Diass Week 3
Diass Week 3
Diass Week 3
Assess objective through an individual project how the functions of the applied social sciences have been
B. Performance fulfilled in:
Standards 1. Comparison of the programming of any two television networks
C. Learning Explain the functions of Identify situations that would Explain the functions of Identify situations that
would require the
Competencies/ applied social sciences require or necessitate the applied social sciences performance of the
Objectives HUMSS_DIASS12-IIb-d- performance of the various HUMSS_DIASS12-IIb-d-42 various functions in
Write the LC code for 42 functions in local/Philippine local/Philippine settings
each settings HUMSS_DIASS12- HUMSS_DIASS12-IIb-
II. CONTENT Self-development Persuasion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide P. 5-6.
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Sampa, Elias M. Sampa, Elias M. Disciplines Dela Cruz et al. Disciplines Dela Cruz et al.
Disciplines and Ideas in and Ideas in the Applied and Ideas in Applied Social Disciplines and Ideas
the Applied Social Social Sciences. Quezon: Sciences. Quezon City: in Applied Social
Sciences. Quezon: Rex Rex Book Store Inc. 2017. PHOENIX Publishing House. Sciences. Quezon City:
Book Store Inc. 2017. P.159. P.160. 2016. Pp. 240. PHOENIX Publishing
House. 2016. Pp.240.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning https://www.google.com.ph/search? https://www.youtube.com/w https://www.youtube.com/w https://www.youtube.c
Resources sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj13MrW5- atch?v=NJ1wEE2xCE4 atch?v=7K3JoftacwM om/watch?
Others: PPT Slides
A. Reviewing previous Drill: FACT OR BLUFF Review on the functions of Select a student to present Call 2 or 3 students to
lesson or presenting on Communication Media applied social sciences his/her assignment on present the
the new lesson Channels. (counseling, social work and editorial cartooning and ask advantages and
1. Communication communication) to one’s them about what they have disadvantages of
involves the giving and self-development. learned yesterday. persuasion to one’s
receiving information and Call a student to give the beliefs, attitudes and
ideas. (F) functions of applied social behavior.
2. Communication is not sciences.(3 mins)
an interest-based. (B)
3. In mass media,
audience are obliged to
pay attention or give feed
backs. (B)
4. Blogging and social
networking are the most
prominent forms of social
media. (F)
5. Mass media does not
contain much of the
sender, message and
receiver. (F)
B. Establishing a “Name Game”: “Video Clip Analysis” “Commercial Showing” Video Clip showing a
purpose for the lesson A video clip will be viewed salesman promoting a
Describe what is being by the students. AMA Senior High TVC feat product to potential
portrayed in the following Coco Martin 30s customers.
pictures. Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
1. Counseling 1. What does the video Guide Questions: 1. Did the salesman
2. Social Work want to convey? a. What did you observe in able to persuade the
3. Communication 2. What issues have you the video? customers to buy his
Guide Question: seen in the video that you b. Why do you think Coco product?
1. How important are think need to be Martin has been chosen to 2. What do you think
these pictures in one’s addressed? (6 mins) be the endorser for AMA? are the traits
development? displayed by the
(3 mins) salesman?
C. Presenting Self-development “Yes or No” Give words or phrases that Presenting other
examples/instances of describes influence of examples of traits of a
the new lesson Activity: Write YES if the following media to people. (5 mins) person who is good at
“(+) or (-)” sentences require the persuading people.
Identify the following whether functions of the applied
it contributes to one’s self-
social sciences if otherwise, 1. Politician
development or not. Mass
1. Studying write NO. 2. Showbiz
Media personality
2. Personal hygiene
3. Socialization 1. A student who has failing 3. Lawyer
4. Smoking grades in science and math. 4. Teacher
5. Enrolling to summer (YES) 5. Priest
classes 2. There is an increase on
the number of street (5 mins)
(5mins) children in Lazatin Avenue.
3. A student is not talking
for almost a quarter in a
class. (YES)
4. Mr. and Mrs. Cruz have a
happy family. (NO)
5. Richard is assertive in his
ideas and feelings in class
in a nice manner. (NO)
(4 mins)
D. Discussing new Small Group Discussion An in-depth discussion on Interactive Discussion Discussion on the role
concepts and The class will be divided various situations that of mass media in
practicing new skills into five groups for demand the performance of a. Explain the functions of persuading people
#1 brainstorming. Functions the functions of social mass media to persuasion using power point
of applied social sciences: sciences. b. Give the factors that presentation.
a. Counseling (10 mins.) contribute to the success of
b. social work and persuading people. (10
c. communication mins)
1. What is the importance
of the functions of applied
social sciences?
(10 mins)
E. Discussing new Group Reporting Group activity: Role Play “Concept Mapping “Commercial
concepts and Discuss the functions of (3 Groups) Analysis” Analysis”
practicing new skills applied social sciences to
#2 self-development Apply the effective functions Students will create their Group Work
Group A: Counseling of counseling on own concept map on the Choose a commercial
Group B: Social Work absenteeism; social work on functions of applied social or an advertisement
Group C: Communication families affected by typhoon sciences to persuasion and that you like most and
(10 mins) and communication on mass media why?
cutting classes. (5 mins.) (5mins.)
(10 mins.)
F. Developing mastery Situational Analysis “Picture Analysis” Monologue: Choose among “Hikayatin Mo Ako”
(leads to Formative 1. Identity crisis Describe the picture the following situations:
Assessment 3) 2. Family problems whether the functions of The class will be
3. Childhood trauma applied social sciences are 1. Courting a girl/boy divided into 3 groups.
How can counseling, “NEEDED” or “NOT 2. Applying for a job They are going to
social work and NEEDED”. Justify. 3. Presenting your platform make their own
communication address (5 mins) during a school campaign commercial along the
such problem? areas of:
(Choose one from the above given Suggestions: 1. Product
1. Randomly select students Advertisement
(7 mins) who will monologue the 2. Business
following situations. Advertisement
2. Choose a partner and 3. Advocacy
perform the following Campaign
situations. (15 mins.)
(10 mins)
G. Finding practical Journal Keeping: Write a) If you were in this Ask a student, how can you How important is
applications of your experience of situation (flash a photo) how regulate the strong mass media to you as
concepts and skills in counseling. are you going to deal with persuasion of mass media a student?
daily living 1. How significant it is to the problem encountered? to your behaviour, attitudes (5 mins)
you? (5 mins) and beliefs?
2. How this activity affects (5 mins)
you as a person?
(Counseling may come
from parent, teachers or
(5 mins)
H. Making Questions: Call 3 students to answer Call a student to summarize Call some students to
generalizations and 1. What are the functions the following question: the lesson. sum up the lesson of
abstractions about the of the ff. applied social the day.
lesson sciences to his/her self- 1. How important are a. What are the functions of
development: the functions of applied applied social sciences to 1. What are roles of
A. Counseling social sciences in the mass media and mass media in
B. Social Work different situations persuasion? persuading people?
C. Communication discussed? (3 mins.) The heart of persuasion is
In counseling it the ability to understand Persuasion energizes
offers guidance to Applied social sciences well one’s audience and its itself to move
individuals in such as counselling, social complexity. audiences to desired
varying situations, work and communication (5 mins) and immediate action.
conflicts, confusion have distinct contributions in (5 mins)
and crisis and services they put out for
provides the tools self-development.
for the individual to
address issues of
Social work offers a
wide range of
services particularly
in the aid of
emancipating the
empowers the
individual with
listening and
speaking skills.
(3 mins)
I. Evaluating learning Quiz: Modified True or Recall a situation in your life Print out the editorial Situational Analysis
False when you needed the help cartooning (internet) or cut Quiz: Analyze each
(5 mins) of others. Describe the help out the editorial cartooning commercial carefully
that was given to you. (newspaper) in a short bond and identify what type
1. Communication foster Integrate the concepts that paper. of commercial is being
the listening and speaking you learn from the session portrayed.
skills of an individual. (5 mins) Guide Question: (5 mins)
(TRUE) 1. Explain how guidance
2. Counseling is offer to and counselling, social work 1. Mang Inasal
individuals with problems and communication can be (Business Ad)
only. (to all individuals) applied in mass media and 2.Rexona (Product
3. Counseling provides persuasion? Ad)
solution to individuals Cite examples. 3. BDO (Business Ad)
seeking help. (provides (5 mins) 4. Lucky Me with the
guidance and assistance) song of “Isang taon pa
4. Social work is intended lang ako…(Advocacy
for the rich people. Campaign)
(marginalized individuals) 5. Lucky Me with the
5. Counseling provides the scene of the father is
individual the tools to scolding his son,
address issues for sefl- “Gabi ka na naman…”
development. (TRUE) (Advocacy Campaign)
J. Additional activities for Reflect on the song Search editorial cartooning Cite the advantages and Analyze the
application or entitled “Estudyante on the internet and disadvantages in relation to commercial on
remediation Blues” by Freddie Aguilar. newspaper depicting persuasion to one’s beliefs, RiteMed. If you were
1.How do you relate situations needing the attitudes and behaviour. the consumer, are you
yourself to this song? functions of applied social going to buy the
2.How can you address sciences. product? Why?
those problems through
counseling, social work
and communication?
Prepared by:
Division of Nueva Ecija Division of Aurora