Bone Tructure An Function: Objectives Materials
Bone Tructure An Function: Objectives Materials
Bone Tructure An Function: Objectives Materials
and Function
1 Identify bones as either long, short, flat, irregular, • disarticulated bones for bone classification
or sesamoid • Gross Features of a Human Long Bone: human
2 Describe the gross structure of a long bone and long bone cut longitudinally and transversely;
identify its parts • Gross Features of a Fresh Long Bone: dissecting
3 Describe the difference between compact microscope, dissecting tray, blunt probe and
(cortical) and spongy (cancellous or trabecular) forceps, disposable gloves, fresh chicken leg
bone or thigh bone, fresh beef long bone sectioned
4 Identify microscopic structures of compact and longitudinally
spongy bone • Microscopic Structure of Bone: compound
5 Describe the effect of collagen and mineral salts microscope and lens paper, prepared slides of
on bone hardness and flexibility cross-section of ground compact bone and
cancellous (spongy) bone, or use Real Anatomy
• Collagen and Mineral Salts: 3 chicken thigh or
leg bones: 1 raw, 1 baked for 2 hours or more at
250°F, and 1 soaked in an acidic solution (vinegar
or nitric acid) for 5 to 7 days
B. Gross Features
of Long Bones
The enlarged proximal and distal ends of long bones are
called epiphyses (epi- = above, over; -physis = growing), 3
and the middle shaft area is called the diaphys~ (dia- =
through). Compact bone forms the exterior (or cortex)
of long bones and most of the diaphysis. A small layer of \
spongy bone lines the interior of the diaphysis. Spongy bone - - - - 13
also forms the interior of the epiphyses. The metaphyses are
the areas in an adult bone where the epiphyses and diaphy-
sis join. In a growing bone, the metaphyses contain a layer
of hyaline cartilage called the epiphyseal plate. Division of
cartilage allows the bone to grow in length. Bone growth
stops when the epiphyseal plate cartilage becomes ossified
and forms a bony structure called the epiphyseal line.
Articular cartilage (articul- = joint), composed of 4
hyaline cartilage, covers both epiphyses; and the rest of the
bone exterior is covered with a tough, connective tissue mem-
brane, the periosteum (peri- = around; osteo- = bone).
The hollow center of the bony diaphysis is called the
medullary cavity (medulla = marrow, pith), and a small
amount of spongy bone is found in this cavity. The med-
ullary cavity is lined with a connective tissue membrane • articular cartilage
called the endosteum (endo- = within). The endosteum • compact bone
also lines the cavities within the spongy bone of the epiph- • diaphysis (dle-AF-ih-sis) 2
yses. Both the periosteum and the endosteum contain • distal epiphysis
(e-PIF-ih-sis) 3
osteoblasts (-blast = builder) and osteoclasts (-klasis =
breaking) for bone formation, bone tissue repair, and bone • distal metaphysis
remodeling. (me-TAF-ih-sis)
Yellow marrow is a fatty substance found within the • endosteum 5
medullary cavity. Red marrow is found within the cavities (en-DOS-tee-um)
• epiphyseal (ep-i-PHY- 6
of spongy bone and produces blood cells.
zee-al or ee-PIF-ih-
The nutrient artery is a large artery that enters compact seal) line 7
bone near the middle of the diaphysis. The nutrient artery • medullary (MED-yoo-
immediately branch es into proximal and distal portions lar-y) cavity 8
which supply blood to the inner layer of compact bone, • nutrient artery
spongy bone, and red marrow. The nutrient foramen is the • periosteum
foramen through which the nutrient artery enters. (peri-OS-tee-um)
• proximal epiphysis
• proximal metaphysis 11
• spongy bone with red
Before Going to Lab marrow 12
1 Label Figure 8.1. 13
Compact-- . .. .
bone ·• ;··. Medullary
Spongy •• •-· ~ avity
Periosteum - -
.-=;:;,;.....,. - ~ . .
.,.:,ai,,o,,..::':~~:~"""iiii·:, t> .
Medullary cavity
(a) Osteons (Haversian systems) in compact bone and trabeculae in spongy bone
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• compact bone
• medullary cavity
• metaphysis
• proximal epiphysis
• spongy bone
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- - 5
• canaliculi
• central canal
6 • concentric lamella
• lacuna
8 7
..._.~........,:::.,-,,=~- Red marrow • osteocyte
10 • trabecula
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11 - - - - - - - - - -
. . - ..
(c) Photomicrograph of spongy bone