Presentation - English Version

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For a more sustainable day to day.

Who we are…
“Eco-school” is an international programme of the “Foundation for Environmental
Education” . It has been developed in Portugal since 1996 by the ABAE.

It aims to encourage actions and to acknowledge/recognize the quality of the work

developed by the school, within the scope of Environmental Education for Sustainability.

The programme is coordinated on an international, national, regional and school level.This

multilevel coordination allows/enables the confluence of common
objectives,methodologies and criteria that respect the specificity of each school in relation
to its students and the characteristics of the surrounding environment.

In addition to the support of the people and of the Institutions of the National Commission,
the Eco-school programme also works in partnership with several municipalities and also
has the support of patrons for some of its activities. It also provides methodology, training,
teaching materials, gives assistance  and provides the framework for the work developed
by the school.


The methodology of the Eco-schools Programme – The 7 steps

1. The Eco-school Committee
2. Environmental audit
3. Action plan
4. Monitoring and evaluation
5.  Curriculum work
6. School and local community information and involvement 
7.  Eco-code

1. The Eco-school Committee

The most important members of this Committee are the students. They are at
its core. The adult members, that is the teachers, are also in the Committee
but they only support the students’ work.

This Committe represents the ideas of the entire school. It debates, monitors,
evaluates and decides on prioritary actions. It ensures that the entire school
community is informed about the Eco-school activities or action plan.
It holds regular meetings to discuss actions to be developed in the school
and/or in the community.

It also makes the self-assessment and decides on the Green Flag



2. Environmental audit

The environmental audit investigates environmental and social issues in the

school/community. It aims to identify environmental problems in/within the
It clarifies the priority actions to be developed at school.

3. Action plan
The action plan is the most important document. It is the base for developing all
the environmental work. It is in this document that all the working areas of the
different/various themes are identified.
It should include the diagnosis, objectives, goals, tasks, the people that are going
to implement it/carry it out, (responsible people) and deadlines.


4. Monitoring and evaluation

In this step the students are the ones responsible for monitoring the progress of the
activities. They have to check if the goals are being achieved or not

Nota: perguntar aos colegas sobre a atividade de monitorização que está a decorrer no
slide 8
In these photos we can see one of the monitering activities – the students are
monetering the spending of eletricity, gas, and water. They this on a regular basis in
order to see if the plan is working out

5. curricullum work

The eco-school programme enriches the curriculum. The eco school activities are
linked and integrated in the curriculum. The teachers of the different subjects can
plan lessons according to the topics of the eco school activities or the topics can
be developed through a project based work
This is also a way to guarantee the real integration of the eco school programme
in the school community.


6. School and local community information and involvement ( the commnity takes
part/participates in the activities)

The activities/actions that are developed, must allow the participation of the
entire school community. The role played by the students’ parents/family in the
development of the activities is very important
The Information is disseminated/spreaded through various means, such as: the
school assembly or events at school; posters; social media/networks (on the
school official website/on the school Facebook page); school plays, etc.


7. Eco-code

The eco code is a statement that represents the school's commitment to

sustainability. This statement must be known by all the people in the community.
The eco-code can be a song, a poster. The way or the format in which the eco
code is announced/presented to the world is very flexible. But it must be very well
displayed/presented/shown throughout the entire school facilities.

New Tetrapak Challenge
“Build your Yellow Eco Bin and Recycle”

COMPAL is a portuguese soft drinks company. This company created a

presented the tetra pak challenge to the portuguese students. The purpose of t
contest was to challenge the students to create a Yellow eco bin out of Tetra p

SLIDE 13 & 14
Tetra pack Challenge - "This Christmas the decorations are on you"

The purpose of this challenge was to create/make ornaments/decorations for the

Christmas tree with packaging from the Compal brand. The students created
sustainable Christmas Tree ornaments with "tetra pak" packaging.


The school Chritmas Tree was decorated with all the sustainable decorations
created by the students and it was in exhibition at the school library.

Eco blooming Windows

The students, working together with their families, conceived their own project.
For this project, they used recycled materials and plants that were
given/supplied by the school, by the families and by the City Council.

This challenge was proposed by the City Council


Within the scope of the Eco-Schools project, our school also participated in the
contest “Eco Blooming Windows” promoted by City Council Environmental
Awareness Department.

Throughout the school year, the students, with the collaboration and help of the
teachers and of the teachers’ assistant, created plant pots, reusing different
materials in which they placed plants, especially succulents plants. An activity
diary was created, decorated and covered with recycled paper.

The students loved to participate in this activity. They weere very enthusiastic
about it. Throughout the school year they kept taking care of the plants that still
decorate and brighten the school windows.

Covered Topic(s): Outdoor spaces

Slide 17
Organic gardens ?? quem promoveu? A camara??
Necessário mais info

The students put their hands in the dirt but they put them for a very good reason, right!
The students had the chance to plant, to grow different species of vegetables, flowers without
using any kind of chemicals and they also learned how to use natural techniques to prevent
damages caused by insects

natural fertilizers

The sea starts here

Based on the importance of the oceans in the history of Portugal, namely in the Portuguese
Discoveries, the student imagined and drew a Portuguese caravel in order to call people’s
attention to the obstacles that today’s marine litter would bring to maritime voyages.

Covered topic: The water

Slide 19
World Environment Day/Eco-Schools Day
This day was celebrated with an ecological parade (With the help of the students’ families –
clothes made from recycled material were presented) and the Green Flag was also raised. The
entire educational community, Parents’ Association, Parish Council and Families participated in
this celebration.

Slide 20

“The birds that surround us”: wooden bird nest/bird houses

The challenge was to attract the diversity of bird species into a space where the
students usually spend time, such as the school grounds and school garden.
Slide 21

“The birds that surround us”: bird water troughs and feeders

The purpose of creating these bird houses, feeders and water troughs was to allow
students to observe the bird species and then allow them to share their findings with
the school and local community. The older students created the bird houses but
these feeders and water troughs that you can see here were created by the special
needs students during the first Covid lockdown in 2020. During the lockdown these
kids needed more support so they did not stay at home permanently. They came to
school every single day and with the teachers’ assistance and guidance they were able
to create these wonderful objects for the birds. And as you can see they are all very
sustainable …what a great ending for plastic bottles.

Slide 22
“The birds that surround us”: exhibition

Roupas Usadas Não Estão Acabadas 2020-21 – este tema global deu origem as dois desafios.

“Worned clothes are not yet disposable” – This was the main topic/theme and was also the
basis for two challenges:

The number one Challenge was to:

Recolha com estilo | recolha de roupas, calçado e brinquedos

Collect in style – collecting good quality unwanted clothing, shoes and toys – they were then given7offered to non
profit organizations

The number two challenge was to:

Criar com estilo | desafio criativo “Aves em Tecido”

Create with style | creative challenge "Birds in Fabric"

Partindo do desafio anterior “As aves que nos rodeia” os alunos desenharam estas mesmas aves em tecido

The challenge “Birds that surround us” was the starting point for this other activity – The students drew the birds
on fabric

I’m going to finish this presentation just by saying that what I’ve just shown to you is a sample of
activities. There are many, many other activities that I could show to you but unfortunately we don’t
have enough time… maybe next time or you can visit the school website and find out more about our

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