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X- or -radiation is sparsely ionizing; most damage can be
4 nm
2 nm
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• Reoxygenation
• Redistribution
• Repair
• Repopulation (or Regeneration)
• Radiosensitivity
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Relevance of Radiobiology to Clinical Fractionation
Conventional treatment:
Tumors are generally irradiated with 2Gy dose per fraction delivered
daily to a more or less homogeneous field over a 6 week time period to
a specified total dose
Radiobiological models
• Many models exist
• Based on clinical experience, cell experiments
or mathematics
LQ Model
• β Sub-lethal damage
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At high dose, intertrack repairable Sublethal
Damage may Accumulate forming
unrepairable, lethal MDS
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of sublethal nD0 =
damage final slope
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• multi-hit (cumulative)
injury (e –βD2)
= continuously bending curve
related by a coefficient “ β“
to the square of the dose
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Dose (Gy)
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Beta determines
0.01 curvature
cell kill (low a/b)
cell kill (high a/b)
Dose (Gy)
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•The slope of an isoeffect curve
changes with size of dose per
fraction depending on tissue
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α/β ratios
• Large α/β ratios • Small α/β ratio
• α/β = 10 to 20 • α/β = 2
– Early or acute – Late reacting
reacting tissues tissues, e.g. spinal
– Most tumours cord
– potentially prostate
– breast cancer
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Sensitivity of Tissue to Dose
Fractionation can be estimated by
the ratio
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• Tends to spare late reacting normal tissues - the smaller the
size of the fraction the more sparing for tissues with low α/β
0 2 4 6 8 10
Probability of cell survival
Dose (Gy)
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Acute Responding
S.F. S.F. Fractionated
Tissues = 10Gy
Late Effects
.1 Fractionated
Late Responding
Tissues - = 2Gy Acute Effects
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• Reoxygenation
• Redistribution
• Repair
• Repopulation (or Regeneration)
• Radiosensitivity
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• Normal tissue repopulation is an important
mechanism to reduce acute side effects from
e.g. the irradiation of skin or mucosa
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• The repopulation time of tumour cells appears
to vary during radiotherapy - at the
commencement it may be slow (e.g. due to
hypoxia), however a certain time after the first
fraction of radiotherapy (often termed the “kick-
off time”, Tk) repopulation accelerates.
T2 T3
Total local control
(2 Gy equiv.)
55 no local control
Treatment Duration
4 weeks to start of accelerated repopulation.
Thereafter T1/2 of 4 days = loss of 0.6Gy per day
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Altered Fractionation
• Total dose (D)
• Dose per fraction (d)
• Interval between fractions (t)
• Overall treatment time (T)
• Tumor type
• Acute reacting normal tissues
• Late reacting normal tissues
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• Conventional fractionation
– Dose per week of 9 to 10 Gy
– Daily doses (d) of 1.8 to 2 Gy
– Total dose (D) of 40 to 70 Gy
• Hyperfractionation
– The number of fractions (N) is increased
– T is kept the same
– Dose per fraction (d) less than 1.8 Gy
– Two fractions per day (t)
• Accelerated fractionation
• Shorter overall treatment time
– Dose per fraction of 1.8 to 2 Gy
– More than 10 Gy per week
Rationale: Overcome accelerated tumor repopulation
• Hypofractionation
– Dose per fraction (d) higher than 2.2 Gy
– Reduced total number of fractions (N)
Rationale: Tumor has low ratio and there is no therapeutic
advantage to be gained with respect to late complications
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α/β ratios
• Large α/β ratios • Small α/β ratio
• α/β = 10 to 20 • α/β = 2
– Early or acute – Late reacting
reacting tissues tissues, e.g. spinal
– Most tumours cord
– potentially prostate
– breast cancer
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70 Gy - 35 fx - 7 wks
81.6 Gy - 68 fx - 7 wks
Very accelerated
with reduction of dose
54 Gy - 36 fx - 12 days
Moderately accelerated
72 Gy - 42 fx - 6 wks
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EORTC hyperfractionation trial in oropharynx cancer (N
= 356)
Oropharyngeal Ca T2-3, N0-1
Years Years
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conventional conventional
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% Loss of local control/day
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• working Saturdays
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Relevance of Radiobiology to Clinical Fractionation
Conventional treatment:
Tumors are generally irradiated with 2Gy dose per fraction delivered
daily to a more or less homogeneous field over a 6 week time period to
a specified total dose
The purpose of conventional dose fractionation is to increase dose to the
• Deviating from conventional fractionation protocol impacts outcome
• How do you know what dose to give; for example if you want to change dose
per fraction or time? Radiobiological modeling provide the guidelines. It uses
– Radiobiological principles derived from preclinical data
– Radiobiological parameters derived from clinical altered fractionation
• hyperfractionation, accelerated fractionation, some hypofractionation schedules
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• Know the linear quadratic model formulation and how to use the
LQ model to change dose and dose per fraction
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• Reoxygenation
• Redistribution
• Repair
• Repopulation (or Regeneration)
• Radiosensitivity
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