Impact of Leadership Style On Performance of Organization
Impact of Leadership Style On Performance of Organization
Impact of Leadership Style On Performance of Organization
Research Article
Received date: 4 June 2018; Accepted date: 16 July 2018; Published date: 18 October 2018
Copyright © 2018. Ebrahim Hasan Al Khajeh.Distributed under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Leadership is one of the key determinants associated with the success and failure of any
organization. Leadership style is the manner in which people are directed and motivated by a
leader to achieve organizational goals. This study examines the impact of leadership styles on
the organizational performance. The focus was on six major leadership styles -transformational,
transactional, autocratic, charismatic, bureaucratic and democratic. This study has provided
deep insights about the leadership styles; the democratic, transformational, bureaucratic and
autocratic leaderships have a positive impact on the organizational performance, however, the
charismatic and transactional leaderships have negative impact on the organizational
performance, as it does not provide opportunities and freedom to employees. In this study, both
primary and secondary research has been conducted. The primary research has been done
using the quantitative approach, with the help of survey instrument, based on a survey
questionnaire. The secondary research has been done through the review of previously
established literature for achieving the research objectives. The findings suggested that
charismatic, bureaucratic and transactional leadership styles have negative relationship with
organizational performance. Transformational, autocratic, and democratic leadership styles, on
the other hand, had a positive relationship with the organizational performance. It has been
recommended that organizations use the leadership style that enhances the capabilities and
abilities of the people.
Cite this Article as: Ebrahim Hasan Al Khajeh (2018)," Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational
Performance", Journal of Human Resources Management Research, Vol. 2018 (2018), Article ID 687849,
DOI: 10.5171/2018.687849
Journal of Human Resources Management Research 2
The main objective of this research is “to Organizational Performance is a complex and
determine the impact of autocratic multidimensional phenomenon in the
leadership style, democratic leadership style, business literature. Organizational
performance of the organization as it style is more suitable when the projects are
provides opportunities to the employees to to be completed within provided deadlines
express and implement their creative ideas (Bhargavi & Yaseen, 2016). Igbaekemen and
and take part in the decision- making Odivwri (2015) also conducted a study on
process. This leadership style also prepares the impact of leadership styles on the
future leaders and helps the organization in performance of the organizations. The author
the long run. Choi (2007) also stated that a stated that an autocratic leader is the one
democratic leader is the one who focuses on who determines the activities, techniques
the group discussion and group participation and policies to the employees and expects
and as a result it positively influences the the employees to follow the same. In addition
performance of the followers. such leaders do not have much faith on their
Therefore, the democratic leadership style
can be used for improving the organizational Bureaucratic leadership style and
performance as well as the efficiency. Hence, organizational performance
it can be stated that democratic leadership
has a positive impact on the organizational Bureaucratic leaders influence the people
performance. (Elenkov, 2002). under them to follow the policies and
procedures designed by them. The leaders
Autocratic Leadership and Organizational are strongly committed to their processes
Performance and procedures but not to their people. This
is the reason why they appear to be aloof.
Autocratic leaders are classic and bossy in This method is not very effective as it does
nature. The autocratic leaders want their not lead to the development and motivation
subordinates to work according to them. of the employees. These leaders just focus on
Typically, autocratic leaders retain the their tasks being completed in a systematic
decision -making rights with them (Obiwuru, manner (Germano, 2010). Ojukuku et al
et al., 2011). The autocratic leaders force (2012) also stated that bureaucratic
their followers to execute the services and leadership has a negative impact on the
strategies according to the narrow way. organizational performance. According to
Iqbal, Anwar, and Haider (2015) conducted a them, bureaucratic leaders do not induce the
study to determine the impact of leadership employees of their organization to work in
styles on the organizational performance. the expected manner which can lead to
The study stated that autocratic leadership is improved organizational performance
also known as the authoritarian leadership (Ojokuku, et al., 2012). Sougui et al (2015)
style. The autocratic leaders are less creative also presented similar results which stated
and only promote one- sided conversation. that the bureaucratic leadership style does
This severely affects the motivation and not impact the employee as well as
satisfaction level of the employees. The organizational performance significantly.
autocratic leadership style is however, This method is beneficial only when the tasks
known to be effective in the short term. are to be done in longer time following a
Autocratic leadership restricts the workplace mentioned procedure (Sougui, et al., 2015).
socialization and communication which is
cordial for effective organizational Methodology
performance. The autocratic leadership also
leads to organizational conflicts which In order to answer the research question,
negatively affect the overall performance quantitative approach has been utilized in
(Iqbal, et al., 2015). Bhargavi and Yaseen this study. There are 3 types of research
(2016) suggested that the autocratic approaches namely; qualitative, quantitative,
leadership style has a positive impact on the and mixed approach (Creswell, 2014).
organizational performance. This leadership According to Kumar (2005), when the goal of
study is to find the relationship among performance scale. The scale compares the
variables, quantitative approach is usually performance of the banks with their
utilized. This study utilizes quantitative competitors. The reliability and credibility of
approach as the objective is to determine the scale was checked using the item analysis
relationship between dependent variable and it yielded a reliability alpha value of 0.76,
organizational performance and independent which is considered to be fairly reliable.
variable leadership styles.
Results and Discussion
Sampling and Data Collection
This section of the research has discussed the
Leadership scale for this research work was major findings that have been obtained from
adopted from Zhu (2002). Organizational the secondary research. The results in the
performance was measured using table show that there is both a positive and a
respondents’ perception of their negative relationship between the selected
organization’s performance in comparison to dimensions of leadership and organizational
their competitors. The study was conducted performance. Transactional leadership,
on the employees of twenty randomly Charismatic leadership, and bureaucratic
selected organizations. The data were leadership were found to have a negative
collected using the survey questionnaires. All relationship with the organizational
the required permissions were taken from performance with (r= -0.174, -0.432, -0.292;
the bank authorities for conducting the P<0.001) respectively. This shows that these
survey. After all the procedures, the leadership styles do not induce the
questionnaires were distributed and the employees to perform better and stimulate
respondents had to fill them out. The high turnover intention. The leadership
responses of the respondents were measured styles such as charismatic and bureaucratic
using a five point Likert scale where the leadership are good styles of leadership for
frequency performance was distributed into short- term or small projects but as far as the
5 levels “never”, “little”, “occasionally”, long- term and future prospects are
“often” and “always”. considered, they are not beneficial as they do
not lead to employee development, and this
Data Analysis does not bring out the expected
performances from the employees. However,
The reliability of the data was measured the democratic leadership, transformational
using Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient. leadership and autocratic leadership style
The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient values for have a positive relationship with the
charismatic leadership, bureaucratic organizational performance with (r = 0.156,
leadership, transformational leadership, 0.265, 0.064; P<0.001) respectively. This
transactional leadership, democratic indicates that these three styles of leadership
leadership and autocratic leadership were induce the employees to perform better and
found to be 0.813, 0.780, 0.087, 0.790, 0.753, as per the level of expectations. These
and 0.650 respectively. The impact of the leadership styles must be promoted in the
leadership styles on their performances was organizations.
measured using the organizational
Variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
20.054 1.894 1.000
3.123 1.143 -0.174** 1.000
3.998 0.398 0.265** 0.123* 1.000
2.005 1.542 0.064** -0.343 -0.165 1.000
4.598 6.545 0.156** -0.121 0.123 -0.092 1.000
3.732 1.285 -0.432** 0.234 -0.321 -0.031 -0.276 1.000
2.454 0.756 -0.292* 0.265* -0.299 0.312 -0.093 -0.171
Table 3: ANOVA
Table 4: Coefficientsa
The results prove that the leadership styles similar to the results indicated by the
contribute effectively in determining the literature review. However, the literature
organizational performance. Therefore, the review suggests that the transactional
hypothesis was tested to be true. leadership also has a positive impact on
organizational performance, which
The finds of this study are in line with contradicts the results of the survey. This
previous research studies (Wang, et al., 2010; space can be further researched in the future
Obiwuru, et al., 2011). As per the literature by gathering more evidence.
review, transformational leadership helps in
establishing a value system along with Conclusion
providing the employees an opportunity to
develop their skills and abilities. The This study has focused on the impact of
democratic leadership helps in improving the leadership styles on organizational
creativity and decision making skills of the performance. The focus was on only six
employees. In the autocratic leadership, types of leadership styles- transformational,
employees have to work or follow the orders transactional, democratic, charismatic,
given by the leader and this works in favor of bureaucratic, and autocratic. The
the organization as per the survey. The transformational, autocratic and democratic
charismatic leadership and bureaucratic leadership styles were found to have a
leadership styles, on the other hand, were positive influence on organizational
found to have a negative relationship with performance, whereas, the transactional,
the organizational performance, which is charismatic and bureaucratic leadership
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