Erythrina Fusca Loureiro.: January 1997
Erythrina Fusca Loureiro.: January 1997
Erythrina Fusca Loureiro.: January 1997
2 1,013
2 authors, including:
Ricardo Russo
University of Costa Rica
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ricardo Russo on 01 June 2014.
2n = 42
Properties The edible portion of the leaves contains per 100 g dry
matter: 20—22 g crude protein; in vitro digestibility ranges from 30—
55%. The mineral content of the leaves per 100 g dry matter is: N 3.2
g, P 0.15 g, K 1.0 g, Ca 1.3 g, Mg 0.5 g.|As in other Erythrina spp., the
seed contains very small amounts of free amino acids and large
amounts of alkaloids. In Erythrina fusca, only the amino acid histidine
occurs in fairly large amounts (0.6—1.0%), which is characteristic of
the species. The only common Erythrina alkaloids found in Erythrina
fusca are erysotrine, erythraline, erysodine, erysovine and erysopine.
Ant-repellent compounds in the nectar have been reported.|The weight
of 1000 seeds is 200—700 g.|The wood is soft with a moderately
coarse texture and an unattractive, straight grain. Growth rings are
absent, axial and radial parenchyma fairly abundant. The colour of the
wood is white to yellow, without differentiation between the heartwood
and the sapwood. The average air-dry density ranges from 250—300
Recommended Citation:
Russo, R.O. & Baguinon, N.T., 1997. Erythrina fusca Loureiro[Internet]
Record from Proseabase. Faridah Hanum, I & van der Maesen, L.J.G.
(Editors). PROSEA (Plant Resources of South-East Asia) Foundation,
Bogor, Indonesia.