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Quick Start Guide For Ibex-Series: Adjust Bank Memory Size

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Alarm Name (press ENT to change)

2. Impedance Reference: Value representing
• Bank size refers to the number of cells per the standard internal resistance*
number of banks stored in the IBEX memory 3. Impedance Fail: Fail % of impedance
and must be configured properly prior to reference value, generally set to 150%
testing as any adjustments will delete the 4. Impedance Over: Warning % of impedance
QUICK START GUIDE FOR IBEX-SERIES memory reference value, generally set to 120-130%
V1.1 • Determine the battery bank with the most 5. Over Voltage: Upper cell voltage limit
Quick start directions have been designed to provide cells that will be tested (ex. 64 cells) 6. Under Voltage: Lower cell voltage limit
the user a brief understanding of the product and how • Press MENU and navigate to BATT INFO 7. Over Temperature: Temperature limit
to operate it using the most basic functions. It is rec- and press ENT
ommended that you read the entire product manual to • Select the BANK CHANGE submenu
fully understand how the IBEX-Series works.
• Press the SAVE button to save all changes
• Displayed is the number of banks per num- and make the alarm active (pressing SAVE
ber of cells (ex. BANK 28 * CELL 64) on any alarm will make it active)
For Sales & Support Please Contact • This indicates that there are 28 banks of 64 • *Standard resistance values are not always
1-877-805-3377 (EEPS) cells each stored on the IBEX listed on battery spec sheets. Determine this
• Using the Left/Right arrow buttons, adjust the value by either testing the string and using
www.eepowersolutions.com bank count so that the cell count is at least the average OR testing a known good battery
as high as the largest bank being tested (ex. of the same make and using the tested value
MEASUREMENT SCREEN testing 64 cells, set the IBEX to CELL 64) as the reference.
• Press ENT to confirm
• When powered on, the IBEX defaults to the CALIBRATING
Measurement Screen
• All tested data appears on this screen until • Calibration should be performed if using the
the test leads are removed from the battery • The IBEX determines battery health by com- IBEX for the first time or after the unit has
paring the tested values to set parameters been sitting for an extended period of time
1 BANK 01-0001 A 2 BATT (alarms) per battery being tested • Always calibrate with the same test leads
__ __ __ __ 4 ---% • Press MENU and navigate to ALARM SET that will be used for battery testing
3 and press ENT • Connect the test leads to the top of the IBEX
7 mΩ 4 • ALARM NOW VIEW displays the active and set the unit on a flat surface
5 – – – – V 6 13/07/09
alarm currently set • Power on the IBEX and press the Cal/del
AM 08:00 • Select OPEN FILE to select and edit an button
alarm (IBEX Ultra will have 4 groups of 20 • Press the ENT button when prompted
Measurement Screen alarms, other models will have 4 total alarms) • Holding the test leads in hand, ensure that
1. Refers to BANK / CELL position, adjust • Press ENT on an alarm to edit its parameters the small arrow at the end of each lead is
with arrow keys facing you
2. Internal battery level ALARM_SET A BATT
01.VGS2V_0200 • Press the leads together firmly and the unit
3. Resistance measurement value 1
2 IMPE_REF 3.300mOhm will begin calibration
4. Alarm % value 3 IMPE_FAIL 150 % • When complete the unit will display the
5. Voltage measurement value 4 IMPE_OVER 130 % adjusted value
6. Date & time OR temp. measurement value 5 VOLT_OVER 02.40 V • If the IBEX displays “CALIB ERROR” retry
only when temp. probe is connected 6 VOLT_UNDR 01.80 V
7 TEMP_OVER 131 F ensuring the cables are not aggressively bent
7. Measurement unit (resistance or and that the test leads are held as still as
conductance) Alarm Set Screen
possible during the calibration
BATTERY TESTING Arrow on the IBEX to move to the next bank • With the software installed, test data can be
• Test each intercell-connection in the string downloaded from the IBEX
• Connect the test leads to the top of the IBEX • At any point during testing, press the Left • For instructions on how to setup and use
• Power on the unit and secure the IBEX with Arrow button to backtrack to the previous Exmons, refer to the included manual
the neckstrap or place on a flat service connection and retest to overwrite the data
• Hold the test leads in hand making sure not TROUBLESHOOTING
to aggressively bend the cables VIEWING TESTED DATA
• Press or clip the negative test lead to the PROBLEM: When testing a battery, the red
negative post, then the positive lead to the • It is recommended to review test data on the “FAIL” light is illuminated
positive post IBEX after measurement of the battery string
• Hold the test leads in place until the • Press the MENU button and open the SOLUTION: This is not an error, the light
measured values are displayed on screen REPORT submenu indicates that the tested battery does not meet
• Select DATA VIEW to list all of the battery the set alarm parameters. See the ALARM
BANK 01-0012 A BATT banks on the IBEX SETTING section of this guide

• Press ENT to open a battery bank, press
095% Cal/del to erase all data in the selected bank PROBLEM: The IBEX powers on but it does not
mΩ 4 • Press ENT three times to display a grid of all
the cells in the battery bank
test or calibrate

12.45V 077°F • Cells that are in Warning status will be

underlined and cells in Fail status will be
SOLUTION: One or both fuses on the back of
the IBEX are blown. Remove the poly-vinyl cover
Measured Values highlighted to reveal the fuse cover. The 0.5A fuse goes on
• Press ENT on any cell to view the measured the left and the 1.5A fuse on the right. This is
• If the battery health is PASS there will be a
data indicated on the fuse cover
short beep, if the health is WARN there will
• To retest any cell, open the cell to view the
be two short beeps, if the health is FAIL there
data, then press MENU to revert back to the PROBLEM: When measuring a battery, the
will be one long beep
Measurement Screen where the cell can be resistance value is displayed as “O.F.”
• When the test leads are removed, the
measured results will save and the next cell
can be tested SOLUTION: The tested battery’s internal
• Always be sure to test each battery post in resistance is over the limit that the IBEX can
the same spot for consistent results measure
• The IBEX 1000, Pro, & Ultra kits come
• At any point during testing, press the Left
standard with Exmons battery management USEFUL TIPS
Arrow button to backtrack to the previous cell
and retest to overwrite the data software
• When finished, press the up arrow button to • To transfer measurement data into Exmons, • Use extra caution when testing inside UPS
move to the next bank connect the IBEX to the PC using the provid- cabinets as high voltage can severely
• The active alarm will need to be changed if ed USB cable damage the IBEX
testing batteries with different parameters or • If using Windows XP, install the driver located • Press test leads onto battery posts firmly for
if testing intercell-connections on the USB drive the most accurate measurement results
• If using Windows 7 or 8 the driver will install • If using the temperature lead, hold in the
INTERCELL-CONNECTION TESTING automatically (driver on USB if needed) same hand as the negative lead and make
• Install the included version of Exmons from contact with the negative post while simulta-
• Inter-cell connections (straps) are always the Eagle Eye USB drive neously testing voltage & resistance
tested in a separate bank from battery data • Directions for installing the software are • Press the Left Arrow button to retest a
• After testing the battery string, press the Up located with the USB drive previously tested cell

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