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wjpmr, 2017,3(1), 175-187 SJIF Impact Factor: 3.

Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research


Dr. Sujata Deepak Kate*

MS (Ayurveda), Associate Professor, Yashwant Ayurved Postgraduate Training and Reasearch Center, Kodoli, Sonali
Eye Hospital, Kodoli, 416114, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Sujata Deepak Kate

MS (Ayurveda), Associate Professor, Yashwant Ayurved Postgraduate Training and Reasearch Center, Kodoli, Sonali Eye Hospital, Kodoli,
416114, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Email ID: [email protected],

Article Received on 09/12/2016 Article Revised on 11/12/2016 Article Accepted on 13/12/2016

In this clinical study total 60 patients were taken which were divided in two groups having 30 patients each wise,
the experimental group (l) - treated with Indiangoose collyrium applied two times a day and second the control
group (ll) - treated with Neosporin H eye ointment and tab Nimesulid 100 mg in same dose. The aim of this study
was to study the efficacy of Indiangoose collyrium in Ulcerative Blepharitis and to prescribe comparatively cheap
and easily available remedy in public health. The Indiangoose collyrium was prepared in and standardised in
pharmasuetical lab. The control group drug was bought from market. Demographic data and clinical data were
drawn and the statistical analysis was done by Chi square test. The overall effect of therapy in group I was 70%
and that in group II was 80%. The relief percentage in Group II is slightly on higher side. But it was found to be
statistically insignificant.
KEYWORDS: Ulcerative blepharitis, Indiangooseberry, collyrium application, effective therapy.

INTRODUCTION Then comes the glorious period of samhitas(Classical

texts) when ayurveda attained the status of special
Ayurveda is a science of life. It exists from creation and
branch of science as medical science and special
it is the gift to human being. Science is not a sudden
references for the diseases of urdhwanga i.e eye, ear,
invention. It is a gradual evolution. Ayurveda, as, a
nose, throat in Ayurveda-shalakya tantra. It is here we
science, is also not an exception to it. It is not just a
find the diseases of eyes described in systematic &
curative medicine, but it also teaches the way to live long
chronological order.
a healthy and happy life. The imperishable fundamentals
of Ayurveda, which were laid down by the great sages of
Ulcerative blepharitis
the olden days, are still applicable because of its eternal
 Infective condition
scientific background. Such fundamentals must be
subjected to scientific research not only to prove its  Causes - varied, often bacterial (staphylococcal)
certainty but also to add something new to the existing occasionally parasites.
knowledge. The remarkable strides achieved by man  Clinical features
during the days of evolution and his phenomenal growth
in unfolding the mysteries of nature relied greatly on his Signs- oedema of lid.
capacity to react to the environment. He succeeded in - Discharge
mastering entire animal world due to this fully evolved - yellow crusts glue the lashes together & on
sence; among them, eye shares a greater role than the removing them small ulcers which bleed easily are ,
rest. seen around the lashes.

In Vedic era we find references of eye ailments & their Symptoms- Redness of lid margin
surgeries by famous Ashwinikumar twin & Lord Indra. - Itching
In Kensutra Atharvaveda we find the description of - Lacrimation
Collyrium (Anjana). Ulcerative Blepharitis if not treated energetically,
disease becomes extremely chronic.
In Upanishada period we have complete chapters in
reference to eyes in the form of Netropanishada & Complications - chronic conjunctivitis
Aranyakopanishad. - madarosis
- trichiasis
- ectropion etc 175
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

In Ayurveda the ancient acharya have advocated the use Application of different medicines to the eye is known as
of local drug for the management of Ulcerative Collyrium.
Blepharitis (Klinna vartma).
Application of collyrium is suitable for the person whose
The patients for this study were selected from the Netra body has been purified and the disease is localized in the
roga OPD of Shalakya tantra .Also the help from other eyes only, when signs of fully ripened state such as slight
institutes were taken whenever necessary. oedema, severe itching and sliminess are found, when
the excretions of the eye are thick.
The drug Indian gooseberry (Amalaki) has been selected
on the basis of the reference in Sushruta classical text. Method of application of Collyrium
Indian gooseberry (Amalaki) in Ayurveda is highly Anjana can be applied in supine or sitting position.
promoted as removing inflammation & secretions.The Eyelids are retracted with left hand, while with the help
present study is a stride ahead in the field of Ayurveda- of right hand collyrium applicator (shalaka) is moved
Shalakya to establish on disease of inflammatory from inner canthus to outer canthus. The collyrium is
conditions of anterior segment for the clinical study. applied as per need. Use index finger whenever
collyrium is used only on eyelids. After the application
Any inflammation of anterior structures of eye, if not of collyrium, close the eyelids and eyeball is rotated.
treated can cause severe hazards to visual activity. So it
is very important to diagnose such conditions in early This drug had not been studied anywhere in India, in any
stage and treat properly. Modern medicines like Institution till today.That is why it encouraged me to
antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs fail to cure know its efficacy as other drugs have been found to be
Blepharitis completely. effective in the earlier work taken else where.

Collyrium has special importance in healthy person as
well as in eye diseases.

Structure of upper eyelid (Fig.2) Glands of eyelid(Fig.3)

Parts of eye lid (Fig.4) 176
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research


Materials Neosporin H eye ointment
Drug Information Contents - Polymyxin-B 5000 units
Botanical information of Indian Gooseberry (Amalaki) Bacitracin 400 units
Latin name :- Emblica Officinalis. Neomycin 3400 units
Emblica :- From Sanskrit Amlica, Hydrocortisone 10 mg.
sour (juice of the fruit) old Generic
name Tab Nimesulid
Officinalis :- Sold in Shops of service to It is non steroidal anti inflammatory drug.
Family :- Euphorbiaceae Group
Classical Name :- Amalaki, Dhatri. Preferential Cox-2 Inhibitor
Sanskrit Name :- Amalaki, Dhatri,Vayastha, Shriphala,
Kayastha, Sheeta, Vrushya. Action
English Name :- Eblic Myrobalan Indian Gooseberry - Relatively weak inhibitor of PG synthesis
Regional Names :- Anwla, Amla, Aonla(Hindi) Amla, - Anti inflammatory action may be exterted by other
Amalaki (Beng.) Anvla (Mar, Guj.) mechanisms as well, eg. redused generation of
Usharinki superoxide by neutrophils inhibition of PAF
(Tel.) Amlaj, Amla (peors) synthesis and TNF α.
Embilcmyrobalan Indian Release free radical scavanging inhibition of
Gooseberry (English) metalloproteinase activity in cartilage.

Chemical composition Uses - Primarily in short lasting painful

Fruits is a rich source of vitamin c. Seeds contain fixed inflammatory conditions.
oil, phosphatides and an essential oil. Fruit, leaves and Absorption - Orally
bark are rich in tannin. Fruits contain gallic acid, tannic Excretion - Urine, t ½ 2-5 hrs
acid, resinous matter, glucose, albumin, cellulose and Dose - 100 mg BD
mineral specially calcium, other than good content of vit.
c and other substances. Adverse effect-
- Gasrtointestinal-epi gastralgia, heartburn, nausea,
Contra-indications: Don't use Indian goose at night as loose motions.
they weaken the tooth, also leads to pharyngitis. - Dermatological
- CNS etc.
Therapeutic uses
It is useful as nervine-brain tonic, anti-inflammatory, Blepharitis
laxative, refrigerant. Blepharitis is a generalized term that refers to
inflammation of the eyelid margins and associated
It is used in eye inflammation as eye drops of fresh juice. eyelashe follicles, apocrine & meibomian glands. It can
Generally the dried fruits are put in water for a night and be broadly categorized into staphylococcal blepharitis
the eyes are washed with this water. affecting the anterior lid margin and meibomian gland
dysfunction affecting the posterior lid margin.
Digestive system : Improve appetite, antacid, curative, Blepharitis also causes secondary changes in the ocular
improve taste. surface including the tear film. Despite being commonly
Circulatory system : Cardiac tonic, haemostatic. present, it is often overlooked in daily ophathalmic
Respiratory syste : Reduces cough used in asthma, practice. There exist many lacunae in understanding of
tuberculosis. pathogenesis, which coupled with a chronic waxing &
Urinary system : Useful in diabetes as it is a diuretic. waning disease course & poor patient compliance due to
Reproductive system : It helps in conception. a protracted treatement regimen, make them a group of
Temperature : Antipyretic. disorders frustrating to patient and physician.
Skin : In skin diseases, erysipelas.
Definition of Blepharitis
Ayurvedic formulations: Chyawan prash, Triphala The term Blepharitis consists of two words ‘Blepharon’
Churna, Amalaki ghrita, Dhatri Leha, Amalaki and ‘itis’. ‘Blepharon’ (a Greek word)’ means eyelid and
Rasayana, Dhatriloha, Bramharasayan, Amrutprash. ‘itis’ means inflammation. It is also called palpebritis.
Blepharitis is a sub-acute or chronic inflammation of the
Dosage - Powder -3-6 gm, eyelid margin.
Fruit juice -12 ml. 177
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Ulcerative blepharitis Differential Diagnosis of Blepharitis

Etiology There are a number of other conditions which can
As eyelid being the most exposed part of the eye produce symptoms similar to these of Blepharitis, which
distributed with cilia, it is more prone to get infected or need to be considered for differential diagnosis.
injured. a) Bacterial Conjunctivitis
b) Molluscum contagiosum
Non specific causes of Blepharitis c) Herpes simplex
 External irritants like smoke, dust, wind, cosmetics, d) Basal cell carcinoma
smog, chemical fumes and atmospheric pollution. e) Cellulitis
 Unhygienic conditions like rubbing eyes with dirty f) Contact lens problems
handkerchiefs and solid fingers. g) Dry eye syndrome
 Eyestrain due to refractive error or accommodative h) Keratoconjuntivitis
strain. i) Trichiasis
 Constitutional factors like- j) Stye
a) Nature of skin e.g. tendency to seborrhea h) Chalazion
b) Metabolic disturbances: e.g. excessive carbohydrate
diet. Diagnosis
c) Toxic factors: e.g. alimentary auto-intoxication and This is made on examination of the lids.
septic focus. * Lid skin – This may be slightly inflamed
d) Allergic factors – e.g. eczematous condition of skin. * Lashes – Loss frequently occur in anterior disease
e) Lice infestation in the eyelashes. and occasionally happen in long standing posterior
Medical Conditions Leading To Blepharitis: * Scales – Hard scales seen in staphylococcal disease.
Ocular diseases such as dry eye syndrome, chalazion, * Lid margin – Found inflamed
trichiasis, conjunctivitis and keratitis lead to blepharitis. * Tear film – This is frequently deficient in most forms
Other common causes are Rosacea, seborrheic of the disease.
dermatitis, herpes simplex, dermatitis, varicella – zoster * Conjunctiva – It may be injected associated
dermatitis, contact dermatitis, molluscum contagiosum. conjunctivitis may be present.


 Incidence is 1.8/1000/year but the true prevalence is Blepharitis may occur on its own or in association with
unknown. following diseases.
 It accounts for 45% of all ophthalmologic problems.  Hordeolum or stye
 Chalazion
Pathophysiology  Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Ulcerative Blepharitis is a chronic staphylococcal  Molluscum contagiosum
infection of the lid margin usually caused by coagulace  Herpes Simplex
positive strains. It is caused by excess oil production in  Basal cell carcinoma
the meibomian gland, near the eyelid which creates a  Cellulitis
favourable environment for bacterial growth. These oil  Contact lens problems
and other products normally secreted by the eye and the  Dry eye syndrome
skin build up on the lid surface and the eyelashes causing  Kerato-conjuntivitis
debris. This results in symptoms like eye irritation. In  Trichiasis
some cases bacterial infection develops in the debris  Bacterial infections e.g. impetigo, erysipelas
exacerbating the condition.
 Viral infections e.g. molliscum contagiosum,
varicela zoster, papilloma virus.
Clinical Features
 Immune disease e.g. erythema multiforme,
Blepharitis refers to inflammatory disease processes of
pemphigoid, connective tissue disorders.
the eyelid presenting with the features of –
 Dermatoses e.g. psoriasis, icthyosis, erythroderma
 Eye irritation
 Benign eyelid tumours e.g. actinic keratosis,
 Watering from eyes
haemangioma, pyogenic granulomag
 Crusting and matting of the lashes
 Malignant eyelid tumours e.g. BCC, SCC melanoma
 Falling of eyelashes
 Trauma e.g. chemical, thermal, surgical
 Mild photophobia
 Pain in eyes METHODS
 Burning sensation
 Foreign body sensation i.e. itching sensation For the clinical study “Effect of Indiangoose collyrium in
 Swelling over lid margins Ulcerative Blepharitis”, following materials and methods
were used- 178
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

A) Materials of study was cooled upto room temperature. Then was filtered
1. Patient through fine cotton cloth.
2. Indiangoose collyrium
3. Neosporin H eye ointment & Tab Nimesulide100 The filtered decoction was again boiled on the same
mg flame until the water gets evaporated. Then semisolid i.e.
4. Distilled water Ghansar was obtained. This semisolid was dried and
5. Soda-bi carb solution suppositories (varties) made and were dried.
6. Slit lamp biomicroscope
7. Torch Then dried suppositories (varties) were stored in a dry
8. Snellen’s distant vision chart container. These suppositories (varties) were used for
9. Autorefratometer collyrium in patients of ulcerative blepharitis.
*Colour - Blackish Brown
1) Patient *Form - Semi Solid
Patients were selected by following criteria. *Taste - bitter, sour
Ash Value - 4.56%
Inclusion Criteria
1) Age group 10yrs to 50 yrs. irrespective of sex,
educational status, socioeconomical status, marital
status caste etc.
2) Patients having symptoms of Ulcerative Blepharitis.
3) Only affected eye will be considered suffering from
Ulcerative Blepharitis.
4) Patients ready for drug trial and will be given idea of
the project before giving drug trial.
5) Patient of either sex.

Exclusion Criteria
1) Patients having eyelid diseases other than Ulcerative
Blepharitis like Stye, Chalazion, Lagopthalmus,
Trachoma etc. Amalaki Kwath(Fig.5)
2) Patients of posterior Blepharitis.
3) Patients having major eye problems like corneal
ulcer etc.
4) Any malignant condition of eye & eyelid.
5) Patients suffering from infectious / contagious
6) Patients having systemic diseases e.g. Diabetis
mellitus, Hypertension, Autoimmune diseases etc.

2) Indiangoose collyrium
The raw material i.e. fruits are purchased from
authorized Ayurvedic drug seller.

Material for preparation of Indiangoose collyrium

1) Indiangoose crude powder – 1 part 2) Water – 16 Amalaki Ghanasara(Fig6)

LPG stove, stainless steel container, spoon, cotton cloth,
measuring cylinder, weighing machine etc. equipments.

Method of preparation of Indiangoose collyrium

Indiangoose collyrium was prepared according to
classical texts(Rasakriya siddhi described by Sharanghar
Samhita Madhyam Khanda).

1 part Indiangoose crude powder and 16 part of water

was taken and mixed and kept over night. Then on the
next morning this mixture was boiled on low flame until
1/8 part remains behind. Then this prepared decoction Dhatryanjana (Fig.7) 179
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

3) Neosporin H eye ointment and Tab Nimesulid eye ointment twice daily for 21 days alsoTab Nimesulid
The patients of control group were treated with 100mg BD for 7 days. Special instructions were given
application of Neosporin H eye ointment &Tab about maintenance of eyelid hygiene.
Nimesulid 100mg.
4) Record of observation and parameters
4) Distilled water Observational parameters were recorded on 1st, 7 th, 14th
This was used for lavigation of the Dhatryanjana while and 21st day. The signs and symptoms were assessed by
applying the Anjana. adopting suitable scoring method at each follow up.

5) Slit lamp biomicroscope Parameters & Assessment

This was used for detail ocular examination. Mild pain
Subjective phenomenon, to be considered as per patient.
6) Torch
This was used for gross ocular examination. Itching
Subjective phenomenon, to be considered as per patient
7) Snellen’s distant vision chart Discharge According to the wetting of the
This was used for testing patient’s vision. Schirmer paper
Grade 0 - <7 mm
8) Autorefractometer Grade I (+) - 7 to 10 mm
This was used for giving refraction to patients. Grade II (++) - 10 to 15 mm
Grade III (+++) - >15 mm
B) Method of study
Patients suffering from ulcerative blepharitis were Ulcers at lid margins – depending on the involvement
examined and only those qualifying for the selection of the lid
criteria were selected for the clinical trial. They were Grade 0 - No ulcers
explained the objectives and methodology along with the Grade I (+) - <25% of the lids margin are involved
benefits and disadvantages of the trial and after showing Grade II (++) - 25-50% of the lids margin are
the patient’s information sheet, those interested were involved
involved in the study. Grade III (+++) - 50-75% of the lids margin are
1) Written consent Grade IV (++++) - >75% of the lids margin are involved
First of all, written consent was obtained from the patient
or his/her legal guardian. lid oedema
Grade 0 - No oedema
2) History and Examination Grade I (+) - Localized oedema
Patients were asked for detailed history of any ocular Grade II (++) - Single lid involvement
disorder or previous illness, socioeconomic status, Grade III (+++) - Both lids involvement
occupation, dietary habits etc.
Gradation of signs & symptoms
The patients were diagnosed on the basis of signs and Gradation is made according to severity of signs and
symptoms of Blepharitis and clinical examination. symptoms.
Systemic examination of each patient was done 0 Normal - If patient will not get pain, itching,
thoroughly to find out any systemic disorder. swelling, watering.
1+ Mild - If patient has got Mild pain, itching, swelling,
Detailed ophthalmic examination was done to rule out watering.
any other ocular disease. Local examination of eyelashes, 2+ Moderate - If patient has got Moderate pain, itching,
eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, pupil, lacrimal apparatus swelling, watering.
etc. was carefully done and recorded in the prescribed 3+ Severe - If patient has not got relief from pain,
proforma. Visual acuity was also tested and refractive itching, swelling, watering.
correction given as per requirement.
3) Division of patient in experimental and control
I) Ineffective : No relief
II) Slightly effective : <25% relief
Patients were randomly allotted to experimental and
III) Moderately effective : 26-50% relief
control group. Total 30 patients were included in each
IV) Effective : 51-75% relief
group. Before starting the treatment the eyelid margin of
V) Very effective : >75% relief
each patient of both groups were cleaned with soda bi
carb solution. Patients included in experimental group
6) Application of Indiangoose collyrium
were treated with Indiangoose collyrium and those
For the patients of experimental group Indiangoose
included in control group were treated with Neosporin H
collyrium was applied for 21 days (twice daily). Only 1 st 180
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

day, 7th, 14th and 21st day Anjana was applied by research
scholar, rest of days it was done by patient himself.

Method of collyrium application

* Patient was asked to sit in a room having less
* Indiangoose collyrium was lavagated in a drop of
distilled water.
* Patient was asked to open his eyes and the drug was
applied from inner canthus upto outer canthus at the
eyelid margin with the help of index finger.
* Then patient was asked to close the eyes and rotate
the eyeballs. After that he was asked to blink the
eyes slowly.
* After this eyes were cleaned with cotton swab.
* The patient was instructed to do the same procedure
twice daily at home. Graph no.1- Distribution according to signs &
Instructions to the patients
1) To pay attention towards the eyelid hygiene. B) Clinical Profile
2) To wash the hands with antiseptic solution before The clinical data presented here is based on 60 patients
applying collyrium. 30 in Group – I and 30 in Group-II.
3) To report if any adverse symptom appears. Patients suffering from above signs & symptoms.
4) To come for follow up on 7th, 14th and 21st day.


The present study is based on 60 cases divided in two
groups (group I and group II) 30 in each group.

They were registered in college O.P.D. and completed

the study. For this more than 60 patients were registered.
The present study is based on the patients who came for
regular follow-up and completed study satisfactorily. So
the demographic and clinical data is based on 60

The demographic data of 60 patients of ulcerative
Blepharitis was collected and grouped on the bases of
age, sex, religion, marital status, socio-economic status. Graph no. 2- Patients suffering from Mild pain
There was only one patient from other religion in Group
II due to the predominance of Hindu religion in this area.

1. General feature wise distribution of 60 patients.

Table no. 1.
Signs & Trail Control
Total %
symptoms Gr Gr
1 Mild pain 29 30 59 98.33
2 Itching 26 27 53 88.33
3 Odema 20 18 38 63.33
4.Ulcers 26 27 53 88.33
5.Discharge 20 21 41 68.33

Graph no. 3 - Patients suffering from Itching 181
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research



No.of Patients
15 Gr.1
10 Gr.2

1st day 7th day 14th 21st
day day
Graph no. 4 - Patients suffering from Odema.
Graph No.6 -Patient suffering from Discharge

Graph no. 5- Patients suffering from Ulcer.

Effect of treatment
1. Alparuja
Table no. 2- Effect of treatment on 21st day.

Groups Relief No-relief Total Relief % p

Gr. – I 24 5 29 82.75
0.003 >0.05
Gr. – II 26 4 30 86.66



No.of Patients

15 Gr-I

Relief No relief

On 21st day 82.75% patients got relief in Trial group and 86.66% patients got relief in Control group.
Graph No.7 -- Effect of treatment on 21st day. 182
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Table no. 3- Effect of treatment on 21st day.

Groups Relief No-relief Total Relief % P

Gr. – I 23 3 26 88.5
0.002 >0.05
Gr. – II 25 2 27 92.6

On 21st day 88.5% patients got relief in Trial group and 92.6% patients got relief in Control group.
Graph no. 8 Effect of treatment on 21st day.

3. Odema
Table no.4- Effect of treatment on 21st day.

Groups Relief Non-relief Total Relief % p

Gr. – I 18 2 20 90
0.42 >0.05
Gr. – II 18 0 18 100

Graph No. 9-Effect of treatment on21st day

4. Ulcer
Table no. 5- Effect of treatment on 21st day/

Groups Relief Non-relief Total Relief % p

Gr. – I 23 3 26 88.5
0.31 >0.05
Gr. – II 26 1 27 96.3
. 183
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research



No.of Patients

15 Gr.-I

Relief No-relief

On 21st day 88.5% patients got relief in Trial group and 96.3% patients got relief in Control group
Graph No.10: Effect of treatment on 21st day.

1. Discharge
Table no 6- Effect of treatment on 21st day.

Groups Relief Non-relief Total Relief % p

Gr. – I 17 3 20 85
0.003 >0.05
Gr. – II 19 2 21 90.5


No. of Patients

10 gr.1

relief no relief

On 21stday 85% patients got relief in Trial group and 90.5% patients got relief in Control
GrapNo.11 - Effect of treatment on 21st day

Table no. 7: Overall effect of treatment on both groups.

Group Relieved Not Relieved Total p

Trial Group 22 8 30
Control Group 24 6 30 0.37 >0.05
Total 46 14 60 184
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Graph no.12: Effect of treatment on both groups.

DISCUSSION Sushruta the father of surgery mentioned various local

applications especially collyrium for the treatment of
Ayurveda is a science of life. It is crystal clear in all
Ulcerative Blepharitis. Rasakriya (semisolid) form is a
aspects. Acharyas have already clearly stated that
concentrated form of of Indiangooseberry. So it was
whatever is written is open for further enrichment by the
proposed to use in ulcerative blepharitis.
person who knows about the subject, Shalakyatantra
though doesn’t seem to be fully explored, but writing of
After thorough history and examination, the diagnosis
Acharyas have laid the foundation in all its aspects.
was confirmed and the patients who were ready for trial
were included in study after taking hence written
To explore all the possibilities which create a problem
consent. The patients below 10 years of age were
and then to analyze the fact so obtained and drive the fact
excluded, the reason being their unability to co-operate.
which can eradicate the problem. This whole process is
Also patients above 50 years of age were not included in
called as discussion.
the trial due to less prevalence of the disease among
Ulcerative Blepharitis is a sub-accute or chronic
inflammation of eyelid margin, occurring at all ages. The
The patients with major ocular pathologies were
patients often present with ulcers at lid margin, swelling,
excluded so as to avoid further complications. The
itching sensation, watering, redness of eyes, pain etc.
patients having systemic diseases like DM, HTN were
excluded because of the possibility of their interference
The etiopathogenesis of Blepharitis is believed to be
with the treatment.
multifactorial usually has a staphylococcus component.
Additioinal factors such as pollution, poor hygiene,
Sixty patients were taken for the study and randomly
malnutrition, eyestrain due to refractive error and even
divided into 2 groups, experimental group and control
stress can exacerabate the condition.
group. The eyelid margin of each patient of both groups
was cleaned with soda bi carb solution before starting
The pathophysiology of the disease is said to be due to
treatment. After the experimental group was treated with
excessive secretion containing abnormal neural lipids by
Indiangooseberry collyrium and control group with
glands of zeis. These secretions are splitted into irritating
Neosporin H eye ointment twice daily upto 3 weeks &
fatty acids which further form debris at the base of lashes
tab Nimesulid 100 mg twice daily for 7 days with weekly
resulting into closing of gland openings, decreasing
follow up.
secretions into the eye.
The parameters of blepharitis were statistically analyzed,
Various treatment modalities available include local
significance of difference between both goups were
measures like antibiotic drops or ointment and steroid
assessed by applying Chi-square test.
eye ointment. As Blepharits is chronic disease inspite of
frequent application of ointment, it does lead to
We have done our study in two Gr.I (Trial group) which
permanent cure of the disease. Long term use of steroids
was treated with application of Indiangooseberry
may cause adverse effects and disturbs the ocular health.
collyrium and Gr-II (Control group) which was treated
So one has to think for an alternative and permenant
with Neosporin H eye ointment and Tab Nimesulid 100
remedy. The numbers of patients of Blepharitis are in
mg b.i.d..
alarming figures. So it was decided to select this topic. 185
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Mode of Action of Drug Experimental group was treated with Indiangoose

Indiangooseberry collyrium collyrium application and control group with Neasporin
Indiangooseberry is already known for its anti- H eye ointment twice daily for 21 days and Tab
inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It arrest the Nimesulid 100 mg twice daily for 7 days with weekly
main pathology of blepharitis i.e. inflammation of lids. follow up. Special instructions about maintenance of lid
Once the inflammation reduces, the abnormal secretions hygiene were given to each patient.
of glands get normalized which prevent collection of
debris at the base of lashes i.e. scaling and ultimately Prevalence of Ulcerative Blepharitis was found more in
itching sensation reduces. 41-50 years age groups, mostly in male, farmer, patients
of poor socioeconomic class, those residing in rural area.
The efficacy of application of Indiangooseberry
collyrium in treating ulcerative blepharitis found to be To analyze the results of both the groups chi-square test
nearly same as application of Neosporin H eye ointment was applied and comparison of results of both groups
and tab. Nimesulid. There was slightly less % relief with was assessd by applying the same test at 5% significance
application of Indiangooseberry collyrium than level.
Neasporin H eye ointment; which was statistically
insignificant. It showed that all signs & symptoms are very effectively
reduced in both the groups.
On 21st day of treatment the % of relief from mild pain Comparison of both treatments showed that treatment of
was found in 82.75% patients in trial group where as in experimental group was slightly less effective than that
control group it was found in 86.66% patients. Relief % of control group.
in patients of itching on 21st day was 88.5% with trial
group while with control group it was 92.6%. The overall effect of therapy in group I was 70% and that
in group II was 80%. The relief percentage in Group II is
Relief % in patients of ulcer on 21st day was 88.5% with slightly on higher side. But it was found to be
trial group while with control group it was 96.3%. statistically insignificant.

On 21st day of treatment the discharge was reduced to CONCLUSION

85% in patients of trial group and 90.5% in control
1) Collyrium is a simple procedure and can be
practiced even at OPD levels.
By statistical analysis Indiangooseberry collyrium is
2) By statistical analysis it was concluded that
effective in ulcerative blepharitis, it is proved to be cost
Indiangoose collyrium application is effective in
effective safe and easily available remedy in ulcerative
ulcerative blepharitis.
blepharitis. There was slight difference in % of relief but
3) Indiangoose collyrium is proved to be cost effective,
it was statistically in significant. There was no side effect
safe and easily available remedy in ulcerative
of application although patients told that there was
irritation of eye and then after watering there is cooling
4) There was slight difference in percentage of relief
effect. Also there was no recurrence of cases.
but it was statistically insignificant.
5) No any adverse effect or allergy with Indiangoose
collyrium was found during the course of study so
The study was aimed to assess the efficacy of this can be an alternative treatment of choice in day
Indiangoose collyrium application in Ulcerative to day practice.
blepharitis. It is divided in seven sections viz.
Introduction, Aims and objects, Literary Study –
At this amenity of successful integrating of my work I
Ayurveda, Literary study, Modern, Materials and
prostrate on the feet of Lord Dhanwantri,who inculcated
Methods, Observations and Results, Discussion and the
in me enough amount of strength to discharge my
present section dealing with Summary and Conclusion.
Multifactorial eitiology, chronicity and recurrence of the
I cordially salute to my Resp. Father Prof B.D Chavan
disease, ignorance of patient and non availability of the
and my loving mather Smt.Bhagyashri B Chavan.
effective treatment are the main hurdles in management
of Blepharitis.
Words are not enough to express my gratitude and
indebttothe sacrifices of my beloved and respected
This study was aimed to assess the efficacy of
Husband Dr Deepak M Kate who is the cause for me to
Indiangoose collyrium application in management of
take this noble profession and shape me into what I am
Ulcerative blepharitis.
today,the truth that the language of words suffers very
stringent limitation. I am also thankful to my children
60 patients were randomly selected and divided into
Harshu, Ishu and Aarush for their love and co-operation.
experimental and control group each having 30 patients. 186
Sujata. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

I am presenting this dissertation with a deep sincere Modern

feeling of gratitude to the respected Dean
10. Clinical Ophthalmology; Kanski, Butterworth
Dr.M.M.Godbole sir for his strong support and provision
Heinemann Elsevier Publication, Sixth Edition.
of excellent working facilities extended toward my
11. Ophthalmology: Khurana A. K. New Age
candidature with kind encouragement to carry out this
International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Fourth Edition.
12. Parson’s Diseases of the Eye: Silhota and Tandon,
Reed Elsevier India Private Limited 20th Edition.
I am very much grateful to my PhD guide Dr. Lahankar
13. Ophthalmology: Myron Yanoff and Duker, MOSBY
Madhukar. I have no words to express thanks to him.
Elsevier, Second Edition.
14. Medical Pharmacology: K. D. Tripathi, Jaypee
I would like to steal this apportunity to disclose my
Brothers, Third Edition.
sincere most feelings towordsmy head of the dept. Prof.
15. Methods in Biostatistics: B.K. Mahajan, Jaypee
Dr. Chandrashekhar N. Mule whose indefatigable love
Brothers, Sixth Edition.
and support as a guardian played a key role in the
accomplishment of this work.He is the cornerstone of my

Also I cannot forget the support of Dr S.S.Khot in

carrying the research work.

Indeed, the affectionate guideance of my friend Dr

Sarika Kandharkar and Dr Ardra Thorat two fold
intelligent and radical thinking were very valuable in
achieving this research work invoking scientific spirit
throughout the course of the study.

1. Sushrut Samhita: Sushrut Samhita by Maharshi
Sushruta with Ayurved Tattva Sandipika
Commentary by Kaviraj Dr. Ambikadatta Shastri.
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan,Varanasi, Sixteenth
Edition, 1997.
2. Ashtang Hriday: Ashtang Hriday of Vaghbhata
with Sarvang Sundari Commentary by Pt.Kashinath
Shastri. Krishnadas Academy;First edition.
3. Charak Samhita: Brahmadatta Tripathi,Chaukhamba
Surbharati prakashan,Varanasi.
4. Ashtang Sangraha: Ashtang Sangraha of Vriddha
Vaghbhata by Vaidya Ravidutta Tripathi,
Chaukhamba Sanskit Prakashan, Second Edition,
5. Sharangadhar Samhita: Dr. Shailaja Shrivastav,
Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi Third Edition
6. Bhavaprakash: Bhavaprakash of Shri Bhav
Mishrawith hindi Commentary by
Pt.Shri.Bramhashankar Mishra,Chaukhamba
Sanskrit Sansthan,4th Edition1977.
7. Yogratnakar: Yogratnakar with Vidyotini Hindi
Commentary by Vaidya Laxmi Pati Shashtri,
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi, Eighth
8. Sharma P.V: Dravyaguna Vidnyan, Vol- II and Vol-
II by Prof. P. V. Sharma. Chaukhamba Bharati
Academy, Varanasi, Fourteenth edition 1993.
9. Ayurveda Prakash: Gulraj Sharma Chaukhamba
Bharati Academ, Reprint 1999. 187

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