Effects of Vegan Diet

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Corey Walls

Ashley S. Wright, MA



Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Five years ago, I accompanied a friend to Virginia. We were to spend the four days over

Thanksgiving weekend visiting with her family. On our drive from Ohio, we traded stories about

family traditions around the holidays. During our discussion, she informed me that this

Thanksgiving may be a little different from those I had spent with my own family. A few years

prior, her uncle had passed away from colon cancer at the age of thirty. It developed suddenly

and took his life swiftly. The medical team had informed her family that the cause of developing

such a severe cancer so early in life, was likely his diet. The diet in reference consisted mostly of

red and processed meat with little else to supplement. The family responded to this loss by

changing their own dietary habits. They became vegans and altering their lifestyle to one they

assumed to be healthier. Ever since that trip, I’ve always wondered, how does eating a vegan diet

really benefit the human body?

For some people, following a vegan diet is a moral choice. This often extends to lifestyle

choices regarding clothing, makeup, furniture, and soaps alongside food consumption. Those that

follow this lifestyle do so because they believe consuming animals as food or using them to

produce consumer goods, immoral or environmentally unstable. For others, choosing to follow a

vegan diet is about the potential health benefits that are associated with the strict nature of the

diet itself. With careful consideration to meet nutritional requirements, following a vegan diet

can help prevent diabetes and lower cholesterol. Additionally, the diet can improve immune
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cognitive, immune, and metabolic systems function while decreasing carcinogens within the


In her Medical News Today article, author Jamie Smith lays out the ground rules when

practicing this strict diet. Simply put, a vegan diet eliminates the consumption of any animal or

animal-based foods (Smith). These consist of all meats, eggs, and cheeses made from animal

milk. Some vegans even choose to exclude honey from their diet, for moral reasons, as the

commercial harvesting of honey can harm bees.

Lacking any foods sourced from animals, vegans consume plant-based foods consisting

of fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, and legumes. Additionally, foods derived from fruits,

vegetables, seeds, grains, or legumes are eaten. These would include breads, pastas, and even

plant-based meat substitutes. Examining the nutrients found in these foods, as well as the

nutrients absent in them, is fundamental in understanding the diet’s effect on the human body.

In a Healthline article, author Matthew Thorpe writes “research about fat is confusing.”

Indeed, dietary fats come in many different forms. Saturated fats are more chemically stable,

which is why they appear solid at cooler temperatures. These fats also come in a variety of

forms, based on how many carbon atoms they contain. In Thorpe’s article “Healthy vs.

Unhealthy Fats: What You Need to Know,” the author references a study of sixteen thousand

European adults. The study found that consuming saturated fats with higher counts of carbon

atoms was associated with lower instances of type two diabetes. These forms of saturated fats are

found in nut and vegetable oils (Thorpe).

Equally as important are the odd versus even count of the carbon atoms found in these

fats. Saturated fats with even carbon atom counts were found to be linked to higher occurrences

of type two diabetes while an odd number of carbon atoms had the opposite effect. Foods
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containing even carbon atom counts include meat, dairy, palm oil, processed vegetable oil,

coconut oil, and cocoa butter.

Vegetable oil falls under the standard for a vegan diet, however, processing vegetable oil

with hydrogen causes it to change from an unsaturated fat to a saturated or “trans” fat.

Accordingly, the human body digests it as such. The Journal of the American Heart Association

points to studies that show a direct correlation with the consumption of trans fats and heart

disease. These processed vegetable oils are used in baking and to fry popular foods.

Additionally, trans fat is found in small amounts, naturally, in meat and dairy products.

The Journal of the American Medical Association has found unsaturated fats linked with

a lower risk for heart disease. Unsaturated fats have double chemical bonds. These bonds either

occur by themselves, or monounsaturated, or in sets from two to six, polyunsaturated fats. Foods

that are high in unsaturated fats include avocados, olive and unprocessed olive oils, nuts, seeds

and seed oils, and unprocessed vegetable oils. Omega three fatty acids are a form of

polyunsaturated fat and are most prevalent in seafoods.

Having defined fats and the foods that contain the different types, how do they affect

people consuming a vegan diet? Practicing vegan dietary habits would not eliminate trans fats.

As previously stated, hydrogenated vegetable oil is considered to meet the standards of a vegan

diet. The Journal of the American Medical Association recommends avoiding processed oils as

they are associated with heart disease, stroke, type two diabetes, and higher levels of cholesterol.

On the other hand, healthy saturated and unsaturated fats are staples in the vegan diets. Nuts,

avocados, and various seeds contain these fats. In Medical News Today Adam Fellmen states

that fats are important for energy production, cellular insulation, and aid in the absorption of
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vitamins and minerals (Fellmen). So, following a vegan diet alone does not exclude unhealthy

fats but does include the consumption of many essential fats, deemed to be healthy.

Fiber stands up to the enzymes used in digestion. The Physicians Committee for

Responsible Medicine states that dietary fiber is only found in plant-based foods. Fiber comes in

different forms, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and is found in oats, nuts,

legumes, and some fruits. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, soluble fiber has

been found to lower glucose and cholesterol levels (Harvard). These lowered levels are

beneficial in preventing diabetes and heart disease. Insoluble fiber does dissolve in water and

aids in digestion by assisting food to move through the digestive system. Foods that are high in

insoluble fiber are wheat and whole grains as well as products derived from them. Additionally,

legumes, vegetables such as carrots, and some fruits are high in insoluble fiber.

The National Library of Medicine, in association with the National Institutes of Health,

conducted a large-scale analysis of studies regarding the benefits of fiber in preventing colon

cancer in citizens across Asia. When analyzing the studies, it was found that those with diets low

in fiber consumption were at a greater risk for cancer developed in the colon. This is due to the

natural aid in which fiber contributes to digestion. Foods with carcinogens, or elements known to

cause cancer, move quicker through the digestive track as a result of fiber intake. This allows

these carcinogens less time to absorb through the walls of the colon. Insoluble fiber, from whole

grains, was found to be the most beneficial in assisting in this function of digestion (Nindrea).

As previously stated, fiber also plays a role in lowering blood sugar levels. Similar

studies indicate that regular fiber intake slowed the absorption of sugar into the blood stream.

Diabetes occurs when the level or glucose, or sugar, in the bloodstream is too high. According to

the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the human body produces
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insulin in the pancreas. Insulin allows the body to absorb glucose and process it, creating energy.

Diabetes is, therefore, a disease in which your body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or

cannot use it properly. Dietary fiber not only slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream,

but also keeps glucose levels even. This prevents blood sugar levels from becoming both too

high and too low, important in preventing and maintaining diabetes (National Institute of

Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases).

Now with fiber defined, along with its various health benefits, how does this play a role

in a vegan diet? Simply put, fiber is a plant-based carbohydrate that cannot be broken down into

sugar. It is only found naturally in plant-based foods which fall under the umbrella definition of a

vegan diet. However, the diet would still need to be diverse in order to obtain both soluble and

insoluble fiber and reap the benefits associated with them.

Like fiber, Cholesterol comes in two main types. Medlineplus.gov informs, cholesterol is

produced by the liver and is fat like in substance. The main types of cholesterol are high-density

lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein. High-density lipoprotein is often referred to as good or

healthy cholesterol. This form of cholesterol transports cholesterol from various parts of the body

back to the liver. The liver then breaks it down and processes it out as waste (Medlineplus).

Low-density lipoprotein, conversely, is related to the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

When plaque builds up in the arteries it can break open, leading to a blood clot. Blood clots in

the arteries restrict blood flow and in the arteries around the heart, this can lead to heart failures.

In other parts of the body, plaque buildup in the arteries prevents blood that is rich in oxygen

from flowing properly. Preventing the flow of blood to the brain can result in serious illness such

as stroke.
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Higher levels of low-density lipoprotein can be caused by the consumption of foods high

in unhealthy saturated fats. Not all saturated fats raise this form of cholesterol. The foods that are

high in saturated fats which do cause higher rates of low-density lipoprotein are certain meats

and most dairy products. Additionally, trans fats, such as vegetable oil processed with hydrogen,

are known to increase low-density lipoprotein.

In contrast with fiber, cholesterol is only found in animal-based products and those

vegetable fats which are highly processed. In fact, the Mayo Clinic staff indicates that fiber is

beneficial in preventing high levels of low-density lipoprotein. In the intestines, fiber binds with

this cholesterol and prevents it from being absorbed. Instead, it is processed as waste and

removed from the body (Mayo Clinic).

So, fats and their relationship with cholesterol are closely linked. Regarding a vegan diet,

saturated fats associated with animal-based products are eliminated. However, the processed

vegetable oils or trans fats can still be consumed. Simply eliminating saturated fats from animals

is not enough, as those trans fats are associated with higher levels of low-density lipoprotein.

One important aspect of the workings of the human body is proteins. Proteins are

combinations of amino acids which your body breaks down for various purposes. The human

body does not naturally manufacture amino acids, so they must be consumed. The European

Food Information Council informs, amino acids are what give human cells their structure. These

amino acids also assist in cell and tissue repair and growth. Therefore, the consumption of

protein is vital to the function of the human body as a whole.

Those foods which are highest in proteins are often in animal-based sources. The

University of Michigan Health lists lean beef, turkey, chicken, certain fish, and cheeses as the

highest in protein per weight. In fact, some studies indicate that people practicing a vegan diet
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may lack adequate protein intake required to meet dietary needs. Fruits and vegetables alone do

not provide amounts of proteins sufficient to meet the body’s needs.

However, there are plant-based foods with similar levels of protein. Tofu or soy protein,

black beans, almonds, and peanuts all have comparable levels of protein. Fruits and vegetables

do not contain adequate protein on their own. As protein is a prevalent nutrient in animal-based

foods, it can still be found in abundance through plant-based means. Eliminating animal proteins

does not mean those practicing a vegan diet are completely forgoing protein intake. Instead,

people practicing veganism would need to seek out plant-based proteins as consuming vegetables

and fruits alone would not meet dietary requirements. Nuts, beans, and soy and pea proteins

would need to be supplemented into the diet in order to fulfill dietary requirements.

Like proteins, the human body does not produce phytochemicals. Standfordhealthcare.org

defines phytochemicals as those chemicals which are produced by plants and assist them against

naturally occurring ailments. In humans, phytochemicals have been shown to ward off

carcinogens and protect nutrients from being lost during digestion. Phytochemicals are often

found in fruits and vegetables that share color characteristics. For example, carotenoids are found

in fruits and vegetables that display colors of dark green, dark yellow, and orange.

In a scientific journal published through the Multidisciplinary Publishing Institute,

researchers found a link between phytochemicals and health benefits. Some phytochemicals such

as niacin, choline, and isoquercitrin provided benefits in heart health and cognitive and immune

system functions. Relating the chemical makeup to the relationship with molecules within the

human body, researchers found phytochemicals may be used to develop medicines helpful in

preventing and treating disease in the future.

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Being phytochemicals are only found in plants or plant-based supplements and foods,

their consumption falls in line with practicing a vegan diet. The Roswell Park Comprehensive

Cancer Center notes that carrots have over a hundred phytochemicals of their own. Following a

vegan diet alone does not mean that a person would be consuming large amounts of beneficial

phytochemicals. Instead, they would have to choose fruits and vegetables from a spectrum of

colors. Phytochemicals are most abundant in those fruits and vegetables with deep colors and

strong flavors.
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Fig 1. “Food as medicine: Introducing Phytochemicals”

Outside of the fats, fibers, proteins, and phytochemicals there lies vitamins and minerals.

In Medical News Today, author Yvette Brazier states that the human body does not produce

sufficient vitamin and mineral quantities on its own. Some vitamins, like vitamin D, cannot be

found in substantial quantities from food alone. Instead, the human body synthesizes vitamin D

from sunlight. For most vitamins, however, the consumption of food is the means by which the

human body derives what it needs to maintain health.

Vitamins and minerals are organic in they are made of carbon, and they occur naturally in

food. Vitamins can be either water soluble or fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins exit the human

body through urine and are not present for long. This means humans need to regularly resupply

water soluble vitamins into the body. Conversely, fat soluble vitamins remain in the body’s lipid

reserves as well as the liver. As a result, they remain in the body for extended periods of time.

Importantly, the body uses vitamins to perform functions such as producing enzymes to break

down sugars, managing metabolic rate, cell growth, and maintaining neurological pathways.

A well-known representation of the importance of vitamins can be found in the stories of

old sailors. They would often travel long distances without access to Vitamin C, also known as

ascorbic acid. The deficiency of ascorbic acid caused a condition known as scurvy. The United

Kingdom National Health Service describes the symptoms of scurvy such as bleeding gums,

opening of old wounds, bruising, and severe pain in the joints. These symptoms, brought about

from a simple deficiency in one vitamin, show the importance of vitamin consumption.

Similarly, minerals are classified as either major or trace. Harvard Health Publishing

insists that major minerals are classified as such because higher amounts are detectable in the

human body. Conversely, trace minerals are found in lower amounts. The University of
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Michigan health lists minerals as playing several important roles. For example, in bone and teeth

health, nervous and immune systems function, and balancing fluids.

Mineral deficiency can have serious consequences for personal health. A deficiency of

iron is one example. A condition known as low iron anemia is caused by inadequate iron

consumption. With anemia, the body cannot produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen

throughout its tissues. This results in symptoms of headaches, fatigue, weakness, and shortness

of breath. Low iron anemia is common amongst those that practice a vegan diet. Most foods

naturally rich in iron are animal-based. Additionally, most plant-based foods do not naturally

contain the form of iron that is required to produce healthy red blood cells. Foods such as cereals

and grains, however, can be fortified with iron. Therefore, to meet dietary requirements for iron,

vegans would need to supplement the mineral or consume plant-based foods that have been

fortified with it.

Together, minerals and vitamins are known as micronutrients. Harvard Health Publishing

describes that these micronutrients can often act in assistance or detriment to one another. Some

vitamins help the body absorb and use minerals without detrimental effects to the body itself. For

instance, vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium as it is digested instead of extracting it from the

human bone structure. On the other hand, some vitamins block the absorption of minerals. A

high level of vitamin C and block the body from absorbing the important mineral copper.

All foods, even “junk foods,” contain amounts of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore,

Harvard Health Publishing insists that a broad balanced diet is the most efficient way of ensuring

adequate vitamin and mineral intake. This includes lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, legumes,

seeds, fruits, and vegetables. For example, the vitamin pantothenic acid is found in high
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amounts in lean meats, whole grains, avocados, and broccoli while riboflavin is prevalent in

cheeses, asparagus, bananas, eggs, and fish (Harvard).

Relating vitamins and minerals to a vegan diet is important nutritionally. Vitamin B12,

for example, is found mostly in meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Similarly, iron is most

readily found in red meats and is among the leaders in nutrient deficiencies. A German study

published through the National Library of Medicine found there were little differences in vegans

and non-vegans regarding levels of vitamin B12 (Weikert). This was despite vegans having little

dietary intake of this vitamin, hinting that vitamin supplementation was a factor. Iron and

vitamin B12 are examples of a possible nutrient deficiency in a vegan diet. While plant-based

foods meet dietary needs for most other vitamins and minerals, they fall short regarding iron and

vitamin B12.

Merriam-Webster defines diet as habitual nourishment and habitual as inherent in an

individual. Therefore, diet is a personal choice and can be made for several reasons. Social,

ethical, and religious beliefs can all play a role in dietary choice and habits. Apart from these

choices in diet, there is the food desert. The Annnie E. Casey foundation describes food deserts

as geographic areas where access to fresh foods is limited. They are marked by their distance

from stores and markets where they can acquire these foods. These areas are often high in

poverty rates and home vacancies. Though diet is mostly associated with personal choice, there

are instances when choices are restricted.

Outside of these areas, people are blessed with the choice as to the food they consume.

As roughly three percent of Americans choose to follow a vegan diet, how does it affect their

body? Although consuming unhealthy fats from meats is removed from the diet, consuming

unhealthy processed fats is not. High intake of fiber, abundant only in plant foods, may reduce
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the risk of diabetes, lower cholesterol, and improve metabolism. However, most potato chips are

vegan and do not contain sufficient fiber to offset their quantities of trans fats. Phytochemicals

are found only in plants and plant foods, but they must be consumed in a variety to obtain their

benefits. Vitamins and minerals are found in all foods yet lacking in certain aspects from even a

well-rounded vegan diet without supplementation.

Overall, diet is a choice and choosing to follow a vegan diet can have many beneficial

effects on the human body if done appropriately. More importantly, as Harvard Health

Publishing states, is broad spectrum dietary habits. Reaping the benefits of a vegan diet would

require eating in variety while abstaining from unhealthy yet vegan options. Nuts, legumes,

seeds, vegetables, and fruits when consumed properly can lower cholesterol, reduce the risk for

type two diabetes, improve immune system function, and allow for optimal cellular repair and

function. Practiced without care, these benefits for the human body are irrelevant.
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