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Prepared by: Zekai Murat Kılıç

Room: C-206 Phone: 7232 SOLUTION

E-mail: [email protected] Date: 09/03/2009
h = 25 ⋅10−6 m ω = 50 rad/s r0 = 40 ⋅10−3 m lout = 0.15 m
TUTORIAL 1 The radius of the bearing can be expressed as:
r = r0 +  ⋅ cos(α )
NOTE: Figures and equations are taken from “ME 308 Notes to be used in The viscosity of SAE 20 at 80° C can be determined using Figure 12-13 as:
examinations” and “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, 8th edition, Richard
G. Budynas, J. Keith Nisbett. µ = 9 ⋅10−3 Pa.s
1) A conical bearing with a facial length of lout=150 mm at a cone angle of 40° rotates The torque caused by shear forces can be formulated for an infinitesimal element as:

at a constant angular speed of ω=50 rad/s. It rests against a conical surface. Determine dT = r ⋅ dF
the torque T applied on the bearing if the minimum film thickness is h=0.025 mm. The elementary shear force on a segment dl can be calculated by the shear stress
The gap in between is completely filled with SAE 20. Operating temperature is 80° C. acting on the element.

ro = 40 mm. dF = τ ⋅ dA where, dA = 2π r ⋅ dl
The shear stress acting on dl is, τ =µ
The surface velocity is, U = ω⋅r
So, the shear stress becomes:
τ =µ
Combining these equations for torque expression we obtain:

 ω ⋅r
dT =  µ ( 2π r ⋅ dl )  ⋅ r
 h 
Integrating through the face of the bearing:
 out 2π ⋅ µ ⋅ ω
T =∫
[ r0 +  ⋅ cos(α )] dl = 21.2 Nm
0 h
The applied torque T is 21.2 Nm

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 1

2) A full journal bearing has a diameter of 60 mm, is 60 mm long, runs at 600 rpm,
has a radial clearance of 0.003 cm, and employs oil with a viscosity of 100 mPas. (d) Heat generated is
When the bearing supports 8000 N, find the followings
H gen = T ω = FV = ( fW ) (π dN ) = 0.009(8000)π (0.060) = 136 W
(a) Unit load, P, 60
(b) Bearing characteristic number (aka the Sommerfeld number), S,
(e) From Figure 12-19 for S = 0.45 and l d = 1 :
(c) Coefficient of friction, f,
(d) Heat Generated, Hg,
(e) Total amount of oil volume flow rate, Q, Q  600  −6 m 3
(f) Side leakage, Qs, = 3.7 → Q = 3.7(0.030)30 ⋅10−6   0.060 = 2.00 ⋅10
rcNl  60  s
(g) Temperature rise of the oil, ∆T,
(h) Eccentricity ratio, ε, Q = 2000 mm
(i) Minimum film thickness, h0, s
(j) Minimum film thickness position, .
(f) From Figure 12-20 for S = 0.45 and l d = 1 :
Qs 3
The given parameters in the problem are: = 0.36 → Qs = 0.36(2000) = 720 mm
Q s
d = 60 mm l = 60 mm N = 600 rpm
c = 30 µ m µ = 0.1 Pa.s W = 8000 N (g) From Figure 12-24 for S = 0.45 and l d = 1 :
Notice: Dynamic viscosity is taken as 100mPa.s for average operating temperature.
0.12 ∆T P 2.22
(a) Unit load on the bearing is
= 3.0 → ∆T = 3.0 = 3.0 = 55.5 ο C
P 0.12 0.12
W 8000 (h) From Figure 12-16 for S = 0.45 and l d = 1 : ε = 0.18
P= = = 2.22 MPa
l d 60(60)
(i) Using the result of (h):
(b) The Sommerfeld number (bearing characteristic number) is
2 2 = 1− ε → h0 = c(1 − ε ) = 30 ⋅10−6 (1 − 0.18) = 22 µ m
 r  µ N  30  0.1(600 60) c
S =  =  = 0.45
c P  0.030  2220000 Notice: The design point does not lie in the zone between the two dashed-line
contours. Authors of the textbook do not recommend selecting this location during the
(c) From Figure 12-18 for S = 0.45 and l d = 60 60 = 1 : design stage. If this was a design problem, we would respect their experience and
probably force the design point fall in the dashed-line zone.
r 9 9
f =9 → f = = = 0.009 (j) From Figure 12-17 for S=0.45 and l/d = 1: φ = 70o
c r c 30 0.030

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 2

3) A 100 mm diameter full journal bearing supports a radial load of 15 kN. The shaft For maximum clearance:
works at 500 rpm and the bearing is 55 mm long. Assuming a permissible minimum
film thickness of 0.010 mm and H6/e6 fit for the bearing bore, determine: (a) A maximum diametral clearance of Cmax=116 µm is achieved along the diameters.
Thus, the maximum radial clearance is cmax=116/2=58 µm.
(a) The dynamic viscosity µ of a suitable oil,
(b) The coefficient of friction, f, Minimum film thickness criterion is used for selecting the viscosity of the lubricant. It
(c) The heat generated, Hgen, is stated that h0 ≥ 10 µ m . Minimum possible film thickness is taken for the system,
(d) The total amount of oil volume flow rate, Q,
(e) The amount of side leakage, Qs, (the amount of oil to be supplied to the
h0 = ( h0 )min = 10 µ m
(f) The temperature rise of the oil, ∆T, flowing through the bearing. From Figure 12-16, the value of the Sommerfeld number, S, is obtained for
(g) How would you evaluate the performance of the bearing? Which ho/c = 10/58 = 0.17 and l/d = 55/100 ≈ 1/2:
modifications can be done for ∆T<30°C? What would be the supply pressure
if the bearing is converted to pressure-fed type. Take inlet temperature as S = 0.075
40°C. Groove width is 5 mm.
Notice: l/d ratio is taken approximately as 1/2. It could also be considered as 0.55. In
SOLUTION that case, all the variables would be interpolated via Equation 12-16 in the textbook.

By using tolerance tables: Also, the unit load on the bearing is

From H6, bushing bore lies in 100 + 0 < D < 100 + 0.022 mm W 15000
P= = = 2.73 MPa
From e6, journal diameter lies in 100 – 0.072 > D > 100 – 0.094 mm ld 55(100)

Then, by using the bearing characteristic number formula

Maximum diametrical clearance: Cmax = 22 + 94 = 116 µ m
Minimum diametrical clearance: Cmin = 0 + 72 = 72 µ m 2 2
 r  µ N  50  µ (500 / 60)
S =  =  = 0.075
c P  0.058  2730000
To see the effect of clearance on the performance of the bearing analysis is done
considering both maximum and minimum clearance values. It is expected that values µ is obtained as:
for minimum clearance are more critical for the design. This is because for tighter
assembly loading capacity of the bearing is lower resulting in higher temperature rise.
µ = 0.0331 Pa.s = 33.1 mPa.s

(b) From Figure 12-18 for S = 0.075 and l/d = 1/2:

r 2.9 2.9
f = 2.9 → f = = = 0.00336
c r c 50 0.058

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 3

(c) Heat generated is:
2 2
500  r  µ N  50  µ (500 / 60)
H gen = T ω = FV = ( fW )(π dN ) = 0.00336(15000)π (0.100) = 132 W S =  =  = 0.17
60 c P  0.036  2730000

(d) The total amount of oil volume flow rate, Q, is found by using Figure 12-19 for µ is obtained as:
S = 0.075 and l/d = 1/2:
Q µ = 0.00289 Pa.s = 28.9 mPa.s
= 5.45 → Q = 5.45(0.050)58 ⋅10−6 (500 / 60)0.055
(b) From Figure 12-18 for S = 0.17 and l/d = 1/2:
Q = 7240 mm3 s
r 5.25 5.25
(e) The amount of side leakage, Qs, (the amount of oil to be supplied to the bearing) f = 5.25 → f = = = 0.00378
can be obtained from Figure 12-20 for S = 0.075 and l/d = 1/2: c r c 50 0.036
(c) Heat generated is:
= 0.89 → Qs = 6440 mm3 s 500
Q H gen = T ω = FV = ( fW )(π dN ) = 0.00378(15000)π (0.100) = 148 W
(f) The temperature rise of the oil, ∆T, flowing through the bearing can be found by
using Figure 12-24 for S = 0.075 and l/d = 1/2: (d) The total amount of oil volume flow rate, Q, is found by using Figure 12-19 for
S = 0.17 and l/d = 1/2:
From the figure it is 1.00. Q
= 5.15 → Q = 5.15(0.050)36 ⋅10 −6 (500 / 60)0.055
0.12 ∆T 2.73
= 1.00 → ∆T = 1.00 = 22.8 ο C Q = 4250 mm 3 s
P 0.12
(e) The amount of side leakage, Qs, (the amount of oil to be supplied to the bearing)
For minimum clearance: can be obtained from Figure 12-20 for S = 0.17 and l/d = 1/2:
(a) A minimum diametral clearance of Cmin=72 µm is achieved along the diameters.
Thus, the maximum radial clearance is cmin=72/2=36 µm. = 0.82 → Qs = 3490 mm 3 s
Again, minimum film thickness criterion is used for selecting the viscosity of the
lubricant, h0 = ( h0 )min = 10 µ m (f) The temperature rise of the oil, ∆T, flowing through the bearing can be found by
using Figure 12-24 for S = 0.17 and l/d = 1/2:
From Figure 12-16, the value of the Sommerfeld number, S, is obtained for From the figure it is 1.67.
ho/c = 10/36 = 0.28 and l/d = 1/2:

S = 0.17 0.12 ∆T 2.73

= 1.67 → ∆T = 1.67 = 38.0 ο C
P 0.12
Then, by using the bearing characteristic number formula

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 4

Therefore, according to the clearance range, the results are obtained as follows: l’/d ratio is (take groove width as 5 mm):

cmax=58 µm cmin=36 µm
[55 − (groove width)] = (55 − 5) = 25 mm
µ 33.1 mPa.s 28.9 mPa.s 2 2
f 0.00336 0.00378 l ' = 25 =1
Hgen 132 W 148 W d 100 4
Q 7240 mm3/s 4250 mm3/s
Unit load on the bearing is:
Qs 6440 mm3/s 3490 mm3/s
W 15000
∆T 22.8 ˚C 38.0 ˚C P= = = 3.00 MPa
4rl ' 4(50)25
(g) Performance of the bearing is satisfactory at maximum clearance. However, for
minimum clearance a little high temperature rise is obtained. One of the many ways to The maximum allowed temperature rise is stated as 30°C. So, average temperature of
overcome this poor performance is to have a coarser fit in the assembly. The other the lubricant is:
option is to increase l/d ratio. Thirdly, introducing a compressor into the system, i.e. ∆T 30.0
converting the bearing to a pressure-fed type, could be another solution.
Tav = T1 + = 40 + = 55.0o C
2 2
Using pressurized lubricant could be a good solution. Although they decrease the l/d From Figure 12-13, viscosity of the lubricant for SAE 30 and T=55°C is:
ratio of the bearing, pressure-fed type has a high lubricant flow. This results in higher
rate of cooling in the system, i.e. a more effective operation without overheating.
µ = 34 mPa.s
However, high initial and operating cost are their main disadvantage.
Sommerfeld number becomes:
Determining supply pressure for ∆T<30°C at minimum clearance:
2 2
 r  µ N  50  0.034(500 / 60)
As the highest temperature rise occurs at minimum clearance, cmin is considered in the S =  =  = 0.18
c P  0.036  3000000
From Figure 12-16 for S=0.18 and l/d=1/4: ε = 0.85
At first, one should determine the lubricant of the system. Initial temperature is 40°C,
so, from the previous section average temperature of the lubricant is: From Figure 12-18 for S=0.18 and l/d=1/4: (fr/c) = 5.3
∆T 38.0
Tav = T1 + = 40 + = 59.0o C
2 2 Supply pressure is determined from Equation 12-25 for ∆T=30°C:

Required viscosity of the fluid is found before as 28.9 mPa.s. 978(106 ) ( fr c) SW 2 978(106 )5.3(0.18)152
ps = = = 544 kPa
From Figure 12-13 for µ=28.9 mPa.s and T=59°C, the most suitable oil is SAE 30 1 + 1.5ε 2 ∆T r 4 1 + 1.5(0.85) 2  30(50)4
type. Thus, for non-pressure fed bearing SAE 30 is selected. Same grade of oil is used
after conversion to pressure-fed bearing.

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 5

4) A journal bearing supports a shaft rotating at 2500 rpm with a load of 5 kN. The 2
 Calculate c from S =  r  µN
bearing is supplied with SAE 10 oil at an inlet temperature of 40˚C. The shaft has 45
c P
mm diameter. Design the journal bearing.
 Find ho/c from Figure 12-16 and calculate ho.
 Plot ho and Tmax vs c.
In order to demonstrate the procedures, each procedure will be explained by a sample
In order to design the journal bearing; the type of the bearing (pressure-fed or non-
pressure-fed), length l, and a standard fit should be determined.
Take c = 20 µm.
For the sake of maintenance, a non-pressure-fed bearing may be selected as a first
choice. As l/d ratio gets larger, pressure in the oil and side leakage decreases, and
Assume ∆T = 30˚C
consequently, minimum film thickness increases. In order to enhance the probability
of the non-pressure-fed bearing design, l/d = 1 should be preferred instead of ½ or ¼
ratios. ∆T 30
Tav = T1 + = 40 + = 55 C
2 2
W 5000 2 2
So, l=d=45µm and unit load on the bearing is: P= = = 2.47 MPa  r  µ N  22.5  2500 / 60
l d 45(45) S =  =  µ = 21.35µ
 c  P  0.020  2470000
Since the most critical parameters in a journal bearing are minimum film thickness
(ho) and maximum oil temperature (Tmax), (ho vs. c) and (Tmax vs. c) graphs are to be Using Tav for SAE 10 oil from Figure 12-13, µ = 16 mPa.s
plotted in order to determine the optimum range for clearance, c. After determining a
clearance range, a standard fit is selected for the bearing and the shaft. S = 21.35(0.016) = 0.34

Two procedures can be employed to obtain (ho vs. c) and (Tmax vs. c) graphs: By using S at Figure 12-24:

1ST PROCEDURE: 0.12 ∆T 2.47

= 2.4 → ∆T = 2.4 = 49.4 ο C → Assumption failed.
 Take a ‘c’ value. P 0.12
 Assume ∆T → Calculate Tav and Tmax → Find µ → Calculate S → Find ho →
Determine ∆T. By repeating the steps in the procedure above:
 Continue the iterations until assumed ∆T and calculated ∆T are in agreement.
 As soon as ∆T’s are in agreement, plot ho and Tmax vs c. Assume ∆T = 40˚C → Calculated ∆T ≈ 40˚C → Assumption satisfied

2ND PROCEDURE: For the verified value of S = 0.28 at ∆T = 40˚C from Figure 12-16 ho/c = 0.6, then:

 Take a ∆T value, calculate Tmax and find µ. ho = 20(0.6) = 12 µm.

 Find S from Figure 12-24 using ∆T and l/d ratio.

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 6

SAMPLE CALCULATION USING PROCEDURE 2: The recommendations and requirements for a non-pressure-fed bearing are as follows:

The same result can be obtained by using the second procedure:  ho > surface roughness
 0.8 > ε > 0.5 (ε is the eccentricity ratio, ε = 1 - (ho/c))
Assume ∆T = 40˚C.  ho > 10 µm

0.12 ∆T 0.12(40) As seen from the Table above and ho and Tmax vs c graph below, a non-pressure-fed
= =1.94 bearing can be used. It will be better to select the clearance range slightly to the left of
P 2.47 the peak, which can be seen in the ho-c plot, as future wear will move the operation
region towards the peak, namely to the right-hand side.
From Figure 12-24, by using 1.94 and l/d = 1:
As a result cmax < 32 µm.
S ≈ 0.27
For bearing tolerances, Basic Hole System is used. Note that the calculated c values
Then, from the equation of S, c is calculated: are the radial clearances between the bearing and the shaft (c = R – r). But standard
tolerances are defined over diameters (C = D – d). Then, C = 2c. And, since a
2 2
 r  µ N  22.5  0.013(2500 / 60) clearance fit will be employed, tolerance letter codes c, d, f, g should be used for the
S =  =  = 0.27 → c = 20µ m shaft. By using “ME307-Notes to be used in examinations” or any available tolerance
c P  c  2470000
table standards in the following table are obtained.
From Figure 12-16, ho/c = 0.6, then:

ho = 20(0.6) = 12 µm.

By using either procedure 1 or procedure 2, the following table is formed:

c (µm) ∆T (˚C) Tmax (˚C) µ(mPa.s) S ho (µm) ε

7 108 148 4.6 0.80 5.8 0.17
10 80 120 7.0 0.60 7.8 0.22
20 40 80 12.6 0.27 12.0 0.40
25 32 72 14.6 0.20 13.0 0.48
28 29 69 16.5 0.18 13.7 0.51
30 27 67 16.9 0.16 13.8 0.54
32 26 66 18.0 0.15 14.1 0.56
34 24 64 17.6 0.13 13.9 0.59
36 22 60 18.2 0.12 14.0 0.61
38 21 61 16.9 0.10 12.9 0.66

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 7

For bearing with a nominal dia. = 45 mm For shaft with a nominal dia. = 45 mm
H6: (45 + 0 < D < 45 + 0.016) f5: (45 – 0.025 > D > 45 – 0.036)
H7: (45 + 0 < D < 45 + 0.025) f6: (45 – 0.025 > D > 45 – 0.041)
H8: (45 + 0 < D < 45 + 0.039) f7: (45 – 0.025 > D > 45 – 0.050)
H9: (45 + 0 < D < 45 + 0.062) g6: (45 – 0.009 > D > 45 – 0.025)
Cmax (µm) Cmin (µm) cmax (µm) cmin (µm)
H6/g6 41 9 20.5 4.5
H7/f5 61 25 30.5 12.5
H7/f7 75 25 37.5 12.5
H8/g6 64 9 32 4.5
….. ….. ….. ….. …..

Some of the combinations are taken into account as follows:

 H6/g6 and H8/g6 are not appropriate because of high Tmax and unacceptable
minimum film thickness, ho.
 H7/f7 is not appropriate because of cmax, which lies beyond the peak of the
ho-c graph.

H7/f5 can be accepted as cmax lies just before the peak region. This choice seems to be
the best fit among the other alternatives. For minimum clearance, the maximum
temperature of the lubricant should also be checked in order to make sure that the
lubricant does not lose its property.

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 8

5) A 55-mm diameter bearing is 60mm long and has a central annular oil groove of Entering Figure 12-13 for SAE 30 and T=70°C:
5mm wide which is fed by SAE 30 oil at 40˚C and 450 kPa supply pressure. The
2 2
speed of the journal is 55 rps. The bearing is subjected to a load of 4.5 kN while the
µ = 19 mPa.s → S =  r  µ N =  27.5  55
µ = 17.45µ = 0.33
radial clearance is 40 µm.
 
c P  0.040  1490000
(a) Find the temperature rise in the lubricant, ∆Tc.
From Figure 12-18 for S=0.33 and l/d=1/2:
(b) Find the total oil flow, Qs.
(c) Find the minimum film thickness, ho.
f =8
From Figure 12-16 for S=0.33 and l/d=1/2:
(a) The formulation for temperature rise is given in Equation 12-25:
2 ε = 0.6
978 ⋅106 ( fr c ) SW
∆T =
(1 + 1.5ε 2 ) ps r 4 Then the temperature rise is:

In this equation, S, ε and (fr/c) are not known, and also in S formulation µ is not 978 ⋅106 ( fr c ) SW 978 ⋅106 (8)0.33(4.5) 2
known. ∆T = = = 132o C
(1 + 1.5ε 2 ) ps r 4 1 + 1.5(0.6) 2  450(27.5)4
For S:
From the dimensions of the bearing l’/d is obtained as: Tav = T1 + (∆T/2) = 40 + (132/2) = 1060C → First assumption failed.
[l − (groove width)] = (60 − 5) = 27.5 mm
2 2 Now assume Tav = (106+70)/2 = 880C and repeat the procedure applied above.
l' = 1 The iterations are carried out until assumed and calculated Tav’s are equal. After
d 2
several iterations:
W 4500
P= '
= = 1.49 MPa µ = 14 mPa.s , S = 0.24, (r/c)f = 6.5, ε = 0.65 at Tav = 76.30C and therefore
4rl 4(27.5)27.5
2 ∆T = 72.60C
 r  µN
S = 
c P (b) From Equation 12-22:
In S expression, µ depends on Tav, i.e. on ∆T, so does Sommerfeld number. ε and fr/c
depend on S, so do on ∆T. π Ps rc 3 π (450000)0.0275(40 ⋅10−6 )3
Qs = (1 + 1.5ε 2
) = 1 + 1.5 ⋅ (0.65) 2 
So, iterations should be carried out to find µ and S. 3µ l ' 3(0.014)0.0275
1ST ITERATION: Qs = 3530 mm
Assume Tav = 70 0C as the first assumption:
(c) ho/c = 1-ε, since c = 40 µm; ho = 40(1-0.65) = 14 µm

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 9

6) A self-contained journal bearing having a radial clearance of 40 µm supports a Rate of heat generation within the housing (frictional loss):
load of 4 kN at a rotational speed of 250 rpm. Diameter and length of the bearing are  fr 
both 70 mm. The effective area of the housing surface can be taken as 20·l·d. SAE 20 H gen = FV = ( f W )(π dN ) = ( f W )(2π rN ) = 2π WNc  
type oil is used in the oil bath lubrication system of the bearing. Determine the  c 
housing temperature, if the ambient is still air and its temperature is 25˚C.  250  −6  fr   fr 
H gen = 2(π )4000   40 ⋅10   = 4.1888   J/s
SOLUTION  60   c   c 

As self-contained bearings do not have an external sump, generated heat within the What is seeked is the condition at which H gen = H loss .
housing and the rate of heat loss from the housing to the environment are supposed to
be equal (energy balance). T f is considered to be the average temperature of the lubricant in the system. µ and

Parameters related to the system are as below: (fr/c) depend on T f (analogous to Tave). Thus, finding T f is an iterative process.

 T f is the average film temperature and is not known. W 4000

P= = = 0.82 MPa
 T∞ is the temperature of surrounding still air and is given as 25˚C. l d 70(70)
2 2
  CR is combined coefficient of radiation and convection and is looked up from  r  µ N  35  250 60
S =  =  µ = 3.9µ
 c  P  0.040  820000
Equation 12-18 for still air; it is 11.4 W/m2°C (or W/m2K).
 A is the surface area of the housing and is given as 20·l·d. 1st TRIAL:
 ∝ is a constant which depends on the lubrication type. It Is looked up from Table
Assume T f =40˚C:
12-2 for oil bath type lubrication and still air condition; ∝ changes between 1/5
From Figure 12-13 for SAE 20 oil at 40°C: µ = 47.5 mPa.s =0.0475 Pa.s
and 2/5. In order to be on the safe side and to get minimum rate of heat loss for
S = 3.9 µ = 3.9(0.0475) = 0.19
maximizing predicted housing temperature, ∝ value is taken as 2/5.
Rate of heat loss to the environment: From Figure 12-18 for S=0.19 and l/d=70/70=1: = 4.5
 CR A 11.4(20 ⋅ 0.070 ⋅ 0.070)
H loss =
( )
T f − T∞ =
1+ 2
T f − 25 ) ( )
H loss = 0.798 T f − 25 = 0.798 ( 40 − 25) = 12.0 W
 fr 
H loss = 0.798 T f − 25 ) J/s H gen = 4.1888   = 4.1888(4.5) = 18.8 W
 c 
Here, Hgen>Hloss, meaning that T f >40˚C

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 10

2nd TRIAL:

Assume T f =60˚C:
From Figure 12-13 for SAE 20 oil at 60°C: µ = 18 mPa.s =0.018 Pa.s
S = 3.9 µ = 3.9(0.018) = 0.07
From Figure 12-18 for S=0.07 and l/d=1: = 2.2
( )
H loss = 0.798 T f − 25 = 0.798 ( 60 − 25) = 27.9 W
 fr 
H gen = 4.1888   = 4.1888(2.2) = 9.2 W
 c 
This time, Hgen<Hloss, so, T f <60˚C

The dissipated and generated heats must be equal to each other. So, the iterations
should be carried out until the heat-balance is achieved. For some average temperature
values, following heat-balance computation is obtained.

Average Temperature (˚C) Heat Loss (W) Generated Heat (W)

40 12.0 18.8
42.5 14.0 16.3
44 15.2 15.5
45 16.0 14.7
50 20.0 12.6
60 27.9 9.2

At the end of the iterations, T f =44°C (Hgen≈Hloss)

Notice: If one needs to be more accurate while calculating average film temperature,
Then, from Equation 12-19b: s/he can find the intersection point of Hgen and Hloss lines drawn between T f =44°C

T f + α T∞ 44 + 0.4(25) and T f =45°C. For this case, it is T f =44.2°C as seen in the figure above.
Tb = = = 38.60 C
1+α 1 + 0.4

METU – ME 308 Machine Elements II – Spring 2009 11

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