2020 Nanoparticle Technology For Separation of Cellulose, Hemicellulose and

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Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 24 (2020) 100601

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Nanoparticle technology for separation of cellulose, hemicellulose and

lignin nanoparticles from lignocellulose biomass: A short review

Ihsan Hamawand a , , Saman Seneweera b,c , Pubudu Kumarasinghe b , Jochen Bundschuh c
Singleton Council, Singleton, NSW 2323, Australia
National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba 4350, QLD, Australia

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: This article addresses particle size reduction technologies currently available and their potential
Received 2 May 2020 application in bioenergy production from waste biomass. It is believed the reduction of the particle
Received in revised form 29 August 2020 size of biomass wastes to nano-scale will have a significant impact on the quality, quantity, and price
Accepted 16 October 2020
of biofuels. Currently, these technologies have not been developed for commercial application due to
lack of efficiency. They can only function on small scale operations with high energy consumption.
Advancing particle size reduction technologies to produce nano-scale particles at a commercial level
is an emerging need.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction mechanical aid is the future of biofuel production from biomass.

In addition, lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose can be separated
Using biomass wastes for bio-energy production is expensive more efficiently at the nano-scale level. Biomass nanoparticles
and requires different pre-treatment processes. Before fermenta- can be used directly in the fermentation processes. The fermen-
tion, many of the following steps are required: milling, thermal, tation process will not require neither enzymatic hydrolysis nor
chemical, hydrolysis and/or irradiation pre-treatments. The main the expensive lignocellulose pre-treatment steps.
aim of the pre-treatment is to remove the lignin and hemicellu-
lose, reduce cellulose crystalline, increase porosity and increase 2. Lignocellulose biomass recalcitrance
the internal surface area to alter the macroscopic structure into
microscopic size [1]. The final stage, cellulose hydrolysis, is car- Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant biopolymer in
ried out using a cellulase enzyme, which converts cellulose to
nature. The estimated annual lignocellulose biomass production
sugars. The major challenge for biofuel production is the in-
is about 1.3 × 1010 metric tons. Therefore, its fractionation into
efficiency of separation lignin and cellulose biomolecules [2].
reactive intermediates such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin
In addition, there are other challenges such as the formation
is important for the development of liquid fuels, chemicals, and
of by-products that inhibit the fermentation process, large use
other end products [8]. The lignocellulosic biomass structure
of chemicals, high energy consumption, and considerable waste
production [3]. Pre-treatment is one of the most expensive and is resistant to microbial or enzymatic degradation due to the
least technologically mature steps in converting biomass to fer- presence of cross-links between cellulose and hemicellulose with
mentable sugars [4]. In general, celluloses (crystalline) shows lignin via ester and ether linkages which is known to be biomass
resistance toward fermentation as it has strong hydrogen bonds recalcitrance [9].
between cellulose molecules [5]. Therefore, the biofuel conver-
sion efficiency of lignocellulose biomass largely depends on the 3. Nanoparticle formulating processes
capacity to break down the hydrogen bonds [6]. One way to
improve biofuel production efficiency is through reducing the It has been well established that reducing the particle size
particle size of the biomass to micron-scale (mechanical milling) of poorly water-soluble material will increase its surface area
to create an adequate surface area for enzymatic hydrolysis [7]. and improve its dissolution rate [10]. Nanoparticle formulating
This article presents and discusses the following hypothesis, processes have been developed for the number of applications,
reducing the particle size of biomass wastes to nano-scale using including the pharmaceutical industry, to improve drug solubility
[11]. The solubility increases significantly in reducing particle size
∗ Corresponding author. below 0.5 µm in radius [12]. Another method, bio-milling, has
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Hamawand). been developed and capable of formulating nanoparticles that are

2352-507X/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
I. Hamawand, S. Seneweera, P. Kumarasinghe et al. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 24 (2020) 100601

less than 10 nm in size at ambient conditions. For example, Uddin Cryocrushing is a technique for mechanical fibrillation of
et al. [13] developed nanoparticles using fungus Saccharomyces frozen cellulose. In this process, water-swollen fibers are dipped
cerevisiae against the aqueous solution of Gd2 O3 . in liquid nitrogen, subsequently crush with high impact and shear
It has been suggested that nanocellulose can be made, it is forces [21]. This leads to the liberation of nanofibrils with a
less expensive and safer to manufacture compared to synthetic diameter extending from 30 to 80 nm [23].
nanoparticles [14]. Acid hydrolysis treatment [15]; high-pressure High-intensity ultrasonication (HIUS) is a mechanical tech-
homogenizer[16]; enzyme assisted hydrolysis [17]; catalyzed ox- nique that uses oscillating power to isolate cellulose fibrils by
idation [18] and ultrasonication technique [19] have also been hydrodynamic forces of ultrasound [22]. During the process, cav-
used to create cellulose nanoparticles. However, methodology itation leads to a formation of powerful oscillating high inten-
varied depending upon the type of raw material. Ball milling sive waves. Once water molecules absorb this ultrasonic energy,
techniques have also been employed in dry and wet conditions. It microscopic gas bubbles are formed, expanded, imploded and
helps to increase the amorphous content of cellulose and trans- breaking down cellulose fibers [20].
form cellulose I to cellulose II and noncrystalline cellulose [6]. Steam explosion is a thermo mechanical process for the ex-
Cellulose is acquired once hemicellulose, lignin and other im- traction of CNF. In this technique pulp is exposed to high-pressure
purities are removed from the lignocellulose. Nanocellulose can steam for short time periods, followed by a sudden release of
be formulated from the natural cellulose with at least one di- pressure, generating shear forces to the formation of CNFs. The
mension in the range of 1–100 nm. According to the dimen- steam explosion has significantly lower environmental impact
sions, morphology, functions, and extraction methods, nanocel- since it uses fewer hazardous chemicals and consumes low en-
lulose categorized into three key subgroups: cellulose nanofibers ergy [24].
(CNF), cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), and microbial cellulose (BC)
[20]. The extraction of nanocellulose from lignocellulose can be 3.2. Electrospinning
achieved by chemical, mechanical and enzymatic treatments.
Electrospinning is a nanocellulose separation method, uses
3.1. Mechanical techniques electrical force rather than mechanical force. Here, nanofibers are
extracted from cellulose dispersion under high electric field. This
The mechanical methods can extract CNF from the primary is a simple and low-cost method. Nanofiber diameter and mor-
and secondary cell walls, devoid of harshly degrading cellu- phology depend on the electrospinning process, solution process
lose. Mechanical techniques involve high-pressure homogeniza- rate, applied electric field, distance from the tip-to collector, and
tion (HPH) [16], microfluidization [21], grinding [22], cryocrush- collector type [33].
ing [23], high-intensity ultrasonication [19] and steam explosion
[24]. The type of mechanical technique and level of applied 3.3. Cellulose nanocrystals separation by acid hydrolysis
mechanical force determine the degree of interfibrillar hydrogen
bonding broken [25]. Mechanical techniques comes with high CNCs are the crystal-line area of cellulose and shows a rod-
production costs for tools and materials and consume more like shape having a low aspect ratio (length to diameter ratio)
energy than chemical techniques [26]. Therefore, chemical pre- [23]. The particles have widths of 4 to 70 nm and lengths of
treatments are carried out before mechanical fibrillation agreeing 100 nm to several micrometers [34]. CNCs are produced from
to the processing and raw material [27], enhancing the reactivity several cellulose materials such as wood, plants, bacteria, ma-
of the cellulose fibers. rine animals and fungi [35,36]. CNCs crystallinity changes from
HPH is a commonly used technique for the extraction of CNF. 54% to 88% [37]. The morphology, crystallinity, mechanical and
In this process, cellulose slurry is passed under high pressure thermal properties of CNCs depend on the origin of the cellulose,
into a vessel through a small nozzle [28]. The resulting shear and extraction conditions and technique used to extract. CNCs are
impact forces on the fluid which reduces the size of the fibers typically extracted from cellulose fibers by acid hydrolysis. Acid
to the nanoscale dimension. HPH is a simple effective nanopar- hydrolysis removes the amorphous regions of cellulose while
ticle separation technique, does not use organic solvents [29]. remaining crystalline regions intact [38]. The common acids used
The main drawbacks of HPH technique are clogging problems, for this purpose are sulfuric and hydrochloric. But, sometimes
high energy intake and mechanical destruction to the crystalline hydrobromic and phosphoric acids have been used [39].
structure of CNF [22]. Therefore various pretreatments are carried Recently, it has been reported that mechanical disintegration
out before the use of HPH technique. of the plant cell walls was yielded highly interconnected fibrils,
Microfluidization is another technique utilized to make CNF. size ranging from 10–100 nm in width and length. The delami-
A Microfluidizer consists of an intensifier pump to accelerate the nation of cellulosic fibers under high mechanical shearing action
slurry under high pressure into the interaction chamber. This is required to release nano fibrillated cellulose and to overcome
technique defibrillates the fibers to nanoscale dimensions using interfibrillar hydrogen bonds into both crystalline and amorphous
a high shear rate and impact forces against colliding streams domains. Hakeem et al. [40] demonstrated that high-pressure
and channel walls [30]. These nanoparticles have uniform dimen- homogenization (HPH) and microfluidization are the main meth-
sions less than 100 nm. However, this process consumes high ods that can be utilized to achieve nanoparticles. Ren et al. [41]
energy [21], pretreatments have been suggested to reduce energy showed that only with a combination of concentrated acid hy-
consumption. drolysis and HPH would rod-like cellulose nanoparticles form.
Grinding is another technique used to produce nanocellulose The substrate used in this study was microcrystalline cellulose
fibers. In this process, cellulose fiber is passed between static and the result was nanoparticles with a diameter of 10 nm and
upper grinding stone and rotating lower grinding stone. The lengths in the range of 50–200 nm. The HPH treatment helped
generated shearing forces breaking down the cell wall structure separate the nanofiber bundles.
and fibers are individualized to nanofibers [31]. The degree of Numerous studies have been reported regarding the conver-
fibrillation determined by the distance between the grinding sion of cellulose to amorphous cellulose and cellulose II, how-
stones, morphology of the grinding stones and cycling number ever none of these studies has been focused on the use of ball
through a grinder [22]. Yet, the use of this technique mechanically milling for isolation of cellulose nanofibers [6]. Nuruddin et al. [6]
damages the fibers [32]. have been able to separate cellulose nanofibers from kenaf fibers
I. Hamawand, S. Seneweera, P. Kumarasinghe et al. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 24 (2020) 100601

Table 1
Pros and cons of different nanoparticle technologies.
Nanoparticle preparation method Pros and Cons References
High-Pressure Homogenization (HPH) Produce nanoparticles with diameters between Wang et al. [42]
20 and 100 nm.
Use high energy, clogging of the homogenizer,
and damage of the crystalline structure.
Microfluidization Create nanoparticles less than 100 nm in Rojas et al. [43]
Grinding Particle size in the micrometer instead in the Stelte and Sanadi [44]
nanometer range. Damages the fiber structure.
Cryocrushing Produce particles with diameters ranging from Zheng [23]
30 to 80 nm.
High-intensity ultrasonication Do not use any chemical treatment. Cheng et al. [19]
Steam explosion Lower environmental impact Abraham et al. [24]
Acid hydrolysis Low aspect ratio Zheng [23]
Electrospinning Simple and cost-effective process. Frey [33]
Enzymatic hydrolysis High cost due to the isolation process of the Kalia et al. [45]
enzymes and the auspicious hydrolysis required
long enzymatic treatment time.

Fig. 1. Scenario of particle size reduction to around 20 nm, SEM/AFM figures for wheat straw retrieved from [46], A. thick-walled fiber cells, B. interwoven cellulose
microfibrils of the primary wall largely unlignified but microfibrils (black spots) are partially embedded in what is believed to be hemicellulosic polymers (white
spots), C. in case a square of 200 nm in length and width pulverized to 20 nm particle size, D. further grinding to 1 nm, size of two D-glucose units in the cellulose

and wheat straw. A number of pre-treatment techniques includ- or Cesium-137) is usually used for gamma-ray production and it
ing chemical treatments with formic acid (FA)/acetic acid (AA), has been used to lignocellulostic pretreatment. The gamma ra-
peroxyformic acid (PFA)/peroxyacetic acid (PAA), and hydrogen diation can penetrate through the lignocellulose and breakdown
peroxide (H2 O2 ) were used prior to ball milling. A homoge- the crystal structure forming free radicals. These free radicals
neous cellulose nanofiber of 8–100 nm in diameter was obtained decay fast from the amorphous regions after the termination of
from these processes. Most of these techniques that adopted radiation and biomass is degraded while decaying [49]. Gamma
milling, dispersion and separation of nanoparticles have not been rays, ultrasonic waves, and liquid plasma have also been used
utilized for the separation of cellulose from lignocellulosic ma- for partial size reduction. These methods do not use chemical
terials. There is abandoned literature on the capacity of ball reducing substances, which is important for the elimination of
mill to achieve size reduction to nano-particals. For example, impurities added to the nanoparticles [50]. Table 1 depicts the
literature on a planetary ball mill manufactured by FRITSCH ti- pros and cons of different nanoparticle technologies.
tled ‘‘Planetary Micro Mill PULVERISETTE 7 premium’’ claims
that a final fineness of 100 nm hard, medium-hard and brit- 4. Separation of lignocellulose biomass
tle materials can be achieved [47]. Also, a planetary ball mill
manufactured by RETSCH titled ‘‘Planetary Ball Mill PM 100’’ is Cellulose is a semi-crystalline polysaccharide appearing in
claimed to be capable of particle size reduction to around 100 nm plant walls in the form of fibers, width range from 5 to 20 nm
[48]. It may be necessary to cryo-freeze the lignocellulosic mate- and length range from 0.5 up to several mm [40]. Fig. 1 shows
rial during ball-milling. Cryogenic grinding can help grind more lignocellulosic fiber arrangement and its potential to separate into
effectively and efficiently, particularly for heat sensitive or tough- three major components by size reduction to nano-scale. It is
to-mill materials using liquid nitrogen. Radioisotopes (Cobalt-60 hypothesized in this study that the three components could
I. Hamawand, S. Seneweera, P. Kumarasinghe et al. Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 24 (2020) 100601

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