An Introduction To IP Video and Precision Time Protocol - : White Paper
An Introduction To IP Video and Precision Time Protocol - : White Paper
An Introduction To IP Video and Precision Time Protocol - : White Paper
Although many see IP Video as new technology, in fact in video production. These new workflows in turn are likely to lead to
distribution workflows, the transition from ASI to IP began new types of content to provide to viewers and with it new
almost 15 years ago and IT technology began to enable the sources of revenue. One aspect of using IP for transporting
transition to file-based workflows more than 10 years ago. In video that is often overlooked is that scalability is no longer
fact production is the last remaining stronghold for SDI and that a function of port density, but instead is merely a function of
is set to change. It is reasonable to ask why SDI remains in use bandwidth.
in live production workflows. The answer is that the technology
works very well indeed, giving outstanding image quality, with Having said this, IP does bring with it some challenges,
extremely low levels of jitter and latency as well as offering including jitter; latency; the risk of dropped packets, an inherent
an extremely “thin” unidirectional protocol that is extremely lack of synchronicity along with asymmetry which results in
easy to deploy and which makes frame accurate switching different path delays upstream and downstream. However all
inherently simple. In addition SDI is an open, non-proprietary the above are surmountable, but it does not change the fact
and universally supported standard. that IP is a complex set of bi-directional protocols requiring
a knowledge of both the source and destination before
So why would we want to move to using IP? The most deployment. It is often thought that transporting uncompressed
commonly quoted reasoning is the ability to use Commercially or lightly compressed video is the most difficult application for
Off-The-Shelf (COTS) IT-based infrastructure, which takes IP, but in fact it could be easily argued that trading floors, where
advantage of the economies of scale of the IT industry time is money demand even greater levels of performance.
when compared with the relatively small broadcast industry. Switches intended for trading room applications typically offer
In addition it offers advantages of reducing cabling cost latencies less than 250 ns, which offers more than enough
and weight. All this certainly true, but probably the biggest performance for IP video applications, where timing accuracy is
advantage is the much greater routing flexibility offered along typically around 1 µs.
with enabling new workflows such as downstream/centralized
An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
The Application of Standards ST 2059-1 and 2059-2. Likewise, there is an AES67-2015 PTP
profile for use with audio transmitted over RTP using the AES67
In general, when we refer to video over IP in the context of any format. The first part of the SMPTE ST 2059 standard refers
video production workflow, we are referring to the distribution to “the generation and alignment of interface signals to the
of either baseband or lightly compressed video over Real Time SMPTE Epoch” (Date 1970-01-01 Time 00:00:00 TAI) and the
Protocol, commonly referred to as RTP. The advantage of using second part refers to the definition of a “SMPTE profile for use
RTP as opposed to Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) for of IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol in professional broadcast
the transport layer is twofold. RTP packets are time-stamped applications”. SMPTE ST 2059-2 is designed to enable any
making the measurement of packet delay variation easier, but slave introduced into a network to become synchronized within
critically the packets also carry a sequence number, making the 5 seconds and to maintain network-based time accuracy
detection of dropped or out-of-order packets relatively straight between slaves to within 1 micro second. It should be noted
forward. that while PTP provides a mechanism to synchronize the real-
time clocks of devices on an Ethernet-based network to the
In addition to carrying Video over IP, in a live production same time, it does not make the network itself synchronous
environment it is critical to consider synchronization and (as is the case with Synchronous Ethernet also referred to as
timing. The asynchronous nature of IP has the advantage that SyncE).
many different traffic types can be carried across a network
without having to be concerned with synchronization, but this Coming back to the carriage of Video over IP, there are a
presents a challenge in the production environment where number of specific industry standards and proprietary methods
synchronization is critical to enable frame-accurate switching for its distribution. SMPTE ST 2022-6 is a standard designed
as well as synchronous video processing. To provide the to transport uncompressed SDI video, embedded audio and
necessary “genlock”, there remains the need for a precise metadata over RTP/UDP. Although it is possible to send audio
timing standard, which for both IP and Ethernet networks is on a separate flow, for example using AES67, it should be
provided in the form of the IEEE 1588-2008 Precision Time noted that the payload is always an entire SDI datagram carried
Protocol, commonly referred to as PTP version 2. This is also at constant bitrate. When audio is distributed as a separate
the basis of a recently introduced SMPTE PTP standard, flow, the bitrate of this flow must be provisioned, in addition to
specifically intended for the timing and synchronization of the bitrate required by SMPTE ST 259M, 292M or 424M.
video transmitted over RTP networks – the two part SMPTE
Source IP Dest IP
SMPTE RTP Headers SDI Payload
Address Address
FIGURE 2. SMPTE ST 2022-6 IP Packet Format (A Single IP Flow Can Carry Video, Audio and Metadata over SDI).
Within the SMPTE ST 2022 family of standards, there is also SMPTE 2022-7 Seamless IP Protection Switching is enabled
provision for a method for Forward Error Correction (FEC), as by IGMP multicasts and provides a method to clean switch
defined by SMPTE ST 2022-5 and also a method for seamless RTP packets using frame numbers. It can tolerate the complete
protection switching of two SMPTE ST 2022 datagrams in order failure of one network path. With seamless (otherwise known
to provide failover protection, as defined by SMPTE ST 2022-7. as “hitless”) failover, the receiver selects packets from the main
or backup streams in order to produce an error-free output, at
SMPTE ST 2022-5 Forward Error Correction creates redundant the cost of doubling required network bandwidth. The example
row and column FEC packets which are used to correct shown below shows an error-free output even though the main
errors in the video data packets. Using FEC is a trade-off stream has suffered a total network failure.
between error recovery ability, extra bandwidth required, extra
processing needed along with the associated receiver latency
caused by the extra processing required.
Sender Receiver Sender
Loss Receiver
X X3 X2
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1
Stream IP Switch Stream IP Switch
Sender M Main Sender M Main
3 2 1 3 2 1
Packet Packet
Selection Selection
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
Duplicate IP Switch Duplicate IP Switch
Stream B Backup Stream B Backup
An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
FIGURE 5. VSF TR-03 IP Packet Formats. Dedicated IP Flows Carry Video, Audio and Metadata Essence.
FIGURE 6. ASPEN IP Packet Formats. Dedicated IP Flows Carry Video, Audio and Metadata Essence over TS.
A second method for transporting video over IP networks is Another method for carrying video over IP in common usage
defined by the Video Services Forum as VSF TR-03. This is the Evertz ASPEN format (submitted to SMPTE as RDD 37),
differs from SMPTE ST 2022-6, in that it separates video, audio which has some similarity to TR-03 in that separate IP flows are
and metadata elements into separate IP flows using RTP/UDP. dedicated to carrying video, audio and metadata elements, but
Advantages claimed for this method are inherent avoidance in the case of ASPEN, these elements are carried on an MPEG-
of audio embedding or wasted bandwidth associated with 2 Transport Stream (TS) over RTP/UDP. Similar advantages
carrying only video over SDI over IP. PTP synchronization is are claimed for ASPEN when compared to SMPTE ST 2022-6.
accommodated through support of both IEEE 1588 default PTP synchronization is supported by offering compatibility with
profile as well as the SMPTE ST 2059-2 profile. A related SMPTE ST 2059-2.
standard, TR-04 defines how SMPTE ST 2022-6 media flows
can be used in an interoperable manner within the context of a
TR-03 environment.
12G into 10G Won’t Go – Light applications, others would argue that it is overly complex for
the application and is better suited to its intended contribution
Compression application. Block transform codecs (MPEG-2, H.264, HEVC
The practical and affordable deployment of 4K/UHD is likely etc.) deliver high levels of compression at the expense of
to lead to the adoption of light compression methods for use high levels of complexity and latency. The wavelet-based
with 10GigE Ethernet. Although 10-bit High Dynamic Range codecs deliver lower levels of compression for high quality or
(HDR) has minimal impact on bitrate, the adoption of 12-bit lossless applications, but with much lower levels of complexity
HDR results in an approximately 20% increase in required and associated latency. There are three methods commonly
bandwidth. It is perhaps obvious that High Frame Rate (100/120 proposed for use in production applications and all are relatively
fps) requires light compression to be used with 10GigE simple and light weight wavelet compression algorithms. They
networks. All these new technology conspire to drive adoption are the Sony Low Latency Video CODEC – LLVC (submitted to
of light compression methods in order to fit ever more data into SMPTE as RDD 34); the Intopix Tiny CODEC – TICO (submitted
a 10G pipe. All compression methods are a trade-off between to SMPTE as RDD 35); and VC-2 – also known as Dirac Pro,
latency, compression ratio and picture quality. In live production which developed by BBC research and development and is
applications only low levels of compression (typically 4:1) are standardized as SMPTE ST 2042. All these wavelet CODECs
required, whilst conversely, latency needs to be low and the are intra-coded and are designed to deliver extremely high-
picture quality needs to be of the highest order. Although some quality video at low levels of compression and with low latency.
have proposed the use of JPEG 2000 for use in production
An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
T3 Sent 11:06
Delay Request
ARR 11:02 T4
T4-T3 =
Master_To_Slave Δt Delay Response
= -4 Mins Message
(Timestamped @ 11:02)
Using the diagram above as a reference, the Slave is now able If the propagation delay in both directions is in fact different,
to calculate the difference between its own clock and that of the then the slave is offset to “correct” for this by adjusting its
Grandmaster using the Master-to-Slave sync packet delay (T2- clock to a value of half the asymmetry. The clock’s control loop
T1) and Slave-to-Master delay request packet-delay (T4-T3). adjusts the slave time to make the Master-to-Slave and Slave-
The Offset (Slave Time – Master Time) = [(T2-T1)-(T4-T3)]/2 and to-Master propagation delays appear to be equal. That is, the
the Oneway delay = [(T2-T1)+(T4-T3)]/2. For the slave time to be control loop adjusts the slave time such that T2-T1 = T4-T3.
now correct, the propagation delay in both directions must be
An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
If both identical Masters are locked to GPS, they will have the
The BMC Algorithm runs on all clocks in a network and uses
same clock quality, so the lowest Priority Two Field value will
a number of criteria to determine which Master should be
select which is the Grandmaster. If the Main clock loses GPS
Grandmaster including the following in priority order:
lock, then the Backup clock becomes the Better Master and will
take over as Grandmaster.
1. User Definable Priority 1 Field (the lowest value <= 128 wins)
2. Clock Class (e.g. GPS vs free running)
It is worth noting that if any GPS synchronized Master loses
3. Clock Accuracy
GPS lock, it will of-course itself become free running and will be
4. Clock Variance (jitter and wander) reliant upon its own internal local oscillator. However good this
5. User Definable Priority 2 Field (the lowest value <= 128 wins) oscillator is, over an extended period of time it will drift, even if
6. Clock Source Port ID (usually the Ethernet MAC Address) slightly relative to the GPS clock. Once GPS lock re-acquired,
unless the Master’s local oscillator phase-lock loop (PLL) is
driven slowly to re-synchronize with the GPS clock, then the
system can suffer from what is known as “Sync Shock” when
the Master’s clock frequency suddenly changes. Whilst this
may be acceptable in some IT applications, this is of course
Power On,
Reset highly undesirable in a video production application. In the
case of the SPG8000A, the “Stay Genlock” feature is designed
specifically to avoid the problem of Sync Shock through careful
control of the PLL.
Source Port
It is vital that switches and routers in any IP video network that
relies upon PTP for synchronization are “PTP Aware”. That is
they are able to account for their own queuing delay, to ensure Sequence ID
downstream timing accuracy. This can be achieved in one of
two ways. The first is by the switch acting as a transparent Control
clock which hardware time stamps Sync and Delay Request Log
messages on arrival and departure and adds the difference to a
correction field in the message.
Time Stamp
The second way for a switch or router to account for its own
queuing delay is to act as a Boundary Clock, which receives
time from a Master on one slave port and provides one or more
Master (not Grandmaster) ports to downstream Slaves in a PTP
FIGURE 12. Sync/Delay Request Message Format.
Domain and in doing so, removes the effect of its own queue.
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An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
PTP Domain 1
PTP Grand Master – Ordinary Clock
Sync Message
Router – Transparent Clock
Camera – Ordinary Clock (Slave)
Sync Message (with correction)
Camera – Ordinary Clock (Slave)
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An Introduction to IP Video and Precision Time Protocol
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