Acronyms and Abbreviations Used in Smart Grid (Collected by Dalibor Kladar - Dali - Calgary, Canada)

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A Analogue (input)

A&M Agricultural and Mechanical (Texas A&M University)

ACR Automatic Circuit Recloser
ACSE Association Control Service Element
ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
AEP American Electric Power (company)
AES Advanced Encryption Standard (old is DES)
AESO Alberta Electrical System Operators
AFM Application Functionality Module
AGA American Gas Association
AGC Automatic Generation Control
AIES Alberta Interconnected Electrical System
AIS Air Insulated Substation
AIS Air- Insulated Switchgear
AITF Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures
ALT Automatic Load Transfer
AM Amplitude modulation
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
AMR Automated Meter Reading
ANID Abbreviated Needs Identification Document (AUC)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO Asset Optimization
API Application Programming Interface
AR Autoregressive
ARC Alberta Research Council
ARIMA Autoregressive Moving-Average
ASAT Automation Solutions and Technologies
ASEAS Automatic Substation Event Analysis System
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASR Automatic Sectionalizing and Restoration
ATC Automatic Transmission Control
ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATP Alternative Transient Program (EMTP)
ATS Applicant Tracking Software
BAS Building Automation System
BCA benefit cost analysis
BCSE Branch Current State Estimation
BCU Bay Controller Unit
BER Bit Error Rate (Ratio)
BEV (all) Battery Electrical Vehicle
BFR Breaker Failure Relay
BI Business Intelligence
BMS Building Management System
BPA Bonneville Power Administration
BP-ANN Back propagation artificial neural networks
BPL Broadband over Power Lines
BPM Business Process Management
BRP Budget Review Process (at AESO)
CA Contingency Analysis
CABA Computer-aided Breaker Analysis (A Megger Group Company)
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAIDI Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI / SAIFI)
CARE Cascade Algorithm & Rules Engine
CASCADE Cognitive Agents and Distributed Energy
CB Circuit Breaker
CBM Circuit Breaker Monitor
CBMAS Circuit Breaker Monitoring Analysis System
CBR Circuit Breaker Recorder
CC (current) Close Coil (current)
CCET The Center for the Commercialization of Electrical Technologies
CCVT Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformer
CEIDS Consortium for Electric Infrastructure to Support a Digital Society
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFEI Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator
CFIB Canadian Federation of Independent Business
CFL Centralized Fault Location
CHOA Canadian Heavy Oil Association
CHR Critical Health Risk
CI Cyber Infrastructure
CIA Cascade Integration Architecture
CID Configured IED Description
CIGRE International Council on Large Electric Systems
CIM Common Information Model
CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection
CIS Customer Information System
CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing
CM Configuration Management
CMA Certified Managment Accountant
CMC Certified Managment Consultant
CME Canadian Manufactures & Exporters
CMI Customer Minutes of Interuption
COM component object model
COMTRADE Common Format for Transient Data Exchange
COS Change Of State
CPP Critical-Peak Pricing
CPRI Central Power Research Institute
CPU central processing unit
CRA Canada Revenue Agency
CRC16 16-bit cyclic redundancy check
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CS Carrier Send
CSCTG Smart Grid Cyber Security Coordination Task Group
CSMA/CD collision sensing multiple access/collision detection
CSRC Computer Security Resource Center
CT Current Transformer
CTC Concurrent Technologies Corporation
CTO Chief Technology Officer
DA Distribution Automation
DAU Data Acquisition Unit
DB Data Bus
DBM Design Basis Memorandum
DBMS DataBase Management System
DCS Distributed Control Systems
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
DDNS Dynamic Domain Name System
DDR Dynamic Disturbance Recorder
DER Distributed Energy Resources
DES Data Encryption Standard (new is AES)
DEWG (SG) domain expert working groups
DFL Dedicated Fault Location
DFO Distribution Facility Owner
DFR Digital Fault Recorder
DFRA Digital Fault Recorder Analysis
DGM Distribution Grid Management
DHA Digital Home Alliance
DHCP DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHS DHS Department of Homeland Security
DISCO Distribution Company
DLC DLC Direct Load Control
DLL Dynamic Link Library
DME Dynamic Monitoring Equipment
DMS Distribution Management System
DMS DMS Distribution Management System
DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol
DNS Domain Name Server
DOD DOD Department of Defense
DOE DOE Department of Energy
DP DP Dynamic Pricing
DPI Double-Point Information
DPR Digital Protective Relay
DPRA Digital Protective Relay Analysis
DPS Digital process System
DR Demand Response
DR DR Demand Response
DRI Demand Responsive Infrastructure
D-S (The) Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory
DSCADA Distribution supervisory control and data acquisition
DSL Digiral Substriber Line
DSM Demand Side Management
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DTA Double Test Assistant
DTAF Doble Test Assistant Field (system) (Doble Engineering)
DTLR Dynamic Thermal Line Rating
DTS Dispatcher Training System
DW Data Warehouse
DWML Digital Weather Markup Language
DWT Digital Wavelet Transform
EAI Enterprise Application Integration
ECM Enterprise Content Management
ECWG Electronic Commerce Working Group
EDL Exchange Data Language
EDS Electrical Design Service
EISA Energy Independence and Security Act (US Congress)
EM Energy Management
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMCS Utility/Energy Management and Control Systems
EMF Electromagnetic Field
EMI electromagnetic interference
EMS Energy Management System
EMTP ElectroMagnetic Transients Program
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EPROM erasable programmable read-only memory
ERM Enterprise Resource Management
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ES ES Energy Storage
ES Expert System (ES setting)
ESC Electricity Supply Chain (Smart Grid)
ESD Engineering Scope Document
ESDD Equivalent Salt Deposit Density
ESI ESI Energy Services Interface
ESP ESP Energy Service Provider
ESPRIT Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
ETL Extraction Transformation Loading
EUA Electric Utilities Act (Alberta)
EUMD End Use Measurement Device
EV Electric Vehicle
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
FACTS Flexible AC Transmission Systems
FAT Factory Acceptance Testing
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FE FirstEnergy
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
FIR Final Impulse Response
FL Fault Location
FL Fault Locator
FLISR Fault Location, Isolation and Supply Restoration
FM Frequency modulation
FMEA failure modes and effect analysis
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
FPGA Field-programmable gate array
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GAL Generic Array Logic
GENCO Generation Company
GHG Greenhouse Gases
GID Generic Interface Definitions
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GOMSFE Generic Object Model for Substation and Feeder Equipment
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
GPR ground potential rise
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
GSA General Services Administration
GTA General Tariff Application
GWAC GridWise Architecture Council
HAN Home Area Network
HAN SRS Home Area Network System Requirements Specification
HDL Hardware Description Language
HID High Intensity Discharge (lamp)
HMI Human Machine Interface
HPFF High-pressure, fluid-filled pipe (type of underground cable)
HPGF High-pressure, gas-filled pipe (type of underground cable)
HTLS High Temperature Low Sag (Conductor)
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning
I/O inputs/outputs
IATFF Information Assurance Technical Framework Forum
ICCP Inter Control Centre Protocol (communication between master Centers)
ICD IED Capability Description (file)
ICS Industrial Control Systems
ICT Information and communication technologies
IDS Intrusion Detection Systems
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IECSA Integrated Energy and Communications Systems Architecture
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IESO Independent Electricity System Operator (Ontario)
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFAS Intelligent Feeder Automation System (Feeder IED)
IHD In-Home Display
ILRAS interruptible load remedial action scheme
IM Instant Message
IOSS Interagency OPSEC Support Staff
IOU Investors Owned Utility
IP Internet Protocol
IP3 Third-order Intercept Point
IPCAA Industrial Power Consumers Association of Alberta
IPP Independent Power Producers
IRIG Inter Range Instrumentation Group (time codes A, B, C, D, E, G, H - pulses per second)
IRM IRM Interface Reference Model
IRP Integrated Resource Planning
IS Integrated Systems
ISA Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society
ISA ISA International Society of Automation
ISA The International Society of Automation
ISD Industrial System Designation
ISO Independent System Operator
ISO ISO International Organization for Standardization, Independent Systems Operator
IT Information Technology
IT IT Information Technology
ITA Industrial Technical Assistance
ITAP Inspection, Testing, and Acceptance Plan
ITIC Information Technologu Industry Council (old name CBEMA)
ITU International Telecommunication Union
JEA Jacksonville Electric Authority
KPI Key Point of Interoperability
KVM Keyboard, Video or Visual Display Unit, Mouse (switch)
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LIDAR LIght Detection And Ranging
LMS LMS Load Management System
LOLP Loss of Load Probability
LON Local Operating Network
LSS Load Shed Services
LTC Load Tap Changer
M&D Monitoring and Diagnostics
MAIFI Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index
MBPS Mega Bits Per Second
MCD Momentary Change Detect
MDMS Meter Data Management System
MFR Multilevel Feeder Reconfiguration
MGI Modern Grid Initiative
MIB Management Information Base
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MISO Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO)
MMS Manufacturing Message Specification
MMS MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification
MOD Motor Operated Disconnects
MOV Motor Operated Valve
MOV Metal Oxide Varistor
MPAC Modular Protection and Control
MPLS Multiprotocol label switching
MS Master Station
MSA Market Surveillance Administrator
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTTF Mean Time to Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
MUSIC Multiple Signal Classification (model)
MWM Mobile Workforce Management
NAESB North American Energy Standards Board
NAICS North American Industry Classification System
NARUC National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
NASPI North American Synchrophasor Initiative
NASPInet North America Synchro-Phasor Initiative Network
NEB National Energy Board (Canada)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NERC North-American Electric Reliability Corporation
NERC North-American Electric Reliability Council
NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory
NIAP National Information Assurance Partnership
NID Needs Identification Document
NIM Network Interface Module
NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NNR Nearest Neighbors Rule
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPI New Product Introduction
NSA National Security Agency
NSDD Non-soluble deposit density
NSF National Science Foundation (USA)
NSM Network and System Management
NTC Net Transmission Capacity
NTP Network Time Protocol
NYPA New York Power Authority
OASIS Open Access Same Time Information Systems
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OASyS Object-oriented Adventure SYStem
ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation
ODEs Ordinary Differential Equations
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFLA Optimal Fault Location Algorithm
OGC Open Geospatial Consortium
OGF Open Grid Forum
OHSW Over-Head Shield Wire
OI Open Item
OID Object Identifier
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OMG OMG Object Management Group
OMS OMS Outage Management System
OMS Outage Management Systems
OPC Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) for Process Control
OpenSG OpenSG Open Smart Grid
OPGW Optical Ground Wire
OSG Open Smart Grid
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (Reference Model)
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
P&ID Process and Instrumentation Diagram
P&L Permit & License
P&L Production & Logistics
P&L Profit & Loss
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator
PE Protection Engineer
PEV Plug-in Electric Vehicles
PG Phasor Gateway
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
PI Performance Indicator
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PMI Project Management Institute
PMO Project Management Office
PMU Phasor Measurement Unit
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
PowerPC Power Performance Computing (RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
PQM Power Quality Monitor
PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
PSAC Petroleum Services Association of Canada
PSERC Power Systems Engineering Research Center
PSS/E Power System Simulator for Engineering
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PSTT Performance Standards Task Team
PT Potential Transformer
PTI Power Technologies Incorporated (PTI format)
PUC Public Utility Commission
PVP Product Verification Plan
PW Power World
QOS Quality of Service
RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks or redundant array of independent disks
RAS Remedial Action Scheme
RAS Remedial Automation Schemes
RBAC Role Based Access Control
RFC Request for Comments, Remote Feedback Controller
RMS Resource Management System
ROI Return Of Investment
ROM Read-Only Memory
RRO Regional Reliability Organization
RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adelman
RSS Really Simple Syndication
RTO Regional Transmission Operator
RTO Regional Transmission Organization
RTP Real-Time Pricing
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
S Status (contact) inputs
S&C Schweitzer and Conrad
SA Substation Assistant
SA Substation Automation
SAGD Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index
SAS Statistical Analysis System (corporation)
SAT Site Acceptance Testing
SBO Select Before Operate
SC Substation Computer
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCC System Control Center
SCD Substation Configuration Description
SCFF Self-contained fluid-filled (type of underground cable)
SCL Series Compensated Lines
SCL Site Construction Language
SCL Substation Configuration Language
SCP Secure Copy Protocol
SDAT Site Delivery Acceptance Test
SDD Salt Deposit Density
SDK Software Development Kit
SDO Standards Development Organization
SEL Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
SER Sequence of Events Recorder
SFRA Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (Doble Engineering)
SG Smart Grid
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SIA (SG) Standards Interoperability Assessment
SKB (SG) Standards Knowledge Base
SLIM Software Lifecycle Management
SLM (SG) Standards Landscape Map
SMB Small and Medium Business (=SME)
SME Small and Midsize Enterprise (=SMB)
SMP Substation Modernization Platform (Cooper Power System)
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
SOE Sequence Of Events
SONET Synchronous Optical Network Technologies
SP Special Publication
SPDC Super Phasor Data Concentrator
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPI Single-Point Information
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSO Standards-Setting Organizations
SSP Sector-Specific Plan
STFT Short Time Fourier Transform
STRI Swedish Transmission Research Institute
SVC Static Var Compensator
SWAT Software Analysis and Testing
SWAT Solutions with Advanced Technologies
SWC Surge Withstand Capability
TASE Telecontrol Application Service Element
TC Trip Coil (current)
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCPST Thyristor-Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer
TCR Thyristor Controlled Reactor
TCSC Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor
TCVR Thyristor-Controlled Voltage Regulator
TFAA Transformer Fault Analysis Assistant
TFO Transmission Facility Owner
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
TMR Transmission Must Run
TOA Transformer Oil Analysis (Delat-X Research)
TOGAF TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework
TOSO Turn-ON-Shot-Off
TOU Time-Off-Use (rate)
TRANSCO Transmission Company
TSC Thyrostor Switched Capacitor
TSD Time Sequence Data File
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UCA Utilities Consumer Advocate (Alberta)
UCA Utility Communications Architecture (International)
UCAIug UCA International Users Group
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UID Universal Identifier
UML Unified Modeling Language
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
UTC The Utilities Telecom Council
UTI University Technology International
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
UV Ultra Violet (Corona)
UWIG Utility Wind Integration Group
VA Volt-amperes
VAR Volt Amps Reactive
VBA Visual Basic For Application
VC Venture capital
VDU Video Display Unit
VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHSIC Very-high-speed integrated circuits
VID Visual Interactive Distributed
VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
VSC Voltage Source Converter
VVO Volt/Var Optimization
VVWC Voltage, VAR, and Watt Control
WADE World Alliance for Decentralized Energy
WAMPAC Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control
WAMS Wide Area Measurement System
WAMS Wide Area Monitoring System
WAN Wide Area Network
WAPS Wide Area Protection System
WASA Wide Area Situational Awareness
WECC Western Electric Coordinating Council
WEDO Workforce Engineering Design Optimization
WG Working Group
WHS Waneta Hydro Station
WHS SA Waneta Hydro Station - Substation Automation
WMS Work Managment System
WTC Wavelet Transform Coefficient
XLPE Cross-linked polyethylene (type of underground cable)
XML EXtensible Markup Language

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