Artifact 2 Chapter Presentation 1

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10: Creating a Community of

Lesson by Stephanie Wilson
Becoming a Teacher 11th Edition
By Forrest W. Parkay
December 12, 2021
Instructions: Write down three statements. Two
statements must be the truth and one must be
a lie.

Warm up
1. I lived in South America
Two Truths 2. My favorite food are lentils
and a Lie
3. I have never been to Disneyland.
• Identify and describe the factors that determine the culture
of the classroom.
• Explain how teacher create a positive learning environment

• Identify and explain the keys to successful classroom
• Describe the teaching methods that effective teachers
Every Child
Needs a
Rita Pierson
Culture of a Classroom

Teachers have to make

Each Classroom multiple decisions on a
develops their own daily basis that effect
culture the culture of the
Classroom Climate
The climate is determined "by the manner and degree to which you connect
with your students, show warmth and support, encourage cooroperation, and
allow for independent judgement and choice."

Teachers can take these 8 steps towards controlling the climate of their
Open, wa rm opportunities for
Productive task- res pectful Low l evels of tension,
Group Cohesiveness rel a tionships between Humor Hi gh expectations s tudent input
ori ented focus i nteractions a mong a nxi ety, & conflict
tea cher a nd s tudents rega rding classroom
s tudents
a cti vi ties.
Writing Activity
• Write down one example of a
positive classroom climate in the
group discussion.
• Write down one example of
negative classroom climate in the
group discussion.
Cooperative or positive
Relationships interdependence
Competitive or negative
students in Click to add text
classroom Individualistic or no
Four Qualities - result in greater student motivation
and more positive teacher-student and student-
student interactions

✓Learning activities are organized, flow

Classroom smoothly, and are free from distractions
✓Teacher is caring, patient, supportive, and does
Dynamics not ridicule students for their efforts to learn.
✓The curriculum is challenging but not so
difficult that students become frustrated and
shut down.
✓Learning activities are authentic and relevant
to students interests and experiences.
Successful • Communication Skills
teachers • Foster positive, cooperative
interactions among students
How to Create a Positive Learning Environment?

The Caring Classroom The Physical Classroom Classroom Organization

Grouping students by ability
Grouping students for cooperative
Delivering Instruction
How Time is Used
Keys to Successful Classroom Management
Arrange classroom furniture so that you can easily monitor students from any point of the room for signs of inattention, bore dom,
Arrange and misbehavior.

Arrange Arrange classroom furniture so students can move from place to place without disturbing classmates.

Keep Keep very interesting instructional material out of sight until needed.

Separate Separate friends who tend to get off task when seated near one another.

Assign Assign chronically misbehaving students to seats close to your desk.

• A classroom in which the teachers leadership style
encourages students to take more power and
responsibility for their learning.

Democratic • Choice Theory

• An approach to classroom management
Classrooms developed by psychiatrist William Glassner
based on belief that students will usually
make good choices if they experience success
in the classroom and know that teachers
care about them.
Establishing rules and

Organizing and Planning for
Severity of Misbehaior

Effective Zero Tolerance

Responses Constructive Assertiveness

to Student
Restorative Justice
Teacher Problem Solving
Developing your Own Approach to Classroom Management

No approach is effective with every student every time. Responding to

behavior in the classroom depends on your personality, value system,
and beliefs about children.

However, these three approaches are Humanistic Approach

what teachers mainly rely on to Behaviorist Approach
maintain discipline in the classroom. Classroom Management approach
What Teaching Methods do Effective Teachers Use?

Methods Based on Methods Based on

Methods Based on Methods Based on
Learning New Peer-Mediated
Child Development the Thinking Process
Behaviors Instructions
• Direct Instruction • Modeling • Information • Peer Mediated
• Mastery Learning • Constructivist Processing Instruction
Teaching • Three types of • Group Investigation
• Scaffolding Memory • Peer Tutoring
• Inquiry & Dicovery • Cross-Age tutoring
Group Discussion

Get into groups and discuss what you learned from the Chapter Creating a Community
of Learners.
Quick Write

• Summarize the TED

Talk video, "Every Child
Needs a Champion" by
Rita Pierson. Write
minimum one
Quiz Time!

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