growth in tumour and cancer cells, promote energies in order to determine the interesting
bone growth, and low-affinity antagonist. It is molecular properties and chemical quantities
also beneficial for the treatment of psoriasis, are calculated as the following equation
glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and skin diseases. (𝜇) = −
On the other hand, the similar cannabis is CBL 𝐼−𝐴
() = (2)
in basis of structure which is famous for the 2
use of poisonous effect. If anybody takes the (𝑆) =
dose of 8mg per kilo of bodyweight, very few 𝐼+𝐴
() = (4)
minute he/she is death. The main limitation of 2
CBG, CBL has no vast research. In our study, a () =
theoretical investigation was estimated for
physiochemical and chemical reactivity using Materials and methods
DFT of computational overview. This
theoretical investigation of physical, chemical, Computing methods for simulation
thermochemical and HOMO, LUMO profile was
The molecular modeling program permits
established using computational tools. To
to build and analyze different molecular
estimate the chemical reactivity, the
structures and determine the molecular,
electrophilicity (ω), the chemical potential (μ),
electronic, and biological properties. To create
electronegativity (χ), hardness (η) and
the spatial chemical structure of each
softness (S) be put into a molecular orbital’s
calculated molecule, the two-dimensional
framework parameter were calculated and
structure of the molecule shall be built step-
compared our previous work [10‒13]. It was
by-step by drawing. Then hydrogen atoms are
found for simulating of different organic acid,
automatically added from building option and
ionic liquids, cannabis and other molecule
chemical structure is converted into a 3D
from A. Kumer et al., that the HOMO LUMO gap
structure. The first step in getting the main
is about 2.0 to 5.0 eV and has a temperature
characteristic parameters of molecules is to
activity on entropy and heat capacity [14‒17]
optimize the molecular structure to obtain a
which is use full theoretical parameter for
configuration characterized by minimum free
further any uses in both of chemical industries
energy. In sitting the DFT was fixed via 6G-
and pharmaceutical industries [14, 18‒20]. In
31G*, and B3-LYP [21]. After completing
this work, using DFT method, we calculate the
optimization, the theoretical properties of the
electrophilicity (ω), the chemical potential (μ),
studied compound such as free energy,
electronegativity (χ), hardness (η) and
entropy, dipole moment, binding energy,
softness (S) be put into a molecular orbital’s
nuclear energy, electronics energy, the heat of
framework, thermophysical and spectroscopy
formation, the HOMO, LUMO are recorded. The
QSAR properties of molecules like charge
The HOMO and LUMO energies are used for
density, surface area grid, volume, LogP,
the determination of global reactivity
polarizability, refractivity, molecular mass,
descriptors. It is important that
were calculated. Using the computing in
electrophilicity (ω), the chemical potential (μ),
vibrational optimization, the UV-visible
electronegativity (χ), hardness (η) and
spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy were
softness (S) be put into a molecular orbital’s
framework. We focus on the HOMO and LUMO
A computational study of thermophysical … 442
Result and discussion bond angle, partial charge, and bond torsion. In
Figure 1, the molecular orbital diagrams are
Optimized structure presented having both of molecular symmetry
The optimized molecular structure and asymmetry properties. In the Figure 1, red
provides some information about the color is oxygen atom, white color is hydrogen,
molecular properties including, bond length, and cyan is carbon.
Temperature effect on nntropy and heat In case of thermo chemistry, the entropy
capacity and heat capacity are the key factor for
M.N. Sarker et al. 443
determining the reaction environment. In case in a cell, sharp suggests. That increase in
of drug design, entropy, which Sharp focuses disorder can be detected as heat flowing into
on in a biomedical system, obliges the the water surrounding the drug-target bond.
direction of all chemical reactions towards Here, it is found that temperature has activity
disorder. Therefore, it is this phenomenon that in any single system for bioactive molecule.
determines how tightly a drug binds to its From the Table 2, we can see that with
target protein or molecules. When a drug binds increasing the temperature of any molecular
to its target, its entropy decreases, so disorder system, the entropy and heat capacity well
must increase somewhere else in the cell, poorly increased means that disorder
usually in the abundant water molecules found decreases.
HOMO, and LUMO picture in zero level neucleophilic can be attracted. On the other
hand, green color indicates the positive charge
In the molecular orbital diagram, it is found area where the electrophilic groups are
that where region is to be attracted the attached. In CBL is less reactive in both of the
neucleophilic or electrophilic reagent. From neucleophilic or electrophilic reaction than
the Figure 2, the blue color mentions the CBV.
negative charge region where only
A computational study of thermophysical … 444
HOMO LUMO gap, ionization potential, and 11.0 eV and In CBL and CBV have -9.17 and -
electron affinity 8.22 eV LUMO –HOMO gap. The energy gap is
used to determine the molecular electrical
The LUMO-HOMO gap is the most
transport properties. In addition, according to
important parameter for the chemical
Koopmans’ theorem, the energy gap, Egap,
reactivity. A LUMO- HOMO gap is considered as
defined as the difference between HOMO and
the high reactivity, as given Table 3. A. Kumer
LUMO energy [22].
et. al. (2019) published some series of papers
where the HOMO, LUMO gap was almost 8.0 to
Egap = ( ELUMO − EHOMO ) ≈ IP − EA
The ionization potential (I) and electron 𝐼 = −𝐸𝐻𝑂𝑀𝑂 (6)
affinity (A) can be estimated from the HOMO 𝐴 = −𝐸𝐿𝑈𝑀𝑂 (7)
and LUMO energy values as following and
magnitude is listed in Table 4.
Table 4. Data for LUMO- HOMO gap (ΔE), IP, and EA
HOMO, LUMO gap, eV -9.17 -8.22
Ionization potential (I), eV 8.98 8.53
Electron affinity (A), eV -0.19 0.31
electrophilicity (ω), the chemical potential (μ), [11]. Islam M.J., Sarker N., Kumer A., Paul S.
electronegativity (χ), hardness (η) and softness International journal of Advanced Biological and
(S) are almost similar in the tested molecules. Biomedical Research, 2019, 7:318
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Disclosure statement Asian journal of physical and chemical science,
2017, 4:1
No potential conflict of interest was reported by [13]. Kumer A., Sarkar M., Nuruzzaman P.S.
Eurasian Journal of Environmental Research,
the authors.
2019, 3:1
[14]. Kumer A., Khan W. Proceeding of 8th
international conference on green chemistry, 8th
IUPAC Conference-2018, shangri-la hotel,
Md Nuruzzaman Sarker 0000-0003-2760- bangkok, Thailand, 2018
0113 [15]. Kumer A., Sarker M.N., Paul S.
Ajoy Kumer 0000-0001-5136-6166 International Journal of Chemistry and
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