Troll Ball: by Greg Stafford & Friends
Troll Ball: by Greg Stafford & Friends
Troll Ball: by Greg Stafford & Friends
Throwing accurately depends on % skill level.
There is no equivalent of the parry in throwing.
There are two modes of throwing: the pitch and the Lob. Skill at both comes under the same experience
category. The pitch is a direct-fire attempt to hit a standing target; the Lob is an indirect-fire attempt to hit a
point on the ground.
Range: Accurate throwing is possible to a range equal to DEX times three meters.
Damage: Damage from missile impact only comes from pitched missiles.
On Missing: Missing the target places the missile off-target a distance equal to the difference between the
percentage needed to hit and the number rolled, times the range from thrower to target. In the case of a lob,
one would roll for direction D6 D8 using a D6 or a D8, depending on battle-board con- figuration, consulting
the charts here given represents the target, and is the direction away from the thrower.
1 1
6 2 8 2
T 7 T 3
5 3 6 4
4 5
For a pitch, a missed shot goes to the left or right (50% each) nd carries on to the limit of the thrower's range.
Example: Gworch the Trollkin lobs a rotten egg at Ruric the Runelord, who is in a parade with many Pavis
notables. Gworch can throw at 70%, unfortunately, his player rolled a 75%, and so the egg misses by 5%
times the range, which was 40m, or 2 meters. Rolling for direction, the referee discovers that Gworch has
actually hit Angerbad, an important Great Troll ...