Objective of MGR Alumni Association: "Stay Connected To Share & Care"

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About Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute University.

Aiming to bring about change and progress through education, the Tmt.Kannammal
Educational Trust was constituted in 1985 and started Thai Moogambigai Polytechnic College.
Within three years of its inception, Dr. M.G.R. Engineering College was founded in 1988, and
the Thai Moogambigai Dental College was started in the year 1991. Both the colleges acquired
Deemed University status in 2003 as Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute as per the
orders of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi and the Union Ministry of Human
Resources and Development, Government of India, New Delhi.

1. Objective of MGR Alumni Association

The Alumni Association functions with objectives by staging an annual program of

events and reunions; through communications, by providing a range of discounts and services for
alumni. With the motto of

“Stay Connected to share & Care”.

The MGR Alumni Association aims to achieve the objective of association through
following practice, to keep a roster of all Alumni of college and their pertinent data, maintaining
the updated and current information of all Alumni. To encourage, foster and promote close
relations among the alumni themselves. To promote a sustained sense of belonging to the Alma
Mater among the Alumni by being in regular contact with them. To provide and disseminate
information regarding their Alma Mater, its graduates, faculties and students to the Alumni. To
guide and assist Alumni who have recently completed their courses of study at the Dr.MGR
Educational and Research Institute to keep them engaged in productive pursuits useful to the
society. To provide a forum for the Alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and
social issues of the day by organizing and coordinating reunion activities of the Alumni. To let
the alumni acknowledge their gratitude to their Alma Mater.

2. Online portal Alma Connect:

Below we had listed the Alma portal which has a versatile social connectivity web base
portal for convenient interaction. Specialty of Alma connect portal, it’s a place to share the
memories, jobs, newsletter, by alumni office with alumni. The alumni meet their friends and
share the memories photos, interest, as per their care.

“Stay Connected to share & Care”.

Last few months Alma connect usage statistics

Title March April May June July August
Post 94 12 37 25 10 13
Jobs 4 1 03
Users 1198 634 1264 106 202 352
Visitor 1982 939 1756 651 612 691

The alma connect login page through which all our communication takes place through it.
3. MAA office Network

We had specific geographical division on the basis of national and international network
according to regions for the better relationship and sharing. The network map is a base with
which we maintain our alumni region wise. The MAA network works with office for conducting
alumni events, alumni service support. We had categories this so that the alumnus falls under the
region in any ways. So it’s easy to document and share region based network activities to
alumnus of particular region.

4. Alumni Meet

 University Alumni Meet

 Department Alumni Meet
 Society or Club Alumni Meet.

University Alumni Meet:

University alumni meets, Alumni events by outstanding alumni’s, Alumni Network meeting are
conducted by MAA office.
Alumni Meet 25th Year:

We are very happy that our first batch (1988-92) Graduated Alumni of Dr.MGR Engineering
College, Maduravoyal (presently Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute- University) has
celebrated the 25th Reunion at the University premises on 8th of July 2017, The Alumni meet
was inaugurated by the President Er.A.C.S.Arun Kumar by lighting the Kutuvilaku. Thiru
A.C.Shanmugam, Founder Chancellor, delivered a Heart touching Presidential address in which
he mentioned that there are 10 Entrepreneur, 51 serving in Industries, 15 in Government Sectors
including one IAS officer, 15 were NRI and 10 from Academics. The function followed by the
keynote deliveries from Dr.K. Meer Mustafa Hussain (Vice Chancellor), Dr.P.T.Manoharan
(Advisor) and Dr.Cyril Raj (Dean E&T). The President felicitated all the 70 Alumni with
memorable memento. Founder Chancellor was felicitated by the Alumni with a carved Glass
Shield of 25years reunion. The Alumni shared their memories, experience with their juniors,
followed by the Department visit. Finally, the event concluded with the group photo and an
Executive Lunch. The Management expressed its gratitude to the organizers of 25th-year
Department Alumni Meet:

Department alumni meet is conducted under respective departments on their interest, the
department alumni meet along with department lecture are conducted by the departmental

The Alumni Meet was conducted by the Department of Computer Applications. This
program aimed at the building the relationship between Students and Alumni of MCA. This
program was scheduled on 12/09/2016. This event had some Buddy talks which helped the
students to get some guidelines from the alumni to face the hurdles and tackle the uncertainties in
building their career path. the session was so motivating to our students and of course the
Alumni had gala time on watching our students cultural performances.

Department Alumni Meet by MCA

Alumni events by MAA office

The Alumni Event engage with student is an initiative by MAA office to bridge the challenging
Alumni with students so the they share their success story, motivate them and expand their
insights of life to new dreams and plan achieve by all means.

Event Inauguration and Proceedings:

Er.ACS. ArunKumar Honorable president felicitated the alumni with Memento and appreciated
his achievements in adventure and contribution to the social cause.

MGR Alumni 2004, Life Scientist Naresh Kumar delivered an interactive talk with students at
Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute Conference Hall, 2 pm, 01/08/2017. He inspired all
our students and faculty with his fabulous and motivational speech about a dream big it's

The meeting started with the speech of Rector, who appreciated the alumni Er.Naresh Kumar for
his achievements and Dean E&T was extremely happy about his social entrepreneurship skills.
Conveyed his regards for motivation of the students. Er Naresh started his emulsifying speech
with his in life experience. The insights and his progress with his social cause for development of
under privileged.

Society or Club Alumni Meet:

The society or club alumni meet is conducted by respective society under association in
support with MGR Alumni Association.

The release of the souvenir – Decennial took place at the A.C.S. Convention Centre
which was hosted by Mr. Deebavignesh, Student member of The Literary Seminary. Our
President, Er. A.C.S. Arun Kumar was felicitated by Mr. Shanfaz, Student member of The
Literary Seminary. The souvenir was released by our President and the first copy was handed
over to the 1st co-convener Mr. Souwmyadeep Chakraborti and he delivered the reciprocal. After
which a short documentary on the journey of The Literary Seminary was released by our
President and then played.

The gathering assembled back at the University for lunch. Post lunch, student – alumni
interaction took place followed by cultural evening where the members of the club enacted on a
Shakespearean skit – As You Like It and sang songs for the alumni. Thereafter the convener of
the club Dr. S. Padmasani Kannan distributed the souvenir to the alumni members.
Society or Club Alumni Meet: LIT ALUMNI MEET’17

5. Alumni Events:

The Departmental alumni meet is conducted by departments every semester from the department
association. There are totally 27 events took place till Sep 2017 in department alumni events.
The Alumni series lecture is one of the top event in which will happen in continuation to every
semester with topic of current trends is the so special about the event.

The department of EEE organized a Alumni Lecture Series IV on 04-03-16 by Er. Abhishek
Kumar, Assistant Project Manager, Vermicols at Dr. M. G. R. Educational & Research Institute,
main campus. The main objective was to provide useful insight of higher studies, job
opportunities to the 3rd year students. Ms. E. Sheeba Percis, Head of the Department & IEEE-
MGR branch counselor introduced the chief guest Er. Abhishek Kumar, Assistant Project
Manager, Vermicols.
2 faculties, 45 Students participated in the Alumni Lecture Series.

The following topics were discussed.

• Views about the university

• Ideas about various subjects

• Ideas about higher studies

• Preparation for exams

Sl.No Alumni Departmental Alumni Events Number

1 Bio Tech 3
2 Chemical 1
3 Civil 2
4 CSE & IT 3
5 ECE 1
6 EEE 8
7 Total 18

6. Alumni Involvement:

The alumni are involved in board of studies for syllabus updating and Internal Quality
Assurance Cell (IQAC) in which the curriculum itself is set with the knowledge of alumni. There
are about 30 alumnus were connected to the IQAC in regards to any discussion on the basis’s of
requirement of analysis of any implementation is been prior in regards to quality improvement in

7. Alumni Services:

The Alumni services are currently provide to students in regards to all queries related to
transcript, Degree certificate late collection and Bonafied for Visa process. Inclusive of it we are
planning to provide the following services. To open a research lab for Alumni’s, helping the
alumni’s for their Higher studies through the university, Providing them an online link for
getting Bonafied, Performa, and degree certificates, Live chat in Skype with Faculties, The job
opportunities and research activities for alumni, Alumni webinar through alumni office.

8. Alumni Newsletter:

The details and content of the alumni newsletter is the planned of every quarterly will
have the following contents as follows, MGR MAA Activities & MGR Chapter News will be
flashed, Alumni Interaction Sessions (Department Details),DR MGR Educational and Research
Institute University News (Events and happenings in University),International relations office
update, Placements and Training centre update, Alum Achievements (Data from Alumni ),
Alumni Personal achievements, New start-up, Alumni who received awards/recognition,
Alumni Technical knowledge sharing Update (Data from Alumni), Alumni need to present a
write up for minimum 200 words with photo on relevant technology, Dr MGR Academic
Research data (Research Details from University), Health info, Wedding bells & Bundle of joy./
Newborn wishes (Data from Alumni).

9. Alumni Co-coordinator Meeting:

The alumni coordinator meeting is utilized to enhance the departmental and university
activity for the alumni relation enhancement department wise for this we have about 24 staff
coordinator and 38 student alumni coordinator are continuously working with alumni office.

Sl.No Alumni Coordinator Meeting No of Meeting

1 Alumni Faculty Coordinator meeting 7
2 Alumni Student Coordinator Meeting 5
3 Alumni Faculty & Student Coordinator 5
Total 17

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