Article 1483180187
Article 1483180187
Article 1483180187
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
MS (Ayurveda), Associate Professor, Yashwant Ayurved Postgraduate Training and Reasearch Center, Kodoli, Sonali
Eye Hospital, Kodoli, 416114, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
In this clinical study total 60 patients were taken which were divided in two groups having 30 patients each wise,
the experimental group (l) - treated with Indiangoose collyrium applied two times a day and second the control
group (ll) - treated with Neosporin H eye ointment and tab Nimesulid 100 mg in same dose. The aim of this study
was to study the efficacy of Indiangoose collyrium in Ulcerative Blepharitis and to prescribe comparatively cheap
and easily available remedy in public health. The Indiangoose collyrium was prepared in and standardised in
pharmasuetical lab. The control group drug was bought from market. Demographic data and clinical data were
drawn and the statistical analysis was done by Chi square test. The overall effect of therapy in group I was 70%
and that in group II was 80%. The relief percentage in Group II is slightly on higher side. But it was found to be
statistically insignificant.
KEYWORDS: Ulcerative blepharitis, Indiangooseberry, collyrium application, effective therapy.
In Vedic era we find references of eye ailments & their Symptoms- Redness of lid margin
surgeries by famous Ashwinikumar twin & Lord Indra. - Itching
In Kensutra Atharvaveda we find the description of - Lacrimation
Collyrium (Anjana). Ulcerative Blepharitis if not treated energetically,
disease becomes extremely chronic.
In Upanishada period we have complete chapters in
reference to eyes in the form of Netropanishada & Complications - chronic conjunctivitis
Aranyakopanishad. - madarosis
- trichiasis
- ectropion etc 175
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
In Ayurveda the ancient acharya have advocated the use Application of different medicines to the eye is known as
of local drug for the management of Ulcerative Collyrium.
Blepharitis (Klinna vartma).
Application of collyrium is suitable for the person whose
The patients for this study were selected from the Netra body has been purified and the disease is localized in the
roga OPD of Shalakya tantra .Also the help from other eyes only, when signs of fully ripened state such as slight
institutes were taken whenever necessary. oedema, severe itching and sliminess are found, when
the excretions of the eye are thick.
The drug Indian gooseberry (Amalaki) has been selected
on the basis of the reference in Sushruta classical text. Method of application of Collyrium
Indian gooseberry (Amalaki) in Ayurveda is highly Anjana can be applied in supine or sitting position.
promoted as removing inflammation & secretions.The Eyelids are retracted with left hand, while with the help
present study is a stride ahead in the field of Ayurveda- of right hand collyrium applicator (shalaka) is moved
Shalakya to establish on disease of inflammatory from inner canthus to outer canthus. The collyrium is
conditions of anterior segment for the clinical study. applied as per need. Use index finger whenever
collyrium is used only on eyelids. After the application
Any inflammation of anterior structures of eye, if not of collyrium, close the eyelids and eyeball is rotated.
treated can cause severe hazards to visual activity. So it
is very important to diagnose such conditions in early This drug had not been studied anywhere in India, in any
stage and treat properly. Modern medicines like Institution till today.That is why it encouraged me to
antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs fail to cure know its efficacy as other drugs have been found to be
Blepharitis completely. effective in the earlier work taken else where.
Collyrium has special importance in healthy person as
well as in eye diseases. 176
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A) Materials of study was cooled upto room temperature. Then was filtered
1. Patient through fine cotton cloth.
2. Indiangoose collyrium
3. Neosporin H eye ointment & Tab Nimesulide100 The filtered decoction was again boiled on the same
mg flame until the water gets evaporated. Then semisolid i.e.
4. Distilled water Ghansar was obtained. This semisolid was dried and
5. Soda-bi carb solution suppositories (varties) made and were dried.
6. Slit lamp biomicroscope
7. Torch Then dried suppositories (varties) were stored in a dry
8. Snellen’s distant vision chart container. These suppositories (varties) were used for
9. Autorefratometer collyrium in patients of ulcerative blepharitis.
*Colour - Blackish Brown
1) Patient *Form - Semi Solid
Patients were selected by following criteria. *Taste - bitter, sour
Ash Value - 4.56%
Inclusion Criteria
1) Age group 10yrs to 50 yrs. irrespective of sex,
educational status, socioeconomical status, marital
status caste etc.
2) Patients having symptoms of Ulcerative Blepharitis.
3) Only affected eye will be considered suffering from
Ulcerative Blepharitis.
4) Patients ready for drug trial and will be given idea of
the project before giving drug trial.
5) Patient of either sex.
Exclusion Criteria
1) Patients having eyelid diseases other than Ulcerative
Blepharitis like Stye, Chalazion, Lagopthalmus,
Trachoma etc. Amalaki Kwath(Fig.5)
2) Patients of posterior Blepharitis.
3) Patients having major eye problems like corneal
ulcer etc.
4) Any malignant condition of eye & eyelid.
5) Patients suffering from infectious / contagious
6) Patients having systemic diseases e.g. Diabetis
mellitus, Hypertension, Autoimmune diseases etc.
2) Indiangoose collyrium
The raw material i.e. fruits are purchased from
authorized Ayurvedic drug seller.
LPG stove, stainless steel container, spoon, cotton cloth,
measuring cylinder, weighing machine etc. equipments. 179
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
3) Neosporin H eye ointment and Tab Nimesulid eye ointment twice daily for 21 days alsoTab Nimesulid
The patients of control group were treated with 100mg BD for 7 days. Special instructions were given
application of Neosporin H eye ointment &Tab about maintenance of eyelid hygiene.
Nimesulid 100mg.
4) Record of observation and parameters
4) Distilled water Observational parameters were recorded on 1st, 7 th, 14th
This was used for lavigation of the Dhatryanjana while and 21st day. The signs and symptoms were assessed by
applying the Anjana. adopting suitable scoring method at each follow up. 180
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
day, 7th, 14th and 21st day Anjana was applied by research
scholar, rest of days it was done by patient himself.
The demographic data of 60 patients of ulcerative
Blepharitis was collected and grouped on the bases of
age, sex, religion, marital status, socio-economic status. Graph no. 2- Patients suffering from Mild pain
There was only one patient from other religion in Group
II due to the predominance of Hindu religion in this area. 181
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
No.of Patients
15 Gr.1
10 Gr.2
1st day 7th day 14th 21st
day day
Graph no. 4 - Patients suffering from Odema.
Graph No.6 -Patient suffering from Discharge
Effect of treatment
1. Alparuja
Table no. 2- Effect of treatment on 21st day.
No.of Patients
15 Gr-I
Relief No relief
On 21st day 82.75% patients got relief in Trial group and 86.66% patients got relief in Control group.
Graph No.7 -- Effect of treatment on 21st day. 182
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Table no. 3- Effect of treatment on 21st day.
Gr. – I 23 3 26 88.5
0.002 >0.05
Gr. – II 25 2 27 92.6
On 21st day 88.5% patients got relief in Trial group and 92.6% patients got relief in Control group.
Graph no. 8 Effect of treatment on 21st day.
3. Odema
Table no.4- Effect of treatment on 21st day.
4. Ulcer
Table no. 5- Effect of treatment on 21st day/ 183
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
No.of Patients
15 Gr.-I
Relief No-relief
On 21st day 88.5% patients got relief in Trial group and 96.3% patients got relief in Control group
Graph No.10: Effect of treatment on 21st day.
1. Discharge
Table no 6- Effect of treatment on 21st day.
No. of Patients
10 gr.1
relief no relief
On 21stday 85% patients got relief in Trial group and 90.5% patients got relief in Control
GrapNo.11 - Effect of treatment on 21st day 184
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1. Sushrut Samhita: Sushrut Samhita by Maharshi
Sushruta with Ayurved Tattva Sandipika
Commentary by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri.
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan,Varanasi, Sixteenth
Edition, 1997.
2. Ashtang Hriday: Ashtang Hriday of Vaghbhata
with Sarvang Sundari Commentary by Pt.Kashinath
Shastri. Krishnadas Academy;First edition.
3. Charak Samhita: Brahmadatta Tripathi,Chaukhamba
Surbharati prakashan,Varanasi.
4. Ashtang Sangraha: Ashtang Sangraha of Vriddha
Vaghbhata by Vaidya Ravidutta Tripathi,
Chaukhamba Sanskit Prakashan, Second Edition,
5. Sharangadhar Samhita: Dr. Shailaja Shrivastav,
Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi Third Edition
6. Bhavaprakash: Bhavaprakash of Shri Bhav
Mishrawith hindi Commentary by
Pt.Shri.Bramhashankar Mishra,Chaukhamba
Sanskrit Sansthan,4th Edition1977.
7. Yogratnakar: Yogratnakar with Vidyotini Hindi
Commentary by Vaidya Laxmi Pati Shashtri,
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi, Eighth
8. Sharma P.V: Dravyaguna Vidnyan, Vol- II and Vol-
II by Prof. P. V. Sharma. Chaukhamba Bharati
Academy, Varanasi, Fourteenth edition 1993.
9. Ayurveda Prakash: Gulraj Sharma Chaukhamba
Bharati Academ, Reprint 1999. 187