COSHH Risk Assessment: Healthy Working Lives

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COSHH risk assessment Healthy


Company: Assessor: Date:

The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives is endorsed by: the Confederation of The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives is part of
British Industry (CBl Scotland), the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), the Scottish NHS Health Scotland. We provide information, advice and
Trades Union Congress (STUC), the Scottish Government, the Health and Safety Executive support on health and safety legislation, ocupational health
(HSE), NHS Scotland, the Convention of Local Authorities (COSLA), Jobcentre Plus, and health promotion. To arrange a workplace visit, call our
Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE). adviceline free on 0800 019 2211. Alternatively, contact your
local Healthy Working Lives team based in your NHS Board
area. The contact details for each team are available at

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0800 019 2211
COSHH risk assessment guidance
Activity/task remedial actions should be put in place. If you do not have sufficient
Give a brief description of the process or activity. You should assess the information available to make a judgement then circle the 'Need more
whole process not the individual substances used. Start by using the information' box and review the assessment at the earliest opportunity
checklist to help identify the hazards. when you have obtained the required information.

Hazards from activity Further control measures required

List all of the hazards from the process and hazardous substances If additional controls can be introduced to eliminate or reduce exposure
associated with the task, and remember to assess the risks from mixing still further the details should be listed here and the risk assessment
substances and any dust or fumes produced as part of the process. process should be repeated once these measures are in place.

Those at risk of exposure Hazardous substances

All those exposed to the risks should be listed here. It is important to list It is important to have the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from your supplier.
everyone who could be harmed as it may influence how you control the This should contain the information you need to allow you to complete
risk. A common control measure is to reduce the numbers exposed so an this section. Complete the information for each box in this section from
indication of how many people could be exposed is important. the information contained in the data sheet or the label. Hazard warning
labels will tell you if and how the substance is toxic, corrosive, harmful,
Current control measures irritant, etc. It should also include the risk and safety phrases to help with
List the control measures currently in place to reduce exposure to the the assessment. Routes of exposure can include inhalation, skin contact,
hazardous substances listed. The controls might not all be physical, such ingestion, and injection. What type of effect does exposure have? Could
as extract ventilation or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Others, such it cause chemical burns, skin irritation, headaches, nausea, dizziness?
as the provision of information, instruction and training, safe working Can it cause asthma or dermatitis? Is the substance a carcinogen (cancer
procedures or safe systems of work can also be considered. You need to causing substance)? Does the substance have a Workplace Exposure Limit
be satisfied that they adequately control exposure. The controls may need (WEL)? Is it an 8-hour or 15-minute limit? Highlight what applies – some
to meet certain standards laid down by legislation or a recognised British substances may have both.
or industry standard. Consider emergency procedures for large spills or
accidental releases and first aid requirements. Summary of measures
This section allows you to summarise your findings and include details
Assessment of risk of any special circumstances in relation to storage, safe disposal and any
A judgement should be made taking all factors into account and deciding emergency procedures that may be required. You can also include details
on whether the remaining risk is Unacceptable, Further Controls Required of any monitoring required for physical controls, such as Local Exhaust
or Adequately Controlled. If the risk is unacceptable then immediate Ventilation (LEV) or what your arrangements are for health surveillance.

Talk to the Healthy Working Lives experts free on: 0800 019 2211
COSHH risk assessment
This list is intended to assist you in identifying the hazardous substances involved in the activity. Any other hazards identified may need to be included
in a separate risk assessment.

Substances Route Entry

Solvents Pesticides Inhalation Eyes
Dusts Gases Ingestion Skin contact
Fumes Legionella Injection
Mists Biological other (please specify)
Flammables Body fluids
Solids (e.g. particulate) Liquids (e.g. oils) Health effects
other (please specify) Burns Infection
Skin disorders Poisining
Hazard Respiratory Reproductive problems
Carcinogen - very toxic Harmful or irritant Allergies Cancer
Toxic Sensitising other (please specify)
Corrosive Harmful to environment
other (please specify) Other factors to consider
Special storage Emergency procedures
Amount used Housekeeping Engineering controls
Less than 1g Less than 1cm3 Personal protective equipment Monitoring if required (health,
(1g - 100g) (1cm3 - 100cm3) workplace, etc.)
100g - 1kg 100cm3 - 1L First aid Health surveillance if required
1kg - 10kg 1L - 10L Flammable Incompatible with other
Over 10kg Over 10L other (please specify)
other (please specify)

Talk to the Healthy Working Lives experts free on: 0800 019 2211
COSHH risk assessment
Activity/task Complete the relevant details of the task being assessed

Hazards from activity All hazards associated with the task should be entered here. Refer to instructions

Those at risk of exposure Staff, public and others

Current control measures List current control measures and observations on their use

Talk to the Healthy Working Lives experts free on: 0800 019 2211
COSHH risk assessment
Adjustment of risk With these controls the risk of exposure is (please tick)

Unacceptable Further controls required Adequately controlled Need more information

Further control measures required List further action needed to adequately control exposure

Hazardous substances Information on all hazardous substances associated with the task should be entered here. Refer to instructions
Name, strength, Data sheet Hazard category Route(s) of exposure Effects of exposure WEL
form Yes No e.g. toxic, risk ppm or mg/m3
phrase(s) 8hrs or 15mins

Talk to the Healthy Working Lives experts free on: 0800 019 2211
COSHH risk assessment
Note: 8 hours or 15 minutes exposure limit – highlight what applies – some substances have both

Summary of measures List measures relating to storage, handling, disposal and emergency measures here. Also list any monitoring of controls, e.g. LEVs and
health surveillance requirements.

Assessment review date and initials:

Use a new box each time assessment is reviewed.

© NHS Health Scotland 2014

5030 5/2014
Talk to the Healthy Working Lives experts free on: 0800 019 2211

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