red part of
stretching vibrations at 1575 and 1540 cm [21]. A spec- the cloth, which was painted with a Brazilwood lake with
trum from a blue color in comparison with the reference high contents of calcium carbonate (detected by rFTIR in
spectrum IRUG OF00108 is shown in Additional file 11. single point measurements). Lower intensities of Ca were
Analogously, we observed contents of calcium soaps in detected in the ground layer for gold leaf, where also S
certain colors also in Codex slavicus 8 [30], which was was determined. This indicates that gypsum was used
manufactured in 1368 in the region Krbava (Croatia). to prepare the ground layer, although a slight contribu-
Furthermore, Vieira et al. [53] reported the detection of tion of S from vermilion has to be considered, which was
calcium palmitate in a red colorant (lac dye) on parch- added to obtain the pink hue. The coincidence of Sn and S
ment in a Koran dated 1198. This raises the question if in the elemental maps indicates that the gold-beige color
soap was added by intention as an attempt to improve consists of mosaic gold (SnS2). Concerning the S map it
the applicability of the color. As noted in the previous has to be considered that Pb Mα (2.346 keV) partially
section, this question can´t be answered on the basis of coincides with the S Kα (2.305 keV) signal and hence also
single point measurements, which clearly shows a strong areas with Pb contents are highlighted. As mentioned
demand for rFTIR scanning devices. above, single point measurements rather argued for the
use of lead tin yellow. However, the Pb map in Fig. 11
XRF scanning does not show significant intensities in the gold-beige
The elemental maps of the historiated initials on folios areas, which strongly argues against the use of lead tin
10v and 47v yielded substantial information on the yellow. K was mainly detected in the gold-beige color of
painting technique complementing the information the cloths, the bird, and—in lower intensities—in areas
obtained by single point measurements and visual light with red Brazilwood lake. The role of K in the mosaic
photographs. Both initials were found to be quite simi- gold parts remains unclear since potassium compounds
lar regarding the painting technique and materials used. do not seem to have been used for its production accord-
Figures 10 and 11 show the results from the scan on folio ing to medieval treatises [55]. Only a thin layer of paint
47v, particularly the distribution maps of the elements was applied in the green landscape on the bottom right in
characteristic for the applied colors, which are listed in the initial, where the S map shows relatively high intensi-
Table 3. ties. XRF single point measurements indicated As and S
Figure 10 shows that Hg (vermilion) is present in the from orpiment in this area. However, it was not possible
red ink as well as the ground layer below the gold leaf. to visualize the distribution of As due to the overlap of As
The low intensity of Pb in the areas with gold leaf indi- Kα (10.543 keV) with Pb Lα (10.551 keV) and moreover,
cates that mainly vermilion was used for the pink color the short acquisition time during the scan did not yield
of the ground layer for gilding. Pb indicates lead white enough counts for As Kβ (11.7258 keV) in order to obtain
in the falconers incarnate parts and in the pink colors of a significant map. These results clearly demonstrate that
the initial letter (mixed with Brazilwood lake), as well as the acquisition parameters may strongly influence the
the light blue color in the decoration (mixed with azur- interpretation of XRF scanning data.
ite), and moreover, minium in the orange stripes on the
clothing. The varying intensities in the Cu map indicates The illuminators technique of folio 47v
that the thickness of the paint layer is not uniform. High- The overall results including visual study from this his-
est Fe intensities are found in the brown iron gall ink, the toriated initial suggest that in a first step a ground layer
flesh tone, and also in the blue areas in combination with for gold leaf was applied, consisting of gypsum (Ca),
Cu (azurite). It is rather unlikely, that an iron compound few amounts of vermilion (Hg) and most probably a
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 13 of 17
Fig. 10 Image stitched by Elio software and the elemental maps of Au, Hg, Cu, Fe, and Pb with the respective intensities (counts) obtained from the
historiated initial in the middle of folio 47v
proteinaceous binding medium. The ground layer solely emanating from the corners (blue, light blue), and the
was applied on areas to be leaf gilded and defines the orange stripes on the clothing were applied, which all
dimensions of the initial. After the application of gold partially cover other colors. In the last steps the figu-
leaf, the background colors (blue, green), the basic ral representations were completed with black contour
colors of the figural representations (gold-beige, red) lines as well as white decorative lines (see Additional
and the black outlines were painted. Subsequently, file 12).
the colors of the initial letters (pink), the decorations
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 14 of 17
Fig. 11 Image stitched by Elio software and the elemental maps of Ca, Sn, S, and K with the respective intensities (counts) obtained from the
historiated initial in the middle of folio 47v. A section of the image stitched in Photoshop CS6 is shown on the bottom right
S Kα (2.300–2.310) (partial overlap with Pb Mα) Gold-beige, mosaic gold Clothing, bird
Red, vermilion Writing ink
Green, orpiment and indigo Landscape
K Kα (3.169–3.406) Gold-beige, together with mosaic gold Sn, S Clothing, bird
Red, brazilwood lake Clothing
Ca Kα (3.554–3.821) Red, brazilwood lake Clothing
Pink, gypsum ground layer for leaf gilding
Fe Kα (6.249–6.485) Flesh tone, not identified Falconers incarnate
Brown, iron gall ink Writing ink
Color unclear, together with azurite Cu Component in blue color
Cu Kα (7.877–8.144) Blue, azurite Background color, decoration
Sn Lα (3.411–3.484) Gold-beige, mosaic gold Clothing, bird
Au Lα (9.572–9.836) Gold Gold leaf
Hg Lα (10.216–10.720) Pink, vermilion Component of ground layer
for leaf gilding
Red, vermilion Writing ink
Pb Lα (10.216–10.720) Red, minium Clothing, decoration
Pink, lead white mixed with brazilwood Initial letter
Lead white Dog, decorative lines
indication for a different authorship, so far only assumed time consuming. In contrast to single point measure-
by means of stylistic differences. ments, the risk of misinterpretation of XRF results due
However, some interesting questions remain unclear, to material inhomogeneities is much lower for scans,
in particular the precise characterization of the gold where the information of multiple measurements is
beige pigment containing Sn, S and K, and also the red gathered and hence a much clearer picture of the mate-
Brazilwood lake. Both have not received our increased rials can be obtained. This particularly accounted for
interest until the evaluation of the data from the second the gold-beige color, where the detection of Sn and Pb
campaign. Unfortunately, no Raman analyses could be in the single point measurements would rather have
performed, which possibly would have enabled a clear argued for the use of lead tin yellow than of mosaic
identification. This demonstrates the need for improved gold. On the other hand, the scanning results showed
evaluation tools for the complex spectra obtained from that the short measurement times for each point may
multiple non-invasive analyses, particularly if the access limit the detection of elements present in small quan-
to the studied objects is limited. With respect to the tities, as it was the case for As in the presented study.
available time for analysis, a microscopic investigation This clearly shows the importance of single point meas-
prior to the instrumental analyses probably would have urements with longer acquisition times in the areas
allowed to utilize the available methods more efficient. intended to scan in order to prevent misinterpretation
Moreover, the rFTIR single point measurement detection of scan data.
of a proteinaceous material over the gold leaf, as well as
calcium soaps in certain colors raised the question about
the distribution of these materials in order to be able to CIMA: Centre of Image and Material Analysis in Cultural Heritage; FORS: Fiber
explain the application in the miniature painting tech- optic reflectance spectroscopy; HRSM: Hochschul-Raum Struktur-Mittel; IRUG
nique of the thirteenth century. This strongly indicates : Infrared and Raman Users Group; mp: Measurement point; r: Recto; rFTIR:
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the reflection mode; v: Verso; XRF:
an urgent demand for mobile rFTIR scanning equipment, X-ray fluorescence.
which can be used in libraries or museums.
XRF scanning provided valuable information about
the painting technique, although the scans are quite
Vetter et al. Herit Sci (2021) 9:87 Page 16 of 17
Additional file 1 Vienna Moamin, folio 1r. The analyzed points are indi- Received: 28 December 2020 Accepted: 15 June 2021
cated with white arrowheads.
Additional file 2: Vienna Moamin, folio 10v. The analyzed points are
indicated with white arrowheads.
Additional file 3: Vienna Moamin, folio 19r. The analyzed points are References
indicated with white arrowheads. 1. Georges S. Das zweite Falkenbuch Kaiser Friedrichs II. Quellen, Entste-
Additional file 4: Vienna Moamin, folio 37r. The analyzed points are hung, Überlieferung und Rezeption des Moamin, mit einer Edition der
indicated with white arrowheads. lateinischen Überlieferung, De Gruyter, Berlin. 2008.
Additional file 5 Vienna Moamin, folio 47v. The analyzed points are 2. Van den Abeele B. The Moamin, an Arabic treatise on falconry translated
indicated with white arrowheads. for the Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen in 1240. Int J Falconry.
Additional file 6 Self-built fiber optic probe: a) collimator 0.3 mm (latex), 2018;10:64–9.
b) 0°/45°-component, c) xz-axial positioning mechanism, d) laser pointer 3. Van den Abeele B. Le Moamin illustré de Vienne (circa 1300): les soins des
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Additional file 7 Comparison of the absorption index spectrum of a light 4.
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in transmission mode) azurite MP00001 (blue) and lead white MP00107 5. Van den Abeele B. Der Wiener Moamin. Kommentar zur Faksimile-
(yellow). Ausgabe. Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz/Austria. 2021. ISBN:
Additional file 8 Left: Comparison of the Raman spectrum of a green 978-3-201-02049-7. In press (20.4.2021).
colorant on folio 47v (red) with reference spectra of orpiment (yellow) and 6. CIMA is an interuniversity research institution with an interdisciplinary
indigo (blue). Right: FORS spectrum from the same measurement point in approach aiming at the investigation of cultural heritage and was
comparison with an indigo reference. founded in 2014, please see Accessed 7 Dec 2020.
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