Secondary Injection Testing For Transformer Differential P
Secondary Injection Testing For Transformer Differential P
Secondary Injection Testing For Transformer Differential P
Presented to:
62nd Annual Georgia Tech Protective Relaying Conference
May 21-23, 2008
Differential protection for standard power transformers has been used for decades. It is based on ampere-
turn-balance of all windings mounted on the same magnetic core lag. In order to correctly apply
transformer differential protection the following compensations shall be provided:
Ø current magnitude compensation for measured current magnitude difference on different sides of
the protected transformer;
Ø power transformer phase angle shift compensation; and
Ø zero sequence current compensation (i.e. zero sequence current elimination).
With modern numerical transformer differential relays all above compensations are provided in the relay
software. Thus, it can be quite tricky to test a numerical transformer differential relay by secondary
injection in order to verify that the relay is set properly to protect transformer in a particular application.
This paper will address these topics as well as provide standardized solutions for secondary injection
testing for transformer differential protection relay from any manufacturer.
1. Introduction
In order to understand the presented testing methods some basic information about power system will be
The method of Symmetrical Components consist of reducing any unbalanced three-phase system of
current (or voltage) phasors (i.e. vectors), as for example shown in Figure 1a, into three balanced systems,
which are known as the zero, positive and negative phase sequence component sets:
Ø The zero phase sequence component set consists of three phasors (e.g. IA0, IB0 & IC0) which are
equal in magnitude and in phase, as shown in Figure 1b;
Ø The positive sequence component set consists of three phasors (e.g. IA1, IB1 & IC1) which are
equal in magnitude, 120 degrees out of phase and rotating in typically anticlockwise direction, so
that they reach their positive maximum values in a sequence ABC as shown in Figure 1c; and
Ø The negative sequence component set are three phasors (e.g. IA2, IB2 & IC2) which are equal in
magnitude and displaced 120 degrees apart and rotating in a sequence ACB, as shown in Figure
Three-Phase Currents Zero Sequence Current Set
90 90
2 0.8
120 60 IA 120 60 IA0
1.5 IB 0.6 IB0
0.5 0.2
180 0 180 0
270 270
180 0 180 0
270 270
IA0=|IA0|@∟δ0= × ( IA + IB + IC )
IA1=|IA1|@∟δ1= × ( IA + a × IB + a 2 × IC )
IA2=|IA2|@∟δ2= × ( IA + a 2 × IB + a × IC )
1 3
Where a is complex operator having value of a = 1∟120o= + j× = -0.5 + j × 0.866
2 2
(i.e. it is a unit phasor with angle displacement of 120o).
Once these basic sequence components are known the complete sequence sets can be calculated as shown
Note that from these three sequence sets it is always possible to re-assemble the three individual phase-
wise current phasors by using the following three equations:
IB = IB 0 + IB1 + IB 2
IC = IC 0 + IC1 + IC 2
Typical voltage and current definitions used for a three-phase, two-winding power transformer is shown
in Figure 2.
Side 1
Side 2
Figure 2: Typical voltage and current reference direction for a power transformer
Any three-phase power transformer introduces the phase angle shift Θ between the two sides. The
standard three-phase power transformers introduce a fixed phase angle shift Θ of n*30º (n=0, 1, 2, …, 11)
between its winding 1 and winding 2 side no-load voltages.
Note that for any three-phase power transformer strict rules only exist for the phase angle shift between
sequence components of the no-load voltages from the two sides of the power transformer (see Figure 3),
but not for individual phase voltages from the two sides of the power transformer. For more information
about these rules and their use for transformer differential protection see references [5], [8] and [9].
Figure 3: Phasor diagram for no-load positive, negative & zero sequence voltages components from
the two sides of the power transformers
As shown in Figure 3 the following will hold true for the positive, negative and zero sequence no-load
voltage components:
Ø the positive sequence no-load voltage component from winding 1 (VA1_W1) will lead the
positive sequence no-load voltage component from winding 2 (Va1_W2) by angle Θ;
Ø the negative sequence no-load voltage component from winding 1 (VA2_W1) will lag the
negative sequence no-load voltage component from winding 2 (Va2_W2) by angle Θ; and
Ø the zero sequence no-load voltage component from winding 1 (Va0_W1) will be exactly in
phase with the zero sequence no-load voltage component from winding 2 (Va0_W2), when
the zero sequence no-load voltage components are at all transferred across the power
Most typically used power transformer connections and associated phase angle shift Θ are presented in
Table 1.
However, as soon as the power transformer is loaded, this voltage relationship will not longer be valid,
due to the voltage drop across the power transformer impedance. However it can be shown that the same
phase angle relationship, as shown in Figure 3, will be valid for sequence current components [5], as
shown in Figure 4, which flow into the power transformer on winding 1 side and flow out from the power
transformer on winding 2 side (see Figure 2 for current reference directions).
Figure 4: Phasor diagram for positive, negative & zero sequence current components from the two
sides of the power transformers
Table 1: Most commonly used three-phase power transformer connections
Positive Sequence Phase angle shift Θ introduced by the
no-load voltage phasor power transformer
Group Designation
Y y
YNyn0 Y0Y0 0o
Δ d
As shown in Figure 4, the following will hold true for the sequence current components from the two
power transformer sides:
Ø the positive sequence current component from winding 1 (IA1_W1) will lead the positive
sequence current component from winding 2 (Ia1_W2) by angle Θ (the same relationship as
for the positive sequence no-load voltage components);
Ø the negative sequence current component from winding 1 (IA2_W1) will lag the negative
sequence current component from winding 2 (Ia2_W2) by angle Θ (the same relationship as
for the negative sequence no-load voltage components); and
Ø the zero sequence current component from winding 1 (IA0_W1) will be exactly in phase with
the zero sequence current component from winding 2 (Ia0_W2), when the zero sequence
current components are at all transferred across the transformer (the same relationship as for
the zero sequence no-load voltage components).
These properties can be used to test the numerical differential protection of any manufacturer as described
further in this document. Namely, if testing is based on injecting only one sequence current component at
the time on both CT inputs of the transformer differential protection, simple testing procedures can be
derived, which are more intuitive, less complex and straightforward than existing phase-wise testing
procedures. It is well known fact that fault currents for any type of external or internal faults can be
represented by the positive, negative and zero sequence current component sets. Thus, by performing
transformer differential protection tests in a sequence-wise fashion it is verified that the differential
protection will be stable for all symmetrical and non-symmetrical external faults and through-load
conditions. These tests will also confirm that the differential relay will trip for any internal fault.
In order to provide transformer differential protection for a three-phase power transformer, it is necessary
to properly compensate for:
Ø current magnitude compensation for measured current magnitude difference on different sides of
the protected transformer;
Ø power transformer phase angle shift compensation; and
Ø zero sequence current compensation (i.e. zero sequence current elimination).
With static (or even electromechanical) differential relays [2] such compensations were performed by
using interposing CTs or special connection of main CTs (i.e. delta connected CTs). Maximum rated
apparent power of the protected transformer was used to calculate the interposing CT ratios [2], [13] on
all transformer sides. However, the interposing CTs could only be calculated for the mid-position of the
on-load tap-changer (LTC). Thus, as soon as the LTC is moved from the mid-position, false differential
currents would appear. A typical differential protection scheme with interposing CTs is given in Figure 5.
With modern numerical transformer differential relays [3], [4] external interposing CTs are not required
because relay software enables the user to perform all necessary compensation in software. Some
particular relays can even compensate on-line for LTC movement [3], [4] and [7]. Thus, it can be quite
tricky to test a numerical transformer differential relay by secondary injection in order to verify that the
relay is set properly to protect transformer in a particular application. Additional complication is used
connections for main current transformers. Typically all star (i.e. wye) connected main CTs are used with
numerical relays, as shown in Figure 6; however in some countries delta connected main CTs are still
Figure 5: Power transformer differential protection scheme with interposing CTs [2]
The main task during secondary injection testing of the transformer differential protection is to inject the
secondary currents with appropriate magnitude and phase angles in order to test the differential relay. For
example, in order to test differential relay stability the injected current must correspond to the CT
secondary currents as seen by the differential relay during external disturbances (e.g.
symmetrical/unsymmetrical load, different types of external faults), as shown in Figure 6.
If testing is performed on phase-wise bases, what is typically used today, necessary calculations in order
to derive individual phase currents on both side of the protected power transformers become quite
complicated. Especially if it is required to inject different types of internal and external faults complex
mathematics (i.e. phasors) must be used. The reason for this is that there are no strict rules how the
individual phase currents are transferred across a power transformer.
However, as explained in previous section, strict rules exist how the sequence current sets are transfer
across any three-phase power transformer [5], [9]. Thus, if the secondary injection is based on sequence
quantities (i.e. injecting only one type of sequence current set at the time on both power transformer
sides) all necessary calculations becomes quite simple and algebraic mathematics utilizing only real
numbers can be used instead. Such testing approach will be presented in this paper.
In order to perform secondary injection the appropriate magnitude of the secondary currents shall be
determined. It is well known fact that two power transformer windings are galvanically separated and
have different voltage and current levels on the primary side. Thus the only common electrical quantity
for two windings is electrical power which flows through them. Therefore for the transformer differential
protection the maximum apparent power among all power transformer windings is typically selected as
the base quantity [9]. That was the reason why interposing CTs for the solid-state relays were as well
calculated using this maximum power as a base. Note that the maximum value among all windings, as
stated on the protected power transformer rating plate, is typically selected. This can be simply written as
following equation:
SBase=SMax [MVA]
When the base power is know the base primary current on each power transformer side can be calculated
by using the following equation:
Ø IBasePri_Wi is winding base current in primary amperes
Ø SBase is above defined base apparent power for this application in MVA
Ø Ur_Wi is winding rated phase-to-phase, no-load voltage in kV; its value for every winding is
typically stated on the protected power transformer rating plate.
Note that when a power transformer incorporates an on-load tap-changer (i.e. LTC) different rated phase-
to-phase, no-load voltages are given, one for each tap for at least one of the windings. Than it is necessary
to select a rated voltage for a one given tap for which it is required to perform the testing. Typically the
mid-tap value is used. Alternatively relay can be tested for more than one LTC position.
However for the secondary injection the CT secondary base current is required. For star connected main
CT this value is easily obtained by using the following equation:
I Base Pr i _ Wi
I BaseSec _Wi _ CT =Y =
Ø IBaseSec_Wi_CT=Y is winding base current in secondary amperes for wye connected main CT
Ø IBasePri_Wi is above defined winding base current in primary amperes
Ø CTR is actual CT ratio used on that power transformer side
When delta connected main CT is used than factor of 3 must be taken into account as shown in next
I Base Pr i _Wi
I BaseSec _Wi _ CT =D = 3 ×
Ø IBaseSec_Wi_CT=Δ is winding base current in secondary amperes for delta connected main CT
Ø IBasePri_Wi is above defined winding base current in primary amperes
Ø CTR is actual CT ratio used on that power transformer side
In order to perform secondary injection, appropriate phase angle for the secondary currents shall also be
determined in addition to the known current magnitudes. Because we are going to inject only one
sequence set at the time it is only important to determine the relative phase angle displacement between
the same sequence current sets from the two transformer side. Therefore for the positive sequence current
injection it is possible to fix the angle for IA1_W1 to zero degree and just determine the appropriate angle
for Ia1_W2 phasor. Let’s call this angle β1.
Similarly for the negative sequence current injection it is possible to fix the angle for IA2_W1 to zero
degree and just determine the appropriate angle for Ia2_W2 phasor. Let’s call this angle β2.
These two angles (i.e. β1 and β2) can be relatively easily determined because there are strict rules how
current sequence component sets are transferred across power transformer. However note that these phase
angle shifts depend as well on the main CT connections (i.e. main CT star or delta connected).
2.2.1 Phase angle shift with all main CTs wye connected
The following two facts determine the phase angle shift between sequence current sets on the CT
secondary side:
Ø actual phase angle shift Θ introduced by the power transformer (see Table 1)
Ø star point location of the main CT (inside or outside of the differential zone)
Regarding CT star point location of the main CT it is possible to derive four different connections
possibilities to the differential relay as shown in Figure 7. However from the differential relay point of
view the two connections on the left hand side (e.g. Figure 7a) are equivalent. Correspondingly the two
connections on the right hand side (e.g. Figure 7b) are also equivalent.
a) Both main CTs equally starred towards b) Two main CTs starred differently towards
differential protection zone differential protection zone
(i.e. both inside or both outside) (i.e. one inside one outside)
Figure 7: Possible CT arrangements for star/wye connected main CTs
It can be shown that from the differential relay point of view the positive and negative sequence current
sets on the CT secondary side will have the phase angle relationship as shown in Figure 8, for the two
connections shown in Figure 7a (left hand side). Note that it is assumed that the angle has a positive value
for rotation in anticlockwise direction. This is typical positive direction for angles used by most of the
secondary injection test sets available on the market.
IA1_W1=|IA1_W1|@∟0o IA2_W1=|IA2_W1|@∟0o
Ia1_W2=|Ia1_W2|@∟(180o-Θ) Ia2_W2=|Ia2_W2|@∟( Θ-180o)
β1=180o-Θ β2= Θ -180o= -β1
Thus for this type of CT star point location secondary sequence current components have additional phase
angle shift of 180o from the actual protected power transformer phase angle shift.
It can be shown that from the differential relay point of view the positive and negative sequence current
sets on the CT secondary side will have the phase angle relationship as shown in Figure 9, for the main
CT connections shown in Figure 7b (right hand side), when one CT is starred inside the other CT is
starred outside.
IA1_W1=|IA1_W1|@∟0o IA2_W1=|IA2_W1|@∟0o
Ia1_W2=|Ia1_W2|@∟(-Θ) Ia2_W2=|Ia2_W2|@∟( Θ)
β1=-Θ β2= Θ = -β1
Thus for this type of CT star point location secondary sequence current components have exactly the
same phase angle shift as the protected power transformer.
2.2.2 Phase angle shift with some main CTs delta connected
In some countries delta connected main CTs are used. In such applications delta connected main CT are
typically used for star (i.e. wye) connected power transformer windings, while star (i.e. wye) connected
main CTs are used for delta connected power transformer windings. Two such applications are given in
Figure 10.
a) Star/star connected power transformer b) Star/delta connected power transformer
Figure 10: Typical applications where main CTs connected in delta are used
It can be shown that for such applications from the differential relay point of view the positive and
negative sequence current sets on the CT secondary will typically be 180o out of phase as shown in Figure
11. Therefore for application where main CT are connected in delta, the phase angle displacement
between sequence component sets on the CT secondary side do not depend on the phase angle shift of the
protected power transformer.
IA1_W1=|IA1_W1|@∟0o IA2_W1=|IA2_W1|@∟0o
Ia1_W2=|Ia1_W2|@∟180o Ia2_W2=|Ia2_W2|@∟180o
β1=180o β2= 180o
a) Positive sequence current angles b) Negative sequence current angles
Figure 11: Phase angle relationship between sequence currents on CT secondary side
when some main CTs are connected in delta (see Figure 10)
3. Proposed testing procedures
When the magnitudes and phase angle shifts between sequence current components are known the
differential relay can easily be tested by using procedures presented in this section. In order to facilitate
understanding of these testing procedures one application examples will be used throughout this section.
However for this application two differential protection solutions will be presented:
Ø First solution will be with all main CTs star/wye connected
Ø Second solution will be with delta connected main CT on Y (i.e. star/wye) connected sides of the
protected power transformer
Single line diagrams for two possible solutions for such type of power transformer with all relevant
application data are given in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Two differential protection solutions for wye-delta connected power transformer
The following data can be derived for this power transformer. Data are common for both solutions
regarding transformer differential protection scheme.
Based on this data the following values can be calculated in accordance with the theory presented in the
Section 2.
All required data to perform the secondary injection in accordance with the proposed method are now
available in Table 3.
Purpose of this test is to determine that the applied numerical differential relay is properly set in order to
compensate for
Ø current magnitude compensation
Ø power transformer phase angle shift compensation
Ø zero sequence current compensation
for the particular application under test. In order to do this two tests for each sequence current component
set are required as described in the following sections.
3.1.1 Relay stability for positive sequence current set with 100% currents
Only the positive sequence current sets on both transformer sides shall be injected. Injected current
magnitudes shall be equal to the base current (i.e. 100%) on both transformer sides. The phase angle shift
between positive sequence currents as described in Section 2.2 shall be used. The differential relay shall
be stable. The test person shall check that the differential relay measures negligible differential current in
all three phases (i.e. theoretically equal to zero), while for the most commonly used designs available on
the market the bias current shall be 100%.
Currents as shown in Table 4 shall be injected to perform this test for the two possible differential
protection solutions for example application (see Figure 12).
Table 4: Inject these currents to test stable condition with positive sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA1_W1=2.917@∟0o IA_W1=IA1_W1=5.052@∟0o
69kV side IB_W1=IB1_W1=2.917@∟240o IB_W1=IB1_W1=5.052@∟240o
IC_W1=IC1_W1=2.917@∟120o IC_W1=IC1_W1=5.052@∟120o
3.1.2 Relay operation for positive sequence current set with 100% currents
This is continuation of the previously described test for stability with positive sequence currents. It is only
required to change the phase angle for all three currents on one transformer side by 180o. Now the
differential relay shall trip in all three phases. The test person shall check that the differential relay
measures differential current of 200% in all three phases, while for the most commonly used differential
relay designs available on the market the bias current shall still have value of 100%.
Currents as shown in Table 5 shall be injected to perform this test for the two possible differential
protection solutions for example application (see Figure 12).
Table 5: Inject these currents to test relay operation with positive sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA1_W1=2.917@∟0o IA_W1=IA1_W1=5.052@∟0o
69kV side IB_W1=IB1_W1=2.917@∟240o IB_W1=IB1_W1=5.052@∟240o
IC_W1=IC1_W1=2.917@∟120o IC_W1=IC1_W1=5.052@∟120o
3.1.3 Relay stability for negative sequence current set with 100% currents
Only the negative sequence current sets on both transformer sides shall be injected. Injected current
magnitudes shall be equal to the base current (i.e. 100%) on both transformer sides. The phase angle shift
between negative sequence currents as described in Section 2.2 shall be used. The differential relay shall
be stable. The test person shall check that the differential relay measures negligible differential current in
all three phases (i.e. theoretically equal to zero), while for the most commonly used designs available on
the market the bias current shall be 100%.
Currents as shown in Table 6 shall be injected to perform this test for the two possible differential
protection solutions for example application (see Figure 12).
Table 6: Inject these currents to test stable condition with negative sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA2_W1=2.917@∟0o IA_W1=IA2_W1=5.052@∟0o
69kV side IB_W1=IB2_W1=2.917@∟120o IB_W1=IB2_W1=5.052@∟120o
IC_W1=IC2_W1=2.917@∟240o IC_W1=IC2_W1=5.052@∟240o
3.1.4 Relay operation for negative sequence current set with 100% currents
This is continuation of the previously described test for stability with negative sequence currents. It is
only required to change the phase angle for all three currents on one transformer side by 180o. Now the
differential relay shall trip in all three phases. The test person shall check that the differential relay
measures differential current of 200% in all three phases, while for the most commonly used differential
relay designs available on the market the bias current shall still have value of 100%.
Currents as shown in Table 7 shall be injected to perform this test for the two possible differential
protection solutions for example application (see Figure 12).
Table 7: Inject these currents to test relay operation with negative sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA2_W1=2.917@∟0o IA_W1=IA2_W1=5.052@∟0o
69kV side IB_W1=IB2_W1=2.917@∟120o IB_W1=IB2_W1=5.052@∟120o
IC_W1=IC2_W1=2.917@∟240o IC_W1=IC2_W1=5.052@∟240o
3.1.5 Relay behavior for zero sequence current injected from winding one side only
Typically the zero sequence currents are not properly transferred across the protected power transformer.
Therefore the stability test is not required. However it is of outmost importance to test differential relay
behavior for zero sequence currents.
To do that for winding one side inject the zero sequence current set from the winding one side only.
Injected current magnitudes shall be equal to the base current (i.e. 100%). All three currents shall be in
phase. The differential relay will either trip or remain stable during such test.
If differential relay trips it means that the relay do NOT removes the zero sequence current from that side.
Fist check that the relay measures differential current of 100% in all three phases. Then look into the
application and check is there any grounding connection on that side of the power transformer within
differential protection zone. Typical example for such grounding connections are directly grounded star
point of the wye connected windings or an earthing transformer within the differential protection zone. If
such grounding connection exist the relay is not properly set. It might maloperate for an external ground
faults on that transformer side. Rectify the corresponding relay setting and repeat the test.
If differential relay do not trip it means that the relay removes the zero sequence current from that side.
Note that there is no any sense to perform this test on side where main CTs are connected in delta. The
reason is that the delta connected main CT filter out the zero sequence current component set on that side
of the transformer.
For the application example (see Figure 12), currents as shown in Table 8, shall be injected to perform
this test.
Table 8: Inject these currents into winding 1 side to test relay operation for zero sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA0_W1=2.917@∟0o
Not required to be done because the
69kV side IB_W1=IB0_W1=2.917@∟0o
CTs are star connected
Note that for this application the zero sequence current from 69kV side must be eliminated. Thus, the
differential relay shall not operate during this test! If the relay operates during this test possible unwanted
operation of the relay for external single phase to ground fault on 69kV side can be expected.
3.1.6 Relay behavior for zero sequence current injected from winding two side only
This is repetition of the previous test but from winding two side. Exactly the same procedure shall be
repeated here as in the previous test.
For the application example (see Figure 12), currents as shown in Table 9, shall be injected to perform
this test.
Table 9: Inject these currents into winding 2 side to test relay operation for zero sequence currents
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into
No currents shall be injected No currents shall be injected
69kV side
Injected currents into Ia_W2=Ia0_W2=6.031@∟0o Ia_W2=Ia0_W2=6.031@∟0o
12.5kV side Ib_W2=Ib0_W2=6.031@∟0 o Ib_W2=Ib0_W2=6.031@∟0o
Ic_W2=Ic0_W2=6.031@∟0 o Ic_W2=Ic0_W2=6.031@∟0o
Note that for this application the zero sequence current elimination on 12.5kV side is not critical. The
reason is that there is no grounding point on the 12.5kV side within the differential protection zone.
Therefore it is not critical if differential relay operates for this zero sequence current injection.
Once the previous tests are successfully passed the differential relay is properly set to protect the
particular transformer. However, very often the differential relay operating characteristic shall be tested as
well. A typical operating characteristic of the numerical transformer differential relay is shown in Figure
13. Some of the typical tests are described below:
Diff Current [%]
300 Tripping
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
In Figure 13 the minimum pickup for this relay is set to 30% what is typical value for transformer
differential protection. In order to test this value the easiest way is to inject symmetrical three-phase
current set (e.g. positive sequence set only) from one transformer side at the time.
For the application example (see Figure 12), currents as shown in Table 10, shall be injected from the
69kV side in order to perform this test.
Table 10: Inject these currents to test relay minimum pickup from 69kV side
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into IA_W1=IA1_W1=0.875@∟0o IA_W1= IA1_W1=1.516@∟0o
69kV side IB_W1= IB1_W1=0.875@∟240o IB_W1= IB1_W1=1.516@∟240o
IC_W1= IC1_W1=0.875@∟120o IC_W1= IC1_W1=1.516@∟120o
Injected currents into
No currents shall be injected No currents shall be injected
12.5kV side
Note that when these currents are injected the differential relay shall be exactly at the pickup point. It
might be necessary to slightly increase current in all three phases in order to get relay operation. Write
down the actual pickup current for this three-phase injection. Make sure that differential relay operates in
all three phases.
For the application example (see Figure 12), currents as shown in Table 11, shall be injected from the
12.5kV side in order to perform this test.
Table 11: these currents to test relay minimum pickup from 12.5kV side
All main CTs star/wye connected 69kV main CTs connected in delta
Injected currents into
No currents shall be injected No currents shall be injected
69kV side
Injected currents into Ia_W2=Ia1_W2=1.809@∟0 Ia_W2=Ia1_W2=1.809@∟0o
12.5kV side Ib_W2=Ib1_W2=1.809@∟240 o Ib_W2=Ib1_W2=1.809@∟240o
Ic_W2=Ic1_W2=1.809@∟120 o Ic_W2=Ic1_W2=1.809@∟120o
Note that when these currents are injected the differential relay shall be exactly at the pickup point. It
might be necessary to slightly increase current in all three phases in order to get relay operation. Write
down the actual pickup current for this three-phase injection. Make sure that differential relay operates in
all three phases.
Sometimes it is as well required to test and verify the single phase differential relay pickup (i.e. minimum
pickup current value when only one phase current is injected at the time on one side of the transformer).
This pickup value can be expresses by using the following formula:
I1Ph_Pickup is secondary current pickup for 1-Ph injection
I3Ph_Pickup is secondary current pickup for 3-Ph injection (see above two Tables)
k is a factor which is dependent on a particular relay design; typically k factor will have one among the
following values 1.0; 1.5 or 1.732; note that from different power transformer sides the k factor may have
different values.
The injection principles as shown in Section 3.1.1 (i.e. positive sequence current sets only used on both
transformer sides) can be utilized to test the entire differential relay operating characteristic as shown in
Figure 13. In order to test one point on the characteristic the currents as shown in Table 4 shall be
injected. Relay shall be fully stable (i.e. differential currents in all three phases shall be equal to zero).
Then the current magnitudes on winding 2 side shall be rump down symmetrically (i.e. equally in all three
phases) until the differential relay operates in all three phases. Write down the side 2 currents in
secondary amperes as well as in percent (by dividing the secondary amperes with winding 2 base currents
and multiplying by 100). Now the differential current will be the simple algebraical difference between
the winding one and winding 2 currents expressed in percent. Similarly these two percentage values shall
be used to calculate the bias current in accordance with formula given in differential relay manual (i.e.
maximum of the two, minimum of the two, sum of the two or average of the two percentage values). The
same procedure can be now repeated for different current levels on the two sides of the protected
transformer. Simple EXCEL worksheet can be created to test a particular differential relay operating
characteristic as for example shown in Figure 14 for a particular relay [4] (note that the values given in
this Figure do not correspond to the previously used application example shown in Figure 12). The
EXCEL can also be used to automatically plot the differential relay operating characteristic as shown in
Figure 15. Note that all calculations performed by EXCEL work sheet are algebraical (i.e. no mathematics
with complex numbers is required).
Figure 14: Extract from EXCEL worksheet used for RET 521*2.5 testing
Idiff [pu]
As in Manaual
0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00
Ibias [pu]
3.2.3 Testing unrestraint pickup of the differential protection
Often transformer differential relays include unrestraint operating level. This level can be tested in using
exactly the same methodology as shown in Section 3.2.1 for the minimum pickup. The only difference is
that instead of 30% actual value for unrestraint pickup level (e.g. 800%) shall be used in order to calculate
the required secondary current magnitudes. Because typically relatively high secondary current
magnitudes are required, especially if single phase injection is performed, additional care must be taken in
order not to overload/burn the ct inputs into the differential relay.
4. Conclusions
The proposed method can be effectively used for testing of any numerical, three-phase power transformer
differential protection regardless its make. It is well known fact that fault currents for any type of external
or internal faults can be represented by the positive, negative and zero sequence current component sets.
Thus, by performing transformer differential protection tests in a sequence-wise fashion it is verified that
the differential protection will be stable for all symmetrical and non-symmetrical external faults and
through-load conditions. These tests will also confirm that the differential relay will operate (i.e. trip) for
any internal fault.
By using this method it is possible to test the differential protection for an n-winding transformer by
testing in between two windings at a time. However, note that the value for maximum transformer power
shall ALWAYS be used for the base current calculations on all sides of the protected power transformer.
It is sufficient to test winding 1 side against all other windings (one at the time) in order to verify proper
operation of the relay for all operating conditions.
It shall be noted that exactly the same testing method can be applied on traditional, analogue transformer
differential protection schemes utilizing interposing CTs to perform magnitude and phase angle
compensation. The only prerequisite is that the currents are injected into the primary windings of the
interposing CTs and not directly into the differential relay. By doing so, the complete differential
protection scheme consisting of interposing CTs and the analogue differential relay are verified.
The only drawback of this test method is that a secondary injection test set with six current generators is
required. However this is typically not a limitation with modern secondary test equipment.
5. Reference:
[5] Electrical Transmission and Distribution reference Book, Westinghouse Electric Cooperation
[7] F.Mekic, Z. Gajić, S. Ganesan “Adaptive Features on Numerical Differential Relays”, (29th
Annual Western Protective relay Conference, Spokane, WA, October 22-24, 2002)
[9] Z. Gajić, “Differential Protection for Arbitrary Three-Phase Power Transformer”, PhD Thesis,
Lund University, Sweden, February 2008, ISBN: 978-91-88934-47-5
[11] J.L. Blackburn, Symmetrical Components for Power System Engineering, Marcel Dekker,
1993, ISBN: 0-8247-8767-6
[12] Application Note “Universal Testing Method for Power Transformer Differential Protection”,
SA2008-000355, ABB, available at:
[13] Instruction for Planning Differential Protection Schemes, CH-ES 53-10 E, BBC January 1980
Zoran Gajić (M’95) was born in Serbia in 1965. He received his Diploma Engineer Degree with honors
in electrical power engineering from University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1990 and Graduate Diploma in
Engineering in computer engineering from Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa in
1995. Currently he is a part-time, post-graduate student at Lund University, Sweden where he is pursuing
the PhD Degree. Since 1993 he has been working in the area of power system protection and control
within ABB Group of companies, where he had various engineering positions. Currently he has a position
of Product Application Specialist with ABB AB, Substation Automation Products in Vasteras, Sweden.
Zoran is a member of Cigré and IEEE/PES. Presently he is the convener for Cigré, Study Committee B5,
WG16 “Modern Techniques for Protecting Busbars in HV Networks”. He has published numerous
technical papers in the relay protection area. His main working areas are practical applications of
protection relays, computer applications for protection and control of electrical power system,
development of advanced protection algorithms for numerical relays and power system simulations.
Zoran is holder of four patents.
Fahrudin Mekić was born in former Yugoslavia in 1967. He received his BSEE with honors from
Sarajevo University, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1991 where he also worked as research assistant. He
received his MSEE degree from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in 1996. Since 1996 he has been
working in the area of power system protection and control within ABB, where he had various
engineering positions. Currently he is Global Product Manager with the Distribution Automation, ABB
Inc, in Allentown, PA. Fahrudin has published several technical papers in the area of protection and
reliability. He is currently responsible for the application and technical issues associated with ABB relays.
He is a senior member of IEEE.