Synax Decentralized System For The Synchronization of Machine Axes

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Decentralized System for the
Synchronization of Machine Axes
Firmware Version FWA-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS

DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**- FV01-EN-P Indramat
About this documentation SYNAX

Title SYNAX Decentralized System for the Synchronization of Machine Axes

Type of documentation Firmware Versions Description

Document code DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FV01-EN-P

Internal file reference • Schuber 40-06V-EN

• SY106E_V.doc
• Document number 120-2200-B306-01 EN

The purpose of the This document is a supplement to the Applications Description: SYNAX
documentation Decentralized System for the Synchronization of Machine Axes (Version
06VRS), doc. no.: DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FK01-EN-P.
The documentation describes the difference between SYNAX version
06VRS and the previous SYNAX version 05VRS.

Editing sequence Document designation of Status Comments

previous editions
209-0061-4306-00 10.95 Version 02VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-03V10**-FRN1-EN-P 08.96 Version 03VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-04VRS**-FVN1-EN-P 02.97 Version 04VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-05VRS**-FVN1-EN-P 02.98 Version 05VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FV01-EN-P 04.99 Version 06VRS

Copyright  INDRAMAT GmbH, 1999

Copying this document, and giving it to others and the use or
communication of the contents thereof without express authority are
forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are
reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility
model or design (DIN 34-1).

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the available of the product.

Published by INDRAMAT GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main

Telefon 09352/40-0 • Tx 689421 • Fax 09352/40-4885

Dept. ESP (STS)

Note This document is printed on paper bleached without the use of chlorine.

SYNAX About this documentation

Summary of Documentation - Overview

Functional Description:

Help familiarize the user with SYNAX

and the functions of SYNAX

Order designation:

Parameter Description:

Description of the SYNAX system parameters

Order designation:

Trouble Shooting Guide:

Explanation of the diagnostics states

How to proceed when eliminating faults

Order designation:

Firmware Version Notes:

Description of the new and changed

functions between SYNAX version 06VRS
and previous SYNAX 05VRS Order designation:
Order designation:

Project Planning:

Selection of units and hardware components

Basic control in cabinet construction

Order designation:

CD: SynTop

Win3 1 and
Collection of Windows help systems
SynTop, user interface for SYNAX
Order designation:

About this documentation SYNAX

SYNAX Contents I

1 References 1-1
1.1 Product family ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Referenced hardware .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Referenced firmware............................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Supplementary documentation ............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.5 EPROM tyes ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3

2 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-1

2.1 Release notes on FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06V13 ...................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 EPROM labelling FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06V13....................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Notes on replacing firmware ................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.4 New functions....................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Position command value additive.................................................................................................. 2-3
Electronic gearboxes for real and absolute real master axes ....................................................... 2-4
Supporting the ECODRIVE03 ....................................................................................................... 2-4
Direction reversing of the drive ..................................................................................................... 2-4
Second group parameter block ..................................................................................................... 2-4
System time .................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Error recorder ................................................................................................................................ 2-5
DeviceNet slave interface ............................................................................................................. 2-5
SynTop with RS485 connection .................................................................................................... 2-5
2.5 New parameters, I/Os and diagnoses.................................................................................................. 2-6
New C parameters ........................................................................................................................ 2-6
New A parameters ........................................................................................................................ 2-7
New I/Os........................................................................................................................................ 2-7
New diagnostic messages ............................................................................................................ 2-8
2.6 Changed and extended functions ........................................................................................................ 2-9
Real master, smoothing filter ........................................................................................................ 2-9
Virtual master ................................................................................................................................ 2-9
CLC link......................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Pattern control............................................................................................................................... 2-9
Jog function ................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Group parameters ....................................................................................................................... 2-10
Analog channels.......................................................................................................................... 2-10
Tension control............................................................................................................................ 2-10
Winding control ........................................................................................................................... 2-11
Register control ........................................................................................................................... 2-11
Deactivating the drives................................................................................................................ 2-11
A/C parameters write protection.................................................................................................. 2-11

II Contents SYNAX

A/C parameter handling .............................................................................................................. 2-12

Diagnoses ................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Error counter for communication interfaces 3964R and ARCNET ............................................. 2-12
Fieldbus interface - general......................................................................................................... 2-12
Interbus-S.................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Profibus ....................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Dual Port RAM interface of the CLC-P........................................................................................ 2-13
2.7 Changed and expanded parameters, I/Os and diagnoses ................................................................ 2-13
Changed C parameters............................................................................................................... 2-13
Changed A parameters ............................................................................................................... 2-14
Changed diagnostic messages ................................................................................................... 2-17
2.8 Phase out of functions / hardware ..................................................................................................... 2-17

3 Glossary 3-1

Directory of Customer Service Locations

SYNAX References 1-1

1 References

1.1 Product family

The firmware version description references the product family:
SYNAX Decentralized System for the Synchronization of Machine Axes.
Current firmware version: FWA-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS-MS.

1.2 Referenced hardware

Permissible CLC-D and CLC-P hardware


Permissible CLC-Ddaughter boards

• DAK01.1M (ARCNet)
• DAQ02.1M (CLC link and/or ARCNet)
• DEA28.1M (Digital I/O)
• DEA29.1M (Digital I/O)
• DEA30.1M (Digital I/O)
• DPF05.2M (Profibus Slave)
• DBS03.1M (Interbus Slave)
• DBS04.1M (Interbus Slave)
• DCF01.1M (DeviceNet Slave)

Permissible drives
Drives belonging to the families DIAX03, DIAX04 and ECODRIVE may be

1-2 References SYNAX

1.3 Referenced firmware

Product: Product firmware Printed board firmware

(order designation): (EPROM labelling):
+ Profibus FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
+ Interbus-S FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
+ DeviceNet FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DSM2.3-ELS-05VRS-MS
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-HSM1.1-ELS-05VRS-MS
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
Fig. 1-1: Referenced firmware

Note: The software with suffix -COPY may be copied.

SYNAX References 1-3

1.4 Supplementary documentation

Order text: Title:

DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FK01-EN-P SYNAX - Functional Description
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-PA01-EN-P SYNAX - Parameter Decription
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-PR01-EN-P SYNAX - Project Planning
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-WA01-EN-P SYNAX - Trouble Shooting Guide
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FV01-EN-P SYNAX - Versionsnotes
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-4001-EN-P SYNAX - Schuber 40-06V
SWD-SYNTOP-INB-04VRS-MS-CD600 General support for SYNAX - Version 06VRS
DOK-DIAX03-ELS-05VRS**-50M1-EN-P DIAX03 - Schuber 50-05V
DOK-DIAX04-ELS-05VRS**-60M1-EN-P DIAX04 - Schuber 60-05V
DOK-ECODR3-SGP-01VRS**-7201-EN-P ECODRIVE03 - Schuber 72-01V
Fig. 1-2: Supplementary documentation

1.5 EPROM tyes

The following EPROM types may be used in conjunction with the CLC
control card:

EPROM Manufactured by Article code

IC14 (Low) and IC15 (High)
AMD AM27C4096 -100DC
SGS-Thomson M27C4002-10F1
Fig. 1-3: EPROM types for use with the CLC

1-4 References SYNAX

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-1

2 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS

2.1 Release notes on FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06V13

The SYNAX firmware version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06V13 was released
04 April 1999.

2.2 EPROM labelling FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06V13


2 8 2 2 7 8


2 8 2 2 7 8

2.3 Notes on replacing firmware

The following points must be noted when replacing the firmware and
performed in the order as indicated:

Starting point is an operational unit with the following

SYNAX firmware status
CLCcommand interface card: FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-05VRS-MS
SynTop: version 04VRS

Note: If the unit is equipped with a firmware version older than FWC-
CLC*DP-SY*-05V08-MS, then please comply with the
following first, viz., the "Guidelines on Replacing Firmware" in
the documentation belonging to the firmware release.

• Check the CLC hardware version in parameter "CLC-

Hardware Version" (C-0-0024)
The CLC firmware must support this CLC hardware (see section
"Referenced hardware").

• Secure the current parameter set of the machine in

Prior to replacing CLC firmware, all A and C parameters must be
stored with ’file’, ’save’ or with the CLC terminal function ’store
parameters’ in SynTop. This file must be named SAVE.ASC .

• Switch machine off and replace the firmware of the CLC

2-2 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

• Note jumper setting of jumper S1 and S2, set jumper S2

Then SynTop is displayed on interface X27.

• Switch machine on
CLC-D: After powering up, the CLC-D will boot up into parametrization
mode and then will display, due to invalid parameter, diagnosis "CLC
checksum error (see C-0-0068)" (14). The drive with address 1 now
displays P2. All others display the warning E4/10 "Drive not scanned or
address 0".
CLC-P: The CLC-P boots up to initialization mode only after powering.

• Connect PC to interface X27 and start SynTop

Skip the possible error message from SynTop with ’ignore’.

• Switch machine into initialization mode

Via SynTop, the CLC is switched into initialization mode (menu
’extras’, ’switch phase’, ’phase 0’, ’close’).

• Preset the parameters of the CLC with default values

The A and C parameters of the CLC are preset for all possible drives
with their default values:
Call up menu item ’file’, ’load base parameter → CLC’ in SynTop. Load
base parameters and then leave the menu with ’close’.

• Load SAVE.ASC back into CLC

The A and C parameters are loaded bach into CLC via menu ’file’,
’load’. Note here that ’all drives’ and ’A parameters’ or ’C parameters’
are selected here.

• Switch into parametrization mode

If tension control or winding control have been parametrized (till now in
parameter "process control - control word 1" (A-0-0025), then all such
must be deactivated in parameter A-0-0025 and parametrized in para-
meter "process control - control word 2" (A-0-0146).

If a real master axis has been parametrized in parameter "ELS master

- control word" (C-0-0004), then bit 1 (lag compensation) must be set
to ’0’.

• Switch installation off, return to previous jumper position

and switch installation back on

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-3

• Switch into operating mode (if this does not occur

The CLC is switched into operating mode via (Menu item ’Extras’,
’Phase transition’, ’Phase 4’, ’Close’).

The installaton can now run with the new firmware.

If the installation does not run up into operating mode and signals
"Virtual master axis velocity limit value too high (see C-0-0030,
C-0-0031)", then check parameter "virtual master speed 1 - positive
limit" (C-0-0030) and "virtual master speed 1 - negative limit"
(C-0-0031) for limit value violations and change, if necessary.
If the CLC signals error "Virtual master axis velocity limit value too high
(see C-0-0055, C-0-0056)", then parameters "Virtual master - speed
command positive limits" (C-0-0055) and "Virtual master - speed
command negative limits" (C-0-0056) must be checked for parameter
limit violations and changed, if necessary.

• Final activities
Save the new A and C parameters on the CLC.

• Checking the functions

After replacing the firmware, carefully check the functions of the newly
equipped machine.

2.4 New functions

Position command value additive

With the help of parameter "ELS master command value additive"
(C-0-0149) it is possible to conduct a rotation of several axes
synchronously in terms of the master axis. This is also possible if the CLC
link is activated and is done synchronous on several CLCs.
With this function it is, for example, possible to set the cutting register of a
paper web. All the axes along a paper web are simultaneously adjusted.
The adjustment speed is set with the help of parameter "ELS master
command value offset speed" (C-0-0150). The current actual position
value is shown in parameter "ELS master - actual additive position value"
(C-0-0160). The input of "ELS master command value additive" is limited
with parameter "ELS master command value additive - positive limit"
(C-0-0161) or "ELS master command value additive - negative limit"
Which axis is to be moved is set in parameter "ELS master command
value additive selection" (A-0-0159).
The movement is enabled with binary input "ELS master command value
additive - enable" (_E:L01.25). Binary output "ELS master command
value additive achieved" (_A:L01.25) shows the end of the adjustment

Note: The adjustment has neither a jerk nor an accel limit. This
means that only very low adjustment speeds are possible.

2-4 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

Electronic gearboxes for real and absolute real master axes

The real master axis has now an electronic gearbox. The real master axis
also has an internal absolute format (absolute to 4096 revolutions). If a
multiturn master axis encoder is used, then any movement of the master
axis encoder at poweroff can be detected in a range of ±2048 revolutions.
The gearbox is a 16 bit wide numerator and has a 16 bit wide nominator.
Parameters "master encoder - output revolutions" (C-0-0143) and "master
encoder - input revolutions" (C-0-0144) are used for this.
With the help of optional "master encoder - offset" (C-0-0145) it is
possible to add an angle offset onto a real master axis.
The real master axis can be set to a defined angle with the help of
parameter "real master absolute reference" (C-0-0148) and using the
binary input "real master - set absolute measuring" (_E:L01.24). This is
acknowledged by the binary output "real master - set absolute measuring
acknowledge" (_A:L01.24).
In parameter "ELS master - actual position value absolute format"
(C-0-0146) the absolute position of the real master axis can be read out in
incremental absolute master axis format (in parameter "ELS master -
actual position value", C-0-0066 the master axis position within a
revolution continues to be generated in angle degrees).
The absolute reference to the master encoder can be established with the
binary input "real master - set absolute reference" (_E:L01.23) (e.g., after
a reparametrization of the gearbox ratio). This is acknowledged with the
binary output "real master - set absolute reference acknowledge"

Supporting the ECODRIVE03

The compact controller DKC02.3 is supported in all synchronization
modes and SYNAX functions. Till now, the DKC02.1 was only supported
in setup and idle modes, the DKC02.3 could only be limitedly used in
synchronization mode (not all functions at the same time).

Direction reversing of the drive

The rotational direction of a drive in synchronization mode can be
changed using the binary input "synchronization mode - direction
reversing" (_E:F#.41). The input only works if the synchronization is not
activated. It is acknowledged with binary output "acknowledge
synchronization mode - direction reversing" (_A:F#.41).

Second group parameter block

Analog to the functions of the group parameters, a second group
parameter block has been implemented. This includes:
• "Group command value additive 2", A-0-0155
• "group command value 2 - drive addresses", A-0-0156
• "group command value 2 - weighting", A-0-0157
• "group command value 2 - offset speed", A-0-0158
• "group command value 2 - positive limit", A-0-0163
• "group command value 2 - negative limit", A-0-0164

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-5

System time
A CLC internal system time with a resolution corresponding to the
SERCOS cycle times (2 to 10 ms) is new. The system time is counted up
only if the CLC is powered on (no real time clock function when
shutdown). The internal time format includes year, month, day, hour,
minute, second and millisecond.
The system time can be set or read via parameter "SYNAX - system time"
(C-0-0159). This may be used for adjusting the system time with a PLC
real time clock, for example, possible with each boot up.
In a CLC link, the link master gives the system time and all link slaves
automatically synchronize to this time.
In a CLC link, parameter "SYNAX system time" (C-0-0159) can only be
changed or set at the link master. All link slaves automatically synchronize
to this time.
The system time is stored with SYNAX diagnoses in paramter "SYNAX -
time of diagnosis" (C-0-0163).
The system time is added in the error memory to the diagnoses. This
makes a chronological allocation of errors to different CLCs possible.

Error recorder
The error recorder saves the last 31 errors in the SYNAX system. In
contrast to the present CLC diagnoses, with the use of parameters
• "SYNAX - error source", C-0-0046
• "SYNAX - diagnostics text", C-0-0047
• "SYNAX - error number", C-0-0048
all errors are recorded that occur between the first error and the error
To read error memory use parameters
• "error recorder - index", C-0-0153
• "error recorder - diagnosis message", C-0-0154
• "error recorder - diagnosis text", C-0-0155
• "error recorder", C-0-0156

DeviceNet slave interface

A DeviceNet slave communication is possible with expansion card
DCF01.1M (CLC plug-in module).
The baudrate can be set in parameter "DeviceNet - Baudrate" (C-0-0151).

SynTop with RS485 connection

The SynTop version 04VRS has bus capabilities if RS232/RS485
couplers are used. This means that it is possible to work with one PC and
SynTop alternately with several CLCs.
The addresses of the CLCs are set in parameter "SynTop - CLC address
for RS485 bus" (C-0-0142).

2-6 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

2.5 New parameters, I/Os and diagnoses

New C parameters

List of new C parameters ID no. Name of parameter

C-0-0136 Real master - phase correction
C-0-0137 Real master - acceleration correction
C-0-0138 Real master - correction value smoothing time constant
C-0-0139 Real master - actual phase deviation
C-0-0140 Real master - maximum positive phase deviation
C-0-0141 Real master - maximum negative phase deviation
C-0-0142 SynTop - CLC address for RS485 bus
C-0-0143 Master encoder - output revolutions
C-0-0144 Master encoder - input revolutions
C-0-0145 Master encoder - offset
C-0-0146 ELS master - actual position value absolute format
C-0-0147 Host communication: error counter transmission line
C-0-0148 Real master - absolute reference
C-0-0149 ELS master command value additive
C-0-0150 ELS master command value offset speed
C-0-0151 DeviceNet - Baudrate
C-0-0152 Fieldbus - firmware version
C-0-0153 Error recorder - index
C-0-0154 Error recorder - diagnosis message
C-0-0155 Error recorder - diagnosis text
C-0-0156 Error recorder
C-0-0157 Data blocks - configurable S-/P-parameters, ID-number
C-0-0158 Data blocks - configurable S-/P-parameters, data length
C-0-0159 SYNAX - system time
C-0-0160 ELS master - actual additive position value
C-0-0161 ELS master command value additive - positive limit
C-0-0162 ELS master command value additive - negative limit
C-0-0163 SYNAX - time of diagnosis
Fig. 2-1: New C parameters

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-7

New A parameters

List of new A parameters ID no. Name of parameter

A-0-0136 Master drive gear output revolutions increments
A-0-0137 Process controller - actual value 2 (additive velocity)
A-0-0138 Process controller - positive limit 2 operation point 2
A-0-0139 Process controller - negative limit 2 operation point 2
A-0-0140 Process controller - actual value 3 (master drive gear)
A-0-0141 Process controller - positive limit 3
A-0-0142 Process controller - negative limit 3
A-0-0143 Process controller - preset 3 (master drive gear)
A-0-0144 Process controller - maximum reel diameter
A-0-0146 Process control - control word 2
A-0-0147 Process controller - diameter smoothing time op. point 1
A-0-0148 Process controller - diameter smoothing time op. point 2
A-0-0149 Process controller - reference diameter
A-0-0150 Process controller - bipolar limit value 2 op. point 1
A-0-0151 Master drive gear output revolutions - positive limit
A-0-0152 Master drive gear output revolutions - negative limit
A-0-0153 Jogging mode with phase synchronization
A-0-0154 Group command value 1 - offset speed
A-0-0155 Group command value additive 2
A-0-0156 Group command value 2 - drive addresses
A-0-0157 Group command value 2 - weighting
A-0-0158 Group command value 2 - offset speed
A-0-0159 ELS master command value additive selection
A-0-0160 Process controller - bipolar speed operation point 2
A-0-0161 Group command value 1 - positive limit
A-0-0162 Group command value 1 - negative limit
A-0-0163 Group command value 2 - positive limit
A-0-0164 Group command value 2 - negative limit
Fig. 2-2: New A parameters

New I/Os

New inputs Designation Function

_E:L01.23 Real master - set absolute reference
_E:L01.24 Real master - set absolute measuring
_E:L01.25 ELS master command value additive - enable
_E:F#.37 Process controller - pause diameter calculation
_E:F#.38 Process controller - immediate diameter calculation
_E:F#.41 Synchronization mode - direction reversing
Fig. 2-3: New inputs

2-8 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

New outputs Designation Function

_A:C01.09 CLC clock pulse in seconds
_A:L01.23 Real master - set absolute reference acknowledge
_A:L01.24 Real master - set absolute measuring acknowledge
_A:L01.25 ELS master command value additive achieved
_A:F#.11 Configured ELS master commands valid
_A:F#.38 Process controller - act. diameter > reference diameter
_A:F#.39 Process controller - min. reel diameter exceeded
_A:F#.40 Process controller - max. reel diameter exceeded
_A:F#.41 Acknowledge synchronization mode - direction reversing
Fig. 2-4: New outputs

New diagnostic messages

C-0-0048 C-0-0046
Error Dis- Diagnosti Binary Clear
number play C-0-0047 Diagnostic text CLC System c info output with
10 10 "CLC-internal memory error" 10000h --
22 15 "Parameter value limits: min-limit > max-limit 10000h -- --
(see C-0-0068)"
106 17 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 10000h -- --
C-0-0030, C-0-0031)"
107 17 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 1000h -- --
C-0-0055, C-0-0056)"
143 32 "ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration" 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
144 15 "C-0-0157/C-0-1058: Number of entries not 10000h -- --
145 15 "C-0-0157: Ident-number exists twice" 10000h -- --
162 15 "Electronic gear ratio must be 1:1 (see n = address -- --
S-0-0236, S-0-0237)"
167 15 "More than one process controller per axis not n = address -- --
174 15 "A-0-0146: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
212 15 "Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv n = address -- --
impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159)"
217 15 "Too many parameters in MDT configured" n = address --
218 15 "Too many parameters in AT configured" n = address --
245 15 "C-0-0013: Drive waypoints not possible (e. g. n = address -- --
260 97 "PLC - Firmware-version incompatible" 10000h --
261 97 "PLC - Cycle-counter is dead" 10000h --
262 97 "PLC reports an error" 10000h --
270 15 "A-0-0013: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
271 15 "A-0-0153: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
Fig. 2-5: New diagnostics messages

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-9

2.6 Changed and extended functions

Real master, smoothing filter

The smoothing filter of the real master axis has been improved. In
addition to parameter "real master - actual value smoothing time
constant" (C-0-0042) the filter can be parametrized with parameters
• "real master - phase correction" (C-0-0136)
• "real master - acceleration correction" (C-0-0137)
• "real master - correction value smoothing time constant" (C-0-0138)

To optimize the settings use parameters

• "real master - actual phase deviation" (C-0-0139)
• "real master - maximum positive phase deviation" (C-0-0140)
• "real master - maximum negative phase deviation" (C-0-0141)

Virtual master
The limit values of parameters
• "virtual master speed 1 - positive limit" (C-0-0030)
• "virtual master speed 1 - negative limit" (C-0-0031)
• "virtual master - speed command positive limit" (C-0-0055)
• "virtual master - speed command negative limit" (C-0-0056)
are computed in terms of the SERCOS cycle time (S-0-0002).
Given an error, the diagnoses "virtual master speed limit to high (see
C-0-0030, C-0-0031)" (diagnose 106) or "virtual master speed limit to high
(see C-0-0055, C-0-0056)" (diagnose 107) are generated.

CLC link
A new slave axis output has been introduced for the CLC link, viz.,
"configured ELS master commands valid" (_A:F#.11). If this is ’1’, then
both the configured master axis position and the configured ELS master
command value additive are valid.

Pattern control
Drives with an address higher than 16 were, until now, not supported by
the pattern control.

Jog function
The jog function has been extended so that the jog increments
• "incremental jogging position of following axis" (A-0-0007)
• "fine adjustment increments" (A-0-0014)
• "speed offset increments" (A-0-0015)
• "idle speed increments" (A-0-0016)
• "process variable increments" (A-0-0064)
• "master drive gear output revolutions increments" (A-0-0136)
can be changed in operating mode if the drive is not enabled.

2-10 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

With phase and speed synchronous axes, parameter

• "master drive gear output revolutions" (A-0-0126)
has been added as a variable to be jogged. This is limited with parameter
"master drive gear output revolutions - positive limit" (A-0-0151) or
"master drive gear output revolutions - negative limit" (A-0-0152).

With phase synchronous axes or cam axes, the variable to be jogged can
be set in parameter "jogging mode with angle synchronization" (A-0-
0153). Possible joggable variables are:
• "position command offset" (A-0-0004)
• "process command value 1" (A-0-0026)
• "master drive gear output revolutions" (A-0-0126)

Group parameters
The present group parameters were renamed to "group parameters 1".
An offset speed "group command value 1 - offset speed" (A-0-0154) and
a limit have been added.
Inputting group command value additive 1 is limited with the new
• "group command value 1 - positive limit" (A-0-0161)
• "group command value 1 - negative limit" (A-0-0162).

Analog to group parameter 1, group parameter 2 has been added with the
following parameters:
• "group command value additive 2" (A-0-0155)
• "group command value 2 - drive addresses" (A-0-0156)
• "group command value 2 - weighting" (A-0-0157)
• "group command value 2 - offset speed" (A-0-0158)

Analog channels
The analog channels can also effect the following parameters
(parametrization via parameter "analogue channels - select target
parameters", C-0-0040):
• "idle speed 1" (A-0-0115)
• "idle speed 2" (A-0-0116)
• "idle speed 3" (A-0-0117)
• "master drive gear output revolutions" (A-0-0126)

Tension control
The tension control has a new tension control structure
• dancer control (tension control with dancer)

The tension control with load cell can also effect the master axis gearbox.
With this phase synchronous axes or cam axes can be used as tension
controlled axes.

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-11

Winding control
The winding control has a new structure
• dancer control (winding control with dancer)
The diameter computer can be controlled with binary inputs
• "process controller - pause diameter calculation" (_E:F#.37)
• "process controller - immediate diameter calculation" (_E:F#.38).
The immediate diameter computation calculates the diameter once and
that immediately but with low precision. With this it is possible, for
example, to change very quickly to a new diameter with a roll change
without presetting the diameter.

Register control
Using parameter "register control - dead band" (A-0-0074) it is possible to
set a zone with reduced correction around the command value. If the
register deviation equals less than the set value, then only 1/16 of the
deviation actually occurring is corrected.

Deactivating the drives

Data blocks (DBs) containing S or P parameters of a deactivated drive
were until now denied as invalid.
New is that even for many (predefined) S and P parameters, the data
blocks are prepared even with deactivated drives.
Additionally to the permanent S or P parameters it is possible to store 7
additional S or P parameters with relevant data lengths (2 bytes, 4 bytes
or variable lengths) using parameter "data blocks - configurable S-/P-
parameters, ID-number" (C-0-0157) or "data blocks - configurable S-/P-
parameters, data length" (C-0-0158).

A/C parameters write protection

In accordance with the SERCOS interface specification write protection
for A and C parameters can be seen in the parameter attribute in bits 28,
29, 30.
Bit number in Write protection
Bit 30 Write protection in operation mode (phase 4)
0 Operating data can be write accessed
1 Operating data is write protected
Bit 29 Write protection in communication phase 3
0 Operating data can be write accessed
1 Operating data is write protected
Bit 28 Write protection in parametrization mode (Phase 2)
0 Operating data can be write accessed
1 Operating data is write protected
Fig. 2-6: Write protection in attribute of A and C parmeters

Write protection in initialization mode (communications phase 0) is not

displayed in the attribute.

2-12 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

A/C parameter handling

Write accessing element 1 (ID no.) is permitted. The data status of a
parameter can be read with this.

The diagnoses using parameters
• "SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046)
• "SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047)
• "SYNAX - error number" (C-0-0048)
have been extended with parameter
• "SYNAX - time of diagnosis" (C-0-0163).
This parameters contains the SYNAX system time in 32 bit format (time
resolution: 2 seconds) at which the last diagnosis occurred.

Error counter for communication interfaces 3964R and ARCNET

For communications interfaces 3964R and ARCNET, an error counter
has been added in parameter "host communication: error counter
transmission line" (C-0-0147). For ARCNET diagnosis "ARCNET -
excessive bus reconfiguration" (error number 143) was added.
This can be used to evaluate the quality of the transmission (e.g., with
EMC interference).

Fieldbus interface - general

When writing the ID number of a parameter, the data status is generally
returned if no error has occurred. If one has, then the error code is
The fieldbus firmware can be read in parameter "fieldbus - firmware
version" (C-0-0152).
The reading of slave reaction telegrams has been adapted to the SIS
specification. Each slave reaction telegram must be explicitly requested
by a slave fetch telegram.
The checksum check of an SIS telegram can be switched off with bit 2 in
parameter "fieldbus - control word" (C-0-0129). The transmission safety
check is only assumed by the fieldbus itself in this case and not
additionally by the SIS protocol.

The configuration of PD lengths of 10, 12, 14 and 16 bytes generates a
configuration error with Interbus (error 152).

To communicate with the Profibus interface, the CLC plug-in module
DPF05.2M is used (used to be: DPF05.1M).
With bit 13 in parameter "fieldbus - control word" (C-0-0129) the
administration of the multiplex channel of the fieldbus card (bit 13 not set)
can be moved to the CLC (bit 13 set). This makes it possible to more
quickly change to the multiplex level.

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-13

Dual Port RAM interface of the CLC-P

A new PC-IRQ 0x4000 with reboot of CLC-P has been added. This is
conducted during bootup after an emergency response by the CLC-P to
the PC.
This emergency reaction leads to a switch into phase 0. It can be caused,
for example, by a fiber optic cable break in phase 4.

2.7 Changed and expanded parameters, I/Os and diagnoses

Changed C parameters
List of changed C parameters ID no. Name of parameter
C-0-0004 ELS master - control word
C-0-0030 Virtual master speed 1 - positive limit
C-0-0031 Virtual master speed 1 - negative limit
C-0-0033 Host communication - control word
C-0-0042 Real master - actual value smoothing time constant
C-0-0055 Virtual master - speed command positive limits
C-0-0056 Virtual master - speed command negative limits
C-0-0126 Fieldbus: length of process data channel
C-0-0129 Fieldbus - control word
Fig. 2-7: Changed C parameters

Individual C parmeter changes

C-0-0004 ELS master - control word
Bit 1 (lag compensation) phased out and set to ’0’.

C-0-0030 Virtual master speed 1 - positive limit

The limit value is computed dependent of SERCOS cycle time (S-0-
The default value was changed to 3000,0000 rpm.

C-0-0031 Virtual master speed 1 - negative limit

The limit value is computed dependent of SERCOS cycle time
The default value was changed to –3000.0000 rpm.

C-0-0033 Host communication - control word

Using bit combination 0000 0000 0011 0000 (0x0030) the DeviceNet
interface can be parametrized.

C-0-0042 Real master - actual value smoothing time constant

The maximum value has been increased from 100 ms to 5000 ms.
The default value equals 50 ms.

C-0-0055 Virtual master - speed command positive limits

The limit values are computed dependent of SERCOS cycle time
The default value was changed to 3000.0000 rpm.

2-14 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

C-0-0056 Virtual master - speed command negative limits

The limit values are computed dependent of SERCOS cycle time
The default value was changed to -3000.0000 rpm.

C-0-0126 Fieldbus: length of process data channel

The minimum value has been increased from 0 to 1 data word.

C-0-0129 Fieldbus - control word

The checksum check of SIS telegrams can be switched off in bit 2.
With bits 8 and 9 data formats for the DeviceNet interface can be fixed.
Bits 10 and 11 are reserved. In bit 13 the multiplex mode (administration
of multiplex channel) is set.

Changed A parameters

List of changed A parameters ID no. Name of parameter

A-0-0013 Jogging mode with speed synchronization
A-0-0025 Process control - control word 1
A-0-0026 Process command value 1
A-0-0028 Analogue channels - analogue input weighting
A-0-0029 Process controller - integral action time 1
A-0-0030 Process controller - proportional gain 1
A-0-0067 Process controller - actual value 1 (fine adjustment)
A-0-0068 Process controller - positive limit 1
A-0-0069 Process controller - negative limit 1
A-0-0074 Register control - dead band
A-0-0075 Process controller - preset 1 (fine adjustment)
A-0-0076 Process controller - minimum reel diameter
A-0-0077 Process controller - current reel diameter
A-0-0078 Process controlller - reel diameter - preset
A-0-0090 Register control - smoothing time constant
A-0-0091 Register control - proportional gain
A-0-0092 Register control - integral action time
A-0-0097 Tension speed
A-0-0106 Register control - maximum correction
A-0-0126 Master drive gear output revolutions
A-0-0132 Group command value additive 1
A-0-0133 Group command value 1 - drive addresses
A-0-0134 Group command value 1 - weighting
Fig. 2-8: Changed A parameters

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-15

Individual A parameter changes A-0-0013 Jogging mode with speed synchronization

Jogging parameters "master drive gear output revolutions" (A-0-0126) has
been introduced.

A-0-0025 Process control - control word 1

The name has been changed.
This parameter is now only used to parametrize the register controller.
Tension control and winder are set in parameter "process control - control
word 2" (A-0-0146).

A-0-0026 Process command value 1

The maximum value has been dropped to 100000.0.

A-0-0028 Analogue channels - analogue input weighting

The default value has been increased from 1 to 100.

A-0-0029 Process controller - integral action time

The name has been changed.

A-0-0030 Process controller - proportional gain 1

The name has been changed.
The units no longer exists.

A-0-0067 Process controller - actual value 1 (fine adjustment)

The name has been changed.
Minimum and maximum values have been removed.

A-0-0068 Process controller - positive limit 1

The name has been changed.
Minimum value has been changed to –327,67%.

A-0-0069 Process controller - negative limit 1

The name has been changed.
Minimum value has been changed to –327,67%.

A-0-0074 Process controller - dead band

The reserved parameter has been assigned the dead band function.

A-0-0075 Process controller - preset 1 (fine adjustment)

The name has been changed.
Minimum and maximum values limited with parameter "process controller
- positive limit 1" (A-0-0068) or "process controller - negative limit 1"
(A-0-0069) begrenzt.

2-16 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

A-0-0076 Process controller - minimum reel diameter

The name has been changed.

A-0-0077 Process controller - current reel diameter

The name has been changed.

A-0-0078 Process controller - reel diameter - preset

The name has been changed.

A-0-0090 Register control - smoothing time constant

The unit has been removed.
The decimal places were set to 1.

A-0-0091 Register control - proportional gain

The decimal places were set to 4.

A-0-0092 Register control - integral action time

The unit has been removed.
The decimal places were set to 2.

A-0-0097 Tension speed

The name has been changed.

A-0-0106 Register control - maximum correction

The name has been changed.

A-0-0126 Master drive gear output revolutions

The name has been changed.
Minimum or maximum values are set with parameters "master drive gear
output revolutions - positive limit" (A-0-0151) or "master drive gear output
revolutions - negative limit" (A-0-0152).

A-0-0132 Group command value additive 1

The name has been changed. The attribute is rotary, i.e., the unit is
degrees – independent on the scaling of the drive.
The parameter limits are no longer fixed but rather set via the new
parameters "group command value 1 - positive limit" (A-0-0161) or "group
command value 1 - negative limit" (A-0-0162).

A-0-0133 Group command value 1 - drive addresses

The name has been changed.

A-0-0134 Group command value 1 - weighting

The name has been changed.

SYNAX Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS 2-17

Changed diagnostic messages

C-0-0048 C-0-0046
Erro Dis- Diagnosti binary Clear
number play C-0-0047 Diagnostic text of CLC System c info output with
105 17 "Position value corrupted" 10000h _A:L01.03 _E:L01.16
161 15 "Winding axis must be in speed n = address -- --
synchronization (A-0-0003, A-0-0146)"
165 15 "C-0-0039/C-0-0040: Number of entries not 10000h --
equal" A:C01.01

166 15 "A-0-0008/C-0-0039: Activated analogue n = address --

channel not linked" A:C01.01

176 15 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address --

control not defined" A:C01.01

177 15 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address --

control not activated" A:C01.01

178 15 "Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. n = address -- --

(A-0-0003, A-0-0087, A-0-0146)"
242 15 "C-0-0013: DEA 4.1 and DEA 8.1 n = address -- --
simultaneously not possible"
Fig. 2-9: Changed diagnostic messages

2.8 Phase out of functions / hardware


2-18 Firmware Version FWC-CLC*DP-SY*-06VRS SYNAX

SYNAX Glossary 3-1

3 Glossary
AC kit motor with water cooling for integration in spindles (inductance

AC motors in power range of approx. 3.5 - 93 KW (inductance principle).

Absolute encoder
Encoders that supply an absolute position over several rotations (e.g.,

Serial communication system (coaxial line).
If used with printing machines, for example.

Housing for CLC D + daughter boards

Families of control cards with SERCOS interface. Available are CLC P
and CLC D. Various software packages are available (here SYNAX).

CLC link
With the help of a SERCOS interface ring, up to 32 CLC D controls can
be connected. Master axis positions are synchronously distributed to all
CLC D’s for this purpose.

Plug-in control for DIAX03 drives and CCD box.

Plug-in control for CCD box with external battery (requires two slots).

PC plug-in control with ISA bus.

PC plug-in control with PC/104 bus.

SSI- EnDat encoder interface

CLC link and/or ARCNET connection - CLC D daughter board.

INTERBUS-S slave connection - CLC D daughter board.

Digital 24V I/Os- CLC D daughter board or plug-in module for digital

3-2 Glossary SYNAX

High resolution master axis encoder interface - plug-in module for digital

Controller family with an output width of 1 ... 100kW. (DDS02.2 /
DDS03.2 / DKR02.1 / DKR03.1 / DKR04.1)

DIAX03 controller
Controller with uniform functions and a output band width of 1... 100kW.
(DDS02.2 / DDS03.2 / DKR02.1 / DKR03.1 / DKR04.1)

High resolution sinusoidal encoder interface - plug-in module for digital

Profibus slave connetion - CLC daughter board.

Analog input interface - plug-in module for digital drives.

Master axis position with SSI signals - plug-in module for digital drives.

SERCOS interface - plug-in module for digital drives.

High resolution gear/tooth interface - plug-in module for digital drives.

Master axis encoder.

I/O logic
Simply logic with e.g. AND, OR, NOT allocations with which simply I/O
allocations are executed.
The I/O logic is generated as a text file and translated. The results of this
translation procedure are loaded into the CLC D. A return to the original is
not possible.

AC linear motor - flat construction (inductance principle).

AC linear motor - roand construction (inductance principle).

AC linear motor - flat construction (synchronous principle)

Fiber optic cable, e.g., for SERCOS interface

SYNAX Glossary 3-3

Master axis encoder

The master axis encoder is a high resolution digital path scale system
with 1048580 (=2^20) increments. This encoder is absolute over one

AC mounting motor with hollow shaft for printing cylinders (inductance

AC motor with digital servo feedback synchronous principle)

AC motor with resolver feedback (synchronous principle)

Encoder, that supplies an absolute position over several revolutions (e.g.

Select lists
Documentation used to determine, for a specific application, a specific
motor/controller combination.

SERCOS interface
Internationally standardized digital interface (IEC 61491 or EN 61491) for
communications between control and drives in numerically controlled

Encoder, that supplies an absolute position over a single revolution.

Synchronous serial interface. Interface for encoder systems with serial
transmissions of digital actual values.

Decentralized System for the Synchronization of Machine Axes, made up
of SYNAX firmware, SynTop software, CLC control, DIAX03 and
ECODRIVE drives.

3-4 Glossary SYNAX

SYNAX Directory of Customer Service Locations

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Deutschland – Germany vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Ost SALES Vertriebsgebiet West SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany Centre Service Germany East Service Germany West Service Germany North Service


Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Harkortstraße 25 Kieler Straße 212
D - 97816 Lohr am Main D - 09120 Chemnitz D - 40849 Ratingen D - 22525 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0)9352/40-0 Telefon: +49 (0)371/35 55-0 Telefon: +49 (0)2102/43 18-0 Telefon: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0)9352/40-4885 Telefax: +49 (0)371/35 55-333 Telefax: +49 (0)2102/41 315 Telefax: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-15

Vertriebsgebiet Süd SALES Gebiet Südwest SALES Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany South Service Germany South-West Service Germany Centre Service Germany North Service

INDRAMAT GmbH INDRAMAT GmbH Mannesmann Rexroth AG Mannesmann Rexroth AG

Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Vertriebsniederlassung Region Nord
D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg Lillistraße 14-18 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT
D – 63067 Offenbach Schützenstraße 20
Telefon: +49 (0)89/540138-30 Telefon: +49 (0)7152/9 72-6
D – 30853 Langenhagen
Telefax: +49 (0)89/540138-10 Telefax: +49 (0)7152/9 72-727 Telefon: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-0
[email protected] Telefax: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-80 Telefon: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-93

INDRAMAT Service-Hotline

Telefon: +49 (0)172/660 04 06
Telefon: +49 (0)171/333 88 26

- nur an Werktagen von 15 -18 Uhr -
+49 (0) 93 52/40 42 22

Kundenbetreuungsstellen in Deutschland - Service agencies in Germany

Directory of Customer Service Locations SYNAX

Europa – Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen, 0 nach Landeskennziffer mitwählen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code, dial 0 after country code!
Austria SALES Service Austria SALES Service Belgium SALES Service Denmark SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth G.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC AS
Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Industriepark 18 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A - 1140 Wien A - 4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Telefon: +43 (0)1/9852540-400 Telefon: +43 (0)7221/605-0 Telefon: +32 (0)2/5823180 Telefon: +45 (0)87/11 90 60
Telefax: +43 (0)1/9852540-93 Telefax: +43 (0)7221/605-21 Telefax: +32 (0)2/5824310 Telefax: +45 (0)87/11 90 61

England SALES Service Finland SALES Service France SALES Service France SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT division Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
Broadway Lane, South Cerney SF-017 40 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 270, Avenue de Lardenne
GB - Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH Telefon: +358 (0)9/84 91 11 4, Place du Village F - 31100 Toulouse
Telefon: +44 (0)1285/863000 Telefax: +358 (0)9/84 91 13 60 F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex Telefon: +33 (0)5 61 49 95 19
Telefax: +44 (0)1285/863030 Telefon: +33 (0)141 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 (0)5 61 31 00 41
Telefax: +33 (0)147 94 69 41
Hotline: +33 (0)6 08 33 43 28

France SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT
91, Bd. Irène Joliot-Curie Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 Via del Progresso, 16 (Zona Ind.)
F - 69634 Vénissieux – Cedex I - 20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I - 10145 Torino I - 35020 Padova
Telefon: +33 (0)4 78 78 53 65 Telefon: +39 02/92 36 52 70 Telefon: +39 011/7 50 38 11 Telefon: +39 049/8 70 13 70
Telefax: +33 (0)4 78 78 52 53 Telefax: +39 02/92 36 55 12 Telefax: +39 011/7 71 01 90 Telefax: +39 049/8 70 13 77

Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V. Hydrocare B.V.
Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1 Kruisbroeksestraat 1
Via de Nicola, 12 Viale Oriani, 38/A (P.O. Box 32) (P.O. Box 32)
I - 80053 Castellamare di Stabia NA I - 40137 Bologna NL - 5281 RV Boxtel NL - 5281 RV Boxtel
Telefon: +39 081/8 72 30 37 Telefon: +39 051/34 14 14 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51
Telefax: +39 081/8 72 30 18 Telefax: +39 051/34 14 22 Telefax: +31 (0)411/65 14 83 Telefax: +31 (0)411/67 78 14
e-mail: [email protected]

Norway SALES Service Poland SALES Service Russia SALES Service Spain SALES Service

Rexroth Mecman AS Mannesmann Rexroth Sp.zo.o. Tschudnenko E.B. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Biuro Poznan Arsenia 22 Divisiòn INDRAMAT
Berghagan 1 or Box 3007 ul. Dabrowskiego 81/85 RUS - 153000 Ivanovo Centro Industrial Santiga
N–1405 Ski-Langhus N-1402 Ski PL – 60-529 Poznan Rußland Obradors s/n
Telefon: +47 (0)64 86 41 00 Telefon: +48 061/847 67 99 Telefon: +7 093/223 96 33 E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda
Telefax: +47 (0)64 86 90 62 Telefax: +48 061/847 64 02 oder/or +7 093/223 95 48 Barcelona
Telefax: +7 093/223 46 01 Telefon: +34 937 47 94 00
Telefax: +34 937 47 94 01

Spain SALES Service Sweden SALES Service Slowenia SALES Service Turkey SALES Service

Goimendi S.A. Rexroth Mecman Svenska AB INDRAMAT elektromotorji d.o.o. Mannesmann Rexroth Hidropar A..S.
División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Otoki 21 Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3
Jolastokieta (Herrera) Varuvägen 7 SLO - 64 228 Zelezniki TR - 34630 Sefaköy Istanbul
Apartado 11 37 S - 125 81 Stockholm Telefon: +386 64/61 73 32 Telefon: +90 212/541 60 70
E - 20017 San Sebastian Telefon: +46 (0)8/727 92 00 Telefax: +386 64/64 71 50 Telefax: +90 212/599 34 07
Telefon: +34 9 43/40 01 63 Telefax: +46 (0)8/647 32 77
Telefax: +34 9 43/39 17 99

Switzerland SALES Switzerland SALES

-East- Service -West- Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Schweiz AG Mannesmann Rexroth Suisse SA

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Département INDRAMAT
Gewerbestraße 3 Rue du village 1
CH-8500 Frauenfeld CH-1020 Renens
Telefon: +41 (0)52/720 21 00 Telefon: +41 (0)21/632 84 20
Telefax: +41 (0)52/720 21 11 Telefax: +41 (0)21/632 84 21

Europäische Kundenbetreuungsstellen (ohne Deutschland)

European Service agencies (without Germany)

SYNAX Directory of Customer Service Locations

Außerhalb Europa - outside Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Argentina SALES Service Argentina SALES Service Australia SALES Service Australia SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. NAKASE AIMS - Australian Industrial Mannesmann Rexroth Pty. Ltd.
Division INDRAMAT Servicio Tecnico CNC Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. No. 7, Endeavour Way
Acassusso 48 41/7 Calle 49, No. 5764/66 Unit 3/45 Horne ST Braeside Victoria, 31 95
RA - 1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) RA - 1653 Villa Balester Campbellfield , VIC 3061 AUS – Melbourne
Prov. - Buenos Aires AUS - Melbourne
Telefon: +54 (0)11/4756 01 40
Telefax: +54 (0)11/4762 6862 Telefon: +54 (0) 11/4768 36 43 Telefon: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 28
Telefon: +61 (0)3/95 80 39 33
e-mail:[email protected] Telefax: +54 (0) 11/4768 24 13 Telefax: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 86
Telefax: +61 (0)3/95 80 17 33
e-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Brazil SALES Service Brazil SALES Service Canada SALES Service China SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Mannesmann Rexroth Basic Technologies Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt.
Automação Ltda. Automação Ltda. Burlington Division Shanghai Parts & Service Center
Divisão INDRAMAT Divisão INDRAMAT 3426 Mainway Drive 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao
Rua Georg Rexroth, 609 Rua Umberto Pinheiro Vieira, 100 Burlington, Ontario Minhang District
Vila Padre Anchieta Distrito Industrial Canada L7M 1A8 PRC - Shanghai 201 103
BR - 09951-270 Diadema-SP BR - 09220-390 Joinville - SC
Telefon: +1 905/335 55 11 Telefon: +86 21/62 20 00 58
[ Caixa Postal 377 ] [ Caixa Postal 1273 ]
[ BR-09901-970 Diadema-SP ]
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefax: +86 21/62 20 00 68
Tel./Fax: +55 (0)47/473 55 833
Telefon: +55 (0)11/745 90 60 Mobil: +55 (0)47 974 6645
+55 (0)11/745 90 70 e-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: +55 (0)11/745 90 50

China SALES Service China SALES Service Hongkong SALES Service India SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd.
15/F China World Trade Center A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 1/F., 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division
1, Jianguomenwai Avenue Sha He Kou District Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III
PRC - Beijing 100004 PRC - Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hongkong Peenya Industrial Area
IND - Bangalore - 560058
Telefon: +86 10/65 05 03 80 Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 Telefon: +852 22 62 51 00
Telefax: +86 10/65 05 03 79 Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 Telefax: +852 27 44 02 78 Telefon: +91 (0)80/8 39 73 74
Telefax: +91 (0)80/8 39 43 45

India SALES Service Indonesia SALES Service Japan SALES Service Japan SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. PT. Rexroth Wijayakusuma Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd. Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd.
INDRAMAT Division Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 21 Service Center Japan INDRAMAT Division
Plot. A-58, TTC Industrial Area Pulogadung Yutakagaoka 1810, Meito-ku, 1F, I.R. Building
Thane Turbhe Midc Road RI - Jakarta Timur 13920 NAGOYA 465-0035, Japan Nakamachidai 4-26-44, Tsuzuki-ku
Mahape Village YOKOHAMA 224-0041, Japan
Telefon: +62 21/4 61 04 87 Telefon: +81 (0)52/777 88 41
IND - Navi Mumbai - 400 701
+62 21/4 61 04 88 +81 (0)52/777 88 53 Telefon: +81 (0)45/942 72 10
Telefon: +91 (0)22/7 61 46 22 Telefax: +62 21/4 60 01 52 +81 (0)52/777 88 79 Telefax: +81 (0)45/942 03 41
Telefax: +91 (0)22/7 68 15 31 Telefax: +81 (0)52/777 89 01

Mexico SALES Service Korea SALES Service Korea SALES Service South Africa SALES Service

Rexroth Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mannesmann Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd. TECTRA Automation (Pty) Ltd.
Calle Neptuno 72 1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building 28 Banfield Road,Industria North
Unidad Ind. Vallejo ROK - Saha-Ku, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yeouido-Dong RSA - Maraisburg 1700
MEX - 07700 Mexico, D.F. Yeoungdeungpo-Ku
Telefon: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 18 Telefon: +27 (0)11/673 20 80
C.P.O.Box 97 56
Telefon: +52 5 754 17 11 Telefax: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 19 Telefax: +27 (0)11/673 72 69
ROK - Seoul
+52 5 754 36 84
+52 5 754 12 60 Telefon: +82 (0)2/7 80 82 08
Telefax: +52 5 754 50 73 +82 (0)2/7 80 82 09
+52 5 752 59 43 Telefax: +82 (0)2/7 84 54 08

Taiwan SALES Service

Rexroth Uchida Co., Ltd.

No.1, Tsu Chiang Street
Tu Cheng Ind. Estate
Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telefon: +886 2/2 68 13 47
Telefax: +886 2/2 68 53 88

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa - Service agencies outside Europe

Directory of Customer Service Locations SYNAX

Außerhalb Europa / USA - outside Europe / USA


Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Central Region Technical Center Southeastern Technical Center Northeastern Technical Center
USA -Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 USA - Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive 99 Rainbow Road
USA - Suwanee USA - East Granby,
Telefon: +1 847/6 45 36 00 Telefon: +1 248/3 93 33 30
Georgia 30174 Connecticut 06026
Telefax: +1 847/6 45 62 01 Telefax: +1 248/3 93 29 06
Telefon: +1 770/9 32 32 00 Telefon: +1 860/8 44 83 77
+1 770/9 32 19 03 +1 860/8 44 85 95

Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation

Charlotte Regional Sales Office
14001 South Lakes Drive
USA - Charlotte,
North Carolina 28273
Telefon: +1 704/5 83 97 62
+1 704/5 83 14 86

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa / USA

Service agencies outside Europe / USA



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