100 Per Cent Renewable Energy Autonomy in Action
100 Per Cent Renewable Energy Autonomy in Action
100 Per Cent Renewable Energy Autonomy in Action
234mm x 156mm trim size — PPC hardback — Spine width: 31mm — ISBN 978-1-84407-718-2
‘This inspiring book is long overdue. It tackles The greatest challenge of our time is to build a
an essential question for human survival in the world based on the sustainable use of renewable
21st century: will we be able to transform our power. Our massive dependence on fossil fuels
lives, businesses, buildings, settlements and has upset the very climatic system that made
the transport networks connecting them from human evolution possible. The global economy
unsustainable, oil-based and greenhouse-gas- and its financial system are in jeopardy, running
emitting into sustainable, fossil-fuel-free, zero- hot on overtly cheap yet increasingly costly and
carbon metabolisms? This important volume and fast depleting oil. A 100% renewable world is
its two dozen contributors show that this path is seen by many as an impossible dream in anything
necessary, practical and affordable. Read this but the very long term. But not only do a growing
book: its exciting, fresh insights will show you number of initiatives and plans dare to make the
how to move from promise to practice.’ change but many have already achieved it.
Marco Keiner
Director, Environment, Housing and Land This rich collection presents a series of pioneering
Management Division, United Nations efforts and their champions, and the paths to their
Economic Commission for Europe successes. Ranging from initiatives by individuals
to visions for companies, communities and entire
‘100% renewable was always more than a Moon countries, it defeats tired economic and technical
Shot or a Manhattan Project as we just could counter-arguments, showing how the schemes
not imagine how it could ever happen. Suddenly featured not only can and do work but do so
it’s all come together, as Peter Droege and his economically and with available technology. The
authors have shown.’ book is introduced by incisive writing by Peter
Peter Newman Droege, explaining the challenges and framing a
Professor of Sustainability, Curtin roadmap towards a 100% renewable reality.
University, Australia, and author of
Resilient Cities Peter Droege is Professor and Chair of Urban
Sustainability, Climate and Planning Education
‘As he has in the past, Peter Droege has produced at the University of Liechtenstein, and Conjoint
an important and timely new book on how we Professor, Faculty of Engineering at the University
shift away from our current energy path. The of Newcastle, Australia. He chairs the World Council
challenges are immense, but these scholarly for Renewable Energy for Asia Pacific.
Peter Droege
Edited by
Environment / Energy
100% Renewable
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page ii
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page iii
100% Renewable
Energy Autonomy in Action
Edited by
Peter Droege
London • Sterling, VA
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ISBN: 978-1-84407-718-2
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
At Earthscan we strive to minimize our environmental impacts and carbon footprint through
reducing waste, recycling and offsetting our CO2 emissions, including those created through
publication of this book. For more details of our environmental policy, see www.earthscan.co.uk.
We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars
and run our factories.
President Barack Hussein Obama, inauguration speech,
20 January 2009
Our survival will very much depend on how well we were able to
draw down CO2 to 280 parts per million.
Hans-Josef Schellnhuber, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts
Research in Germany, quoted by Gaia Vince in the
New Scientist,
25 February 2009
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13 Masdar City Master Plan: The Design and Engineering Strategies 243
Matthias Schuler (with preface by Peter Droege)
14 Urban Energy Potentials: A Step Towards the Use of
100% Renewable Energies 251
Dieter D. Genske, Lars Porsche and Ariane Ruff
15 Closing the Planning Gap: Moving to Renewable Communities 263
Nancy Carlisle and Brian Bush
16 Community Life at 100% and Beyond: How to Raise a Renewable
Family Without Even Trying 289
Michael Stöhr
17 100% Renewable Life: One Man’s Journey for a Solar World 307
Martin Vosseler
Index 313
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page ix
List of Figures,
Tables and Boxes
1.1 Two oil wells burning side by side at Santa Fe Springs,
California oil field, 1928 3
1.2 Power lines into a brightly lit Sheffield and the Meadowhall
Shopping Centre over the M1 motorway, with the disused
Tinsley cooling towers 5
1.3 Windmill in Crete, Greece 5
1.4 The environmental footprint of an average American
or Australian family 10
1.5 Not 100 per cent 13
1.6 Solar energy installation in Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel 16
1.7 Californian governor Schwarzenegger opening Ausra’s Bakersfield
pilot, 24 October 2008, the first new Californian solar-thermal
plant constructed in 20 years 17
1.8 A cooling tower for a geothermal power plant in New Zealand 18
1.9 A local power shortage darkens part of São Paolo 22
1.10 Boys and solar module, Caoduo school, Rongbo, Yu 24
1.11 One of Bangladeshi NGO Shidhulai’s boat libraries visits a remote
village in Raishahi, Bangladesh 25
1.12 The clean and worldwide switch to renewable power 26
1.13 Daxu stoves in China 30
1.14 Wood fuel heating for schools in Nottinghamshire, UK 31
1.15 Rooftop solar panels in Neckarsulm-Amorbach, Germany 32
1.16 Berlin’s solar framework plan 34
1.17 Chicago streets 36
1.18 Old-fashioned power and telephone lines sagging after heavy ice
storm 38
1.19 A 1:10,000 scale working model of an autonamous renewable
electricity supply for Germany 39
1.20 Local distribution heritage: Street wire tangle 40
1.21 Gasoline ration coupon 42
1.22 Aerial view of Levittown, Pennsylvania, circa 1959 43
1.23 Vision of the Western Australian capital city, Perth, supported by
photovoltaic or solar-thermal fields anchoring a diverse city region
developed around urban agriculture, forest and wetland resources 44
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4.1 Targets for annual investments into renewable generating
capacities in 2030 in the Renewable Energies Outlook 2030
‘low variant’ and ‘high variant’ scenarios 83
5.1 Long-term greenhouse gas mitigation targets by selected cities 88
9.1 Wind power in Spain 189
10.1 Payback periods for HEVs and PHEVs compared to standard
ICVs 215
10.2 Wind capacity increases made possible, as a function of the
number of PHEVs 217
14.1 Urban prototypes 256
15.1 Conventional energy reduction options hierarchy for a community 266
16.1 Energy consumption by our family in comparison to the German
reference family 295
16.2 Breakdown of our share of the electricity generation of different
plants compared to our energy/electricity consumption and the
electricity consumption of a German reference family 298
16.3 Breakdown of our average annual mobility and related energy
consumption 302
16.1 Key messages 290
17.1 Sun21 308
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List of Contributors
Brian W. Bush
Brian W. Bush is a Principal Strategic Analyst at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. His areas of expertise include energy
and infrastructure modelling, simulation and analysis, high-performance
computing, software architecture, design, implementation and testing, discrete-
event and continuous simulation, statistical analysis, and geographic
information systems. He holds a PhD in physics from Yale University and a BS
in physics from the California Institute of Technology. His prior work
experience was as a technical Staff Member at the Los Alamos National
Ted Caplow
Formerly a clean energy consultant for Capital-E, LLC, Dr Caplow worked on
energy efficiency and carbon offset credits for a range of clients including the
California Energy Commission and the US Department of Energy. His
expertise also includes water contaminant dynamics, and he has published
articles on this topic in the Journal of Environmental Engineering, Environ-
mental Science & Technology and Estuaries. Founder and Technical Director
of BrightFarm Systems, Dr Caplow developed the master plan for the Science
Barge, a prototype sustainable urban CEA facility. His subsequent design work
on rooftop and facade-mounted agriculture has been published in Science,
Sustain, Urban Land and Good. Dr Caplow holds a BA from Harvard
University, an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University, and
a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Columbia University, where he has
taught a class on green buildings.
Nancy Carlisle
Nancy is the Manager of the Integrated Applications Group in Deployment
and Industrial Programs at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) in Golden, Colorado and a licensed architect in the state of Colorado,
USA. At NREL, she led the effort to develop a 25-year master site plan for
future build-out of the NREL sustainable campus. She led the effort to get
NREL’s Science and Technology facility certified as LEED Platinum, the first
federal building receiving this designation. She is currently on the project team
overseeing the design of a 740-person ‘zero-energy’ office building for the
NREL campus. She has served as the NREL lead for the DOE Federal Energy
Management Program for a number of years, working with federal agencies to
meet their federal goals for renewable energy use at their sites. She has
managed a strategic initiative for NREL on the topic of renewable energy
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communities. She has worked at NREL for over 25 years, in research, analysis,
design and outreach activities that promote the design of sustainable low
energy buildings. She is a LEED accredited professional and recognized as a
Fellow in the American Solar Energy Society. She holds a Masters degree in
Architecture, a Masters degree in Urban Planning and a Bachelors degree in
Economics with a concentration in Environmental Studies.
Peter Droege
Peter Droege is Chair of the World Council for Renewable Energy for Asia
Pacific, Professor of Sustainable Development at the University Hochschule
Liechtenstein and Conjoint Professor at Australia’s University of Newcastle.
He serves on a number of international panels, including the Expert
Commission, Cities and Climate Change of the World Future Council and the
Steering Committee of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. As
principal at Epolis.com.au, the Sydney-based environmental design firm, Peter
Droege has been an executive adviser to numerous government, state, local
government and private corporate institutions on renewable and sustainable
urban development strategies. His academic background includes the
Technical University of Munich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and professorial positions at Tokyo University and the University of Sydney.
Droege has authored The Renewable City: A Comprehensive Guide to an
Urban Revolution (Wiley) and edited Intelligent Environments and Urban
Energy Transition: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Power (both Elsevier).
Hans-Josef Fell
Mr Fell has been a member of the German Bundestag since 1998 and is
spokesman for the Alliance 90/The Greens parliamentary group on energy and
technology, and also the spokesman for Technology Assessment. Hans-Josef
Fell was the author of the proposal of the German renewable energy act (EEG).
He also initiated new research programmes for renewable energies. Fell serves
as Deputy Spokesman of the Bavarian Solar Initiatives; Vice-President of
Eurosolar; member of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE);
Initiator of the influential Energy Watch Group. Awards include: Eurosolar
German Solar Prize 1994; prize of the German section of the International
Solar Energy Society (DGS) in 2000; Energy Globe Award in 2000; Nuclear-
Free Future Award in 2001; German Solar Industry Prize in 2002; first German
Geothermal Award in 2002; German Biogas Prize in 2003.
Dieter D. Genske
Dr Dieter D. Genske studied Civil Engineering and Geology in Germany and
the US and started working on environmental problems, as Humboldt-research
fellow in Kyoto, Japan. At Deutsche Montan Technologie (DMT) he became
involved in large urban remediation projects, including the International
Building Exhibition IBA Emscherpark. In 1994, he was appointed Professor of
Engineering Geology at Delft University of Technology and three years later
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Cord Hoppenbrock
Cord Hoppenbrock, Dipl.-Geogr., majored in Economic Geography, at the
University of Osnabrück, with a minor in Business Studies and Ecology. He
gathered work experience at the Institute of Ecological Economy Research and
the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Heidelberg. Since
October 2007 he has been a research assistant and PhD student at the
University of Kassel and at deENet, deENet.org.
David Jacobs
David Jacobs is researcher and PhD candidate at the Environmental Policy
Research Centre in Berlin (FFU). His research focuses on support mechanisms
for renewable electricity. Previously, he gained work experience in the German
Bundestag and large European utilities. He also worked on projects for several
research institutes, the German Wind Energy Association and the World Future
Council. David Jacobs is a frequent speaker at international conferences. He
has an academic background in International Business and Cultural Studies.
Walter James
Wal James is a mechanical engineer, graduated from the University of Santiago,
Chile, and is a member of the Institution of Engineers Australia. His research
and development experience is manifest in his role as Associate Researcher at
Curtin and Murdoch Universities in Perth, Western Australia, investigating
renewable energies and their connection with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
He has been a Board Member of the Cooperative Research Centre for
Renewable Energy Australia, Projects Manager Murdoch University Energy
Research Institute, and Projects Manager Solar Energy Research Institute of
Western Australia. His industry experience is extensive: Wal James was
founding director of Advanced Energy Systems, and served as chief executive
officer of Energy Efficient Co., Singer Controls and RCA Arica, Chile.
Lioba Kucharczak
Lioba Kucharczak Dipl.-Ing. agr. studied agricultural sciences with a
specialization in Environmental Management and Development of Rural
Areas. Since January 2008 she has been part of the project team ‘Sustainable
100% renewable energy regions in Germany’ at deENet.org and a PhD student
at the Department of Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources at the
University of Kassel.
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Stefan Lechtenböhmer
Stefan Lechtenböhmer Dr rer. pol. is Co-Director of the Research Group
Future Energy and Mobility Structures of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate
Environment Energy, Germany. He is responsible for the applied research in
national and international sustainable energy and climate scenario analysis. He
has conducted numerous studies on energy and emission scenario analysis and
pathways to a low-carbon society. A particular focus of his work is the design
and evaluation of energy efficiency policies and measures. His further research
topics comprise greenhouse gas emission inventories and projections, sustain-
able urban infrastructures, and greenhouse gas emissions from the natural gas
lifecycle. He acquired his PhD in Energy and Environmental Management at
the International Institute for Management at the University of Flensburg. He
holds a university degree (diploma) in Geography, Economy and Political
Sciences from the University of Münster and is a member of the UNFCCC
Roster of Experts for Greenhouse Gas-Inventories, Policies & Measures,
Greenhouse Gas-Projections.
Harry Lehmann
Dr Harry Lehmann works for the German Federal Environment Agency as
Head of Division I: Environmental Planning and Sustainable Strategies. From
1983 to 1991 he served as Head of the Consultancy ‘UHL Data’ –
Systemanalyse und Simulation im Bereich Energie- und Umwelttechnik. Until
2000 Lehmann was with the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment
and Energy, and until 2006, he was Vice President of Eurosolar. Between 2000
and 2002 he was appointed Member of the Enquete Commission ‘Sustainable
energy supply under the boundaries of globalization and liberalization’ of the
German parliament. A founding member of the World Council for Renewable
Energy he served as Solutions and Innovations Unit Director for Greenpeace
International. Also in the early 2000s he headed the Institute for Sustainable
Solutions and Innovations in Aachen. Since 2004 Dr Lehmann has been
General Director at the Federal Environment Agency of Germany and
President of the Factor 10 Club.
Miguel Mendonça
Miguel Mendonça is Research Manager for the World Future Council. His
background is in horticulture, geography, history, journalism, social science
and environmental ethics. He is a researcher, writer and advocate, focusing on
renewable energy. He has worked on four continents, campaigning, coalition-
building and speaking, and is a member of the steering committee of the
Alliance for Renewable Energy, promoting feed-in tariffs in North America. He
writes books, articles, papers, comment pieces and reviews on sustainability
issues, is author of Feed-in Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable
Energy and is co-writing a new book on decarbonizing the global economy,
entitled A Renewable World – Policies, Practices, Technologies.
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Peter Moser
Dr Peter Moser was project manager at the Centre for Environmental
Research, Leipzig (1998–2003) and at the University of Kassel (2003–2007).
Since 2007 he has served as project manager at the deENet (deENet.org),
especially on the research project ‘Sustainable 100% renewable energy regions
in Germany’.
Peter Newman
Peter Newman is the Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University and has
recently been appointed to the Board of Infrastructure Australia that is funding
infrastructure for the long-term sustainability of Australian cities. In 2001–2003
Peter directed the production of Western Australia’s Sustainability Strategy in the
Department of the Premier and Cabinet. It was the first state sustainability strat-
egy in the world. In 2004–2005 he was a Sustainability Commissioner in Syd-
ney advising the government on planning issues. In 2006–2007 he was a Fulbright
Senior Scholar at the University of Virginia Charlottesville where he completed
two new books: Resilient Cities: Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change
and Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems. In Perth, Peter is best known for his work
in saving, reviving and extending the city’s rail system. Peter invented the term
‘automobile dependence’ to describe how we have created cities where we have
to drive everywhere. For 30 years, since he attended Stanford University during
the first oil crisis, he has been warning cities about preparing for peak oil. Pe-
ter’s book with Jeff Kenworthy, Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile
Dependence, was launched in the White House in 1999. He was a Councillor
in the City of Fremantle from 1976–1980, where he still lives.
Stefan Peter
Dipl. Ing. Stefan Peter studied Energy and Environmental Technologies, with a
special emphasis on renewable energies, at the Fachhochschule Aachen,
Germany. The focus of his later work has been on energy efficiency, renewable
energy support measures, the possible contribution of renewable energies to
energy supply and the integration of renewables into existing energy supply
systems. He has authored studies for government departments and
independent renewable energy organizations. As one of the main contributors
to the ‘Energy Rich Japan’ study he is familiar with energy system simulation
and design and scenario development.
Robyn Polan
Robyn studies Sustainable Development at the University of New South Wales.
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, she received a Bachelor of Science at
Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Robyn contributed research to
Chapters 6, 11 and 13 in this book.
Lars Porsche
Since 2002, Lars Porsche has worked for the Federal Office for Building and
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Viraj Puri
Viraj Puri is the Founder and Managing Director of Gotham Greens. Gotham
Greens is creating New York City’s first commercial-scale hydroponic farm.
While a Project Manager for BrightFarm Systems, a New York-based environ-
mental engineering and design firm, Mr Puri managed various urban
agriculture projects. He has managed renewable energy and energy efficiency
projects at the SECMOL Alternative Institute in Ladakh, India and at the
Mount Mulanje Conservation Trust in Malawi, focusing on green building,
passive solar design, solar photovoltaics and fuel-efficient cookstoves. He has
delivered presentations on urban CEA at varied academic and private sector
settings including Wageningen University, The Netherlands, Berlin Technical
University and Ecocity World Summit 2008, San Francisco. He holds a BA
from Colgate University and is a LEED-accredited professional
Anis Radzi
Anis Radzi graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelors degree
in Architecture, summa cum laude, and a Masters in Urban Design. After
practising architecture for six years she turned her attention to researching
ways in which the built environment can become self-sustaining in energy
terms, giving special focus to renewable energy integration in bioclimatic
architecture and sustainable urban design strategies. Anis presently is on a
doctorate-canditature track and involved in urban design teaching at bachelor
and master levels.
Ariane Ruff
Ariane studied Geography at Potsdam University in Germany. From 2000 until
2003, she taught at the University of Erfurt, Germany. Since 2003, she has
conducted a research project focusing on sustainable land management at
Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.
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Hermann Scheer
Hermann Scheer studied Economics, Sociology, Political Science and Public
Law between 1967 and 1972 at the University of Heidelberg and the Free
University of Berlin. He received his PhD in Economic and Social Science in
1972. Dr Scheer was first elected member of the German parliament in 1980,
and has been re-elected eight times since. From 1983 Hermann Scheer has been
delegated by the German parliament to the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, and served as Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture
between 1994 and 1997. Dr Scheer has chaired as well as initiated numerous
international research and development conferences. His work is dedicated to
a broad shift in the energy basis of modern civilization from fossil and nuclear
resources to renewable energies. He has demonstrated both the necessity and
feasibility of this transition in his five books: The Stored Sun (1987), The Solar
Age (1989), Solar Strategy (1993), The Solar Economy (1999) and Climate
Change. From the Fossil to the Solar Culture (2002). In addition, Dr Scheer
has also authored more than 1000 articles.
Matthias Schuler
Matthias Schuler is one of the managing directors of TRANSSOLAR
Energietechnik in Stuttgart. Born in 1958, he was educated as a mechanical
engineer at University Stuttgart. In 1992 he founded the company
TRANSSOLAR Climate Engineering. TRANSSOLAR’S focus is on new
energy saving and comfort optimizing strategies by an integral approach in
building design. Today – with 40 employees in Stuttgart, Munich and New
York – Matthias Schuler works on national and international projects with
architects such as Kazuyo Sejima, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Jean Nouvel
and Helmut Jahn. Since 2001, he has been teaching as a visiting professor at
the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, and he became Adjunct
Professor for Environmental Technologies in 2008.
Michael Stöhr
Michael Stöhr, Physicist, born 1964, received his PhD in fundamental research
on silicon at the European High Magnetic Field Facility in Grenoble, France.
From 1992 to 2000, he worked as scientific collaborator on renewable energies
at WIP, Munich. Since 2000, he has been a senior consultant at BAUM.
Consult, Munich, where he coordinates international research projects on
renewable energies. For the guidebook On the Way to the 100% Region, co-
authored with his colleagues M. Tischer, M. Lurz and L. Karg from BAUM
Consult GmbH, Munich, he has been awarded the German Solar Prize in 2006
in the media category.
The Stöhr family was Germany’s Energy Saving Champion in 2006 in the
category of tenants for having completely switched to fully renewable energy
supply in its daily life. From 2004 to date, Michael Stöhr has been a member
of the supervisory board of WOGENO München e.G., a co-operative for
participatory, social and ecological dwelling in Munich, and has been involved
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in the planning and realization of the low-energy building where his family
lives. In Munich’s Messestadt-Riem quarter he has implemented two
participatory PV plants.
Martin Vosseler
Dr Vosseler is an environmental activist who, as a physician, is motivated by
his deep commitment to the health and well-being of people everywhere. Born
in Basel in 1948, he studied and practised medicine in Basel (1982–1995) and
worked as Research Fellow at the Division of Primary Care and Family
Medicine of Harvard Medical School. Dr Vosseler is initiator and co-founder
of PSR/IPPNW Switzerland (1981, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Swiss
chapter of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War,
receiving the Nobel Peace Price in 1985): www.ippnw.ch; Physicians Action
‘Air is Life’ (1985): www.aefu.ch; SUNswitzerland (1997); International
Energy Forum sun21 (1997): www.sun21.ch; and is a co-founder of Ecocity
Basel (1986). He is the co-founder of Transatlantic21, 2006, with a Guinness
Book of Records entry in 2007. Long distance walks are 1999 Konstanz,
Germany to Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 2003 Basel to Bethlehem; and
SUNwalk 2008: Los Angeles to Boston, USA. Martin Vosseler lives in Elm/Gl,
Andrew Went
Andrew received an Honours degree in Nanotechnology from Curtin
University. He also has a graduate certificate in Sustainability Studies from
Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP). He is now pursuing a
PhD into the technologies required for V2G to become a reality.
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List of Acronyms
and Abbreviations
AC alternating current
ADFEC Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company
BBR German Federal Agency for Construction and Spatial
Planning (Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung)
BBSR German Federal Institute for Building, City and Spatial
Research (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und
BedZed Beddington Zero Emissions Development
BEV battery electric vehicle
BMELV German Ministry of Food Agriculture and Consumer
BMU Germany’s Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety
BTU British thermal unit
ºC degrees Celsius
CATE Cooperative for Technological and Energy Autonomy
CCP Cities for Climate Protection
CCS carbon capture and storage
CDTI Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial
CEA controlled environment agriculture
CENER National Renewables Centre
CENIFER Integrated National Center for Training in Renewables
CEOE Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales
CF capacity factor
CHP combined heat and power
CNG compressed natural gas
CO2 carbon dioxide
COP Conference of the Parties
CSA community-supported agriculture
CSP concentrating solar power
CSR corporate social responsibility
CTE Spanish Building Technical Code
DC direct current
deENET GmbH Competence Network for Decentralized Energy
DG TREN Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
DH district heating
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Chapter One
100% Renewable Energy:
The Essential Target
Peter Droege
spoke to the great cheer of the audience, while the main conference agenda was
still focused on avoiding any targets – or accepting the magic 450 ppm at best.
This book focuses on the only desirable consequence of this historical stage
in humankind’s evolution. Its authors document key elements and features of a
complete turn away from fossil fuels and nuclear power. They and their projects
are living testimony to the extraordinarily practical, exceptionally everyday and
stunningly normal transition from the mechanical age of oversupply by rigid
‘base load’ – a characteristic of the power generating dinosaurs of the early
industrial age – to the vision of a planetary response more in harmony with the
diurnal rhythm (Mills and Morgan, 2008) and geographic conditions.
With this shift the seasons begin to matter again, the difference between
night and day, local weather patterns and the specific advantages of location,
including cultural characteristics. None of this seemed relevant in the dark
days of the conventional power regime when maximizing output was the call
of duty and reward – discounting the planetary pollution with toxic gases,
carcinogenic particulates, lethal radioactive material, and the dominant culture
of wasteful abundance that marked the 20th century’s industrialized regime of
consumption. In a renewably supported world, so we hope, humanity can
begin to breathe and prosper, freed from the most powerful shackles: the
conventional energy chains.
Figure 1.1 Two oil wells burning side by side at Santa Fe Springs, California oil field, 1928
Source: Los Angeles Times, 19 September 1928,
Los Angeles Times photographic archive, UCLA Library
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page 4
Figure 1.2 Power lines into a brightly lit Sheffield and the Meadowhall Shopping Centre
over the M1 motorway, with the disused Tinsley cooling towers: The era of the discardable
civilization has come and gone, and its infrastructure of waste has become an
embarrassment to many countries
Source: Alan Hood
Figure 1.3 Windmill in Crete, Greece: The return of appropriate technology – the new
technology is advanced but the principles are timeless. Good systems are still those
appropriate to location, season and societal setting
Source: Martin Carter
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:24 Page 6
mean, given the many different ways of calculating and monitoring, let alone
arriving at them. Many target pledges have served to defer or even substitute
for action; and the more distant the target the less meaningful it becomes. To
‘back-cast’ a possible path from a distant goal and simply follow it is a
deceptively simple idea in theory but does not work in practice, given the
vagaries of chance and the discontinuities built into political processes. Many
early target setters were either too optimistic, or not ambitious enough, or
lacked clear ways of knowing how to define, determine, compare or enforce
targets. After a generation of development, there is still no unified, universally
accepted and practiced system of target and baseline setting, not for
companies, urban communities, countries – or the world.
All too often in those comparably halcyon early days of the publicly ac-
knowledged climate emergency, government planners in cities, states and mul-
ti-state unions, along with the chiefs of major energy and manufacturing cor-
porations became occupied with the art and science of performance accounting,
more so than with the design and execution of defossilizing action pro-
grammes, the pursuit of partnerships in material reincarnation and product longevi-
ty, the financing of innovative technology infrastructures or purposeful institu-
tional reform. The dead weight of political expediencies and false economic dog-
mas aside, the reason for this agonizing delay has been a gross and systematic
underestimation of renewable capabilities. The potential for a far more rapid and
deeper change than imagined was suppressed or ignored, given that the policy
conditions required for efficiency and renewable generation were seen to
threaten established interests. To be taken seriously, today’s targets have to be
radical, measurable and pursued with unwaivering commitment, with all nec-
essary resources and accountable commitments in place. As the sense of urgency
increases, distant fractional targets become increasingly meaningless.
Figure 1.4 The environmental footprint of an average American or Australian family: The average American or Australian suburban family of four, residing on a
600 metre square lot, requires 56 hectares in land for food, energy, products, services and waste assimilation – not even counting the area required for
sequestering carbon emissions. In order to not exceed its global fair share, it will have to reduce its environmental footprint by 86 per cent, to some 8 hectares
Source: Image courtesy of Richard Weller, Donna Broun and Kieran McKernan; data from Johnson (2006)
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Expanded to the current state of affairs, one-planet living would mean the
immediate elimination of petroleum-nurtured, long-haul beef from global diets
– and of much other animal protein. And without a restructuring of global
trade relations away from the wasteful, simple-minded and grossly inequitable
export–import divide of the world, to help rebuild local self-sufficiency and
sustainable export capacity, it will be near impossible to swing around the
virtual Exxon Valdez that is the current development model.
To recapitulate: few people, communities or companies in the industrial
world, and certainly no country or city, pursue lifestyle change beyond gestures
and lip service. Yet seen on a per-household basis, energy and resources
embodied in lifestyle choices often outstrip direct energy use in many modern
cities, including that of transport. And efficiency is not pursued as seriously as
is both possible and needed. Instead, the word ‘efficiency’ is recited in endless
incantations as a kind of absolution chant: to do so is seen as safe practice since
it does not question the fundamental carbon and uranium base of industrial
energy supply. At the same time conventional power supply systems have been
over-designed to maximize fuel consumption, and based on the brute force of
wasteful base load power systems scaled to match peak demand – making a
mockery of efficiency programmes.
Indeed, in this paradoxical world, fractional carbon emission reduction
targets ridicule individual energy saving or solar installation efforts: any gains
above the target are taken up by reduced efforts on the part of commercial
polluters. And the very notion of carbon trading as an overriding policy maxim
has introduced another paradox with its own corollary loophole: an
investment in a relatively minor efficiency improvement to a coal fired power
plant, while cementing its CO2-belching existence for another 30 years, is
treated as equal to attempts at replacing the carbon-based paradigm altogether
– as long as the emission reductions add up in a comparable manner. And here
the powerful incumbent interests win out. The source of the emissions, not the
emissions themselves are infinitely more useful a focus in any serious target
setting exercise.
and optimistic, these islands will proliferate fast and extensively as they
connect into a new and renewable reality.
But the label ‘100 per cent renewable’ in the somewhat less-than-ideal
sense can also apply to aspects of people’s lives, or communities and their
support structures. For example, households and businesses can operate their
own domestic or corporate renewable energy system by installing photovoltaic
panels, a woodchip-fired combined-cycle heating plant or biogas powered tri,
quad- or even quint-generation system, also treating and recycling water and
sequestering CO2, besides supplying power, heat and cooling. Or local
governments can act in this way by investing in a solar thermal field or a wind
farm, or by contracting the delivery of renewable electricity from a private
supplier, within or beyond the local borders. For instance, a new partnership
in solar power development will help yield 100 per cent renewable electricity
for all households for a large city such as Munich, Germany – a city long
devoted to gains in energy efficiency in its building stock and district heating
As another example of a partial, or ‘systems focused’ 100 per cent policy, the
UK government pursues the goal for all new homes to be ‘zero carbon’ by 2016
– implying the need for a massive proliferation of local, distributed energy sup-
plies. The fact that only 0.1 per cent of UK renewable energy capacity is gener-
ated on public land has been used to illustrate both the woefully inadequate state
of local community and city participation in renewable generation and its ex-
traordinary potential as a future source (Slavin, 2007).
limitation – so critical that time may in fact already be up. To function on the
debit side as an effective emergency measure and transitional market
arrangement, carbon trade would have to be comprehensive and result in the
dramatic and timely reduction of greenhouse emissions. On the credit side, it
also would have to be limited to key, proven and broadly, immediately effective
applications: the storing of carbon in soils and the generation of pure and new
renewable energy, and therefore not cleaner gas, petroleum or coal combustion
technologies, carbon emissions sequestration or nuclear power.
To reiterate: to be effective and useful ET must efficiently function at this
high level of focus and administration on both debit and credit aspects. But
neither is the case: the sulphur trading experience does not lend itself to
application on a global level in any way; and due to its many complexities, ET
has been used to slow, not speed up progress.
Attempts to apply carbon debits and credits to individual efficiency or even
urban-scale projects are bound to get mired in accounting, certification and
monitoring – massive costs arise. By counting proximate, inefficient uses and
users of energy, indirect responsibilities are identified and double-counting
occurs. Because of the nature of power politics, costs are shifted from primary
polluters to consumers. Effective ET also requires a firm time horizon, a sunset
clause aimed at the ultimate elimination by conversion of fossil energy sources.
A healthy example is the early Obama administration’s commitment to a 83
per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2050, and the linking of a cap-and-
trade scheme with auctioned permits to this – except the final target should be
at least 95 per cent, to meet basic climate stability aims, given the present state
of scientific insight.
Sloppily propagated, misapplied and weakly administered as it is today, the
carbon trade perversely depends on a strong fossil fuel regime to provide the
funding for so-called ‘low-carbon projects’, via pollution permit payments –
without delivering the benefits anywhere nearly as efficiently as other means.
Therefore, many argue with US economist Gilbert Metcalf that if emissions are
to be relied on as a policy tool, rather than a more direct focus on their root
cause as fossil fuel combustion, a carbon tax aimed at producers of coal and
oil would be a more equitable policy-focused and effective approach, raising
US$85 billion annually on a $15 per ton carbon levy (Rotman, 2009), but
carbon tax is used in too few places in the world today or not even discussed
much, thus having little chance of taking the place of ET. To some it still carries
the unhappy connotation of, well, a tax. And it, too, builds dependence on the
revenue from polluters, is difficult to administer fairly, and in itself is too blunt
a weapon in the battle for achieving serious reduction outcomes, particularly
since Metcalf and others propose to spend the revenue on personal income tax
credits, not primarily or directly on renewable energy infrastructure. The
carbon tax revenue is here used as a simple pricing mechanism, to notionally
internalize some environmental costs, with added costs passed on to the
consumer – who then receives the tax increase back as a credit. Used as a
circular scheme the revenue does not promise to be effective in curtailing
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Feed-in tariffs
Some schemes are more efficiently focused on renewable electricity
introduction than others. The FiT, described in Chapter 7, has been shown to
be the most efficiently focused, effective and equitable way so far of not only
achieving rapid greenhouse gas abatements but also producing renewable
electricity at the lowest rate of all policy frameworks available (BMU, 2007).
They represent one of two public policy mechanisms available that are capable
of triggering and guiding a 100 per cent renewable conversion. Misinformation
campaigns created the impression that FiTs are expensive, but the opposite is
true. The German Federal Environment Ministry reports that during 2007, the
FiT cost a mere EU€35 per household (BMU, 2008), while it proved drama-
tically effective in generating employment, delivering innovation impulses to
research and development (R&D) and manufacturing, and mitigating fossil
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fuel price rises. In that year Germany installed more renewable capacity than
the UK managed in a decade with its certificate-based system, lifting its share
of total electricity to 8.5 per cent, from 7.5 per cent the previous year. Together
with efficiency improvements, a real savings gain of €5 billion is projected for
2020, when compared to the business-as-usual scenario. Other mechanisms
include the removal of all fossil fuel subsidies, direct, indirect and hidden, and
design pricing mechanisms that allow all external costs to be reflected: from
the massive public health cost incurred by fossil air pollution to the cost of oil-
related wars in the Middle East and Africa.
Figure 1.8 A cooling tower for a geothermal power plant in New Zealand
Source: Allan/morgueFile.com
The escalating search for urban-scale clean power sources substituting for
conventional sources raises the spectre of geothermal new towns rising –
expanding cities and suburbs located near geological heat stores, much like
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 19
early coal towns in the UK forming near mines, rather than in association with
established urban areas. But this seems to be a minor issue compared with the
many positive examples of existing cities expanding their geothermal sources,
following veteran geothermopolises Reykjavik, Iceland, or Rotorua, New
Zealand. These include Anaheim, California; Reno, Nevada; Boise, Idaho
(Jordan, 2009; see also www.c40cities.org/bestpractices/renewables/reykjavik_
geothermal.jsp, www.c40cities.org/bestpractices/renewables/ reykjavik_
geothermal.jsp, www.cityofboise.org/Departments/Public_Works/ Services/
Geothermal/index.aspx, www.trendhunter.com/trends/paris-gets-green-
heating, www.anaheim.net/utilities/news/article.asp?id=663, www.geoheat.oit.
edu/bulletin/bull17-1/art4.pdf); or Munich, Germany, where a long-established
relation with heat carrying aquifers affords virtually 100 per cent carbon-free
heating in some urban redevelopment areas.
Nested supply: A new geography of power and a new social contract emerge
No single level of support will work on its own. At a country or continental
level, comprehensive grids are being discussed and advanced to facilitate
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 22
Figure 1.9 A local power shortage darkens part of São Paolo: A fossil-fuel city on its knees
– smart grids may help in this situation but long-term relief can only come in combination
with distributed, autonomous renewables, and precinct-based, renewable cogeneration
islands. Rolling brown-outs and unscheduled blackouts are growing occurrences in a
number of cities and will increase with climate change and fossil fuel supply problems
Source: Rafael Rigues
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Figure 1.10 Boys and solar module, Caoduo school, Rongbo, Yu: Bringing affordable,
high-quality solar lighting to rural China as part of the Renewable Energy Development
Project (REDP), China
Source: Ashden Awards/Martin Wright
Figure 1.11 One of Bangladeshi NGO Shidhulai’s boat libraries visits a remote village in
Raishahi, Bangladesh. The promise of technology leapfrogging with solar-powered boats
bringing education and sustainable energy to remote areas. Electricity on boats is generated
by solar photovoltaic technology
Source: Ashden Awards/Martin Wright
can approach the majority of towns: Australia is one such example where more
than half of ICLEI’s CCP community was founded during the heyday of the
campaign. This has been explained by both a lack of action at the national
level, and – as a seeming paradox – central government funding of such
programmes. Some cynical voices attribute the extraordinary representation of
Australian member cities in CCP to the fact that these local programmes were
unlikely to fundamentally change the energy regime’s big picture.
The local sustainability movement’s emphasis on ‘initiative’, ‘agenda’ and
‘protection’, rather than ‘action’ or actual ‘change’ suggests good intentions
and agreeable commitments to ‘ensuring that future generations are not
deprived of choices’, or similar aspirations of little meaning – but no real,
tangible change. Others call this assessment unfair, pointing to local
government’s presumed limited range of choices. But the reality of examples
suggests otherwise. Quite the contrary, cities and towns are not only quite
capable of responding boldly and in a multitude of ways but they actually do
so, as summarized below.
There is a set of good reasons for local agendas failing to achieve much
progress while focused on emissions policy alone. For one, cities and com-
munities have few means of carrying out long-range planning. It is better to put
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 26
in place the best possible and most effective strategies known at any given time
to get to zero fossil fuel content in energy use (in transport, household,
business and industrial production) and in consumption (embodied energy in
the acquisition of goods and services, also known to some as ‘grey energy’).
Second, after almost two decades of frantic carbon-counting efforts there
is no single agreed-upon method emerging, nor even an agreed principle. While
the Kyoto-based processes provide a framework of national accounts based on
locally generated emissions, to many, this is fundamentally flawed. It does not
reflect actual lifestyle or consumption behaviour, and hence does not fairly
assign responsibility: much of China’s emissions are exported to the US and
other importers of Chinese manufacturing goods. And third, the very notion of
emission counting and its corollary – trading – is a deeply flawed if popular
notion, if only because it does not focus on the sources of emissions, such as
fossil fuel combustion, but on its indirect effects, a proximate force. Cities
operate below the level of national emission accounts and are not usually
equipped to engage in pollution counting programmes in ways that carry much
meaning locally or nationally. Often only corporate – city-asset related –
emissions have been counted, a paltry fraction of total carbon pollution being
emitted within the broad realm of cities and their consumption.
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 27
electricity bill and in the late 1980s began to survey its local and sub-regional
renewable energy sources, notably its bioenergy potential in its farming
community. It rather quickly succeeded in reaching a 90 per cent emissions
reduction level across the community, and promptly attracted a sizeable
number of investors and industries in renewable energy and clean technology.
Today, the town produces more energy than it consumes – all of it from
renewable sources, not unusual for a determined community (for example, the
Bavarian town of Wilpoldsried produced 285 per cent of its energy in exports
in 2009). This story is repeated across most towns and regions on their path to
autonomy – they all set no less than 100 per cent as their target.
Figure 1.13 Daxu stoves in China: Around 25,000 Daxu stoves have been sold since
production started in 2006. The stoves are designed to burn crop waste
Source: Ashden Awards/Martin Wright
Figure 1.14 Wood fuel heating for schools in Nottinghamshire, UK: Year 5 children holding
wood pellets at Mornington Primary School where a new boiler has recently been installed
Source: Ashden Awards/Andrew Aitchison
Distributed generation
In the UK, the city of Woking has been called the local capital of distributed
generation, described in Chapter 6. It reached 99.83 per cent autonomy in local
electricity supply across its own corporate assets, and maintains a larger grid
connection for back-up purposes. The sources, not all renewable, rank from
solar to wind, hydrogen, biomass to natural gas. Some 60 generators, from tri-
generation plants to solar arrays, heat, cool and power public buildings,
affordable housing and city centre businesses. Woking ranks very high on the
list of communities that achieved high levels of distributed or micro-generation
success. It is funded from the tremendous efficiency savings made over
conventional supply, and even attracted Danish pension fund investment. This
partial system meant that overall emissions were significantly reduced.
liquid refuse, the water stream on surface and in the ground, the flow of air,
the solar radiation striking roofs, facades and open spaces, the often enormous
geothermal resources that lie both deep and shallow below the surface, when
taken together, and combined with ubiquitous point-of-demand and renewably
powered heating, cooling and power generation machinery, all are capable of
producing at least as much energy as is required to drive and maintain the host
Figure 1.15 After 10,000 years of evolution, the humble roof has found a new and
noble calling, besides keeping out the rain: energy harvesting. Rooftop solar panels in
Neckarsulm-Amorbach, Germany
Source: Joachim Köhler
calculating their respective potential for converting sunshine into electric and
thermal energy (Everding, 2007). Her pattern book has been developed in part
with the Dutch-based consulting firm Ecofys, and is used in several cities as a
basis for developing renewable energy capacity assessments and local energy
plans. Berlin’s solar framework plan (Solarer Rahmenplan), too, is an example
for her school of precinct-type based solar potential assessments.
Using a more interactive approach geared to individual users, the city of
Osnabrück has been the focus of a software pilot project, using satellite data
to map the city’s solar potential (http://www.osnabrueck.de). Similar efforts
are now underway at national government level, experimenting with a set of
studies at local level, to better understand the potential of such satellite and
aerial data, geographic information systems, and the characteristic patterns of
urban settlements, precinct prototypes and open space qualities to assess and
map the total generation potential across a wider range of renewable energy
technologies, including biomass, geothermal and hydropower. This book
features the work of one of the most important protagonist teams in this field
in Chapter 14.
Several large grid initiatives have emerged since the mid-2000s to shore up
international renewable power supply using high-voltage DC over large
distances. Most have claimed the prefix ‘super’, from Airtricity’s hydrogen-
transmitting and supercooled grid proposal for the North Sea to the plans by
the Obama administration for the US. Supergrid concepts are not new, and
have in this millennium been aired in venues such as the 2002 National Energy
Supergrid Workshop sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champagne (UIUC, 2002).
Like smart grids, supergrids are not necessarily conduits for 100 per cent
renewable power. Sometimes the latter are proposed as a means to make
nuclear power attractive again. The term supergrid has been heard in calls for
greater conventional energy security, say, to mitigate Russia’s threat to strangle
Europe with various power chokes, by patching Baltic, North Sea and
Mediterranean grids together, or by implementing alternative natural gas
supply rings and access sources. In Europe and across the US, however,
supergrids could well help shift great quantities of renewable electricity derived
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 34
from wind and solar power from Nevada and Arizona to other states, or from
Scotland’s enormous tidal, wave and wind resources across Europe, as part of
the European North Sea Offshore Grid initiative. An agreement between
Norway and The Netherlands follows a much earlier agreement with Denmark
to use Norwegian water resources to balance the variability of the wind (see
www.terrawatts.com; http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_
sectors/natural_resources/article5142622.ece). Going further from ‘super’ to
‘super smart’ in the battle of the self-bestowed grid accolades, a coalition of
large power utilities and environmental groups including WWF and Vattenfall
Europe Transmission announced on 3. July 2009 the Renewables Grid
Initiative (RGI) to promote the integration of distributed renewables sources.
The RGI is founded on the ideas of Antonella Battaglini, Process Leader of the
SuperSmart Grid Project in the European Climate Forum (see
http://www.renewables-grid.eu; www.european-climate-forum; www.pik-
Also across Europe, the earlier and controversial Trans-Mediterranean
Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power (TRANS-CSP) project was
aimed at interconnecting the electric grids of Europe and North Africa, with
the aim of importing solar energy from solar thermal (CSP) sources in North
Africa, at a rate of some 15 per cent of Europe’s electricity demand by 2050.
An early planning study was funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and completed
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 37
Smart grids
Grid upgrades have long gripped the imagination of the electricity distribution
community, software world, control industry and political leaders alike. Power
networks have long been neglected in infrastructure thinking, stuck very much
in early Tesla time – the pioneering days of wired electricity. In the developing
world, too, ‘electrification’ has meant the stringing of high-tension wires over
long distances, hooking communities to the gargantuan, wasteful guzzlers of
cooling water that were thermal reactors fuelled with uranium, coal, gas or
even oil. Today, a race is underway to improve the capability of networks: to
respond to failures more quickly, maintain interaction between customers and
suppliers to manage failures, allow home reading of live usage and facilitate
the two-way flow of electricity.
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 38
Figure 1.18 Old-fashioned power and telephone lines sagging after heavy ice storm.
New integrated services power and information networks (the ‘e-web’;
see Droege, 2006) and increased embedded, distributed, stand-alone
RE systems mitigate climate change and enhance resilience
Source: noaa.gov
These relatively mild enhancements came much later than the revolutions in
the telecommunications world, and only after the rise of terrorist threats and
severe power outages struck California and the northeast of the US in the early
to mid-2000s. Measures included software innovations, control hardware and
management reforms. Initially also conceived to learn about smaller power
failures and enhance customer understanding of efficient behaviour, they have
now given way to more serious, if increasingly Orwellian, thoughts about
managing a wide array of diverse inputs from small solar panels to massive
wind parks, municipal-scale solar-thermal fields or wave power stations – and
connect to a myriad of storage devices, from traditional pumped dams to
stationary chemical, mechanical or electrical batteries and devices, to mobile
storage in electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. A truly smart grid would also
facilitate 100 per cent renewable power and include virtual network features,
local area management and interactive trades across a number of communities
– the e-web (Droege, 2006).
Demand-driven improvements, long resisted by the power carriers and
fund-starved managers of public assets, inevitably took on features of
technology convergence familiar from the heyday of the early information
revolution: the merger and partial crossover of voice, data and image media. It
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 39
is little surprise that the most imaginative players include software moguls like
Shai Agassi, initiator of Better Place, the electric car package; IBM and its
Smart Grid initiative; and Google who joined the Californian Demand
Response and Smart Grid Alliance in November 2008, releasing Google
PowerMeter in February 2009, a software application aimed at the home-
based smart grid user (see http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-10160234-
54.html; www.smartgrids.eu/; http://smartgridnews.com; http://money.cnn.
www.ge.ecomagination.com/smartgrid; www.oe.energy.gov/smartgrid.htm).
Not ‘super’ but smart: The arrival of the virtual power plant
The year after the old TRANS-CSP study was completed, three German com-
panies, Enercon, Schmack Biogas and Solarworld, under the auspices of the Berlin-
based Agency for Renewable Energies, released the results of an experiment they
conducted to demonstrate the ability of renewable energy to supply all of the elec-
tricity requirements of Germany. They linked 36 renewable energy sources and
management points across the country: a pumped-water storage facility for general
balancing, 4 biogas block heating plants, 11 wind parks and 20 solar power plants.
Daily weather prognoses were used to gauge general demand and supply balances
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and real-time data to fine-tune supply with up-to-the minute accuracy. Because
biogas is also a storage medium, the block heating units served as peak-shaving
and not base load suppliers, and hence the main balancing tool to manage fine
changes in the supply-demand profile. The experiment was scaled to represent
1:10,000 of Germany’s total electricity demand, supplying the equivalent of near-
ly 18,000 households.
These national efforts, especially those driven by incumbent industry agendas,
only reinforce the need for urban and community-based action. National and
international agendas remain uncertain. The popular hunger for a renewable
world underpinned, at least in part, Barack Obama’s 2009 election win: he had
embraced a renewable energy supportive agenda to be part of his election
promises. But it is wise to remember that he joined other US leaders before
him, including President Jimmy Carter, who already in 1979 had solar hot
water heaters installed in the White House, and announced his ‘solar strategy’.
Under Ronald Reagan the panels were removed, and after an odyssey that
included their symbolic hosting in Unity College near Bangor, Maine, they have
now become a display item in the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library (Clark,
In installing the solar water heating system, Jimmy Carter identified a
generation ago a civilization at a crossroads, and we are still lingering
indecisively at this very crossroads today. Carter declared:
A year later, US domestic oil production capacity peaked, as had been predicted
by Shell geophysicist Marion King Hubbert a generation earlier (Hubbert,
1956) yet the road was abandoned, and again under Bill Clinton and Al Gore’s
time in office. 1980 is also the year when the Federal Emergency Management
Agency issued its futile call for a renewable America (FEMA, 1980).
Figure 1.21 Gasoline ration coupon: Coupons were printed for emergency use (but never
issued) during the energy crisis in 1979
Source: United States Department of Energy
While today a different awareness has arisen, with the spectre of catastrophic
global warming etched into growing parts of the public (sub)conscience, adding
to the managed energy security dangers that marked the early and mid-1970s,
it is wise to not entirely rely on national or international processes alone.
Solar, wind and many other renewable sources are ubiquitous in their genera-
tion potential. Others, such as large wave power fields, or geothermal sources
can provide very substantial amounts of energy, but only in specific locations.
Both often benefit from being used locally, saving the installation of expensive
and sometimes extensive grid connections for new industrial or residential de-
velopments. But this very benefit removes one more important constraint on ur-
ban sprawl. Indeed, the lifting of constraints inherent in urban infrastructure in-
novations has had profound and not always positive implications for the form
of cities and their impact on natural or rural areas. Cities have spread and be-
come global, virtual network features, from horse-and-buggy to the streetcar, elec-
trified suburbs and the motorcar, telecommunications and mass air travel (Droege,
2006). Urban sprawl is considered a major cost of the fossil fuel era and its car
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 44
Figure 1.23 Vision of the Western Australian capital city, Perth, supported by photovoltaic
or solar-thermal fields anchoring a diverse city region developed around urban agriculture,
forest and wetland resources
Source: Weller (2009)
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In a summary conclusion, the successes and potentials represented in this book
demonstrate that a move to a 100 per cent renewable civilization is not only
required but indeed possible.
Signs of a great shift are visible everywhere, particularly where people live
and work (and where a lion’s share of global fossil energy is consumed) in
cities. These include:
• resuscitated efficiency programmes such as those reinforced by the Clinton
Climate Initiative, and many national efforts, from the Swiss Minergie
framework, to German efficiency legislation, or the reborn state-based and
locally focused US megawatt drives;
• demand reduction efforts in transport such as the compact-city and public
transport movements, and less frequently, in lifestyle changes such as urban
agriculture and re-localization initiatives (including those that take place on
the White House lawn);
• urban-integrated renewable energy systems, such as those assisted by feed-
in tariffs: building integrated photovoltaics, distributed renewable
cogeneration plants, small wind and hydropower, or geothermal energy;
• regional renewable supply in solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass
• system-penetrating sectoral transformations, such as in moves towards
entirely renewable transport means, such as a solar powered and shared
electric vehicle fleets;
• the rising realization that the MDGs can by definition only be attained in a
developing and industrialized world that is founded on a fully renewable
energy base.
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Investments Study, EREC and Greenpeace, Brussels,
Evans&Peck (2008) ‘Inland electricity transmission connection. Submission to
Infrastructure Australia/Allocation from the Building Australia Fund’,
Everding, D. (ed.) (2007) Solarer Städtebau, Kohlhammer
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) (1980) Dispersed, Decentralised
and Renewable Energy Sources: Alternatives to National Vulnerability and War,
FEMA, Washington, DC
Hansen, J., Sato, M., Kharecha, P., Beerling, D., Berner, R., Masson-Delmotte, V.,
Pagani, M., Raymo, M., Royer, D. L. and Zachos, J. C. (2008) ‘Target atmospheric
CO2: Where should humanity aim?’, Open Atmos. Sci. J., vol 2, pp217–231,
Homer-Dixon, T. (2009) The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the
Renewal of Civilization, Resource & Conflict Analysis, Inc. and Island Press,
Hubbert, M. K. (1956) Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels, No 95, Shell
Development Company, Houston, www.hubbertpeak.com/hubbert/1956/1956.pdf/
Johnson, P. (2006) Ecological Footprint Accounting for Western Australia: Technical
Paper No. 4, Environmental Protection Authority, Perth
Jordan, A. (2009) ‘Reno: America’s biggest little geothermal city’, Wall Street Journal,
5 March
Kasarda, J. D. (undated) ‘Airotropolis’, www.aerotropolis.com/aerotropolis.html
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 47
Chapter Two
Institutions for a 100%
Renewable World
Hermann Scheer
The future of power lies with renewable energies. The limits of fossil and
nuclear energy are more than obvious. Civilization stands at a critical decision
point. The global community can continue down the path to self-annihilation
by wasting trillions of precious funds in oil drilling, shale, tar sand and frozen
methane production, and pursuing hopeless nuclear fission and fusion
research. Or it can end the madness of a bygone era and focus its remaining
resources on a strategy of survival and prosperity by building an efficient,
equitable and sustainable power infrastructure based on renewable energy.
IRENA rising
To help counter this myth, various scientific studies were conducted to show
that a complete energy supply with renewables would be feasible. Examples
include a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists in the United States in
1979 (Kendall and Nadis, 1980); a publication of the Club de Bellevue, an
initiative of scientists from leading French research institutes (ALTER, 1978);
or a Europe-wide study released by the Institute of Applied Systems Analysis
in Laxenburg (Austria) in 1982 (www.iiasa.ac.at/Admin/PUB/Documents/WP-
82-126.pdf). The technical capacity to transform the global energy system
clearly existed, the societal need clearly existed, and yet there were no
international policy sources or high-level advocates to help bring about choices
and pave the way for a massive shift towards renewables.
In 1990, the European Association for Renewable Energies, Eurosolar,
drafted the first comprehensive memorandum on establishing IRENA,
publishing it widely. At the invitation of the former energy commissioner of the
UN Secretary General, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, I presented this
memorandum at the UN headquarters in New York. UN Secretary General
Perez de Cuellar responded by establishing a task force, UNSEGED (United
Nations Solar Energy Group on Environment and Development). UNSEGED,
chaired by Professor Thomas Johansson, concluded that the establishment of
an International Renewable Energy Agency was necessary. This proposal was
aimed at the Rio Conference of 1992 and it was expected that this conference
ALTER (Le Groupe de Bellevue) (1978) A Study of a Long-Term Energy Future
for France based on 100% Renewable Energies, reprinted in The Yearbook of
Renewable Energies 1995 (1995), James and James, London
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
(2008) Founding an International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Promoting
Renewable Energy Worldwide, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Public Relations Division, Bonn,
Fischer, D. (1997) History of the International Atomic Energy Agency: The First
Forty Years, Division of Publications, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna,
International Parliamentary Forum on Renewable Energies (2004) ‘Renewable
energies – The Challenge for the 21st century’, www.ipf-
Kendall, H. and Nadis, S. J. (eds) (1980) Energy Strategies: Towards a Solar Future.
Report of the Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge University Press,
Parra, F. (2004) Oil Politics, A Modern History of Petroleum, I. B.Tauris, London
and New York, www.amazon.com/Oil-Politics-Modern-History-
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Chapter Three
The Renewable Imperative:
Providing Climate Protection
and Energy Security
Hans-Josef Fell
Energy Outlook (WEO) 2008 that oil extraction could increase by nearly 30
per cent by 2030.
The common assumption that coal will be readily available for the next
200 years is false. The EWG has verified that within the next few decades there
will already be shortfalls in coal supply. Often the point is raised that coal
cannot be affordably replaced by some emerging economies such as China, or
that the world’s largest coal exporters, such as Australia, have a legitimate
interest in its continuing use of coal. The dream of carbon-free coal-fired
power plants is not only held up by many proponents with a serious face, but
increasingly pursued at a well-funded scale in the form of various carbon
capture and storage (CCS) technologies. In Germany, a country that supports
CCS with high investments from public research funds, an extensive study of
its potential was published in March 2008 by the independent scientific
consultancy office of the German Bundestag (TAB). The message is clear: CCS
raises many scientific questions but no real answers; to date, there are no
plants operating and all experiments appear to have failed. Also, electricity
production with CCS requires about 30 per cent more coal. Given growing
resource scarcity and inexorably rising pressures on world market prices, coal-
fired power plants with CCS do not stand a chance against renewable energies,
unless they are heavily subsidized. CCS is not likely to be practically available
before 2020. By then its chances will look even worse than today.
The coal price has risen rapidly recently and demonstrates the arrival of an
age in which scarcities become the norm, rather than the exception.
Figure 3.5 Uranium demand and possible supply from known resources
Source: LBST/Energy Watch Group
Note: IR* = inferred resources; kt = kiloton
Figure 3.6 FiT under the Renewable Energy Sources Act versus emissions trading
Source: www.energie-verstehen.de/Energieportal/Navigation/energiemix,did=249684.html; Zugriff 27.11.08,
BMU-Publikation ‘Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen: nationale und internationale Entwicklung’, KI III 1, Stand Juni
2008; Antwort der Bundesregierung auf schriftliche Frage zu Emissionshandel und CO2-Einsparung vom
03.04.2008, Schlemmermeier, Schwintowski: ZNER Jg. 10/3/2006, Seite 195
Note: mt = millions of tons
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A policy for climate protection and energy security can only be achieved
through a clear, consistent and uncompromising policy for renewable energy
resources. In particular, this means: FiT laws and tax exemption for
renewables; an end to subsidies for fossil and atomic energy; campaigns for
research, development and education in renewable energy resources; and an
end to legal resistance during the approval process.
My doubts concerning emissions trading are growing. In Germany it has
not been very successful so far. While laws for renewable energies have saved
more than 120 million tons of CO2 of annual production, with an added cost
of only €4 billion, emissions trading has contributed only 9 million tons. But
emissions trading generated €5–10 billion of unjustified additional profit for
conventional energy companies.
Generally speaking, renewable energies bring only advantages and no
burdens. They create jobs due to economic development and reduce prices for
energy by creating independence from rising fossil resource prices. They bring
a secure energy supply and cancel out the motivation for wars over oil.
But can we really afford to abandon the use of crude oil, natural gas, coal
and uranium? There is a clear answer to this question. Precisely because the
global economy is so profoundly dependent on fossil resources, it must develop
another resource base very quickly. Otherwise, the increasing depletion of oil
resources, the drastic rise in oil prices and the simultaneous escalation of the
global environmental crisis will precipitate an unprecedented worldwide
economic crisis. The current crisis is in part a result of high oil prices in the
summer of 2008.
It is possible to make a fast total switch away from crude oil, natural gas,
coal and uranium. The natural supply of renewable sources of energy – solar,
wind, hydroelectric and geothermal power, bioenergy and ocean energies –
offers many thousand times’ the world’s entire annual energy requirement.
Enough solar radiation, in particular, reaches the Earth to meet today world’s
energy demand 15,000 times over (www.fv-sonnenenergie.de/fileadmin/
The UK failed to reach Germany’s level of installed wind capacity, despite the
fact that it is windier in the UK than in Germany (true even when discounting
the difference in the size and populations of these two nations). In addition, the
cost of a kWh of electricity from wind power in the UK, at $0.13, is almost
twice as high as in Germany.
A comparison of the rates of growth in photovoltaics in Germany and
Japan also provides persuasive evidence that FiTs represent a more successful
industrial policy than the state subsidies or quotas and certificate laws that are
used in Japan. The initial successes of the photovoltaics industry in Japan have
been far surpassed by Germany since the Renewable Energy Sources Act was
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All in all the performance of the national economy in Germany has been
improved by renewable energies. While renewables accounted for €3.5 billion
in additional costs per year, over €15 billion could be saved due to reduced
imports of fossil fuels, avoided external environmental damage and reduced
costs for emission certificates.
The most significant advantages of FiTs for renewable energy resources,
especially for wind, biogas, photovoltaic, hydro and geothermal, support their
worldwide introduction. Although the advantages of the FiT for renewables
are well-known, there is still much resistance. The conventional fossil and
atomic energy companies practise widespread lobbying for their own interests
and often against renewables.
The Renewable Energy Act was introduced in Germany by the Green Party
and Social Democrats in 2000, against the votes of the Conservatives. But now
the conservatives in the German parliament accept the FiTs for electricity from
renewable energies and even consider them to be indispensable. Until recently,
this situation was unimaginable: during the national election campaign in
2005, the Conservatives demanded the abolition of FiTs, but the extremely
successful development of electricity production from renewable energies has
come to be one of the driving forces behind recent economic growth in
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The heating and cooling sector is also very important for renewables. As
far as heat supply is concerned, there is no development of renewable energies
comparable to the electricity sector in Germany. For years, the development
rate has been stagnating because a renewable heat act is still missing in
Germany. The parliamentary group of the Green Party has made proposals for
the framework of an effective heat energy act. The recommendations of the
European Commission in January 2008 are suitable for a rapid development
of renewable heat in the European Union. The proposal from Greens and the
EU-Commission is to make renewable investment in heating and cooling
obligatory by law, in both new and refurbished buildings. A change towards
renewables in the transport sector is also important and indeed possible. There
are two important dimensions to this shift: improved biofuels and electric
engines powered by green electricity.
Biofuels are often erroneously blamed for rising food prices, but such rises
are caused mainly by increasing oil price, bad harvests caused by climate
change and the huge meat consumption. Land use for meat production is five
to ten times as intensive as land use for plant-based nutrition. Still, the
sustainable cultivation of biofuels is necessary. Disregarding social and
ecological farming standards can indeed aggravate food supply problems.
Intensive land use often results in the degradation of soil. Organic farming and
biochar, however, improve soil fertility and support climate protection. Mixed
cropping and agroforestry are examples of ecological agriculture with ample
The development of chemical products based on renewable resources is
also very important for climate protection. Bioplastics solve many difficulties
such as resource scarcity, climate change and waste problems. However,
genetic engineering is no solution because it creates further ecological and
social challenges. Genetic engineering is simply not necessary either for
nutrition and biofuels or for bioplastics.
I have been the proud owner of a solar car for many years. The amount of
electricity it consumes is small and can be produced by photovoltaic solar
parks. I only need 10 square meters of photovoltaics on the roof of my home
to enable my car to run 10,000 kilometres per year. What is necessary is to
convert automobiles to emission-free drive systems powered by electricity from
renewable energy sources. The most important strategy to introduce
renewables into the transport sector is to convert the focus of car producers
from combustion machines to electricity cars, buses, cycles and others. But
they must run only with renewable electricity.
Education and the transfer of knowledge are essential factors to meet the
challenge of transforming our energy system. The successful launch of IRENA
will greatly aid in this important task.
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Chapter Four
100% is Possible Now
Harry Lehmann and Stefan Peter
Today’s world economy does not use the Earth’s resources in a sustainable way.
Humanity is rapidly coming closer to the exhaustion of conventional and
nuclear finite energy reserves. Now it is widely accepted that the mid-depletion
point of oil reserves has already been passed in non-OPEC countries, and will
be passed in the OPEC countries within the next decades (according to EWG
(2008a), peak oil, i.e. global maximum oil production capacity, was passed in
2006. Additionally EWG studies on global coal and uranium resources showed
that these will also become scarce in the near future. Last but not least, the
environment faces increasing threats, ranging from the well-known problem of
human-caused climate change to the erosion of fertile soil, water pollution and
the various effects of manmade toxins and nuclear waste.
A sustainable energy supply has to be fully based (100 per cent) on renew-
able energies and must use available resources most efficiently. Today, at the
advent of the industrial solar age, there are eight basic technologies in the
market (biomass, hydropower, wind energy, solar thermal collectors,
photovoltaic systems, centralized solar thermal power plants, solar archi-
tecture and geothermal energy) and a number of experimental technologies are
raring to go. These technologies tap renewable energy resources in a magnitude
that exceeds current global energy consumption by many times, and can
provide energy for millions of years.
A solar energy system to supply energy reliably throughout the year
includes the consistent use of local renewable energy sources wherever
possible. A second basic requirement of such a fully renewable energy supply
structure is the intelligent interchange of energy between regions. This
interchange can be managed by the power grid, gas networks (using solar-
generated hydrogen) or by transporting biomass. National or international
networks can be used for system balancing, for example, to transport regional
surpluses to regions with deficits or to storage facilities. In this chapter, we
focus on regions where an electrical infrastructure already has been installed,
but renewable energy technologies are as well able to supply the needed energy
down to the size of a single house or a small village.
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One study investigating the possibility of such an energy system is the ‘Long-
Term Integration of Renewable Energies into the European Energy System’
(LTI). The LTI project will work on ‘extreme’ scenarios with very different but
ambitious economic, social and ecological goals over the next decades (LTI,
Based on two simplified archetypes of behaviour – exhibited by those who
are motivated to protect the environment (‘sustainable’ scenario) and those
who are interested in consuming (‘fair market scenario’) – two scenarios were
developed that result in an 80 per cent reduction of CO2 by 2050. Because of
the extremely varying assumptions, the examined scenarios represent two
extremes of possible development and are not meant as a prognosis for the
future. Rather they were designed to learn as much as possible about supplying
solar energy to Europe. The reality will be a mixture of different trends and
will incorporate aspects of both scenarios. A third optimized version of the
supply system is shown in the ‘opti’ scenario – a 100 per cent renewable energy
scenario (Lehmann, 1998). This last scenario is much better in terms of
availability of electricity over the year.
The LTI project shows that the European energy system can be changed
until 2050 to use energy in a sustainable way. There are no fundamental
technical or financial hurdles that inhibit an exclusively solar/renewable energy
supply system for Europe.
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Figure 4.2 Share of energy sources providing energy for Europe in 2050 in three different
Source: LTI (1998)
Note: Energy efficiency and savings have lowered demand by 38–62 per cent. Geothermal energy, imported
solar-generated hydrogen and others are not included in the sustainable and fair market scenarios and are
together in the opti scenario under ‘other’
In February 2000, the German Bundestag constituted the Enquete Commission
on ‘Sustainable Energy Supply Against the Background of Globalisation and
Liberalisation’ (Enquete, 2002). The Commission had the mandate to provide
scientific evidence as a basis for the German Bundestag’s future decision-
making in the field of energy policy. The consensus view of the Commission
was that Germany’s energy supply system was not sustainable at that time. In
order to assess the prospects of sustainable development up to the year 2050,
the Commission examined economic and technological capabilities as well as
options for practical and political action.
Based on 14 developed scenarios and the evaluation of additional studies,
the Commission’s conclusion was that it is technically feasible and econo-
mically possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent in a modern
industrialized country, even if nuclear energy is phased out, by shifting to a
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 75
Another study is the ‘Energy Rich Japan’ Report (ERJ, 2003), which provides
an analysis of Japan’s current energy demand across the industrial, residential,
commercial and transport sectors (using 1999 data) and shows how energy
demand can be reduced substantially in all four sectors by adopting most
energy efficient technologies. The study shows a possible halving of Japan’s
end-energy use from almost 15,200 petajoules (PJ) in 1999 to a level below
To meet this new reduced demand, the report includes a renewable energy
supply model to supply electricity, heat and fuels. The ERJ Report produced
six renewable energy scenarios, all of them providing 100 per cent renewable
energy for Japan. The starting point is a basic model (Scenario One), which
provides more than 50 per cent of total energy needs from domestic sources of
renewable energy in Japan, including fuels for transport. Each subsequent
scenario provides variations or expansions on Scenario One, gradually reduc-
ing the reliance on imported energy, factoring in different population
projections and expected improvements in renewable generation capacity and
energy efficiencies, until by Scenarios Five and Six, energy imports are not
required any more.
To ensure that renewable technologies get used to their best advantage and
to guarantee supply security, the report includes a computer simulation of the
Japanese supply system with a temporal resolution of a quarter hour. The
system uses hourly resolved and detailed meteorological data from 153 sites
around Japan, which provide information on renewable sources of wind, solar
radiation and temperature to reflect the changing weather conditions for
power calculation.
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Figure 4.3a Structure of supply (electricity, heat and fuels) for the six scenarios
Source: ERJ (2003)
Figure 4.3b Gross energy production from different technologies in the six scenarios
Source: ERJ (2003)
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Figure 4.4 Simulation dynamics for four exemplary weeks, showing the contributions
of all sources and energy demand
Source: ERJ (2003)
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The objective of initiating the Catalonia study (SolCat, 2007) was to show Cat-
alonia’s ability to supply its own need for energy from renewable sources and,
thus, to provide a fact-based vision of a future energy supply as an alternative
to the present fossil/nuclear system. The study is focused on Catalonia’s electric
energy demand – and how it can be reduced – and the design of a reliable re-
newable electricity supply system.
The scenarios highlight a development towards halving electricity intensity
in the three most important sectors of electricity consumption until 2050,
which, of course, is a great challenge, but feasible from a technological point
of view.
The future development of generating capacities for all renewable tech-
nologies was calculated using so-called ‘logistic growth functions’, showing the
typical s-curved shape for growth with saturation effects in the later stage of
development. This reflects the underlying assumption that growth cannot be
unlimited if any of the resources growth depends on is limited. This approach
also required incorporating assumptions regarding the future development of
technology specific investment costs. While wind energy, geothermal power
plants, biomass plants and solar thermal power plants were expected to show
half of today’s specific investment costs by 2050, the specific costs of photo-
voltaics were expected to fall to one third of today’s costs; hydropower was
assumed to remain on current cost levels.
The ‘Fast Exit Scenario’ shows an increase of renewable generating
capacities from less than 200MW in 2006 to about 6400MW in 2030 and
further to almost 12,000MW in 2050. Wind energy contributes most to the
total renewable capacity – almost three fourths (2030) respectively two thirds
(2050) of the total renewable capacity consists of wind energy. Photovoltaic
shows a dynamic extension too, resulting in an 11 per cent share of total
renewable capacity in 2030 and 23 per cent in 2050. The shares of biomass,
geothermal, solar thermal plants and additional hydropower are substantially
lower if compared to wind energy or photovoltaic.
Validation of supply security was based on dynamic computer simulation
of electricity supply for four representative weeks for all the four seasons of the
year. The simulation showed no indication of undersupply at any time.
The two scenarios of the Catalonia study show the feasibility to achieve a
fully renewable electricity supply, one until 2035 (Fast Exit Scenario), the other
until 2045 (Climate Protection Scenario). The realization of these goals is not
a matter of potential, but it is a matter of setting and pursuing ambitious
targets, encouraging policy and people and – of course – the financial
investments Catalonia and its people are willing to take. The scenarios show
that the financial aspect is not as big an obstacle as one might expect. With an
annual investment into renewable capacities peaking at €104 (at 2006 value)
per inhabitant in the ‘Fast Exit Scenario’ (2050) and €85/capita in the ‘Climate
Protection Scenario’.
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Figure 4.5 Areas required to install sufficient renewable energy generating capacity to
supply 100 per cent of electricity demand in Catalonia (right) and development of
renewable electricity generating capacities in the ‘Fast Exit Scenario’ (left)
Source: SolCat (2007)
Note: On the right, wind energy, the renewable energy technology with most installed capacity, would require
about four times the area of Catalonia’s capital Barcelona. PV and CPS both require about the same area for
installation, which is about one fifth of the capital’s area for each of these technologies
2010, which then successively increases towards 2030. Finally, specific target
levels for annual investments per inhabitant (capita) get reached by the year
2030. The targeted amounts differ for the various regions of the world (see
Table 4.1). In global average, €124 are spent in 2030 per capita in the ‘high
variant’. In the ‘low variant’ the target for 2030 is half that amount (€62 per
capita and year).
Absolute investments in 2030 are approximately €510 billion in the ‘low
variant scenario’ and about €1021 billion in the ‘high variant’. The biggest
single investor in both scenarios is China, followed by South Asia – both
regions having a high percentage of the world population – and OECD
Europe, which is less populated but shows considerably higher spending per
inhabitant in 2030. OECD Pacific has the lowest investment figure, behind
Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
To provide a better feeling for what such investment figures really mean
with regard to today’s real world, Figure 4.9 compares the renewable invest-
ments of the Renewable Energies Outlook 2030 study to global military
expenditures in 2005. Only the ‘high variant’ shows renewable per capita
investments coming close to the military expenditures of 2005. Another
illustrative comparison is the amount of money spent by each German in 2005
on culture-related activities – which is of the magnitude of €100 annually.
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Table 4.1 Targets for annual investments into renewable generating capacities in 2030 in
the Renewable Energies Outlook 2030 ‘low variant’ and ‘high variant’ scenarios
Investment per capita per year Total investment budgets in
in 2030 (€2006/capita/year) 2030 (€2006 billions)
Region Low variant High variant Low variant High variant
OECD Europe 111 223 60 121
OECD North America 110 220 59 118
OECD Pacific 112 224 22 44
Transition economies 91 180 31 60
China 102 204 149 299
East Asia 41 81 33 66
South Asia 35 71 73 147
Latin America 46 91 26 52
Africa 20 41 30 59
Middle East 101 202 28 55
Global scale
Source: EWG (2008b)
Figure 4.8 Final electricity and heat demand and renewable shares until 2030 in the
‘high variant’ scenario
Source: EWG (2008b); IEA (2007)
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Future energy needs can be fully supplied by renewable energies. The scenarios
described here have never been disproved but were considered utopian, although
they relied on the current status quo of the technologies and projected the in-
troduction of these renewable energies on to total energy demands.
The analysis of scenarios that consistently go as far as a 100 per cent
supply from renewable energy shows the following:
• A reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent worldwide and by
80 per cent in industrialized countries by 2050 (compared to 1990 levels)
is technically and economically feasible from today’s perspective. The path
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 85
Enquete (2002) Sustainable Energy Supply Against the Background of Globalisation
and Liberalisation, Enquete Commission, Deutscher Bundestag,
ERJ (Energy Rich Japan) (2003) Energy Rich Japan – A Vision for the Future,
EWG (Energy Watch Group) (2008a) Crude Oil: The Supply Outlook, Energy Watch
Group, www.energywatchgroup.org
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 86
EWG (2008b) Renewable Energy Outlook 2030 – Energy Watch Group Global
Renewable Energy Scenarios,
IEA (International Energy Agency) (2007), World Energy Outlook 2007, IEA,
Le Groupe de Bellevue, ALTER (1978) A Study of a Long-Term Energy Future for
France Based on 100% Renewable Energies, reprinted in The Yearbook of
Renewable Energies 1995 (1995), James and James, London and Le Groupe de
Bellevue, Paris
LTI (1998) Long-Term Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the European
Energy System, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg
Nakicenovic, N. and Messner, S. (1982) Solar Energy Futures in a Western European
Context, WP-82-126a and WP-82-126b, International Institute for Applied Systems
Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
SolCat (2007) Solar Catalonia: A Pathway to a 100% Renewable Energy System for
Catalonia, Fundació Terra, iSuSI, Ecoserveis, www.isusi.de/publications.html
(English) or www.ecoserveis.net/ (Spanish/Catalan)
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Chapter Five
Paths to a Fossil CO2-free
Stefan Lechtenböhmer
A city such as Munich can cut its CO2 emissions by up to 90 per cent by mid-
century by developing highly efficient building and mobility structures and
adapted renewable and low carbon infrastructures. This is asserted by a recent
study of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate Energy and Environment. Com-
missioned by Siemens it examined how a modern metropolis of 1.3 million
inhabitants, such as Munich, third largest and one of the most dynamic
German cities, can drastically reduce the amount of CO2 it emits.
last 150 years like everywhere in the industrialized world have seen an
increasing use of fossil energy. The resulting greenhouse gas emissions have
risen to a current level of more than 8 million tons of CO2 or 6.5 tons per
capita. In our study we analysed two scenarios of how the city could again
become almost fossil carbon free by its 900th anniversary in 2058.
Many cities have already acknowledged the climate challenge and have
adopted significant greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Initiatives such
as ICLEI, the C40 Initiative or the Covenant of Mayors have been formed to
improve cooperation to foster municipal action (see www.iclei.org/;
www.c40cities.org/; www.eumayors.eu/). However, so far only a small number
of larger cities have set themselves far reaching targets, some of which could
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comply with the ambitious climate targets of 90 per cent greenhouse gas
emissions reduction and more by the middle of the century, as can be seen from
the table.
(Germany). The city decided that all new buildings owned by the city or by
housing companies controlled by the city (apart from some exemptions)
have to comply to the passive house standard and – if possible –
renovations should reach the same standard.
• The strategy, however, imposes an economic threat to the district heating
(DH) system by massively reducing the amount of heat demand per
building. Technologies for future central and decentralized DH systems
have yet to be further developed. However, the study assumes that this
problem will successfully be solved and CHP will be able to supply 60 per
cent of heat demand and a third of the electricity demand in the Target
• Additionally, renewable heat supply will be introduced by geothermal DH,
biomass-based decentralized CHP plants and solar thermal appliances.
Figure 5.1 Key strategies for carbon emission reduction in Munich, 2058: Target Scenario
Source: based on Siemens, Wuppertal Institute (2009) and Lechtenböhmer et al (2009)
early as 2013, and a decision has been made to buy a share of a projected
solar thermal power plant in Southern Spain.
• The core strategy of the Target Scenario towards fossil carbon free
transport is to gradually change mobility patterns to slightly reduce average
transport distances and increase the share of public transport (within the
city, but also important on long-distance trips) (assuming public transport
is not coal-fired electricity), walking and biking.
• More efficient vehicles and a shift in urban transport towards electric
vehicles contribute to significant energy savings and indirectly to an
increased share of biofuels and renewable electricity in the transport fuel
mix. The Target Scenario assumes that about 80 per cent of motorized
inner-city individual mobility will be covered by electric vehicles, which will
be either specific small vehicles for short distances or plug-in hybrids. These
will run on shorter distances with electricity and outside the city with fuels.
The question of whether human society will be able to cope with the challenge
of manmade climate change by developing fossil carbon free infrastructures
and economies will be answered in the cities. They are not only core to the
problem but also to the solution. For the southern German metropolis of
Munich, our study demonstrates that energy efficient and low carbon
technologies and infrastructures are already available and could be rolled out
for general use.
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The study shows that transforming a city into a virtually carbon-free urban
environment will be a significant challenge. To master it the aim of virtually
carbon-free cities has to become top priority for all stakeholders: decision-
makers, utilities, urban planners and, particularly, investors and residents.
I would like to thank Dieter Seifried, Claus Barthel, Susanne Böhler, Rüdiger
Hofmann, Kora Kristof, Frank Merten, Frederic Rudolph, Clemens Schneider
and Dietmar Schüwer who are the co-authors of the study briefly reported
here. I also thank Stefan Denig and Daniel Müller from Siemens and their
colleagues who strongly supported the research for this study and contributed
valuable inputs, as well as Tim Schröder.
Brundtland, G. H. (2007) ‘Speech at the Gleneagles Dialogue’, 3rd Ministerial
Conference, Berlin, 10 September 2007, Bundesministerium für Umwelt,
Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU)
IPCC (2007) ‘Summary for policymakers’, in B. Metz, O. R. Davidson, P. R. Bosch, R.
Dave, and L. A. Meyer (eds) Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of
Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, NY
Lechtenböhmer, S., Seifried, D., Barthel, C., Böhler, S., Hofmann, R., Kristof, K.,
Merten, F., Rudolph, F., Schneider, C. and Schüwer, D. (2009) München 2058 –
Wege in eine CO2-freie Zukunft, Hintergrundbericht, Wuppertal, forthcoming
Siemens AG, Wuppertal Institute (2009) Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Munich -
Roads Toward a Carbon-free Future, Munich (in press)
UN Foundation, Club de Madrid (2007) Framework for a Post-2012 Agreement on
Climate Change. A Proposal of Global Leadership for Climate Action, 10
September, Club de Madrid
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Chapter Six
100% Renewable Champions:
International Case Studies
Anis Radzi
This chapter chronicles the trials and successes of 14 renewable energy projects
around the world, with a special focus on islands, regions and cities, in their
quest for 100 per cent self-sufficiency based exclusively on renewable energy
sources. While some are works-in-progress, others have achieved over and
beyond their original targets. Each project tells a story, a narrative illustrating
the human traits of inspiration, dedication, drive and initiative, as the
overriding means to achieve an ecological society and economy free from fossil
fuels. Collectively, the projects illustrate processes entailing more than mere
technics or money.
Basic facts
El Hierro is the smallest island of the Canary Islands, with a surface area of
276km2 and a population of 10,600 people. More than 60 per cent of the
territory is classed as nature reserve (Iris Europe, 2007). By 2010, the island
hopes to derive all of its energy from wind, water, solar and silage power.
Hence, becoming the first European island to cover all of its energy needs with
clean and renewable energies by opting for a development model based on
conserving the environment.
The first phase of El Hierro’s plan will involve a 9.9MW wind-hydro
scheme, whereby desalinated water will be pumped by windpower generated
by a 7.35MW wind farm to a reservoir created at 700 metres above sea level
– this will result in the flooding of the crater of an extinct volcano. When
required, water will be released to the lower reservoir driving turbines to
generate hydroelectricity. Besides filling the reservoir, the water desalination
plant will help compensate for any evaporation losses and produce water for
irrigation and domestic use (INSULA, 2008). The island’s existing 8.3MW
diesel power plant will remain in use as a contingency source of energy. In
addition to the hydro-wind station, El Hierro has plans for more solar thermal
installations, solar photovoltaics, several biogas/biomass plants and an
integrated alternative transport system.
They were informed that training sessions would be made available so each
individual would be able to easily adapt to the new technologies and
organizational structures as well as be prepared for the responsibility of fixing
and maintaining systems.
The turn towards wind-hydro power was natural for El Hierro because of
the strong trade winds, rugged terrain and low electricity demand in
comparison with the other islands of the Canary Archipelago. It is estimated
that wind power alone could potentially generate more than 80 per cent of the
island’s own electricity.
With financial support from the Directorate-General for Energy and
Transport (DG TREN) of the European Commission, a consortium of seven
partners called Gorona del Viento El Hierro, which included the island
government, the Canary Islands through the Technical Institute of the Canary
Islands (ITC) and the local utility (UNELCO-ENDESA) was established. By
2007, a call for tenders was published for the construction of the wind-hydro
plant. Its financing will be greatly assisted once island residents become
directly involved in the project as co-owners of the station by partly purchasing
shares in the company. Once in use, studies into the day-to-day running of the
facility will be conducted to determine the feasibility and economy of such
systems for their replication on other islands (INSULA, 2008). The plant is
scheduled to be fully operational by late 2010.
As part of the island’s energy plan, a new transport programme will
synergize a range of alternative transport systems through the support of a
local transport cooperative. An integrated network will include a hybrid bus as
an addition to the local fleet; an electric, battery-powered minibus for mixed
tourist-public use, which is recharged at a photovoltaic station; a revised
pedestrian network and an information transport system called the ‘El Hierro
– Digital Island’. A new ticketing system will turn private vehicles into public
transport by using an electronic system for fare payments, which will help save
energy and resources in the transport sector, particularly in dispersed rural
areas (IDAE, 2001a).
Already in existence is El Hierro’s solar thermal energy programme or
PROCASOL, which was created to promote solar thermal energy installations
on the island. The programme has helped launch a local company whose task
was to substitute electrical heaters with solar thermal systems in order to
reduce the total electricity demand for domestic hot water. The programme,
managed by ITC combine direct funding and loans at a zero interest rate in
three years with monthly instalments, both granted by the Regional Ministry
for Presidency and Technological Innovation and ITC, as finance. The direct
subsidy is €120 per m2 installed collector area. The owner of the system only
has to pay an initial amount of around 10 per cent of the total installation in
advance; the remainder is financed by ITC at zero interest (Piernavieja et al,
2003). Other incentives include guarantees for the collectors in their
installation and maintenance. The ultimate goal of the programme is the
installation of 2500m² of collectors in order to cover the entire island market.
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Lessons learnt
El Hierro faces one major environmental challenge: the wind-hydro power
station will result in the loss of La Caldereta and the volcanic cone of Las
Tijeretas, two topographical and geological attractions to be transformed into
reservoirs. The island government is conscious of this issue and is working to
integrate future installations into the landscape with more care in order to
minimize visual and environmental impacts (Piernavieja et al, 2003).
A technical challenge for island will be the fluctuating characteristic of
wind, which the government hopes to counter by storing energy and by setting
a limit of 12 per cent market share for wind energy in the Canary Island
electricity act. The island recognizes that in order to fully realize the potential
of wind power, the energy must be stored. It will achieve this by taking
advantage of the new wind-hydro station. The energy from excess wind power
is used to pump water into a reservoir several hundred metres above sea level;
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Basic facts
Solar photovoltaics have been used for more than 20 years in the Pacific
Islands. The total off-grid capacity installed in the region today is around
350MW. In Kiribati, for example, solar panels represent 20 per cent coverage
on the island and are used to power rural health centres and remote radio-
telephone sites (Mitra, 2006). Indeed, renewable energy techniques differ from
island to island. In Fiji, a village cooperative runs a small-scale hydroelectric
project to provide electricity to over 200 homes. In Papua New Guinea, a
hybrid renewable energy system, involving wind turbines and solar panels,
provides an independent power supply to a school. In Samoa, a medium-sized
hydro-project in Afalilo on the capital island of Upolu feeds 80 per cent hydro
and 20 per cent diesel to a hydroelectric power plant. In the Cook Islands,
coconut oil is used as fuel in a normal diesel engine, and has been used in
Vanuatu to fuel buses, taxis and other vehicles, as well as generators that
power a hydroponics project (UNESCO, 2003).
government’s existing arrangements for the finance they had available for the
activities they wanted to support rather than engaging contractors themselves
(ICEPAC, 2000).
However, by 2003 it was estimated that 70 per cent of people living in the
Pacific Islands still did not have access to electricity. Despite the abundance of
renewable energy resources such as solar energy, hydro, bio and wind, the
islands remained dependent on imported diesel for their power and transport
needs, the cost of which was almost four times that of neighbouring countries
such as Australia and New Zealand (ADB, 2003). With rising petroleum prices
as well as rising sea levels over low-lying atolls, the situation was becoming
increasingly unsustainable (Woodruff, 2007).
In 2007, the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
decided to implement the Sustainable Energy Financing Project. Their
donation of $9.5 million aimed to fund solar photovoltaics and pico-hydro
projects over ten years. Primarily backing the private sector, the World Bank
began by making available loan guarantees and loans to people in rural areas
to buy solar equipment.
As a result of all this effort, the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands today
enjoy reliable and affordable electricity through better quality lighting and
appliance use. Shopkeepers can operate at night as street lighting has
improved. There is an increase in productivity as household members can
engage in productive activities such as weaving or studying for longer hours
at night; hence improving income and education. Hygiene has improved
through better food storage and reduced indoor pollution levels. There are
more entertainment and communication opportunities through the use of
televisions, mobile phones and radios. The reduced risk from fires associated
with the use of kerosene lamps and fuel wood has ensured personal safety. A
study in 2006 showed that solar home systems and micro-hydroelectricity
were gradually replacing the use of diesel, kerosene or dry cell batteries as the
renewable energy systems were becoming more and more cost-effective
(Woodruff, 2007).
Lessons learnt
The development of renewable energy in the Pacific Islands faced a variety of
institutional, financial, educational and technical challenges. First, the
renewable energy sector in the region often received low political priority. With
the exception of the island of Palau, most countries failed to develop policies
that ensured that renewable energy technologies were adequately considered
during energy planning. When electrifying rural areas, for example, it was
difficult to manage at the village level as well as regulate the involvement of
private companies. Some countries did not even have a policy for rural
development. It was also difficult to implement energy efficiency programmes
because of the lack of building codes, particularly in the larger island countries
(UNESCAP, 2002). The success of any renewable energy projects required
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(Woodruff, 2007). Wind turbines only provide power to the electrical grids in
Fiji, Nabouwalu, Nabua, Butoni (10MW) and the island of Mangaia in the
Cook Islands.
Most of the early solar PV systems in the Pacific suffered from technical
deficiencies, not in the panels themselves, but in controllers, batteries and other
associated appliances. Among other causes were unreliable components,
inappropriate design, such as undersized panels, improper installation and
poor maintenance (Liebenthal et al, 1994). While most flaws have been
remedied, one minor challenge remained: light bulb failure – the replacement
of which required several days of waiting for households. Nonetheless, in
isolated areas where skilled technicians were scarce, photovoltaics systems still
worked best. They required less maintenance compared with diesel generators,
which needed regular and costly overhauls, sometimes taking weeks to months
to repair when it fails.
Hydroelectricity has suited larger island nations due to the high start-up
costs and high electricity thresholds the facilities demand. Smaller-scale micro-
hydro schemes adapted better in areas where populations were low and
isolated, and where geographies could not support large water catchments.
Although small, micro-hydro was not without its challenges. The use of local
wood for dam construction caused the operational failure of one hydro plant
in a small rural village, left dishevelled because all efforts were focused on
maintaining the plant. Despite the use of local resources, the local timber in
this case was not sufficiently durable.
The use of coconut oil as a biofuel has been limited by operational and
market factors. Because of the viscosity of coconut oil, incomplete combustion
causes carbon deposits in diesel engines – a problem that can be avoided in
indirect injection engines (Vaitilingom, 2006 cited in Woodruff, 2007). The
production of coconut oil itself has suffered not only from fluctuating prices,
weak management and limited investment but also from the limited
availability of copra, rising labour costs and natural disasters (CocoGen, 2005
cited in Woodruff, 2007). The feasibility of coconut oil as a biofuel requires a
resurgence in the copra industry alongside improved processing technology.
In summary, access to energy has improved the health, education and
economic development of the Pacific Island nations, helping to ease
environmental problems already in progress. However, the degrees of success
will depend on local conditions, a good mix of renewable resources,
availability, credible management and stable financial frameworks.
Samsø, Denmark
Basic facts
The Danish island of Samsø is located off the coast of the Jutland Peninsula.
Its population density is low: some 4100 people live on 11,400 hectares.
Agriculture is the biggest sector of its economy and tourism the second largest,
attracting half a million guests a year. At the EU Renewable Energy conference
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in Toulouse in 2000, Samsø received an award for being ‘the best renewable
energy island in Europe’ (INSULA, 2001). Today Samsø is known as the
inspiration behind other ‘renewable energy islands’ such as El Hierro in the
Canaries, La Maddalena in Italy and Aran Islands in Ireland, each focusing on
different kinds of renewable energy.
Lessons learnt
There were other types of renewable energy installations planned on Samsø but
most had failed. Among them were plans to use excess heat from the Sealand
ferry for DH purposes, to extract biogas from pig farms’ slurry and to produce
natural gas from cow manure. The one project that did succeed was a biogas
facility based on methane extraction off a disused landfill site. Methane gas is
used to run a 15kW motor/generator, which produces electricity that is then
sold to the grid. Installed in 2000 by a local cooperative that included the
Samsø Energy Company and some farmers, it received financial support from
the Danish Energy Agency. The success of this installation has resulted in a
similar facility at Samsø’s existing disposal site, which depending on the
volume and quality of the methane gas, generates not just electricity but heat
for site buildings (INSULA, 2001).
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The transport sector has been difficult and costly to regulate because much
of the sector relies on oil. The initial energy plan from 1997 recommended
more energy efficient driving habits, more flexible bus transportation service
and the use of electric cars, but in the case of electric cars, the market has been
nonexistent (Samsø Energiakademi, 2008). The municipality’s experiment with
electric cars failed when one of the demonstration vehicles spent most of the
year with the mechanics (Kolbert, 2008). To begin to abandon fossil transport
fuel, many farmers today experiment with biomass and have begun to run their
tractors on rape seed oil. But some have required expert help in relation to
pressing oil, expertise that has not been readily available on the island.
Within an eight-year period since 1997, heat production from renewable
energy in Samsø increased from 25 per cent to 65 per cent and heat
consumption decreased by 10 per cent. Generally, the share of renewable
energy increased when oil imports dropped. Unfortunately, electricity
consumption has remained the same because despite savings and better
practices in energy use, homes have more domestic equipment (Samsø
Energiakademi, 2008). Households that had better insulation also tended to
heat more rooms, so the net savings were zero (Kolbert, 2008).
The promotion of renewable energy by public campaigns and local effort
has helped increase the rate of renewable energy installations on Samsø. About
300 private homes have invested in individual renewable energy heating
systems. Thermal solar units have been installed on roofs for hot water and
space heating, while oil furnaces have been replaced with biomass boilers or
heat pumps, the latter as either large ground-heat systems to supply the entire
house or smaller air-to-air heat pumps for localized space heating (Samsø
Energiakademi, 2007). There are also solar installations in ports, at a youth
hostel, campsite and a holiday camp (INSULA, 2001).
The renewable energy projects (windmills, DH plants, renewable energy
installations in private buildings) have been an important source of local jobs.
In 2007, the Samsø Energy Academy was opened to house the Samsø Energy
Agency, Samsø Energy and Environment Office and Energy Service Denmark.
It showcases Samsø’s renewable island project and works as an educational
and research laboratory (Samsø Energiakademi, 2008).
Samsø’s ecotourism has boomed, with many people coming to visit the
Renewable Energy Island project. They range from politicians, businessmen,
students, planners, engineers, schools and even some activists. The Welcome
Center was opened by the Samsø Ecomuseum in 2000, enabling tourists to
explore the cultural history of the island as well as learn more about the
renewable energy island project.
The success of Samsø’s renewable energy island was the adoption of the
project, empowerment and ownership by the people. One dedicated local
citizen was able to reach out to his community and inspire it to enact local but
powerful change. Citizens came together to create local organization and to
adapt to new lifestyles based on renewable energy. With a diverse mix of
renewable energy sources combined with energy efficiency and carefully
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Güssing, Austria
Basic facts
Güssing is located in a densely-forested region of south-eastern Austria, along
the Hungarian border, 130km southeast of Vienna. With a population of 4000
people, the town features a 12th-century castle built by Hungarian nobles.
Traditionally Güssing’s economy relies on small-scale agriculture, with farmers
selling corn, sunflower oil and timber. Until the fall of the Iron Curtain,
Güssing was one of the poorest areas of Austria. It had neither railroad nor
highway, and poor infrastructure resulted in high unemployment with many
residents migrating or commuting far to work elsewhere. It was not until 1974
when it was given town status (ökoEnergieland, 2008).
In 2004, Güssing received the European Solar Prize in recognition for its
sustainable regional development process (Eurosolar, 2004). In September
2005, its European Centre for Renewable Energies (EEE) was awarded the
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Global 100 ECO-TECH Award in Japan for the ‘Güssing model’, winning ¥1
million in prize money. Chosen from more than 230 entries worldwide, the
award recognizes projects that have made a significant contribution to solving
environmental problems and to creating a sustainable future.
Today Güssing is a model for environment-friendly energy production
based on the principles of energy saving, value-adding and environmental
protection (Rauch, 2005). It has become the first town in the EU to cut carbon
emissions by at least 90 per cent.
Güssing’s achievements can be attributed to the 30 renewable energy plants
operating within 10km of the town. These plants cover the town’s three main
energy demands: fuel for transportation, residential heating and electricity
(Aichernig et al, 2002). The €2 million rape oil refinery produces 8 million
litres of biodiesel per year by processing rapeseed and used cooking oil. The
biomass plant supplies 23MW of heating to the DH network by processing
24,000 tons of agricultural and forestry material. A biogas plant representing
an investment of €2.1 million generates 0.5MW of electricity and 0.6MW of
heat by using 11,000 tons of silage off 250 hectares of farmland. The grass and
maize is anaerobically digested in the biogas plant to generate gas, which is fed
into the plant to make synthetic natural gas. This is compressed and sold to
vehicles on the main arterial road.
Güssing has two solar demonstation units consisting of a photovoltaic
plant that produces 9MW of electricity and a solar thermal plant that
generates 15MW of heating per year. The plants use innovative solar roof tiles
made from recycled plastic waste, which are integrated with solar modules.
However, the most important innovation in Güssing has been the state-of-the-
art biomass gasification plant. With a fuel capacity of 8MW, the plant operates
8000 hours a year to produce 2.5MW of electricity and 4.5MW of heat for DH
by processing 2300kg of wood per hour (RENET, 2006). The heating station
also operates drying chambers, with scope for district cooling.
Güssing’s consumers consist of 300 private houses, public offices, schools,
hospitals and industrial companies. The plants generate a total of 22MWh per
year. An excess of 8MWh is fed into the national grid, generating €4.7 million
in revenue each year and a profit of €500,000, which is reinvested into the
community and its renewable energy projects (GreenUpAndGo, 2007).
Compared to the €6.2 million spent on energy in 1991, the municipality
generates around €13 million each year from the renewable sector (based on
2005 figures), with 1000 new jobs created and 60 companies attracted to the
before any form of investment into renewables. But it was only after the sight
of the forests, farmland and sunshine from the top of Güssing castle which
finally convinced the town’s mayor, Peter Vadasz, of the town’s renewable
potential (Alden, 2007).
With the help of Rheinhard Koch, the town’s electrical engineer, and
Herbert Sattler, the head of the local timber growers association, they began
examining ways the residents could benefit from their natural resources. In
1990, a model was developed to completely phase out energy supplies that
were based on fossil fuels. The plan was to supply the town of Güssing with
renewable energy and then the entire region. First, energy saving measures
were introduced, including better windows and full thermal insulation. Then,
public buildings were ordered not to use any more fossil fuels. This resulted in
a reduction of 50 per cent in energy expenditure within only two years.
The construction of the bioenergy plants soon followed. The biodiesel
plant was put into production in 1991, producing more biodiesel than needed,
and within the following four years, the biomass and biogas plants had been
installed powering and heating local homes and buildings in the centre of
town. When the biomass gasification plant was installed in 2001, it enabled
Güssing to become truly energy self-sufficient (BMVIT, 2007).
Work on the DH system began by digging up the town’s streets to take the
insulated pipes carrying the hot water (which was heated in the central boiler
of the biomass plant) to the whole town, street by street, even to homes that
did not want the supply, so they could join later whenever they wished
(Douthwaite, 2006). Heat is recovered from the hot water through heat
exchangers in the buildings of customers. The cooled-off water is returned
through separate pipelines (Tirone, 2007). The benefit of this system was that
households no longer needed individual boilers. The new system would be just
as convenient as heating with oil and would not be costly, although some
residents remained unconvinced. Today the DH system is 30 per cent cheaper
and more efficient. A 5MW boiler was installed in 1998 to cope with the
growing demand, with several extensions since resulting in a 42MW capacity
system along a 27km network.
In the next project, it was decided that in addition to heating, Güssing
would produce electricity and synthetic fuels. In 1998, the Viennese scientist,
Hermann Hofbauer and Vienna’s Technical University were asked to build a
demonstration plant applying an innovative technology, which were unlike the
typical gasification plants around the world. Developed by Hofbauer, this type
of plant avoids the build-up of tar when wood is heated. The process involves
producing natural gas by using steam to separate carbon and hydrogen from
scrap lumber, and then recombining the molecules. The natural gas fuels an
engine that produces electricity and the by-product heat is used to produce
warm water for the DH system. The gas is also used in the production of
synthetic diesel oil, through the Fischer-Tropsch process (Tirone, 2007).
The main advantage of the gasification process is that it uses steam rather
than air to turn the biomass into a gas with very little tar and with a high heat
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value. There are also low gaseous emissions and no liquid emissions (Aichernig
et al, 2002). The equilibrium achieved between the combustion and
gasification reactions, which occur automatically, ensures stable operation
without any excessive regulation and adjustment (RENET, 2006). Another
crucial advantage is the facility’s compact construction.
In economic terms, the biomass gasification power plant has been a highly
successful model. Electricity sold to the electrical grid operator is €0.25 less
than the €0.373/kWh previously paid by domestic consumers in the area
(Douthwaite, 2006). The biomass feedstock is costly but covered by high fixed
FiTs for green electricity up to €0.16/kWh for solid biomass. Price for the heat
into the grid is €0.02/kWh, price for heat to the consumer is €0.039/kWh and
the price of electricity is €0.16/kWh (RENET, 2006).
The initial cost of the gasification power plant was covered by grants, 40
per cent of which came from the Austrian and the Burgenland regional
governments. As a member of the EU with an Objective 1 status, an amount
of €6 million was made available. To qualify for Objective 1 status the GDP
per capita for the region must be below 75 per cent of the EU average
(Wikipedia, 2008a). Half of the rest of the money came from fees charged to
buildings that connected to the system, and the remainder was borrowed from
a bank. It took four years to raise the capital investment of €11 million and
attain all the grants and approvals necessary (Douthwaite, 2006). The solar
demonstration plants required an investment of €130,000, of which €23,000
was financed by the EU.
Lessons learnt
Güssing’s energy plan experienced a variety of challenges since its inception.
During the construction of the gasification plant, the EU received a complaint
by a local company criticizing the tendering process. Work continued but the
EU progress payments were immediately stopped. An unresolved situation for
two years resulted in steadily increasing costs to the construction budget. The
town’s mayor and engineer took the plaintiff to court but before proceedings
were concluded, the company had gone bankrupt (Douthwaite, 2006).
The reliance on wood for fuel is a significant issue for the town because
only half of the municipality is covered by forests. Plans for more plants
(Aichernig et al, 2002) combined with an annual consumption of around
24,000 tons of wood (Douthwaite, 2006) pose a challenge to biomass
availability. Some have argued that if only one third of the forests is consumed
(RENET, 2006), this would be enough to supply Güssing with all of its
electrical power and district heat. The town is conscious about looking after
the surrounding forest to ensure they have a good supply of renewable
resources for the future. There are plans to grow timber using short rotation
forestry methods, which will require some of the arable land previously used
for growing maize (Douthwaite, 2006). The switch to solar power will also
turn the focus away from biomass (Tirone, 2007).
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Today the farmers of Güssing are seen as key energy providers. Most of the
farmers report positive feelings about their contribution to the community and
now value their work even more. They feel a closer connection to the
community. Most of them are on long-term contracts to grow energy crops at
a fixed price, which are higher than the market value so they can make a good
income. The municipality can thus offer lower energy costs for residents and
new businesses (White, 2007). The price is fixed for a duration of ten years,
which is currently about €0.016/kWh (Aichernig et al, 2002).
Güssing’s energy concept has transformed the region within 15 years into
one with a high living standard and low unemployment (BMVIT, 2007). Today
Güssing has become an important location for industries with high-energy
consumption, such as parquetry production and hardwood drying. The
companies use timber coming from local woods and benefit from the cheap
heat supply and good market for offcuts (Douthwaite, 2006). A significant
coup was the entry of Blue Chip Energy, the first company in Austria to
produce high-efficiency solar cells, and Solon AG, one of Germany’s first solar
energy companies, which reportedly came to Güssing only so they could power
their plant with energy from renewable resources (Wikipedia, 2008a).
In 1996, the European Centre for Renewable Energy (EEE) was founded
in Güssing to enable companies within the region to share and export their
renewable energy technologies and expertise (Alden, 2007). The municipality
hosts a team of highly trained technicians and international scientists working
to develop innovative technologies, solutions and patents. The biomass plant,
for example, has become a research laboratory for studies such as the synthesis
of methane, the operation of fuel cells and production of liquid fuels. A pan-
European project with participation of Volkswagen, Daimler-Chrysler, Volvo,
Renault, BP, EDF and other partners (RENEW) is investigating other biofuel
alternatives. Another project is focusing on solar cooling to determine ways the
sun can be used as an energy source for air conditioning (Urschick, 2004).
With energy production comes energy management and a research project
is underway to determine future cost savings in operational techniques,
monitoring and optimization (Urschick, 2004). It is envisaged that the next
plant will be 25 per cent cheaper due to the experience gained and the adoption
of new technologies, such as examining the potential of unmanned operations
(Lutter, 2004).
In 2003, a Solar School was founded to offer operational training for
electricians, plumbers, teachers and other professionals in solar energy (EEE,
2009). With its eight research laboratories, it features a demonstration thermal
solar plant for hot water, heating and cooling, and a photovoltaic plant
generating electricity to run the thermal solar plant. A programme for
secondary school students teaches renewable energy practices and technical
skills, such as how to use heat pumps, solar cells and solar panels. It includes
practical workshops and site inspections of facilities. This learning programme
is now running throughout Europe (Fitzgerald, 2008).
Green energy tourism has brought extra income to the town. People are
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greeted at the entry into town with signs reading ‘ökoEnergieland’ or ‘Eco-
Energy Land’. As part of Güssing’s tourism marketing, the brand is also
expressed as a green water drop symbol. An average of 400 tourists visit Güssing
each week. They are as diverse as farmers, investors and politicians, some
coming from around the world to gain inspiration (Tirone, 2007). To
accommodate this influx of visitors, a new motel has even been built near the
EEE, heated and powered exclusively by renewables, hence true to the eco-
energy experience (GreenUpAndGo, 2007). Visitors can also benefit from guided
tours to the various plants and other joint cultural activities such as the eco-
energy marathon, all organized in cooperation with the EEE (BMVIT, 2007).
In essence, the key to Güssing’s success was the leadership shown by the
mayor and the town council. Fundamental to achieving common energy goals
were community involvement, private partnership, research and development
coupled with a solid regional commitment.
Jämtland, Sweden
Basic facts
Jämtland county is a historical province in the centre of Sweden in northern
Europe. It is part of the Mid-Green Belt, an area known for its natural and
cultural heritage and high environmental quality. Set in a densely wooded
region, with its 128,000 inhabitants, the county accounts for 12 per cent of the
total area of Sweden, but only 1.5 per cent of the total population. Jämtland is
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the second largest province in Sweden, with Östersund its largest and only city
in the province as the centre of trade and commerce.
Jämtland is one of the few Swedish regions that was never fully
industrialized. Its large agricultural sector traditionally supplied the
Norrlandic coast with lumber. Large concentrations of uranium and deposits
of, for example, gold, zinc, mica, silver, lead, iron and copper can also be found
here. It was not until after the railways were built that Jämtland’s economy
turned predominantly to tourism (Wikipedia, 2008b).
Jämtland was the first county council in Europe to be certified by ISO
14001 Environmental Management System and EMAS (EU Eco-Management
and Audit Scheme). In 2006, Jämtland won the European Solar Prize and
joined the EU’s four-year campaign on ‘Sustainable Energy Europe’ (TVLink
Europe, 2005). Today more than 60 per cent of all heat and about 90 per cent
of all power is derived from renewable sources. The county generates a total
of 12.5TWh in electricity, involving 12.3TWh of hydro-power, 0.04TWh of
wind power and 0.2TWh of CHP biofuels. Heat production amounts to
2.3TWh, involving 1.1TWh of biofuels, 0.7TWh of electricity, 0.2TWh from
heating oil, 0.1TWh from peat and 0.1TWh from heat pumps. In summary,
two-thirds of its heating is fuelled by bioenergy or waste heat. Three per cent
of the county’s transport uses ethanol, as most of its motorists have turned to
biofuels. In recent years, the use of thermal solar energy in houses and
commercial buildings has increased, and the use of biofuels in middle-scale
heating plants (50kW–1MW) also rising. As a result of all these efforts, the
county has effectively reduced its CO2 emissions by 20 per cent within 14 years
(since 1990) (Anjevall, 2007).
Jämtland aims to derive all of its energy from renewable sources by 2050,
in effect, moving completely away from all fossil and nuclear resources and
hence achieve energy autonomy (Eurosolar, 2006).
plant’s steam boilers to generate heat and power. For one local, Karl-Erik
Strindlund, high winter costs for heating are no longer a problem. In 2003 he
converted his heating from electricity to biomass. Hot water pipes buried in his
garden supply heat produced in the Östersund plant directly to his house. He
has heat exchange units, regulated by a small computer. The new installation
has helped him and his family lower their energy bills (TVLink Europe, 2005).
Similar small-scale heating solutions are applied in villages across the
county. The village of Brünflo for instance, recently converted from oil-
generated heating to wooden pellets and now supplies heat and hot water to
700 households. Produced by local timber companies, the pellets are becoming
an increasingly popular clean-heating solution in Jämtland, as well as in the
whole of Sweden.
Burning pellets releases as much CO2 as if the wood had been left to break
down naturally in the forest. The pellets are produced from waste woodchips
and sawdust that would otherwise be thrown out. Wood pellets are more
efficient at producing heat than plain wood because they are dried and
compressed. In summer, boilers need only to be filled once a week and in
winter, once a day. The traditional wood burning system would in comparison,
require regular re-topping. The pellet boilers are quite expensive (around
€4500–8500), but most users think it is worth the investment (TVLink
Europe, 2005). The boiler provides hot water and keeps the whole house
warm. Those who have replaced burning oil and/or electricity with wood
pellets have cut heating costs by about SEK500,000 ($64,500) per year and
decreased emissions by about 500 tons per year. It is estimated that the average
energy demand for heating of a one-family house is about 25MWh each year
(Hall, 2003).
There is strong public and political support for wind power in the region.
Strömsund in Jämtland, for example, is one of four wind power centres in
Sweden. The region has good winds and the proximity to the transmission
network will limit power transmission losses (RISI, 2008). Strömsund will be
the centre of education for the operation and maintenance technicians
dedicated to this industry. It will attract new businesses in the field of wind
power, in relation to building infrastructure, services and maintenance and
electrical engineering (Hagdahl, 2003) and hence boost employment
Jämtland’s goal is to ultimately generate 1TWh of wind power by 2015,
build distribution systems for alternative fuels and stop the ‘single use’ of
heating oil by 2010. The latest scheme is for a closed working energy cycle
involving CHP, ethanol and biofuel production. Peat, timber from local forests
and waste sawdust from local saw mills will be used to produce pellets to
power the ethanol plant and CHP plant, which in turn produce heat to be fed
into the DH system and electricity that powers the pellet plant and sawmills.
The pellets are also sold commercially as fuel for heating for buildings not
connected to the DH system. Heat is also redirected back and used in the
sawmills. The ethanol produced becomes fuel for transport and the methane
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gas sold to industry and the general public. The organic by-product generated
by the CHP plant and ethanol plant becomes fertilizer and is sold to farmers
for growing local vegetables and flowers in greenhouses. In sum, the entire
process will be a no-waste cycle (Anjevall, 2007).
According to Jimmy Anjevall, Project Leader for the Energy Agency in
Östersund, information evenings were very important during first efforts to
promote bioenergy. Information had to include not just the use but what
investments were required, what installation procedures were involved, and
other technical issues regarding DH and heat pumps (TVLink Europe, 2005).
The challenge of promoting community participation and re-education was
tackled by regular presentations made by Jämtland’s Energy Agency about the
benefits of renewable energy in all of its eight municipalities. Other forms of
promotion included advertisements in newspapers, on TV, radio and the
internet, informing residents about electricity use in heating as well as energy
efficiency, in particular saving energy in office buildings (Anjevall, 2007).
Overall, the community was supportive. The plan to replace oil heating
with DH networks based on biomass in the beginning for instance, was readily
adopted, which as a result, led to a reduction in the use of heating oil by 40
per cent since 1997 (Sustainable Energy Europe, 2008). The two following
examples show how important promotion was to the financing,
implementation and success of bioenergy projects in Jämtland County.
From June 2001 until May 2002, the project ‘Comfortable use of wood
pellets in one-family houses’ was initiated. In cooperation with the Swedish
Energy Agency, a regional plan was drawn up with two simple goals. First, the
number of one-family houses in Jämtland County heated by wood pellets
should increase to 50 and second, the owners of one-family houses would only
need to make only one telephone call when deciding to install a wood pellet
system. The immediate result of the project was a total of 95 houses using the
system (Hall, 2003).
Another project implemented was the ‘Thermal solar energy in detached
houses’ project initiated in 2003. It aimed to increase the interest in thermal
solar energy in houses among energy advisors, companies and the general
public of Jämtland (Hall, 2004). To foster interest, the first strategy was to
coordinate information and education activities for plumbers, installation
companies and households. Together with energy advisors to the
municipalities, seven information evenings, a regional exhibition attracting
30,000 visitors, and study tours with companies enabled interaction between
industry and community (Hall, 2004).
All eight municipalities provided finance for most of the county’s bioenergy
initiatives, with strong support from local, regional and national politicians as
well as industry (Anjevall, 2007). There were grants for transportation,
investments and training of staff in efficient driving (Hagdahl, 2003), and
incentives and bonus programmes such as free parking for vehicles driving
with biofuel (Eurosolar, 2006). Since June 2000, subsidies were provided to
stimulate the usage of thermal solar energy in residential buildings. The
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Lessons learnt
The county faced a few challenges when implementing its renewable energy
projects. The household pellet project for instance, faced some resistance from
traditional plumbing firms when pellet burners were marketed. Information
regarding the technology and implementation was unknown and moreover,
limited. The common house-owner can make several enquiries into the
installation of a pellet system but they were still left with inadequate
information. It took several public ‘pellets evenings’ hosted by companies to
finally disseminate the information. And although an increased use of wood
pellets has meant an increased production and hence increased employment,
the pellets market is not yet ready to operate independently. The pellets market
requires more promotion and integration, such as promoting its use in larger
scale commercial and public buildings (Hall, 2003).
The household solar project was an educational success and resulted in 11
companies in Jämtland selling and installing thermal solar energy products.
However, it failed one major technical target: the installed solar panel area had
increased by only 245m2, far from its 600m2 target. Despite the financial
support received from the Swedish Energy Agency, there was still a shortage of
institutional subsidy and private investment to lower the cost of panels. Like
the wood pellet market, the thermal solar energy market in the region was not
ready to stand on it own (Hall, 2004).
The reliance on forests as a primary source of biofuel presents a concern.
However, Jämtland in cooperation with the regional companies, municipalities
and organizations aims to overcome this by producing 0.2TWh from
agriculture in the country by 2015. At present, only 3 per cent of all farmland
in Sweden is used for energy crop cultivation. The same applies to Jämtland,
which has not been producing fuels from agricultural farming at all. The new
goal would entail farmers switching parts of their traditional production to
energy crop cultivation (Tyskling, 2008).
Jämtland demonstrates how municipal initiative, drive and commitment
aided the development of renewable energy in the county. It also shows how
critical public information and education was in improving awareness and
strengthening support, through the use of various kinds of marketing and
communication strategies. Although some technologies remain costly,
government policy has the ability to lessen market constraints and encourage
the use of local resources to cover local energy needs at more affordable
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Jühnde, Germany
Basic facts
The small farming community of Jühnde is the first village in Germany to
completely replace its fossil energy use for heating and electricity with
bioenergy. With a population of 800 people, the village is located in the
southern part of Lower Saxony, encompassing 1300 hectares of farmland and
800 hectares of forest. In 2005, the ‘Bioenergiedorf’ or Bioenergy Village was
awarded the European Solar Prize in recognition of its municipal services
(Eurosolar, 2005).
Jühnde’s renewable energy portfolio consists of a 712kW biogas co-
generation plant, a 550kW biomass heating station, two heat storage facilities,
boiler and a DH network connecting around 145 houses. Nine thousand cubic
metres of liquid manure from six animal farms (800 cows and 1400 pigs), 250
hectares of farmland (25 per cent of total farmland) and 350 tons a year of
wood chips from forests (10 per cent of annual growth) are processed to
produce bioenergy in Jühnde.
The biogas plant ferments only renewable raw materials in the form of
grasses, other agricultural by-products and liquid manure. Within the biogas
plant, organic matter is decomposed into methane by bacteria. The gas is then
burnt in a block heat plant where the heat is channelled into a bioenergy buffer
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store. The biogas then fuels a block type power station, generating around 5
million kWh of electricity and 6.5 million kWh of heat energy each year. The
biomass plant ensures the heating needs of every household in the village all
year round. Around 12,000 tons of non-processed wood, woods with a
maximum moisture content of up to 60 per cent and wood chips (Federal
Ministry of Economics and Technology, 2008) is processed each year, supplied
by seven out of nine local farmers. Fermentation residue is recycled and reused
as fertilizer on agricultural cropland in accordance with agricultural
regulations (Eurosolar, 2005). The energy crop cultivation involves a double
cropping system. By rotating summer and winter cereals, the method helps
reduce the use of pesticides and avoid pests and diseases. This works to balance
the agricultural ecosystem, generate higher crop yields, ensure diversity and
minimal tilling (Ruwisch and Sauer, 2007).
The heat generated by the plants is transported as hot water into the
houses via a 5.5km underground network of pipeline. Connected to the circuit
of each individual house, the water is fed directly into the heating system. The
energy is transferred to the hot water system via a heat exchanger. The process
becomes more efficient and beneficial as an increasing number of houses are
connected. To date around 70 per cent of households have voluntarily signed
heat supply contracts. It costs €49 per MWh, with a €500 fixed annual charge
and a €1000 connection fee. Total costs are around €2000 a year (Ruwisch
and Sauer, 2007).
Each year the plants generate an income of approximately €1 million,
four-fifths from the excess electricity sold and a third from heat energy
production. By 2008, the village was producing more than 10 million kWh of
electricity, effectively saving 3300 tons of CO2 annually.
Lessons learnt
The first big challenge for the project was to encourage people to disconnect
themselves from conventional fossil fuel suppliers and to join the bioenergy
system (Ruwisch and Sauer, 2007). This was managed by coordinating
planning workshops to educate village groups and to rally their support. The
meetings made certain the goals of local residents were incorporated into the
project and the right balance was achieved between local knowledge and
external guidance. The enthusiasm shown by the village mayor, who was
actively involved in promoting the projects, also convinced many residents to
sign up (Heiskanen et al, 2007).
The next challenge was the implementation process. There were many
delays and steep transaction costs in obtaining planning permissions and
construction permits. Frequent revisions of the statutory local plan caused
further complications. The biogas plant for instance, took five years from
concept to final operations (Binns et al, 2007).
Another challenge was the new role of citizens as energy producers and/or
suppliers. Jühnde citizens and energy users had to adapt to being actively
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Mureck, Austria
Basic facts
Mureck is a small rural municipality in the district of Radkersburg in southern
Austria at the border with Slovenia. Its 1700 residents inhabit an area of just
5km2. In recent years, Mureck has become a leading model in regional energy
self-sufficiency. Its self-sustaining biomass system is one of Europe’s first to
export surplus energy worldwide (Eurosolar, 2006).
In 2001, its bioenergy cooperative South Styria Cooperative for Energy
and Protein Production (SEEG) Mureck won first prize at the World Energy
Globe Award for supplying biofuels to the city of Mureck and the wider
region. Its achievements gained further recognition with the awarding of the
European Solar Prize in 2006. To mark the 20th anniversary of bioenergy in
the region, Mureck introduced its sustainable model to the world at the ‘First
International Climate-Protection-Event’ (SEEG, 2007).
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Lessons learnt
There have been a few setbacks but none too critical to result in failure.
Biodiesel production, for instance, received a lot of opposition from the motor
and oil industries. Biodiesel was seen not to work as well as standard fuels.
There was very low demand for biofuels and delays in production caused by
the low price of fossil fuels. As a non-traditional crop, the introduction of
rapeseed also posed new challenges for local farmers.
With regards to used cooking oil as biofuel, availability was very low
particularly in the early stages. It took a dioxin scandal in 2000, which banned
the use of used cooking oil and fat in animal fodder in Austria, to redirect the
flow of used oil towards biofuel production (EFFP, 2004). The potential for
cooking oil was also limited by people’s average consumption of cooking oil,
which was about 3kg per person per year. It was estimated that a catchment
radius of 200km is required to be cost-effective (SEEG, 2007)
The large tracts of land required for rapeseed cultivation is a concern for
local residents due to the dangers of monoculture. But according to Bioenergy
Mureck, it has plans for rotating rapeseed with Sudan grass. A pilot project is
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researching ways of using complete plants for biofuel that will enable three to
four times the amount of liquid biofuel obtained per hectare compared to
biodiesel from rapeseed oil (SEEG, 2007).
Rapeseed grown in rotation with other crops in the same area has enabled
farmers to keep their fields under continuous production. This rotational
method has improved soil structure, prevented erosion, added nutrients to the
soils and provided relief to underground water. Weed, disease and insect
problems that occur when one species is continuously cropped have also been
avoided, so reducing the use and cost of artificial fertilizers (Wikipedia,
Converting rapeseed oil into biodiesel does, however, require methanol
and energy. Mureck has plans to replace the fossil methanol with methanol
made from sustainable sources. The high cost of conversion for vehicles to run
on pure vegetable oil (€3000–4000) will lessen with new technology and
ubiquity, meeting current conversion costs for standard diesel engines running
on biodiesel. The use of pure vegetable oil as biofuel in local farms will also
finally take place as costs for third-party drying, storage and handling come on
par with the cheaper regional biodiesel system.
The biogas driven co-generation plant in Mureck produces heat and power
all year round. However, low heating energy demand in summer has meant
that the energy produced during the season is not fully utilized. To use this
excess energy, a differential cooling system will be installed via the Nahwärme
(close-proximity or neighbourhood heating) flow pipe at 80–90ºC, to supply
thermal cooling produced by absorption chiller, to retail and commercial
establishments as well as detached houses. It will help cool buildings that
cannot depend on structural improvements to meet their cooling demands
(Beham, 2008).
Bioenergy Mureck is characterized by self-initiative, individual
responsibility and close partnerships. It relies on the cooperation of the leading
actors as well as good supply-chain coordination to maintain its success
(Hametner, 2006). The large constellation of companies and local groups
working with the three companies ensures fair representation of local and
regional concerns, mix of ownership types and shared accountability that
avoids a top-down corporate structure. Majority ownership in the hands of a
few was undesirable, particularly when farmers represented only 4 per cent of
the population but were the predominant owners (SEEG, 2007).
The systematic integration of all parties in the planning process from the
beginning helped quell local misconceptions and instil an understanding of the
process. Public information meetings were very important. The local heating
scheme for instance, had an immediate take-up of 50 per cent, despite the
additional 25 per cent costs of conversion over conventional oil-fired heating
systems. As an ongoing service, a customer care hotline was set up as a key link
to public energy demands (SEEG, 2007).
Pilot projects were critical in capacity building. Bioenergie Mureck worked
with various regional and national bioenergy organizations in Austria to
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improve its knowledge of bioenergy and share its development experience with
them. Among them were the Biomass Association, Energy Association of
Styria, Eco-Energy Styria and the universities in Graz. BDI Biodiesel
International provided information on biodiesel plant implementation and the
cooking oil project received support from waste disposal groups, local councils
and restaurants. Partnerships with neighbouring countries such as Slovenia,
Germany and Hungary have helped establish new markets for the biodiesel
(Hametner, 2006). Mureck has also exported energy to some countries in Asia.
Mureck’s bioenergy system has meant energy security, added value and an
increase in local jobs. During times of crisis, the municipality can now rely on
a secure and more affordable energy supply, which in turn, ensures social
stability. By 2006, the annual heating costs for a detached house were €750
less than one equipped with a conventional oil heating, based on an oil price
of €0.65 per litre. Today both biodiesel and local heating are far cheaper in
Mureck than fossil fuels such as heating oil or diesel (SEEG, 2007).
Bioenergy Mureck is a ‘self-sufficient energy loop that can work separately
from a conventional supply of energy, an all-round business cycle based on
regional energy’ (SEEG, 2007). Mureck’s bionergy system has created not only
new jobs associated with the energy plants such as electricians, machine fitters
and joiners for carrying out operational and maintenance work; but it has also
maintained existing jobs such as farmers and labourers through production
and supply of raw materials on surrounding farms (SEEG, 2007).
According to SEEG Mureck, the town saves 45,000 tons of CO2 and
reduces significant amounts of waste each year. Convenient local heating
replacing domestic fires has helped reduce emissions. There are lower
emissions from biodiesel compared with fossil diesel in terms of soot, sulfurous
oxide and fine particles, though there are some nitrous oxide emissions from
engines under some conditions (SEEG, 2007). The biogas plant is fully
automated and generates no dust, odour or noise. Separating waste and using
mineral oil separator has become mandatory. Biofilters are used to reduce
unpleasant smells from the biogas unit and dust filter units are incorporated to
reduce dust emissions from the biomass cauldrons. Despite the high cost,
textile filter units have been quite effective.
SEEG safeguards the environment by regularly monitoring emissions and
compliance with statutory requirements, especially with regard to waste
disposal. The SEEG collection system has prevented an estimated 9000 tonnes
of used cooking oil from entering the local sewerage system each year, thus
protecting the sewerage system and wastewater treatment plants from damage
and further expense. According to one study, it costs €0.44 per litre of oil for
the upkeep of treatment plants if used oil is poured down the drain (SEEG,
Bioenergie Mureck takes part in events that promote its goals to the public
and industry. Press releases, conference participation and its own website help
explain the environmental benefits to a wider audience (EFFP, 2004). Open
days provide opportunities for direct discussions with local officials and
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experts, and ensure good public rapport and public education (Hametner,
Bioenergie Mureck has significantly promoted tourism in the region.
Around 6000 visitors come to see the energy plants each year. In 2001, a
visitor’s centre ‘Energieschauplatz Mureck’ on the eastern Styria’s Energy
Display Road shows visitors how the ‘energy cycle’ works. The energy concept
is also linked to the region’s restaurants and local providers of specialities, with
joint activities and campaigns regularly staged. There are plans to open an
international information, consultation and training centre for renewable
energies and industrial raw materials targeting primary, secondary and tertiary
schools (SEEG, 2007).
In 2001, a bioenergy beacon was built as a visible symbol of Bioenergie
Mureck’s four key principles: nature, energy, region and peace, inaugurated on
the occasion of the ‘Romlauf’. Created by the vocational school in Mureck, the
beacon is lit with a fire fuelled by biodiesel provided by SEEG Mureck. As the
world’s largest lantern, the town’s landmark strongly signals the local
authority’s commitment to the environment, local community and industry.
Mureck local authority has put in place social and economic guidelines in
relation to its bioenergy system. Developments must enhance the quality of life
for residents, increase the awareness of the region’s sustainable cycles,
maintain joint setting and implementation of activities, and create jobs, giving
people further reason to stay in the region. Maintaining relationships with
associations and companies such as schools and the fire brigade and organizing
festivals such as the bioenergy festival, biodiesel day and bioenergy beacon
have ensured ongoing awareness (SEEG, 2007).
The development of renewable energy in Mureck would not have been
possible without local initiative, institutional support, technological know-
how and most importantly natural resources. The production of local energy
demonstrates how far-reaching the benefits can be, ranging from affordable
heating and electricity and increased local income and productivity to
improvements in land and air quality and an enhanced sense of local pride and
ownership. It demonstrates how private companies in collaboration with
municipalities can create socially cohesive, ‘greener’ environments, while
maintaining profits for all.
Navarre, Spain
Basic facts
The region of Navarre is located in north-eastern Spain, between the Basque
country and the French border. It consists of 272 municipal areas spread over
10,391km2, equivalent to 2 per cent of Spain’s total landmass. With a
population of just over 600,000 people, it is the least populated of Spain’s
autonomous regions. Pamplona is the regional capital city.
In 2003, Navarre was praised as having the best regional policy in Europe
at the European Conference for Renewable Energy in Berlin. In 2007, a local
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company, Acciona Solar, was awarded the European Solar Prize by the
European Association for Renewable Energy (Eurosolar 2007) for its
contribution to the development and promotion of solar plants. Today
Navarre leads Spain in renewable energy technology and is recognized
worldwide for its scientific research and technical capacity.
Navarre’s small hydro plants– those with a capacity below 10MW – have
been in operation since the end of the 19th century. Today it is no longer a
major power source and the potential for new hydro is limited as most
riverbeds are well used (Aicher, 2005). To date there are around 111 small
hydropower plants in Navarre with a total installed capacity of 195MW,
representing 10 per cent of Navarre’s energy consumption. El Berbel is
Navarre’s only large hydroelectric installation generating 18MW.
Navarre’s greatest source of energy comes from wind farms. Latest reports
account for 32 windparks across 16 locations with 1164 turbines and a total
installed capacity of 936MW (Fairless, 2007). Spain’s national broadcaster
TVE reported that on 19 March 2007, wind power in Spain for the first time
exceeded nuclear and coal power’s contribution to the power grid. Wind
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power contributed 8375MW, while nuclear power and coal added 6797 MW
and 5081 MW respectively (AP Digital, 2007).
There are around 32 co-generation installations generating a total of
118MW fed by forestry biomass and black liquor. Black liquor is a recycled by-
product formed during the pulping of wood in the papermaking industry.
Burnt in boilers to produce steam and electricity, the process is effective in
recovering inorganic chemicals for recycling. In the town of Sangüesa, a
25MW biomass plant generates enough electricity from 160,000 tons of straw
waste to power over 50,000 households, avoiding carbon emissions of
196,000 tons per year. At a cost of €51.9 million, the plant is the only one of
its type in Spain (Siehr, 2007). Waste products such as ash are reused as
In Caparroso, a biodiesel plant produces 80 million litres of fuel a year
from crude and refined vegetable oils such as rapeseed, sunflower, soya or
palm. The €25 million plant was the first in the world equipped to process
such a variety of vegetable oils (Gobierno de Navarre, 2006). The fuel is sold
to oil companies, freight companies and public transport, and two petrol
stations in Navarre that sell 100 per cent pure biodiesel. It is envisaged that the
entire city bus fleet in Pamplona will operate with 100 per cent biodiesel,
prominently marked with special labels as ecological vehicles. The biodiesel
producer has assured the local authority that it will put a cap on fuel cost
increases, hence protecting public transport users from price hikes due to the
switch to biodiesel (Acciona Energía, 2007).
Navarre’s biomethanization plant treats 50,000 tons of urban waste and
produces 6,000 tonnes of compost each year. The €9.6 million facility
processes the waste to harness methane gas for the generation of electricity.
Linked to the solid urban waste plant and wastewater treatment, the system
effectively reduces waste sent to landfills.
Recent estimates account for over 600 individual solar photovoltaic
facilities working off-grid belonging to private owners. They are used for a
range of applications such as lighting, pumping and so forth. Those that are
connected to the grid make up the 18 so-called ‘solar gardens’ spread across
Navarre, generating a total 61.5MW and involving more than 3500 people, all
at a cost of €456 million worth of investments. A concept created and
patented by Spanish company, Acciona Solar, the huertas solares® or solar
gardens cluster individually-owned photovoltaic installations on a single site
(Acciona Energía, 2007).
Navarre’s first solar garden was the €12 million installation in Tudela,
consisting of 400 solar trackers over 60,000 square metres of land. The
1.2MW garden is divided into two separate zones for energy generation and
technology experimentation. Tudela is also earmarked as the site of Spain’s
first ‘zero-emissions’ community, balancing energy supply and demand
through intelligent energy systems. The eco-city will consist of 70,000 new
homes powered exclusively by wind energy and photovoltaics and heated via
the use of passive solar techniques, solar collectors and geothermal. The
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Lessons learnt
Navarre’s green power plants posed some technical and logistical challenges.
The wind turbines for instance, despite large installed capacities, actually
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The Navarre energy plan promotes energy efficiency throughout the region
through conferences, training courses, energy saving guides and competitions.
Public input for various projects was always sought, such as the plan to reduce
energy demands in heating and cooling in buildings by installing new
insulation, or the plan to reduce electricity consumption in households by
replacing old appliances such as freezers and dishwashers with higher energy
rated appliances. The latter has resulted in the replacement of more than 8000
obsolete electronic appliances (Salazar, 2008).
The grouping of installations in solar gardens has reduced costs and
increased efficiency. There is greater security by being centrally controlled. It
allows for techniques such as solar tracking, usually not feasible in
independent systems. It also ensures dependable grid connections, sequential
components manufacture and the development of software in energy
monitoring. Production can be tracked remotely – owners can check their
daily, monthly or annual production via the internet (Acciona Energía, 2008).
The model has enabled a larger cross-section of society to invest in solar
energy. Previously opportunities to invest in the technology were limited
because most Spaniards lived in apartment buildings and shared rooftops. At
the Monte Alto Solar Field, an individual panel costs €47,000 but government
aid, tax breaks and remuneration for photovoltaic solar energy have helped
ease the burden. Shared infrastructure coupled with centralized control of
financing, collection of FiTs and facilities management have ensured a zero
effect on net income gained as profit for investors (Du Bois, 2007).
The long waiting list of potential investors demonstrates the success of the
solar garden concept. As an economic model, the cooperative installations
have helped share costs and profits, virtually guaranteeing incomes. Some
locals have re-badged the scheme as their ‘solar pension fund’. Profits earned
off the solar panels they bought today will serve as their retirement income
tomorrow (Lungescu, 2007).
The introduction of renewable energy has revitalized many old villages in
Navarre. Before the windparks, the villages of Iratxeta and Leoz had only 150
residents. Public services were also very limited. Today the population of both
villages has almost double. There is running water, waste collection, new
buildings and an influx of new investment thanks to the rent earned from the
wind farm operators (Fairless, 2007).
Institutions from several countries have visited Navarre to learn about the
region’s renewable energy development. Among them were political
representatives from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Australia and different
regional institutions from Ireland, Romania and Slovakia. A few developing
countries are cooperating with the Navarre’s government for technical and
legal assistance in developing their own renewable energy plans, such as the
Dominican Republic with the preparation of its Wind Energy Plan.
The initiative of private enterprise coupled with strong political
commitment from the Government of Navarre have been key in the region’s
success with renewables. The policies articulated in the government’s energy
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Figure 6.9 Xu Wenjian, Party Secretary, Miao Zuigou Village, Zou Yuan town, near Yan’an,
with his biogas light and stove
Source: Ashden Awards/ Martin Wright
Basic facts
Shaanxi is a land-locked province located in central, northern China. Set in a
mountainous region, the province is renowned for its natural beauty and
historical significance. Xi’an is the administrative capital and the Yellow River
its main waterway.
In 2006, a group of women from the region called the Shaanxi Mothers
Association won second prize in the International Award for Sustainable
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Energy. Their achievement was the installation of almost 1500 biogas plants in
farming households across the Shaanxi Province. Thanks to the strong
leadership of the group’s founder Mrs Wang Ming Ying, the biogas scheme has
set forth an energy revolution, transforming countless farms into mini self-
sustaining units.
Lessons learnt
The main challenge to the biogas scheme was the limited access to technical
guidance and the lack of maintenance experience. Regular education
programmes conducted by the Shaanxi Mother’s have helped tackle this issue.
One initiative was to select 100 farmers who had basic knowledge on biogas
management to undergo further training by experts. The intention was to
enable farmers to educate their own communities, an initiative that will make
certain constant availability of technical service teams in the long run. As an
incentive, awards were presented to 20 farmers who performed most
outstandingly (CunCaoXin, 2008b).
Many households have found the system to be very convenient and clean.
Most women are now able to cook straight after working in the fields because
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biogas is virtually ‘on tap’, that is, available at the point of use. They no longer
have to go to collect firewood or bamboo from distant forests or buy dirty and
expensive coal (Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, 2008). Reports suggest
that approximately three hours per day was previously spent collecting wood
and lighting fires for cooking. This time is now replaced with organic farming,
parenting or recreational activities such as weaving and playing music.
According to Mrs Wang Ming Ying, leader and project coordinator of the
Shaanxi Mother’s Association, biogas is a healthier form of energy (Ashden
Awards for Sustainable Energy, 2008). Ever since biogas plants were installed
in households, the health of women and their family members has significantly
improved. They no longer have to breathe in wood smoke, which was the
cause of respiratory and eye disease, because biogas burns with a clean flame.
Kitchens no longer accumulate soot. In comparison to those using
conventional fuels such as coal and firewood, villages that use biogas
reportedly reduced carbon monoxide emissions by 80 per cent, CO2 by 60 per
cent, SO2 by 80 per cent and dust and fumes by 90 per cent (CunCaoXin,
Improved sanitation has meant improved living conditions. The direct
connection of latrines to the biogas pit has prevented the spread of odours and
bacteria within the home. The biogas digester pit prevents effluent from
seeping into the groundwater, hence reducing the risk of waterborne disease
through the pooling of dangerous bacteria. The density of flies in houses with
biogas has also dropped by more than half, with even significant reductions in
pigsties (Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, 2008).
Families have benefited from the reuse of slurry residue as liquid fertilizer
for crops and fruit trees. As a free natural fertilizer, it has effectively supplanted
the use of chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, when crop waste and earthworms
are added, a very rich compost is produced that can be readily used or sold
(Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, 2008). Farmers have reported an
improvement between 5 to 10 per cent in plant and fruit growth. According to
them, trees are greener and fruits have more colour (FOE, 2008).
Despite facing initial resistance and scepticism, the Shaanxi Mother’s
Association with its 1200 members, has remained a non-profit organization. It
has involved over a million people in environmental and energy projects all
over Shaanxi province. With the support of the Shaanxi Provincial Women’s
Federation (SWF), which belongs to the national network of the All China
Women Federation, it has educated more than 14000 rural and urban women
and their family members. In recent years, Shaanxi has received many visits
from various international delegations such as the US Global Climate Change
and Environmental Science Delegation, who were reportedly impressed when
shown the extent of biogas use among farmers.
The Shaanxi biogas scheme has facilitated the recovery of the local
environment and improved the heath and livelihoods of families. The villages’
openness to embrace new technology, entrepreneurial initiative, ability to
promote and raise funds and a stubborn drive to overcome bureaucracy has
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garnered respect from other villages in China. The use of biogas has reduced
animal waste pollution and halted severe deforestation. It has increased local
incomes based on the sale of organic produce and the availability of cheap
energy. More importantly, it has elevated the status of rural women of Shaanxi,
who have turned sustainable energy and sustainable farming practices into a
form of self-reliance.
Thisted, Denmark
Figure 6.10 The Thisted model
Source: Thisted Kommune
Basic facts
Thisted is a rural municipality located in Northern Denmark, covering an area
of 1093km2 with a population of 46,000 residents. It is one of Denmark’s
largest regions, with 100km of coastline and the biggest coastal heathland in
Europe. Thisted’s main port is gateway to the North Atlantic (Thisted
Municipality, 2008a). In 2007 Thisted received the European Solar Prize for its
commitment to the advancement, development and integration of renewable
energy technologies (Eurosolar, 2008).
Today Thisted generates all of its electricity from renewable energy, 80 per
cent of which is generated by 252 wind turbines, representing 103GWh per
year. The rest of the energy supply is produced from biogas, solar and power
plants that run off residential and agricultural waste. All of its heating is
generated from a combination of facilities, which include a geothermal plant,
a combined waste incinerator and a straw incinerator. By 2008, around 20,500
households and 1700 companies ran on renewable energy in Thisted (Thisted
Municipality, 2008f).
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Lessons learnt
There have been many challenges faced and lessons learnt. One challenge was
achieving equity in energy distribution in terms of energy production and
delivery (Thisted Municipality, 2008f). Lack of financial incentives, incomplete
energy infrastructure and distances were the other major barriers.
Despite this, the switch to renewable energy was not difficult for some
because many farmers in the municipality already possessed windmills and
operated their own biogas plants. However, these plants must merge with the
DH network soon in order for farmers to sell surplus heat to other customers
in the future. Indeed, a more complete renewable energy grid will help deliver
surpluses to the entire network and hence provide farmers with more income,
as an increasing number will start to explore waste collection and energy
production opportunities. The extension of the network will also mean
strengthening rural settlements, as they become self-sufficient and enjoy
cheaper energy supplies. It is estimated that energy costs in the region has
decreased by two-thirds since the use of renewables in comparison to bills
based on oil use for heating (Thisted Municipality, 2008f).
Today Thisted Municipality promotes itself as an environmentally
sustainable region and leader in renewable energy technology. The Nordic
Folkecenter for Renewable Energy in the municipality has become one of the
biggest eco-sites in Europe. Thisted’s positioning to be leading CO2 neutral
municipality in Denmark and leader in CO2 reduction has already attracted
visitors not only from Denmark but also from all over the world (Thisted
Municipality, 2008b).
The conversion to renewable energy without local government funding
was only made possible by the strong support and commitment from local
communities and businesses. Its success can be attributed to the intelligent use
of technologies, combined with local business investment and citizen
enterprise. The use of renewable energy in the area has attracted new
companies to the area and as result, increased employment. New businesses
based on waste collection, energy generation and delivery have flourished.
Thisted municipality believes that the reduction of CO2 emissions no longer
depends on heavy investment in advanced technology. A rethinking of standard
procedures based on some lateral thinking is sometimes sufficient.
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Basic facts
Varese Ligure is a rural municipality in the region of Liguria in Northern Italy.
With a total population of only 2400 people spread across 27 hamlets, its
14000 hectares of hilly terrain is almost completely covered by forests. Today
all of the municipality’s electricity comes from renewable sources. It produces
three times more electricity than it needs and has plans for more renewables in
the future. Wind and solar, biomass and small-scale hydropower make up its
energy strategy.
Varese Ligure was the first European community to receive the ISO 14001
certification in 1999. It was also the first local authority to win two EMAS
environmental certification awards in 1999 and 2002. In 2004, the
municipality was awarded the European Union prize for Best Renewable
Energy Partnership in Rural Communities (AKI, 2008).
Each of the municipality’s four 46m tall wind turbines, positioned on a
ridge 1100m above sea level, has a capacity of 2 million kWh/year. The first
two of the 0.75MW wind power generators were the first installed in the
region. The turbines are managed and maintained by ACAM, the power
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Lessons learnt
According to the town mayor, the main obstacle to 100 per cent self-sufficiency
in rural Italian villages was bureaucracy. The high connection costs to the
national grid and general lack of funding were major challenges. Varese Ligure
had to wait one year to get approval from Italy’s central authorities for its wind
farm project and another year to connect to the national grid. The project
finally cost half of the €900,000 originally quoted by Italy’s main electricity
supplier ENEL. The small hydroelectric dam, which was to produce 1 million
kilowatts at a cost of cost €1.1 million, has been on hold for months because
the village has been unable to obtain funding. At an average price of €20,000,
solar panels were also very costly. There were no grants available to private
citizens and businesses wanting to install them.
However, according to the national government, there will be measures to
increase the use of renewable energy. These include tax rebates on solar panels,
funding of all small-scale renewable energy projects, incentives for purchasing
energy-efficient household appliances and industrial equipment, and a €25
million fund to finance education, training, information and international
cooperation each year. Modelled on a similar law in Germany, an ‘energy
account’ law will be established as part of a system of incentives. The law
authorizes electricity suppliers to sign 20-year contracts with solar panel
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owners under which all the energy produced by the panels is sold to the
supplier at a price about two and a half times the electricity sold by the supplier
to private consumers. The extra kilowatt hours are then deducted from the
solar panel owner’s electricity bill.
Because of Varese Ligure’s rural landscape and sparse population,
renewable energy technologies were well-suited to provide cheap, more
accessible energy to a region, which would otherwise be disconnected due to
large distances from major transmission lines. This is despite the mixed
reactions to the wind farms, as some see them as a disfigurement while others
find them oddly striking. Still, the large amount of surplus electricity has meant
extra income for the municipality and low energy costs for locals. Also, the 50
agricultural cooperatives have reported very good profits.
For locals, the strategy adopted by Varese Ligure has meant economic
progress, energy security and higher living standards. Within ten years, 140
new jobs have been created within the renewable energy sector. Most people
are staying, former residents have returned and some newcomers are coming
to live in the area, attracted by the clean air, clean streets and organic produce.
It has also meant environmental and historical preservation for the
municipality. As well as a large supply of cheap energy, Varese Ligure’s council
receives an additional €350,000 ($514,000) in tax revenues each year from the
private company that owns the renewable energy network. According to town
mayor, Varese Ligure easily fulfils all the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol.
Any profit that is generated goes back into the local renewable energy
operations, thus keeping energy costs down for residents (Burgermeister,
EU policy was key to the development of renewable energy in Varese
Ligure. The EU had set definite objectives in relation to renewable energy
development that, in accordance with financial agreements, Varese Ligure had
to fulfil (Burgermeister, 2007). Also instrumental was local political drive,
determination and patience, particularly in relation to approval and funding
periods. Acceptance and participation by locals ensured fluent implementation.
The number of tourists visiting Varese Ligure has increased significantly in
the last ten years, many arriving just to see its renewable energy facilities
(Thomas, 2008). The ISO 14001 and EMAS certifications have helped raise
environmental awareness in the village, increased the standing of the village in
the region, as well as promote renewables as a viable alternative to other
villages. Carbon emissions reductions have been significant. The electricity
from wind turbines alone has reduced carbon emissions by 8000 tonnes
(Burgermeister, 2007). Most of the public buildings in the municipality are
completely self-powering and its food supply is virtually guaranteed by the
many organic farms at hand.
The steely determination and resolve of the rural council of Varese Ligure
has been instrumental in the development of renewable energy in the region.
By exploring the various financial mechanisms and incentives at hand, it was
able to fund a locally based model that regenerated whole villages, conserved
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history and combined local energy production with organic food production as
a robust basis for sustainable tourism.
Figure 6.12 Solar panels are integrated to a block of flats in Latokartano ecological
housing area in Viikki area, Helsinki, Finland
Source: Pöllö
Basic facts
Eco-Viikki is an ecological experimental area in the southern part of the
Latokartano housing area in Viikki, 7km northeast from the city centre of
Helsinki in Finland. This eco-community project is spread over a total area of
23 hectares on a greenfield site, bounded by a historical nature conservation
area and the University of Helsinki’s School of Agriculture and Forestry. Today,
Eco-Viikki is known for its high-quality high-density ecological housing
construction that incorporates intelligent energy systems alongside social
aspects of sustainability. Today, some 1700 inhabitants live here and enjoy
many conventional services such as supermarkets, clubs, bus stations, a
kindergarten and schools (Energie-Cités, 2000).
Eco-Viikki employs new technologies in energy production and savings.
With regard to solar energy, Eco-Viikki applies passive techniques involving
building orientation, green houses and glazed balconies, while active
techniques involve solar-generated heating and electricity systems. Tests on
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The winning proposal was chosen in 1995 from 91 proposals. The design
by architect Petri Laaksonen was based on a ‘green fingers’ concept. Open
space between buildings allowed for planting and allotment gardens,
composting and storm water management. Mainly four to five stories in
height, residential buildings gathered around courtyards with facades oriented
to the south to maximize solar exposure. Stepped building massing and
vegetation lessened the effects of wind through open spaces (WSA, 2004).
Every housing development included a separate metering of water
consumption for each dwelling and water-saving plumbing fittings.(City of
Helsinki, 2005). Achieving an estimated consumption that was well below the
competition criteria, the architectural design proposed careful use of ecological
materials and renewable energy use in form of solar heating (Energie-Cités,
By 1997, a set of ecological criteria (PIMWAG) had been drawn up by an
interdisciplinary working group to evaluate subsequent building competition
proposals for different lots. The eco-criteria defined five aspects: pollution,
natural resources, health, bio-diversity and growing food (WSA, 2004). No
specific requirements were made in relation to building construction, but the
buildings were required to achieve a high standard in baseline performance.
Calculations and explanations were required in the building permit documents
and signed by the developer to show that mandatory requirements were
fulfilled (Intelligent Energy Europe, 2008).
The first phase of Eco-Viikki began in 1998 with construction of a third of
the district. By the spring of that year, a methodology that integrated
monitoring and assessment of the projects was published (Energie-Cités,
2000). By 1998, Eco-Viikki was completed with 2000 inhabitants moving in,
generating around 2000 new jobs (WSA, 2004). The Eco-Viikki solar project
was launched in the summer of 1998, but it was only in 2000 when the first
solar system was installed with a total surface area of 248m². By late 2001,
solar systems were contributing some 15 per cent of the annual heat demand
of the Eco-Viikki area (Energie-Cités, 2000). The new Science Park is due for
completion in 2010 as an international centre for biology and biotechnology
of the University of Helsinki, creating around 6000 new jobs, 6000 places for
student and homes for 13,000 people (WSA, 2004). The remaining residential
areas of Viikki will be constructed after 2010.
Eco-Viikki evolved as a response to the Rio Climate Change Conference
and Kyoto Agreement. The domestic driver was the Finnish government’s
programme of ecologically sustainable development, which promoted a cut in
energy use (WSA, 2004). Through the KEKO programme, Tekes was able to
test the principles of sustainable development in eco-construction by
supporting the development. Ecological models from other Nordic countries
were also influential, particularly during the earlier stages (City of Helsinki,
2005). SOLPROS, an independent Finnish company acting as primary
consultant in relation to energy, environmental and health issues, coordinated
the entire solar project as part of the EU’s Thermie Programme (SOLPROS,
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The Housing Fund of Finland Housing provided major finance for the new
district. To compensate for the cost of building foundations on difficult clay
soil, the City of Helsinki reduced land rents. The €4 million subsidy granted
by the EU was channelled primarily into research and product development
projects such as building materials and methods, environmental management
and waste management; rather than actual building and infrastructure
construction (Intelligent Energy Europe, 2008).
Lessons learnt
Many of the residential innovations that were initially proposed were not
implemented. For example, proposals for using clay and recycled building
waste for floor structures, recycling grey water and cooling cold storage spaces
by using geothermal energy failed due to technical and economic reasons.
Thermal concrete wall construction was abandoned due to problems
encountered during construction. This stage also caused some builders to
forego restrictions on forbidden building materials as stipulated in the
ecological materials database. The information network planned for buildings
and the whole area did not proceed because broadband connections from
external operators were already commonplace (City of Helsinki, 2005).
Despite the diversity of housing types, high density was an issue for some
residents because they expected to be closer to nature, as the name Eco-Viikki
suggests (City of Helsinki, 2005). Ironically, it is this density that enables the
preservation of nature in surrounding areas. Nonetheless, the project has
attracted many environmentally conscious consumers (City of Helsinki, 2005).
When marketing the project to future purchasers and tenants, the ecological
features of the district were key selling points.
The City of Helsinki was ultimately responsible for initiating and
developing the Eco-Viikki area. From the very beginning, the utilization of
solar energy was enforced in the preparation of building and land use plans for
Eco-Viikki (WSA, 2004). At a cost of €800,000, the Eco-Viikki Solar Project
was unique because solar energy was integrated into the project at different
levels, using roof-integrated collectors and solar design, among other solutions
and new financing patterns such as joint purchases (Energie-Cités, 2000).
Because building planning did not start before the solar project, it allowed for
the proper siting, placing and sizing of solar heating systems in combination
with proper building orientation. The building planning process therefore
encompassed all solar requirements, both active and passive.
The utilization of solar energy and natural ventilation techniques has been
quite successful (City of Helsinki, 2005). The solar heating storage system fits
well with the basic heating system, which is DH with low return temperatures,
which means that the solar heating system can produce higher solar yields than
in standard systems. Although the solar collectors have functioned well, the
systems’ heat discharge circuits still required adjustments after its first year.
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The property maintenance staff had to be trained in the use of the equipment
(City of Helsinki, 2005). The cost of solar installations has increased house
prices by around 0.5 per cent but residents do receive free hot water in return
(Energie-Cités, 2000).
Despite heat energy savings of around 25 per cent, the goal of using 33 per
cent less DH than conventional Helsinki residential buildings was not achieved
during the first years of operation, in fact actual consumption rose by almost
15 per cent. Factors influencing heating consumption included ventilation,
house and ownership type, solar heating and household hot water use. The
actual electricity consumption in Eco-Viikki has varied even more than
heating, as a result of similar factors plus the use of additional household
appliances, individual saunas in flats, the amount of shared spaces and lifts
(City of Helsinki, 2005).
Nonetheless, the consumption of primary energy, that is energy bound up
in materials, has been reduced by one fifth, compared to conventional building
(WSA, 2004). There were reductions in the amount of waste produced by an
inhabitant, the CO2 emissions of each building and the amount of building
waste during construction (Intelligent Energy Europe, 2008). Water
consumption decreased by 22 per cent, but the figure also varied depending on
the house type and form of ownership.
To maintain control over development and promote environmental
quality, a land exchange agreement stipulated that one-third of the plot area
would belong to the Finnish state, reserved for building owner-occupier
housing. The City of Helsinki and the state would then jointly agree on the
plot subdivision and the form of occupancy, the divided plots then
subsequently sold to building developers based on contracts dictating overall
ecological objectives (City of Helsinki, 2005). About half of the housing was
reserved for owner-occupancy and a quarter each for rented and ‘right-of-
occupancy’ dwellings (enabling residents to buy into the scheme by paying a
refundable amount of 15 per cent of the value of the home, alongside a
monthly residence charge). It was easier to implement additional funds to
fulfil eco-criteria with owner-occupied housing than in state-subsidized
housing (City of Helsinki, 2005).
The competitions were critical in the development of the project,
particularly with awareness raising and the training of design and construction
teams (Energie-Cités, 2000). The competition structure insisted on
workgroups that included a variety of professionals. The range of expertise
was necessary to ensure that projects were successfully executed, operated
within a realistic budget and fulfilled all eco-criteria originally proposed. Each
workgroup had to include an architect, a structural engineer, a HVAC (heating,
ventilation and air-conditioning) and electrical engineer, an expert in ecology
and a building developer (City of Helsinki, 2005).
Finland is a country where there is strong urbanization so Eco-Viikki is set
to prove that integrating ecological criteria in urban development projects is
feasible. A holistic system from beginning to start based on ecological
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Woking, UK
Basic facts
Woking Borough Council is located in Surrey, 30 miles south of London. The
borough has a population of around 100,000 people and is surrounded
entirely by greenbelt land, including large areas of countryside, heathland and
common land. H. G. Wells was its most famous resident and wrote War of the
Worlds here (Brown, 2004). Today Woking is recognized as the most energy
efficient local authority in the UK and is renowned worldwide for its local
decentralized energy systems.
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In the millennium New Year’s honours, Allan Jones, the council’s then
energy services manager, received an MBE (Member of the British Empire) for
his services to energy and water efficiency (Muir, 2005). In the following year,
Woking was awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable
Development for the development of local sustainable energy systems, the only
local authority to ever receive the prize. In March 2005, Woking was one of
seven local authorities awarded the Beacon Council status for Sustainable
Energy. In partnership with the Energy Centre for Sustainable Communities,
the status promoted Woking as mentor to other local authorities.
Woking’s energy services concept is not about the provision of electricity
and gas but energy services such as heating, cooling, lighting and power
(Woking Borough Council, 2003). Woking was the first local authority in the
UK to introduce the ESCO model, a public–private joint venture energy services
company, ultimately responsible for a network of over 85 local generators to
directly power, heat and cool municipal buildings, residential estates and local
businesses. The distributed small-scale power plants range from 3–10,000kW
and are located close to where electricity is used as an alternative source of
energy or as supplement to existing conventional supplies (C40 Cities, 2008a).
Woking’s town centre energy plant incorporates the UK’s first small-scale
CHP heating and heat-fired absorption cooling system. It produces 1.3MW of
electricity, 1.6MW of heating and 1.2MW absorption cooling (Morgan and
Thorp, 2005). The borough’s private wire residential CHP systems were the
first in the UK, and its integrated photovoltaic installations were one of the
largest in the country. Car parks have solar-powered ticket machines, estates
have roofs covered by photovoltaic panels and streetlights are either solar or
wind powered (Brown, 2004). A 34m-long, 22m-wide canopy covered with
35,000 photovoltaic cells creates a spectacular entry to Albion Square train
station, marking the gateway into town. It will produce up to 58MW of
electricity a year, saving 41 tons of CO2 emissions. The solar photovoltaic
panels and CHP have been particularly beneficial in the council’s public
housing schemes (Stotz, 2005). When flows of electricity from photovoltaic
cells stop as daylight ends, the CHP plant kicks in. When rooms in town are
getting too warm, excess heat is used to drive the chillers.
Woking was the first local authority to install a hydrogen fuel cell CHP
system in Woking Park. It produces 1.1MW of electricity, 0.2MW of electricity
by hydrogen fuel cell, 1.6MW of heating and 0.5MW of absorption cooling.
Excess heat produced is used to power the leisure centre’s air conditioning
requirements via heat-fired absorption cooling. The fuel cell plant also supplies
pure water as a by-product of hydrogen and oxygen combining to produce
electricity, producing roughly 1 million litres a year of 100 per cent pure water
(Brown, 2004). Surplus electricity, representing 60 per cent of the energy
generated, is exported to the council’s sheltered housing schemes (Woking
Borough Council, 2003), providing power as well as water to two hotels, a
conference and events centre, a bowling alley, a nightclub and a multi-storey
car park (Muir, 2005).
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Energy Ltd covered the net capital costs, with running costs met by income
received from tenants (Stotz, 2005).
Most households voluntarily signed up for renewable energy. By this time,
Woking had already implemented 10 per cent of UK’s photovoltaics as well as
put into operation its first fuel cell CHP. Cables were laid as part of the private
wire network. In 2003, the fuel cell plant at Woking Park was launched. By
2004, the Surrey Structure Plan required that all development incorporate
energy efficiency best practice procedures. A minimum of 10 per cent of the
energy should come from renewable resources generated on-site. CHP for over
5000m2 of development was encouraged (Morgan, 2006).
The ESCO finance model helped progress and maintain the recycled
capital fund. Within nine years, a total of £2.2 million was invested in over 85
projects, from the original capital fund of £0.25 million established in 1990.
An 8 per cent internal rate of return with the council and green energy sales
based on market rates ensured decent income on investments (C40 Cities,
2008a). By the end of 2006, the council’s energy company (Thameswey Energy
Ltd) had invested £12 million.
Some of the council’s assets bought for £3 million were developed between
1991 and 2000, and another £9 million (2000–2005) was spent building the
council’s new infrastructure. The electricity network itself was relatively cheap.
The main cost was the CHP system itself and the DH network. Trenches were
already in place when DH was put in, so the cost of dropping a cable for the
delivery of electricity, heating or cooling in the same trench was negligible
(ABC Radio National, 2008).
Woking’s energy efficiency strategy was financed by a £256,000 grant-
aided energy conservation scheme provided by the council and supplemented
by the national government. This helped provide full insulation measures in
over 3000 fuel-poor households between 1996 and 2002. A further £325,000
was allocated via the council’s Housing Investment Programme from 2000 to
2005 (Woking Borough Council, 2003). Aid was particularly directed to those
who were spending 10 per cent or more of their household income on heating,
the fuel poverty threshold as defined by the UK government (Greenpeace,
Lessons learnt
The major barrier to Woking’s energy system was the regulations set by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (Brown, 2004). The existing
regulatory regime severely limited the number of domestic customers that
could be supplied with green energy (Taking Stock, 2003). And although
Woking’s CHP and renewable energy generators were embedded in the local
distribution network, they attracted similar trading charges as conventional
central power stations because they were still connected to the national grid.
The use of the grid incurs transmission and distribution charges, the Fossil
Fuel Levy, VAT (value added tax) and the Climate Change Levy for non-
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centre for future R&D projects (Morgan and Thorp, 2005) There are plans to
increase the number of CHP stations within Woking and elsewhere in the UK
(C40 Cities, 2008a). Woking Borough Council is also set to continue work
with other cities, states and countries around the world in developing localized
distribution networks (Stotz, 2005).
The Woking model demonstrates that renewable technologies are
complementary and flexible – a type of engineering that can be assembled part-
by-part as funds permit over time. It shows that renewables can be competitive
but only when free from restrictions of centralized regulation and
infrastructure (Greenpeace, 2006). However, most critical to the development
of renewable energy was corporate commitment, cross-political party
agreement and coordination, energy efficiency and robust support from a
range of financial structures.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Basic facts
Reykjavik is the capital city of Iceland, with a population of around 180,000
inhabitants, representing half the national population. As the location of the
world’s largest geothermal DH system, the entire city is powered by
geothermal energy via an extensive electricity distribution network harnessing
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supported by the university, which had developed and marketed the research
gained in hydrogen production. Because there was no precedent for fuel cell
technology using hydrogen or developing vehicles to run on hydrogen in
Iceland, the country promoted itself abroad as the perfect ‘testing ground’ for
this type of research, over time attracting interest from a variety of overseas
companies. There were even plans with Japanese partners to develop a
hydrogen shipping project (BRASS, 2008).
In 2003, the world’s first hydrogen refuelling station was opened on the
site of a conventional gas station in Reykjavík. From 2003 to 2008, four
hydrogen buses operated as part of Reykjavik’s public transport system,
funded by the EU through the ECTOS/CUTE programme (BRASS, 2008). This
allowed for several assessments in relation to the technical performance of
buses, the effectiveness of hydrogen infrastructure in Iceland, and the socio-
economic and environmental implications of using hydrogen as an energy
source. By 2005, another hydrogen fuel station was in operation producing
hydrogen on site through electrolysis. It is envisaged that by mid-2009, around
30 hydrogen-powered vehicles will be in use (Orkuveita Reykjavíkur, 2008).
In addition to hydrogen-based vehicles, there are 50 CNG vehicles, 46 bi-
fuel vehicles and 4 dedicated heavy-duty natural gas vehicles in operation in
Iceland. The bio-methane comes from Reykjavik’s landfill site, operated by the
waste management company SORPA (Orkuveita Reykjavíkur, 2008).
The UN University Geothermal Training Program (UNU-GTP) and
Iceland’s National Energy Authority established a training programme in 1968
to help countries with significant geothermal resources build specialists on
geothermal exploration and sustainable development via specialized training.
By 2005, 338 scientists and engineers from 39 countries had completed
training. Today UNU-GTP graduates are among the leading specialists in
geothermal R&D.
A research fund was set up by the local utility, Reykjavík Energy in
collaboration with the universities in Iceland’s capital for energy and
environmental research. Each year Reykjavík Energy contributes
approximately 0.5 per cent of its revenues towards the fund, as an addition to
the initial capital contribution of ISK100 million ($783,700) (Orkuveita
Reykjavíkur, 2008).
Lessons learnt
Although Iceland produces more electricity per capita than any other country
in the world, less than 20 per cent of the country’s energy potential is actually
used. Iceland could produce as much as 50TWh of electricity, enough to
provide heating and electricity services to 6 million consumers. Although
technically feasible, the laying of underwater power cables to Scotland for
example would not be economically justifiable. Electricity surpluses cannot be
easily sold into the European grid, let alone to North American markets where
distribution distances are too great (NATO, 2001). Iceland’s government is
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 158
was required on testing personal vehicles using the hydrogen technology before
it was finally introduced to the wider public. It took time to train local people
in the maintenance and repair of hydrogen fuel cell systems (BRASS, 2008).
Between the period of 1944 and 2006, financial savings were calculated to
be around $4290 million, compared to the cost of heating by oil. Today the
price of geothermal water is one third of the cost of heating with oil. The low
cost of geothermal power has attracted a number of industries to Iceland,
especially in the aluminium sector, where electricity is a significant addition to
the production costs. In terms of evaluating total initial investments, this has
been difficult to ascertain because operations began on a small-scale back in
the 1930s. Larger developments occurred during World War II, in 1960 and
between 1970 and 1980. It is estimated that to build the entire system today it
would cost around $773 million (C40 Cities, 2008b).
Geothermal energy has led to Iceland’s transformation from one of the
poorest nations to one that enjoys a very high standard of living (C40 Cities,
2008b). The renewable energy industry has created many new jobs from
energy production through to distribution and servicing. The Icelandic
government was key to the success of renewable energy integration in
Reykjavik, all of its actions demonstrating a steadfast commitment to the
renewable energy industries. Local utilities as key energy providers have
provided social and educational support. Reykjavik Energy has helped open
the Museum of Energy as well as an educational centre. Its geothermal plants
and other associated facilities attract a large number of visitors. It is estimated
that 500,000 visitors travel to Reykjavik each year just to learn about the city’s
energy model. They vary from students, environmentalists and economists
through to media, heads of state and other dignitaries (Reykjavik Energy,
The Icelandic model has shown how government commitment,
perseverance, fearlessness and enterprise were key to the development of
renewable energy in Reykjavik and the rest of Iceland. Community support
and involvement of local and foreign companies in investing capital and
technical expertise, have all contributed towards the creation of the most
sophisticated geothermal facility in the world. The boldness of undergoing
multiple energy transformations, from fossil fuels to geothermal, and then to
hydrogen has resulted in an even cleaner, safer and healthier economy and
I am grateful to Robyn Polan, University of New South Wales, for initial
research support.
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Chapter Seven
Feed-in Tariffs:
The Policy Path to 100%
Miguel Mendonça and David Jacobs
The renewable energy FiT mechanism has emerged as the most effective,
affordable and flexible means to introduce renewable power quickly. Nations,
regions and even large cities can use its principles with confidence to deploy
any technology or technologies they wish to in their jurisdiction, in order to
more effectively harvest the renewable resources therein. Caps and time limits
on the programme can be set to achieve certain goals on deployment and
overall programme cost, but leaving this open will allow more stable and
vigorous investment and job creation to occur.
To reach a 100 per cent supply of energy from renewables, a FiT support
scheme can be used to boost market development rapidly. If a country or
region is serious about moving to renewable energy, it can set aggressive targets
and payment rates for the different technologies most suitable for the region.
World markets for renewables are still in the establishment phase, so FiTs can
help nations to acquire global market share, as well as drive domestic green
industries. Importantly, FiTs ensure that costs are controlled through the
technological development phase, and they only reward efficient, fully-
functioning installations.
for each technology ensures investment stability, and makes financing cheaper
and easier to acquire. The Stern Review found FiTs to be superior to other
support schemes in terms of cost and deployment (Stern, 2006), and the
European Commission’s 2005 study showed they are a better market launch
mechanism (European Commission, 2005). Indeed, many empirical
comparative studies have found the same (Mendonça, 2007).
Germany has demonstrated the dramatic potential of FiTs for spurring
deployment, job creation, international exports and carbon savings (BMU,
2008). The German FiT law, the Renewable Energy Act (known as the EEG,
or Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz) has offered investment security for almost
two decades. Introduced for the first time in 1990, it has been constantly
adjusted and improved. More and more renewable energy technologies have
been taken into consideration and thus the share of renewable electricity has
been considerably increased.
Spain and formerly Denmark have also used the instrument to build major
global market share in technology exports. FiTs provide a successful
mechanism to create a national renewable energy industry. Six of the ten
largest wind turbine manufacturers are from Germany, Spain or Denmark
(WWEA, 2007). Other nations in this top-ten list, especially China and India,
also implemented national or regional price-based support schemes in order to
create a strong national industry (Lewis, 2007).
As the share of renewable energies in the energy mix increases, it becomes
increasingly important to implement design options that facilitate the
integration of ‘green’ electricity in the ‘grey’ power market. Therefore, several
options can be considered to tackle the issue of variability of some technologies
– wind and photovoltaics in particular – and to better match supply and
demand. For the latter, so-called premium-FiTs have been implemented in
several European countries. Here, the renewable electricity is sold on the spot
market, and in addition to the market price the power producers receives a
fixed premium-FiT payment that covers the cost difference between the market
price and the actual generation cost for each renewable technology. Usually
premium-FiTs are introduced as an optional alternative to the fixed tariff
payment. Generally, only relatively large players opt for the premium-FiT
option, since the effort for selling electricity on the spot market will be
disproportional for small producers, such as private households with a
photovoltaic installation on the roof.
the source costs. If needed, the extra cost could be distributed equally among
all electricity consumers, as in most European FiTs, but since price increases
are often politically difficult to introduce in normally highly subsidized
markets, a national fund – partly financed by international donors – will often
have to be set up. It is also possible to combine both fee increases and fund
support, as Kenya has done. The Kenyan FiT focuses on relatively cost-efficient
technologies, including biomass, wind power and hydropower. Mauritius
introduced a FiT for the sugar industry, which produces electricity from
bagasse, a by-product of the sugar production process. This way, more than 40
per cent of the country’s electricity demand is covered. Today, sugar cane
producers make more money with electricity generation than with the actual
sugar cane production.
FiTs have great potential for tackling domestic fuel poverty by providing
independence from energy bills to the owner. Combined with energy efficiency
improvements, the generation and export of energy can act as an effective
hedge against future energy price increases. The technologies themselves could
be paid for through deeming and capitalization of the FiT, complemented by
soft loans from government or other agencies.
Closing thoughts
Currently some 50 countries, states and provinces around the world are
turning to FiTs, or returning to them, to get their nation moving forward,
faster, towards a higher penetration of renewables (REN21, 2007). Although
many barriers stand in the way, and many scenarios are still putting potential
100 per cent targets at several decades away, it can be done (Boyle, 2008).
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Germany’s growth has put it ahead of the 5.2 per cent per annum growth rate
that the United Nations International Sustainable Energy Association
(UNISEO) has reported (2008) will be necessary to replace coal and nuclear by
2050, while accounting for increasing global energy demand.
FiTs, combined with adequate supporting conditions, including planning,
approvals and grid connection, can generate a great deal of this growth, and
not only in industrialized countries with the domestic capital to fund the
growth. Developing countries, too, can introduce this powerful tool by
working with donors and lenders, community development groups and
establishing policies permitting a gradual reduction or transfer of fossil fuel
subsidies to match progressive renewable energy development policies. Cost
competitiveness with the subsidized conventional energy industry is more
likely to result from a widespread and aggressive global uptake of renewables,
and the stable long-term appeal of FiTs is suitable for this task.
BMU (German Federal Environment Ministry) (2008) ‘Renewable energy sources in
figures: National and international development’,
Boyle, G. (2008) ‘Positive outlook’, Energy Engineering, vol 18, pp13–14
ENN (2008) ‘Solar collector could change asphalt roads into renewable energy
source’, www.enn.com/sci-tech/article/37929
European Commission (2005) ‘Communication from the Commission: The Support
of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources {SEC(2005) 1571}’,
Kim, R. H., Kim, B., Kim, M. S. and Kim, D. Y. (2008) ‘Power generation pad using
wasted energy’, www.freepatentsonline.com/7432607.html
Lewis, J. (2007) ‘A comparison of wind power industry development strategies in
Spain, India and China’, prepared for the Center for Resource Solution, San
MagKinetics (2008) ‘Technology’, www.magkinetics.com/technology.html
Mendonça, M. (2007) Feed-in Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable
Energy, Earthscan, London
Mendonça, M., Lacey, S. and Hvelplund, F. (in press) ‘Stability, participation and
transparency in renewable energy policy: Lessons from Denmark and the United
States’, Policy and Society, in press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polsoc.2009.01.007
REN21 (Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century) (2007) ‘Renewables
2007 Global Status Report’, www.ren21.net/pdf/RE2007_Global_Status_Report.pdf
Stern, N. (2006) Stern Review: Report on the Economics of Climate Change,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
UNISEO (United Nations International Sustainable Energy Association) (2008)
‘Blueprint for the Clean, Sustainable Energy Age’, www.uniseo.org/blueprint.html
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 171
WWEA (World Wind Energy Association) (2007) Wind Energy International 2007/
2007, Wind Energy International, Bonn
Xinhua News Agency (2007) ‘China to mass produce maglev wind power generators’,
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Chapter Eight
How to Achieve Renewable
Energy Regions and Advance
Sustainable Development:
Integrated Models and Processes
in Germany
Peter Moser, Lioba Kucharczak
and Cord Hoppenbrock
The finite nature of fossil and nuclear energy sources is becoming increasingly
apparent. In the medium and long term there is no alternative to the complete
reliance on renewable energy sources. The feasibility of this conversion is no
longer questioned, but actually requested by a growing number of scientists
and politicians. This is not a question of ‘whether’ but ‘when’ it will happen.
In this regard, regions have a decisive function to stimulate a comprehensive
changeover to the solar age. Social and economic players, government guid-
ance, different renewable energies technologies, economic dynamics as well as
strategic development perspectives play an important role. This chapter
presents a regional overall model, a guideline on how to achieve 100 per cent
renewable energy regions and regional examples from Germany.
100 per cent renewable energy regions and the path required to achieve
this status are the subject of an ongoing research project funded by the Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. This
project is conducted by the Competence Network for Decentralized Energy
Technologies (deENet GmbH) in cooperation with the University of Kassel.
Besides scientific and theoretical aims, the objective of the project is to support
and evaluate regional activities (DeENet, 2009).
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 174
gion’ should hence be treated very flexibly. In addition to the existing spatial-
organizational delineation of regions by existing programmes, political expec-
tations and planning controls, also cultural and society-oriented aspects play an
important role for energy regions.
The objective of a full supply – a 100 per cent target – suggests a regional
approach, as only at this scale can profitability for the required number of
generation points be expected. At the outset, smaller-scale units such as
quarters or municipalities can be of interest as well, since these can act as
‘breeding grounds’ or ‘beacons’ for a larger scale development process (see
Figure 8.1). But these approaches tend not to be economical – they need the
integration into larger contexts with a regional energy provider.
Germany leads in Europe when it comes to increasing wind and photovoltaic
energy supply. Renewable sources provide more than 14 per cent of German
electricity. But for some time now the national renewable expansion objectives
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no longer satisfy many cities and regions; they aim at achieving a full supply
with renewable electricity, and rapidly.
Recently the long-known, theoretical potential for a full supply with differ-
ent renewable systems in the German electricity sector has been tested in an in-
dustry pilot dubbed the ‘Combined Renewable Energy Power Plant’. The ‘Com-
bi-Plant’ demonstrated that a purely renewable, distributed electricity supply re-
sponding to real-time demand is technically and economically feasible on a de-
centralized level and can be ensured to 100 per cent. The Combi-Plant is based
on digital networking and a centrally controlled balancing of different decentralized
renewable energy power plants. Eleven wind turbines, 4 biogas plants, 20 pho-
tovoltaic systems and one pumped-storage hydropower plant were connected with
each other via a central control unit. Thereby it was demonstrated on a small
scale – a ten-thousandth of the German electricity demand – that purely renewable
energy production can be adapted to the actual energy demand in 15-minute in-
tervals. It was shown in this way that wind, water, sun and biomass complement
one another powerfully (www.kombikraftwerk.de).
The full supply with heat energy will be achieved on a rather small scale and based
almost entirely on bioenergy. So-called bioenergy villages, deriving their biomass
heat sources from their surroundings, work extremely well in Germany (for ex-
ample the bioenergy villages of Iden, Oberrospe, Rai-Breitenbach or Mauenheim).
But in the planning and construction of the plants they often did not pay atten-
tion to any efficiency criteria, such as thermal insulation measures. Therefore the
criteria of sustainability have to be considered more carefully before the future
construction of energy plants (Moser, 2008a, 2008b; Scheffer, 2008).
Renewable mobility is currently largely available only via bioenergy, such as plant
oil, biogas or ethanol. But the energy and climate efficiency of these bioenergy
products is poor, as vehicle waste heat remains unused. Great opportunities are
offered in the shift to electric vehicles at the regional level. In addition to affording
emission-free mobility they offer great opportunities in energy storage, load man-
agement and dispatch, as in the shaving of peak demands or the balancing of en-
ergy supply.
Figure 8.2 Path of development for potential 100% renewable energy regions
Source: Moser (2008a. 2008b)
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As a central and vivid future vision for a general description of a ‘100 per
cent renewable energy region’, the research team designed a positive, desirable
mission statement of an ‘ideal region’ that can be defined as follows:
A 100% renewable energy ‘ideal region’ covers its energy demand entire-
ly with renewable energies, is based on very high levels of energy efficiency
and includes the regional renewable potentials comprehensively. The en-
ergy supply is ecological, sustainable, secure and increases the regional added
value. Regional players are involved and a high acceptance for this way
of energy supply exists in the regional population. Regional key players have
framed together with end users, producers and practitioners the develop-
ment process, which leads to a comprehensive energy supply with renew-
able energies. For cost reduction and safeguarding the security of supply
they cooperate in a network with other ideal regions. Energy efficiency, sus-
tainable energy production and regional activities for an energy-conscious
behaviour are integral elements in the region. (DeENet, 2009)
energy saving, and calculate the (previous and future) generation capacity
and demands. Estimate the chances for realizing a regional 100 per cent
target by using different technologies. Setting the spatial range can already
be crucial to the process – a ‘minimum size’ is necessary for the layout of
100 per cent-targets.
• Spatial planning – after evaluating the regional potential for renewables it
will be necessary to integrate the increase of renewable energy aspects into
spatial planning.
• Pioneers and personalities – identifiable and competent persons take
responsibility and push the process. Along with local decision-makers, ‘the
early adopter’ or committed amateurs can play a decisive role as opinion
leaders promoting renewable energies.
• Added value – decentralized energy technologies, especially those financed
with regional capital and by different stakeholders, accumulate the added
value of a region. Especially among politicians and people outside the
ecological movement, this argument is a strong motivation to promote
renewable energies.
• Participation – regional inhabitants should be highly integrated into a
preferably transparent development process to achieve a high degree of
acceptance and team spirit and to avoid resistance to renewable energy
implementations. Besides good publicity, financial participation (civil
companionships) should also be taken into consideration.
• Entrepreneurship – the transition of the energy system depends on
entrepreneurship in the energy markets; regional or local administrations
can usually not be counted as economic players themselves. Thus it is
important to foster start-ups in the energy sector as well as their
counterparts – small companies that often emerged from agriculture or
crafts etc. Some German regions have successfully incorporated public–
private partnerships in order to be able to fulfil the role as municipal energy
suppliers, or to organize projects and plants.
• Beacon projects – the realization of single plants makes renewable energies
more tangible and establishes models that sometimes serve as a kick-off for
other projects, even in other regions. In addition they reduce prejudices and
sensitize the population to the implementation of renewable energies into
the landscape.
• Master plan – development and implementation of a master plan
(roadmap) with measures, interim goals and strategies. The unpredictability
of the future at this point allows a departure from strict scientific methods.
In order to develop concrete recommendations and decisions for the
conversion of the energy system based on renewable energies, creativity
supporting, intuitive planning methods of the futurology are reasonable
(see Figure 8.2). The adjustment of strategic planning is also necessary in
many existing areas, such as rural planning, agriculture or academia.
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Figure 8.4 100 per cent renewable energy regions in Germany (December 2008)
Source: deENet (Hrsg.) (2009)
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The following three regions (marked in black in Figure 8.4) are very
different in their approaches to achieving the changeover to renewables, but
each of them has got a 100 per cent resolution and serves as a good example
of the ongoing process in Germany.
focuses on electricity as well as the heat and the transport sectors. At present
the following projects are being pursued:
• public solar power plants on public roofs, such as school buildings;
• a campaign for the insulation of single-family houses for energy saving (in
the private and public sector) and to increase wood chip, pellet and biogas
plants with CHP plants;
• guidance for municipalities to utilize the waste heat of deep geothermal
energy plants.
Cuhls, K. (2000) Wie kann ein Foresight-Prozess in Deutschland organisiert werden?,
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn
deENet (Hrsg.) (2009) Schriftliche Befragung von Erneuerbare-Energie-Regionen in
Deutschland - Regionale Ziele, Aktivitäten und Einschätzungen in Bezug auf 100%
Erneuerbare Energie in Regionen
DeENet (ed) (2009) Development Perspectives for Sustainable Renewable Energy
Regions in Germany, www.100-ee.de
Kröcher, U. (2007) Die Renaissance des Regionalen. Zur Kritik der
Regionalisierungseuphorie in Ökonomie und Gesellschaft, Westfälisches
Dampfboot, Munster
Moser, P. (2008a) ‘Bioenergiedörfer – Es fehlt an Effizienz’, Sonne, Wind & Wärme,
vol 18, pp78–79
Moser, P. (2008b) ‘Entwicklungsperspektiven für nachhaltige 100%-Erneuerbaren-
Energie-Regionen in Deutschland’, Lecture at the Berlin Energy Days, 5 May,
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:25 Page 185
Moser, P. and Hoppenbrock, C. (2008) ‘Modelle und gesellschaftliche Prozesse für ein
regionales Energiesystem’, in Bonow, M. and Wolfgang, G. (eds) Regionales
Zukunftsmanagement 2, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp72–85
Moser, P. and Meyer, B. (2002) ‘Szenarienentwicklung und -operationalisierung für
die suburbane Kulturlandschaft’, UFZ-Report Nr. 21/2002, Helmholtz-Zentrum für
Umweltforschung, Leipzig
Rahmstorf, S. and Schellnhuber, H. J. (2007) Der Klimawandel. Diagnose, Prognose,
Therapie, 5th edition, C. H. Beck, Munich
Scheffer, K. (2008) ‘Vom Bioenergiedorf zur autonomen Solar-Region’, Solarzeitalter,
vol 4, pp23–30
Steinmüller, K. (1997) Grundlagen und Methoden der Zukunftsforschung, SFZ-
WerkstattBericht Nr. 21, Sekretariat, für Zukunftsforschung Gelsenkirchen
Tischer, M., Stöhr, M., Lurz, M. and Karg, L. (2006) Auf dem Weg zur 100%Region.
Handbuch für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung von Regionen, B.A.U.M.
Consult, Munich
Uken, M. (2007) ‘Die Harzer Stromrebellen’, Die Zeit 30 October, www.diezeit.de
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Chapter Nine
Renewable Regions:
Life After Fossil Fuel in Spain
Josep Puig i Boix
On the day of the 2007 Summer Solstice, a group of Catalan NGOs made
public a study on 100 per cent renewable electricity supply for Catalonia
(Doleschek et al, 2007), the north-eastern region of Spain. The authors of the
study showed that to switch the present electricity supply system in Catalonia
to a renewable one would be within reach if appropriate policies were
implemented. Also, some time before, Greenpeace Spain had undertaken a
similar study for Spain as a whole (Greenpeace Spain, 2007).
But despite these inspiring studies, the Spanish energy situation is not going
in a good direction: increasing energy demand, lack of efficiency, CO2 emissions
out of control, mounting energy dependency on fossil fuels, to name just some
of the major problems. To make matters worse, the Spanish government never
took the responsibility of asking for a study to assess the challenges of supply-
ing the country’s electricity from a 100 per cent renewable system.
Why speak about a 100 per cent renewable energy supply? The answer is
simple: the present energy situation is unsustainable because it is based on non-
renewable sources that generate energy waste and emissions on a massive scale,
both in CO2 and nuclear radiation. Time is running out for shifting the current
energy path to a renewable one. Spain’s quandary epitomizes the paradox of
many countries that utterly depend on oil and uranium energy imports and fail
to comply with the Kyoto Protocol, while sitting on abundant renewable
resources: sun, wind, biomass, hydro, or in the words of Samuel Taylor
Coleridge (1898), ‘Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink’.
at the end of 1999 and fixed a renewables target of the equivalent of 9.5 mtoe
for the year 2010. The updated Renewable Energy Plan 2005–2010 (Plan de
Energia Renovable (PER) 2005–2010) was adopted in August 2005 and
increased the target for 2010 to 10.5 mtoe.
According to the Spanish Energy Agency (IDAE), at the end of 2007
renewable energy technologies provided 7.1 per cent of primary energy
consumption (3.1 per cent biomass, 1.6 per cent hydro, 1.6 per cent wind and
the remaining 0.8 per cent distributed between biofuels, solar thermal and
solar PV, geothermal and municipal solid waste. Regarding electrical energy,
the contribution for renewables was 20.5 per cent (9.8 per cent hydro, 9.0 per
cent wind and the remaining 1.7 per cent distributed between biomass, biogas,
solar PV and municipal solid waste).
If we take a look at each renewable energy source the situation at the end
of 2007 was as follows:
• Wind energy ranks first with more than 15,000MW installed at the end of
2007, with a 30.3 per cent increase from 2006. The goal for 2010
(20,155MW) will be easily reached and perhaps exceeded.
• Solar thermal, with almost 1 million square metres (700MWth) installed,
the goal set by PER of 3.5 million square metres in 2010 will not be
reached, despite the fact that more than 50 municipalities around Spain
have adopted Solar Energy Ordinances (City of Barcelona, 1999). This is
also despite the inclusion of a solar thermal obligation in the new Spanish
Building Technical Code (CTE – Código Técnico de la Edificación).
• Solar photovoltaics, in contrast to solar thermal, has experienced rapid
development in the last two years, reaching 554MWp at the end of 2007
(in contrast to 27MWp installed at the end of 2003). In 2007, solar
photovoltaics exceeded the goal of 400MW fixed by PER for 2010.
• Solar thermoelectric or CSP is also booming due to very attractive
premiums for developers. The first commercial power plant was
operational at the end of 2007 (PS-10, 11MW, near Seville), with the
second one (PS-20, 20MW) producing electricity at the end of 2008. Both
are based on tower technology, but the group building them, Abener, has
already started construction of two projects based on parabolic troughs of
50MW each (Solnova 1 and Solnova 3). Dozens of other projects are being
planned and building started; among them, Andasol 1 (feeding electricity to
the grid at the end of 2008) and Andasol 2 are the more advanced.
All these developments have been implemented in line with FiT policies since
the 1990s (RD 2828/98), and based on some policies adopted in the early
1980s (Ley 82/1980). But why have some Spanish regions developed
renewable energy assets while others have not, despite the fact that national
policies apply for all regions (RD 436/2004)? For example, and referring to
wind (see Table 9.1), some regions such as Castilla-La Mancha had more than
3000MW at the end of 2007 (or Galicia and Castilla y León with almost
Table 9.1 Wind power in Spain
Regions Surface Population Density 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2 2
km 2006 hab/km MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW kW/km2 W/hab
Andalucía 87,598 7,975,672 91 115 127.8 150.3 158.1 163.63 233 361.63 448.24 606.56 1,459.71 17 183
Aragón 47,720 1,277,471 27 128 208.5 230.4 404.3 733.93 995 1,206.94 1,407.14 1,532.44 1,723.54 36 1,349
Asturias 10,604 1,076,896 102 0 0 0 24.4 73.72 121 146.00 164.01 198.86 277.96 26 258
Baleares 4,992 1,001,062 201 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.20 0 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.65 1 4
Canarias 7,447 1,995,833 268 80 81.8 114.7 120.4 126.92 128 129.49 129.49 133.24 133.24 18 67
Castilla y León 94,225 2,523,020 27 16 122.2 228.2 352.9 634.93 924 1,523.17 1,816.87 2,122.91 2,818.67 30 1,117
Castilla-La Mancha 79,462 1,932,261 24 0 111.9 348.2 493.2 741.17 1,010 1,585.50 2,017.66 2,281.46 3,131.36 39 1,621
Catalunya 32,113 7,134,697 222 20 58.8 70.7 83.4 86.36 86 94.37 143.87 225.3 347.44 11 49
Comunidad Valenciana 23,255 4,806,908 207 0 2.8 2.8 2.8 20.49 20 20.49 20.49 333.99 590.94 25 123
Galicia 29,574 2,767,524 94 232 438.1 600.5 937.7 1,314.99 1,579 2,102.21 2,369.28 2,619.64 2,951.69 100 1,067
La Rioja 5,045 306,377 61 0 0 24.4 73.9 203.52 272 346.87 408.62 436.62 446.62 89 1,458
Murcia 11,313 1,370,306 121 6 6 11.22 11.22 11.22 32 48.97 54.97 67.72 152.31 13 111
Navarra 10,390 601,874 58 237 318.4 467.8 554.1 690.51 717 849.86 899.36 916.36 937.36 90 1,557
Pais Vasco 7,235 2,133,684 295 0 0 24.5 27 26.90 85 84.77 144.27 144.27 152.77 21 72
Total 505,989 44,708,964 88 834.00 1,476.50 2,273.92 3,243.62 4,828.48 6,203 8,503.92 10,027.92 11,623.02 15,145.11 30 339
3000MW), while Catalonia had only 350MW? This is despite the fact that the
first Spanish grid-connected wind generator was designed, constructed and
erected in Catalonia in the early 1980s. Why has Catalonia not been able until
now to develop its wind potential, despite Spanish national renewable energy
policies that apply to the region?
In order to answer this question, it is instructive to learn from past
developments that have led to the present situation in Catalonia and compare
these with the case of Navarra.
Figure 9.1 Barcelona’s San Adrian power plant: The plant displays a sleek design, but
despite its much-touted credentials is still a relatively large polluter, emitting 513,193 tons
of CO2 annually at an output of 1.2TWh
Source: Juan Antonio Zamariipa Esqueda
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(12m diameter), mounted on a 10m steel frame tower with 15kW of rated
On 10 March 1984, the official inauguration happened, with a big party
on site. The party started at Vilopriu Town Council with a presentation of the
cooperative and of the project, accompanied by an ambitious slideshow on
wind energy and its role in modern society. Afterwards, the 500 guests moved
to the site of the turbine to officially switch it on, not without the obligatory
fireworks. TV coverage allowed everybody to witness the birth of modern
wind technology in Catalonia, and both national and local press reported the
inauguration of the renewable age.
For three years, Ecotècnia’s 12/15 wind turbine was a true test case for all
the components. The prototype was submitted to the Second Creativity’s
Award of the industrial engineers, and was rewarded with an honourable
mention (with the jury still preferring the wonders of the fossil fuel era for first
prize: a diesel locomotive designed for train shunting).
During the delivery ceremony of the prize in June 1984 in a Barcelona down-
town hotel, when receiving the award from Catalonia’s president, Ecotècnia quot-
ed a previous presidential speech: ‘No podemos volver a molinos de viento’ (‘We
can not return to the times of windmills’) (Noticiero Universal, 29 May 1982)
and spoke of the Californian example of building wind farms.
Ecotècnia 12/15 wind turbine was reported in some international wind
technology magazines. The newsletter of the European and UK Wind Energy
Associations (Windirections, 1984) put a picture of the Ecotècnia 12/15 wind
turbine on its front page and reflected it as a major event in wind energy
technology in Europe. Also, World Wind (1984) magazine published a full-
page article where it covered the inauguration and explained the story of the
competition. Also, in one of the first wind energy conferences, EWEC ’84
(European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg), organized by
the EWEA (European Wind Energy Association), a paper was presented on the
evaluation of Catalonia’s wind potential and the development of a 15kW wind
turbine (Puig and Corominas, 1984).
The Ecotècnia 12/15 wind turbine was the basis from which the first
generation of Catalonia’s wind machines started to be manufactured (12/30
series), of which Ecotècnia sold and installed 29: 2 in the Castilla-La Mancha
region, 4 on a Spanish commercial wind farm, 20 in the Ontalafia (Albacete)
and Tarifa (Cadiz) wind farms and 3 more in Los Llanos, Figuerola del Camp
and Roses. All these wind farms were included in the first Spanish Renewable
Energy Plan (Plan Energético Nacional 1991–2000).
The accumulated experience, made it possible for Ecotècnia to undertake
the development of more powerful wind turbines, rated at 150kW. The first
prototype, designed and built with the support of the IDAE, was installed at
Tarifa, the most productive wind machine (kWh/m2) in Europe. With this
machine the second generation of wind energy systems was initiated, which
would be followed by the generations of 225kW, 640kW, 750kW, 1250kW,
1670kW and 3000kW (the official inauguration of the first 3 MW wind
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turbine took place on 25 July 2008 in Les Colladetes, with the presence of
Catalonia’s President).
Catalonia started pushing wind technology with almost no support from
the Catalan government. It took more than 15 years to see the results of the
hard work done by people engaged with the idea that a modern society could
be supplied by renewables.
Now, more than 25 years later, the Catalan government continues to avoid
making any clear commitments regarding renewable energy sources. For
example, its recent Decree for the regulation of wind and solar photovoltaic
developments (Generalitat de Catalunya, 2008) was strongly opposed by the
main environmental organizations (Greenpeace, Ecologistes en Acció and
Eurosolar Spain).
The results
From the above the differences between Catalonia and Navarra are evident,
despite both regions being subject to the same Spanish legislative framework.
The main difference is the commitment of regional governments: in Navar-
ra a strong commitment to develop renewable energy policies, in Catalonia no
real commitment at all.
The main conclusion of these stories is that local and regional governments
have to play an active role in developing renewable energies. Without active
renewable energy policies at regional or local levels and despite the active
involvement of other local actors and active policies at a national level, we will
never see a society based on 100 per cent renewable energy.
Another difference between these two regions is the question of energy
democracy. In Navarra a private company has created and developed a new
concept, enabling the ownership of renewable energy systems by ordinary
people. In Catalonia, no private company has followed that path. Only a local
NGO, Fundació Terra, started in 2007 to pursue the idea in Barcelona,
without any support from the city government.
Figure 9.2 Development of electricity demand and two supply scenarios of Solar Catalonia
Source: Doleschek et al (2007)
R&D has created renewable and efficient energy technologies for a permanent
energy supply. Together, the political community and industry must take
measures to implement a solar strategy. The measures described above are
feasible and make sense. The most important step is to start now, since every
day that goes by without enforcing a solar strategy only increases and compli-
cates the problem. Because energy consumption is increasing, money is still
being invested in fossil fuel systems and the finding of ways to solve the
problem of climate change is merely being postponed.
Alemany, J. (1978) ‘Energía alternativa: El poder del viento’, Ajoblanco, November,
Alemany, J. and Puig, J. (1980) ‘Tecnología alternativa en Catalunya’, Transición, no
23, Año III, Julio–Agosto, pp84–85
Autores varios (1979) Alternativas: Recursos, Tecnologías, Construcción, Hábitat,
Sanidad, Alimentación, Agricultura, Energías, Euskal Bidea, Pamplona
Bosquet, M. and Gorz, A. (1977) Écologie et liberté, Éditions Galilée, Paris
Coleridge, S. T. (1898) ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, in STC’s Poetical Works,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Comissió Tècnica d’Energia (1980) Jornades d’Energia Eòlica, 28–29 de gener,
Comissió Tècnica d’Energia, Barcelona
Corominas, J. and Puig, J. (1982) ‘L’autonomia energètica de Catalunya: Una opció
possible’, Ciència, 02, pp32–42
CPE-AEIC (1980) ‘La tecnología per a l’aprofitament de la força del vent’, 9–13 de
juny, CPE-AEIC, Barcelona
de Cisneros, P., Ll. (ed) (1982) Jornades de Política Industrial i Energètica, vol I and
II, Associació i Collegi d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, Edicions Sirocco, vol
II, pp150–178
Departament d’Indústria i Energia de la Generalitat (1981) ‘Estudis i propostes
tècniques per al desenvolupament de la política tecnològica i energètica del Govern
de la Generalitat, ponències i comunicacions’, Dept. d’Indústria i Energia,
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Chapter Ten
100% Renewable Transport
Andrew Went, Peter Newman and Wal James
In light of the mounting oil supply problem, the need to diversify the fuel sources
of our transportation industry is growing increasingly urgent. The most prom-
ising, scalable, near-term solution is to switch to electric propulsion. The emphasis
of our work so far has been on electrified public transport as the basis for tran-
sit-oriented development that can help transform cities into a less car-dependent
form (Newman and Kenworthy, 1999; Newman et al, 2008; Went et al, 2008).
The electric transit systems can then be switched to run on renewables and in
some parts of the world this is being done: for example, Calgary’s light rail runs
on wind power. Even if this is dramatically successful, cities will still have cars
and hence these, too, need to be switched to a renewable source of power. This
chapter looks at how a new approach to electric vehicles can enable cities to not
only have renewably powered private transport but how this can enable the city
to become 100 per cent renewable in all its fuel and power needs.
Electricity offers several key advantages over other alternative fuel sources
such as biofuels, hydrogen fuel cells, compressed air and CNG/liquefied petro-
leum gas (LPG) (Jamison Group, 2008). It is already ubiquitously accessible, re-
quires no significant technological breakthrough, does not compete with land that
can be used to grow food and can reduce mechanical complexity in the vehicle.
Furthermore, urban air quality is greatly improved as electric propulsion emits
no emissions from the vehicle’s tailpipe and, if the electricity is supplied from re-
newable sources, no overall CO2 emissions at all.
A new paradigm has arisen whereby the use of electric vehicles not only
solves these oil and emissions issues, it also provides the chance to bring
renewable energy into cities at a much larger scale than was possible before.
Thus there is the potential for electric vehicles and renewable energy to enable
cities to be carbon free. This combination of technologies is known as renew-
able transport.
Vehicle manufacturers have started to respond to consumer demand for more
efficient vehicles by introducing hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and battery elec-
tric vehicles (BEVs). An intermediate between these is called a plug-in hybrid elec-
tric vehicle (PHEV), whose battery can be charged from grid electricity, allow-
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ing significant all-electric driving range with an internal combustion engine (ICE)
available for longer distances. The high price premium of current battery tech-
nology and the fact that the majority of vehicles are driven for relatively short
distances each day with the occasional longer trip, suggests that, in the near term,
PHEVs will see the most rapid growth in these new vehicle technologies.
When a number of these PHEVs are parked and plugged in, their batteries
represent a significant amount of stored energy that could potentially be fed
back into the grid, hence the term ‘vehicle to grid’ or V2G. A large penetration
of variable renewable energy (for example, wind and solar) in the grid will
require an increase in ancillary services as well as storage support to avoid
expensive fast-response fossil fuel backup generators when the renewable
supply drops. The batteries in PHEVs can provide these services almost
instantaneously upon request at low cost to the utility, and create a source of
income for the vehicle owners that can help to offset the price premium and
wear and tear on the vehicles. There will also be times when excess renewable
energy is available that the batteries can absorb rather than being wasted. Such
a system will require the use of sophisticated communication and control
systems, known as a smart grid, that can allow the two way flow of electricity
in a highly distributed system.
The main impediment to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles lies in
their batteries, as all other components in the vehicles involve essentially
mature technologies. Intensive R&D efforts have been mounted over the past
20 years to find this Holy Grail. The search now seems to be over. A new
generation of batteries based around an advanced Lithium-ion chemistry
appears to supply the energy and power densities required for an electric
vehicle battery to provide sufficient driving range without being too bulky or
overly heavy. They also have highly efficient charge and discharge cycles
(Inderscience Publishers, 2008; Kang and Ceder, 2009), can be charged
quickly, and have lifetimes comparable to other components in a vehicle, in the
order of 10–15 years (House and Ross, 2007; General Motors, 2008).
Furthermore the new chemistry has resolved the critical safety issues raised
with earlier Li-ion batteries (American Chemical Society, 2007). The lithium-
ion batteries currently available are superior to the lead-acid or nickel-metal
hydride batteries used in early electric vehicles in almost every measurable
performance indicator, except that the cost of these batteries is also much
The recent flourish of research interest and funding into battery technolo-
gy, spurred by the push for electric vehicles and demand for more powerful con-
sumer electronics, should lead to even further increases, with some significant
improvements already being claimed (Stanford University, 2007; American Chem-
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 208
ical Society, 2008a; 2008b). The CEO of Toyota recently stated ‘We are mov-
ing from the era of the gas tank to the era of the battery pack’ when discussing
the next generation of vehicles using Li-ion batteries (Toyota, 2008). Now that
the search for a battery suitable for electronic vehicle use appears to be over, the
advances in manufacturing techniques and technological optimization along with
economies of scale should see the price premium reduce considerably over the
next few years.
greenhouse gas emissions for the ICV and HEV are also clearly indicated,
however, the emissions from the PHEV will depend on how its electricity is
generated. If the electricity is sourced from a coal-fired power plant then the
overall emission reductions compared to the ICV are modest, but if the
electricity is from a clean renewable source then there will be no further
contribution to emissions and the PHEV will emit around 65 per cent less
greenhouse gases for the same distance travelled.
Figure 10.1 Comparative fuel efficiency and emissions for vehicles configured as ICV, HEV
and PHEV
Source: Based on Graham (2001) and Simpson (2005)
accurate forecasting, the amount of electricity that can be generated can be es-
timated fairly reliably. In Denmark, for example, where around 25 per cent of
its electricity is supplied by wind farms, the 24-hour-ahead forecasts have a typ-
ical accuracy of within 7 per cent, while the four-hour-ahead forecasts are cor-
rect to within around 5 per cent (Morton et al, 2005).
It is unlikely that the generating capacity from a renewable source will
drop suddenly and unexpectedly; it would typically be a more gradual and
predictable decrease, as in the case of the sun setting or a pressure cell moving,
causing wind speeds to change, on average, gradually. Should the largest
generator in a network ever stop suddenly, several hundred megawatts of
generating capacity would immediately be lost from the grid, however, even
this loss is catered for by the requirements on the spinning reserves. If a single,
or even several wind turbines were to suddenly cease functioning then only a
few megawatts would be lost. With regard to the reserve capacity for
renewables with storage, if the forecasting model is accurate then a smaller
reserve margin could be maintained without lowering system reliability.
The increased take-up of PHEVs could supply the storage required for the
reliable supply of renewables at low cost while also providing ancillary servic-
es. Since they would be able to feed energy back into the grid almost instantly
upon request, they would be able to provide frequency control as well as spin-
ning reserves, thereby eliminating much of the overhead operating costs associ-
ated with a large penetration of renewable energy into the grid. The increased
storage could also allow the shifting of peak loads, thus ‘flattening’ demand.
The existing electric infrastructure is designed for a small number of large
generators to power the grid. Output response is regulated by monitoring changes
in the frequency of the AC voltage; if it falls slightly, output is increased and vice
versa. A move to smaller, more numerous distributed generators of variable out-
put that utilize a fleet of mobile PHEVs for ancillary services will require an up-
grade in the infrastructure’s communicating abilities.
Table 10.1 Payback periods for HEVs and PHEVs compared to standard ICVs
Vehicle Hybridization Fuel cost Maintenance Total F&M Savings Payback Payback Payback
type cost AU$ AU$/year AU$/year AU$/year AU$/year (years) V2G Freq. V2G Sp.
Con. Res.
(years) (years)
ICV N/A 2224.8 300 2525 N/A N/A N/A N/A
HEV 4727 1555.2 250 1805 720 6.6 N/A N/A
PHEV 8457 182e + 777.6f 200 1160 1365 6.2 2.3 4.7
= 959.6
Note: e=electricity cost; f = fuel cost (ULP).
The second stage, shifting, occurs when a critical mass of vehicles have
saturated the ancillary services market, at which point the growing PHEV fleet
will begin to have a combined storage large enough to allow excess energy
generated during off-peak times (and prices) to supply the grid when it is under
strain during peak demand periods, when the cost of generating electricity is
much higher. This method of storing and shifting the energy supply is known
as ‘peak shaving’.
This is particularly relevant in the case of solar photovoltaic electricity
since the solar intensity peak typically precedes the demand peak by only a few
hours. The availability of a large amount of storage makes it possible to
reconcile this time difference in peaks and makes the argument for solar power
more attractive economically, especially if the value of the electricity generated
from it is compared to the cost of the peak electricity it displaces.
A typical scenario could involve a person driving to work in all-electric
mode, then plugging in to take advantage of the photovoltaic generation from
a solar panel on their office’s roof to recharge their batteries. This would also
allow income to be generated by supplying ancillary services and, should the
grid request it, automatically negotiate a rate above the minimum selling price
set by the owner. Energy would then be discharged from the battery to a
predetermined level of charge set by the owner in order to be able to drive
home in all-electric mode.
Even if an owner does not have access to a solar panel, she or he can still
profit by selling energy back to the grid. It is assumed that TOU price signals
will compel most PHEV owners to charge up overnight using cheap off-peak
electricity that can then be sold back to the grid later in the day at a higher
price, to the benefit of both the vehicle owner and the utility.
Using some of the stored energy in PHEVs during peak demand periods
will allow the utility to delay expensive additions to their peak power
capabilities that are otherwise so underused they represent a burden on the
total supply system that ultimately results in higher electricity prices. They will
similarly be able to avoid expensive upgrades to their transmission
infrastructure (transmission wires and substations) by meeting some peak
demand locally, thereby not adding to the strain on the network and reducing
transmission losses.
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forecast output. Should a long wind lull be forecast then the utility can make
alternative generating arrangements. Additionally, since this reserve is a battery
(as opposed to a generator) it will not only cover shortfalls but also recover
excess output over what is contracted from wind farms that otherwise would
be lost.
Table 10.2 Wind capacity increases made possible, as a function of the number of PHEVs
Number Vehicle Vehicle Reserve Max. wind Average wind % Australia’s Greenhouse
of vehicles storage capacity installed output @ total generation gas reduction
(GWh) available available name-plate 30 per cent (29 GW). (Mt/yr)
(GW) for three (GW) CF (GW)
hours (GW)
Table 10.2 indicates that one million PHEV30kms would provide sufficient
reserve capacity to enable an additional 2.92GW of wind average generation
to the grid, which in the case of Australia would account for 10 per cent of its
total generation. This does not include the approximately 20 per cent of wind
penetration that could be currently supported by the existing reserve margins,
as has been shown by studies into the UK and German electricity networks
(Ilex Consulting, 2002; DENA, 2005).
Figure 10.2 illustrates a typical daily load profile for a possible future gen-
eration scenario in a fully realized V2G network. The generating portfolio con-
sists of a large amount of renewable energy sources: wind power and others, and
unspecified renewable sources as dependant on each sites’ particular situation.
A fleet of PHEVs is used to provide ancillary services, load levelling and reserve
capacity for the large penetration of renewable energy in the grid.
For the vehicles considered earlier, each PHEV will emit around 2.6t/year
of CO2 less than its equivalent ICV model if the electricity is sourced from
renewables, and hence 1 million PHEVs will emit 2.6 million tons/year less. If
this million PHEVs was used to support 2.92GW of wind average generation
then the greenhouse gas emission reductions, compared to generating 2.92GW
from a coal-fired power station, would be around 26 million tons/year. These
figures reveal that the greenhouse gas mitigation effect of V2G could be a
factor of ten times greater in the stationary power generation industry than in
the transportation industry.
To give renewables the best chance of being able to meet demand at all
times, a diverse portfolio of renewable generators, spread over a large
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 218
Figure 10.2 A V2G-supported generation portfolio with renewable energy meeting a large
proportion of a typical day’s electricity demand
Note: Note the distinction between baseload, load following and peaking types of generation
as indicated by the load output on the y axis
car dependent nor the issue of traffic congestion. These problems can only be
solved by a better balance of transit (especially electric rail powered by
renewables) and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as well as urban design
that can facilitate these modes such as transit-oriented development, corridor
development, polycentric urban forms, walkable street designs and sustainable
mobility management.
ABARE (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics) (2008) Key
statistics for the Australian electricity industry, Table 28,
American Chemical Society (2007) Toward Improving the Safety of Lithium-ion
Batteries, 19 December, American Chemical Society,
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 222
American Chemical Society (2008a) Improved Polymers For Lithium Ion Batteries
Pave The Way For Next Generation Of Electric And Hybrid Cars, 20 February,
American Chemical Society,
American Chemical Society (2008b) New Electrodes May Provide Safer, More
Powerful Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries, 27 February, American Chemical Society,
Brooks, A. (2002) Vehicle to grid Demonstration Project: Grid Regulation Ancillary
Service with a Battery Electric Vehicle, AC Propulsion, San Dimas, CA
Brooks, A. and Gage, T. (2001) ‘Integration of electric drive vehicles with the electric
power grid- a new value stream’, presented at the 18th International Electric
Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 20–24 October,
www.acpropulsion.com/EVS18/ACP V2G EVS18.pdf
Calcars.org (2008) ‘How Carmakers are Responding to the Plug-In Hybrid
Opportunity’ www.calcars.org/carmakers.html
Consumer Reports (2009) ‘The most fuel-efficient cars’, www.consumerreports.org>
CSIRO (2008) Fuel for Thought – The Future of Transport Fuels: Challenges and
Opportunities, CSIRO Future Fuels Forum, Campbell ACT
DENA (2005) ‘DENA Grid Study’, German Energy Agency, Berlin
DOT (2008) ‘Summary of Fuel Economy Performance’, US Department of
Transportation, www.nhtsa.dot.gov
Garnaut, R. (2008) The Garnaut Climate Change Review – Final Report, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge
General Motors (2007) ‘Global Alliance for Hybrid Drive Development: Cooperation
between BMW, DaimlerChrysler and General Motors’, 9 July, http://media.gm.com/
General Motors (2008) ‘GM says Chevy Volt battery will have a 10 year, 150,000
mile warranty’, 5 August, www.gm-volt.com
Graham, R. (2001) Comparing the Benefits and Impacts of Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Options, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA
House, E. and Ross, F. (2007) ‘How to build a battery that lasts longer than a car’,
Altairnano Inc, www.powermanagementdesignline.com/
Ilex Consulting (2002) Quantifying the System Costs of Additional Renewables in
2020, Report to the UK Department of Trade and Industry, London
Independent Market Operator (2006) Wholesale Electricity Market Design Summary,
September, Independent Market Operator, Perth
Inderscience Publishers (2008) ‘Sweet Nanotech Batteries: Nanotechnology Could
Solve Lithium Battery Charging Problems, 10 April, Inderscience Publishers,
Jamison Group (2008) A Roadmap for Alternative Fuels in Australia: Ending Our
Dependence on Oil, Report to NRMA Motoring and Services, Sydney
Kang, B. and Ceder, G. (2009) ‘Battery materials for ultrafast charging and
discharging’, Nature, no 458, pp190–193
Kempton, W. and Tomic, J. (2005a) ‘Vehicle to grid fundamentals: Calculating
capacity and net revenue’, Journal of Power Sources, vol 144, no 1, pp268–279
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 223
Chapter Eleven
Better Place
Peter Droege
Valley entrepreneur, who was in line to become co-chief executive of SAP, one
of the world’s largest software companies, after having sold his own start-up
company to SAP. Better Place’s inaugural project, its implementation of an
Israel-wide presence, was not the sole achievement of a single thought leader
but the coming together of a range of interests, security considerations, advice
by leaders such as Bill Clinton and Shimon Peres, and the willingness to fund
on a large scale, both at a corporate and a personal level. Better Place, a
company based in California, is to build the infrastructure, which is to involve
a national grid of charging points and battery exchange stations. A few
hundred vehicles were planned to be on the road in 2009 with production
evolving based on market conditions by 2011; Renault-Nissan is committed to
manufacturing the vehicles. The country’s largest holding company and global
player, Israel Corporation, initially invested $100 million, and Vantage Point
Venture Partners, Edgar Bronfman Sr, and James D. Wolfensohn jointly
contributed another $200 million to fund Better Place.
In 1990 the California Air Resources Board required that 10 per cent of
new cars be non-polluting by 2003. While the initiative did not succeed, it set
the stage for one of the most progressive energy policy frameworks. Inspired
by this relatively enlightened state policy background, Shai Agassi developed
the idea as part of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders forum.
Here the Young Global Leaders were confronted with the challenge of ‘how to
make the world a better place by 2020’. Agassi decided to focus on ridding the
world of fossil fuel vehicles, using only existing technology, the force of the
market and local demand, and a global proliferation strategy that would begin
in one country and quickly lead to adoption by others. The idea soon became
supported by Israel president Shimon Peres, who encouraged Agassi
personally, helped convince automaker Renault-Nissan to be a partner, and
assisted in raising the seed support needed to develop the concept into a self-
funding business.
The Israel concept is built upon a partnership-based revenue approach,
combining public policy innovation at the national level (tax breaks) and a
major car manufacturer, Renault-Nissan. Initially, a fleet of 50,000 vehicles, a
national matrix of 500,000 electric charging stations and 200 battery exchange
points are envisioned, to be ideally powered by solar thermal or photovoltaic
fields, wind and other renewable energy sources.
Project champion Shimon Peres sees Better Place not only as a pilot for
island applications, but also for larger industrialized countries. On 13 January
2008 the tax on electrically powered vehicles was lowered by 10 per cent to
encourage consumers. To make the concept a mass reality, Agassi’s idea is to
equip parking spaces with battery chargers; with 4 million parking spots in
Israel, most cars can be kept charged for most of the time. For longer drives
swapping a battery is to be as easy as filling up the car with petrol. The plan
is based on an innovative battery exchange system, eliminating vehicle
downtime for in-vehicle battery charging as required by plug-in hybrids or
other electric vehicles since today’s batteries have only a range of 100 miles.
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of the US, Shai Agassi’s sights are set on helping to replace a good share of the
US’s 250 million passenger vehicles with electric cars. Meanwhile, competition
in business models and technology rises inexorably, and formerly reticent
automobile producers awaken to the electric challenge.
Better Place (2009) ‘Better Place’, www.betterplace.com
Kiviat, B. (2008) ‘Israel looks to electric cars’, Times, www.time.com/time/world/
Markoff, J. (2007) ‘Reimagining the automobile industry by selling the electricity’,
New York Times, 29 October, www.nytimes.com/2007/10/29/technology/
Vlasic, B. (2009) ‘Mapping a global plan for car charging stations’, New York Times,
9 February, www.nytimes.com/2009/02/09/business/09electric.html?_r=2
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Chapter Twelve
How to Grow Food in the
100% Renewable City:
Building-Integrated Agriculture
Viraj Puri and Ted Caplow
Increasing urbanization and the global construction boom have underscored
the importance of efficiency in the built environment. In the US, buildings
account for 39 per cent of energy use, 68 per cent of electricity consumption,
12 per cent of water consumption and 38 per cent of CO2 emissions (US EPA,
2004). Figures for Europe are similar (Balaras et al, 2007).
In a less tangible shift, the natural world is being marginalized and green
space is increasingly remote as people live and work in ever-taller structures.
Agriculture has an equally significant impact on our world. Modern
agriculture feeds billions of mouths every day, but is the world’s largest
consumer of land and water, the source of most water pollution, and the source
of an estimated 15 per cent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions
(Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2005).
Three major trends will strain the global food system over the next half-
century and place significant additional pressure on the environment. First,
according to official UN estimates, global population is expected to exceed 9
billion by 2050. Second, more than two-thirds of these people are expected to
be urban dwellers (Montgomery, 2008). Urbanization requires that food, once
grown and harvested, must travel hundreds or thousands of kilometres to
reach consumers. Fresh produce travels an average of 2500km to reach US
cities, adding to fossil fuel consumption, traffic congestion, air pollution and
carbon emissions (Pirog and Benjamin, 2003). Third, global warming is
predicted to lead to widespread shortages of food, water and arable land by
2050 within a broad belt extending north and south of the equator and
encompassing some of the world’s most populous regions (Parry et al, 2007;
UNEP, 2007; Brown and Funk, 2008; Lobell et al, 2008).
Today’s notion of ‘green building’ does not appear to be green enough, nor
widely enough applied, to reverse these trends. A more aggressive solution
could be within reach. Growing food crops on buildings could reduce our
environmental footprint, cut transportation costs, enhance food security, save
energy within the building envelope, and enrich the physical and psychological
comfort of building occupants and city dwellers.
agriculture is based on the idea of growing food in the built environment, using
renewable, local sources of energy and water.
This concept is a response both to the increasing energy burden and to
increasing energy price risk, which is particularly hard felt in the agricultural
sector, including CEA. Building-integrated agriculture also addresses ecological
and public health concerns surrounding conventional agriculture, including
climate change, high resource consumption, long distance food transport, food
security and food safety.
Hydroponics, the culture of plants in water, is a technically sophisticated
means of agriculture practised in most regions of the world. Essential mineral
nutrients are dissolved in the water used to irrigate the plants, eliminating the
need for soil. Without the need for soil, greenhouse facilities become
substantially more modular. Recirculating hydroponics, the most modern and
environmentally sustainable method, can produce premium-quality vegetables
and fruits using up to 20 times less land and 10 times less water than
conventional agriculture, while eliminating chemical pesticides, fertilizer
runoff, and carbon emissions from farm machinery and long-distance
transport (Vogel, 2008).
cover an area of nearly 20,000 hectares. Today, there are over 1200 hectares
of hydroponic vegetables produced in the US, Canada and Mexico. In 2008,
the Fresca Group began operating a new 91 hectare greenhouse facility on the
Isle of Thanet, Kent.
Crop quality and yield are largely a function of climate control within the
greenhouse environment. Maintaining constant temperature and humidity
levels in a greenhouse allows year-round crop production but also presents an
energy and efficiency challenge. In northern latitudes, wintertime heating
accounts for the majority of energy demand and CO2 emissions; nearly all of
this heating need is met using fossil fuels.
When compared with a conventional, slab-mounted greenhouse, rooftop
integration yields direct energy savings by eliminating heating losses through
the building roof and the greenhouse floor, and by capturing waste heat from
the building exhaust air. Special greenhouse design features, including double
glazing and a thermal blanket, can result in substantial additional reductions
in heating demand. Locating the project in a dense urban area, where
temperatures are warmer due to the urban heat island effect, also plays an
important role in reducing heat demand. The remaining heating needs of the
facility can be met using renewable fuels, such as biodiesel or waste vegetable
oil, virtually eliminating net CO2 emissions from heating.
In warmer climates, cooling loads present the energy challenge. A green-
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 233
house placed on the roof of an urban building provides a suitable space to imple-
ment a large evaporative cooling system for the combined structure. Without the
greenhouse, evaporative cooling systems would likely be unfeasible for the build-
ing due to constraints of space, humidity and/or cost. Energy can also be saved
in the combined structure by the elimination of solar gain and thermal losses
through the building roof, because this surface now becomes the floor of the
greenhouse, with approximately the same temperature above and below.
The electrical needs of a building-integrated agriculture facility can be met
by on-site solar photovoltaics. Solar photovoltaics are a particularly appro-
priate fit for CEA as peak electrical demand coincides with peak electrical
supply: strong sunlight on a hot summer afternoon. Electrical load can be
minimized by using natural ventilation, evaporative cooling and high-
efficiency pumps and fans.
As a result of these energy saving strategies, building-integrated agriculture
can produce vegetables with a lower total energy input, per kilogramme of
delivered product than either conventional greenhouse agriculture or
conventional field agriculture, and with a much lower carbon emissions
profile. The environmental benefits are rounded out by land and water savings,
and the elimination of fertilizer, pesticide and stormwater runoff in the highly
impermeable urban landscape.
Increased urban green space, in the form of building-integrated agriculture,
can also help mitigate the urban heat island effect: the phenomenon of city air
temperatures rising up to 10ºC higher than surrounding non-urban areas
because of the abundance of dark, heat-absorbing surfaces such as rooftops
and pavement. This effect increases the demand for air conditioning, which
subsequently increases emissions. Heat islands also increase ground-level
ozone, formed when heat, sunlight and air-borne chemicals mix, which
worsens symptoms of asthma, emphysema and lung cancer.
Building-integrated agriculture can reduce this phenomenon effectively by
reducing a building’s cooling loads through evapo-transpiration, as well as
reducing heating loads by adding mass and thermal resistance value to the
building. Rooftop greenhouses can often be more effective than traditional
green roofs, as the enclosed glazed area can act as a passive heat reservoir.
Building-integrated agriculture’s proximity to the retail market sharply
reduces transportation fuel consumption and associated air emissions, and
subsequently the public health impacts related to exposure to particulate
matter and smog. One of the highest rates of respiratory ailments in the world,
including asthma, is found in the South Bronx area of New York City. The
South Bronx is also home to the world’s largest wholesale food market. This
community contends with the emissions of 20,000 diesel truck trips into and
out of the market each week. Trucks often idle for up to 12 hours at a stretch
while waiting for goods or to comply with regulations.
Millions of city dwellers worldwide live in areas with limited opportunities
to obtain fresh produce. These areas tend to have the highest levels of diet-
related diseases: obesity and diabetes in developed countries, and anaemia,
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 234
School and university rooftops are excellent sites for rooftop greenhouses,
yielding both nutritional and pedagogical benefits. Building-integrated
agriculture offers hands-on educational opportunities in the basic sciences as
well as environmental topics, and ‘green’ learning environments have been
demonstrated to improve student focus and performance. Onsite production of
nutritional vegetables provides healthy food for the student body, while
simultaneously emphasizing food quality and origins in the curriculum.
Horizontal rooftop farms are pragmatic and require little new technology.
The environmental benefits are significant: each hectare of rooftop vegetable
farm, if built in the US, would, on average, free up 10 hectares of rural land,
save 74,100 tons of fresh water each year, and if fully integrated with building
heating systems and onsite solar power, eliminate 988t of CO2 emissions per
year compared with a conventional greenhouse.
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 236
The VIG combines a DSF with a novel system of hydroponic food product-
ion for installation on new high-rise buildings and as a potential retrofit on
existing buildings. In this design, crops are cultivated behind a glazed curtain
wall on the southern facade of a building, on an array of horizontal trays
suspended on vertical cables. The VIG functions alternatively as an adaptive
solar energy capture device and a biological shading system, in winter and
summer respectively. Hence, in addition to producing food, the installed
plants, in effect, reduce building maintenance costs by providing shade, air
treatment and evaporative cooling to building occupants (Stec, 2005).
cent water weight, across thousands of kilometres. Grains are better suited to
be grown in conventional field settings. Grains, however, can be stored for long
periods of time and can be shipped dry, without the need for climate control.
Furthermore, fresh perishable vegetables tend to suffer the most in terms
of taste and vitamin content from being transported long distances, or being
harvested before they are ready in order to allow for transportation. Even by
bringing fresh fruit, vegetables and herb production into cities, we can allow
millions of hectares of agricultural landscape to return to diverse ecosystems,
vital to the preservation of life on the planet.
Building-integrated agriculture is highly compatible with bioclimatic
design principles, advanced by architects and environmental designers, such as
Ken Yeang, over recent decades. Food crops grown on, and in, buildings can
provide heating, cooling and ventilation – services for the building that
decrease energy use while improving the microclimate around buildings. In
addition to thermal comfort and energy savings, food crops can enrich the
aesthetics and the psychological comfort of building inhabitants. Studies have
indicated that a ‘green’ work environment raises worker productivity by 1.0 to
1.5 per cent (Kats, 2003).
In addition to existing cities, building-integrated agriculture has a role to
play in new, planned urban developments, including ‘ecocities’. Ecocity is
increasingly being used to describe a development initiative aimed at
minimizing both external inputs of fossil fuel energy, water and food and
outputs of sewage, garbage, heat, pollution and CO2. Ecocities currently under
development include Dongtan in China and Masdar in the United Arab
Emirates. Integrated, ecologically sound food production systems would form
a central feature of the truly renewable ecocities of the future.
The past few years have seen the proliferation of green roofs and green
walls created by designers, architects, urban gardeners and artists for their
economical, environmental and aesthetic impact. From a more productive
standpoint, rooftop farms and vertical farms are being envisioned as new ways
to grow meaningful amounts of food for local populations. The widespread
adoption of urban farms requires continued research, development and testing
as well as the construction of working proofs of the concept.
Locating highly productive, environmentally robust food production systems
not only in our cities but actually on buildings, enriches the lives of city
dwellers, while offering a solution to some of the integral challenges facing the
100 per cent renewable city: reducing fossil fuel consumption; reducing the
environmental impact of growing food; reducing the distance food travels
before reaching urban consumers; and reducing the environmental impact of
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 240
Figure 12.8 The Science Barge: A prototype urban CEA facility built by BrightFarm Systems
Source: © BrightFarm Systems
Balaras, C. A., Gaglia, A., Georgopoulou, E., Mirasgedis, S., Sarafidis, Y. and Lalas,
D. (2007) ‘European residential buildings and empirical assessment of the Hellenic
building stock, energy consumption, emissions and potential energy savings’,
Building and Environment, vol 42, no 3, pp1298–1314
Brown, M. E. and Funk, C. C. (2008) ‘Food security under climate change’, Science,
no 319, p580
Center for Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy (2006) Powering
Forward: Incorporating Renewable Energy into New York City’s Energy Future,
Graduate study of the Urban Energy Policy Workshop, School for International and
Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York
Kats, G. (2003) The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to
California’s Sustainable Building Taskforce, California Sustainable Buildings Task
Force, Sacramento, CA
Lobell, D. B., Burke, M. B., Tebaldi, C., Mastrandrea, M. D., Falcon, W. P. and
Naylor, R. L. (2008) ‘Prioritizing climate change adaptation needs for food security
in 2030’, Science, no 319, p607
Montgomery, M. R. (2008) ‘The urban transformation of the developing world’,
Science, no 319, pp761–764
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (2005), Emission Database for
Global Atmospheric Research, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency,
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 241
Parry, M. L., Canziani, O. F., Palutikof, J. P, van der Linden, P. J. and Hanson, C. E.
(eds) (2007) ‘Summary for Policy Makers’, in Climate Change 2007: Impacts,
Adaptation, and Vulnerability, Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, pp11–13
Pirog, R. and Benjamin, A. (2003) Checking the Food Odometer: Comparing Food
Miles for Local Versus Conventional Produce Sales to Iowa Institutions, Iowa State
University, Ames
Stec, W. J. (2005) ‘Modeling the double skin façade with plants’, Energy and
Buildings, vol 37, pp419–427
Streicher, W. (2005) ‘BESTFAÇADE: Best Practices for Double Skin Façades’, in WP1
Report: ‘State of the Art’, European Commission, Brussels
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) (2007) The Global Environmental
Outlook 4: Environment for Development, UNEP, Nairobi
US EPA (2004) Buildings and the Environment: A Statistical Summary, US EPA,
Washington, DC
Vogel, G. (2008) ‘Upending the traditional farm’, Science, no,319, pp752–753
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Chapter Thirteen
Masdar City Master Plan:
The Design and Engineering
Matthias Schuler
A team made up of architects and transport planners, as well as climate,
infrastructure and renewable energy systems engineers, developed an inte-
grated design approach to sustainable urban planning. Foster and Partners
designed the 6.4km2 (640 hectare) precinct, which should eventually provide
living space for around 50,000 inhabitants, based on the principles of the
WWF ‘One Planet Living Sustainability Standard’. This standard also includes
the prescribed targets for the city’s ‘ecological footprint’. Masdar City will even
surpass the requirements of the ten sustainability principles: zero carbon, zero
waste, sustainable transport, sustainable materials, sustainable food,
sustainable water, habitats and wildlife, culture and heritage, equity and fair
trade, health and happiness. It is envisaged that the Masdar Institute of Science
and Technology will become a leading R&D centre for the application and
utilization of renewable energy sources.
A sustainable approach
Urban densification is the most important measure in the approach to
sustainability in Masdar City. It makes the greatest contribution to maintaining
low energy requirements in this hot, humid climate. It follows that the total
energy consumption must be met by renewable energy sources, and that all of
the materials used have to be recyclable. As the options for utilizing solar, wind
and geothermal energy sources are limited, energy demand has to be reduced
through technical solutions but also by lifestyle changes related to mobility,
expectations of comfort, the consumption of water, energy and materials, as
well as waste generation.
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mechanical ventilation in the city, which depends on, among other things, the
so-called heat island effect, a phenomenon caused by solar radiation and urban
emissions. Using an isothermal flow model, it was possible to determine the
optimum layout – length and breadth – of streets.
In order to examine the influence of the high solar heat ingress produced
by the photovoltaic roofs on the microclimate above the city, a simplified
model of a whole street was created. The results allowed conclusions to be
drawn about the layout of the streets and squares. The use of detailed models
made it possible to work out principles for producing a ‘cold island effect’ to
lower the ambient temperature. Additionally, a reinterpretation of the
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 248
Emirates’ traditional wind tower was created, which protects the street from
solar radiation and wind and can be used at the same time as a form of
Figure 13.3 The reinterpretation of an Emirates traditional wind tow and its possible
impact were studied using fluid dynamic simulation
Source: Foster and Partners
The air quality requirements can be met and the local climatic conditions
optimized by using the proposed layout and dimensions for the city grid. Two
strips of parkland will run the whole length of Masdar City. These essential
fresh air corridors will allow both sea breezes and the cool night wind to
permeate the city.
irradiation were calculated and analysed. The interpretation of the results led
the design team to conclude that daylight provision for the buildings should be
ensured via the inner courtyards, and not through apertures in the street
facades. This means that the streets can be narrow, which makes it easier to
achieve a thermal effect. All the inner courtyards need either flexible forms of
shading, in order to protect the microclimate from high temperatures, or
externally situated sun screens on the openings to the courtyard facades.
Planning changes
The original design of Masdar City consisted of two square areas: the larger
one was to be the urban zone and the smaller strictly a service centre. The
decision to use the smaller square for buildings as well meant that a large
section of the surface area designed for power generation was lost. A fourth
iterative step was then needed as a result of these restrictions to the energy
supply. Consequently new boundary conditions had to be established for the
building design and fittings, and additional guidelines for users defined. The
energy requirements had to be reduced in line with the decrease in the amount
of energy produced.
Once the design has been realized, the hope is that Masdar City can act as a
flagship that will inspire future imitation and thus have widespread impact.
The sponsors of the concept hope that such ‘carbon-neutral cities’ should be
reproduced on a global scale.
Client: Masdar-Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, Mubadala Development
Business plan: Ernst & Young
Urban design and architecture: Foster and Partners, London
Renewable energy: E.T.A., Florence
Cimate engineering: Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Stuttgart
Sustainability infrastructure: WSP Group plc, London
HVAC engineer: WSP
Transportation: Systematica, Milan
Quantity surveyor: Cyril Sweet Limited
Landscape consultant: Gustafson Porter
Site area: 600 hectares
Occupied land: 296 hectares
Floor space: 4.8 million m2 plus optional 1.2 million m2 (second square)
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Chapter Fourteen
Urban Energy Potentials:
A Step Towards the Use of 100%
Renewable Energies
Dieter D. Genske, Lars Porsche
and Ariane Ruff
Today, attempts are made to develop sustainable urban areas that utilize only
renewable energies and thus contribute efficiently to the reduction of
greenhouse gases. The example of Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, presented in
Chapter 13, is an example par excellence, ready to cope with all environmental
challenges. However, Masdar City also still reads as a mirage – a single
showcase of the possible – while countries must also urgently cope with the
primary challenge: the introduction of renewable energies in existing cities.
These cities have developed over many centuries and where founded at times
when climate protection was not an issue. Paris, London and Berlin cannot
simply be rebuilt. Instead, smart changes in existing cities have to be
introduced, utilizing existing buildings and infrastructure and respecting
historic building substance. This task appears to be the real challenge,
especially since it has to be achieved in a participatory way, allowing citizens
to take part in and to profit from it.
The production of renewable energy needs space, which is rarely available
in cities. Is it? Our research has shown that, in fact, a lot of space is available,
even in a densely populated urban environment, and that these spaces may well
be utilized to produce renewable energy. They include derelict urban terrain,
roofs and facades, watercourses and wastewater, ambient air and exhaust air
as well as the underground. It is only a matter of finding these spaces in order
to identify their potential to produce renewable energy. Once these potentials
have been determined, the potential for reduction of greenhouse gases can be
calculated as well.
Since communities are rarely aware of their complete space potentials, they
can hardly assess the opportunities these spaces bear. Due to the variety of
renewable energy production strategies, these spaces can, however, readily be
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may, for instance, be the case if a derelict terrain is regreened with biomass
to cover an urban void that could deter potential investors (Dosch and
Porsche, 2008). In Erfurt, Germany, energy plants are grown in the city
centre as a means to encourage people to convert biomass into energy (see
Figure 14.2) (Schumacher, 2008).
Figure 14.3 The demand on urban space to produce one GWh per year with options
of renewable power generation and the associated costs
Source: BBSR within the BBR
Note: PV = photovoltaics. The upper cost limits reflect current prices,
the lower ones are predicted for 2020
Figure 14.4 The demand on urban space to produce one GWh per year with options
of renewable heat generation and the associated costs
Source: BBSR within the BBR
Note: SC = solar collectors. The upper cost limits reflect current prices,
the lower ones are predicted for 2020
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In order to assess the energy potential, the city has to be divided into
prototypic spaces such as ‘historic centre’, ‘business districts’, ‘residential
spaces’ etc. (Everding, 2007). Table 14.1 lists the 14 urban prototypes that
have been applied in this study. For these prototypes the energy demand has to
be assessed. In this approach it is assumed that measures for energetic
improvement have already been taken such as replacing inefficient windows,
repairing the roof, revamping the facades, etc., i.e., common measures of
renovation that are carried out once in a while. In Germany, renovations have
to be carried out according to the Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV), a legal
framework introduced by the government to reduce the energy consumption of
buildings (DENA, 2008). We are thus assessing the future energy demand, i.e.,
the typical demand for heating (and cooling) of buildings and the demand for
electricity. Our projection refers to 2020.
This approach to assessing the potential of renewable energy production has
been applied to a number of model regions including the cities of Stuttgart,
Leipzig, Gelsenkirchen and smaller cities in Thuringia. The portfolio of model
regions thus includes booming cities (Stuttgart), stable cities (Leipzig) and
shrinking cities (Gelsenkirchen and northern Thuringia). Since all these cities
are located in northern Europe, providing heat dominates the energy demand
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of the two energy parties considered (households and businesses). In fact, more
than half of the energy consumed by a regular household is needed for heating
and warm water supply, while only one fifth is needed for electricity and one
third for mobility (BMU 2007). Heat cannot be transported over long
distances whereas electricity is mainly independent of the point of input. This
means that the heat demand has to be covered first in a decentralized way with
renewable options. Only after the heat demand is satisfied can options to
generate electrical power be considered. Practically, this means that at the
moment a surplus of heat can be supplied, roofs and facades may be utilized
to generate electricity with photovoltaic panels instead of heat with solar
collectors, thus yielding more urban-generated electricity and increasing the
degree of electric autarky.
The general strategy of deriving maps illustrating the potential of
renewable energy generation is depicted in Figure 14.6. Based on data such as
local statistics, historical maps, current city maps, aerial photos, service maps
etc., the city is divided into urban prototypes (of which 14 are applied, see
Table 14.1). For these prototypes, the long-term energy demand is assessed,
taking into consideration that at least one cycle of renovation has already
taken place. Thereafter, the corresponding potential to produce renewable
energy is determined with the distinction made between diffuse and concrete
potentials. Based on this, the ratio of renewable energy produced to energy
needed is calculated for both thermal and electric energy. Finally, the outcome
is visualized by means of a geo-information system. The resulting map is
applied to optimize the renewable energy supply of the city by including
existing energy infrastructure and planning additional concrete supply options.
In order to analyse a model region, typical scenarios are established. They
reflect simple situations such as the sole introduction of solar collectors
(scenario I) and the equally weighted introduction of solar collectors and
photovoltaic panels (scenario II), more sophisticated scenarios that include
further heat generating options (ambient and shallow geothermal heat,
wastewater heat) (scenarios III–V) and finally a scenario that adjusts the
prototypic share of photovoltaic panels and solar collectors to optimize heat
generation (scenario VI). In Figure 14.7 the city of Sondershausen, Thuringia,
is represented by means of the 14 urban prototypes and in Figure 14.8,
scenario VI is shown, both for thermal and electrical potentials. Sondershausen
has a population of 21,000 inhabitants and covers an area of 12,000 hectares.
The city looses about 1.0 per cent of population every year and is thus
qualified as a ‘shrinking’ city. High energy production can be observed in areas
of large post-war apartment blocks, business quarters and modern residential
areas with individual buildings (family homes), whereas the city centre with its
historic buildings as well as urban building blocks of the 19th and early 20th
centuries remain low in renewable energy production. In this scenario the
thermal autarky is 98 per cent and the electric autarky is 93 per cent.
Scenario VII includes additional concrete options for energy supply. It
takes into consideration a possible biomass co-generation power plant, the
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 259
extraction of heat at the outlet of the local sewage treatment plant and the
extraction of heat from an old salt mining shaft. The degree of energy autarky
can thus be pushed above 100 per cent, i.e. the energy demand of households
and businesses can be satisfied with renewable resources intra muros.
In addition, the reduction of CO2 emissions due to the introduction of
renewable energy generation is assessed. For the city of Sondershausen, about
88,000t of CO2 can be saved annually with scenario VII, i.e. some 2.5t per year
per inhabitant, as a first estimate.
Our studies have shown that it is possible to both assess the long-term energy
demands for urban households and businesses as well as the potential of urban
spaces to produce renewable energy. We have introduced a strategy to visualize
these renewable energy potentials with maps covering the model region.
Degrees of energy autarky have been calculated for thermal and electrical
demands. The results are based on the analysis of six scenarios plus a seventh
scenario that includes aspects of already existing energy infrastructure and new
concrete measures of energy supply. For the model region of Sondershausen
(Thuringia, Germany) it was found that enough renewable energy can be
produced intra muros (within the city limits) to satisfy the long-term demands
of households and businesses.
Although calculations for the other model regions are still ongoing, it can
be stated that for bigger cities energy autarky cannot be achieved as easily as
for small cities. Nevertheless, in most cases this appears to be still possible.
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Figure 14.8 Degree of energy supply to satisfy long-term demands for the city of
Source: BBSR within the BBR
Note: Depicted is the ratio of renewable heat generation to demand (top) and renewable power generation to
demand (bottom). The darkest shades indicate a high potential to provide renewable energy
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With increasing prices of fossil fuels and improving green technologies, the
goal of self-sufficient cities that rely solely on renewable resources appears to
be within reach. The integration of the immediate surroundings of an urban
space will make it even more likely to achieve this goal. The introduction of
electric vehicles will help stabilize possible power fluctuations by means of
V2G technology, thus creating energy regions that sustain themselves with
renewable resources.
BBSR/BBR (2009) Nutzung städtischer Freiflächen für erneuerbare Energien (edited
by Dieter D. Genske, Thomas Joedecke, Lars Porsche and Ariane Ruff). Bonn,
Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Bundesamt für
Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), 140
BMU (2007) Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland im Jahr 2007
(Stand März 2008), Berlin, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und
Reaktorsicherheit BMU, 24
BMU (2008) Leitstudie 2008 Weiterentwicklung der ‘Ausbaustrategie Erneuerbare
Energien’ vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands und
Europas, Berlin, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und
Reaktorsicherheit BMU (Bearb. J. Nitsch), 99
DENA (2008) Auf einen Blick: Der Energieausweis kompakt, Berlin, Deutsche
Energie-Agentur, 11
Dosch, F. and Porsche, L. (2008) ‘Grüne Potenziale unter blauem Himmel. Neue
Zugänge zur Flächenrevitalisierung und Freiraumentwicklung im Ruhrgebiet’, in
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, vol 9, pp609–625
Engel, T. (2005) Das Elektrofahrzeug als Regelenergiekraftwerk des Solarzeitalters.
München, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V. DGS, 6 (www.dgs.de)
Everding, D. (ed) (2007) Solarer Städtebau: Vom Pilotprojekt zum planerischen
Leitbild, Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer
Genske, D. D., Henning-Jacob, J. and Ruff, A. (2009a) ‘3E: Erneuerbare Energien für
Städte - Ein interaktives Expertensystem’, Research project in progress for the
European Union (EFRE-TNA)
Genske, D. D., Henning-Jacob, J. and Ruff, A. (2009b) ‘Energetische Optimierung des
Modellraums IBA Hamburg’, Research project in progress for the Internationale
Bauausstellung IBA Hamburg
Genske, D. D., Porsche, L. and Ruff, A. (2009c) ‘Energieerzeugung auf urbanen
Freiflächen’, Altlastenspektrum, vol 6, pp259–269
Schumacher, H. (2008) ‘Power plants’: Energie-Pflanzen-Garten, Erfurt, FH Erfurt
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 263
Chapter Fifteen
Closing the Planning Gap:
Moving to Renewable
Nancy Carlisle and Brian Bush
(first onsite and then offsite). The timeframe to reach 100 per cent can be
phased as long as it is defined. We have excluded indirect or embodied forms
of energy within the community from the definition only because of the
challenge of measuring these at this point in time. Indirect uses of energy
within a community include energy for growing food, transporting goods and
energy embodied in materials and services.
The energy used for the community is measured by comparing a baseline
of energy needs for buildings, community infrastructure and transportation for
the community to the energy supplied on an annual basis from renewable
energy sources. Measuring is done on the basis of BTUs (British thermal units)
in order to compare all renewable energy supplied (for electricity, thermal and
transport fuels) to all loads to determine if the goal was achieved over a given
time period. In this way, for example, excess renewable electricity production
could be used to offset the use of conventional thermal energy or trans-
portation fuels used.
We can use the hierarchy for a grid-connected zero-energy building (ZEB)
as defined by Torcellini et al (2006) as a starting point for valuing renewable
energy options, not only for buildings but also for community-scale
applications. The hierarchy defines the relative value of various sources of
renewable power to serve a community. A ZEB is defined as a residential or
commercial building with greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency
gains such that the balance of energy needs can be supplied with renewable
It is more challenging to define metrics for a zero-energy community than
a building because energy in communities is used for community infrastructure
and vehicles as well as buildings, and there are more types of fuel to consider.
It is a challenge to define what community energy uses are included in the net
zero calculations, the boundary for the community and the timeframe
necessary to meet the goal.
Table 15.1 follows the logic established by Torcellini et al (2006) in
applying the hierarchy for a net ZEB to the definition of a net zero-energy
community. The table includes options for transportation, community
infrastructure and modifying human behaviour. Option number zero (0)
includes strategies to reduce the energy load through either energy efficiency
and\or energy conservation strategies. These are the lowest cost strategies.
Supply-side strategies, beginning with Option 1, represent ways to use
renewable energy as a source of energy. Table 15.1 could be further quantified
by assigning multipliers to each source of renewable supply as a way to assign
value. For example, a solar thermal or electrical system located on a building
rooftop has a higher multiplier than the value of renewable electrical system
located near, but not on, the buildings due to the higher line losses from a
renewable system that is near the building. Likewise a biomass boiler serving
a community would have a lower multiplier to account for the transport of the
biomass fuel to the site.
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Caveats – Plug loads in homes and offices are constantly growing; smart
grid monitoring always on and, therefore, increase overall loads.
Onsite Supply Options
1 Use renewable energy sources available Buildings – Photovoltaics, solar hot water, ground source heat pumps
within the building’s footprint as the located on the building and connected to building systems.
first priority.
Behaviour – Consumers with renewable systems located on their buildings
tend to conserve more because they are more aware of how they use
Vehicles – Use electric or (when available) plug-in hybrid vehicles from on-
site-generated renewable energy and/or use alternative fuels in a flex fuel
vehicle or use electricity from grid to charge the vehicles when renewable
energy is unavailable.
Caveat – In order to maximize roof area for solar, orientation and street
layouts, need to be considered; passive solar design features can
significantly reduce heating, air-conditioning and lighting loads.
2 Use renewable sources available Buildings – Photovoltaics, solar, low-impact hydro or wind located on open
within the community boundary and space, parking lots etc. and the renewable energy output connected to
connected to the building electrical the buildings electrical or hot water system.
or hot water distribution.
Infrastructure – Community scale micro-grid connects distributed and
community-scale renewable systems (electric and or thermal energy) to
buildings and utility grid. Infrastructure needs to address energy storage
onsite or though grid-back-up.
Vehicles – Cars will soon be sold with the ability to charge vehicles onsite,
which can take advantage of using renewable energy generated onsite.
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These goals are an important step to begin the process as communities move
to meet a significantly larger proportion of their power from renewable sources
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with 100 per cent of the direct power needs met by renewable energy. This is
the ultimate accomplishment for communities on the leading edge. The
challenge is that energy use in most communities continues to rise, not decline
due to growth, new construction and/or greater needs for electric loads such as
home electronics and air conditioning. Reaching a large fraction of a
community’s power from renewable energy will require a solution that
combines a focus on technology and policy improvements with a fundamental
shift in human behaviour and lifestyle.
behaviour. While there are many papers that define technical solutions to solve
our climate-impacts-mitigation problems using efficiency and renewable
energy, there is little help for community implementation: looking at financial
structures and human behaviour to ultimately lead to adopting these new
One tool does support this broader approach. At the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, Dr A. Walker (2008) has developed
a method to analyse renewable energy options for a specific site, which can
provide the basis for stakeholder discussions to determine necessary buy-in
from the community level, and a finance strategy and implementation plan.
Using his renewable optimization software Walker first identifies the least-
cost combination of renewable energy technologies to provide 100 per cent net
renewable power for a specific site. At the National Zoological Park in
Washington DC and the 4600 acre Conservation Research Center in Fort
Royal, VA, he identifies the lifecycle cost of the combination of renewable
energy technologies that would meet their goal of 100 per cent net renewable
energy by the year 2016 at $74 million versus the lifecycle cost of continuing
to purchase gas and electricity, which has a lifecycle cost of $52 million. The
lifecycle costs do not include a dollar value for pollution emissions, educational
value or other benefits associated with using renewable energy (Walker 2008).
This analysis provides a launching pad for stakeholder discussion for the
community to determine how best to meet this goal. Identifying the lifecycle
cost of both options provides a basis to develop a financing plan. Without
understanding the magnitude of the investment required and without
considering the other benefits offered by the net zero solution, one might not
realize the importance of developing a long-term financing plan. This tool has
been used for specific business and government campuses and small towns
including the Smithsonian National Zoo, Frito Lay, Anheuser Busch,
Greensburg, Kansas and San Nicholas Island – an island owned by the US
improve energy efficiency only with little focus on the longer-term strategies.
In many cases growth in their energy use rises faster than their savings.
Incremental improvements that succeed in reducing emissions over the next
decade cannot be repeated indefinitely to achieve ever lower emissions levels.
Furthermore, once the ‘low hanging fruit’ of existing practices has been
‘picked’, additional progress will require longer planning horizons and more
complex analysis and decision-making. Incremental energy efficiency improve-
ments are a very necessary step to move to 100 per cent, but should not be the
sole vision; rather they should be one step in a comprehensive overall approach
to reach 100 per cent renewable energy. Incremental improvements made in
the absence of a long-term strategy pose the risk of making particular further
improvements more costly or otherwise impractical.
Between 1995 and 2007, the size of a new home in Boulder County has
increased from about 2700 square foot to more than 6000 square foot (Kelley,
2008). These homes are more energy efficient than homes built in the past, but
typically use a broader range of equipment such as air conditioning and
electronic equipment. Despite impressive efficiency gains, the total energy used
in buildings in the US almost doubled between 1970 and 2005; and the nation
can expect to see building energy consumption increase by 0.8 per cent per
year through to 2030 (Brown et al, 2008). This is coupled with the added
dilemma in Boulder that housing prices near downtown continue to rise,
forcing people seeking affordable homes to move farther from their jobs,
which in turn increases vehicle miles travelled to and from work unless a mass
transit opportunity is in place. This cycle causes climate-impacts mitigation to
The Boulder Climate Action Plan (City of Boulder, 2006) began with an
inventory detailing the sources of greenhouse gases. By establishing a city-wide
carbon tax in 2006, voters demonstrated their desire to take local action to
mitigate the impacts of climate change. The carbon tax for residences is
currently $13 per household per year with a planned increase to
$19/household/year. The tax funds the city’s effort to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions at approximately $1 million per year. The tax does not represent the
environmental costs associated with carbon impacts.2
The energy efficiency and renewable recommendations in the Boulder plan
are largely voluntary and the city’s role is largely as a facilitator, educator and
an advocate. The plan assumes that over 95 per cent of the costs to improve
efficiency in the commercial, industrial and residential sectors will be borne by
the private sector and the local utility company and that utility rebates will
cover between 25 per cent and 50 per cent of the implementation cost of
efficiency measures. It makes the assumption that very little city investment
will be required. The renewable energy strategy is to buy renewable energy
credits rather than building onsite renewable energy systems.
The Boulder Daily Camera (Snider, 2008) noted that Boulder will only
make it about half-way to its goal of cutting enough greenhouse gases to
comply with their Kyoto Potocol target. Boulder is cited as a case study in this
chapter because the reasons that Boulder is not able to meet the Kyoto target
are representative of what one may find in many other US cities that are both
proactive and committed to meeting greenhouse gas-reduction targets.
The key points are similar to the findings of a survey conducted in ten cities by
the Institute for Local Self-reliance regarding how well the cities were meeting
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their climate change goals and what strategies and methodologies they were
using. They concluded that many cities will likely fail in their attempts unless
complementary state and federal policies are put into place (Bailey, 2007).
Some of the lessons to be learned identified by Bailey (2007) include:
• The methodologies and assumptions to create greenhouse gas inventories
among communities are not standardized – making comparisons between
communities problematic.
• Community-wide emissions have risen since 1990, sometimes dramatically
and it is unlikely that more than one or two of the ten cities studied and
quite possibly none will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to the level
of the Kyoto Protocol (7 per cent below 1990 levels by 2012).
• Almost all the cities surveyed were expecting to realize a significant portion
of their greenhouse gas reductions as a result of actions taken by higher
levels of government. Relying too heavily on strategies out of the city’s
direct control could stunt local solutions and inhibit the city’s investment in
energy-related projects that have ancillary economic and environmental
• Cities are not investing significant amounts of their own money to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
demand grew by 105 per cent. In 2003, as a precursor to Fort ZED, Fort
Collins developed an energy policy that set energy demand reduction targets
and supply targets coupled with a renewable energy supply target:
• Reduce per capita energy consumption by 10 per cent by 2012.
• Reduce per capita peak demand by 15 per cent by 2012.
• Increase renewable energy to 15 per cent by 2017.
Figure 15.3 shows how the city of Fort Collins has quantified the need for
renewable energy in order to meet a 10 per cent renewable energy target.
Figure 15.3 Fort Collins projections for renewable energy to meet defined energy targets
Source: Dorsey (2008)
Note: RE = renewable energy
• The community will remove the barriers to develop needed infrastructure and
create unique financial incentives in the district. This involves designing fi-
nancial levers, tax incentives, incremental financing and design assistance as
well as looking at the utility rate structure as a way to enable the desired out-
come. The desired goal of this strategy is to affect local policy, regulation,
markets and technology to facilitate Fort ZED.
• Fort Collins will work with their municipal utility to develop a strategy to
use onsite renewable and distributed generation along with smart grid de-
mand management to provide power to customers in the most efficient
• Residents and businesses will be educated about this initiative and
grassroots and neighbourhood groups will be encouraged to participate.
Each of these case studies offers some lessons in developing a long-term plan
to transition a community toward a 100 per cent renewable community. In the
next section, we summarize the lessons learned into a series of steps that a
community can take.
2 Understand the energy inventory and needs for buildings, vehicles, water
and waste
In the case studies previously discussed, examples of energy analysis and
inventory are an important early step. There are many tools available to
do the inventory. What becomes more challenging is to quantify the
impact of various technologies in combination with local policy options.
Questions such as what has the larger impact, policy X or Y or policy X
versus incentive A or B, or technology 1 versus policy 2 are challenging
for communities to quantify, rank order and evaluate. Communities
typically rely on a combination of tools and manual analysis to evaluate
trade-offs between policy and technology options, as comprehensive and
unified community energy planning decision support are not generally
Once the energy assessment has been completed, a next step is
developing a rough cut at how much of the goal can be met using
efficiency versus onsite renewables, versus central onsite renewables,
versus offsite renewables. In very general terms, significant reductions are
available from energy efficiency (in existing communities most likely in
the range of 15 per cent to 40 per cent); once these inefficiencies are
exploited, the community needs to find or develop a renewable supply-
side scenario. The tendency of communities is to focus discussion and
planning more on the incremental savings though low-cost and voluntary
efficiency measures and put off or ignore the discussion of the bigger
question – what to do after the incremental improvements are made in the
short term. In an existing community, if the incremental savings from
efficiency are calculated to be in the range of 30 per cent and the
community wants to meet 100 per cent of their energy from renewable
sources, focusing discussion and an implementation plan on only
incremental savings is ignoring 70 per cent of the problem.
Tied to understanding the energy inventory and quantifying the
reduction needed by source, is determining the overall cost and
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3 Building strategy
Goals for new construction and retrofit need to be defined and made
measurable over time. One cannot measure what one cannot meter. With-
out the data, it is hard to know if your community is meeting its target. The
building strategy will be a combination of policy requirements and tech-
nology options. In terms of technology options, there is no ‘silver bullet’.
If the stated objective for a community is 100 per cent renewable then a re-
quirement for all new construction should be to maximize energy efficiency
in all new construction. (For example, in the US, for most building types
a good metric would be to design a new building so that its energy per-
formance is in the order of 50 per cent better than the building code re-
quires by law.) In existing buildings, exploiting energy efficiency is also the
most cost-effective strategy. Especially in new construction, all efficiency
measures that are lifecycle cost effective should be incorporated.
Once efficiency is exploited, a community with the goal of 100 per
cent renewables must install or plan for solar electric photovoltaic systems
or solar thermal systems on all available and suitable rooftop space.
US local government and university construction budgets typically
include capital costs only, while operating expenses come from another
budget line item. This has created a barrier in terms of planning for the
added first cost of sustainable new construction. Decisions regarding
building construction need to be made based on lifecycle costs (first-cost
plus operating). Communities and universities, developers, as well as the
banking industry need to work through this somewhat ‘artificial’ barrier
in order to invest in efficiency and renewable measures that are lifecycle
cost effective.
The building efficiency strategy must also address changing human
behaviour. Universities and other entities are developing many new labs
and buildings that use in the range of four to six times the energy of office
buildings. In these buildings, strategies to save energy, especially when the
buildings are not occupied, are particularly important. As was shown in
the NREL example above, human behaviour, including turning off lights
and appliances when not in use, is an important efficiency strategy. This
is especially important in high-tech buildings on university and research
The bottom line is that one should encourage efficient and convenient
public transportation and reward less vehicle miles travelled to create a
more ‘local’ business network meeting the needs of everyone in very short
distances. If private vehicular transportation is essential, then fuel the
vehicle with renewable fuels (biomass-derived alternative fuels, hydrogen
or electricity from solar, wind etc.).
6 Integrated design
Achieving a 100 per cent renewable community is not purely a technical
problem; rather it is a systems integration problem. This chapter presents
ideas and approaches, but does not describe actual case studies where 100
per cent has been achieved because none of the examples have been built.
There are many systems integration opportunities on multiple levels:
• Energy efficient homes with renewable sources of electricity need to
be physically connected via a smart grid to one another and to a
central renewable power plant with storage.
• The energy systems for homes and vehicles need to be interconnected
and viewed as one system.
• The values in the community need to shift and align with energy
efficient behaviour. Institutions within the community, schools,
businesses and governments can all model the desired behaviour.
• Traditional roles of stakeholders shift to take advantage of new
opportunities. For example, the role of the utility as described in this
chapter. A community developer’s role might shift to take more
responsibility for developing a community’s energy infrastructure and
the city’s role might involve a greater leadership role in advocating
clean power.
1 There are many competing terms that describe the desired end state of a community
or building that meets the majority of its energy needs from renewable energy or
carbon-free energy. The terms include: sustainable communities, net-zero commun-
ities, carbon-free communities, renewable communities – and in this book, the term
used is 100 per cent, referring to the goal of powering 100 per cent of the
community needs from renewable energy. There are many nuances in definition, for
example, net-zero energy could refer to site energy, source energy or energy costs.
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 287
2 If you take the average carbon produced by one person (15t per person at $12/ton)
(Tufts Climate Initiative, 2008), the capital offset per person equals $180 per person
per year or $540 per year per household of three.
3 In the US, the issue of cost effectiveness has been a barrier to greater use of
renewable energy. When comparing the cost of renewable power to other energy
sources, the external costs for items such as environmental pollution or transport to
remote sites associated with certain energy technologies are not factored in. If these
costs were included in pricing energy, the cost comparison between renewable and
fossil-based energy would be more accurate. Also, in the US there is ambivalence
and polarization of thought around how much more we are willing to pay for clean,
renewable sources of power in many communities. This is an important question to
build consensus around.
ASHRAE (2004) ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004, Energy Standard for
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia
Bailey, J. (2007) Lessons From The Pioneers: Tackling Global Warming At The Local
Level, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Minneapolis, MN
Brown, M., Southworth, F. and Sarzynski, A. (2008) ‘Shrinking the Carbon Footprint
of Metropolitan America’, Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings, Brookings
Institute, Washington, DC
City of Boulder (2006) ‘Boulder Climate Action Plan;, www.bouldercolorado.gov/
City of Boulder (2008) ‘Carbon tax’, www.ci.boulder.co.us/
Dorsey, J. (2008) ‘Fort ZED: Fort Collins Zero Energy District’, paper presented to
Northern Colorado Renewable Energy Society, 12 February
Kelley, J. (2008) ‘Monster homes pit old versus new’, Rocky Mountain News, 17 May
Lambert, C. (2006) ‘The market place of perceptions’, Harvard Magazine, March–
Lenzen, M., Wood, R. and Foran, B. (2008) ‘Direct versus embodied energy: The
need for urban lifestyle transitions’, in Droege, P. (ed) Urban Energy Transition,
Elsevier, London, pp91–120
Little, A. M. (2006) ‘The sway of the world’, Grist Environmental News and
Commentary, May
Moezzi, M. (1998) ‘The predicament of efficiency’, Proceedings of the American
Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), vol 4, pp273–285
Poole, R. D. (2008) ‘Concept for District implementation of Renewable Power and
Energy Efficiency’, General Manager, Chief Engineer, Sonoma County Water
Agency, January, draft
Reuyl, J. S. (2006) Sustainable Communities –Business Opportunities for the Electric
Utility Industry, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA
Ritter, B. (2007) Colorado Climate Action Plan, State of Colorado, Denver, CO
Sherman, J. D. and Booth Sweeney, L. (2006) ‘Understanding public complacency
about climate change: Adults’ mental models of climate change violate conservation
of matter’, Climatic Change, August
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 12:26 Page 288
Snider, L. (2008) ‘Boulder likely to miss Kyoto Protocol goals’, Boulder Daily
Camera, 3 April
Torcellini, P., Pless, S., Deru, M. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Crawley, D.
and US DOE (2006) Zero Energy Buildings: A Critical Look at the Definition,
Conference Paper NREL/CP-550-39833, NREL, Golden, CO
Tufts (2008) ‘Tufts Climate Initiative. Voluntary Carbon Offset Portal’, www.tufts.edu
Walker, A. (2008) ‘Renewable Energy Planning: Multiparametric Cost Optimization’,
presented at SOLAR 2008, American Solar Energy Society (ASES), San Diego, CA,
Conference Paper NREL/CP-670-42921
Whittier, J. (2008) ‘Masdar Initiative’, Brownbag presentation at the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden CO
Xcel Energy (2008) ‘Xcel Energy Smart Grid’, white paper, document 08-01-311,
Xcel Energy, Denver, CO
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Chapter Sixteen
Community Life at 100%
and Beyond: How to Raise
a Renewable Family Without
Even Trying
Michael Stöhr
Figure 16.2 View of our city quarter from the top of our house with SOLNA PV plant in
front, and ecumenical church and shopping centre Riem-Arcaden in the background
Source: Michael Wippermann
Messestadt Riem was designed as a compact yet green urban quarter of short
walking distances and a high level of integration into the wider public
transport network. Individual car traffic is dramatically lowered and a number
of car-limited house communities are set up, among them the one where we
live. The inhabitants of these house communities declare in their agreements
that they will not own an individual car. Exceptions are possible, but the
number of cars per house is limited. As a result, the number of cars per person
is half of the area average, with the effect that traffic noise is non-existent and
there is an exceptional degree of safety for children playing in the streets.
Instead of owning an individual car, many inhabitants of these house
communities are members of one of the two car-sharing organizations in
The urban design has three consequences for the energy balance of all area
inhabitants: the compactness of the buildings reduces heat demand, the high
level of public transport services and the car-sharing option lowers overall
transport energy and transport infrastructure (i.e. parking lots) demand, and
the DH network fed largely by geothermal energy ensures a high level of heat
supply from a renewable energy source.
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and assemble the materials and components our building or cars are made up
of. More on that point later.
Our energy consumption and supply profiles do not match entirely. We
account for 4.66 times less than the reference family’s non-renewable energy
consumption level through saving measures and renewable energy
purchase/generation in the sector of electricity. Energy needs for room heating
are completely avoided, i.e. 100 per cent of non-renewable energy is being
abated in this sector. Energy for hot water is not conserved well, but 85 per
cent of it is renewably supplied. Comparable transport energy use is reasonably
well reduced at 50 per cent of the average wider area household, the rest is still
fossil-fuel based. As a last measure we offset our transport energy component
through surplus generation of renewable energy.
The offsetting of non-renewable transport energy through the surplus
production of renewable electricity matches the expected future development
of energy supply well: renewable energy generation from wind and
photovoltaic installations is developing so quickly that there will be surplus
electricity production at least from time to time and at local spots with many
generation facilities. This surplus production can be stored by a fleet of electric
vehicles. Given inexorably rising oil prices and a debate about the limits and
(non-)sustainability of biofuels this will be the only way to ensure individual
mobility in the mid term and long term.
Table 16.1 Energy consumption by our family in comparison to the German reference
Electricity Room Hot Transport Total
heating water energy
Reference family 5300 35,000 4000 20,000 64,300
Stöhr household 1800 0 3330 10,837 15,967
Energy saving 66% 100% 16.8% 45.8% 75.2%
Rest covered by renewable energies 1800 0 2831 663 5293
Rest covered by fossil energies 0 0 500 10,175 10,674
Part of renewables in purchased energy 100% – 85% 6.1% 33.1%
Non-renewable energy abatement through
saving + renewable energy purchase 100% 100% 87.5% 49.1% 83.4%
Generation of renewable energy in addition
to own consumption 19,405 – – – 19,405
Contribution of renewable energies to
non-renewable energy abatement 400.1% 0.0% 70.8% 3.3% 38.4%
Contribution of energy saving + renewable
energies to non-renewable energy abatement 466.1% 100% 87.5% 49.1% 113.6%
Contribution of each sector to non-renewable
energy abatement 38.4% 54.4% 5.4% 15.3% 113.6%
Note: The values in the first indicate the mainly non-renewable energy to be abated. All values in kWh. Percentages relate to a
German reference family of the same size, whose consumption pattern matches the German average for households for electricity
and heat, and for individuals in the transport sector.
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The first installation (SOLNA) was set up on the flat parts of the two
building parts that form our house; the second (SOLKIZ) was installed on
three roofs of the ecumenical church centre in our city quarter.
Figure 16.5 Members of SOLNA during a break off work installing a PV plant
Table 16.2 Breakdown of our share of the electricity generation of different plants
compared to our energy/electricity consumption and the electricity consumption of a
German reference family
electricity in % of our in % of electricity in % of our
generation total energy consumption of electricity
(kWh) consumption reference family consumption
PV plant SOLNA 1900 3.0% 35.8% 105.6%
PV plant SOLKIZ 838 1.3% 15.8% 46.6%
wind park share 16,667 25.9% 314.5% 925.9%
19,405 30.2% 366.1% 1,078.0%
Within the first three years, the SOLKIZ photovoltaic plant has produced
47,400kWh, corresponding to 922kWh/kWp, a value that is higher than for
SOLNA but below the average yield of new photovoltaic plants in Munich.
Here, the reason is that the architect of the ecumenical church centre in the
Messestadt Riem requested that the photovoltaic panel should not be visible
from the ground (now also the reason why it is so difficult to provide good
photos of the installation) thus obliging us to keep a tilt angle of 5° on one roof
and 17° on two other roofs. This is much less than the optimum tilt angle at
the latitude of Munich, which is 28°. As a result, we yield less solar energy in
winter and a bit more in summer than a plant does that keeps the optimum
orientation and tilt angle. Over the year, we lose about 10 per cent of the solar
yield compared to an optimum plant. Here, old-fashioned ideas about the
incompatibility of photovoltaic panels and highly aesthetical architecture (and
the fact that the two churches did not request from the architect right from the
outset to integrate photovoltaic panels as an element of the church centre’s
building shell) compromised environmental efficiency.
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Table 16.3 Breakdown of our average annual mobility and related energy consumption
public urban railway car airplane sum
person-km/yr 13,125 20,000 1100 4000 38,225
kWh/km 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.89 0.28
KW/yr 2625 4000 660 3552 10,837
% of renewable energy 10% 10% 0% 0% 6%
Source: Michael Stöhr
We save the major part of embodied energy by our limited use of cars: STAT-
TAUTO München keeps only 20 cars per member, thus cutting down the pro-
duction energy for cars by a larger factor (not exactly 20, because the cars are
run only for about a year, before being resold). The production of cars, and also
of parking lots, streets, etc., consumes a lot of energy and we cut down this pro-
duction energy – in exactly the same way as most of our neighbours do!
A further area where we save embodied energy is food. Almost all our food
comes from ecological production and most of is comes out of the region of
Munich. Further, we consume little meat, though we are not entirely
vegetarian. Hence, we get positive indicators for all factors that play a role in
the energy consumption of food production: eco-agriculture saves energy
embodied in mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals; regional food
sources saves transport energy; a low level of meat consumption saves energy
because feeding plants to animals before using animal products for human
nutrition multiplies the energy requirement; and seasonally grown food in
open fields needs less energy than food grown in glass houses. As a result, our
embodied energy consumption for food is far lower than the German average
– as it is for most of our neighbours who have similar consumption patterns.
The cooperation and networks that allow us to achieve these positive
indicators are among others: Tagwerk GmbH, a company for the regional
marketing of eco-food delivered weekly to the households, UNSER LAND, a
regional food marketing network and company for agricultural products from
the region, selling mainly eco-food, and a local eco-food shop.
Building cooperative WOGENO: www.wogeno.de
City quarter Messestadt Riem: www.messestadt-riem.de
Pictures of Messestadt Riem: www.endres-bildung.de
100 per cent renewable electricity: www.naturstrom.ag
Our windpark: www.windpark-saar.de
Solares Kirchenzentrum Messestadt Riem – SOLKIZ GbR:
Geothermal heat in Messestadt Riem: www.swm.de
Car sharing: www.stattauto-muenchen.de
Organic food from the area: www.unserland.info and www.tagwerk.net
German Climate Protection Campaign: www.c02online.de
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Figure 16.8 A typical scene in the Messestadt Riem: The ‘Promenadenfest’ (promenade
festival) where everybody contributes to the buffet and everything is shared
Source: Michael Stöhr
Figure 16.10 The terrace and play ground extend the community room outdoors: Here,
many gatherings and parties take place
Source: Michael Stöhr
Figure 16.11 The annual cooking party in the community room of our house has become a
tradition: Each participant prepares a part of the menu and all taste it together
Source: Helga Rätze-Scheffer
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Figure 16.12 Another party on top of the roof of our house: Despite the PV installation,
there is enough space left to gather
Source: Helga Rätze-Scheffer
Chapter Seventeen
100% Renewable Life: One Man’s
Journey for a Solar World
Martin Vosseler
founder of the ‘Swiss Club of Carfree People’, dreams of putting his feet on US
ground without a drop of oil. Michel Thonney has crossed the Atlantic already
several times on sailboats. He dreams of doing it again, applying his navigation
skills to a pioneering adventure. Daniela Schlettwein, a Swiss medical doctor,
uses her financial resources to support ecological projects. She dreams of
making an unusual solar project possible, after decades of promoting
renewable energy and energy efficiency. I prepare for my SunWalk 2008 –
walking through the US for the promotion of 100 per cent renewable energy. I
have the dream to cross the Atlantic in a sustainable way and, at the same time,
to promote 100 per cent renewable energy with this adventure.
Sometimes things fall into place very quickly when dreams come together.
In December 2005 we decide to go ahead with the project. On 16 October
2006 the then Swiss President, Mrs Micheline Calmy-Rey, christens the boat in
Basel – and off it goes starting for its seven-month journey to New York City.
Basel – Rotterdam – Seville – Canary Islands – Martinique – Miami – New
York City, where we arrive on 8 May 2007. The actual crossing from the
Canary Islands to Martinique takes 29 days.
We can demonstrate with this journey that if we come down from our high
energy waste level, if we combine it with high energy efficiency, renewable
energy is sufficient for our energy needs. We have travelled from Europe to the
US with an average of 1700W, the power that a hairdryer or an iron needs – a
12t boat, five adult men, five computers, all instruments, a refrigerator, ten
cabin lights, four position lights, a motor for the anchor and a satellite phone,
all travelled thanks to the 90 per cent efficiency of the two electro motors that
propelled the boat. Travelling on this boat is very comfortable – no noise,
almost no vibrations and no exhaust fumes; therefore the dolphins like to visit
us and we can sleep on the boards that cover the motor.
Figure 17.2 Sunwalk 2008: Martin Vosseler in Los Angeles on 2 January 2008
Source: Brad Graverson, Daily Breeze
and spreads it on the floor. She brings a variety of delicious dishes. Then she
prepares their sleeping room for me. She makes a big fire in the stove and
prepares the bed. And soon I am dreaming in the warm bed listening to the
singing stove.
It’s a very hot day in Virginia. In Lacey Springs, Conny parks her car in
front of me. She brings me a big cup of cool spring water and a plastic bag with
ice and a towel. From then on I wipe my face every half an hour with the icy
the sun sends the energy onto the planet – or in one year onto 10 per cent of
the Sahara’s surface – that corresponds to the world’s total power
What can we do? Sixty per cent of the so-called ‘conventional’ energy we
use today is wasted. Optimal energy efficiency can replace these 60 per cent
already. The remaining 40 per cent can be substituted by renewable energy that
is available in abundance – if we are determined to do that. We have all the
technical means to harvest renewable energy. This change of our energy system
is a huge opportunity for the world’s economy as well. Millions of jobs will be
created – jobs that make sense.
The new energy democracy needs the cooperation of all people on this
planet and the political framework that favours renewable energy and energy
efficiency. Not everybody can walk or go to sea for several months at a time.
But everybody can figure out what individual steps they can make possible;
after having read an interview about my SunWalk in the Navajo Time, a lady
in a supermarket in Window Rock, NM, recognized me. She tells me: ‘I read
about your SunWalk. I told myself: “if this 59 year old man can walk 3700
miles from LA to Boston, I can also walk from my home to the supermarket.”
So this morning I walked for the first time to work and actually, I enjoyed it
very much.’
More and more people believe in the transition to a 100 per cent renewable
energy future and help to prepare it with their own steps. Together, with awe
and enthusiasm for our miraculous planet, we will make it.
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biofuels 21, 22, 23, 42, 98, 101, 105, constraints on 238–239
121–122, 205, 284 cooling systems in 232–233
cooking oil as 121, 122 and education 235
emissions from 124 and employment 234
ethanol 112, 113–114, 284 energy saving in 229, 232–233, 237
and food production 69, 252 environmental benefits of 233
pan-European project for (RENEW) future of 239
110 horizontal rooftop greenhouses
promotion campaigns 114, 125 234–235
biogas 12, 39, 72, 96, 98, 116–117, 123, hydroponic see hydroponics
129, 177 need for 229, 230
challenges with 118 and public health 231, 233–234
cooperative production of 121 PV systems in 233
costs 118 vertically integrated greenhouses
and emissions reduction 136 (VIGs) 236–238
and fertilizers 136 buildings, low energy 87, 89–90, 91, 104,
gasification process 107, 108–109 128, 139, 145–150, 188, 252, 283
household production 133–137 and 100% renewable household 293,
and sanitation 133, 136 300
subsidies 135 and Architecture 2030 Challenge 268
biomass energy 30, 31, 33, 37, 71, 98, challenges to 271
105, 142, 258–259, 277 costs of 92
costs 50 NREL 276–278, 283
exports 120 orientation/footprint factors 145, 147,
land used for 254, 255, 257 148, 245, 266, 277
in networks 71, 72, 78, 79, 107 and renovation standards 89–90, 256
pollution from 130 ZEB 265–267, 274
see also straw-based heating businesses and renewable energy 12, 75,
biomethanization plants 127 256–257, 258
bioplastics 69 Butoni 101
black liquor 127
blackouts 22, 61 C40 Initiative 88
boat, solar powered (Sun21) 307–309 California (US) 17, 18, 38, 193, 194,
Boise (Idaho, US) 18 213, 226, 227
Bonn (Germany) 55 Sonoma County case study 278–279
Booth Sweeney, L. 269–270 Canada 44, 88, 213, 231, 232
Boston (Massachusetts, US) 88 Canary Islands see El Hierro
Boulder (Colorado, US) 213, 271–274 cap-and-trade arrangements 12, 14
Climate Action Plan 272 Caparroso (Spain) 127, 129
smart grid initiative 272–274, 281 Cape Light (Massachusetts, US) 29
Brandt, Willy 52 carbon capture and storage see CCS
Britain 169, 231, 232 carbon credits 20
distributed generation in 31 carbon dioxide (CO2) see greenhouse
wind power in 28, 66, 217 gases
zero carbon homes policy in 12 carbon emissions 1–2
see also London; Woking carbon-neutrality 7
Building Energy Management System 152 carbon offset schemes 12, 13
building-integrated agriculture 45, 147, carbon sequestration 2, 12
229–240 carbon tax 14–15
benefits to buildings of 233 carbon trading 11, 21, 26
carbon emissions of 233 see also ET
3474 EARTHSCAN 100% Renewable:Layout 1 21/9/09 13:08 Page 315
cars see automotive industry; electric renewable strategies for 27–29, 45,
vehicles; vehicle ownership 87–92, 229, 251–262
car-sharing/carpools 284, 290, 292, 301, urban sprawl 2, 43–44
303 Cities and Climate Change 24
Carter, Jimmy 41 Cities for Climate Protection (CCP)
Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain) 188, 24–25
189, 194 civic partnerships 23, 28
Catalonia, Solar 196–201 clean coal 21, 26, 27–28, 60
Catalonia (Spain) 78–79, 80–81, 187, Clean Development Mechanism 13
189, 190, 196–199 climate change 1–3, 52, 61–62, 71
100in 196–199 and cities 87, 88–89
nuclear power in 191 greenhouse gas levels 2–3
policy measures for 199–201 IPCC reports 88
resistance to renewable energy in 194, and migration 4
195, 196 see also greenhouse gases
wind power cooperative in 191–195 Clinton Climate Initiative 45
CCP (Cities for Climate Protection) CNG (compressed natural gas) 156, 157,
24–25 205, 219
CCS (carbon capture and storage) 60 CO2 see greenhouse gases
see also clean coal coal 59–60
CEA (controlled environment agriculture) clean 21, 26, 27–28, 60
see building-integrated agriculture mining 9, 20
certificate laws 66 prices 60
Chernobyl disaster (1986) 52 shortages 61, 71
China 24, 26, 30, 61, 168, 227, 239 coconut oil 98, 101
renewable energy investment in 82, cogeneration plants 12, 30, 45, 72–73,
83 123, 175
see also Shaanxi Province costs 118, 152–153
CHP (combined heat and power) 90, Colorado Climate Action Plan (2007) 269
113–114, 121, 123 Colorado State University 274, 275
case studies 150–155, 291 Colorado (US) 271–278
cities 12, 23, 24–33, 273–274 combined heat and power see CHP
agriculture in see building-integrated Combi-Plant scheme 177, 183
agriculture; urban agriculture commercial sector see businesses
air quality in 209 communications 98, 99, 146
carbon-neutral see Masdar City community participation 12, 19, 23,
car dependency in 43–44, 220–221 105–106, 114, 118–119, 139, 181,
and climate change 87, 88–89 283–284
community-internal systems 29–33 see also cooperatives; hundred per
compact 45, 253 cent renewable community
emission reduction initiatives in compact cities 45, 253
88–89 concentrating solar power (CSP) plants
as energy constructs 31–33 36–37, 188
geothermal energy for 17–18 controlled environment agriculture
land use in 251–252, 253–255 (CEA) see building-integrated
renewable energy investment in agriculture
259–260 conventional power supply industry 49,
renewable energy options for 57, 62
252–255 costs/risks in 50, 52, 59
renewable energy potential in and energy security 6, 57
256–262 and ET 13
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