UNHCR Has A Zero-Tolerance Policy On Fraud and Corruption.: Important Information On Resettlement For Refugees in Rwanda
UNHCR Has A Zero-Tolerance Policy On Fraud and Corruption.: Important Information On Resettlement For Refugees in Rwanda
UNHCR Has A Zero-Tolerance Policy On Fraud and Corruption.: Important Information On Resettlement For Refugees in Rwanda
All UNHCR resettlement files are kept strictly confidential. UNHCR has a zero-tolerance policy on
UNHCR requests that all refugees whose cases are considered fraud and corruption.
for resettlement sign declarations authorizing UNHCR to share
all information and any documents pertaining to them and UNHCR is committed to combating fraud and corruption
their family members with government officials from the reset- in order to preserve the integrity and credibility of the
tlement country. resettlement process.
Frequently Asked Questions Any refugee who attempts to commit fraud relating to his or her
resettlement case may be permanently disqualified from reset-
How do I know if I am being considered for resettlement? tlement under UNHCR auspices.
You should not assume that you have a resettlement case
Fraud is illegal under Rwandan law, and those found to have
unless you are interviewed by a UNHCR staff member who
committed fraud may be subject to prosecution. Examples of
informs you that your case may be considered for resettle-
fraud include:
ment submission.
Should I stop working or studying when my case is considered
Giving false information about any aspect of personal histo-
ry, including the reason for flight to or the period of asylum
for resettlement? No. It is your responsibility to continue any
in Rwanda.
activities that you have started. There is no guarantee that
you will be resettled, and, if you are resettled, jobs skills and Claiming a false identity or attempting to substitute one
education might be required and will be of fundamental im- person for another.
portance in order to survive in your new country.
Not being precise and accurate about a relationship to
If I have been interviewed for resettlement, when should I someone on the case or with a related case.
follow-up on my case? We suggest you allow six months be-
tween the various stages in the resettlement process before Attempting to add a person onto the case who is not a Important
you make an inquiry about your case. UNHCR will contact you genuine member of the family. Information on
if more information is required.
Charging money to refugees for resettlement services. Resettlement for
I have a resettlement case, but what if I prefer to go to the
USA rather than Europe? Resettlement is not a right and
In case of fraud or suspected fraud committed by a refugee, or
in case of corruption committed by a UNHCR or a partner organi-
Refugees in Rwanda
resettlement places are limited; UNHCR does not submit zation staff member, please report to the UNHCR Representative
cases to countries according to refugees’ preferences. in Rwanda or to the Office of the UNHCR Inspector General at
What happens if my case is not accepted for resettlement headquarters (contact details below).
submission by UNHCR? UNHCR will inform you and issue you
a denial letter.
Can I appeal in case of a denial? There is no appeals system UNHCR Representative Rwanda
for resettlement. PO Box 867
Plot 5744 Nyarutarama Road opposite MTN, Kigali
What happens if I have been interviewed for resettlement Rwanda
and there is a change in my family, such as marriage, birth, or Email: [email protected]
death? You should inform UNHCR as soon as possible. With- Fax: +250-252-583-485
Tel: 0252-589874, 589879, 585093
holding this information could compromise your case.
Why is my friend about to depart on resettlement, when I Office of the UNHCR Inspector General
UNHCR Representation office in Rwanda
have no news about my case? There are many reasons why Case Postale 2500 PO Box 867
CH-1211 Geneva 2 Depot Plot 5744 Nyarutarama Road opposite MTN, Kigali
some cases may go through the complex resettlement pro- Switzerland Rwanda
Email: [email protected]
cess more quickly than others, and no two cases are alike. Confidential email: [email protected] Fax: +250-252-583-485
Please have patience. UNHCR will contact you in case there is Confidential fax: +41 22 739 7380 Tel: 0252-589874, 589879, 585093