Phelps (2012) - Applying Dependency Injection To Agent-Based Modelling - The JABM Framework
Phelps (2012) - Applying Dependency Injection To Agent-Based Modelling - The JABM Framework
Phelps (2012) - Applying Dependency Injection To Agent-Based Modelling - The JABM Framework
JABM Toolkit
Steve Phelps
Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCFEA)
[email protected]
In many areas of science, agent-based models have become increasingly important. These models are
often sufficiently complex that deriving closed-form solutions for quantitative aspects of their macroscopic
behaviour is often impractical if not impossible. Thus these models are often analysed using Monte-Carlo
simulation. Object-oriented programming languages are naturally suited to implementing such models.
However, Monte-Carlo methods impose some subtle requirements: we must run the same program very
many times with randomly-drawn values of variables in the simulation being drawn from probability
distributions, taking great care to ensure that each run is not contaminated with state from previous
runs. Typically these problems are tackled by model-specific application code residing in the objects
representing individuals in the model. However, this approach is not declarative and leads to cross-
contamination between code representing experiments or treatments and code representing the model
itself. In this paper we give an overview of agent-based modelling with an emphasis on its application to
multi-agent systems research, and show how a design pattern called “dependency injection” can be used
to implement highly configurable simulation models which are able to incorporate various assumptions
1 Introduction
In this paper we describe practical aspects of developing agent-based simulation models with particular
emphasis on agent-based computational economics and work carried out within the trading-agent design
and analysis community. We introduce a new software framework for building agent-based models — the
Java Agent Based Modeling (JABM) toolkit1 . Work on JABM arose out of an earlier project — Java
Auction Simulator API (JASA)2 — which was designed as a toolkit for performing experiments in Agent-
based Computational Economics (ACE)3 and was subsequently used as the basis of the JCAT software used
to run the CAT tournament which is part of the Trading Agent Competition (Cai et al, 2009).
JABM is an attempt to build a library of software components that can be used for more general agent-
based models, and now serves as the underlying framework used in the implementation of JASA. One
of the challenges in building this framework is that, even within the trading-agent research community,
there are many different approaches to modelling and analysing agents’ decision making; for example all
of the following approaches are currently used: (i) game-theoretic approximation based on the empirical
game-theory methodology (Wellman, 2006), (ii) individual and multi-agent reinforcement learning, and (iii)
adaptation through (co)-evolutionary processes. A unique aspect of JABM is that it synthesises all of these
approaches under a common framework, allowing agent-based models that are developed using JABM to be
JABM attempts to uphold the principle that entities in our simulation model should be represented
using objects, and avoids introducing additional language constructs over and above those that are naturally
available in Object-Oriented (OO) languages such as Java. In the jargon of modern software engineering,
where possible we prefer to use Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs)4 to represent agents, events and any other
entities in our simulation model. Moreover, because of its object-oriented design, simulations in JABM can
be reconfigured to use different learning mechanisms without rewriting any of the code representing the
underlying model or the agents themselves. This design philosophy is also applied to other aspects of the
framework, particularly to the modelling of free parameters; JABM uses an object-oriented design pattern
called dependency-injection (Fowler, 2004) to allow the underlying model to be executed very many times
with different randomly-drawn values for free parameters. By using dependency-injection we are able to
express the configuration of the model, including its statistical properties, declaratively. This allows us
to run the same model under different assumptions regarding, e.g. initial conditions and free parameter
distributions without making any modifications to the code representing the model itself.
In this paper we give an overview of the JABM framework and how it has been applied to several areas
of research in the field of multi-agent systems. The remainder of the paper is outlined as follows. In the
1 Phelps (2011a)
2 Phelps (2011b)
3 Tesfatsion (2002)
4 Parsons et al (2000)
next section we give an overview of related software toolkits. In Section 3 we discuss the role of simulation
scenarios, that is agent-based computational economics. In Sections 4 and 5 we discuss different models of
agent interaction and rationality and how they are implemented in JABM. In Section 6.3 we take a step back
and give a high-level overview of the design of the JABM by walking through an example model. Finally we
conclude in Section 7.
2 Related work
Software for implementing agent-based models has been evolving across several decades and across several
disciplines, and many toolkits take an object-oriented approach to modeling. Indeed one of the earliest
frameworks, the Swarm system (Minar et al, 1996), was developed in an early object-oriented programming
language (Objective-C). One of the disadvantages, however, of Swarm is that Objective-C is no longer
widely supported outside of Apple’s proprietary operating systems. As a result there have been several
frameworks inspired by Swarm that attempt to provide similar object-oriented libraries for implementing
agent-based simulations using more modern and widely supported languages. In particular, many have
chosen the Java language which provides a unique combination of features which are particular attractive
to simulation modellers, viz.: type safety, garbage collection, libraries for numerical methods and high
One approach to implementing agent-based models using the Java language is to provide a base toolkit
which is extensible through custom scripting environments. This is the approach taken by the popular
NetLogo toolkit (Wilensky and Rand, 2011). The scripting approach has many advantages, particularly
when using agent-based modeling as an educational tool or for cross-discplinary work where the modelers
may not be computer scientists. However, there are also several drawbacks with this approach. Firstly,
interpreted scripting languages are not as fast as models implemented directly in Java. Secondly, it is difficult
to straightforwardly make use of the many open-source third-party libraries5 written in Java. Finally, we
lose the many advantages of object-oriented modeling when implementing simulations in a non OO scripting
One of the most mature Java-based frameworks which takes an object-oriented approach to modeling
is the Repast toolkit (North and Macal, 2005; Dubitzky et al, 2011). Repast models, however, are not
5 e.g. there are many Java libraries implementing neural networks or heuristic optimization algorithms or other numerical
implemented straightforwardly using POJOs. In contrast, toolkits such as MASON (Luke, 2005) adhere
more closely to the ideal of implementing agent models using simple objects, and JABM shares much in
Chmieliauskas et al (2012) recently introduced a framework called AgentSpring which is a highly modular
and powerful framework for building agent-based models using object-oriented design principles, and also
makes extensive use of dependency injection. In AgentSpring, dependency injection is used to promote
seperation of concerns between visualisation and persistence functionality, and one of the key innovations of
AgentSpring is the use of a graph database (Vicknair et al, 2010) which is used both for persistence, and
also allows agents within the simulation to gather data from their environment by running graph-database
Where JABM differs from all of these frameworks is in the unique application of dependency-injection in
order to overcome several design problems inherent in executing object-models as if they are Monte-Carlo
simulations, with independent realisations of the model being executed with different randomly-drawn values.
Multi-agent Systems typically comprise very many autonomous agents with their own local goals or utility
functions. Engineering of such systems entails careful reasoning about the collective behaviour of such agents:
that is, the macroscopic behaviour of the system as a whole. This is especially difficult since typically the
behaviours of individual agents are neither deterministic nor can be entirely pre-specified in advance. This
is exactly the problem faced in understanding many problems in socio-economic systems, thus research in
multi-agent systems has drawn heavily on theoretical models from economics and game-theory (Shoham
and Leyton-brown, 2010), in which we assume that agents are rational expected-utility maximisers whose
expectations about the future are model-consistent (the assumption of rational expectations).
Despite the many successes of these theoretical models, it is widely known that they sometimes fail to
explain and predict phenomena that occur in real-world systems. For example, with the advent of algorithmic
trading financial exchanges have become some of the largest and most mission critical multi-agent systems
in existence. However, the recent financial crisis highlights the limitations of relying solely on theoretical
models to understand these systems without validating them thoroughly against actual empirical behaviour,
and it is now acknowledged that widely adopted theoretical models, such as the random walk model of
geometric Brownian motion, are not consistent with the data from real-world financial exchanges (Lo and
MacKinlay, 2001).
This had led to a resurgent interest in alternatives to models based on rational expectations models and
the efficient markets hypothesis; Lo (2005) proposes the “adaptive markets hypothesis” as an alternative
paradigm. The adaptive markets hypothesis posits that incremental learning processes may be able to explain
phenomena that cannot be explained if we assume that agents instantaneously adopt a rational solution,
and is inspired by models such as the El Farol Bar Problem (Arthur, 1994) in which it is not clear that a
Agent-based models address these issues by modelling the system in a bottom-up fashion; in a typical
agent-based model we simulate the behaviour of the agents in the market, and equip them with simple
adaptive behaviours. Within the context of economic and financial models, agent-based modelling can be
used to simulate markets with a sufficient level of detail to capture realistic trading behaviour and the nuances
of the detailed microstructural operation of the market: for example, the operation of the underlying auction
The move to electronic trading in today’s markets has provided researchers with a vast quantity of data
which can be used to study the behaviour of real-world systems comprised of heterogenous autonomous agents
interacting with each other, and thus a recent area of research within the multi-agent systems community
(Rayner et al, 2011, 2012; Palit and Phelps, 2012; Cassell and Wellman, 2012) attempts to take to a reverse-
engineering approach in which we build agent-based models of markets that are able to replicate the statistical
properties that are universally observed in real-world data sets across different markets and periods of time
— the so called “stylized facts” of the system under consideration (Cont, 2001).
A key issue for research in this area is that the way that agents interact and learn can be critical in
explaining certain phenomena. For example, LeBaron and Yamomoto (2007) introduce a model of financial
markets which demonstrates that certain long-memory characteristics of financial time series data can only
be replicated when agents imitate each others’ strategies. When their model is analysed under a treatment
in which learning does not occur, the corresponding long-memory properties disappear. Performing such
analyses requires that we are able to easily reconfigure the way in which agents interact and learn. In the
following section we catalog some commonly-used interaction models, and in Section 5 we review models of
learning. We return to these topics in Section 6.4, and describe how they can be modelled using OO design,
4 Models of agent interaction
A typical agent-based simulation model consists of a population of agents interacting with each other in
discrete time. At any given discrete time period, some subset of the population is chosen to interact, during
which time each agent can choose a course of action conditional on its observations of the environment
and/or other agents depending on the constraints imposed by the model. Each time period is alternatively
called a “tick”, or a “round”, and we will use the former convention in this paper. Ticks represent units of
time in the sense that any interactions resulting in state changes to the model that occur within the same
This basic framework allows for many variants. For example, we might pick randomly chosen pairs of
agents from the population to interact with each other during each round in a model akin to evolutionary
game theory (Weibull, 1997). Alternatively, we might pick a single randomly-chosen agent on every tick,
or allow for a random arrival model in which agents arrive at the simulation with a certain probability as
described by a Bernoulli process (that is, a discrete-time approximation of a Poisson process), allow every
agent to interact with every other agent simultaneously on each tick, or impose some additional structure
on the population so that only certain agents are able to interact with each other.
In this section we attempt to sysmatically catalog different commonly-used conceptual frameworks for
representing how and when agents interact with other. We will then turn to models of agent learning and
adaptation in Section 5.
The simplest framework for modelling interaction between agents assumes that agents do not actively select
partners with which to interact, but rather interactions occur due to chance encounters with other agents.
This framework is extremely simple — in the simplest case, agents have an equal probability of interacting
with any other agent — and its simplicity lends itself to analytic tractability. Hence this is the approach
adopted by many mathematical models, the archetypal example being evolutionary game-theory which is
used in the field of evolutionary biology to explain coevolutionary adaptations, as pioneered by Maynard-
In an evolutionary game-theoretic model, pairs of agents are chosen at random from an idealised infinite
population. By assuming an infinite population and no mutation we can specify the dynamics of the system
using a simple ordinary differential equation. The standard approach is to use the replicator dynamics
equation (Weibull, 1997) to model how the frequency of each strategy in the larger population changes over
where m is a mixed-strategy vector, u(m, m) is the mean payoff when all players play m, and u(ei , m) is the
average payoff to pure strategy i when all players play m, and ṁi is the first derivative of mi with respect to
time. Strategies that gain above-average payoff become more likely to be played, and this equation models
In most models which use the replicator dynamics framework, the payoff function u() is expressed as a
simple linear equation, typically of the form u(x, y) = xP y where P is the payoff matrix of the underlying
game. However, in more complicated models it may not be possible to derive closed-form expressions for
this function, and instead we may have to estimate expected payoffs by simulating the interactions between
agents and using the average observed payoff as an estimator of the expected value. This methodology is
known as empirical game-theory, which we will discuss in further detail in Section 5.3.
Although the random pairwise framework discussed in the previous section has the virtue of simplicity, it is
well known that many agent interactions in reality are highly structured; particular pairs of agents are more
likely to interact than others, and in the extreme case this may be a hard constraint such that only certain
Mathematically we can express this as a graph structure which specifies the connectivity between agents.
Formally a graph is specified by a pair (V, E) where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges which
connect the edges. Graphs may be either directed or undirected. In the case of a directed graph the edges
are ordered pairs of the form e = (x, y) where e ∈ E, x ∈ V, y ∈ V. The edge e = (x, y) specifies that vertex
x is connected to vertex y but not vice versa. In the case of an undirected graph edges are unordered sets
of the form e = {x, y} denoting that the vertices x and y are connected to each other. In the context of
an agent-based model the vertices represent agents, and the presence of edges typically represents that the
The importance of network structure has been explored in many disciplines, not only within the multi-
agent systems community, but also in economics (Cont and Bouchaud, 2000; Jackson, 2007; Alfrano and
Milakovic, 2009) and biology. An full exposition of the field of network science is outside of the scope of this
The statistical properties of the network structure underlying agent interactions can have dramatic con-
sequences for the behaviour of the system as a whole. One of the most studied properties of networks is
the so-called small-world property in which the shortest path distance between randomly chosen pairs of
vertices in the network is proportional to the logarithm of the total number of vertices in the network. The
prevalence of this property in real-world networks is particularly surprising given that empirically studied
networks are also highly clustered ; if i and j are connected to each other and also x and y, then we have a
The importance of network topology is most notably demonstrated in models of cooperative behaviour
which study the conditions under which cooperative outcomes can be sustained by communities of agents
who attempt to maximise local objectives. These models are particularly important because they have
implications across all many discplines. Santos et al (2006) showed that whether or not cooperation prevails
depends on the topology of the network and that small-world networks lead to much greater cooperation.
Ohtsuki et al (2006) generalised this result showing that natural selection favours cooperation if the benefit
of the altruistic act divided by the cost exceeds the average number of neighbours on the network.
An important consideration in agent-based models which use networked interactions is how to generate
the underlying interaction graph. There are several commonly-used graph generation algorithms which yield
networks with different statistical properties. The most important of these are the model of Watts and
Strogatz (1998), which generates networks that are simultaneously highly-clustered and also have the small-
world property, and the algorithm of Albert and Barabasi (2002) which generates graphs with power-law
degree distributions.
One of the key aspects of many agent-based models is that agents are not merely passive components which
update their state unconditionally; rather they are active decision makers and can choose how to interact
with the environment, including the other agents present therein. Within the field of evolutionary biology
this is called partner selection (Noë and Hammerstein, 1995). Once we allow partner selection, the network
interactions discussed in the previous section are no longer exogenous static structures, but rather agents
can manipulate the network structure in order to maximise their own utility or fitness, leading to potential
co-evolution between network structure and agents’ strategies (Zimmermann et al, 2000). This has been
explored in several recent models of cooperative behaviour (Do et al, 2010; Phelps, 2012), which show
feedback between network structure and agents’ strategies plays an important role in determining outcomes.
The previous section discussed different modes of interaction between agents but not when they interact. In
this section we give an overview of several commonly used frameworks for modelling the progression of time
in agent-based modelling.
Agent-based models typically execute a program which represents how the state of some real-world
system evolves over a duration of time. However, typically our model will execute more quickly than
the corresponding real-world system. We thus need to distinguish between two separate notions of time:
simulation-time verses real-time, also known as “wall-clock” time. The former represents the time value
available to agents within the simulation, and thus software implementing an agent-based model needs to
be able to track the progression of simulation-time and make the simulation clock available to agents whose
Simulation models running on digital computers fall naturally within the discrete event framework (Banks
and Carson, 1984) for representing time. In discrete-event simulations we have a countable set of discrete
events, each of which has an associated time value which represents the time at which the event is scheduled
to occur. Although we have a countable and finite set of events, the time values associated with these events
can be real valued numbers; that is, it is important to note that “discrete-event” simulation refers to the set
of events rather than time itself, and we can represent continuous time values within such a model.
In the simplest agent-based models an event occurs on every tick of the simulation. However, this does not
capture the “bursty” behaviour of real systems in which we typically see many events clustered together in
time followed by longer periods of quiescence, along with stochastic variation in the time elapsed between
events — the inter-arrival times. A more realistic model is the Poisson process (Grimmett and Stirzaker,
2001) in which the inter-arrival times between events are drawn i.i.d. from an exponential distribution whose
probability densitity function is given by f (x) = λe−λx , where λ is the average arrival-rate of events per unit
time. This can be easily implemented in a discrete-event simulation framework by advancing the simulation
clock by the randomly drawn inter-arrival time each time an event is scheduled.
The corresponding discrete process is a Bernoulli process in which an event is scheduled to happen on
any particular simulation tick with a specified probability p. In the limit as the total number of ticks
tends to infinity, the Bernoulli process is equivalent to a Poisson process. However, the Bernoulli process
is often simpler to implement in software and thus forms the basis of many popular agent-based models in
which heterogenous spacing between events is important, e.g. see Iori and Chiarella (2002). We can think
of a Bernoulli process as a generalisation of the simplest models in which events occur at every tick with
probability p = 1; in a Bernoulli model we allow p < 1 resulting in stochastic, but discrete, inter-arrival
Continuous-time models based on an arrival process such as those described in the previous section are able
to capture statistical features of arrival times that are important for many applications but this realism
comes with a price. We often want to view agent interactions as a game of imperfect information in which
agents are not necessarily able to observe the actions chosen by the other agents in the model prior to
choosing their own action. This can be difficult to capture in an arrival-process model since, by necessity,
every event corresponding to an action taken by an agent occurs in a linear sequence, and thus we would
have to impose additional constraints on the model in order to prevent agents arriving later than others from
observing actions chosen earlier (e.g. because of response-time latencies); in the terminology of game-theory
What we require in such a scenario is the ability to specify that agents choose their actions simultaneously
in a manner akin to a repeated normal-form game such as the iterated prisonor’s dilemma (Axelrod, 1997).
We can implement this within the framework described at the beginning of this section by specifying that
an entire set of agents interact with other during a given simulation tick. For example, this set might consist
of the entire population of agents — e.g. see Phelps (2012) — or the neighbouring vertices of a particular
agent on a network. We can either specify that these simultaneous interactions occur homogenously in time
by scheduling them to occur on every tick, or alternatively we can combine this approach with an arrival
In a typical agent-based model different agents of the same type may be configured with heterogenous be-
haviours, and a single agent can switch between several different behaviours during the course of a simulation.
Since the outcome of following a specific behaviour can depend on the actions of other agents we use the
term strategy from game-theory to refer to behaviours, however we do not dictate that agents use game-
theoretic algorithms to choose their strategy since we often want to explore the implications of models in
which behaviours are evolved or learnt heuristically. In this section we catalog some of the commonly-used
In the simplest type of adaptive agent-based model, agents use a simple reinforcement learning algorithm,
such as Q-learning (Watkins and Dayan, 1992), in order to select between their strategies. The central idea is
that each agent attempts to estimate the expected payoff through an inductive sampling process in which the
agent tries out different strategies and uses the payoff values thus obtained to estimate the expected payoff
of each, and hence determine the strategy which will give the best long-term reward – the so-called greedy
strategy. Such models have been widely adopted in modelling the behaviour that is empirically observed in
One of the problems with this simple approach that is particularly acute within the context of multi-agent
systems and agent-based modelling, is that learning is only guaranteed to converge to the optimal policy
provided that the environment is stationary; that is, provided that the expected payoffs do not change over
time, and that they do not change in response to the behaviour of the agent. This is patently untrue in the
case of a multi-agent system, since the environment consists of other agents who are adapting their choice
This has led to the development of algorithms designed specifically for multi-agent learning. In a multi-
agent context, the notion of an optimal policy is more complicated because the appropriate choice of strategy
depends on the behaviour of other agents, who may also be learning. If we consider agents who do not learn,
then the appropriate solution concept for such multi-agent interactions is Nash equilibrium (Nash, 1950), in
which every agent adopts a best-response strategy to the strategies chosen by other agents who in turn adopt
their own best-response strategies. However, if our agent is interacting with agents who are learning then the
Nash strategy may not be appropriate; for example, in a non-zero-sum game if our opponents are adopting
non-equilibrium strategies then we may be able to exploit these agents by adopting a non-equilibrium best-
This has led to refinement of the desiderata for reinforcement algorithms in multi-agent contexts (Shoham
and Leyton-brown, 2010, ch. 7). A learning algorithm is safe if it is able to guarantee the security value of
the game (the minimum payoff that can be obtained regardless of the strategies chosen by other agents). A
learning algorithm is rational if it converges to a best-response when its opponents(s) adopt static strategies.
Finally the property of no-regret specifies that the learning-algorithm is able to gain a superior expected
payoff compared with what could have obtained by following any one of its pure strategies.
The development of multi-agent learning algorithms that satisfy one or more of these criteria is an active
field of research within the agents community (Bowling, 2005; Busoniu et al, 2008; Kaisers and Tuyls, 2010).
However, it is somewhat surprising that these algorithms have not been more widely adopted in the context
of agent-based modelling, given the importance that the latter community places on adaptive agents. This
may be because many of these learning algorithms assume that payoffs for every strategy profile are already
known, which is not true in the general case. Instead we may need to estimate or learn the payoffs themselves,
Heuristic approaches are often used when faced with tractability issues such as these. In particular, heuristic
optimisation algorithms, such as genetic algorithms, are often used to model adaptation in biological settings
where the fitness of a particular allele depends on the frequency with which other alleles are present in the
Such models can be implemented using a Co-evolutionary algorithm (Hillis, 1992; Miller, 1996). In a co-
evolutionary optimisation, the fitness of individuals in the population is evaluated relative to one another in
joint interactions (similarly to payoffs in a strategic game), and it is suggested that in certain circumstances
the converged population is an approximate Nash solution to the underlying game; that is, the stable states,
or equilibria, of the co-evolutionary process are related to the evolutionary stable strategies (ESS) of the
corresponding game.
Co-evolutionary algorithms can also be interpreted as models of social learning (Vriend, 2000) in which
agents have a probability of switching to another agent’s strategy if it is observed to a higher payoff than their
current strategy. In such models the operators of the evolutionary algorithm can be interpreted as represent-
ing a form of imitation learning; behaviour is learnt through observation resulting in copying (reproduction)
with error (mutation). The effect of social learning has been explored in several recent agent-based models
of trading behaviour in financial markets (LeBaron and Yamomoto, 2007; Rayner et al, 2012).
However, there are many caveats to interpreting the equilibrium states of standard co-evolutionary al-
gorithms as approximations of game-theoretic equilibria, as discussed in detail by Ficici and Pollack (1998,
2000); Ficici et al (2005). This can sometimes be problematic because, firstly, the equilibria of any given game
are invariant under different learning dynamics, and secondly if equilibrium strategy profiles are adopted
by learning agents they remain stationary under a wide range of strategy dynamics. Therefore the lack of
game-theoretic underpinnings to co-evolutionary models can sometimes call into question the robustness of
these models, since results can be highly sensitive to small changes in the learning model and the correspond-
ing dynamics of strategy adjustment. On the other hand, deriving closed-form solutions for the equilibria
of any non-trivial agent-based model is intractable in the general case. This has led to the development of
methodologies for estimating the equilibria of multi-agent systems using hybrid techniques which combine
agent-based simulation, numerical methods and game-theory, which we discuss in the next section.
In order to address the issues discussed in the previous section, many researchers adopt a methodology called
empirical game-theory (Walsh et al, 2002; Wellman, 2006; Phelps et al, 2010), which uses a combination of
agent-based simulation and rigorous game-theoretic analysis. The empirical game-theory method uses a
heuristic payoff matrix, which gives the estimated expected payoff to each player adopting a particular pure
strategy as a function of the strategies adopted by other players. The methodology is called empirical game-
theory because we use empirical methods to derive the payoffs; the payoff estimates are obtained by sampling
very many realisations of a corresponding agent-based model in which agents are configured with strategy
profiles corresponding to the payoff matrix, and we use standard Monte-Carlo methods to derive estimates of
the expected payoffs from the sample mean and reduce the variance thereof in order to obtain more accurate
The payoff matrix is said to be heuristic because several simplifying assumptions are made in the interests
of tractability. We can make one important simplification by assuming that the game is symmetric, and
therefore that the payoff to a given strategy depends only on the number of agents within the group adopting
each strategy. Thus for a game with j strategies, we represent entries in the payoff matrix as vectors of the
form p = (p1 , . . . , pj ) where pi specifies the number of agents who are playing the ith strategy. Each entry
p ∈ P is mapped onto an outcome vector q ∈ Q of the form q = (q1 , . . . , qj ) where qi specifies the expected
it is still intractable to estimate the heuristic payoff in the general case, for small numbers of agents and
strategies — for example, for n = 10 agents and j = 5 strategies, we have a payoff matrix with s = 1001
entries — we can obtain heuristic payoff matrices that are sufficiently precise to give insights into many
strategic interactions that occur in multi-agent systems (Jordan et al, 2007; Phelps et al, 2009; Cassell and
Wellman, 2012).
The underlying design philosophy of JABM is that object-oriented programming languages provide a natural
way of expressing all of these different conceptual frameworks for modelling agents, their interactions and
how they learn or evolve. For example, agents can be represented as instances of objects6 , heterogeneous
populations can be represented by different classes of object, and the properties of agents correspond directly
with class attributes. Temporal aspects of the model can be represented within a discrete-event simulation
framework (Banks and Carson, 1984) and once again events can be modelled as objects with different types
of event being represented by different classes. Describing agent-based simulation models in terms of objects
representing entities such as agents, events and even the simulation itself as objects we automatically grant
these entities status as “first-class citizens” (Burstall, 2000) within whatever OO programming language we
JABM uses objects to model the different approaches to agent interaction and learning described in
Sections 4 and 5. The modular design allows the modeller to reconfigure experiments to use these different
approaches to interaction and learning without making any changes to the code representing the agents
In the following section we describe the basic object-oriented architecture for implementing discrete-event
simulation. In Section 6.2 we proceed to give an overview of the dependency injection design pattern, and
show how it can be used for Monte-Carlo simulation. In Section 6.3 we give an overview of the design of the
JABM toolkit. Finally, in Section 6.4 we describe how learning and evolution are modelled using objects.
Discrete-event simulation models are naturally implemented using techniques from object-oriented program-
ming (Garrido, 2001). Most object-oriented frameworks for agent-based modeling represent individual agents
6 Note that the focus of our work is the use of agent-based simulations to model complex systems. This entails fundamentally
different design requirements from software designed to implement agent systems or multi-agent systems (Chevaleyre et al,
2006); agent-oriented software engineering is outside of the scope of this paper and in the remainder of the discussion we shall
focus on agent-based modeling.
as object instances whose attributes correspond to the properties of the agents in the model. Heterogeneous
populations in which we have different types of agents can then be easily modelled by using different classes of
object, and base “skeleton” or “default” code required to implement agents can be provided by inheritance,
patterns (Gamma et al, 1995) in which events are themselves modelled as objects, and different types of
event are represented by different classes of object. Each event has an attribute corresponding to a time-
stamp (that is, the tick number at which the event was generated), as well as any other state information
pertinent to the particular class of event. Various entities in the simulation can then listen or “subscribe”
to the particular events that they are interested in and respond accordingly. For example, in a simulation of
an electronic marketplace such as an open-outcry ascending auction, an agent might subscribe to the class
of event that represents being outbid, and respond to this event by raising its own bid where appropriate.
These design patterns lead to a highly modular and flexible design which has three principal benefits, as
detailed below.
Firstly, reporting, analysis and visualisation functionality can be cleanly separated from code representing
the agent model itself. This allows re-use of these components across different models (for example, a View
component showing a histogram of the proportion of different types of agent in the simulation at any given
moment in time can be deployed in any agent-based model), and also allows the modeller to deploy various
levels of visualisation or reporting depending on the trade-off required between CPU time and the amount
of data required for analysis (for example, visualisation can easily be turned off in order to speed up the
simulation). Reporting functionality also becomes straightforward to implement: a report is itself an object
which listens to events, and can then calculate statistics to be logged to a file or database – for example, the
average price of a bid during each auction can be calculated by listening for bid events and then calculating
Secondly, these design patterns encourage the simulation modeller to use object-oriented programming
in the manner in which it was originally conceived, viz. to use classes to encapsulate the properties and
behaviour of entities that exist in the problem domain. For example, in a non-simulation context we might
create a class called Book to represent an actual real book in a electronic library catalogue system, which
attributes such as title, author etc., and methods such as checkOut, checkIn etc. The object-oriented
approach to designing software systems is to treat the software application as a model of real-world entities,
and hence this style of programming is naturally suited to agent-based modeling. For example, in an
agent-based model of an auction we might create a class called BiddingAgent with attributes such as name,
Finally, the loose coupling between originators of events and receivers of events allows us to “rewire”
the basic underlying components of our simulation in different ways depending on the specific agent model
we are trying to implement. For example, returning to our auction model, the Auctioneer agent might
listen for occurrences of BidPlacedEvent in order to update the auction state. However, we might we might
then reconfigure the model by allowing BiddingAgent objects to also listen to BidPlacedEvent in order to
implement a bidding strategy which is conditional on the behaviour of other agents in the market.
Often we would like to be able to rewire the model in this way very easily in order to perform experiments
under different treatment conditions: for example a sealed bid auction in which only the auctioneer has access
to bids verses an open outcry auction (Krishna, 2002) in which the bids of all agents are publicly available.
Ideally we would like to perform this configuration without having to change any of the code representing the
entities in our model, since we are simply changing the structure of the dependencies between these entities
as opposed to the entities themselves. This can be achieved using the Dependency Injection design pattern
(Fowler, 2004; Prasanna, 2009), in which the dependencies between objects are expressed declaratively and
are then “injected” into our model by a separate third-party container: a form of Inversion of Control (IoC).
We discuss this design pattern in detail in the next section, and show how it is particularly useful for
simulation models.
This section describes how several design problems that arise in implementing agent-based models in the
form of simulation software are naturally solved by a software engineering design pattern (Gamma et al,
1995) called “dependency injection” (Fowler, 2004; Prasanna, 2009) which promotes “separation of concerns”
As discussed in the previous section, the underlying design philosophy of JABM is that object-oriented
programming languages provide many of the primitives necessary for agent-based modeling.
However, some aspects of agent-based models are difficult to encapsulate directly in an OO framework. In
particular, any non-trivial agent-based simulation model will be stochastic in nature: many of the attributes
of the objects in our model will be random variables which take on different values each time the simulation is
executed. Alternatively, we might configure these same attributes as independent variables to be controlled
in a “parameter sweep”; again this results in certain object attributes taking on different values each time
the model is executed.
The fact that agent-based models are often executed as Monte-Carlo simulations poses difficulties for
our principle that models be represented as object-oriented programs because variables in OO programming
languages are not random; random and/or independent variables are not first class citizens in most modern
programming languages. One work-around for this issue has been to simply implement code, for example in
each object’s constructor, which initialises any free parameters from various probability distributions using a
Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG). We can then create new instances of the objects representing
the entities in our model on each independent run of the simulation, ensuring that new random variates
are assigned on each run whilst maintaining state that needs to persist across different runs (for example,
objects representing summary statistics) using singleton objects (Gamma et al, 1995, p. 127).
However, such an approach is not declarative and results in a situation where if we want to run different
experiments in which we use different probability distributions, or switch from using randomly-sampled
variables to controlling a variable explicitly, we have to modify the objects representing the model itself.
In contrast, the dependency-injection design pattern allows us to separate these concerns. Configuration
information specifying how the objects in our model are to be initialised and the run-time dependencies
between them are expressed declaratively, and then “injected” into the application at runtime. This allows
us to write code representing, for example, the agents in our model without having to make any assumptions
regarding how the variables representing the agent’s properties are to be initialised. Thus we can run execute
the same model under a wide variety of experimental treatments without modifying the model itself.
In the remainder of this section we describe how dependency injection has been applied in the design of
In the previous section we discussed how agent-based models in the form of discrete-event simulations can be
language. However, there are some aspects of the discrete-event simulation methodology that do not have
an experiment using a simulation model we typically execute the simulation very many times in order to
account for the fact that any non-trivial model is non-deterministic, and also to examine the sensitivity of
the model to random variations in free parameter settings, or to explore the response of certain macroscopic
quantities to changes in the underlying parameters; for example, by performing a controlled experiment in
Listing 1: Initialisation of random variables without dependency injection
public c l a s s BiddingAgent {
/∗ ∗
∗ The a g e n t ’ s p r i v a t e v a l u a t i o n f o r t h e item
∗ i t i s c u r r e n t l y b i d d i n g on .
double v a l u a t i o n ;
double s t d e v V a l u a t i o n = 1 ;
double meanValuation = 1 0 0 ;
which systematically increase an independent variable to see how it influences other dependent variables.
In order to achieve this, we might for example run the same model many times, and on each run we
initialise the values of certain parameters of the model (represented as object attributes) by drawing a value
from a pre-specified probability distribution. That is, on each run we initialise the random variables of our
One way of achieving this is to simply write code in the objects representing entities in our model; for
example we might initialise the valuation attribute of our BiddingAgent object to a random value in
its constructor as illustrated in Listing 1. However, this approach is not ideal if we want to explore the
implications of changes in the probability distribution of this variable to the outcome of the auction. For
example, we might want to set up one experimental treatment in which agents’ valuations are independently
drawn from a common distribution verses another in which the valuations of different agents are drawn from
different distributions, or to explore the sensitivity of outcomes to the type of distribution used (for example,
normal verses uniform). In order to do this, we would need to modify the Java code in Listing 1 for each
treatment. From a software-engineering perspective, this is a potential source of defects in the model since
we risk introducing bugs into the code representing an agent each time we make a modification. Ideally we
would like some way to configure each of this experimental treatments without having to change any of the
The solution is to configure this object object by injecting its parameters, thus decoupling the configura-
Listing 2: A plain-old Java Object (POJO) representing an agent which will be initialised using dependency
public c l a s s BiddingAgent {
/∗ ∗
∗ The a g e n t ’ s p r i v a t e v a l u a t i o n f o r t h e item
∗ i t i s c u r r e n t l y b i d d i n g on .
double v a l u a t i o n ;
public double g e t V a l u a t i o n ( ) {
return v a l u a t i o n ;
tion of the model form its actual implementation. The first step is to refactor the object as a Plain Old Java
Object (POJO), which is simply an object with a zero-argument constructor which receives its configuration
passively via setter and getter methods (Parsons et al, 2000; Richardson, 2006). Listing 2 shows the POJO
The second step is to delegate responsibility for configuring this POJO to a separate container. In our
case, we will use the industry-standard Spring framework (Johnson et al, 2011) to configure the objects
making up the agent-based model. A full overview of Spring is outside of the scope of this paper, but the
central concept is very simple. All of the objects in our model are constructed using a separate object
factory7 provided by the Spring framework. This factory, called the “bean factory”, uses an Extensible
Markup Language (XML) file to configure the objects required by our simulation model. In Spring, each
object instance in the simulation is called a “bean” and is manufactured and configured by Spring’s bean
factory. The XML file, called the “Spring beans configuration file”, has a tag for each bean which allows us
As a simple example, consider the POJO for our BiddingAgent in Listing 2. Listing 3 shows one way
we might configure this object using dependency injection. Here we specify that we want to construct a
single object instance (which we refer to as “myAgent”) of the class BiddingAgent, and we want to set its
valuation attribute to the value 10.0. When our model is initialised by the Spring framework, the bean
7 (Gamma et al, 1995, p. 87)
Listing 3: Initialising a POJO using dependency injection and a Spring beans configuration file
< bean id = " myAgent " class = " BiddingAgent " >
< property name = " valuation " value = " 10.0 " / >
</ bean >
factory will create a new instance of BiddingAgent using the zero-argument constructor, and then proceed
Although this example is very simple, it illustrates a very important principle, viz. separation of concerns
between the configuration of the model and the model itself. The model, in our case the BiddingAgent class,
does not “know” or “care” how it is being configured, and this loose coupling allows us to configure it in a
myriad of different ways without having to change any of the code representing our model. Listing 4 illustrates
a more complex example in which we configure two separate agents to use randomly-drawn valuations
independently drawn from the same underlying uniform probability distribution. Again, this situation is
modelled straightforwardly using object-oriented principles: different types of probability distribution can
be represented as different classes8 which can themselves be configured using dependency injection.
We can then “wire up” the dependencies between the different components of our simulation, since each
bean has unique name which we can refer to from within the definition of another bean. In Listing 4 we
have two agents represented by the beans agent1 and agent2, and in contrast to the previous example we
configure the valuation attribute so that it takes on a random value. This is represented by creating a
new bean definition, valuationRandomVariate which encapsulates the concept of a random variate using an
object factory: new values are constructed from the probability distribution specified by the distribution
attribute, which in turn refers to another bean commonValuationDistribution. This bean specifies how
we construct the class representing the probability distribution, in this case a Normal distribution N (100, 1)
using the Mersenne Twister algorithm (Matsumoto and Nishimura, 1998) as the underlying PRNG.
Notice that we have performed all of this configuration without having to change any of the code rep-
resenting our agent (Listing 2). Instead, we have represented the different components of our model as
different objects, and we have specified the dependencies between these objects declaratively by using the
ref keyword in our Spring configuration file. These dependencies are then injected into our model by the
bean factory without having to hard-code them into the code representing our simulation model. This allows
us to easily re-configure the components of our model for different experiments. For example, we can easily
8 In this case the classes representing different probability distributions are provided by the CERN colt library (Binko et al,
Listing 4: Initialising random variables using dependency injection and a Spring beans XML configuration
< bean id = " agent1 " class = " BiddingAgent " scope = " prototype " >
< property name = " valuation " ref = " v a l u a t i o n R a n d o m V a r i a t e " / >
</ bean >
< bean id = " agent2 " class = " BiddingAgent " scope = " prototype " >
< property name = " valuation " ref = " v a l u a t i o n R a n d o m V a r i a t e " / >
</ bean >
run the model in an experimental treatment in which we treat agents’ valuations as an independent variable
to be explicitly controlled, as per Listing 3, and then use a different configuration file to run the same model
where we treat valuations as a random variable in a Monte-Carlo simulation as per Listing 4. It is also trivial
to modify the configuration so that different agents have different valuation distributions (thus enabling the
a typical simulation experiment we execute the model very many times, which presents some subtle design
issues. On the one hand, each run of the simulation requires that we initialise the agents in our model afresh,
drawing new values of random variables independently from previous runs. On the other hand, however, it
is important that some components of our simulation retain state across different runs: for example, we may
want to collect summary statistics on certain dependent variables in our model in order to estimate their
expected value, and the PRNG itself must have persistent state across runs in order to prevent spurious
Dependency-injection and IoC provide a natural solution to these issues. All of the components of our
simulation are managed by the bean factory, and we can request new instances of these objects from the
factory on each run of the model. Beans can be configured as “prototype” beans, meaning that each time
they are referenced the container will construct a fresh instance from the factory. Alternatively, they can be
configured as “singleton” beans meaning that only a single instance of the object is created and the same
instance is returned, as per the singleton design pattern (Gamma et al, 1995, p. 127). For example, in
Listing 4, the prng bean is declared as a singleton using the scope="singleton" attribute of the bean tag.
On the other hand, the beans representing our agents and the bean valuationRandomVariate are declared
using scope="prototype", meaning that each time we request an agent from the bean factory, we will
obtain a newly-constructed BiddingAgent instance with a new random value for its valuation attribute.
Meanwhile, the PRNG used to draw this random value will persist across different runs in virtue of its
singleton scope.
The Spring framework also allows us to define custom scopes. JABM defines a new scope “simulation”
which specifies that the bean is a singleton for the duration of an individual simulation run, but should
be reinstantiated for the next run. Thus the commonValuationDistribution bean in Listing 4 will be
Much of the essence of this design could have been achieved with various singleton and factory classes
hard-coded in Java. However, by specifying the dependencies declaratively we can achieve a level of loose-
coupling between our components that allows us to easily reconfigure our simulation, and avoid some of
the intrinsic design problems inherent in the use of singletons (Rainsberger, 2001). Because configuration is
injected into our model, we can set up different experiments, making use of different random distributions
for whatever attributes of our model we like, without having to create or modify any Java code.
The ability to configure our simulation is further facilitated by additional post-processing hooks made
available from the Spring framework. The JABM framework provides the ability to configure the attribute
of any bean as a random variable using more user-friendly syntax than that provided in the raw Spring
beans configuration file. Listing 5 shows an example JABM configuration file. This configuration is used in
conjunction with a Spring beans configuration file but serves to override the values of any corresponding bean
attributes (it is applied in a post-processing step when fetching a bean from the factory). In this example,
the valuation attribute of the bean agent1 will be initialised from a uniform distribution on the interval
Listing 5: Configuring random variables using a properties file in JABM
# Configure the valuation attribute of an agent as a random variable
# drawn from a Uniform distribution .
Listing 6: Configuring random variables and constant parameters in the same properties file
(50, 100).
We can also mix constant values and random distributions in the same configuration file, as illustrated
in Listing 6. In this example the simulation will be run with a constant number of agents: 100, but we will
run the simulation 1000 times drawing agents’ valuations from a uniform distribution ∼ U (50, 100) on each
Alternatively we can treat particular attributes of our model as independent variables to be analysed
under a parameter sweep. Listing 7 shows such an example in which we perform 9 × 2 = 18 independent
experiments by systematically varying both the learningRate and discountRate attributes of a bean
(Watkins and Dayan, 1992). In this case, the Q-learning parameters will take on all combinations from the
set {0.1, 0.2, . . . , 0.9} for each independent experiment, allowing us to analyse the effect of varying these
The important thing to note about these examples is that this configuration is injected into our model.
Nowhere in our agent-based model do we have to write Java code to read and parse the configuration files
and then set the relevant object attributes. Nor do we have to duplicate our object model by re-declaring a
mapping between identifiers in the configuration files and attributes in our object model. Rather, we simply
create POJOs for the entities in our model (Listing 2), and the dependency injection framework takes care
of initialising object attributes transparently behind the scenes using Java reflection. The components of our
agent based model are fully specified by their natural implementation as objects, and dependency injection
tools such as Spring and JABM allow us to wire up these components in different configurations depending
on the particular experiment we are performing. Regardless of whether we treat certain object attributes as
random variables or as independent variables in a parameter sweep, the actual code representing the agents
In this section we give a high-level overview of the design of JABM illustrating how a simple agent-based
model can be recursively configured using dependency-injection by walking through some of the key aspects
of the configuration of one of the example models which ships with the distribution, viz. the El Farol Bar
As discussed, the design philosophy of JABM is to use POJOs to represent the various entities in our
agent-based model. These POJOs are configured via dependency-injection by building on the industry
standard Spring framework (Johnson et al, 2005) which is packaged as part of the JABM distribution archive9 .
These components are organised into packages as per Table 6.3, and Figure 6.3 shows the relationship between
the key classes as a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram. JABM allows us to “wire up” these classes
in different configurations using dependency injection as described in the previous section. In the remainder
of this section we illustrate how we can configure these components to implement the El Farol Bar model.
The top-level component of JABM is the class SpringSimulationController which represents a Monte-
Carlo experiment in which we execute one or more independent simulation runs on which we collect data.
As with any other component in our model it is configured using dependency-injection; Listing 8 shows an
example Spring beans configuration file from the JABM distribution which provides an implementation of
the El Farol Bar model introduced by Arthur (1994). In this agent-based model, a population of 100 agents
decide whether or not to attend a bar which has a capacity of 60. Each agent decides to attend if and only
9 We also include several Java libraries which are useful in implementing agent-based models, and which are also widely used in
other simulation modeling toolkits: the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (JUNG) library (O’Madadhain et al, 2011),
which is used for analysing and visualising social network models; the Apache Commons Math library (Andersen et al, 2011)
which provides functionality for calculating summary statistics, several heuristic optimisation algorithms and implementations
of many numerical methods; the CERN Colt library10 which contains an implementation of the Mersenne Twister algorithm
(Matsumoto and Nishimura, 1998) and also encapsulates various probability distributions useful in Monte-Carlo simulation; and
finally JFreeChart (Gilbert, 2000) which provides graphing functionality. These libraries are distributed with JABM without
modification, and they can be used in their distributed form independently of the JABM classes in keeping with our minimialist
net.sourceforge.jabm Classes representing the simulation itself
net.sourceforge.jabm.agent Classes representing agents, and populations thereof
net.sourceforge.jabm.strategy Classes representing the behaviour of agents
net.sourceforge.jabm.event Classes representing simulation events
net.sourceforge.jabm.learning Classes representing reinforcement-learning algorithms
net.sourceforge.jabm.evolution Classes for modelling social learning and evolution
net.sourceforge.jabm.gametheory Classes for empirical game-theory experiments
net.sourceforge.jabm.mixing Encapsulation of different agent mixing schemes Reporting functionality
if they forecast they fewer than 60 agents will attend the bar in the next period. In this scenario, it is not
clear that a rational expectations equilibrium applies, thus motivating the use of inductive heuristics which
predict future attendance based on an analysis of attendance in previous periods. The emergent “adaptive
expectations” dynamic equilibrium (Lo, 2005) which arises from agents using inductive strategies which
are learnt over time gives rise to complex time series with qualitatively similar features to those found in
many empirical economic time series data. Figure 2 illustrates the attendance at the bar as a time series as
In the above example we configure three attributes of our experiment. The numSimulations property
determines the number of independent simulation runs to be executed: in this case we will run the simulation
100 times, drawing random variates independently on each run. This is achieved by repeatedly requesting a
new bean from Spring’s bean factory which represents the underlying simulation. The simulationBeanName
Figure 2: The number of agents attending the El Farol Bar as a time series chart, produced using the
TimeSeriesChart object in the JABM toolkit. This class allows the modeler to produce interactive charts
of statistics produced during simulation runs using the Model/View/Controller design pattern with the view
being provided by the JFreeChart library (Gilbert, 2000), and the model provided by any simulation object
which implements JABM’s ReportVariables interface.
Listing 9: Configuring the underlying simulation
<! -- The El Farol Bar will be run as a r e p e a t e d game with 1000 rounds ,
each round r e p r e s e n t i n g a week in s i m u l a t i o n time .
Note that this bean is defined as a p r o t o t y p e so that
when the s i m u l a t i o n is run many times , we get a freshly
c o n s t r u c t e d s i m u l a t i o n object on each run . -- >
< bean id = " r e p e a t e d S i m u l a t i o n " scope = " prototype "
class = " net . sourceforge . jabm . R e p e a t e d I n t e r a c t i o n S i m u l a t i o n " >
< property name = " maximumRounds " value = " 1000 " / >
< property name = " population " ref = " population " / >
< property name = " a g e n t I n i t i a li s e r " ref = " a g e n t I n i t i a l i s e r " / >
< property name = " agentMixer " ref = " r a n d o m R o b i n A g e n t M i x e r " / >
< property name = " s i m u l a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r " ref = " s i m u l a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r " / >
</ bean >
attribute specifies the name of this bean (which is defined elsewhere in the configuration). When this bean
is reinstantiated by the Spring container other beans that it references will also be reinstantiated, resulting
in new values of random variates being injected into class attributes as detailed in Section 6.2.
The underlying simulation used in our experiment is represented by the bean repeatedSimulation shown
in Listing 9. Here we specify the agents in the model, how they interact and how often. The agentMixer
attribute specifies how agents interact; in this example every agent interacts with the simulation during each
tick, but the ordering of agents is randomized to eliminate any artifacts that could arise from polling agents
in a particular sequence. Once again, we can easily reconfigure our simulation to use one of the alternative
agent mixing models discussed in Section 4 by specifying a different dependency for this attribute.
The population of agents is specified by the population bean shown in Listing 10. Here the number of
agents in the population is specified by the size attribute, and in our example we configure our model to use
a population of 100 agents. Each agent is constructed from the specified prototype bean patronAgent and
here we can specify the class used to represent our agents and then configure their attributes. In our example,
we configure the barCapacity attribute, which represents the overcrowding threshold, to be the same value
60 for all agents, and we configure the behaviour of our agents by specifying the strategy attribute: here
system for predicting future bar attendance by selecting amongst different strategies for making forecasts of
future attendance based on previous attendance levels (we return to a discussion of learning in JABM in the
following section).
Finally, returning to our top-level bean simulationContoller in Listing 8 we configure the reports prop-
erty which specifies the objects that will collect data on the simulation runs: in this case the barTender bean
will track current and historical attendance during an individual simulation run and the attendanceCSVReport
Listing 10: Configuring the population of agents and their strategies
<! -- The p o p u l a t i o n c o n s i s t s of 100 patrons -- >
< bean id = " population " class = " net . sourceforge . jabm . Population "
scope = " prototype " >
< property name = " strategy " ref = " a d a p t i v e P r e d i c t i o n S t r a t e g y " / >
< property name = " barCapacity " value = " 60 " / >
< property name = " scheduler " ref = " s i m u l a t i o n C o n t r o l l e r " / >
bean is responsible for logging the data from these runs to Comma Separated Values (CSV) files which can
then be imported into mathematical analysis tools such as R or MATLAB. Additionally, we can optionally
add other report objects to this list, for example a TimeSeriesChart to produce an interactive chart of
the attendance time series as the simulation progresses, as illustrated in Figure 2. An important feature of
JABM is that such functionality can easily be deconfigured if the model needs to be run “headless” mode,
for example on a cluster. This can be achieved simply by commenting out the relevant report from the beans
configuration file and does not require any change to the code representing the simulation model itself.
In this section we give a brief overview of how the different models of learning and evolution described in
Section 5 are implemented in JABM. As previously discussed, we use the term “strategy” to refer to a
particular behaviour of an agent. Within any agent-based model, agents may change their behaviour over
Because we are taking an object-oriented approach, it is natural to model the various strategies that
an agent can use as different classes implementing a common interface. JABM provides an interface called
Strategy within the package net.sourceforge.jabm.strategy, and any class which implements this in-
terface can be used to define an agent’s behaviour in a JABM simulation. For example, within the context
of the El Farol Bar problem, we define an abstract class called AbstractPredictionStrategy. The various
different types of forecasting rules described by Arthur (1994) are then implemented as different sub-classes
makes forecasts using a linear auto-regressive model, and ConstantPredictionStrategy which makes a
Now that we have defined the possible strategies for our agents, we can specify how, and if, agents
adapt these strategies in response to a changing environment. JABM provides several additional packages
containing classes that can be used to configure adaptive behaviour. The net.sourceforge.jabm.evolution
package provides functionality for implementing social learning models of the type described in Section 5.2.
then configure our EvolvingPopulation with a Breeder which specifies how the population reproduces.
and can be configured with a FitnessFunction to calculate the fitness of an agent’s strategy.
Note that this learning functionality is completely decoupled from the code representing the strategies
themselves. This means that we can very easily reconfigure our agent-based model to use a different type
of learning. For example, we can turn off the social learning described above simply by reconfiguring
injection allows us to do so without making any changes to the code representing the model itself; in our
example XML configuration file we can simply change the referent of the population attribute of the
learning package provides implementations of several commonly used reinforcement learning algorithms
which are encapsulated by the Learner interface. Agents can then be configured with a strategy RlStrategy
which in turn can be configured with a specific Learner. RlStrategy is a meta-strategy; it adheres to the
Strategy interface and can be configured with a set of underlying “pure” strategies over which it will perform
action selection according to the specified learning algorithm. Once again, we can reconfigure our model
to use a particular reinforcement learning algorithm without making any changes to our agents or the code
Finally, the empirical game-theory methodology described in Section 5.3 is implemented by classes in
automatically set up an experiment to estimate the expected payoffs for every strategy profile in a heuristic
payoff matrix. The payoff matrix can then be exported to, e.g. MATLAB, for further analysis. This is the
approach that was used in (Phelps et al, 2009); JABM was used to conduct agent-based simulations for each
strategy profile and the resulting payoff matrix was used to iteratively solve the replicator dynamics equation
(eq. 1) using MATLAB’s ODE toolbox in order to produce phase portraits of the evolutionary dynamics of
the model.
7 Conclusion
In this paper we have given an overview of agent-based modelling, and cataloged some commonly used
frameworks for modelling agents’ learning and interaction. We have shown how these frameworks can
be modelled using an object-oriented approach, and introduced the Java Agent Based Modeling (JABM)
We have given an overview of dependency-injection and Inversion of Control (IoC), and shown how it
can be used to solve several related design problems when implementing agent-based models in the form
of discrete-event simulation software; simulation models are naturally implemented using an object-oriented
design in which different types of entity in our model are represented by different classes of object, and
individual agents or events as instances thereof. This motivates a simple architecture using, for example,
Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to represent our model; a design philosophy we have followed in the
However, the fact that agent-based models are typically executed as Monte-Carlo simulations in which we
reinitialise the model with different random variates or control treatments on execution of the model makes it
difficult to model simulation entities using a straightforward POJO architecture. In this paper we have shown
how dependency-injection frameworks such as Spring solve this problem by separating configuration concerns
from the underlying object model. Building on Spring, JABM provides functionality for specifying which
attributes of our objects are to be treated as control parameters or random variates, and can then execute
the underlying simulation by automatically injecting random variates into the model on each run. This
prevents cross-contamination between code representing experiments or treatments and code representing
the model itself, and thus allows researchers to concentrate their effort on the latter.
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