Salamanca Statement and Framework For Action of 1994
Salamanca Statement and Framework For Action of 1994
Salamanca Statement and Framework For Action of 1994
In June 7-10, 1994, representatives of 92 governments and 25 international organizations formed the World
Conference on Special Needs Education, held in Salamanca, Spain. They agreed a new dynamic Statement on the
education of all disabled children, which called for inclusion to be the norm. In addition, the Conference adopted a
new Framework for Action, the guiding principle of which is that ordinary schools should accommodate all children,
regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions.
Call to governments
The World Conference went on to call upon all governments to:
Give the highest policy and budgetary priority' to improve education services so that all children could be
included, regardless of differences or difficulties.
Adopt as a matter of law or policy the principle of inclusive education and enroll all children in ordinary
schools unless there were compelling reasons for doing otherwise.
Develop demonstration projects and encourage exchanges with countries with inclusive schools.
Ensure that organizations of disabled people, along with parents and community bodies, are involved in
planning decision-making.
Put greater effort into pre-school strategies as well as vocational aspects of inclusive education.
Ensure that both initial and in-service teacher training address the provision of inclusive education.
Inclusive schooling
The Statement also calls on the international community to endorse the approach of inclusive schooling and
to support the development of special needs education as an integral part of all education programs. In particular it
calls on UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank for this endorsement.
It asks for the United Nations and its specialized agencies to 'strengthen their inputs for technical
cooperation' and improve their networking for more efficient support to integrated special needs provision. Non-
governmental Organizations are asked to strengthen their collaboration with official national bodies and become
more involved in all aspects of inclusive education.
Section III. Guidelines for Action at the Regional and International Level
This section emphasizes the importance of international cooperation among governmental non-
governmental, regional and interregional organizations which plays a very important role in supporting the move
towards inclusive schools.