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Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 139

Explanation of Variables

auxiliary—defines an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number
of auxiliary variables that can be provided on this line; however, lists of information provided in
subsequent blocks must have a column of data for each auxiliary variable name defined here. The
number of auxiliary variables detected on this line determines the value for naux. Comments cannot
be provided anywhere on this line as they will be interpreted as auxiliary variable names. Auxiliary
variables may not be used by the package, but they will be available for use by other parts of the
program. The program will terminate with an error if auxiliary variables are specified on more than
one line in the options block.
auxmultname—name of auxiliary variable to be used as multiplier of GWF cell area used by UZF cell.
BOUNDNAMES—keyword to indicate that boundary names may be provided with the list of UZF cells.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of UZF information will be written to the listing file
immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of UZF flow rates will be printed to the listing file for
every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is
no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last
time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that UZF flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUD-
GET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
WATER CONTENT—keyword to specify that record corresponds to unsaturated zone water contents.
wcfile—name of the binary output file to write water content information.
BUDGET—keyword to specify that record corresponds to the budget.
FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.
budgetfile—name of the binary output file to write budget information.
PACKAGE CONVERGENCE—keyword to specify that record corresponds to the package convergence
comma spaced values file.
package convergence filename—name of the comma spaced values output file to write package
convergence information.
TS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a time-series file.
FILEIN—keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.
ts6 filename—defines a time-series file defining time series that can be used to assign time-varying
values. See the “Time-Variable Input” section for instructions on using the time-series capability.
OBS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.
obs6 filename—name of input file to define observations for the UZF package. See the “Observation
utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Tables 30 and 31 lists observa-
tion type(s) supported by the UZF package.
MOVER—keyword to indicate that this instance of the UZF Package can be used with the Water Mover
(MVR) Package. When the MOVER option is specified, additional memory is allocated within the
package to store the available, provided, and received water.
140 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

SIMULATE ET—keyword specifying that ET in the unsaturated (UZF) and saturated zones (GWF) will
be simulated. ET can be simulated in the UZF cell and not the GWF cell by omitting keywords
LINEAR GWET—keyword specifying that groundwater ET will be simulated using the original ET formu-
lation of MODFLOW-2005.
SQUARE GWET—keyword specifying that groundwater ET will be simulated by assuming a constant ET
rate for groundwater levels between land surface (TOP) and land surface minus the ET extinction
depth (TOP-EXTDP). Groundwater ET is smoothly reduced from the PET rate to zero over a nomi-
nal interval at TOP-EXTDP.
SIMULATE GWSEEP—keyword specifying that groundwater discharge (GWSEEP) to land surface will be
simulated. Groundwater discharge is nonzero when groundwater head is greater than land surface.
UNSAT ETWC—keyword specifying that ET in the unsaturated zone will be simulated as a function of the
specified PET rate while the water content (THETA) is greater than the ET extinction water content
UNSAT ETAE—keyword specifying that ET in the unsaturated zone will be simulated using a capillary
pressure based formulation. Capillary pressure is calculated using the Brooks-Corey retention func-


nuzfcells—is the number of UZF cells. More than one UZF cell can be assigned to a GWF cell; how-
ever, only one GWF cell can be assigned to a single UZF cell. If more than one UZF cell is assigned
to a GWF cell, then an auxiliary variable should be used to reduce the surface area of the UZF cell
with the AUXMULTNAME option.
ntrailwaves—is the number of trailing waves. A recommended value of 7 can be used for NTRAIL-
WAVES. This value can be increased to lower mass balance error in the unsaturated zone.
nwavesets—is the number of wave sets. A recommended value of 40 can be used for NWAVESETS.
This value can be increased if more waves are required to resolve variations in water content within
the unsaturated zone.


iuzno—integer value that defines the UZF cell number associated with the specified PACKAGEDATA
data on the line. IUZNO must be greater than zero and less than or equal to NUZFCELLS. UZF
information must be specified for every UZF cell or the program will terminate with an error. The
program will also terminate with an error if information for a UZF cell is specified more than once.
cellid—is the cell identifier, and depends on the type of grid that is used for the simulation. For a
structured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLID is the layer, row, and column. For a grid that
uses the DISV input file, CELLID is the layer and CELL2D number. If the model uses the unstruc-
tured discretization (DISU) input file, CELLID is the node number for the cell.
landflag—integer value set to one for land surface cells indicating that boundary conditions can be
applied and data can be specified in the PERIOD block. A value of 0 specifies a non-land surface
ivertcon—integer value set to specify underlying UZF cell that receives water flowing to bottom of
cell. If unsaturated zone flow reaches the water table before the cell bottom, then water is added to
the GWF cell instead of flowing to the underlying UZF cell. A value of 0 indicates the UZF cell is
not connected to an underlying UZF cell.
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 141

surfdep—is the surface depression depth of the UZF cell.

vks—is the saturated vertical hydraulic conductivity of the UZF cell. This value is used with the
Brooks-Corey function and the simulated water content to calculate the partially saturated hydraulic
thtr—is the residual (irreducible) water content of the UZF cell. This residual water is not available to
plants and will not drain into underlying aquifer cells.
thts—is the saturated water content of the UZF cell. The values for saturated and residual water con-
tent should be set in a manner that is consistent with the specific yield value specified in the Storage
Package. The saturated water content must be greater than the residual content.
thti—is the initial water content of the UZF cell. The value must be greater than or equal to the resid-
ual water content and less than or equal to the saturated water content.
eps—is the exponent used in the Brooks-Corey function. The Brooks-Corey function is used by UZF to
calculated hydraulic conductivity under partially saturated conditions as a function of water content
and the user-specified saturated hydraulic conductivity.
boundname—name of the UZF cell cell. BOUNDNAME is an ASCII character variable that can con-
tain as many as 40 characters. If BOUNDNAME contains spaces in it, then the entire name must be
enclosed within single quotes.


iper—integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the
PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater
than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value
assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will con-
tinue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD
iuzno—integer value that defines the UZF cell number associated with the specified PERIOD data on
the line.
finf—real or character value that defines the applied infiltration rate of the UZF cell (LT −1 ). If the
Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values
can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.
pet—real or character value that defines the potential evapotranspiration rate of the UZF cell and spec-
ified GWF cell. Evapotranspiration is first removed from the unsaturated zone and any remaining
potential evapotranspiration is applied to the saturated zone. If IVERTCON is greater than zero
then residual potential evapotranspiration not satisfied in the UZF cell is applied to the underlying
UZF and GWF cells. PET is always specified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET is specified in the
OPTIONS block. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable
Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place
of a numeric value.
extdp—real or character value that defines the evapotranspiration extinction depth of the UZF cell. If
IVERTCON is greater than zero and EXTDP extends below the GWF cell bottom then remaining
potential evapotranspiration is applied to the underlying UZF and GWF cells. EXTDP is always
specified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET is specified in the OPTIONS block. If the Options
block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be
obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.
142 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

extwc—real or character value that defines the evapotranspiration extinction water content of the UZF
cell. EXTWC is always specified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET and UNSAT ETWC are spec-
ified in the OPTIONS block. The evapotranspiration rate from the unsaturated zone will be set to
zero when the calculated water content is at or less than this value. The value for EXTWC cannot be
less than the residual water content, and if it is specified as being less than the residual water con-
tent it is set to the residual water content. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry
(see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the
time-series name in place of a numeric value.
ha—real or character value that defines the air entry potential (head) of the UZF cell. HA is always
specified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET and UNSAT ETAE are specified in the OPTIONS
block. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input”
section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a
numeric value.
hroot—real or character value that defines the root potential (head) of the UZF cell. HROOT is always
specified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET and UNSAT ETAE are specified in the OPTIONS
block. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input”
section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a
numeric value.
rootact—real or character value that defines the root activity function of the UZF cell. ROOTACT is
the length of roots in a given volume of soil divided by that volume. Values range from 0 to about 3
cm−2 , depending on the plant community and its stage of development. ROOTACT is always spec-
ified, but is only used if SIMULATE ET and UNSAT ETAE are specified in the OPTIONS block.
If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section),
values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric
aux—represents the values of the auxiliary variables for each UZF. The values of auxiliary variables
must be present for each UZF. The values must be specified in the order of the auxiliary variables
specified in the OPTIONS block. If the package supports time series and the Options block includes
a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a
time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.

Example Input File

OBS6 UZF.obs


1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
2 1 1 2 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 143

3 1 1 3 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0

4 1 1 4 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
5 1 1 5 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
6 1 1 6 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
7 1 1 7 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
8 1 1 8 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
9 1 1 9 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0
10 1 1 10 1 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.35 0.1 4.0

2 0.00005 0.00002 2.0 0.10
3 0.00008 0.00002 2.0 0.10
4 0.00009 0.00002 2.0 0.10
5 0.0001 0.00002 2.0 0.10
6 0.0001 0.00002 2.0 0.10
7 0.00009 0.00002 2.0 0.10
8 0.00008 0.00002 2.0 0.10
9 0.00005 0.00002 2.0 0.10

2 0.00009 0.00003 2.0 0.10
3 0.0001 0.00003 2.0 0.10
4 0.0001 0.00003 2.0 0.10
5 0.00015 0.00003 2.0 0.10
6 0.00015 0.00003 2.0 0.10
7 0.0001 0.00003 2.0 0.10
8 0.0001 0.00003 2.0 0.10
9 0.00009 0.00003 2.0 0.10

Available observation types

Unsaturated Zone Flow Package observations include all exchange terms with the GWF model and all
of the terms that contribute to the continuity equation for each UZF cell. Additional UZF Package observa-
tions include the net infiltration into UZF cells in land-surface cells (net-infiltration) and the water con-
tent in UZF cells a specified depth below the top of a UZF cell (water-content). The data required for each
UZF Package observation type is defined in table 19. Negative and positive values for uzf-gwrch, uzf-gwd,
uzf-gwd-to-mvr, and uzf-gwet observations represent a loss from and gain to the GWF model, respec-
tively. For all other flow terms, negative and positive values represent a loss from and gain from the UZF pack-
age, respectively.

Table 19. Available UZF Package observation types.

Stress Observation ID ID2 Description

Package type
UZF uzf-gwrch iuzno or – Simulated recharge to the aquifer calculated
boundname by the UZF package for a UZF cell or a
group of UZF cells.
UZF uzf-gwd iuzno or – Simulated groundwater discharge to the land
boundname surface calculated by the UZF package for a
UZF cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF uzf-gwd-to-mvr iuzno or – Simulated groundwater discharge to the land
boundname surface calculated by the UZF package that
is available to the MVR package for a UZF
cell or a group of UZF cells.
144 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Table 19. Available UZF Package observation types.—Continued

Stress Observation ID ID2 Description

Package type
UZF uzf-gwet iuzno or – Simulated groundwater evapotranspiration
boundname calculated by the UZF package for a UZF
cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF infiltration iuzno or – Specified infiltration rate applied to a UZF
boundname package for a UZF cell or a group of UZF
cells with landflag values not equal to zero.
UZF from-mvr iuzno or – Inflow into a UZF cell from the MVR pack-
boundname age for a UZF cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF rej-inf iuzno or – Simulated rejected infiltration calculated by
boundname the UZF package for a UZF cell or a group
of UZF cells.
UZF rej-inf-to-mvr iuzno or – Simulated rejected infiltration calculated
boundname by the UZF package that is available to the
MVR package for a UZF cell or a group of
UZF cells.
UZF uzet iuzno or – Simulated unsaturated evapotranspiration
boundname calculated by the UZF package for a UZF
cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF storage iuzno or – Simulated storage flow rate for a UZF pack-
boundname age cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF net-infiltration iuzno or – Simulated net infiltration rate for a UZF
boundname package cell or a group of UZF cells.
UZF water-content iuzno or depth Unsaturated-zone water content at a user-
boundname specified depth (ID2) relative to the top
of GWF cellid for a UZF cell. The user-
specified depth must be greater than or equal
to zero and less than the thickness of GWF
cellid (TOP - BOT). If boundname is spec-
ified, boundname must be unique for each
UZF cell.

Example Observation Input File

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.obs.uzf.csv
id26_infil infiltration 26
id126_infil infiltration 126
id26_dpth=20 water-content 26 20.0
id126_dpth=51 water-content 126 1.0 #depth is below celtop
id126_rch uzf-gwrch 126

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.uzf.budget.uzf.csv

sinf infiltration uzfcells
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 145

frommvr from-mvr uzfcells

rejinf rej-inf uzfcells
rejinftomvr rej-inf-to-mvr uzfcells
uzet uzet uzfcells
storage storage uzfcells
net-inf net-infiltration uzfcells

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.uzf.budget.gwf.csv

gwrch uzf-gwrch uzfcells
gwd uzf-gwd uzfcells
gwdtomvr uzf-gwd-to-mvr uzfcells
gwet uzf-gwet uzfcells
146 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Water Mover (MVR) Package

The MVR Package can be used to transfer water from a provider to a receiver. Providers are extraction
wells, streamflow routing reaches, lakes and other model features that can be conceptualized as having water
available. The list of packages that can provide water to the MVR Package are:
• Well Package
• Drain Package
• River Package
• General-Head Boundary Package
• Multi-Aquifer Well Package
• Streamflow Routing Package
• Unsaturated Zone Flow Package
• Lake Package
Receivers are package features within the model that solve a continuity equation of inflows, outflows, and
change in storage. These features include multi-aquifer wells, streamflow routing reaches, lakes, and unsatu-
rated zone flow cells. The list of packages that can receive water is shorter than the provider list, because the
WEL, DRN, RIV, and GHB Packages do not represent a continuity equation (boundary stages or elevations are
specified by the user). Therefore, the list of packages that can act as receivers are:
• Multi-Aquifer Well Package
• Streamflow Routing Package
• Unsaturated Zone Flow Package
• Lake Package
The program will terminate with an error if the MVR is used with an unsupported package type.
The MVR Package is based on the calculation of available water that can be moved from one package fea-
ture to another. The equations used to determine how much water can be transferred are as follows, where
QP is the flow rate that can be supported by the provider (the available flow rate), and QR is the actual rate
of water transferred to the receiver.
1. A FACTOR can be specified such that
QR = αQP
where α is the factor to convert the provider flow rate to the receiver flow rate.
2. An EXCESS rate can be specified by the user as QS such that

Q − Q , if QP > QS
QR =
0, otherwise

In the EXCESS case, any water that exceeds the user specified rate is provided to the receiver. No water
is provided to the receiver if the available water is less than the user specified value.
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 147

3. A THRESHOLD rate can be specified for QS such that

0, if QS > QP
QR =
Q , otherwise

In the THRESHOLD case, no flow is provided to the receiver until the available water exceeds the user
specified QS rate. Once the available water exceeds the user specified rate, then the QS rate is provided
to the receiver.
4. An UPTO rate can be specified for QS such that

Q , if QP > QS
QR =
Q , otherwise

In the UPTO case, all of the available water will be taken from the provider up to the QS value specified
by the user. Once QS is exceeded, the receiver will continue to get the QS value specified by the user.
In the MVR PERIOD block (as shown below), the user assigns the equation to used for each individual entry
by specifying FACTOR, EXCESS, THRESHOLD, or UPTO to the input variable mvrtype.
Input to the Water Mover (MVR) Package is read from the file that has type “MVR6” in the Name File.
Only one MVR Package can be used per GWF Model.

Structure of Blocks


[BUDGET FILEOUT <budgetfile>]

MAXMVR <maxmvr>
MAXPACKAGES <maxpackages>

[<mname>] <pname>
[<mname>] <pname>


[<mname1>] <pname1> <id1> [<mname2>] <pname2> <id2> <mvrtype> <value>
[<mname1>] <pname1> <id1> [<mname2>] <pname2> <id2> <mvrtype> <value>
148 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

All of the mover information in the PERIOD block will continue to apply for subsequent stress periods until
the end of the simulation, or until another PERIOD block is encountered. When a new PERIOD block is
encountered, all of the movers from the previous block are replaced with the movers in the new PERIOD
block. Note that this behavior is different from the other advanced packages (MAW, SFR, LAK, and UZF). To
turn off all of the movers for a stress period, a PERIOD block must be specified with no entries. If a PERIOD
block is not specified for the first stress period, then no movers will be applied until the iper value of the first
PERIOD block in the file.

Explanation of Variables

PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of MVR information will be written to the listing file
immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of MVR flow rates will be printed to the listing file for
every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is
no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last
time step of each stress period.
MODELNAMES—keyword to indicate that all package names will be preceded by the model name for the
package. Model names are required when the Mover Package is used with a GWF-GWF Exchange.
The MODELNAME keyword should not be used for a Mover Package that is for a single GWF
BUDGET—keyword to specify that record corresponds to the budget.
FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.
budgetfile—name of the output file to write budget information.


maxmvr—integer value specifying the maximum number of water mover entries that will specified for
any stress period.
maxpackages—integer value specifying the number of unique packages that are included in this water
mover input file.


mname—name of model containing the package. Model names are assigned by the user in the simulation
name file.
pname—is the name of a package that may be included in a subsequent stress period block. The package
name is assigned in the name file for the GWF Model. Package names are optionally provided in the
name file. If they are not provided by the user, then packages are assigned a default value, which is
the package acronym followed by a hyphen and the package number. For example, the first Drain
Package is named DRN-1. The second Drain Package is named DRN-2, and so forth.

Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 149

iper—integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the
PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater
than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value
assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will con-
tinue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD
mname1—name of model containing the package, PNAME1.
pname1—is the package name for the provider. The package PNAME1 must be designated to provide
water through the MVR Package by specifying the keyword “MOVER” in its OPTIONS block.
id1—is the identifier for the provider. For the standard boundary packages, the provider identifier is the
number of the boundary as it is listed in the package input file. (Note that the order of these bound-
aries may change by stress period, which must be accounted for in the Mover Package.) So the first
well has an identifier of one. The second is two, and so forth. For the advanced packages, the iden-
tifier is the reach number (SFR Package), well number (MAW Package), or UZF cell number. For
the Lake Package, ID1 is the lake outlet number. Thus, outflows from a single lake can be routed to
different streams, for example.
mname2—name of model containing the package, PNAME2.
pname2—is the package name for the receiver. The package PNAME2 must be designated to receive
water from the MVR Package by specifying the keyword “MOVER” in its OPTIONS block.
id2—is the identifier for the receiver. The receiver identifier is the reach number (SFR Package), Lake
number (LAK Package), well number (MAW Package), or UZF cell number.
mvrtype—is the character string signifying the method for determining how much water will be moved.
Supported values are “FACTOR” “EXCESS” “THRESHOLD” and “UPTO”. These four options
determine how the receiver flow rate, QR , is calculated. These options mirror the options defined for
the cprior variable in the SFR package, with the term “FACTOR” being functionally equivalent to
the “FRACTION” option for cprior.
value—is the value to be used in the equation for calculating the amount of water to move. For the
“FACTOR” option, VALUE is the α factor. For the remaining options, VALUE is the specified flow
rate, QS .

Example Input File



150 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output


MAW-1 1 MAW-2 21 EXCESS 5.00
MAW-1 11 SFR-1 77 FACTOR 0.25
MAW-1 21 UZF-1 93 FACTOR 0.01
MAW-1 21 LAK-1 3 FACTOR 1.00

SFR-1 1021 MAW-1 21 THRESHOLD 10.0

SFR-1 441 SFR-1 77 FACTOR 0.10
SFR-1 56 UZF-1 93 FACTOR 0.10
SFR-1 4587 LAK-1 3 FACTOR 1.00

UZF-1 4 MAW-1 11 FACTOR 1.00

UZF-1 5 SFR-1 22 FACTOR 1.00
UZF-1 6 UZF-1 45 FACTOR 1.00
UZF-1 7 LAK-1 3 FACTOR 1.00

LAK-1 1 MAW-1 11 EXCESS 1000.

LAK-1 2 SFR-1 22 UPTO 2000.
LAK-1 3 UZF-1 45 UPTO 3000.
LAK-1 4 LAK-1 3 UPTO 3000.
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 151

Ghost-Node Correction (GNC) Package

Input to the Ghost-Node Correction (GNC) Package is read from the file that has type “GNC6” in the
Name File. Only one GNC Package can be used per GWF Model.
The GNC Package has two options for adding the correction terms to the system of equations. The
implicit option, which is the default, adds the terms on both the left-hand and right-hand sides of the equa-
tions. When this default option is used, the BICGSTAB linear acceleration option should be specified within
the LINEAR block of the Sparse Matrix Solver. The BICGSTAB acceleration option is designed to handle the
asymmetry in the conductance matrix. When the EXPLICIT option is specified for the GNC Package, then the
correction terms are added to the right-hand side, and either the CG or BICGSTAB acceleration methods can
be used.

Structure of Blocks



NUMGNC <numgnc>
NUMALPHAJ <numalphaj>

<cellidn> <cellidm> <cellidsj(numalphaj)> <alphasj(numalphaj)>
<cellidn> <cellidm> <cellidsj(numalphaj)> <alphasj(numalphaj)>

Explanation of Variables

PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of GNC information will be written to the listing file
immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of GNC flow rates will be printed to the listing file for
every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is
no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last
time step of each stress period.
EXPLICIT—keyword to indicate that the ghost node correction is applied in an explicit manner on the
right-hand side of the matrix. The explicit approach will likely require additional outer iterations.
If the keyword is not specified, then the correction will be applied in an implicit manner on the left-
hand side. The implicit approach will likely converge better, but may require additional memory. If
the EXPLICIT keyword is not specified, then the BICGSTAB linear acceleration option should be
specified within the LINEAR block of the Sparse Matrix Solver.
152 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output


numgnc—is the number of GNC entries.

numalphaj—is the number of contributing factors.


cellidn—is the cellid of the cell, n, in which the ghost node is located. For a structured grid that uses
the DIS input file, CELLIDN is the layer, row, and column numbers of the cell. For a grid that uses
the DISV input file, CELLIDN is the layer number and CELL2D number for the two cells. If the
model uses the unstructured discretization (DISU) input file, then CELLIDN is the node number for
the cell.
cellidm—is the cellid of the connecting cell, m, to which flow occurs from the ghost node. For a struc-
tured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLIDM is the layer, row, and column numbers of the cell.
For a grid that uses the DISV input file, CELLIDM is the layer number and CELL2D number for
the two cells. If the model uses the unstructured discretization (DISU) input file, then CELLIDM is
the node number for the cell.
cellidsj—is the array of CELLIDS for the contributing j cells, which contribute to the interpolated
head value at the ghost node. This item contains one CELLID for each of the contributing cells of
the ghost node. Note that if the number of actual contributing cells needed by the user is less than
NUMALPHAJ for any ghost node, then a dummy CELLID of zero(s) should be inserted with an
associated contributing factor of zero. For a structured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLID is
the layer, row, and column numbers of the cell. For a grid that uses the DISV input file, CELLID is
the layer number and cell2d number for the two cells. If the model uses the unstructured discretiza-
tion (DISU) input file, then CELLID is the node number for the cell.
alphasj—is the contributing factors for each contributing node in CELLIDSJ. Note that if the number
of actual contributing cells is less than NUMALPHAJ for any ghost node, then dummy CELLIDS
should be inserted with an associated contributing factor of zero. The sum of ALPHASJ should be
less than one. This is because one minus the sum of ALPHASJ is equal to the alpha term (alpha n in
equation 4-61 of the GWF Model report) that is multiplied by the head in cell n.

Example Input File



10 41 9 0.333333333333
10 43 11 0.333333333333
11 44 10 0.333333333333
11 46 12 0.333333333333
12 47 11 0.333333333333
12 49 13 0.333333333333
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 153

16 41 9 0.333333333333
16 59 20 0.333333333333
17 49 13 0.333333333333
17 67 21 0.333333333333
20 68 16 0.333333333333
20 86 24 0.333333333333
21 76 17 0.333333333333
21 94 25 0.333333333333
24 95 20 0.333333333333
24 113 28 0.333333333333
25 103 21 0.333333333333
25 121 32 0.333333333333
29 113 28 0.333333333333
29 115 30 0.333333333333
30 116 29 0.333333333333
30 118 31 0.333333333333
31 119 30 0.333333333333
31 121 32 0.333333333333
154 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Groundwater Flow (GWF) Exchange

Input to the Groundwater Flow (GWF-GWF) Exchange is read from the file that has type “GWF-GWF” in
the Simulation Name File.
The XT3D capability, which can be used to improve the accuracy of the flow calculation for certain types
of cell connections and to represent anisotropic groundwater flow, is not implemented for the GWF-GWF

Structure of Blocks
[AUXILIARY <auxiliary(naux)>]
[CELL_AVERAGING <cell_averaging>]
[GNC6 FILEIN <gnc6_filename>]
[MVR6 FILEIN <mvr6_filename>]
[OBS6 FILEIN <obs6_filename>]

NEXG <nexg>

<cellidm1> <cellidm2> <ihc> <cl1> <cl2> <hwva> [<aux(naux)>]
<cellidm1> <cellidm2> <ihc> <cl1> <cl2> <hwva> [<aux(naux)>]

Explanation of Variables

auxiliary—an array of auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number of auxiliary vari-
ables that can be provided. Most auxiliary variables will not be used by the GWF-GWF Exchange,
but they will be available for use by other parts of the program. If an auxiliary variable with the
name “ANGLDEGX” is found, then this information will be used as the angle (provided in degrees)
between the connection face normal and the x axis, where a value of zero indicates that a normal
vector points directly along the positive x axis. The connection face normal is a normal vector on
the cell face shared between the cell in model 1 and the cell in model 2 pointing away from the
model 1 cell. Additional information on “ANGLDEGX” is provided in the description of the DISU
Package. If an auxiliary variable with the name “CDIST” is found, then this information will be
used as the straight-line connection distance, including the vertical component, between the two cell
centers. Both ANGLDEGX and CDIST are required if specific discharge is calculated for either of
the groundwater models.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of exchange entries will be echoed to the listing file
immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of exchange flow rates will be printed to the listing file
for every stress period in which “SAVE BUDGET” is specified in Output Control.
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 155

SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that cell-by-cell flow terms will be written to the budget file for each
model provided that the Output Control for the models are set up with the “BUDGET SAVE FILE”
cell averaging—is a keyword and text keyword to indicate the method that will be used for calcu-
lating the conductance for horizontal cell connections. The text value for CELL AVERAGING
can be “HARMONIC”, “LOGARITHMIC”, or “AMT-LMK”, which means “arithmetic-mean
thickness and logarithmic-mean hydraulic conductivity”. If the user does not specify a value for
CELL AVERAGING, then the harmonic-mean method will be used.
VARIABLECV—keyword to indicate that the vertical conductance will be calculated using the saturated
thickness and properties of the overlying cell and the thickness and properties of the underlying cell.
If the DEWATERED keyword is also specified, then the vertical conductance is calculated using
only the saturated thickness and properties of the overlying cell if the head in the underlying cell
is below its top. If these keywords are not specified, then the default condition is to calculate the
vertical conductance at the start of the simulation using the initial head and the cell properties. The
vertical conductance remains constant for the entire simulation.
DEWATERED—If the DEWATERED keyword is specified, then the vertical conductance is calculated
using only the saturated thickness and properties of the overlying cell if the head in the underlying
cell is below its top.
NEWTON—keyword that activates the Newton-Raphson formulation for groundwater flow between con-
nected, convertible groundwater cells. Cells will not dry when this option is used.
FILEIN—keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.
GNC6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a ghost-node correction file.
gnc6 filename—is the file name for ghost node correction input file. Information for the ghost
nodes are provided in the file provided with these keywords. The format for specifying the ghost
nodes is the same as described for the GNC Package of the GWF Model. This includes specifying
OPTIONS, DIMENSIONS, and GNCDATA blocks. The order of the ghost nodes must follow the
same order as the order of the cells in the EXCHANGEDATA block. For the GNCDATA, noden and
all of the nodej values are assumed to be located in model 1, and nodem is assumed to be in model
MVR6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a mover file.
mvr6 filename—is the file name of the water mover input file to apply to this exchange. Information
for the water mover are provided in the file provided with these keywords. The format for speci-
fying the water mover information is the same as described for the Water Mover (MVR) Package
of the GWF Model, with two exceptions. First, in the PACKAGES block, the model name must be
included as a separate string before each package. Second, the appropriate model name must be
included before package name 1 and package name 2 in the BEGIN PERIOD block. This allows
providers and receivers to be located in both models listed as part of this exchange.
OBS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.
obs6 filename—is the file name of the observations input file for this exchange. See the “Observa-
tion utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Table 30 lists observation
type(s) supported by the GWF-GWF package.


nexg—keyword and integer value specifying the number of GWF-GWF exchanges.

156 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output


cellidm1—is the cellid of the cell in model 1 as specified in the simulation name file. For a structured
grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLIDM1 is the layer, row, and column numbers of the cell. For
a grid that uses the DISV input file, CELLIDM1 is the layer number and CELL2D number for the
two cells. If the model uses the unstructured discretization (DISU) input file, then CELLIDM1 is
the node number for the cell.
cellidm2—is the cellid of the cell in model 2 as specified in the simulation name file. For a structured
grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLIDM2 is the layer, row, and column numbers of the cell. For
a grid that uses the DISV input file, CELLIDM2 is the layer number and CELL2D number for the
two cells. If the model uses the unstructured discretization (DISU) input file, then CELLIDM2 is
the node number for the cell.
ihc—is an integer flag indicating the direction between node n and all of its m connections. If IHC =
0 then the connection is vertical. If IHC = 1 then the connection is horizontal. If IHC = 2 then the
connection is horizontal for a vertically staggered grid.
cl1—is the distance between the center of cell 1 and the its shared face with cell 2.
cl2—is the distance between the center of cell 2 and the its shared face with cell 1.
hwva—is the horizontal width of the flow connection between cell 1 and cell 2 if IHC > 0, or it is the
area perpendicular to flow of the vertical connection between cell 1 and cell 2 if IHC = 0.
aux—represents the values of the auxiliary variables for each GWFGWF Exchange. The values of aux-
iliary variables must be present for each exchange. The values must be specified in the order of the
auxiliary variables specified in the OPTIONS block.

Example Input File

GNC6 FILEIN simulation.gnc
MVR6 FILEIN simulation.mvr


# nodem1 nodem2 ihc cl1 cl2 fahl testaux

# left side
16 1 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
16 10 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
16 19 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
23 28 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
23 37 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
23 46 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
30 55 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
30 64 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
30 73 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
Groundwater Flow (GWF) Model Input 157

# right side
20 9 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
20 18 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
20 27 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
27 36 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
27 45 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
27 54 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
34 63 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
34 72 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
34 81 1 50. 16.67 33.33 100.99
# back
10 1 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
10 2 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
10 3 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
11 4 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
11 5 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
11 6 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
12 7 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
12 8 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
12 9 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
# front
38 73 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
38 74 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
38 75 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
39 76 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
39 77 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
39 78 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
40 79 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
40 80 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99
40 81 1 50. 17.67 33.33 100.99

Available observation types

GWF-GWF Exchange observations include the simulated flow between two connected nodes
(flow-ja-face). The data required for each GWF-GWF Exchange observation type is defined in table 20.
For flow-ja-face observation types, negative and positive values represent a loss from and gain to the
cellid specified for ID, respectively.

Table 20. Available GWF-GWF Exchange observation types.

Exchange Observation ID ID2 Description

GWF-GWF flow-ja-face cellid cellid Flow rate for specified exchange.

Example Observation Input File


# Block defining continuous observations

# obsname obstype
158 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

exg1 flow-ja-face 1
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 159

Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input

The GWT Model simulates three-dimensional transport of a single solute species in flowing ground-
water. The GWT Model solves the solute transport equation using numerical methods and a generalized
control-volume finite-difference approach, which can be used with regular MODFLOW grids (DIS Pack-
age) or with unstructured grids (DISV and DISU Packages). The GWT Model is designed to work with most
of the new capabilities released with the GWF Model, including the Newton flow formulation, unstructured
grids, advanced packages, and the movement of water between packages. The GWF and GWT Models operate
simultaneously during a MODFLOW 6 simulation to represent coupled groundwater flow and solute transport.
The GWT Model can also run separately from a GWF Model by reading the heads and flows saved by a previ-
ously run GWF Model. The GWT model is also capable of working with the flows from another groundwater
flow model, as long as the flows from that model can be written in the correct form to flow and head files.
The purpose of the GWT Model is to calculate changes in solute concentration in both space and time.
Solute concentrations within an aquifer can change in response to multiple solute transport processes. These
processes include (1) advective transport of solute with flowing groundwater, (2) the combined hydrodynamic
dispersion processes of velocity-dependent mechanical dispersion and chemical diffusion, (3) sorption of
solutes by the aquifer matrix either by adsorption to individual solid grains or by absorbtion into solid grains,
(4) transfer of solute into very low permeability aquifer material (called an immobile domain) where it can
be stored and later released, (5) first- or zero-order solute decay or production in response to chemical or bio-
logical reactions, (6) mixing with fluids from groundwater sources and sinks, and (7) direct addition of solute
With the present implementation, there can be multiple domains and multiple phases. There is a single
mobile domain, which normally consists of flowing groundwater, and there can be one or more immobile
domains. The GWT Model simulates the dissolved phase of chemical constituents in both the mobile and
immobile domains. The dissolved phase is also referred to in this report as the aqueous phase. If sorption is
represented, then the GWT Model also simulates the solid phase of the chemical constituent in both the mobile
and immobile domains. The dissolved and solid phases of the chemical constituent are tracked in the different
domains by the GWT Model and can be reported as output as requested by the user.
This section describes the data files for a MODFLOW 6 Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model. A GWT
Model is added to the simulation by including a GWT entry in the MODELS block of the simulation name
file. There are three types of spatial discretization approaches that can be used with the GWT Model: DIS,
DISV, and DISU. The input instructions for these three packages are not described here in this section on
GWT Model input; input instructions for these three packages are described in the section on GWF Model
The GWT Model is designed to permit input to be gathered, as it is needed, from many different files.
Likewise, results from the model calculations can be written to a number of output files. The GWT Model
Listing File is a key file to which the GWT model output is written. As MODFLOW 6 runs, information about
the GWT Model is written to the GWT Model Listing File, including much of the input data (as a record of the
simulation) and calculated results. Details about the files used by each package are provided in this section on
the GWT Model Instructions.
The GWT Model reads a file called the Name File, which specifies most of the files that will be used in
a simulation. Several files are always required whereas other files are optional depending on the simulation.
The Output Control Package receives instructions from the user to control the amount and frequency of output.
Details about the Name File and the Output Control Package are described in this section.
For the GWT Model, “flows” (unless stated otherwise) represent solute mass “flow” in mass per time,
rather than groundwater flow.
160 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Information for Existing Solute Transport Modelers

The MODFLOW 6 GWT Model contains most of the functionality of MODFLOW-GWT, MT3DMS,
MT3D-USGS and MODFLOW-USG. The following list summarizes major differences between the GWT
Model in MODFLOW 6 and previous MODFLOW-based solute transport programs.

1. The GWT Model simulates transport of a single chemical species; however, because MODFLOW 6
allows for multiple models of the same type to be included in a single simulation, multiple species can
be represented by using multiple GWT Models.
2. There is no specialized flow and transport link file (Zheng and others, 2001) used to pass the simulated
groundwater flows to the transport model. Instead, simulated flows from the GWF Model are passed in
memory to the GWT Model while the program is running. Alternatively, the GWT Model can read binary
flow and head files saved by the GWF Model while it is running. If the user intends to simulate trans-
port through the advanced stress packages and Water Mover Package, then flows from these advanced
packages must also be saved to binary files. Names for these binary files are provided as input to the FMI
3. The GWT Model is based on a generalized control-volume finite-difference method, which means
that solute transport can be simulated using regular MODFLOW grids consisting of layers, rows, and
columns, or solute transport can be simulated using unstructured grids.
4. Advection can be simulated using central-in-space weighting, upstream weighting, or an implicit second-
order TVD scheme. The GWT model does not have the Method of Characteristics (particle-based
approaches) or an explicit TVD scheme. Consequently, the GWT Model may require a higher level of
spatial discretization than other transport models that use higher order terms for advection dominated
systems. This can be an important limitation for some problems, which require the preservation of sharp
solute fronts.
5. Variable-density flow and transport can be simulated by including a GWF Model and a GWT Model in
the same MODFLOW 6 simulation. The Buoyancy Package should be activated for the GWF Model so
that fluid density is calculated as a function of simulated concentration. If more than one chemical species
is represented then the Buoyancy Package allows the simulated concentration for each of them to be used
in the density equation of state. Langevin and others (2020) describe the hydraulic-head formation that is
implemented in the Buoyancy Package for variable-density groundwater flow and present the results from
MODFLOW 6 variable-density simulations. The variable-density capabilities available in MODFLOW 6
replicate and extend the capabilities available in SEAWAT to include the Newton flow formulation and
unstructured grids, for example.
6. The GWT model includes the MST and IST Packages. These two package collectively comprise the
capabilities of the MT3DMS Reactions Package.
7. The MST Package contains the linear, Freundlich, and Langmuir isotherms for representing sorption. The
IST Packages contains only the linear isotherm for representation of sorption.
8. The GWT model was designed so that the user can specify as many immobile domains and necessary
to represent observed contaminant transport patterns and solute breakthrough curves. The effects of an
immobile domain are represented using the Immobile Storage and Transfer (IST) Package, and the user
can specify as many IST Packages as necessary.
9. Although there is GWF-GWF Exchange, a GWT-GWT Exchange has not yet been developed to connect
multiple transport models, as might be done in a nested grid configuration.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 161

10. There is no option to automatically run the GWT Model to steady state using a single time step. This is
an option available in MT3DMS (Zheng, 2010). Steady state conditions must be determined by running
the transport model under transient conditions until concentrations stabilize.

11. The GWT Model described in this report is capable of simulating solute transport in the advanced stress
packages of MODFLOW 6, including the Lake, Streamflow Routing, Multi-Aquifer Well and Unsatu-
rated Zone Transport Packages. The present implementation simulates solute advection between package
features, such as between two stream reaches, but dispersive transport is not represented. Likewise, solute
transport between the advanced packages and the aquifer occurs only through advection.

12. The GWT Model has not yet been programmed to work with the Skeletal Storage, Compaction, and Sub-
sidence (CSUB) Package for the GWF Model.

13. There are many other differences between the MODFLOW 6 GWT Model and other solute transport
models that work with MODFLOW, especially with regards to program design and input and output.
Descriptions for the GWT input and output are described here.

Units of Length and Time

The GWF Model formulates the groundwater flow equation without using prescribed length and time
units. Any consistent units of length and time can be used when specifying the input data for a simulation.
This capability gives a certain amount of freedom to the user, but care must be exercised to avoid mixing units.
The program cannot detect the use of inconsistent units.

Solute Mass Budget

A summary of all inflow (sources) and outflow (sinks) of solute mass is called a mass budget. MOD-
FLOW 6 calculates a mass budget for the overall model as a check on the acceptability of the solution, and
to provide a summary of the sources and sinks of mass to the flow system. The solute mass budget is printed to
the GWT Model Listing File for selected time steps.

Time Stepping
For the present implementation of the GWT Model, all terms in the solute transport equation are solved
implicitly. With the implicit approach applied to the transport equation, it is possible to take relatively large
time steps and efficiently obtain a stable solution. If the time steps are too large, however, accuracy of the
model results will suffer, so there is usually some compromise required between the desired level of accuracy
and length of the time step. An assessment of accuracy can be performed by simply running simulations with
shorter time steps and comparing results.
In MODFLOW 6 time step lengths are controlled by the user and specified in the Temporal Discretiza-
tion (TDIS) input file. When the flow model and transport model are included in the same simulation, then the
length of the time step specified in TDIS is used for both models. If the GWT Model runs in a separate simula-
tion from the GWT Model, then the time steps used for the transport model can be different, and likely shorter,
than the time steps used for the flow solution. Instructions for specifying time steps are described in the TDIS
section of this user guide; additional information on GWF and GWT configurations are in the Flow Model
Interface section.
162 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

GWT Model Name File

The GWT Model Name File specifies the options and packages that are active for a GWT model. The
Name File contains two blocks: OPTIONS and PACKAGES. The length of each line must be 299 characters
or less. The lines in each block can be in any order. Files listed in the PACKAGES block must exist when the
program starts.
Comment lines are indicated when the first character in a line is one of the valid comment characters.
Commented lines can be located anywhere in the file. Any text characters can follow the comment charac-
ter. Comment lines have no effect on the simulation; their purpose is to allow users to provide documentation
about a particular simulation.

Structure of Blocks

[LIST <list>]

<ftype> <fname> [<pname>]
<ftype> <fname> [<pname>]

Explanation of Variables

list—is name of the listing file to create for this GWT model. If not specified, then the name of the list
file will be the basename of the GWT model name file and the ’.lst’ extension. For example, if the
GWT name file is called “my.model.nam” then the list file will be called “my.model.lst”.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of all model stress package information will be written
to the listing file immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of all model package flow rates will be printed to the
listing file for every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Con-
trol. If there is no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are
printed for the last time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that all model package flow terms will be written to the file specified
with “BUDGET FILEOUT” in Output Control.


ftype—is the file type, which must be one of the following character values shown in table 21. Ftype
may be entered in any combination of uppercase and lowercase.
fname—is the name of the file containing the package input. The path to the file should be included if
the file is not located in the folder where the program was run.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 163

pname—is the user-defined name for the package. PNAME is restricted to 16 characters. No spaces are
allowed in PNAME. PNAME character values are read and stored by the program for stress pack-
ages only. These names may be useful for labeling purposes when multiple stress packages of the
same type are located within a single GWT Model. If PNAME is specified for a stress package, then
PNAME will be used in the flow budget table in the listing file; it will also be used for the text entry
in the cell-by-cell budget file. PNAME is case insensitive and is stored in all upper case letters.

Table 21. Ftype values described in this report. The Pname column indicates whether or not a package name can be provided
in the name file. The capability to provide a package name also indicates that the GWT Model can have more than one package
of that Ftype.

Ftype Input File Description Pname

DIS6 Rectilinear Discretization Input File
DISV6 Discretization by Vertices Input File
DISU6 Unstructured Discretization Input File
FMI6 Flow Model Interface Package
IC6 Initial Conditions Package
OC6 Output Control Option
ADV6 Advection Package
DSP6 Dispersion Package
SSM6 Source and Sink Mixing Package
MST6 Mobile Storage and Transfer Package
IST6 Immobile Storage and Transfer Package *
CNC6 Constant Concentration Package *
SRC6 Mass Source Loading Package *
LKT6 Lake Transport Package *
SFT6 Streamflow Transport Package *
MWT6 Multi-Aquifer Well Transport Package *
UZT6 Unsaturated Zone Transport Package *
MVT6 Mover Transport Package
OBS6 Observations Option

Example Input File

# This block is optional

DIS6 transport.dis
IC6 transport.ic
MST6 transport.mst
ADV6 transport.adv
DSP6 transport.dsp
SSM6 transport.ssm
CNC6 transport01.cnc LEFT
CNC6 transport02.cnc RIGHT
164 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

SRC6 transport01.src LAY1

SRC6 transport02.src LAY2
SRC6 transport03.src LAY3
OC6 transport.oc
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 165

Initial Conditions (IC) Package

Initial Conditions (IC) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “IC6” as the file type.
Only one IC Package can be specified for a GWT model.

Structure of Blocks

<strt(nodes)> -- READARRAY

Explanation of Variables

strt—is the initial (starting) concentration—that is, concentration at the beginning of the GWT Model
simulation. STRT must be specified for all GWT Model simulations. One value is read for every
model cell.

Example Input File

#The OPTIONS block is optional


#The GRIDDATA block is required

CONSTANT 0.0 Initial Concentration layer 1
CONSTANT 0.0 Initial Concentration layer 2
166 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Output Control (OC) Option

Input to the Output Control Option of the Groundwater Transport Model is read from the file that is spec-
ified as type “OC6” in the Name File. If no “OC6” file is specified, default output control is used. The Output
Control Option determines how and when concentrations are printed to the listing file and/or written to a sepa-
rate binary output file. Under the default, concentration and overall transport budget are written to the Listing
File at the end of every stress period. The default printout format for concentrations is 10G11.4. The concen-
trations and overall transport budget are also written to the list file if the simulation terminates prematurely due
to failed convergence.
Output Control data must be specified using words. The numeric codes supported in earlier MODFLOW
versions can no longer be used.
For the PRINT and SAVE options of concentration, there is no option to specify individual layers. When-
ever the concentration array is printed or saved, all layers are printed or saved.

Structure of Blocks


[BUDGET FILEOUT <budgetfile>]
[CONCENTRATION FILEOUT <concentrationfile>]
[CONCENTRATION PRINT_FORMAT COLUMNS <columns> WIDTH <width> DIGITS <digits> <format>]


[SAVE <rtype> <ocsetting>]
[PRINT <rtype> <ocsetting>]

Explanation of Variables

BUDGET—keyword to specify that record corresponds to the budget.

FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.
budgetfile—name of the output file to write budget information.
CONCENTRATION—keyword to specify that record corresponds to concentration.
concentrationfile—name of the output file to write conc information.
PRINT FORMAT—keyword to specify format for printing to the listing file.
columns—number of columns for writing data.
width—width for writing each number.
digits—number of digits to use for writing a number.
format—write format can be EXPONENTIAL, FIXED, GENERAL, or SCIENTIFIC.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 167


iper—integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the
PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater
than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value
assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will con-
tinue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD
SAVE—keyword to indicate that information will be saved this stress period.
PRINT—keyword to indicate that information will be printed this stress period.
rtype—type of information to save or print. Can be BUDGET or CONCENTRATION.
ocsetting—specifies the steps for which the data will be saved.
FREQUENCY <frequency>
STEPS <steps(<nstp)>

ALL—keyword to indicate save for all time steps in period.

FIRST—keyword to indicate save for first step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with
other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.
LAST—keyword to indicate save for last step in period. This keyword may be used in conjunction with
other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.
frequency—save at the specified time step frequency. This keyword may be used in conjunction with
other keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.
steps—save for each step specified in STEPS. This keyword may be used in conjunction with other
keywords to print or save results for multiple time steps.

Example Input File


168 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Observation (OBS) Utility for a GWT Model

GWT Model observations include the simulated groundwater concentration (concentration), and the
mass flow, with units of mass per time, between two connected cells (flow-ja-face). The data required for
each GWT Model observation type is defined in table 22. For flow-ja-face observation types, negative and
positive values represent a loss from and gain to the cellid specified for ID, respectively.

Structure of Blocks


[DIGITS <digits>]

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT <obs_output_file_name> [BINARY]

<obsname> <obstype> <id> [<id2>]
<obsname> <obstype> <id> [<id2>]

Explanation of Variables

digits—Keyword and an integer digits specifier used for conversion of simulated values to text on out-
put. The default is 5 digits. When simulated values are written to a file specified as file type DATA
in the Name File, the digits specifier controls the number of significant digits with which simulated
values are written to the output file. The digits specifier has no effect on the number of significant
digits with which the simulation time is written for continuous observations.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of observation information will be written to the listing
file immediately after it is read.


FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.

obs output file name—Name of a file to which simulated values corresponding to observations in
the block are to be written. The file name can be an absolute or relative path name. A unique out-
put file must be specified for each CONTINUOUS block. If the “BINARY” option is used, output
is written in binary form. By convention, text output files have the extension “csv” (for “Comma-
Separated Values”) and binary output files have the extension “bsv” (for “Binary Simulated Val-
BINARY—an optional keyword used to indicate that the output file should be written in binary (unfor-
matted) form.
obsname—string of 1 to 40 nonblank characters used to identify the observation. The identifier need
not be unique; however, identification and post-processing of observations in the output files are
facilitated if each observation is given a unique name.
obstype—a string of characters used to identify the observation type.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 169

id—Text identifying cell where observation is located. For packages other than NPF, if boundary names
are defined in the corresponding package input file, ID can be a boundary name. Otherwise ID is
a cellid. If the model discretization is type DIS, cellid is three integers (layer, row, column). If the
discretization is DISV, cellid is two integers (layer, cell number). If the discretization is DISU, cellid
is one integer (node number).
id2—Text identifying cell adjacent to cell identified by ID. The form of ID2 is as described for ID. ID2
is used for intercell-flow observations of a GWF model, for three observation types of the LAK
Package, for two observation types of the MAW Package, and one observation type of the UZF

Table 22. Available GWT model observation types.

Model Observation ID ID2 Description

GWT concentration cellid – Concentration at a specified cell.
GWT flow-ja-face cellid cellid Mass flow in dimensions of mass per time
between two adjacent cells. The mass flow
rate includes the contributions from both
advection and dispersion if those packages
are active

Example Observation Input File

An example GWT Model observation file is shown below.

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.gwt.conc.csv

# obsname obstype ID
L1 CONCENTRATION 1 51 51 # concs at lay 1 row 51 col 51
L2 CONCENTRATION 2 51 51 # concs at lay 2 row 51 col 51

BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.gwt.mflow.csv

# obsname obstype ID ID1
L1rfflow FLOW-JA-FACE 1 51 51 1 51 52
L2rfflow FLOW-JA-FACE 2 51 51 2 51 52
L1-L2flow FLOW-JA-FACE 1 51 51 2 51 51
170 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Advection (ADV) Package

Advection (ADV) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “ADV6” as the file type.
Only one ADV Package can be specified for a GWT model.

Structure of Blocks

[SCHEME <scheme>]

Explanation of Variables

scheme—scheme used to solve the advection term. Can be upstream, central, or TVD. If not specified,
upstream weighting is the default weighting scheme.

Example Input File

Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 171

Dispersion (DSP) Package

Dispersion (DSP) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “DSP6” as the file type.
Only one DSP Package can be specified for a GWT model. The DSP Package is based on the mathematical
formulation presented for the XT3D option of the NPF Package available to represent full three-dimensional
anisotropy in groundwater flow. XT3D can be computationally expensive and can be turned off to use a sim-
plified and approximate form of the dispersion equations. For most problems, however, XT3D will be required
to accurately represent dispersion.

Structure of Blocks


<diffc(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<alh(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<alv(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<ath1(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<ath2(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<atv(nodes)> -- READARRAY]

Explanation of Variables

XT3D OFF—deactivate the xt3d method and use the faster and less accurate approximation. This option
may provide a fast and accurate solution under some circumstances, such as when flow aligns with
the model grid, there is no mechanical dispersion, or when the longitudinal and transverse disper-
sivities are equal. This option may also be used to assess the computational demand of the XT3D
approach by noting the run time differences with and without this option on.
XT3D RHS—add xt3d terms to right-hand side, when possible. This option uses less memory, but may
require more iterations.


diffc—effective molecular diffusion coefficient.

alh—longitudinal dispersivity in horizontal direction. If flow is strictly horizontal, then this is the lon-
gitudinal dispersivity that will be used. If flow is not strictly horizontal or strictly vertical, then the
longitudinal dispersivity is a function of both ALH and ALV. If mechanical dispersion is represented
(by specifying any dispersivity values) then this array is required.
172 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

alv—longitudinal dispersivity in vertical direction. If flow is strictly vertical, then this is the longitu-
dinal dispsersivity value that will be used. If flow is not strictly horizontal or strictly vertical, then
the longitudinal dispersivity is a function of both ALH and ALV. If this value is not specified and
mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ALH.
ath1—transverse dispersivity in horizontal direction. This is the transverse dispersivity value for the
second ellipsoid axis. If flow is strictly horizontal and directed in the x direction (along a row for a
regular grid), then this value controls spreading in the y direction. If mechanical dispersion is repre-
sented (by specifying any dispersivity values) then this array is required.
ath2—transverse dispersivity in horizontal direction. This is the transverse dispersivity value for the
third ellipsoid axis. If flow is strictly horizontal and directed in the x direction (along a row for a
regular grid), then this value controls spreading in the z direction. If this value is not specified and
mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ATH1.
atv—transverse dispersivity when flow is in vertical direction. If flow is strictly vertical and directed
in the z direction, then this value controls spreading in the x and y directions. If this value is not
specified and mechanical dispersion is represented, then this array is set equal to ATH2.

Example Input File


Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 173

Source and Sink Mixing (SSM) Package

Source and Sink Mixing (SSM) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “SSM6” as
the file type. Only one SSM Package can be specified for a GWT model. The SSM Package is required if the
flow model has any stress packages.
The SSM Package is used to add or remove solute mass from GWT model cells based on inflows and out-
flows from GWF stress packages. If a GWF stress package provides flow into a model cell, that flow can be
assigned a user-specified concentration. This user-specified concentration must be entered as an auxiliary vari-
able in the flow package. In the SOURCES block below, the user provides the name of the package and the
name of the auxiliary variable containing concentration values for each boundary. As described below for src-
type, there are multiple options for defining this behavior. If a flow package specified here is also represented
using an advanced transport package (SFT, LKT, MWT, or UZT), then the advanced transport package will
override SSM calculations for that package.
If the user does not enter a record for a GWF stress package in the SOURCES block, then inflow to the
GWT model is assigned a concentration value of zero. For negative flow rates in GWF stress packages (sinks),
the sink concentration is set to the calculated cell concentration.

Structure of Blocks


<pname> <srctype> <auxname>
<pname> <srctype> <auxname>

Explanation of Variables

PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of SSM flow rates will be printed to the listing file for
every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is
no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last
time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that SSM flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUD-
GET FILEOUT” in Output Control.


pname—name of the flow package for which an auxiliary variable contains a source concentration. If
this flow package is represented using an advanced transport package (SFT, LKT, MWT, or UZT),
then the advanced transport package will override SSM terms specified here.
srctype—keyword indicating how concentration will be assigned for sources and sinks. Keyword must
be specified as either AUX or AUXMIXED. For both options the user must provide an auxiliary
variable in the corresponding flow package. The auxiliary variable must have the same name as the
174 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

AUXNAME value that follows. If the AUX keyword is specified, then the auxiliary variable spec-
ified by the user will be assigned as the concenration value for groundwater sources (flows with
a positive sign). For negative flow rates (sinks), groundwater will be withdrawn from the cell at
the simulated concentration of the cell. The AUXMIXED option provides an alternative method
for how to determine the concentration of sinks. If the cell concentration is larger than the user-
specified auxiliary concentration, then the concentration of groundwater withdrawn from the cell
will be assigned as the user-specified concentration. Alternatively, if the user-specified auxiliary
concentration is larger than the cell concentration, then groundwater will be withdrawn at the cell
concentration. Thus, the AUXMIXED option is designed to work with the Evapotranspiration
(EVT) and Recharge (RCH) Packages where water may be withdrawn at a concentration that is less
than the cell concentration.
auxname—name of the auxiliary variable in the package PNAME. This auxiliary variable must exist and
be specified by the user in that package. The values in this auxiliary variable will be used to set the
concentration associated with the flows for that boundary package.

Example Input File

# pname srctype auxname
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 175

Mobile Storage and Transfer (MST) Package

Mobile Storage and Transfer (MST) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “MST6”
as the file type. Only one MST Package can be specified for a GWT model.

Structure of Blocks
[SORPTION <sorption>]

<porosity(nodes)> -- READARRAY
<decay(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<decay_sorbed(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<bulk_density(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<distcoef(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<sp2(nodes)> -- READARRAY]

Explanation of Variables

SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that MST flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUD-
GET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
FIRST ORDER DECAY—is a text keyword to indicate that first-order decay will occur. Use of this key-
word requires that DECAY and DECAY SORBED (if sorption is active) are specified in the GRID-
DATA block.
ZERO ORDER DECAY—is a text keyword to indicate that zero-order decay will occur. Use of this keyword
requires that DECAY and DECAY SORBED (if sorption is active) are specified in the GRIDDATA
sorption—is a text keyword to indicate that sorption will be activated. Valid sorption options include
LINEAR, FREUNDLICH, and LANGMUIR. Use of this keyword requires that BULK DENSITY
and DISTCOEF are specified in the GRIDDATA block. If sorption is specified as FREUNDLICH or
LANGMUIR then SP2 is also required in the GRIDDATA block.


porosity—is the aquifer porosity.

decay—is the rate coefficient for first or zero-order decay for the aqueous phase of the mobile domain.
A negative value indicates solute production. The dimensions of decay for first-order decay is one
over time. The dimensions of decay for zero-order decay is mass per length cubed per time. decay
176 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

will have no effect on simulation results unless either first- or zero-order decay is specified in the
options block.
decay sorbed—is the rate coefficient for first or zero-order decay for the sorbed phase of the mobile
domain. A negative value indicates solute production. The dimensions of decay sorbed for first-
order decay is one over time. The dimensions of decay sorbed for zero-order decay is mass of
solute per mass of aquifer per time. If decay sorbed is not specified and both decay and sorption
are active, then the program will terminate with an error. decay sorbed will have no effect on sim-
ulation results unless the SORPTION keyword and either first- or zero-order decay are specified in
the options block.
bulk density—is the bulk density of the aquifer in mass per length cubed. bulk density is not required
unless the SORPTION keyword is specified.
distcoef—is the distribution coefficient for the equilibrium-controlled linear sorption isotherm in
dimensions of length cubed per mass. distcoef is not required unless the SORPTION keyword is
sp2—is the exponent for the Freundlich isotherm and the sorption capacity for the Langmuir isotherm.

Example Input File


Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 177

Immobile Storage and Transfer (IST) Package

Immobile Storage and Transfer (IMD) Package information is read from the file that is specified by
“IST6” as the file type. Any number of IST Packages can be specified for a single GWT model. This allows
the user to specify triple porosity systems, or systems with as many immobile domains as necessary.

Structure of Blocks

[CIM FILEOUT <cimfile>]
[CIM PRINT_FORMAT COLUMNS <columns> WIDTH <width> DIGITS <digits> <format>]

<cim(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<thetaim(nodes)> -- READARRAY
<zetaim(nodes)> -- READARRAY
<decay(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<decay_sorbed(nodes)> -- READARRAY]
<bulk_density(nodes)> -- READARRAY
<distcoef(nodes)> -- READARRAY

Explanation of Variables

SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that IST flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUD-
GET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
SORPTION—is a text keyword to indicate that sorption will be activated. Use of this keyword requires
that BULK DENSITY and DISTCOEF are specified in the GRIDDATA block. The linear sorption
isotherm is the only isotherm presently supported in the IST Package.
FIRST ORDER DECAY—is a text keyword to indicate that first-order decay will occur. Use of this key-
word requires that DECAY and DECAY SORBED (if sorption is active) are specified in the GRID-
DATA block.
ZERO ORDER DECAY—is a text keyword to indicate that zero-order decay will occur. Use of this keyword
requires that DECAY and DECAY SORBED (if sorption is active) are specified in the GRIDDATA
CIM—keyword to specify that record corresponds to immobile concentration.
FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.
178 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

cimfile—name of the output file to write immobile concentrations. This file is a binary file that has
the same format and structure as a binary head and concentration file. The value for the text variable
written to the file is CIM. Immobile domain concentrations will be written to this file at the same
interval as mobile domain concentrations are saved, as specified in the GWT Model Output Control
PRINT FORMAT—keyword to specify format for printing to the listing file.
columns—number of columns for writing data.
width—width for writing each number.
digits—number of digits to use for writing a number.
format—write format can be EXPONENTIAL, FIXED, GENERAL, or SCIENTIFIC.


cim—initial concentration of the immobile domain in mass per length cubed. If CIM is not specified,
then it is assumed to be zero.
thetaim—porosity of the immobile domain specified as the volume of immobile pore space per total
volume (dimensionless).
zetaim—mass transfer rate coefficient between the mobile and immobile domains, in dimensions of per
decay—is the rate coefficient for first or zero-order decay for the aqueous phase of the immobile
domain. A negative value indicates solute production. The dimensions of decay for first-order decay
is one over time. The dimensions of decay for zero-order decay is mass per length cubed per time.
Decay will have no effect on simulation results unless either first- or zero-order decay is specified in
the options block.
decay sorbed—is the rate coefficient for first or zero-order decay for the sorbed phase of the immo-
bile domain. A negative value indicates solute production. The dimensions of decay sorbed for
first-order decay is one over time. The dimensions of decay sorbed for zero-order decay is mass
of solute per mass of aquifer per time. If decay sorbed is not specified and both decay and sorption
are active, then the program will terminate with an error. decay sorbed will have no effect on sim-
ulation results unless the SORPTION keyword and either first- or zero-order decay are specified in
the options block.
bulk density—is the bulk density of the aquifer in mass per length cubed. bulk density will have no
effect on simulation results unless the SORPTION keyword is specified in the options block.
distcoef—is the distribution coefficient for the equilibrium-controlled linear sorption isotherm in
dimensions of length cubed per mass. distcoef will have no effect on simulation results unless the
SORPTION keyword is specified in the options block.

Example Input File

CIM FILEOUT gwtmodel.imd1.ucn
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 179

CONSTANT 0.25000000
CONSTANT 0.01000000
CONSTANT 0.01000000
CONSTANT 0.01000000
180 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Constant Concentration (CNC) Package

Constant Concentration (CNC) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “CNC6” as
the file type. Any number of CNC Packages can be specified for a single GWT model, but the same cell can-
not be designated as a constant concentration by more than one CNC entry.

Structure of Blocks


[AUXILIARY <auxiliary(naux)>]
[AUXMULTNAME <auxmultname>]
[TS6 FILEIN <ts6_filename>]
[OBS6 FILEIN <obs6_filename>]

MAXBOUND <maxbound>


<cellid(ncelldim)> <conc> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]
<cellid(ncelldim)> <conc> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]

All of the stress package information in the PERIOD block will continue to apply for subsequent stress periods
until the end of the simulation, or until another PERIOD block is encountered. When a new PERIOD block
is encountered, all of the stresses from the previous block are replaced with the stresses in the new PERIOD
block. Note that this behavior is different from the advanced packages (MAW, SFR, LAK, and UZF). To turn
off all of the stresses for a stress period, a PERIOD block must be specified with no entries. If a PERIOD
block is not specified for the first stress period, then no stresses will be applied until the iper value of the first
PERIOD block in the file.

Explanation of Variables

auxiliary—defines an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number
of auxiliary variables that can be provided on this line; however, lists of information provided in
subsequent blocks must have a column of data for each auxiliary variable name defined here. The
number of auxiliary variables detected on this line determines the value for naux. Comments cannot
be provided anywhere on this line as they will be interpreted as auxiliary variable names. Auxiliary
variables may not be used by the package, but they will be available for use by other parts of the
program. The program will terminate with an error if auxiliary variables are specified on more than
one line in the options block.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 181

auxmultname—name of auxiliary variable to be used as multiplier of concentration value.

BOUNDNAMES—keyword to indicate that boundary names may be provided with the list of constant con-
centration cells.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of constant concentration information will be written to
the listing file immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of constant concentration flow rates will be printed to
the listing file for every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output
Control. If there is no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are
printed for the last time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that constant concentration flow terms will be written to the file
specified with “BUDGET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
TS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a time-series file.
FILEIN—keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.
ts6 filename—defines a time-series file defining time series that can be used to assign time-varying
values. See the “Time-Variable Input” section for instructions on using the time-series capability.
OBS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.
obs6 filename—name of input file to define observations for the Constant Concentration package. See
the “Observation utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Tables 30 and
31 lists observation type(s) supported by the Constant Concentration package.


maxbound—integer value specifying the maximum number of constant concentrations cells that will be
specified for use during any stress period.


iper—integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the
PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater
than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value
assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will con-
tinue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD
cellid—is the cell identifier, and depends on the type of grid that is used for the simulation. For a
structured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLID is the layer, row, and column. For a grid that
uses the DISV input file, CELLID is the layer and CELL2D number. If the model uses the unstruc-
tured discretization (DISU) input file, CELLID is the node number for the cell.
conc—is the constant concentration value. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry
(see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering the
time-series name in place of a numeric value.
aux—represents the values of the auxiliary variables for each constant concentration. The values of aux-
iliary variables must be present for each constant concentration. The values must be specified in the
order of the auxiliary variables specified in the OPTIONS block. If the package supports time series
and the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section),
values can be obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric
182 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

boundname—name of the constant concentration cell. BOUNDNAME is an ASCII character variable

that can contain as many as 40 characters. If BOUNDNAME contains spaces in it, then the entire
name must be enclosed within single quotes.

Example Input File



1 1 1 1.0

Available observation types

CNC Package observations are limited to the simulated constant concentration mass flow rate (cnc). The
data required for the CNC Package observation type is defined in table 23. Negative and positive values for an
observation represent a loss from and gain to the GWT model, respectively.

Table 23. Available CNC Package observation types.

Model Observation ID ID2 Description

CNC cnc cellid or – Mass flow between the groundwater system
boundname and a constant-concentration boundary or a
group of cells with constant-concentration

Example Observation Input File



# obsname obstype ID
cnc_2_1 CNC 1 1 2
cnc_2_2 CNC 1 2 2
cnc_2_3 CNC 1 3 2
cnc_2_4 CNC 1 4 2
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 183


# obsname obstype ID
cnc_3_flow CNC CNC_1_3
184 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

Mass Source Loading (SRC) Package

Input to the Mass Source Loading (SRC) Package is read from the file that has type “SRC6” in the Name
File. Any number of SRC Packages can be specified for a single groundwater transport model.

Structure of Blocks


[AUXILIARY <auxiliary(naux)>]
[AUXMULTNAME <auxmultname>]
[TS6 FILEIN <ts6_filename>]
[OBS6 FILEIN <obs6_filename>]

MAXBOUND <maxbound>


<cellid(ncelldim)> <smassrate> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]
<cellid(ncelldim)> <smassrate> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]

All of the stress package information in the PERIOD block will continue to apply for subsequent stress periods
until the end of the simulation, or until another PERIOD block is encountered. When a new PERIOD block
is encountered, all of the stresses from the previous block are replaced with the stresses in the new PERIOD
block. Note that this behavior is different from the advanced packages (MAW, SFR, LAK, and UZF). To turn
off all of the stresses for a stress period, a PERIOD block must be specified with no entries. If a PERIOD
block is not specified for the first stress period, then no stresses will be applied until the iper value of the first
PERIOD block in the file.

Explanation of Variables

auxiliary—defines an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number
of auxiliary variables that can be provided on this line; however, lists of information provided in
subsequent blocks must have a column of data for each auxiliary variable name defined here. The
number of auxiliary variables detected on this line determines the value for naux. Comments cannot
be provided anywhere on this line as they will be interpreted as auxiliary variable names. Auxiliary
variables may not be used by the package, but they will be available for use by other parts of the
program. The program will terminate with an error if auxiliary variables are specified on more than
one line in the options block.
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 185

auxmultname—name of auxiliary variable to be used as multiplier of mass loading rate.

BOUNDNAMES—keyword to indicate that boundary names may be provided with the list of mass source
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of mass source information will be written to the listing
file immediately after it is read.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of mass source flow rates will be printed to the listing
file for every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If
there is no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for
the last time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that mass source flow terms will be written to the file specified with
“BUDGET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
TS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a time-series file.
FILEIN—keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.
ts6 filename—defines a time-series file defining time series that can be used to assign time-varying
values. See the “Time-Variable Input” section for instructions on using the time-series capability.
OBS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.
obs6 filename—name of input file to define observations for the Mass Source package. See the
“Observation utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Tables 30 and
31 lists observation type(s) supported by the Mass Source package.


maxbound—integer value specifying the maximum number of sources cells that will be specified for use
during any stress period.


iper—integer value specifying the starting stress period number for which the data specified in the
PERIOD block apply. IPER must be less than or equal to NPER in the TDIS Package and greater
than zero. The IPER value assigned to a stress period block must be greater than the IPER value
assigned for the previous PERIOD block. The information specified in the PERIOD block will con-
tinue to apply for all subsequent stress periods, unless the program encounters another PERIOD
cellid—is the cell identifier, and depends on the type of grid that is used for the simulation. For a
structured grid that uses the DIS input file, CELLID is the layer, row, and column. For a grid that
uses the DISV input file, CELLID is the layer and CELL2D number. If the model uses the unstruc-
tured discretization (DISU) input file, CELLID is the node number for the cell.
smassrate—is the mass source loading rate. A positive value indicates addition of solute mass and a
negative value indicates removal of solute mass. If the Options block includes a TIMESERIESFILE
entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be obtained from a time series by entering
the time-series name in place of a numeric value.
aux—represents the values of the auxiliary variables for each mass source. The values of auxiliary vari-
ables must be present for each mass source. The values must be specified in the order of the auxil-
iary variables specified in the OPTIONS block. If the package supports time series and the Options
block includes a TIMESERIESFILE entry (see the “Time-Variable Input” section), values can be
obtained from a time series by entering the time-series name in place of a numeric value.
186 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

boundname—name of the mass source cell. BOUNDNAME is an ASCII character variable that can
contain as many as 40 characters. If BOUNDNAME contains spaces in it, then the entire name must
be enclosed within single quotes.

Example Input File



1 1 1 1.0

Available observation types

Mass Source Loading Package observations include the simulated source loading rates (src). The data
required for each SRC Package observation type is defined in table 24. The src observation is equal to the
simulated mass source loading rate. Negative and positive values for an observation represent a loss from and
gain to the GWT model, respectively.

Table 24. Available SRC Package observation types.

Stress Observation ID ID2 Description

Package type
SRC src cellid or – Mass source loading rate between the
boundname groundwater system and a mass source
loading boundary or a group of boundaries.

Example Observation Input File


BEGIN CONTINUOUS FILEOUT my_model.src.obs.csv

# obsname obstype ID
src-7-102-17 SRC 7 102 17
src-7-102-17 SRC CW_1
sources SRC sources
Groundwater Transport (GWT) Model Input 187

Streamflow Transport (SFT) Package

Streamflow Transport (SFT) Package information is read from the file that is specified by “SFT6” as the
file type. There can be as many SFT Packages as necessary for a GWT model. Each SFT Package is designed
to work with flows from a corresponding GWF SFR Package. By default MODFLOW 6 uses the SFT package
name to determine which SFR Package corresponds to the SFT Package. Therefore, the package name of the
SFT Package (as specified in the GWT name file) must match with the name of the corresponding SFR Pack-
age (as specified in the GWF name file). Alternatively, the name of the flow package can be specified using the
FLOW PACKAGE NAME keyword in the options block. The GWT SFT Package cannot be used without a
corresponding GWF SFR Package.
The SFT Package does not have a dimensions block; instead, dimensions for the SFT Package are set
using the dimensions from the corresponding SFR Package. For example, the SFR Package requires specifi-
cation of the number of reaches (NREACHES). SFT sets the number of reaches equal to NREACHES. There-
fore, the PACKAGEDATA block below must have NREACHES entries in it.

Structure of Blocks
[FLOW_PACKAGE_NAME <flow_package_name>]
[AUXILIARY <auxiliary(naux)>]
[FLOW_PACKAGE_AUXILIARY_NAME <flow_package_auxiliary_name>]
[BUDGET FILEOUT <budgetfile>]
[TS6 FILEIN <ts6_filename>]
[OBS6 FILEIN <obs6_filename>]

<rno> <strt> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]
<rno> <strt> [<aux(naux)>] [<boundname>]


<rno> <reachsetting>
<rno> <reachsetting>

Explanation of Variables

flow package name—keyword to specify the name of the corresponding flow package. If not spec-
ified, then the corresponding flow package must have the same name as this advanced transport
package (the name associated with this package in the GWT name file).
auxiliary—defines an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. There is no limit on the number
of auxiliary variables that can be provided on this line; however, lists of information provided in
subsequent blocks must have a column of data for each auxiliary variable name defined here. The
188 MODFLOW 6 – Description of Input and Output

number of auxiliary variables detected on this line determines the value for naux. Comments cannot
be provided anywhere on this line as they will be interpreted as auxiliary variable names. Auxiliary
variables may not be used by the package, but they will be available for use by other parts of the
program. The program will terminate with an error if auxiliary variables are specified on more than
one line in the options block.
flow package auxiliary name—keyword to specify the name of an auxiliary variable in the corre-
sponding flow package. If specified, then the simulated concentrations from this advanced trans-
port package will be copied into the auxiliary variable specified with this name. Note that the flow
package must have an auxiliary variable with this name or the program will terminate with an error.
If the flows for this advanced transport package are read from a file, then this option will have no
BOUNDNAMES—keyword to indicate that boundary names may be provided with the list of reach cells.
PRINT INPUT—keyword to indicate that the list of reach information will be written to the listing file
immediately after it is read.
PRINT CONCENTRATION—keyword to indicate that the list of reach stages will be printed to the listing
file for every stress period in which “HEAD PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is no
Output Control option and PRINT STAGE is specified, then stages are printed for the last time step
of each stress period.
PRINT FLOWS—keyword to indicate that the list of reach flow rates will be printed to the listing file for
every stress period time step in which “BUDGET PRINT” is specified in Output Control. If there is
no Output Control option and “PRINT FLOWS” is specified, then flow rates are printed for the last
time step of each stress period.
SAVE FLOWS—keyword to indicate that reach flow terms will be written to the file specified with “BUD-
GET FILEOUT” in Output Control.
CONCENTRATION—keyword to specify that record corresponds to concentration.
concfile—name of the binary output file to write concentration information.
BUDGET—keyword to specify that record corresponds to the budget.
FILEOUT—keyword to specify that an output filename is expected next.
budgetfile—name of the binary output file to write budget information.
TS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to a time-series file.
FILEIN—keyword to specify that an input filename is expected next.
ts6 filename—defines a time-series file defining time series that can be used to assign time-varying
values. See the “Time-Variable Input” section for instructions on using the time-series capability.
OBS6—keyword to specify that record corresponds to an observations file.
obs6 filename—name of input file to define observations for the SFT package. See the “Observation
utility” section for instructions for preparing observation input files. Tables 30 and 31 lists observa-
tion type(s) supported by the SFT package.


rno—integer value that defines the reach number associated with the specified PACKAGEDATA data on
the line. RNO must be greater than zero and less than or equal to NREACHES. Reach information
must be specified for every reach or the program will terminate with an error. The program will also
terminate with an error if information for a reach is specified more than once.

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