Article: Cone Penetration Test (CPT) - Based Soil Behaviour Type (SBT) Classification System - An Update
Article: Cone Penetration Test (CPT) - Based Soil Behaviour Type (SBT) Classification System - An Update
Article: Cone Penetration Test (CPT) - Based Soil Behaviour Type (SBT) Classification System - An Update
Cone penetration test (CPT)-based soil behaviour type (SBT)
classification system — an update
P.K. Robertson
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 10/05/18
Abstract: A soil classification system is used to group soils according to shared qualities or characteristics based on simple
cost-effective tests. The most common soil classification systems used in geotechnical engineering are based on physical
(textural) characteristics such as grain size and plasticity. Ideally, geotechnical engineers would also like to classify soils based on
behaviour characteristics that have a strong link to fundamental in situ behaviour. However, existing textural-based classifica-
tion systems have a weak link to in situ behaviour, since they are measured on disturbed and remolded samples. The cone
penetration test (CPT) has been gaining in popularity for site investigations due to the cost-effective, rapid, continuous, and
reliable measurements. The most common CPT-based classification systems are based on behaviour characteristics and are often
referred to as a soil behaviour type (SBT) classification. However, some confusion exists, since most CPT-based SBT classification
systems use textural-based descriptions, such as sand and clay. This paper presents an update of popular CPT-based SBT
classification systems to use behaviour-based descriptions. The update includes a method to identify the existence of micro-
structure in soils, and examples are used to illustrate the advantages and limitations of such a system.
Key words: cone penetration test (CPT), soil classification, microstructure, case histories.
Résumé : Un système de classification des sols est utilisé pour grouper des sols selon les qualités partagées ou les caractéristiques
basées sur des essais efficaces peu coûteux. Les systèmes de classification de sol les plus courants utilisés en génie géotechnique
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sont basés sur des caractéristiques physiques (textures) tels que la taille des grains et la plasticité. Idéalement, les ingénieurs
géotechniques tiennent également à classer les sols en fonction des caractéristiques comportementales qui ont un lien étroit aux
comportements fondamentaux in situ. Cependant, les systèmes existants de classification basés sur la texture ont un maillon
faible au comportement in situ, car ils sont mesurés sur des échantillons perturbés et remaniés. Les essais faits au moyen de
pénétration au cône (« cone penetration test » CPT) ont gagné en popularité pour les études de sites en raison des mesures rentables,
rapides, continues et fiables. Les systèmes de classification basée sur le CPT les plus courants sont basés sur les caractéristiques du
comportement et sont souvent appelés une classification de type de comportement de sol (« soil behaviour type » SBT). Toutefois, une
certaine confusion existe puisque la plupart de systèmes de classification SBT basés sur le CPT utilisent des descriptions axées sur la
texture, comme le sable et l’argile. Cet article présente une mise à jour des systèmes populaires de classification SBT basés sur le CPT,
afin d’utiliser les descriptions basées sur le comportement. La mise à jour inclut une méthode pour identifier l’existence de micro-
structures dans les sols et les exemples servent à illustrer les avantages et les limites d’un tel système. [Traduit par la Rédaction]
Mots-clés : essai de pénétration au cône (CPT), classification des sols, microstructure, historiques de cas.
Can. Geotech. J. 53: 1910–1927 (2016) Published at on 14 July 2016.
Robertson 1911
on physical characteristics of grain-size distribution and plasticity Many authors have discussed the effects of microstructure (e.g.,
(Atterberg limits) measured on disturbed and remolded samples. Burland 1990; Leroueil 1992; Leroueil and Hight 2003). Microstruc-
The USCS groups soils into two broad groups: coarse-grained (sand ture can be caused by many factors such as secondary compres-
and gravel) and fine-grained (silt and clay). Coarse-grained soils sion, thixotropy, cementation, cold welding, and aging (Leroueil
are those with more than 50% retained on or above the No. 200 and Hight 2003). Microstructure tends to give a soil a strength and
sieve (>0.075 mm) and are further grouped based on grain size and stiffness that cannot be accounted for by void ratio and stress
fines content (e.g., silty sand). Fine-grained soils are those with history alone. Leroueil (1992) illustrated (see Fig. 1) the main dif-
50% or more passing the No. 200 sieve and are further grouped ferences in mechanical behaviour between soils with microstruc-
based on plasticity (high or low). ture (i.e., “structured soils”) and ideal soils (i.e., unstructured
Although the USCS is based on physical characteristics, past soils). Compared to the same ideal soil at the same void ratio, the
field experience has shown that approximate generalized be- structured soil with microstructure has higher yield stress, peak
haviour characteristics of the main groups can be described as strength, and small-strain stiffness. At larger strains, when the
follows: effects of microstructure can be destroyed due to factors such as
Coarse-grained soils tend to have compression, shearing, swelling, weathering, and fatigue, the soil
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and in situ behaviour is strongly influenced by geologic factors line, since fine-grained ideal soils tend to have a unique normal
such as age and cementation. Typically, the link is most successful compression line that is essentially parallel to the critical-state
when applied to young (Holocene- and Pleistocene-age), unce- line. In coarse-grained soils, it is still common to define in situ
mented silica-based deposits with limited stress and strain history state in terms of relative density (or density index), especially for
(e.g., older heavily overconsolidated clays can have similar strength clean sands. However, it is becoming more common to define the
and compressibility characteristics to younger uncemented sands). current state in terms of a state parameter () that is related to the
critical-state line, since the normal compression line is not unique
Generalized soil behaviour (e.g., Been and Jefferies 1985). At low confining stress, the critical-
The behaviour of natural soils is complex, with many extensive state line for many clean silica-based sands can be very flat in
publications attempting to describe this behaviour (e.g., Leroueil terms of void ratio versus log mean effective stress; hence, there is
and Hight 2003). The following is a very short summary of some an approximate link between relative density and state parame-
key features of soil behaviour as it relates to a possible behaviour ter. However, state parameter can capture the current state for
type classification system. most coarse-grained soils over a wide range of stress.
The following features describe the essential elements of soil There is an important difference between the behaviour of ideal
behaviour (e.g., Atkinson 2007): soils that are either “loose” or “dense” of critical state. Soils that
are loose of critical state tend to contract on drained loading (or
• Soil can change in volume due to rearrangement of grains and where pore pressures rise on undrained shear). Soils that are
void space changes. dense of critical state tend to dilate at large shear strains (or where
• Soil is essentially frictional where strength and stiffness in- pore pressures can decrease in undrained loading). The tendency
creases with normal stress and with depth in the ground. of soils to change volume while shearing is called dilatancy and is
• Soil is essentially inelastic where response is nonlinear to load- a fundamental aspect of soil behaviour.
ing beyond an initial very small threshold strain. The behaviour of soils in shear prior to failure can be classified
into two groups: soils that dilate at large strains and soils that
As stated previously, in situ soil behaviour depends on many contract at large strains. Saturated soils that contract at large
factors such as geologic processes related to origin (e.g., deposi- strains have a shear strength in undrained loading that is lower
tional and compositional features), environmental factors (e.g., than the strength in drained loading, whereas saturated soils that
stress and temperature), as well as physical and chemical pro- dilate at large strains tend to have a shear strength in undrained
cesses (e.g., aging and cementation). The powerful early concepts loading that is either equal to or larger than in drained loading.
of critical-state soil mechanics were based on tests performed on When saturated soils contract at large strains they may also show
isotropically consolidated reconstituted (clay) samples and can be a strain-softening response in undrained shearing, although not
representative of saturated “ideal soils” (Leroueil and Hight 2003). all soils that contract show a strain-softening response in un-
Many natural soils have some form of structure that can make drained shear. This strength loss in undrained shear can result in
their in situ behaviour different from those of ideal soils. The term instability given an appropriate geometry, such as flow liquefac-
“structure” can be used to describe features either at the deposit tion (e.g., Robertson 2010). Hence, classification of soils that are
scale (macrostructure), e.g., layering and fissures, or at the particle either contractive or dilative at large strains can be an important
scale (microstructure), e.g., bonding (cementation). Older natural behaviour characteristic for many geotechnical problems.
soils tend to have some microstructure caused by post-depositional Jefferies and Been (2006) had suggested that coarse-grained
factors, of which the primary ones tend to be age and bonding ideal soils with a state parameter < –0.05 will tend to dilate at
(cementation). large strains when loaded in drained shear. Hence, coarse-grained
Fig. 1. Schematic behaviour of ideal and structured soils (after Leroueil 1992). C, critical state; e, void ratio; p , mean effective stress;
R, overconsolidated stress state; L, yield stress state for ideal soil; Y, yield stress state for structured soil; a , axial effective stress; r , radial
effective stress; , friction angle.
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saturated ideal soils with < –0.05 will tend to generate a drop in from saturated soils that are more sandlike to more claylike typ-
pore pressure and increase in effective stress at larger strains in ically corresponds to a response that transitions from one that is
undrained shear and tend to be strain hardening. Likewise, fine- predominately drained under most static loading to a response
grained saturated ideal soils with an OCR > 4 tend to dilate when that is predominately undrained under most static loading, al-
loaded in drained shear and also tend to generate a drop in pore though the rate of loading also has a major role.
pressure in undrained shear. Most soils tend to contract at small A modified classification system based on behaviour character-
strains (i.e., develop positive pore pressures under undrained istics can be built around groupings that divide soils that show
loading), which is a major feature in soils that experience cyclic either dilative or contractive behaviour at large strains and soils
liquefaction. Clearly classifying soils by their tendency to dilate or that are predominately more sandlike or more claylike. There can
contract at large strains under shearing is an important behaviour also be a group that captures soils that are in transition from more
characteristic, since it can guide the engineer in terms of appro- sandlike to more claylike, since the change occurs over a range of
priate behaviour parameters and critical loading conditions. behaviour type.
Idriss and Boulanger (2008) classified soils as either sandlike or Since natural soil behaviour is complex, any classification sys-
claylike in their behaviour, where sandlike soils are susceptible to tem based on behaviour characteristics should involve multiple
cyclic liquefaction and claylike soils are not susceptible to cyclic measurements that are repeatable and capture different aspects
liquefaction. Idriss and Boulanger (2008) also suggested that fine- of in situ soil behaviour. For classification systems to be effective
grained soils transition from behaviour that is more fundamen- and easy to use, they must also be based on rather simple, cost-
tally like sands to behaviour that is more fundamentally like clays effective repeatable tests. For an in situ test to meet these de-
over a fairly narrow range of plasticity index (PI). Sandlike soils mands, the test should be simple, cost effective, and provide
tend to have PI < 10% and claylike soils tend to have PI > 18% (Bray several repeatable independent measurements. One of the most
and Sancio 2006). The transition from more sandlike to more popular modern in situ tests that is applicable to uncemented soil
claylike behaviour is conceptually similar to the transition in the is the CPT. The CPT is fast (20 mm/s), cost effective, and provides
USCS from coarse-grained (nonplastic) to fine-grained (plastic) continuous and repeatable measurements of several parameters.
soils, although some low-plastic or nonplastic fine-grained soils The basic CPT records tip resistance (qc) and sleeve resistance (fs).
(e.g., silt and low-plasticity clay) can behave more sandlike, as The CPTu provides the addition of penetration pore pressure (u),
suggested by Idriss and Boulanger (2008). Likewise, the transition often in the u2 location just behind the tip, combined with a
Fig. 2. CPT-based SBTn chart suggested by Robertson (1990) and updated by Robertson (2009). [Colour online.]
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measure of the rate of pore-pressure dissipation during a pause in drainage) and not directly to classification criteria based on physical
the penetration process, often expressed as the time required to characteristics, such as grain-size distribution and soil plasticity.
dissipate 50% of the excess pore pressure (t50). The CPTu can also The CPT-based normalized soil behaviour type (SBTn) method
provide in situ equilibrium pore pressure after 100% dissipation suggested by Robertson (1990) was based on the following normal-
(u0), which is helpful to define the in situ piezometric profile at the ized parameters:
time of the CPTu. The seismic CPTu (SCPTu) provides the addi-
tional measurement of in situ shear wave velocity (Vs) and, in (1) Q t ⫽ (qt ⫺ vo)/ vo
some conditions, in situ compression wave velocity (Vp). Hence,
the SCPTu can provide up to seven independent measurements in (2) Fr ⫽ [( fs /(qt ⫺ vo)] 100%
one cost-effective test. Ideally, a classification system should in-
clude all these measurements to be fully effective. However, a (3) Bq ⫽ (u2 ⫺ u0)/(qt ⫺ vo) ⫽ ⌬u/(qt ⫺ vo)
practical classification system can still be effective based on either
two or three measurements, provided limits are placed on the
range of applicable soils (e.g., restricted to predominately ideal where qt is the cone resistance corrected for water effects, where
soils). qt = qc + u2(1 − a); a is the cone area ratio, typically around 0.8; vo
Any behaviour-based classification systems will tend to apply is the current in situ total vertical stress; vo is the current in situ
primarily to ideal soils that have little or no microstructure. effective vertical stress; u2 is the penetration pore pressure (im-
Hence, it can be important to have a system and associated in situ mediately behind cone tip); u0 is the current in situ equilibrium
test that can also provide a method to identify if the soil to be water pressure; and ⌬u is the excess penetration pore pressure
classified has a behaviour similar to most ideal soils, i.e., has little (= u2 − u0).
or no microstructure. It will be shown that the SCPTu measure- Robertson (1990) suggested two charts based on either Q t–Fr and
ments have the potential to identify soils with significant micro- Q t–Bq but recommended that the Q t–Fr chart (illustrated in Fig. 2)
structure. was generally more reliable, since the CPT penetration pore pres-
sures (u2) can suffer from lack of repeatability due to loss of satu-
Existing CPT-based classification ration, especially when performed onshore at locations where the
One of the major applications of the CPT has been the determi- water table is deep and (or) in very stiff soils. The sleeve resistance
nation of soil stratigraphy and the identification of soil type. This (fs) is often considered less reliable than the cone resistance (qc)
has been accomplished using charts that link cone measurements due to variations in cone design (e.g., Lunne et al. 1986). However,
to soil type. The early charts developed in the Netherlands were Boggess and Robertson (2010) provided recommendations on
based on measured cone resistance, qc, and sleeve resistance, fs, methods to improve the repeatability and reliability of sleeve
using a mechanical cone (e.g., Begemann, 1965) and showed that resistance measurements by using cone designs with separate
there is an approximate linear link between qc and fs for a given load cells, equal end-area sleeves, attention to tolerance require-
soil type. Early charts using qc and friction ratio (Rf = fs/qc in per- ments, and careful test procedures. Robertson (2009) also showed
cent) were proposed by Douglas and Olsen (1981), but the charts that, in softer soils, the SBTn charts are not overly sensitive to
proposed by Robertson et al. (1986) and Robertson (1990, 2009) variations in fs. The chart shown in Fig. 2 is based on the corrected
have become very popular. Robertson et al. (1986) and Robertson cone resistance (qt) that requires pore-pressure measurements to
(1990, 2009) stressed that the charts were predictive of soil behav- make the correction. However, the difference between qc and qt is
iour type (SBT), since the cone responds to the in situ mechanical generally small, except in very soft fine-grained soils. Hence, the
behaviour of the soil (e.g., strength, stiffness, compressibility, and chart in Fig. 2 is often used successfully with the basic CPT data of
qc and fs in most soils (i.e., qc used in eq. (1)). Since soils are essen- that Bq may not be the best form of normalized CPT pore pressure
tially frictional and both strength and stiffness increase with to identify soil type and suggested a chart based on Q t and U2
depth, normalized parameters are more consistent with in situ (where U2 = ⌬u2/vo). The Schneider et al. (2008) pore-pressure
soil behaviour. The chart in Fig. 2 is often referred to as the chart applies mostly to claylike soils, since it requires a measured
Robertson SBTn chart. excess penetration pore pressure (⌬u2) and was developed primar-
Since 1990, there have been other CPT soil behaviour type charts ily to aid in separating whether CPT penetration is drained, un-
developed (e.g., Jefferies and Davies 1993; Olsen and Mitchell 1995; drained, or partially drained. The Schneider et al. (2008) Q t–U2
Eslami and Fellenius 1997; Ramsey 2002; Schneider et al. 2008, chart uses slightly different grouping of soil type (and description
2012). Each chart tends to have advantages and limitations, some terms) compared to the Robertson (1990) chart, which can also
of which were briefly discussed by Robertson (2009). A common lead to some confusion when applying both.
feature in many of these CPT-based methods is that the classifica- There is now more than 25 years of experience using the Rob-
tion system uses groupings based on traditional physical descrip- ertson SBTn chart, and in general, the chart provides good agree-
tions (e.g., sand and clay) even though the methods are based on ment between USCS-based classification and CPT-based SBTn (e.g.,
behaviour measurements (e.g., either qc or qt and fs). This has Molle, 2005) for most soils with little microstructure. Robertson
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resulted in some confusion in geotechnical practice. (2009) discussed several examples where there can be observed
Jefferies and Davies (1993) identified that a soil behaviour type differences. In summary, the Robertson SBTn chart tends to work
index, Ic, could represent the SBTn zones in the Q t–Fr chart where well in ideal soils (i.e., unstructured soils) but can be less effective
Ic is essentially the radius of concentric circles that define the in structured soils. Schneider et al. (2012) suggested adjusting the
boundaries of soil type. Robertson and Wride (1998) modified the boundaries to be more hyperbolic in shape so that they are
definition of Ic to apply to the Robertson (1990) Q t–Fr chart, as steeper in the region of higher Fr values. Based on the accumu-
defined by lated experience using the SBTn chart, it is possible to update the
chart and to modify the descriptions of “soil type” to use terms
(4) Ic ⫽ 关(3.47 ⫺ logQ t)2 ⫹ (logFr ⫹ 1.22)2兴0.5 based more on soil behaviour. It is also possible to identify soils
with significant microstructure using additional CPT-based mea-
surements (e.g., SCPT).
The contours of Ic can be used to approximate the SBTn bound-
aries. The circular shape of the Ic boundaries provides a reason- Proposed modified SBTn charts
able fit to the SBTn boundaries in the center of the chart where As discussed in the section on soil behaviour, a major factor in
much of the data exists for most normally to lightly overconsoli- any classification system can be the effects of post-deposition pro-
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dated ideal soils. For some soils, the circular shape is a less effec- cesses that can generate microstructure. Hence, it can be impor-
tive fit to the original SBT boundaries, as illustrated in Fig. 2 for tant to first identify if soils have significant microstructure, since
Ic = 2.6 and discussed by Robertson (2009). Robertson and Wride this can influence their in situ behaviour and ultimately the effec-
(1998) had suggested that Ic = 2.6 was an approximate boundary tiveness of any classification system based on in situ tests. Some
between soils that were either more sandlike or more claylike, understanding of the geologic background of the soil is always a
based on cyclic liquefaction case histories that were limited to required starting point for reliable classification based on CPT
predominately silica-based ideal soils that were essentially nor- data, since geology provides a framework for interpretation.
mally consolidated. However, experience has shown that the Ic = The combined information from the SCPT has the potential to
2.6 boundary is not always effective in soils with significant mi- aid in identification of possible microstructure in soils to either
crostructure. supplement existing geologic information or when geologic
Robertson (2009) updated the normalized cone resistance and information maybe either lacking or uncertain. Eslaamizaad and
the associated SBTn chart, using a normalization with a variable Robertson (1996) and Schnaid (2009) suggested that the SCPT can
stress exponent, n, where be helpful to identify soils with microstructure based on a link
between Go/qt and Q tn, since both aging and bonding tend to
(5) Q tn ⫽ [(qt ⫺ v)/pa](pa / vo)n increase the small-strain stiffness (Go) significantly more than
they increase the large-strain strength of a soil (reflected in both qt
and Q tn). Hence, for a given soil, age and bonding both tend to
where (qt − v)/pa is the dimensionless net cone resistance; (pa/vo)n increase Go more than the larger strain cone resistance (qt), all
is the stress normalization factor; pa is the atmospheric reference other factors (in situ stress state, etc.) being constant. Schneider
pressure in the same units as qt and v; and n is the stress expo- and Moss (2011) extended the link between CPT and Go to establish
nent that varies with SBTn, and defined by a method to identify sandy soils with microstructure. Schneider
and Moss (2011) suggested using an empirical parameter, KG, de-
(6) n ⫽ 0.381(Ic) ⫹ 0.05(vo /pa) ⫺ 0.15 fined in eq. (7) (modified from Rix and Stokoe 1991):
Fig. 3. Proposed Q tn–IG chart to identify soils with microstructure. behaviour is often gradual, and any separating criteria can be
somewhat arbitrary. Data suggests that very young uncemented
soils tend to have K∗G values closer to 100, whereas soils with some
microstructure (e.g., older deposits) tend to have K∗G values closer
to 330. As will be shown later, soils with K∗G < 330 tend to have
little or no microstructure where existing empirical CPT-based
correlations tend to provide good estimates of soil behaviour.
A challenge when calculating K∗G, which will be illustrated later,
is that the CPT parameters (qt and Q tn) and Vs are often measured
over different depth intervals. For example, CPT measurements
are typically made at 10–50 mm depth intervals, whereas Vs (and
hence Go) is typically measured over 500–1000 mm (or larger)
depth intervals. Hence, there can be a scale effect when combin-
ing the two parameters (Go/qn), where the CPT parameters re-
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marily on coarse-grained soils. Robertson (2009) suggested that propagating wave with particle motion in the vertical direction
the small-strain rigidity index (IG) can be extended to include (VsHV = VsVH). The suggested relationship shown in Fig. 3 is based
fine-grained soils and should be defined based on net cone resis- on GoVH (and VsVH) that is measured primarily using the SCPT. For
tance qn, since qn is a more correct measure of soil strength, to be simplicity, the relationship is shown in terms of Go but is intended
to apply GoVH.
(8) IG ⫽ Go /qn Robertson (2009) presented contours of state parameter () for
young uncemented coarse-grained (unstructured) soils on the nor-
malized SBTn (Q tn–Fr) chart and suggested that the contour for
where qn = (qt − v). < –0.05 could be used to separate coarse-grained ideal soils that
Hence, a modified normalized small-strain rigidity index, K∗G, is are either contractive or dilative at large strains. This was sup-
defined as ported by case histories where flow liquefaction had occurred
(Robertson 2010).
(9) K∗G ⫽ (Go /qn)(Q tn)0.75 Robertson (2009), Mayne (2014), and others have shown that
most fine-grained ideal soils with an OCR > 4 should have Q tn > 12
and are predominately dilative at large shear strains. Hence, com-
Figure 3 presents a plot of Q tn versus IG similar to that shown by bining these two criteria, it is possible to develop a simple Q tn–Fr
Schneider and Moss (2011) but extended to cover a wider range of based boundary that would separate ideal soils that are either
soils. Schneider and Moss (2011) showed that most young, unce- contractive or dilative at large shear strains, as shown in Fig. 4 by
mented (“ideal”) silica-based sands have 100 < KG < 330, with an the solid line (marked CD = 70). The contractive–dilative (CD)
average value of around 215. In most coarse-grained soils, qt ⬃ qn, boundary can be represented by the following simplified expres-
since qt > v; hence, the data presented by Schneider and Moss sion:
(2011) in terms of KG also plot in the same region in terms of K∗G on
the modified plot shown in Fig. 3. Since Fig. 3 has been extended
(10) CD ⫽ 70 ⫽ (Q tn ⫺ 11)(1 ⫹ 0.06Fr)17
to include soft clays, the modification to use Go/qn becomes im-
portant, since qn is a direct measure of soil strength in claylike
soils and can be significantly smaller than qt in soft clay. When CD > 70, the soils are likely dilative at large shear strains,
Most of the existing empirical correlations developed for inter- as shown in Fig. 4. Equation (10) is a simplified fitting relationship
pretation of CPT results are predominately based on experience in to capture the generalized shape of the contractive–dilative bound-
silica-based soils with little or no microstructure (e.g., Robertson ary on the Q tn–Fr chart. Figure 4 also includes (as light dashed lines)
2009; Mayne 2014). Hence, if soils have K∗G < 330, the soils are likely the original SBTn boundaries suggested by Robertson (1990, 2009)
young and uncemented (i.e., have little or no microstructure) and for comparison and to retain the original grouping based on phys-
can be classified as ideal soils (unstructured) where many tradi- ical characteristic descriptions (e.g., sand and clay). Because Fig. 4
tional CPT-based empirical correlations likely apply. Soils with shows behaviour-based descriptions and boundaries, it applies
K∗G > 330 tend to have significant microstructure, and the higher primarily to soils that have little or no microstructure (i.e., ideal
the value of K∗G, the more microstructure is likely present. Hence, soils).
if a soil has K∗G > 330, the soils can be classified as structured soils A CPT-based boundary between contractive and dilative soils
where traditional generalized CPT-based empirical correlations depends on many variables (e.g., in situ stress state, soil plastic
may have less reliability and where local modification may be hardening), and there is a transition between ideal soils that are
needed. The influence of increasing microstructure on in situ soil predominately contractive to soils that are predominately dilative
Fig. 4. Proposed updated SBTn chart based on Q tn–Fr (solid lines show soil behaviour type boundaries, and dashed lines show boundaries
suggested by Robertson 1990).
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at large shear strains. Robertson (2010) indicated that the flow solidated soils. The boundary represented by IB = 22 represents the
liquefaction case histories showed that the suggested boundary upper boundary for most claylike ideal soils, and is similar to the
(represented by CD = 70) was slightly conservative (i.e., soils with original boundary between SBTn zones 3 and 4 for normally con-
some data slightly lower Q tn values could be dilative at larger solidated soils. The value of IB = 22 represents the approximate
strains). The dashed line in Fig. 4 shows an approximate lower boundary for a plasticity index PI ⬃ 18% in fine-grained ideal soils.
limit, based on the case histories presented by Robertson (2010) The region represented by 22 < IB < 32 is defined as “transitional
for ideal soils that are predominately dilative at large strains that soil”, which are soils that can have a behaviour somewhere be-
can be represented by the following simplified expression: tween that of either sandlike or claylike ideal soil (e.g., low-
plasticity fine-grained soils, such as silt). Some transitional soils
(11) CD (lower bound) ⫽ 60 ⫽ (Q tn ⫺ 9.5)(1 ⫹ 0.06Fr)17 can also respond in a partially drained manner during the CPT
(e.g., DeJong and Randolph 2012) and are sometimes referred to as
“intermediate soils”. The modified boundaries shown in Fig. 4 are
In general, it is recommended to apply the upper boundary
similar to the original boundaries for zones 3–5 in the central part
(CD = 70) for most geotechnical interpretation, since this is often
of the chart, where most young uncemented, normally consoli-
slightly conservative. The CD = 70 boundary shown in Fig. 4 ap-
dated ideal soils plot.
plies only to ideal soils with little or no microstructure, since
some aged and (or) cemented soils can be contractive at large The soil close to the friction sleeve of the cone has experienced
strains but produce relatively high values of Q tn due to the in- very large shear strains and tends to be fully destructured and (or)
creased stiffness and strength from aging and (or) cementation. remolded. Based on this observation, Robertson (2009) had sug-
Examples will be presented later to illustrate this point. gested that sensitivity (St) in most fine-grained ideal soils could be
The boundary between the original (Robertson 1990) SBTn estimated using the simplified expression:
zones 4 (silt mixtures) and 5 (sand mixtures) is the approximate
boundary between soils that are either more claylike or more (13) St ⫽ 7.1/Fr
sandlike and can be approximated by Ic = 2.6 (Fig. 2). However, the
simple circular shape of Ic is not always a good fit to the original Hence, soils with Fr < 2% tend to have a sensitivity St > 3–4. This
boundary, except for predominately young uncemented, essentially boundary has been included in Fig. 4 as an approximate separa-
normally consolidated (ideal) soils, as suggested by Robertson and tion between claylike–contractive (CC) soils with moderate to low
Wride (1998). sensitivity (St < 3) from claylike–contractive soils with higher
Schneider et al. (2012) had suggested a more hyperbolic shape sensitivity, St > 3 (CCS). This value of sensitivity is somewhat con-
(in terms of logQ t and logFr) to better capture the SBT boundaries. servative but considered appropriate for basic classification pur-
Figure 4 shows suggested modified main SBTn boundaries based poses. Any boundary based on sensitivity is somewhat arbitrary,
on a more hyperbolic shape using a modified soil behaviour type but can be helpful to warn users when a soil may have higher
index, IB, defined as sensitivity to disturbance with associated risk of strength loss. As
shown in Fig. 4, the boundary between CC and CCS is slightly
(12) IB ⫽ 100(Q tn ⫹ 10)/(Q tnFr ⫹ 70)
more conservative than the previous boundary suggested by
Robertson (1990).
The boundary shown in Fig. 4 represented by IB = 32 represents the Eslami and Fellenius (1997) had suggested that charts based on
lower boundary for most sandlike ideal soils and is similar to the Q t and Fr were not mathematically correct for any statistical anal-
original boundary between SBTn zones 4 and 5 for normally con- yses, since both Q tn and Fr use qt. Figure 5 shows the same bound-
Fig. 5. Proposed alternate format SBTn chart based on Q tn–F (solid Fig. 6. Proposed updated Schneider et al. (2008) chart based on
lines show proposed new soil behaviour type boundaries, and Q tn–U2 with proposed new soil behaviour type boundaries (Bq lines
dashed lines show boundaries suggested by Robertson 1990). in red). [Colour online.]
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 10/05/18
For personal use only.
ment to Fig. 4, to evaluate if soils have significant microstructure is composed of about 1.5 m of fill overlying Young Bay Mud (YBM)
and to evaluate large-strain behaviour, provided reliable pore- to a depth of around 12 m. General details about YBM are provided
pressure measurements are made. by Bonaparte and Mitchell (1979). At this location, the YBM is late
The following section will illustrate the main features of the Holocene-age and lightly overconsolidated below a depth of 4 m
updated approach using mostly published SCPTu data from well- (OCR < 1.5) with a desiccated surface crust due to groundwater
documented sites. Schneider and Moss (2011) have essentially fluctuations. Below the YBM is Old Bay Clay (OBC) to the final
demonstrated the effectiveness of the Q tn–Go/qt chart for a wide depth of the SCPTu at 36 m. The SCPTu data from 2 to 11 m in the
range of coarse-grained soils, and Schneider et al. (2008) have YBM are shown in Fig. 11a and from 12 to 35 m in the OBC in
essentially demonstrated the effectiveness of the Q tn–U2 chart for Fig. 11b. The average K∗G value for the YBM at this site is around 85,
a wide range of fine-grained soils; hence, the focus will tend to be consistent with the young geologic age and lack of microstruc-
more on the Q tn–Fr chart, although data will be presented on all ture. The OBC has slightly higher K∗G values of around 300, consis-
three charts for each example site. tent with the older geologic age (late Pleistocene). The YBM below
the desiccated crust plots in the claylike–contractive–sensitive
Case history examples (CCS) region on the Q tn–Fr chart and in the claylike–contractive
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Selected representative case histories are presented to identify (CC) region of the Q tn–U2 chart. The YBM has a sensitivity of
specific features that illustrate key points. Table 1 presents a sum- around 4–6 based on field vane tests, which is consistent with the
mary of the selected deposits used to evaluate the proposed mod- classification of CCS. The difference in classification between the
ified SBTn charts. The sites shown in Table 1 were selected to Q tn–Fr and Q tn–U2 charts is partly due to a somewhat slow pore-
represent a wide range of deposits ranging from very recent fill pressure response in the upper 11 m of the profile after recording
and (or) tailings to older very stiff soil or soft rock. The deposits small negative pore pressures in the desiccated crust. In the YBM
have been listed by increasing value of K∗G that essentially capture desiccated crust, the normalized cone resistance (Q tn) moves
increasing microstructure. The SCPTu data will be presented in higher and plots in the transitional soil region (TC and TD) of the
the three normalized charts (Q tn–Fr, Q tn–U2, and Q tn–IG). Q tn–Fr chart. As desiccation increases closer to the ground surface,
Figures 7–9 present a summary of the average values for all the with associated increase in apparent OCR, the CPT data plots
case history example deposits on the Q tn–IG, Q tn–Fr, and Q tn–U2 higher on both the Q tn–Fr and Q tn–U2 charts. As Schneider et al.
charts, respectively. Figure 7 (Q tn–IG) shows that the value of K∗G = (2008) identified the U2 values decrease with increasing Q tn due to
330 suggested by Schneider and Moss (2011) provides a good sep- a more dilative behaviour and increasing cv (and possible partial
aration between soils with little or no microstructure and soils drainage during the CPT). Close to the ground surface (at a depth
with significant microstructure. Also, K∗G = 330 appears to separate of about 2 m), some of the SCPTu data plot in the sandlike–dilative
For personal use only.
predominately silica-based soils from carbonate-based soil. Figure 8 (SD) region due in part to the very dilative behaviour of the very
(Q tn–Fr) shows that, in general, soils with significant microstruc- stiff desiccated clay and the almost drained penetration during
ture tend to plot in the dilative region of the chart. Figure 9 the CPT; however, most of the SCPTu data for the desiccated crust
(Q tn–U2) shows that fine-grained contractive soils with significant plot in the transitional–dilative (TD) region. The OBC is more
microstructure plot in a region defined approximately by U2 > 0 stratified and variable as indicated by the wide range in normal-
when Q tn = 20 and U2 > 10 when Q tn = 10. ized CPT values shown in Fig. 11b. Much of the OBC data plot on
The following examples were selected to illustrate the variation the boundary between claylike and transitional soils and contrac-
and trends in the SCPTu data in the selected deposits. tive to dilative behaviour, consistent with the variable nature of
this predominately stiff overconsolidated sandy clay.
Soils with little or no microstructure Figure 12 shows SCPTu data between depths of 4 and 20 m at the
Figure 10 shows SCPTu data to a depth of 40 m at the KIDD site Bothkennar site in the UK (Hight and Leroueil 2003). The Bothken-
near Vancouver, British Columbia, which was part of the CANLEX nar soil is young estuarine clayey silt with an organic content of
research project (Robertson et al. 2000; Wride et al. 2000). The soils 3%–8%. It has sensitivity, measured by the fall cone, of between 5
are essentially normally consolidated, uncemented Holocene-age and 13 and an apparent OCR of 1.4–1.6. The clay is described as
natural (silica-based) deposits from the Fraser River delta and rep- slightly “structured” due to possible organic cementation (Hight
resent both sandlike and claylike soils in one profile. The SCPTu and Leroueil 2003). Based on the SCPTu data, the K∗G values are
was carried out at a part of the site where the soils from a depth of around 240, and the data plot mostly in the CC and CCS regions of
about 4 to 22.7 m are relatively uniform medium dense fine sand the Q tn–Fr chart and the CC region in the Q tn–U2 chart. The some-
overlying uniform sensitive marine clay with the water table at a what higher K∗G values are consistent with some small amount of
depth of 1 m, and Vs measurements were made every 0.5 m start- microstructure. Although the Bothkennar clay is described as
ing at 3.25 m. The sand (4–22.7 m) plots predominately in the structured, the existing CPT-based empirical correlations provide
sandlike–dilative (SD) region consistent with the detailed results good estimates of undrained shear strength, OCR, and sensitivity,
from the CANLEX project with an average K∗G = 214. The underlying which are consistent with K∗G values less than 330 and the obser-
normally consolidated sensitive marine clay (22.9–40 m) plots in vation that the level of microstructure is minor.
the claylike–contractive–sensitive (CCS) region on both the Q tn–Fr Figure 13 shows SCPTu data from the loose silica-based sand
and Q tn–U2 charts, with an average K∗G = 215. The K∗G values are site at Holmen in Norway (Lunne et al. 2003) from 3 to 20 m. The
consistent with the Holocene-age, with no evidence of cementa- Holmen sand is young (2000–3000 years ago) and very loose due to
tion. Figure 10 shows that the original descriptions used by rapid deposition in quiet water in front of the delta formed by the
Robertson (1990) also provide a good classification of both the Drammen River. The SCPTu data plot in the sandlike–contractive
sand and clay deposits. The CPT data transitions from the sand to (SC) region of the Q tn–Fr chart, with essentially no excess pore
the clay between 22.7 and 22.9 m and is incorrectly classified. The pressures (U2 ⬃ 0) and K∗G values of about 155.
issue of data in transition from sandlike to claylike was discussed Figure 14 shows SCPTu data from the Madingley site near Cam-
by Robertson (2009). bridge, UK (Lunne et al. 1997) from 2 to 12 m. The Madingley site is
Figure 11 shows SCPTu data to a depth of 35 m at a site in the San underlain by Gault clay that is very stiff overconsolidated fissured
Francisco Bay area near Vallejo. The test location was pre-drilled clay of the Cretaceous period (⬃110 million years ago) with
using a hand auger to a depth of 1.5 m after which the SCPTu was OCR > 10. The high overconsolidation ratio is derived from signif-
started and Vs measurements were made every 1 m starting at a icant stress removal with no evidence of cementation. The SCPTu
depth of 2 m. The groundwater table is at a depth of 2 m. The site data correctly plot predominately in the claylike–dilative (CD)
13 Bothkennar (UK) LOC silty clay Holocene 6.5 (5.5–8.0) 1.6 (1.0–2.5) 3.6 (2.5–4.5) 60 (50–70) 240 (205–290) Hight and Leroueil (2003)
14 University of British Fraser River, NC–LOC clay Holocene 4.0 (3.0–5.0) 1.8 (1.5–2.2) 2.5 (2.0–3.0) 100 (80–120) 280 (230–320) Campanella et al. (1983)
Columbia, McDonald
Farm (Canada)
15 San Francisco (USA) Old Bay clay, OC clay Late Pleistocene 12.0 (5–30) 2.5 (1.5–5.0) 2.5 (−1.5–5.0) 45 (30–100) 300 (195–600) P.K. Robertson (personal files)
16 Venice (Italy) NC–LOC clayey silt Holocene 7.5 (5.0–10.0) 2.0 (1.3–2.8) 1.0 (0.1–1.8) 70 (60–80) 315 (270–350) Simonini (2004)
17 Amherst (USA) Varved clay Late Pleistocene 7.5 (6.5–9.0) 1.5 (0.8–3.0) 5.0 (3.0–6.0) 70 (50–90) 325 (225–400) DeGroot and Lutenegger (2003)
18 Ford Center (USA) LOC clay Pleistocene 7 (5.5–9.0) 3.0 (2.5–43.5) 3.8 (3.0–4.5) 78 (70–90) 330 (300–380) Finno et al. (2000)
19 Madingley (UK) HOC clay Cretaceous 35 (30–45) 4.5 (3.0–6.0) −1 25 (15–30) 360 (330–430) Lunne et al. (1997)
20 Griffin (USA) Dense sand Pleistocene 150 (80–400) 0.6 (0.3–1.0) 0 9 (4–20) 380 (215–800) Safner et al. (2011)
21 Tangiers (Morocco) Calcareous sand Recent 100 (60–200) 0.2 (0.1–0.8) 0 12 (7–20) 380 (215–560) Debats et al. (2015)
22 Campinas (Brazil) Residual soil — 20 (15–25) 6.0 (5.0–8.0) 1 (0–4) 45 (40–60) 425 (375–565) De Mio et al. (2010)
23 Dubai (United Arab Calcareous sand Recent 70 (60–80) 0.2 (0.1–0.3) 0 18 (15–21) 435 (360–500) P.K. Robertson (personal files)
24 Porto (Portugal) Residual soil — 40 (30–50) 5.0 (3.0–7.0) 0 30 (20–40) 475 (320–640) De Mio et al. (2010)
25 Ledge Point (Western Calcareous sand Holocene 150 (80–300) 0.5 (0.2–0.8) 0 10 (5–20) 500 (330–800) Schneider and Lehane (2010)
26 Houston (USA) Beaumont, OC clay Pleistocene 25 (20–30) 4 (3.5–4.5) −0.5 (−1.0–0) 48 (35–50) 535 (425–640) Mayne (2009)
27 Atlanta (USA) Piedmont, residual soil — 45 (25–65) 2.2 (1.2–3.0) −0.5 (−1.0–0) 33 (25–40) 570 (470–640) Mayne (2009)
28 Charleston (USA) Cooper Marl, calcareous clay Oligocene 12 (8–25) 0.6 (0.4–1.4) 6 (4.5–11) 90 (50–200) 580 (330–1200) Camp et al. (2002)
29 Los Angeles (USA) Fernando, siltstone Miocene 75 (60–100) 1.5 (1.0–2.0) 33 (20–40) 30 (17–40) 635 (510–1020) P.K. Robertson (personal files)
Published by NRC Research Press
30 Anchorage (USA) Bootlegger Cove, HOC clay Pleistocene 20 (10–50) 1.3 (1.0–2.0) 1.7 (1.0–5.5) 80 (50–110) 750 (450–1400) Mayne and Pearce (2005)
31 Windsor (USA) Calcareous cemented clay Miocene 45 (40–50) 2.5 (2.0–3.0) 12 (5–16) 48 (40–65) 830 (690–1150) Ku et al. (2013)
32 Calgary (Canada) Glacial clay till Pleistocene 40 (35–50) 3.0 (2.5–3.5) 5 (0–7.0) 55 (40–70) 850 (600–1100) Mayne and Woeller (2008)
33 Newport Beach (USA) Monterey, sandstone–siltstone Miocene 150 (50–400) 2.5 (0.8–5.0) 1 (0–15) 20 (8–200) 860 (350–4000) Bastani et al. (2014)
Note: Values shown are mean values, with ranges in parentheses. NC, normally consolidated; LOC, lightly overconsolidated (OCR < 4); OC, overconsolidated; HOC, heavily overconsolidated (OCR >4).
1920 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 53, 2016
Fig. 7. Proposed Q tn–IG chart with case history examples (details in iour at small strains followed by a contractive behaviour at high
Table 1). (Red circles are young uncemented silica-based soils; black shear strains when the cementation is broken and the soil be-
squares are soils with microstructure or calcareous.) [Colour online.] comes destructured.
Figure 16 shows SCPTu data from a site in Atlanta, Georgia, in
the Piedmont residual soil (Mayne 2009). The site served as a test
area for instrumented piles (Harris and Mayne 1994) and consists
of silty fine sand derived from the weathering of the underlying
gneiss and schist bedrock. The SCPTu data from 4 to 18 m plot
predominately on the boundary between sandlike–dilative (SD)
and transitional–dilative (TD) regions of the Q tn–Fr chart with an
average K∗G = 520. The excess pore pressures are generally negative
with values close to –100 kPa and hence close to the saturation
limit of the sensor. Dissipation tests provided t50 values ranging
from 20 to 100 s that indicate a potentially partially drained cone
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by on 10/05/18
Fig. 8. Proposed updated SBTn chart based on Q tn–Fr with case history examples (details in Table 1). (Red circles are young uncemented soils;
black squares are soils with microstructure or calcareous.) [Colour online.]
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For personal use only.
Fig. 9. Proposed updated Schneider et al. (2008) chart based on Q tn–U2 (15) SCF ⫽ 共K∗G /215兲1.334
with case history examples (details in Table 1). (Red circles are young
uncemented soils; black squares are soils with microstructure or
calcareous.) [Colour online.] where K∗G is the average measured normalized small-strain rigidity
Application of eq. (15) is conceptually similar to the approach
used by Debats et al. (2015) but avoids the need for iteration to
obtain the SCF. For the data shown in Fig. 18, the SCF based on
eq. (15) is 2.1 compared to the average value of about 2.0 suggested
by Debats et al. (2015).
The examples in the preceding section illustrate that the mod-
ified Q tn–Fr and Q tn–U2 charts provide good classification in terms
of soil behaviour type for soils with little or no microstructure
when K∗G < 330. The Q tn–U2 chart can be somewhat sensitive to
minor loss of saturation of the pore-pressure sensor in some soils,
especially in stiffer onshore soils. In soils and soft rock where
there is significant microstructure (i.e., structured soils) with
K∗G > 330, the classification of soil behaviour type becomes less
reliable and some judgment is required. If structured soils and (or)
soft rocks are sufficiently fine-grained to develop reliable excess
pore pressures, the Q tn–U2 chart provides a better classification of
soil behaviour type at large strains and can be used to identify
significant microstructure. Geomaterials with significant micro-
structure tend to be cemented or bonded and can be very stiff at
small strains (producing high Q tn values) but can be contractive at
large shear strains (producing high U2 values) when the cementa-
tion is destroyed and the material becomes destructured.
As discussed by Robertson (1990), the addition of dissipation
tests to measure the rate of dissipation of any excess pore pres-
the empirical CPT-based correlation suggested by Robertson sures (e.g., t50) can also aid in the correct classification of soil
(2009) using the adjusted qc. Since the average K∗G for most young, behaviour, as well as drainage conditions during the CPT. DeJong
uncemented silica-based sands is about 215 (Schneider and Moss and Randolph (2012) suggested that when t50 > 50 s, the cone
2011), it is also possible to estimate the SCF based on SCPT data penetration (1000 mm2 cone at standard rate of 20 mm/s) is essen-
using the following simplified relationship: tially undrained.
Fig. 10. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 4 to 40 m at the KIDD site in the Fraser River delta near Vancouver, British Columbia.
(Orange dots for sand from 4 to 22.7 m; red dots for clay from 22.9 to 40 m; green dots for transition zone from 22.7 to 22.9 m.) Du2/sig=v =
⌬u2/vo . [Colour online.]
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Fig. 11. Example of normalized SCPTu data from San Francisco Bay, California, USA: (a) Young Bay Mud with desiccated crust (2–11 m); (b) Old
Bay Clay (12–35 m). [Colour online.]
For personal use only.
Fig. 12. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 4 to 20 m at the Bothkennar clay site, UK. [Colour online.]
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Fig. 13. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 3 to 20 m at the Holmen loose sand site, Norway. [Colour online.]
For personal use only.
Fig. 14. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 2 to 12 m at Madingley stiff clay site, Cambridge, UK. [Colour online.]
Soil behaviour is controlled by the in situ effective stress; hence, etration resistance is strongly influenced by the horizontal effec-
CPT parameters normalized in terms of effective stress can better tive stresses. However, this continues to have little practical
capture in situ behaviour for classification. However, the normaliza- benefit for most projects without a prior knowledge of in situ
tion process is not always perfect due to uncertainty in estimating in horizontal stresses (Robertson 2009). Uncertainty in estimating in
situ stress. Conceptually, any normalization should also account for situ vertical stresses can also result from uncertainty in soil unit
the important influence of horizontal effective stresses, since pen- weight (␥) as well as the in situ piezometric profile (u0). This un-
Fig. 15. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 22 to 50 m in Cooper Marl (calcareous cemented clay), Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
[Colour online.]
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Fig. 16. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 4 to 18 m in Piedmont residual soil at site in Atlanta, Georgia. [Colour online.]
For personal use only.
Fig. 17. Example of normalized SCPTu data from 3 to 10 m in siltstone at downtown Los Angeles site, California. [Colour online.]
certainty typically has a minor effect in coarse-grained soils (e.g., rameters (qc and fs) can be close to the limits of accuracy or repeat-
SD and SC) where the measured CPT parameters (qc and fs) tend to ability for the CPT equipment (Robertson 2009). One method to
be large relative to vo and u0. However, the normalized parame- identify when the normalized parameters (e.g., Q tn and Fr) may
ters (Q tn, Fr, and IG) can become sensitive to uncertainty in vo and not be correct is when the data plot outside some of the limits
u0 in very soft fine-grained soils (e.g., CC and CCS). Likewise, the shown on the charts. For example, Q tn < 1 when pushing in soil is
normalized CPT parameters can also be sensitive to measurement rare and is often the result of an overly high estimate for vo. Soft
uncertainty in soft fine-grained soil where the measured CPT pa- soils with high organic content can have very low soil unit weight
Fig. 18. Example of normalized SCPT data from 4 to 14 m in hydraulically placed calcareous sand in Tangier, Morocco (data from Debats et al.
2015). [Colour online.]
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that can result in apparent low values of qn and Q tn due to over- 1000, or 1500 mm2 area) at the standard penetration rate of 20 mm/s.
estimated values of vo. In soft fine-grained soils, it is also rare to The Q tn–Fr chart does not apply to data from a mechanical CPT, since
obtain Bq > 1.2, since this requires an excess pore pressure higher both the tip and sleeve resistance values from a mechanical CPT can
than the net cone resistance (qn). Hence, if data plot lower than the be different than an electric CPT.
line identified by Bq = 1.0 in the Q tn–U2 chart, there may be some Since soil behaviour can be complex, it is recommended to
uncertainty in the low values of Q tn. In soft soils, these uncertain- apply multiple CPT-based measurements to improve behaviour
ties in estimating vo and u0 often outweigh the uncertainty in classification. The SCPTu offers the opportunity to obtain any-
For personal use only.
horizontal stress ratio (Ko), since variations in Ko tend to be cap- where from three to six independent measurements to improve
tured by the empirical correlations (e.g., OCR). The normalized classification. However, classification is still possible using either
parameter IG requires in situ shear wave velocity measurements two (qc and fs) or three (qc, fs, and u2) measurements from the
that can be difficult to obtain accurately in the upper 1–2 m and at standard CPT or CPTu. Classification based on only two measure-
depths greater than about 50 m using a down-hole method like ments (qc and fs) is generally less reliable and should be limited to
the SCPT. Likewise, scatter in IG can also result from scale effects predominately silica-based, young, uncemented soil (i.e., ideal
between the measured Vs and CPT measurements in heteroge- soil). Classification is improved if three measurements are used
neous deposits. (qc, fs, and u2) especially in more fine-grained soils. Ideally, classi-
The CPT measurements taken over water often require special fication should be based on four measurements (qc, fs, u2, and Vs),
care to ensure correct data normalization. Typically, CPT work since this allows identification of possible microstructure. In fine-
over water is referenced to the mudline (i.e., point where soil grained soils, dissipation tests that provided an added measure-
starts), since the effective stress is zero at the mudline and the ment (t50) are also valuable and recommended where possible.
cone zero load readings are also taken at the mudline. Hence, vo Dissipation tests in coarse-grained layers, where 100% dissipation
and u0 are also referenced to mudline (i.e., equivalent to assuming can be rapid and cost effective, are recommended so that the
piezometric surface at the mudline). If the CPT zero load readings correct equilibrium piezometric pressure (u0) can be determined.
are taken at the water surface (e.g., for shallow over water work), The geologic history of the deposit is always a helpful starting
the cone (qt and u2) will measure the water pressure when lowered point for correct classification. If the geologic history supports the
through water (with fs ⬃ 0). Hence, vo and u0 must be selected to potential that the soils are predominately silica-based, young (i.e.,
produce vo = 0 at the mudline, which may require using the unit Holocene to Pleistocene age) and likely uncemented, the basic
weight of water for the section of CPT data in water. SBTn charts based on Q tn and Fr will generally provide reliable
Calculation of Q tn requires an iterative procedure to determine classification.
the stress exponent (n) using Ic. The proposed modified SBTn chart The link between behaviour characteristics (e.g., strength, stiff-
based on Q tn and Fr contains a modified soil behaviour type index ness, and compressibility) that is reflected in the CPT measure-
(IB) to define the main boundaries between sandlike and claylike ments and physical characteristics (e.g., grain size and plasticity)
behaviour; however, it is recommended to continue using Ic in the can be very good in soils with little or no microstructure (i.e., ideal
iterative procedure to determine Q tn, since Ic adequately captures soils). Hence, it can be important to identify the level of micro-
the variation of soil behaviour to estimate the stress exponent as structure in a deposit. If Vs (and hence Go) data are available,
well as other current applications of Ic (e.g., Robertson 2009 and ideally using SCPT, the proposed Q tn–IG chart can be used to eval-
Mayne 2014). uate the level of microstructure in a deposit with supporting evi-
dence from the geologic background. The modified Q tn–U2 can
Summary and conclusions also be helpful in fine-grained soils where CPT penetration is es-
Updated and modified charts have been proposed to estimate soil sentially undrained.
behaviour type based on either CPT, CPTu, or SCPTu data. Ideally, If soils have little or no microstructure, the proposed SBTn
these charts should be used in conjunction with the traditional charts and existing empirical correlations (e.g., Robertson 2009)
textural-based classification system (e.g., USCS) based on samples. tend to apply and can provide reasonable estimates of soil behav-
The charts utilize normalized parameters in an effort to capture in iour. However, if soils have significant microstructure (e.g.,
situ soil behaviour. New behaviour descriptions are suggested in an K∗G > 330), the proposed SBTn charts and most existing empirical
effort to be consistent with the concept of a behaviour type classifi- correlations may not always apply and site or geologic specific
cation. The method is based on CPT (i.e., electric cones of either 500, modifications may be required.
Acknowledgements Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Cargill, E. 2013. Continuous-interval shear wave velocity
profiling by auto-source and seismic piezocone tests. Canadian Geotechnical
This research could not have been carried out without the sup- Journal, 50(4): 382–390. doi:10.1139/cgj-2012-0278.
port, encouragement, and input from John Gregg, Kelly Cabal, Leroueil, S. 1992. A framework for the mechanical behavior of structured soils,
and other staff at Gregg Drilling and Testing Inc. The sharing from soft clays to weak rocks. In Proceedings, US-Brazil NSF Geotechnical
of ideas and data by Paul Mayne, Fernando Schnaid, James Workshop on Applicability of Classical Soil Mechanics Principles to Struc-
Schneider, M. Jefferies, and others has also been helpful and is tured Soils, Belo Horizonte, pp. 107–128.
Leroueil, S., and Hight, D.W. 2003. Behaviour and properties of natural soils and
appreciated. soft rocks. In Characterisation and engineering properties of natural soils.
Edited by Tan et al. Swets and Zeitlinger, pp. 29–253.
References Lunne, T., Eidsmoen, T., Gillespie, D., and Howland, J.D. 1986. Laboratory and
ASTM. 2011. D2487-11. Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering field evaluation on cone penetrometers. In Proceedings of the ASCE Specialty
purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). ASTM International. www. Conference In Situ’86: Use of In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering. doi:10.1520/D2487-11. Blacksburg, ASCE, pp. 714–729.
Atkinson, J.H. 2007. The mechanics of soils and foundations. Taylor & Francis, Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K., and Powell, J.J.M. 1997. Cone penetration testing in
London. geotechnical practice. Blackie Academic, EF Spon/Routledge Publishing, New
Bastani, S.A., Silver, P., and Atkinson, D.R. 2014. CPT based settlement prediction York, 312 pp.
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