Importance of Technology in Education at Margosatubig Zamboanga Del Sur Year 2021
Importance of Technology in Education at Margosatubig Zamboanga Del Sur Year 2021
Importance of Technology in Education at Margosatubig Zamboanga Del Sur Year 2021
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How does technology impact student learning? In the physical classroom, some
postsecondary educators view technology as a distraction. Even if they don’t ban the
use of mobile phones or social media during lectures, they may begrudgingly view
But after a year of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, perspectives
are changing. Rather than simply ‘tolerate’ it, instructors are realizing that technology
and the power of digital devices, apps and tools can increase engagement, encourage
learning. It still requires a guide (the educator) and a purpose (related to the curriculum).
And there is effort and strategy required to integrate it effectively into your course
material. But, if used with intention, technology can be transformed from a distraction to
This study aims to help the future researchers know the importance of
3. Why students’ needs the guidance of parents and teachers in terms of technologies?
Reduces Learning
Weight Interesting
Increases Improves
Collaboration Skills
Significance of the study
The findings of the study helped in assessing the effects of technology to the
Students. The result may help students to be aware of the extreme use of
Parents. The result may give parents knowledge on how to discipline their
Teachers and Principal. The result may help teachers how to properly guide
and give awareness to the parents of their students and to the students as well.
Future researchers. The results in this study may be used as reference data in
conducting new researches or in testing the validity of other related findings similar to
this study. This study will also serve as their cross-reference that will give them a
Therefore, it can validate some of the findings to the future studies and can be
wherein it will be measured using observations. Moreover, this study will also look for
the main problems involving technology in relation to their relationship, mental health,
This will be conducted at our local place in Margosatubig following the guidelines of this
pandemic. The respondents of this study are the different students from different Puroks
in our town. These includes Purok Rubia, Daisy 1 and 2, MIrasol, Dona Aurora, Ilang-
ilang and Bagong Silang. Each Purok are composed of at least 2 respondents which are
Definition of Key Terminologies
This study contains certain key concepts and constructs. Although this construct
is discussed in detail in Chapter 2, they are briefly introduced in this early Chapter of the
research to allow the reader to make sense of what is presented in the subsequent
skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching,
Junior High School. is the middle school that meet the development needs of
adolescents differ from those of elementary school children and older teenagers.
“Developmentally responsive middle schools must take into account all that is known
about young adolescents and the cultural context in which they live.” (Lounsbury, 1996).
Senior High School (SHS). refers to the last two years of the K12 program,
namely as grade 11 and 12 base on the DepEd guide book named as “Senior High”.
Purposive Sampling. is a non-probability sample that is selected based on
characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is also
Reduces Weight. instead of carrying lots of books, students just carry a laptop,
In order to have a better idea of the topic and a good start in making the study,
the researchers conducted intensive readings, both foreign and local from different
sources. These sources include articles and case studies from the internet, books, and
other reading materials. The review of related literatures and studies shall serve as a
foundation to fully understand and meaningfully interpret the results of the on-going
Foreign Literature
big role as our modern day relies on it. In the foreign countries, technologies became a
according to Nikita Duggal (2021) Technology today is evolving at such a rapid pace,
enabling faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change,
until eventually, it will become exponential. The reason of this venture is because of the
COVID 19. Technologies serves as our entertainment, fun, work, study, business and
etc. it helped us a lot as the modern day and the new normal passes by.
Technologies were mostly used by the minorities these days. As the pandemic
affects our normal life in which students were focus on their studies using the
technologies where online classes are being held. According to Sean Bui (2020)
Students now have to get used to distance learning via digital platforms due to social
distancing. Technology and learning plays a role to fulfill the knowledge of every student
today. According to Brooke Auxier, Monica Anderson, Andrew Perrin and Erica Turner
(2020) the use of the internet and the adoption of mobile devices like smartphones and
tablets is widespread, and digital technologies play a significant role in the everyday
lives of American families. This is also true for children, who may begin interacting with
digital devices at young ages. Children were being engage to technologies such as
television, tablets, and etc. The most common device parents say their young child
engages with is a television, with 88% of parents saying their child ever uses or
interacts with a TV. Smaller – yet still large – shares of parents say their child ever uses
or interacts with a tablet computer (67%) or a smartphone (60%). Some 44% of parents
of young children say their child ever uses or interacts with a desktop or laptop
agree on whether technology is dangerous for kids, it means that technologies have
both good and bad effects at all. According to a recent study, the average 8- to 10-year-
old spends nearly 8 hours a day with a variety of different media, and older children and
teenagers spend 11 hours per day. Young people now spend more time with media
than they do in school—it is the leading activity for children and teenagers other than
create innovative learning experiences in and out of class. In the physical classroom,
some postsecondary educators view technology as a distraction. Even if they don’t ban
the use of mobile phones or social media during lectures, they may begrudgingly view
technology as a little more than a necessary evil. But after a year of remote learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic, perspectives are changing. Rather than simply
‘tolerate’ it, instructors are realizing that technology and the power of digital devices,
apps and tools can increase engagement, encourage collaboration, spark innovation
However, Vawn Himmelsbach (2021) added that Technology can foster cheating
in class and on assignments. Students have always found ways to cheat, but the digital
essay-writer from an online essay mill. Here, digital technology could end up hindering
In the Philippines, children were also obsessed with this technology. As of today,
it serves as their entertainment such as TikTok and gaming, and online class platforms.
Due to the over use of gadgets, local researchers found that the use of gadgets could
Ospital ng Makati, said studies indicate that 29 percent of Filipino children suffer from
myopia. Gonzales added that 90 percent of frequent mobile or online gamers have
students spend their time using gadgets for online learning. The pandemic had greatly
cause us to use online platforms for work, and school. Children are more exposed to
gadgets and technology and, naturally, to the risks related to the increased exposure.
Rojas added that children age 5-17 years old should use gadgets for only 2 hours but
due to online class platforms children had to be exposed to technologies for more than
2 hours.
The purpose of this chapter is to explain in detail the research methods and the
methodology implemented for this study. The chapter will explain the research design,
then the research environment, as well as the research participants. This will be
followed by a discussion of the abilities of the researchers to produce valid results and
on how well their respondents answer such questions to meet the aims and objectives
set by this dissertation. It concludes with a brief discussion on the ethical considerations
and limitations posed by the research methodology, Moreover, this chapter also
explains the data gathering instruments, data gathering procedures and the statistical
Research Design
This study makes use of qualitative research design in the sense that it will be the
form of words in this research, it will tackle more about the title, definition, terms and
Research Instrument
For the purposes of this research, the researchers have decided to use one of
the classic research tools – questionnaires. The researchers prefer the descriptive
approach, rather than the positivism because of the quantifiable variables that are
measured elements
Research Locale
is composed of Junior High School and Senior High School Students from different
Puroks. This study determines how important technology to students as of the new
normal due to the pandemic. The researchers decided to conduct their research at
Margosatubig in order to help students in the area, in which the area needs
The research Participants of this study are chosen 20 children ages 18 and
below from Margosatubig Zamboanga del sur, who are undertaking online class as their
sur, they will be pick base on their educational platform during the school year of 2020-
The population of the chosen research subjects from different Puroks are
indicated in Table 1.
Table 1
Purok Rubia 2
Purok Daisy 1 4
Purok Daisy 2 2
Purok Mirasol 4
Purok Ilang-ilang 3
Total 20
Data Gathering Procedure
Margosatubig Zamboanga del sur who undergoes online class, and platforms.
The researchers utilize online platforms for the survey. Due to the pandemic, we
were currently not allowed to go outside in order to prevent COVID 19. Online platforms
such as google form or messenger message are the best way to do the survey.
Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study.
Any deception or exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the research
must be avoided.