Comorbid Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and Bipolar Disorder: A Review

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published: 25 August 2021

doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.719241

Comorbid Premenstrual Dysphoric

Disorder and Bipolar Disorder: A
Anastasiya Slyepchenko 1,2 , Luciano Minuzzi 1,2 and Benicio N. Frey 1,2*
Women’s Health Concerns Clinic and Mood Disorders Treatment and Research Centre, St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton,
Hamilton, ON, Canada, 2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton,
ON, Canada

Bipolar disorder (BD) differs in its clinical presentation in females compared to males.
A number of clinical characteristics have been associated with BD in females: more
rapid cycling and mixed features; higher number of depressive episodes; and a higher
prevalence of BD type II. There is a strong link between BD and risk for postpartum mood
episodes, and a substantial percentage of females with BD experience premenstrual
mood worsening of varying degrees of severity. Females with premenstrual dysphoric
disorder (PMDD)—the most severe form of premenstrual disturbances—comorbid with
BD appear to have a more complex course of illness, including increased psychiatric
comorbidities, earlier onset of BD, and greater number of mood episodes. Importantly,
there may be a link between puberty and the onset of BD in females with comorbid PMDD
Edited by:
Domenico De Berardis, and BD, marked by a shortened gap between the onset of BD and menarche. In terms
Azienda Usl Teramo, Italy of neurobiology, comorbid BD and PMDD may have unique structural and functional
Reviewed by: neural correlates. Treatment of BD comorbid with PMDD poses challenges, as the first
Luis Gutiérrez-Rojas,
University of Granada, Spain
line treatment of PMDD in the general population is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
Teri Pearlstein, which produce risk of treatment-emergent manic symptoms. Here, we review current
Warren Alpert Medical School of
literature concerning the clinical presentation, illness burden, and unique neurobiology of
Brown University, United States
BD comorbid with PMDD. We additionally discuss obstacles faced in symptom tracking,
Benicio N. Frey and management of these comorbid disorders.
[email protected]
Keywords: premenstrual dysphoric disorder, bipolar disorder, women’s mental health, premenstrual syndrome,
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Mood and Anxiety Disorders,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychiatry
There is a notable impact of hormonal fluctuations on the presentation of bipolar disorder (BD),
Received: 02 June 2021 particularly during periods of reproductive life events such as pregnancy, the postpartum period,
Accepted: 03 August 2021
during menarche, and menopause. BD is a debilitating psychiatric disorder, characterized by
Published: 25 August 2021
episodes of mood disturbance of varying severity. BD type I is a disorder diagnosed following a fully
syndromal manic episode, though most individuals with BD I also experience depressive episodes.
Slyepchenko A, Minuzzi L and
Frey BN (2021) Comorbid
In turn, BD type II involves the experience of at least one hypomanic episode and at least one
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and depressive episode (1).
Bipolar Disorder: A Review. The prevalence and incidence of BD type I appears to be equal between sexes (2–4), though there
Front. Psychiatry 12:719241. have been some mixed findings of sex differences in prevalence and incidence of BD type II (4–6).
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.719241 In females, presentation of BD is marked by increased rates of rapid cycling (54.5 vs. 46.6% in one

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 1 August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 719241

Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

study), and the acceleration of cycles (30.3 vs. 20.3% according of feeling out of control, or feeling overwhelmed; (7) physical
to one study). Female sex is linked to the worsening severity symptoms, like swelling or tenderness of breasts, reports of pain,
of episodes over time (50.1 vs. 39.2%) (6), as well as the bloating, or increased weight. Importantly, these symptoms must
presence of mixed episodes (5). Additionally, antidepressant- be tracked through prospective ratings every day for at least
induced mania has been reported to occur over 3 times more 2 symptomatic cycles, though a provisional diagnosis may be
frequently among females (7). provided if these ratings are not available (1).
The rates of comorbidities of BD are also distinct between There are a number of demographic factors associated
the sexes: male sex is associated with over two times the risk with PMDD in the community, including older age, and
of alcohol use disorder (8, 9), and females have 0.3 times lower low socioeconomic status. PMDD is linked to a number
substance use disorder compared to males (10). Females in of comorbidities, including anxiety disorders, somatoform
turn are nearly 6 more times likely to have comorbid eating disorders, major depressive disorder and BD (20, 21). Females
disorders (10, 11), and potentially, more than double the risk with PMDD also report higher impairment and use of health and
of anxiety disorders, such as agoraphobia and specific phobias mental health services, in addition to higher suicide attempt rates
(11). Additionally, there is a higher likelihood of suicide attempts (20, 22). According to prospective findings from a community-
among females than males—one study found 39.4% of females to based sample from Munich, Germany, experiencing traumatic
have a history of at least one suicide attempt, compared to 23.5% events, having a previous anxiety disorder, and daily hassles may
of males (6). increase the risk of developing PMDD over time (23).
Interestingly, the age of onset for BD differs between males Below, we provide a scoping review of the clinical
and females, with males having earlier onset of their first manic presentation of comorbid BD and PMDD, and outline findings in
episode (12, 13). The onset of BD usually occurs between neuroimaging and hormonal studies of biological underpinnings
ages 15–23 in females, and the disorder usually begins with of these comorbid disorders. We will also discuss tracking
depressive, rather than manic or hypomanic episodes (14). these comorbid conditions, and potential treatment options for
Onset of this disorder therefore occurs during adolescence females with these disorders.
and young adulthood, meaning that the disorder overlaps
with many significant reproductive life events in females, such
as menarche, the perimenstrual period, the perinatal period
and perimenopausal period. While the link between BD and To conduct this scoping review, we searched the
postpartum worsening has been well-described and documented, PubMed/Medline database using an inclusive search strategy
much less is known about the link between BD and premenstrual with the keywords “bipolar” or “manic depressive” combined
disorders. Thus, in this review, we provide an update on studies with “premenstrual” or “late luteal,” limiting our search to
investigating the link between BD and premenstrual disorders. articles published in the English language up until April 2021,
yielding a total of 148 items. We selected articles which described
premenstrual exacerbation, premenstrual symptoms of any
Severe Premenstrual Syndrome and severity, and PMDD among individuals with BD. We focused
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder our review on clinical characteristics, biological underpinnings,
Many females experience symptoms of affective, cognitive, neurobiology, symptom tracking and treatment of premenstrual
and somatic disturbance during the late luteal phase of their symptoms of any severity in BD. A summary of the findings
menstrual cycle. Prior estimates have indicated that over 80% of of our review, describing differences in individuals with BD
females experience at least mild premenstrual symptoms, while comorbid with premenstrual symptoms of different severities
∼10–21% of females experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be found in Table 1.
(15–17). According to several estimates, premenstrual dysphoric
disorder (PMDD), the most severe form of PMS that is described
in the DSM-5, is experienced by 1–5% of females (17–19). SEVERE PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME
The diagnosis of PMDD is relatively new to the DSM, having AND PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC
been introduced as an official diagnosis for the first time in the DISORDER IN BIPOLAR DISORDER
DSM-5. To be diagnosed with PMDD, five, or more symptoms
must present during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle Among females with BD, 45 to 68% report having premenstrual
(i.e., the last week of the cycle, prior to the onset of menses), and mood symptoms varying in severity (2, 26, 29, 31, 32). Similarly,
must be relieved in the week following menses. One or more of females with PMDD are much more likely to have a diagnosis
the symptoms must be a mood disturbance—that is an increase in of BD compared to the general population, with an 8-fold
affective lability; irritability/anger; depressed mood, hopelessness increase in risk reported by one study (20), and 2.3 times
or self-deprecation; and/or increased tension, anxiety, or feeling higher prevalence of BD reported by a study among young
on edge. One or more of the symptoms must also fall into the females (21). Persons who have comorbid PMDD and BD
somatic or cognitive domain, including (1) a reduction in interest have been reported to have a worse course of illness, marked
in activities or hobbies; (2) trouble concentrating; (3) feelings by a higher number of episodes, higher comorbidities, higher
of lethargy, fatigue, or reduced energy; (4) changes in appetite; rates of rapid cycling, and other factors that amount to worse
(5) sleep difficulties (i.e., insomnia or hypersomnia); (6) reports clinical outcomes (26).

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 2 August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 719241

Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

TABLE 1 | Clinical and neurobiological characteristics associated with premenstrual exacerbation, severe premenstrual symptoms, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
in bipolar disorder.

Clinical and Neurobiological Characteristic Premenstrual BD with Premenstrual Symptom Comorbidity Compared to BD Only

Mood episodes BD-PME Increased number of depressive episodes (24)

BD-Severe PMS Not linked to number of episodes or episode duration (25)
BD-PMDD More [hypo]manic or depressive episodes in past year, more lifetime depressive episodes (26)
Symptom severity: depression and mania BD-PME Higher symptom severity for manic and depressive symptoms (24)
BD-PMDD Follicular: worsened depressive symptoms, no differences in manic symptoms.
Late luteal: similar depressive symptoms, worse manic symptoms (27)
Symptom severity: anxiety BD-PMDD Late luteal: higher state anxiety. No differences in trait anxiety (27)
Biological rhythms disruption and sleep quality BD-PMDD Follicular and late luteal: worsened subjective biological rhythms disruptions, similar sleep
quality (27)
Rapid cycling BD-PMDD Mixed findings-higher risk of rapid cycling (26), no link to rapid cycling (28)
Relapse BD-PME Linked to shorter time to relapse of syndromal/subsyndromal mood episode (24)
Cyclothymia BD-PMDD Associated with cyclothymia (28).
Bipolar disorder type BD-PMDD Mixed findings: associated with BD type II (28, 29), not associated with BD type I or II (26)
First episode polarity BD-PMDD Not linked to first episode polarity (26)
Age of onset BD-Severe PMS Linked to earlier age of onset (25).
BD-PMDD Mixed findings. Linked to earlier onset of depressive and manic episodes (26), not linked to age
of onset (28).
Seasonal pattern BD-PMDD Not linked to seasonal pattern (28).
Psychotic features/past hospitalization BD-PMDD Not linked to psychotic features/past hospitalization (28).
Comorbid conditions BD-PMDD Linked to history of anxiety disorder (including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder with
and without agoraphobia), lifetime substance/ alcohol abuse or dependence, lifetime bulimia
nervosa, lifetime post-traumatic stress disorder and adult attention deficit and hyperactivity
disorder (26), body dysmorphic disorders (28). Mixed findings: BD-PMDD linked to obsessive
compulsive disorder according to Fornaro and Perugi (28), not linked to obsessive compulsive
disorder according to Slyepchenko et al. (26).
Oral contraceptives BD-PMDD Linked to more severe mood symptoms during oral contraceptive use (26)
Reproductive life events: menarche, pregnancy, BD-PME Mood worsening in perimenstrual, postnatal, menopausal period (30)
postpartum, menopause
BD-Severe PMS No link between mood symptoms during premenstrual period with postnatal or
perimenopausal period in BD type I (31).
BD-PMDD Linked to earlier age at menarche and shorter span of time between menarche and BD onset
(26), linked to mood symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum (26, 28).
Hormones BD-PMDD No difference in hormone levels (β17-estradiol, progesterone, allopregnanolone,
dehydroepiandosterone sulfate) (27)
Resting-state functional connectivity (magnetic BD-PMDD Higher functional connectivity between L hippocampus and R frontal cortex
resonance imaging) Decreased functional connectivity between R hippocampus and R premotor cortex (27).
Cortical thickness BD-PMDD Decreased cortical thickness in L superior frontal, L. pericalcarine, L. superior parietal gyri, R
middle temporal and rostral middle frontal cortices. Increased cortical thickness in L superior
temporal gyrus (27).
Subcortical structure volume BD-PMDD Late luteal – increased volume in L caudate nucleus. No differences in R caudate, bilateral
putamen, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, accumbens area, ventral encephalon (27)

BD, bipolar disorder; BD-PMDD, bipolar disorder comorbid with premenstrual dysphoric disorder; L, left; PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder; PME, premenstrual exacerbation;
PMS, premenstrual syndrome; R, right.

CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF COMORBID disorders, including a higher number of episodes, shorter time
BIPOLAR DISORDER AND to relapse, earlier age of onset, risk of rapid cycling, and higher
PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER number of comorbidities (24, 26).
In a prospective study of 293 females with BD from
There have been a number of studies investigating the course the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for BD
of illness and clinical presentation in females with premenstrual (STEP-BD), Dias and colleagues found that females with
exacerbation of mood symptoms or PMDD comorbid with BD, premenstrual exacerbation of mood symptoms had a higher
showing worsened clinical presentation of BD in these comorbid number of depressive episodes, had a shorter time to relapse

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Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

to a subsyndromal or syndromal episode of BD (4.5 months In a study from our group where all participants completed
compared to 8.5 months). Additionally, symptom severity at least 2 months of prospective daily symptom charting, we
among these females was higher for both depressive and manic found that individuals diagnosed with both BD and PMDD
symptoms (24). In a cross-sectional study of the STEP-BD had worse depressive symptom severity during the follicular
data, Slyepchenko et al. defined a provisional PMDD diagnosis phase compared to females with BD, females with PMDD,
in females enrolled in STEP-BD based on DSM-5 criteria. a female control group, and individuals with both BD and
Having PMDD was linked to a higher risk of rapid cycling, PMDD. Additionally, females with BD and PMDD had worsened
as well as [hypo]manic and depressive episodes in the past depressive symptoms during the late luteal phase compared
year, and lifetime depressive episodes. Findings from this study to controls, but not the other groups—individuals with a
also showed that in females with BD, having PMDD was not PMDD diagnosis were equally symptomatic. In terms of manic
associated with BDI or BDII, or first episode polarity (26). symptoms, females in the BD-PMDD group had worsened manic
However, in a smaller study by Fornaro and Perugi (n = 92 symptoms during the late luteal phase compared to all other
females with BD, 25 of whom had PMDD), having PMDD was groups, though these differences were not present during the
linked to cyclothymia and BD-II, though not rapid cycling, any follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Additionally, females
association with age of onset, a seasonal pattern, or psychotic with BD-PMDD had higher state anxiety during the follicular
features/ past hospitalization (28). Another small study did not phase compared to the control group during the follicular phase,
find an association of number of depressive or manic episode, or and higher state anxiety compared to both the BD and control
length of depressive episodes to be linked to severe premenstrual groups by the late luteal phase. They also had higher trait anxiety
mood symptoms (25). Additionally, several smaller studies have compared to the PMDD group and the control group during
suggested the association of severe PMS and PMDD with BD- the follicular phase, though trait anxiety scores worsened for
II, though this finding was not confirmed in a larger sample females with PMDD only by the luteal phase (27). Additionally,
(26, 28, 29). Earlier age of onset of BD in females with both BD females with both BD and PMDD had worsened subjective
and PMDD/ premenstrual mood symptoms has been reported biological rhythms disruptions than those with BD, PMDD, and
by two studies, one of which reported earlier onset of both healthy controls during the follicular phase. However, by the
[hypo]manic and depressive episodes (25, 26). luteal phase, females in the PMDD group had no statistical
Females with comorbid PMDD and BD are affected differences in subjective biological rhythms disruption compared
by a higher rate of comorbid conditions (see Figure 1), to females with both BD and PMDD. Notably, females with both
including having a history of anxiety disorders, such as BD and PMDD had worse subjective sleep quality during the
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder with and without luteal phase than both the PMDD group and control groups,
agoraphobia. Additionally, they are more likely to have a though not the BD-only group. Overall, these findings indicate
lifetime history of substance / alcohol abuse or dependence, that symptomatic burden is worsened in individuals euthymic
and a lifetime history of bulimia nervosa. As well, individuals for BD, with comorbid PMDD, in terms of depressive symptoms,
with the comorbid disorders are more likely to have a anxiety symptoms, sleep and biological rhythms disruption,
history of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and adult with some differential effects based on menstrual phase. It is
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (26). In possible that increased symptoms during euthymia may be a
another study, PMDD was linked to obsessive compulsive contributing factor to the increased frequency of depressive and
disorder (OCD) and Body Dysmorphic Disorders as well manic episodes seen in comorbid BD/ PMDD (27).
(28), though the link to OCD was not replicated by a
larger study (26).
Individuals with comorbid BD and PMDD also have an earlier BIOLOGICAL UNDERPINNINGS OF
age of menarche, as well as a shorter span of time between PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER
the onset of menarche and the onset of BD. Additionally, they
were found to be more likely to have severe mood symptoms The physiological control of the menstrual cycle in females
during oral contraceptive use. These findings indicate that is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The
hormonal changes may play a role in these comorbid conditions hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis itself is composed of a
(26). To further support this, several reports indicate that number of feedback mechanisms, where the hypothalamus
individuals with both BD and PMDD are more likely to have releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which travels
mood symptoms during other reproductive life events, such to the pituitary through the hypophyseal portal veins and
as pregnancy and the postpartum period (26, 28), with one stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to produce luteinizing
study reporting mood worsening in 77% of women during hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In the
the perimenstrual, postnatal or menopausal periods, which follicular phase—the first portion of the menstrual cycle—FSH
were linked to a worsened course of BD, including earlier acts on the ovary to grow follicles, which at the end of the
age of onset (30). However, these findings have not been follicular phase begins to secrete high levels of estradiol. The
consistent: Payne and colleagues reported no association between estradiol creates a positive feedback effect on the pituitary’s
mood symptoms during different reproductive life events (i.e., release of luteinizing hormone, which leads to ovulation—the
premenstrual period, postpartum, perimenopausal) in women release of an oocyte from the mature follicle. The follicle now
with BD type I (31). becomes the corpus luteum, which begins to secrete progesterone

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 4 August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 719241

Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

FIGURE 1 | Psychiatric comorbidities in women with bipolar disorder with and without comorbid premenstrual dysphoric disorder. ***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01, *p <
0.05. PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder; OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Reproduced with permission from Slyepchenko et al. (26).

and estradiol, in the process of luteinization, as induced by LH, seen, demonstrating the presence of an effect of circulating
comprising the luteal phase. The high levels of estrogen and progesterone and estradiol on mood specifically in individuals
progesterone feedback to FSH and LH secretion, leading the who are sensitive to the hormonal changes (37). Similarly,
diminishment in the levels of these hormones. During the late converging evidence suggests that suppression of ovulation that
luteal phase, the corpus luteum becomes inactive, resulting in occurs naturally or through hysterectomy and oophorectomy,
a drop in levels of progesterone and estradiol at the end of the combined with continuous estrogen replacement leads to the
luteal phase, which leads the uterine lining to shed, and menses amelioration of PMDD symptoms in most females (39, 40).
to commence (33). Schmidt and colleagues investigated whether it was the
As symptoms of PMDD occur predictably in accordance change in steroid levels that appeared to initiate the onset of
with the menstrual phase, some studies of the biological PMDD symptoms, by administering 3 months of a continuous
underpinnings of premenstrual syndrome and its severe level of estradiol and progesterone to responders to the
counterparts investigated levels of circulating steroids GnRH agonists. Symptoms of PMDD were only increased
and gonadotropins in women with PMDD. These studies during the first month of the add-back of the combined
hypothesized that abnormal levels of circulating steroids and estradiol and progesterone treatment, followed by stable mood
gonadotropins were the cause of this disorder. However, these for the following 2 months, indicating that it was indeed
studies did not find differences in hormones such as plasma changes of estradiol and progesterone that were associated
estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, FSH, or LH levels to differ with PMDD symptoms, rather than increased stable levels of
in PMDD compared to controls (34, 35). the hormones (41).
In a series of elegant studies, Schmidt and Rubinow used The mechanisms responsible for these effects, however,
the progesterone receptor antagonist mifepristone (also known remain unknown. One major hypothesized mechanism
as RU-486), which is able to initiate menses and terminate behind PMDD is the activity of neurosteroid metabolites
activity of the corpus luteum, with or without simultaneous of progesterone, such as allopregnanolone (3α-hydroxy-5α-
administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which pregnan-20-one). Allopregnanolone is metabolized from
is able to maintain the activity of the corpus luteum during the progesterone in the brain and in the corpus luteum (42, 43),
administration of mifepristone, while continuing the effects of and importantly, is a positive allosteric modulator for gamma-
the progesterone antagonist and while initiating menses. This aminobutyric acid (GABA)-A receptors (44–46). This metabolite
method allows to maintain the presence and effects of a luteal rises and falls accompanying the levels of progesterone during
phase, or eliminate them, while initiating menses in a blinded the menstrual cycle (47). It is able to produce anxiolytic (48, 49),
fashion. Females receiving mifepristone with or without hCG sedative (50), and anti-seizure effects (51). It appears that there is
continued to express symptoms of PMDD in the follicular phase, a paradoxical effect of allopregnanolone in some individuals, and
indicating that the luteal phase is not mandatory for PMDD to be at high levels, this neurosteroid may induce negative mood effects
present (36). (52). Interestingly, treatment of PMDD with dutasteride, a 5α-
Schmidt et al. then demonstrated that eliminating the reductase inhibitor which blocks the conversion of progesterone
menstrual cycle and associated ovarian suppression through a into allopregnanolone, reduces PMDD symptoms during the
GnRH agonist (leuprolide) led to the elimination of symptoms late luteal phase, including sadness, irritability, food cravings,
of PMDD in a majority of the females—findings that were bloating, and anxiety (53). Animal models also suggest that
confirmed by a later meta-analysis, showing that GnRH agonists changes in progesterone levels and their metabolites can lead to
are effective at reducing premenstrual symptoms (37, 38). Adding altered conformation of GABA-A receptors. In turn, stabilizing
back estradiol and progesterone in these females led to a return of levels of hormones normalize receptor conformation (54–56).
PMDD symptoms. However, when this procedure was performed On a cellular level, Schmidt and Rubinow’s group found in
in women with no history of PMDD, no effects on mood were that in ovarian steroid-free lymphoblastoid cell line cultures

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 5 August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 719241

Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

FIGURE 2 | Resting state functional connectivity differences between females with bipolar disorder and females with bipolar disorder and comorbid premenstrual
dysphoric disorder. (A) Shows that left hippocampus seed is more connected with the right frontal cortex in females with the comorbid disorders. (B) Shows that right
hippocampus is less functionally connected with left premotor cortex in females with the comorbid disorders. Results corrected for multiple comparisons using false
discovery rate procedure. Reproduced with permission from Syan et al. (27).

from females with PMDD responsive to GnRH agonists, one colleagues did not find severe premenstrual mood symptoms in
of the most significantly over-expressed pathways was the BD-I to exhibit familiality (25).
Extra Sex Combs/ Enhancer of Zester (ESC/E(Z)) complex. Our group investigated structural and functional magnetic
Moreover, the lymphoblastoid cell line cultures in PMDD have resonance imaging (MRI), as well as serum levels of several
a different sensitivity to estrogen/progesterone compared to hormones and metabolites in 19 females with BD comorbid
equivalent cultures from women without premenstrual mood with PMDD compared to a female control group (n = 25),
symptoms, reflected in ESC/E(Z) complex expression: in control 20 females with BD, and 25 females with PMDD during
cell lines, expression of some ESC/E(Z) genes were increased by the mid-follicular and late luteal phases of their menstrual
progesterone, but in PMDD cell lines, they were decreased by cycle. Participants enrolled in the study were euthymic for
estradiol (57). The effects of ovarian steroids may therefore be BD symptoms for at least 2 months prior to enrolling in
differentially regulated through epigenetic pathways in females this study (27). No differences in hormone levels were found
with and without PMDD. for either the mid-follicular or the late luteal phase of the
Another potential underlying biological component of PMDD menstrual cycle for the control group, individuals with BD, or BD
is the effects seen in the brains of females with PMDD through comorbid with PMDD, for levels of β17-estradiol, progesterone,
functional and structural imaging. For instance, studies have allopregnanolone, or dehydroepiandosterone sulfate. Notably,
identified a number of candidate regions for differential activity levels of allopregnanolone were elevated in individuals with
of steroids. In GnRH agonist-induced ovarian suppression in PMDD only, during both the follicular and late luteal phases (27).
women with PMDD, combined with estradiol and progesterone As we investigated whole-brain resting-state functional
add-back, women with PMDD exhibited increased activation in connectivity (Figure 2), we found differences in functional
the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, medial frontal gyrus connectivity between the right hippocampus and right premotor
and the cerebellum (58). cortex in females with BD and PMDD in a seed-based approach.
During the late luteal phase, in a seed-to-voxel-based analysis
of resting-state functional connectivity MRI, with seeds based in
the bilateral hippocampus, our research group found increased
NEUROBIOLOGY OF COMORBID functional connectivity between the left hippocampus and right
PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER frontal cortex and decreased functional connectivity between the
AND BIPOLAR DISORDER right hippocampus and the right premotor cortex in females
with both BD and PMDD, compared to females with BD
The neurobiological underpinnings of PMDD comorbid with only. Females with BD and PMDD had increased functional
BD have been little-investigated to date. However, there are connectivity between the right hippocampus and left frontal
some emerging findings related to hormone levels, structural cortex, bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and decreased
and functional neuroimaging beginning to understand the functional connectivity between the right hippocampus and
comorbidity of these disorders. bilateral primary motor cortex, and left hippocampus with left
To our knowledge, no study to date has investigated the somatosensory cortex compared to females with PMDD only.
genetic underpinnings of comorbid BD and PMDD. Payne and These findings revealed that specific fronto-limbic pathways are

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 6 August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 719241

Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

FIGURE 3 | Cortical thickness differences in females with both bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder to a control population, females with
premenstrual dysphoric disorder only and females with bipolar disorder only. Red regions indicate higher cortical thickness in the first group compared to females with
bipolar disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, while blue regions indicate lower cortical thickness in the first group compared to females with bipolar disorder
and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. BD, bipolar disorder; BDPMDD, bipolar disorder with comorbid premenstrual dysphoric disorder; CTRL, healthy controls;
PMDD, premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Reproduced with permission from Syan et al. (27).

part of the underlying mechanisms involved in comorbid BD frontal cortex. Overall, these findings indicate the cortex of
and PMDD (27). Notably, the findings of decreased coupling females with BD and PMDD is particularly impacted by these
between functional connectivity between the hippocampus with comorbid disorders (27).
somatosensory and motor areas are similar to those found Additionally, there was increased volume in the left caudate
in bipolar depression (27, 59). When using the bilateral nucleus in females with BD-PMDD compared to those with BD
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, only during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. However,
amygdala, or postcentral gyrus as seed points, no differences no differences were found in the right caudate, bilateral putamen,
were found between groups. It is important to note that estrogen hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, accumbens area, or ventral
receptor β mRNA expression is high in the hippocampus, giving encephalon (27). Overall, females with both BD and PMDD
a putative role for hormonal influence on these networks (27, 60). appear to experience a unique impact from these disorders
This study additionally investigated cortical thickness between on their brain structure and function, as compared to females
groups, finding cortical thinning in females with comorbid BD with BD or PMDD only, and those without any psychiatric
and PMDD, as compared to BD in a number of areas (Figure 3). disorders. Findings of the unique structural and functional
These included the left superior frontal, left pericalcarine, left impact of comorbid BD and PMDD underscore the idea that the
superior parietal gyri, and the right middle temporal, and comorbidity of these disorders is linked to a worsened course of
rostral middle frontal cortices. Cortical thickness increases illness in BD (27).
were seen in the left superior temporal gyrus. Compared to
individuals with PMDD only, those with BD and PMDD
displayed cortical thinning in the right medial orbitofrontal SYMPTOM TRACKING IN COMORBID
cortex, right inferior parietal cortex, and thickening in the BIPOLAR DISORDER AND
left superior temporal cortex, right pars orbitalis, left lingual PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER
and right superior parietal gyri. Finally, compared to females
without any psychiatric diagnoses, individuals with both BD and Special attention should be paid to symptom tracking in
PMDD had cortical thinning in the insula, right middle temporal comorbid BD and PMDD. Given that both BD and PMDD
gyrus, right medial orbitofrontal cortex, left pars triangularis, left are characterized by changes in overlapping symptoms
rostral middle frontal cortex, right cuneus, and right superior (e.g., irritability, low mood, somatic symptoms), the use

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Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

of prospective, daily symptom tracking tools is essential to have been shown to decrease premenstrual symptoms and
accurately establishing a diagnosis of PMDD in individuals the associated functional impairment in individuals with these
with BD. To confirm a diagnosis of PMDD, symptoms must disorders (68). Additionally, there are a number of non-
be tracked for a period of a minimum of two symptomatic pharmacological interventions that have been shown to be
cycles (1). The most commonly used clinical tool used to track effective in treating premenstrual symptoms, including cognitive
premenstrual symptom severity is the Daily Record of Severity behavioral therapy (69), exercise (70), and supplementation with
of Problems (61). However, this tool does not concurrently vitex agnus castus (71), although none of these treatments have
track symptom severity of manic and depressive symptoms. To been reported in individuals with co-morbid BD and PMDD.
address this, the McMaster Premenstrual and Mood Symptom Finally, more radical treatment of PMS/PMDD may involve
Scale (MAC-PMSS) was developed to prospectively track manic treatment with GnRH analogs and adding back estrogen and
and depressive symptoms simultaneously with premenstrual progesterone therapies, or even surgical interventions (66, 72).
symptoms, in addition to menstrual bleeding, in order to provide Case studies from Frey and Minuzzi (73) and Smith and Frey
an accurate understanding of the clinical picture, and to be (63) described successful instances of treatment of PMDD in
able to accurately provide a diagnosis of PMDD in females BD using adjunctive treatment with hormonal contraceptives,
with BD (62). specifically, a continuous transdermal patch of norelgestromin
Ideally, a diagnosis of PMDD in females with BD should be 6.0 mg and ethinyl estradiol 0.60 mg; or combined oral
confirmed while their BD is relatively stable, and individuals are contraceptives containing either 3.0 mg drospirenone and
currently not in an acute depressive or [hypo]manic episode (63), 0.030 mg of ethinyl estradiol or 0.15 mg levonorgestrel and
in order to ensure appropriate treatment and diagnosis. Daily 0.020 mg of ethinyl estradiol (63, 73). It should be noted, that
symptom tracking should be performed once symptoms of BD in one case, the combined oral contraceptive was discontinued
are stabilized, in order to be able to confirm that the symptoms due to emergent headaches and weight gain, in spite of mood
that occur during the perimenstrual period are not secondary to improvement (73). However, given that these are the only cases
BD (63). To perform a differential diagnosis, symptoms specific available of management of PMDD in BD, these case studies
to diagnostic criteria of PMDD should be tracked throughout are promising, and interventions using hormonal contraceptives
the course of at least two menstrual cycles, in addition to for treatment of PMDD should be tested in randomized,
menstrual bleeding and spotting, as well as depressive and manic controlled trials.
symptoms. Clinicians can then use the prospective charting to In the absence of robust clinical trials in women with
verify whether there is cyclic change in premenstrual symptoms comorbid BD and PMDD, Smith and Frey provided some
that is attributable to the late luteal phase, as opposed to change clinical recommendations for the management of PMDD in
in depressive and manic symptoms unrelated to the premenstrual BD. They recommend psycho-education; lifestyle interventions
cycle phase. that target diet, activity and sleep hygiene; calcium and vitamin
B6 supplementation; cognitive behavioral therapy interventions;
hormonal intervention and, in cases of severe PMDD that
TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS OF failed use of hormonal interventions, treatment with adjunctive
COMORBID PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC antidepressants may be needed (63). Clinicians need to be
DISORDER IN BIPOLAR DISORDER aware some individuals with BD may feel worse when using
antidepressants or oral contraceptives (e.g., more depressed,
Treatment of severe PMS and PMDD in females with BD is a anxious, irritable, agitated, or even suicidal), so close clinical
challenging and little-investigated topic. There have been several monitoring is very important in this population. Studies
case studies describing treatment in this population, however investigating the treatment of PMDD among individuals with BD
no randomized, placebo-controlled trials have investigated remain as one of the major research gaps, and an unmet clinical
treatment of PMDD when comorbid with BD. However, these need for these comorbid conditions.
case studies and the literature available on treatment of PMDD
in the general population, as well as careful consideration of its
interactions with treatment for BD can begin to guide future CONCLUSIONS
investigations of this under-researched topic.
The first-line treatment of severe PMS and PMDD in Severe premenstrual symptoms and PMDD are linked to high
the general population is treatment with selective serotonin clinical severity, worsened symptomatology and a severe course
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) either continuously, or taken during of illness in individuals with BD. This increased illness burden
the luteal phase (64–66). However, treatment of PMDD with is accompanied by underlying structural and functional cortical
SSRIs in females with BD poses additional concerns due abnormalities, which are likely either an underlying mechanism
to risk of antidepressant-induced mania (67). Moreover, if or reflection of the increased clinical burden in this population.
patients are clinically stable for BD when their diagnosis of However, in spite of this increased clinical burden, there are few
PMDD is established, prescribers may be hesitant to prescribe studies that have investigated the neurobiological underpinnings
antidepressants and risk potential destabilization and mood of the comorbid disorders, and especially, treatment and
worsening (63). Another available intervention for severe PMS management of PMDD in BD. There is a lack of clinical trials
and PMDD is the use of combined oral contraceptives, which that have evaluated any pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, or

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Slyepchenko et al. Comorbid PMDD and BD

adjunctive treatment in PMDD among individuals with BD. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

Treatment of PMDD in individuals with BD is more complex,
due to the possibility of antidepressant-induced mania, and AS: conceptualized review and wrote first draft of manuscript.
overall, maintaining clinical stability across both disorders. BF and LM: conceptualized review and wrote manuscript.
Tracking symptoms of PMDD at the same time as manic and All authors contributed to the article and approved the
depressive symptoms, in addition to stabilizing BD prior to submitted version.
tracking symptoms of PMDD, are critical clinical steps that can
help clinicians and researchers to ensure an accurate diagnosis. FUNDING
Future prospective investigations of the course of illness and its
neurobiology will allow for a more accurate picture of disease This project was funded by an unrestricted educational gift from
progression in these comorbid disorders. Shoppers Drug Mart (Run for Women).

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