Syllabus of The Course English II
Syllabus of The Course English II
Syllabus of The Course English II
1. Course Information
The course does not have a re- Course designed by: Kelly Maritza
Take exam Fajardo
Course Description:
English II is a methodological academic course included in the Specific Disciplinary
Training Component of the Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Language with emphasis on
English. It is offered as a compulsory course in the program curriculum with 3
academic credits that require an estimated study time of 144 hours. It belongs to
Core Problem 1: Foreign language skills as a means of insertion in the global
environment. This core problem responds to the problematic question: How to train
competent educators in the command of foreign languages according to the needs of
the country that contribute to its integration into a globalized world?
The course, being immersed in this core problem, responds to the following skills:
-Understand, express, and interpret thoughts orally and in writing, in situations that
require language to facilitate interaction.
-Use the skills acquired in the use of the foreign language, to communicate in
situations of daily life.
-Recognize language as a cultural manifestation associated with the practices of
different human groups and integrates this knowledge into the foreign language
In this sense, the purpose of the course is focused on strengthening the reading,
listening, writing and speaking skills of English II students through reading and
audio exercises, writing short stories and participating in conversations using short
sentences and frequently used expressions related to the student's immediate
context, eg routines, local geography, past events.
To achieve this purpose, different individual and group activities are proposed for
the development of the four basic language skills under the communicative
approach, since it sees language as a system of interaction and communication. In
this sense, the Task-Based Language Learning strategy is applied, which allows the
use of language communicatively as a means for carrying out tasks of daily life. This
is based on the constructivist idea that knowledge is built through social interaction
with others and emphasizes communication between students, and between
students and the teacher.
Carrying out these activities will allow the student to achieve the five learning
outcomes set according to the competencies indicated by the CEFR as regards level
3. Learning Outcomes:
Learning outcome 1: Apply basic and concrete vocabulary, that is a series of
phrases and sentences related to personal information, daily activities, and stories of
life events in written communication tasks.
Learning outcome 4: Identify specific and explicit information from short and
simple written texts on familiar matters through various reading tasks.
4. Learning Strategy:
The Learning Strategy for the course is: Task-Based Language Learning.
This Learning Strategy is based on the use of authentic language and on asking
students to do meaningful tasks using the target language. Such tasks can include
visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.
Assessment is primarily based on task outcome (in other words the appropriate
completion of real world tasks) rather than on accuracy of prescribed language
forms. This makes TBLT especially popular for developing target language fluency
and student confidence
The Learning Strategy is organized in 9 Tasks
Task 1: Introducing myself.
Task 2: Taking an online quiz on present tense, simple past, present
progressive and prepositions
Task 3: Describing my family life.
Task 4: Taking a quiz on first conditional, imperatives, modals, comparatives,
simple present, past and future.
Task 5: Sharing past experiences and memories.
Task 6: Taking an online quiz on request with auxiliaries, errands, advices with
should, present perfect, mixed verbal tenses.
Task 7: Talking about activities and plans.
Task 8: Taking the Online Final Test of the course
Task 9: Final task: Describing my life. Self-evaluation.
Speaking encounters:
In addition to the proposed activities, this course allows the students to practice
their speaking skills by participating in 16 speaking encounters throughout the
period. These encounters are evaluated in the evaluation rubrics for the
collaborative tasks: Task 5 and task 7.
La Mansión del Inglés. Curso de Inglés Gratis. Gramática Inglesa. (n.d.). Retrieved
from: Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B.
Prasoon, S. (2015). Chapter 5 Adjectives. In English Grammar and Usage: Read
Swiftly, Speak Fluently and Write Correctly. V&S Publishers. Taken from:
British council Learn English. (2020, 7 octubre). Questions and negatives. British
Cambridge ESOL exercises. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2018, from:
English Exercises. (n.d.). Retrieved November 10, 2018, from:
Fajardo, K. M. (2020). The Past Tense Regular and Irregular Verbs. Recuperado de:
Teschner, R. V., & Evans, E. E. (2007). Chapter 2 Verbs, Tenses, Forms, and
Functions. In Analyzing the Grammar of English: Third Edition: Vol. 3rd ed.
Georgetown University Press.31-54. Taken from:
Initial Moment:
Initial moment evaluation
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Form criteria: Video quality
Content criteria: Grammar structures and vocabulary, pronunciation
Participation criteria: Participation in the forum
Procedural criteria: Answer the questions orally and in a written way
The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course
Intermediate Moment
Evaluation of Task 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Study the online content of the e-book: Unit 2 Relationships; Unit 3 from the e-
book: House and Home, Unit 4: Clothing and weather; Unit 5: On sale.
The highest score for this activity is 50 points.
Evaluation of Task 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Form criteria: Final Document presentation
Content criteria: Listening comprehension. Grammar structures and vocabulary.
Participation criteria: Participation in the forum
The highest score for this activity is 70 points.
Evaluation of Task 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Study the online content of the e-book:
Unit 6 Public life / Entertainment; Unit 7 Errands; Unit 8 Health and Illness; Unit 9
What’s wrong?
The highest score for this activity is 50 points.
Evaluation of Task 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Content criteria: Reading, Grammar structures and vocabulary, linking words and
text coherence, Giving opinions
Participation criteria: Participation in the forum
Participation in the speaking encounters.
The highest score for this activity is 65 points.
Evaluation of Task 6
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Study the online content of the e-book: Unit 10 It was an accident; Unit 11 Sports;
Unit 12 International travel.
The highest score for this activity is 50 points.
Evaluation of Task 7
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
Form criteria: Final Document presentation
Content criteria: Grammar structures and vocabulary, Linking words and text
coherence, Questions and responses, Pronunciation
Participation criteria: Participation in the forum
Participation in the speaking encounters.
The highest score for this activity is 65 points.
Final Moment
Evaluation of Task 8
The evaluation criteria for this activity are
- Review the 12 units you studied during the semester. Grammar in use, vocabulary,
speaking and listening will be assessed in the final exam.
The learning evidence for this activity is the presentation of the online quiz.
The highest score for this activity is 50 points.
To be developed from week 15 to week 16
This responds to Learning Outcome: 1 and 2
The activities are: To provide information about personal topics and fact and to self-
evaluate the learning progress.
Evaluation of Task 9
The evaluation criteria for this activity are
Form criteria-
Video quality and final document
Content criteria: Grammar structures and vocabulary, Pronunciation, Fluency.
The highest score for this activity is 75 points.
The highest score this evaluation moment is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of
the course evaluation.
7. Teacher’s Support
To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The
options for this academic support are: