Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) : Test Suite

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Radio Frequency Physical

Layer (RFPHY)
Bluetooth® Test Suite

▪ Revision: RFPHY.TS.p16
▪ Revision Date: 2021-07-13
▪ Group Prepared By: BTI

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary

Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

This document, regardless of its title or content, is not a Bluetooth Specification subject to the licenses granted by the
Bluetooth SIG Inc. (“Bluetooth SIG”) and its members under the Bluetooth Patent/Copyright License Agreement and
Bluetooth Trademark License Agreement.



This document is proprietary to Bluetooth SIG. This document may contain or cover subject matter that is intellectual
property of Bluetooth SIG and its members. The furnishing of this document does not grant any license to any intellectual
property of Bluetooth SIG or its members.

This document is subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2009–2021 by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Other
third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 References, definitions, and abbreviations ....................................................................................... 7
2.1 References .................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Test Suite Structure (TSS) ................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Test strategy ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Test groups ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Protocol groups .......................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 Test group...............................................................................................................................................8
4 Test cases ............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Test case identification conventions .......................................................................................................9
4.1.2 Conformance ..........................................................................................................................................9
4.2 Common test case conditions ..................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Pass/Fail verdict conventions ..................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Transmitter tests (TRM) .............................................................................................................. 10
4.4.1 Output power ........................................................................................................................................ 10
RFPHY/TRM/BV-01-C [Output power] ........................................................................................................... 11
RFPHY/TRM/BV-18-C [Output power, Class 1] ............................................................................................. 11
RFPHY/TRM/BV-03-C [In-band emissions, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ............................................................ 12
RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ............................................... 14
RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ...................................... 16
RFPHY/TRM/BV-08-C [In-band emissions at 2 Ms/s] .................................................................................... 19
RFPHY/TRM/BV-09-C [Stable Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] .................................... 21
RFPHY/TRM/BV-10-C [Modulation Characteristics at 2 Ms/s] ....................................................................... 22
RFPHY/TRM/BV-11-C [Stable Modulation Characteristics at 2 Ms/s] ........................................................... 23
RFPHY/TRM/BV-12-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift at 2 Ms/s] ............................................................. 24
RFPHY/TRM/BV-13-C [Modulation Characteristics, LE Coded (S=8)] .......................................................... 25
RFPHY/TRM/BV-14-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, LE Coded (S=8)] ................................................. 27
RFPHY/TRM/BV-15-C [Output power, With Constant Tone Extension] ........................................................ 29
RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Constant Tone Extension]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
RFPHY/TRM/BV-17-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift at 2 Ms/s, Constant Tone Extension] ................... 34
4.4.2 Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter ..................................................................................................... 35
RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-01-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot] ............ 36
RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-02-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot] ............ 36
RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-03-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot] ............ 36
RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-04-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot] ............ 36
4.4.3 Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter ....................................................................................... 37
RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-05-C [Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-06-C [Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-07-C [Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-08-C [Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.5 Receiver tests (RCV) .................................................................................................................. 39
RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ........................................................... 39
RFPHY/RCV/BV-03-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ........................ 41
RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ...................................................... 43

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RFPHY/RCV/BV-05-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] ........................................... 45

RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] .............................................. 47
RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]......................................................... 49
RFPHY/RCV/BV-08-C [Receiver sensitivity at 2 Ms/s] .................................................................................. 50
RFPHY/RCV/BV-09-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s] ................................................ 51
RFPHY/RCV/BV-10-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s] .............................................................................. 53
RFPHY/RCV/BV-11-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s] ................................................................... 54
RFPHY/RCV/BV-12-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s] ...................................................................... 56
RFPHY/RCV/BV-13-C [PER Report Integrity at 2 Ms/s] ................................................................................ 57
RFPHY/RCV/BV-14-C [Receiver Sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] .................. 57
RFPHY/RCV/BV-15-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable
Modulation Index] .......................................................................................................................................... 58
RFPHY/RCV/BV-16-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] .............. 59
RFPHY/RCV/BV-17-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ... 60
RFPHY/RCV/BV-18-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ...... 60
RFPHY/RCV/BV-19-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ................ 61
RFPHY/RCV/BV-20-C [Receiver sensitivity at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] .......................................... 62
RFPHY/RCV/BV-21-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ....... 63
RFPHY/RCV/BV-22-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ...................................... 64
RFPHY/RCV/BV-23-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ........................... 64
RFPHY/RCV/BV-24-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] .............................. 65
RFPHY/RCV/BV-25-C [PER Report Integrity at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index] ........................................ 66
RFPHY/RCV/BV-26-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=2)] ...................................................................... 66
RFPHY/RCV/BV-27-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=8)] ...................................................................... 67
RFPHY/RCV/BV-28-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2)].................................... 68
RFPHY/RCV/BV-29-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8)].................................... 71
RFPHY/RCV/BV-30-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=2)] .................................................................... 73
RFPHY/RCV/BV-31-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=8)] .................................................................... 74
RFPHY/RCV/BV-32-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=2), Stable Modulation Index] .............................. 74
RFPHY/RCV/BV-33-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=8), Stable Modulation Index] .............................. 76
RFPHY/RCV/BV-34-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2), Stable Modulation Index]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 77
RFPHY/RCV/BV-35-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8), Stable Modulation Index]
....................................................................................................................................................................... 78
RFPHY/RCV/BV-36-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=2), Stable Modulation Index] ............................ 78
RFPHY/RCV/BV-37-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=8), Stable Modulation Index] ............................ 79
4.5.1 IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver ................................................................................................. 80
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ...................... 81
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-02-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot] ...................... 81
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-03-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ...................... 81
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-04-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot] ...................... 81
4.5.2 IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver ................................................................................................. 82
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]....................... 82
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-06-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]....................... 82
4.5.3 IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver ......................................................................................... 83
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-07-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ............ 84
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-08-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]............ 84
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-09-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ............ 84
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-10-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]............ 84
4.5.4 IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver ......................................................................................... 85
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-11-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ............ 86
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-12-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot] ............ 86
4.6 Test setups examples ................................................................................................................. 87
4.6.1 Test Equipment Setup for AoD Receiver .............................................................................................. 87
4.6.2 Test Equipment Setup for AoA Receiver or AoD Transmitter ............................................................... 88

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5 Test case mapping ............................................................................................................................. 89

6 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 93
6.1 Reference Signal Definition ........................................................................................................ 93
6.2 Normal Operating Conditions (NOC) .......................................................................................... 94
6.2.1 Normal Temperature and Air Humidity.................................................................................................. 94
6.2.2 Nominal Supply Voltage........................................................................................................................ 94
6.3 Packet Error Rate / Bit Error Rate Measurements ..................................................................... 94
6.3.1 PER Test Definition............................................................................................................................... 94
6.3.2 BER to PER Mapping ........................................................................................................................... 95
6.4 Definition of the Position of Bit p0 ............................................................................................. 101
6.5 Measurement Uncertainty ......................................................................................................... 101
6.6 Packet Lengths ......................................................................................................................... 102
6.7 Number of Valid IQ Sample Pairs ............................................................................................. 103
6.7.1 Maximum Number of Packets for IQ Coherency Measurements ........................................................ 103
7 Revision history and acknowledgments ........................................................................................ 105

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

1 Scope
This Bluetooth document contains the Test Suite Structure (TSS) and test cases (TC) to test the
implementation of the physical layer of the Bluetooth Low Energy controller specification (RFPHY) with
the objective to provide a basis for interoperability for a device or submodule giving a high probability of
air interface interoperability between the tested implementation and other manufacturers’

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2 References, definitions, and abbreviations

2.1 References
This Bluetooth document incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereinafter. Additional definitions and abbreviations can be found in [1] and [2]. Mathematical conventions
used in this document comply with the definitions given in [1].

[1] Bluetooth Test Strategy and Terminology Overview

[2] Bluetooth Specification, Version 4.0 or later, Vol. 6, Part A; Physical Layer Specification
[3] ICS Proforma for RFPHY
[4] Bluetooth Specification, Version 4.0 or later, Vol. 6, Part F; Direct Test Mode
[5] Bluetooth Core IXIT Proforma
[6] Bluetooth Core Specification Addendum 5, Volume 6, Part A; Physical Layer Specification
[7] Bluetooth Specification, Version 5.0 or later, Vol. 6, Part A; Physical Layer Specification
[8] Bluetooth Specification, Version 5.1 or later, Vol. 6, Part A; Physical Layer Specification
[9] Bluetooth Specification, Version 5.1 or later, Vol. 6, Part F; Direct Test Mode

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3 Test Suite Structure (TSS)

3.1 Test strategy
The two primary objectives of the Bluetooth low energy RFPHY test strategy are:

• To ensure interoperability between all Bluetooth low energy devices in the marketplace

• To verify that a basic level of system performance is guaranteed for all Bluetooth low energy
The objectives are met by performing a series of functional and parametric tests over the allowed range
of parameter variation.

With these objectives in mind, the creation of the test strategy also takes into account ways to reduce the
test execution time required for product qualification.

In order to avoid qualification test redundancy, telecommunication regulatory motivated tests are not
included in the Bluetooth qualification requirements. Meeting the regulatory requirements is guaranteed
by passing mandatory telecommunication regulatory tests prior to, or followed by, Bluetooth qualification.

3.2 Test groups

The test groups are organized in two levels. The first level defines the protocol groups representing the
protocol services. The second level separates the protocol services in functional modules. All tests are
Capability tests as defined in the standard ISO subgroups.

3.2.1 Protocol groups

The protocol group identifies the kind of test for Bluetooth low energy RFPHY test purposes:

• Transmitter

• Receiver

3.2.2 Test group

The test group used for the Bluetooth low energy RFPHY Test Suite is the capability group. This test
group provides testing of the major IUT capabilities aiming to ensure that the claimed capabilities are
correctly supported, according to the ICS.

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4 Test cases
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Test case identification conventions
Test cases shall be assigned unique identifiers per the conventions in [1]. The convention used here is:
<spec abbreviation>/<IUT role>/<class>/<feat>/<func>/<subfunc>/<cap>/<xx>-<nn>-<y>.

Bolded ID parts shall appear in the order prescribed. Non-bolded ID parts (if applicable) shall appear
between the bolded parts. The order of the non-bolded parts may vary from test suite to test suite, but
shall be consistent within each individual test suite.

Identifier Abbreviation Spec Identifier <spec abbreviation>

RFPHY Bluetooth Low Energy physical layer specification

Identifier Abbreviation Class Identifier <class>

RCV Receiver Tests

TRM Transmitter Tests

Identifier Abbreviation Feature Identifier <feat>

IQC IQ samples Coherency

IQDR IQ samples Dynamic Range

PS Power Stability

Table 4.1: RFPHY TC naming conventions

4.1.2 Conformance
When conformance is claimed for a particular specification, all capabilities are to be supported in the
specified manner (process-mandatory). The mandated tests from this Test Suite depend on the
capabilities to which conformance is claimed.

The Bluetooth Qualification Program may employ tests to verify implementation robustness. The level of
implementation robustness that is verified varies from one specification to another and may be revised for
cause based on interoperability issues found in the market.

Such tests may verify:

• That claimed capabilities may be used in any order and any number of repetitions that is not excluded
by the specification

• That capabilities enabled by the implementations are sustained over durations expected by the use

• That the implementation gracefully handles any quantity of data expected by the use case

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• That in cases where more than one valid interpretation of the specification exists, the implementation
complies with at least one interpretation and gracefully handles other interpretations

• That the implementation is immune to attempted security exploits

A single execution of each of the required tests is required in order to constitute a pass verdict. However,
it is noted that in order to provide a foundation for interoperability, it is necessary that a qualified
implementation consistently and repeatedly pass any of the applicable tests.

In any case, where a member finds an issue with the test plan generated by Launch Studio, the test case
as described in the Test Suite, or with the test system utilized, the member is required to notify the
responsible party via an errata request such that the issue may be addressed.

4.2 Common test case conditions

Unless stated otherwise in individual test cases the following applies throughout this test suite:

1. The IUT is connected to the tester via a 50Ω connector. If there is no antenna interface, a temporary
50Ω interface or a suitable coupling device may be used.
2. The test case is to be performed at normal operating conditions.
Bluetooth low energy operates in the global ISM frequency band located at 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz.
The Bluetooth low energy system uses center frequencies 2402 + n*2 MHz, where n = 0,1,2…39. The
total number of communication frequencies is 40.

The Bluetooth low energy RFPHY Test Suite uses the direct test mode in all transmit and receive test
cases [4]. In direct test mode, hopping is disabled and the IUT’s transmit and receive frequencies are set
according to the frequencies for testing defined for each test.

Note that the test frequencies differ depending on the profile role(s) implemented. For devices or products
supporting both connectible and non-connectible roles (e.g., peripheral and broadcaster roles), the
frequencies for testing shall be as for the connectible role(s) supported.

4.3 Pass/Fail verdict conventions

Each test case has an Expected Outcome section. The IUT is granted the Pass verdict when all the
detailed pass criteria conditions within the Expected Outcome section are met.

The convention in this Test Suite is that, unless there is a specific set of fail conditions outlined in the test
case, the IUT fails the test case as soon as one of the pass criteria conditions cannot be met. If this
occurs, the outcome of the test is a Fail verdict.

4.4 Transmitter tests (TRM)

4.4.1 Output power
• Test Purpose
This test verifies the maximum peak and average power emitted from the IUT.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 3

[6] Chapter 3

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• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PAVG Requirements

RFPHY/TRM/BV-01-C [Output power] -20 dBm ≤ PAVG ≤ +10 dBm

RFPHY/TRM/BV-18-C [Output power, Class 1] +10 dBm < PAVG ≤ +20 dBm

Table 4.2: Output power test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload (MAX_TX_LENGTH octets). See [4]
Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
2. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case)

Frequency span Zero span

Resolution BW 3 MHz

Video BW 3 MHz

Detector Peak

Mode Clear/Write

Sweep time Must cover at least one complete test packet

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

3. Upon packet transmission, the tester is triggered to make a sweep over the duration of one
packet. The sweep shall start at the beginning of the first bit in the preamble.
4. The peak power value, PPK, of the sweep is recorded.
5. The tester calculates average power PAVG over at least 20%–80% of the duration of the burst
(position of p0 defines the beginning of the burst; see Chapter 6.4 Definition of the Position of Bit
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated for the remaining frequencies for testing defined in the the test condition

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

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Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values shall fulfill the following conditions:

PPK ≤ (PAVG + 3 dB)

PAVG(EIRP) ≤ 100 mW (20 dBm) EIRP

PAVG meets the requirements in Table 4.2.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-03-C [In-band emissions, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the in-band spectral emissions are within limits at normal operating conditions
when the transmitter is operating with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 3.2

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in frequencies for testing
defined in the test condition section.
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload (MAX_TX_LENGTH octets). See [4],
Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. Set N:=0

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4. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency 2401 MHz + N MHz

Frequency span 1 MHz

Resolution BW 100 kHz

Video BW 300 kHz

Detector Average

Mode Maximum hold

Sweep time 100 ms

Number of sweeps 10
5. Measure the power levels, PTX_N,i at the following 10 frequencies: (2401 MHz + N MHz) –
450 kHz + i100 kHz, where i=0…9
6. Calculate and record PTX = (PTX_N,i)
7. Increase center frequency by 1 MHz; N:=N+1 AND skip to next frequency if the increased
frequency equals to fTX or "fTX – 1 MHz" or "fTX + 1 MHz".
8. Repeat steps 4–7 until the center frequency is 2481 MHz
9. Set the IUT transmit frequency (fTX) to:
10. The mid operating frequency defined in the frequencies for testing defined in the test condition
section and
11. The high operating frequency defined in the frequencies for testing defined in the test condition
12. Repeat steps 3–8 for both frequencies.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions:

PTX ≤ -20 dBm for (fTX  2 MHz)

PTX ≤ -30 dBm for (fTX  [3 + n] MHz]); where n=0,1,2…

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For each operating frequency, up to three bands of 1 MHz width (as defined in the measurement) can
be exempted from the requirements. The excepted values shall however comply with an absolute
value of PTX ≤ -20 dBm.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the modulation characteristics of the transmitted signal are correct when the
transmitter is operating with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 3.1

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to transmit at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH octet packet payload consisting of a
repetitive sequence of 0Fhex octets (11110000bin in transmission order). See [4], Section 4, “LE
Test Packet Definition”, for details.
3. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency lowest frequency for testing as defined in the test condition

Mode FM demodulation

Demodulator filter BW 2 MHz (minimum)

Filter passband ripple 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within 550 kHz

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

Recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics:

 650 kHz -3 dB

 1 MHz -14 dB

 2 MHz -44 dB
4. The payload is FM demodulated with the settings described in 3. The measurement shall start at
the beginning of the fifth bit of the payload (see Figure 4.1 for description). The last four bits in
the payload shall be disregarded (i.e., last bit in the measurement is the fourth bit in the
MAX_TX_LENGTHth octet).

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5. Each individual bit is to be oversampled at least 32 times. The sequence center frequency; f1ccf
is calculated as the average frequency of all samples over each 00001111bin sequence.
6. For the second, third, sixth and seventh bits in each 00001111bin sequence, the absolute value
of the frequency offset from f1ccf is recorded as ∆f1max. ∆f1max is defined as the average deviation
for each individual bit. See Figure 4.2 for reference.
7. The average frequency value of all ∆f1max frequencies in a packet is calculated and recorded as
8. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH octet payload consisting of a
repetitive sequence of 55hex octets (10101010bin in transmission order). See [4], Section 4, “LE
Test Packet Definition” for details.
9. The payload is FM demodulated with the settings described in 3. The measurement shall start at
the beginning of the fifth bit in the payload field. The last four bits in the payload shall be
disregarded (i.e. last bit in the measurement is the fourth bit in the MAX_TX_LENGTHth octet).
10. Each individual bit is to be oversampled at least 32 times. The sequence center frequency; f2ccf
is calculated as the average frequency of all samples over each 10101010bin sequence.
11. The maximum deviation from the sequence center frequency, f2ccf is recorded as ∆f2max for each
individual bit. See Figure 4.2 for reference.
12. The average frequency value of all ∆f2max frequencies in a packet is calculated and recorded as
13. Steps 2–12 are repeated for a minimum of 10 packets.
14. Steps 2–13 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in
the test condition section.


Note: Df1max is defined as

the average of the
samples within the
bit period
f Df1max6 Df1max7
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

frequency for

Df1max2 Df1max3
Sequence #1 Sequence #2
Start of payload field

Start of Start of
measurement #1 measurement #2

Figure 4.1: Frequency deviation measurement principle for 11110000-payload sequence

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1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Df2max1 Df2max3 Df2max5 Df2max7


frequency for


Df2max2 Df2max4 Df2max6 Df2max8

Start of payload field 10101010 - Sequence #1 10101010 - Sequence #2

Start of Start of
measurement #1 measurement #2

Figure 4.2: Frequency deviation measurement principle for 10101010-payload sequence

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies:

225 kHz ≤ Df1avg ≤ 275 kHz

At least 99.9% of all ∆f2max frequency values recorded over 10 LE test packets are greater than
185 kHz

Df 2 avg
 0.8
Df 1avg

• Notes
To compensate for the statistical distribution of individual samples, the decision criteria is applied to
99.9% of the sample values.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the carrier frequency offset and carrier drift of the transmitted signal with
uncoded data at 1 Ms/s is within specified limits at normal operating conditions.

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• Reference
[2] Chapter 3.3

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to transmit at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case.
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH octet payload consisting of a
repetitive sequence of 55hex octets (10101010bin in transmission order) in the payload . See [4],
Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency lowest frequency for testing defined in the test condition

Mode FM demodulation

Demodulator filter BW 2 MHz (minimum)

Filter passband ripple 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within 550 kHz

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

Recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics:

 650 kHz -3 dB

 1 MHz -14 dB

 2 MHz -44 dB

4. The packet is FM demodulated with the settings described in step 3. The measurement is to be
performed at the start of the preamble field in the transmitted packet. The tester integrates the
frequency of the FM demodulated signal from the center of the first preamble bit to the center of
the first bit following the 8th preamble bit, 8 bits in total. See Figure 4.3 for reference.
5. The integral sum in 4 is considered to be the initial carrier frequency of the IUT, and is recorded
as f0.
6. Throughout the payload of the packet, the tester integrates the frequency of the FM
demodulated signal in 10-bit intervals, starting at the second bit in the payload. The
measurement is repeated until the end of the payload duration. The last 10-bit sequence should
not overlap the CRC-field at the end of the packet. See Figure 4.4 for reference. The integral
sums are recorded as fn, where n is an integer from 1 to k. fk represents the last integral sum
before the start of the CRC field in the packet.
7. Steps 2–6 are repeated for a minimum of 10 packets.

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8. Steps 2–7 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

fTX0 Actual center frequency

fTX Nominal center frequency

Integration interval
02.12.2008 - 09.12.2008
Start of preamble Start of sync word

Figure 4.3: Initial frequency offset (f0) measurement principle

Sync word and Payload

Preamble header/length field
f 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0


Integration interval #1 Integration interval #2

Integration interval f1
9/22/2017 - 9/29/2017 f2
9/22/2017 - 9/29/2017

9/22/2017 - 9/29/2017 t
Start of Start of sync Start of
preamble word payload field

Figure 4.4: Frequency drift measurement principle

sync word, header-

and length fields Payload

f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7
Frequency drift rate #0 = f1 –
f0 (57.5ms interval)

Frequency drift
Frequency rate
drift rate#1
1 == – f(50ms
fn f–6 fn-5 1 (50ms interval)
Frequency drift rate #2 = f7 – f2 (50ms interval)
Frequency drift rate #3 = f8 – f3 (50ms interval)

Figure 4.5: Frequency drift rate measurement principle

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
The maximum drift rate is 20 kHz/50 µs, anywhere in the packet. The maximum drift rate applies to
the difference between any two 10-bit groups separated by 50 µs within the payload field of the

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packet transmitted by the IUT. The requirement also applies to the frequency difference between the
initial frequency measurement f0 and the first payload frequency measurement f1. See Figure 4.5 for

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies.

Pass verdict

fTX – 150 kHz ≤ fn ≤ fTX + 150 kHz

where fTX is the nominal transmit frequency and n=0,1,2,3…k

|f0 – fn| ≤ 50 kHz

where n=2,3,4…k

f1 − f 0 ≤ 23 kHz and f n − f n −5 n =6 , 7 ,8...k

≤ 20 kHz

In all of the above pass verdict requirements, fk is the last frequency measurement before the CRC

RFPHY/TRM/BV-08-C [In-band emissions at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the in-band spectral emissions are within limits at normal operating conditions
when the transmitter is operating at 2 Ms/s.

• Reference
[7] Chapter 3.2.2

• Initial Condition
The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

IUT is set for a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload (MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M octets) at
2 Ms/s symbol rate. See [4], Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. Set N:=0

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4. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency 2401 MHz + N MHz

Frequency span 1 MHz

Resolution BW 100 kHz

Video BW 300 kHz

Detector Average

Mode Maximum hold

Sweep time 100 ms

Number of sweeps 10
5. Measure the power levels, PTX_N,i at the following 10 frequencies:(2401 MHz + N MHz) –
450 kHz + i100 kHz, where i=0…9
6. Calculate and record PTX = ∑(PTX_N,i)
7. Increase center frequency by 1 MHz; N:=N+1 AND skip to next frequency if the increased
frequency equals to fTX or “fTX - 1MHz” or “fTX + 1MHz” or “fTX - 2MHz” or “fTX + 2MHz” or “fTX - 3MHz” or “fTX +
8. Repeat steps 4–7 until the center frequency is 2481MHz.
9. Set the IUT transmit frequency (fTX) to:
10. The mid operating frequency as defined in the test condition section, and
11. The high operating frequency as defined in the test condition section
12. Repeat steps 3–8 for both frequencies.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fTX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions:

PTX ≤ -20 dBm for (fTX  4 MHz)

PTX ≤ -20 dBm for (fTX  5 MHz)

PTX ≤ -30 dBm for (fTX  [6 + n] MHz]); where n=0,1,2…

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For each operating frequency, up to three bands of 1 MHz width (as defined in the measurement) can
be exempted from the requirements. The excepted values shall however comply with an absolute
value of PTX ≤ -20 dBm.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-09-C [Stable Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the modulation characteristics are within limits to be considered a Stable Modulation
Index when the transmitter is operating with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 3.1.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict
All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies:

247.5 kHz ≤ ∆f1avg ≤ 252.5 kHz

At least 99.9% of all ∆f2max frequency values recorded over 10 LE test packets are greater than
185 kHz.

Df 2avg
 0.8
Df 1avg

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RFPHY/TRM/BV-10-C [Modulation Characteristics at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the modulation characteristics of the transmitted signal are correct when the
transmitter is operating at 2 Ms/s.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 3.1.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but transmitter is
operating at 2 Ms/s symbol rate. The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed)
is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but transmitter is
operating at 2 Ms/s symbol rate.

In all steps the value MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of MAX_TX_LENGTH.

In step 3, the demodulator filter BW shall be set to a minimum of 4MHz. The demodulator filter
passband ripple shall be 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within ±1.1 MHz. The following measurement
channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics shall be used:

±1.3 MHz -3 dB

±2.0 MHz -14 dB

±4.0 MHz -44 dB

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values must fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies:

450 kHz ≤ ∆f1avg ≤ 550 kHz

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At least 99.9% of all ∆f2max frequency values recorded over 10 LE test packets must be greater than
370 kHz.

Df 2 avg
 0.8
Df 1avg

RFPHY/TRM/BV-11-C [Stable Modulation Characteristics at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the modulation characteristics are within limits for Stable Modulation Index when the
transmitter is operating at 2 Ms/s.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 3.1.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but transmitter is
operating at 2 Ms/s symbol rate. The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed)
is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-05-C [Modulation Characteristics, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitter is
operating at 2 Ms/s symbol rate.

In all steps the value MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of MAX_TX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies:

495 kHz ≤ ∆f1avg ≤ 505 kHz

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At least 99.9% of all ∆f2max frequency values recorded over 10 LE test packets are greater than
370 kHz.

Df 2 avg
 0.8
Df 1avg

RFPHY/TRM/BV-12-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the carrier frequency offset and carrier drift of the transmitted signal at 2 Ms/s is
within specified limits at normal operating conditions.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 3.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]. The value
of MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but with the
following differences:

In all steps the transmitter is set to operate at 2 Ms/s symbol rate.

In all steps the value MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of MAX_TX_LENGTH.

In step 3, the demodulator filter passband ripple shall be 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within ±1.1 MHz.

In step 3, the recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics should
be as follows:

±1.3 MHz -3 dB

±2.0 MHz -14 dB

±4.0 MHz -44 dB

In step 4, the tester is to integrate the frequency of the FM demodulated signal from the center of the
first preamble bit to the center of the first bit following the 16th preamble bit, 16 bits in total.

In step 6, the tester should integrate the frequency of the FM demodulated signal in 20-bit intervals.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

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Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-06-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] except that
the maximum drift rate applies to the difference between any two 20-bit groups separated by 50µs
within the payload field of the packet transmitted by the IUT.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-13-C [Modulation Characteristics, LE Coded (S=8)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the modulation characteristics of the transmitted signal are correct for an LE
Coded signal (S=8). The IUT is placed in direct test mode with the PHY set to LE Coded (S=8). Test
packets are generated and the encoding is confirmed for correctness.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 3.1

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is performed) is specified in

Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to transmit at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 octet packet payload
consisting of a repetitive sequence of 0xFF octets (binary ‘11111111’ in transmission order). See
[4], Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition”, for details. This sequence, once passed through the
S=8 encoder, becomes a repetitive sequence of ‘00111100’ symbols. The symbol duration is

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3. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency lowest frequency for testing as defined in the test condition

Mode FM demodulation

Demodulator filter BW 2 MHz (minimum)

Filter passband ripple 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within 550 kHz

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

Recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics:

 650 kHz -3 dB

 1 MHz -14 dB

 2 MHz -44 dB
4. The payload is FM demodulated with the settings described in step 3. The measurement shall
start at the beginning of the 31st symbol in the payload. The last 34 symbols in the payload shall
be disregarded.
5. Each individual symbol is to be oversampled at least 32 times. The sequence center frequency
f1ccf is calculated as the average frequency of all samples over each ‘00001111’ sequence.
6. For the second, third, sixth and seventh symbols in each ‘00001111’ sequence, the absolute
value of the frequency offset from f1ccf is recorded as ∆f1max. ∆f1max is defined as the average
deviation for each individual symbol. See Figure 4.1 for reference.
7. The average frequency value of all ∆f1max frequencies in a packet is calculated and recorded as
8. Steps 2–7 are repeated for a minimum of 10 packets.
9. Steps 2–8 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium, and high frequencies:

225 kHz ≤ ∆f1avg ≤ 275 kHz

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At least 99.9% of all ∆f1max frequency values recorded over 10 LE test packets are greater than
185 kHz.

• Notes
To compensate for the statistical distribution of individual samples, the decision criteria is applied to
99.9% of the sample values.

RFPHY/TRM/BV-14-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, LE Coded (S=8)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the carrier frequency offset and carrier drift of the transmitted signal is within
specified limits at normal operating conditions for LE Coded PHY with S=8.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 3.3

• Initial Condition
The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.

Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

The value of MAX_TX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to transmit at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 octet payload
consisting of a repetitive sequence of 0xFF octets (binary ‘11111111’ in transmission order) in
the payload. See [4], Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details. This sequence, once
passed through the S=8 encoder, becomes a repetitive sequence of ‘00111100’ symbols. The
symbol duration is 1 µs.
3. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency lowest frequency for testing as defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition
section of this test case)

Mode FM demodulation

Demodulator filter BW 2 MHz (minimum)

Filter passband ripple 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within 550 kHz

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

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Recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics:

 650 kHz -3 dB

 1 MHz -14 dB

 2 MHz -44 dB
4. The packet is FM demodulated with the settings described in step 3. The measurement shall
start at the beginning of the 3rd symbol of the preamble field in the transmitted packet. The
tester integrates the frequency of the FM demodulated signal in groups of 16 symbols. The first
symbol in the integration group corresponds to the third symbol of the preamble (first 1 of the
‘11110000’… sequence). The last 14 symbols of the preamble shall be disregarded.
5. The integral sums of the four integration periods are recorded as f0, f1, f2, and f3.
6. Throughout the payload of the packet, the tester integrates the frequency of the FM
demodulated signals in 16-symbol intervals, starting at the 27th symbol in the PDU payload and
until the (8*MAX_TX_LENGTH_CODED_S8)th symbol. The last 16-symbol sequence should not
overlap the CRC-field at the end of the packet. See Figure 4.6 for reference. The integral sums
are recorded as fn, when n is an integer from 5 to k. fk represents the last integral sum before the
start of the CRC field in the packet.
7. Steps 2–7 are repeated for a minimum of 10 packets.
8. Steps 2–7 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

16us 16us 16us 16us 26us 16us 16us 16us 16us 16us 16us

f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 fk
48us 48us
First 2 Last 14
symbols of symbols of 48us
preamble preamble

Figure 4.6: Frequency drift rate measurement principle for S=8

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
The maximum drift rate is 19.2 kHz/48 µs, anywhere in the packet. The maximum drift rate applies to
the difference between any two groups of 16 symbols separated by 48 µs within the payload field of
the packet transmitted by the IUT. The requirement also applies to the frequency difference between
the initial frequency measurement f0 and f3 within the preamble. See Figure 4.6 for reference.

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies.

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Pass verdict

fTX – 150 kHz ≤ fn ≤ fTX + 150 kHz

where fTX is the nominal transmit frequency and n=0,1,2,3…k

|f0 – fn| ≤ 50 kHz

where n= 1,2,3…k

|f0 – f3| ≤ 19.2 kHz and

|fn – f(n-3)| ≤ 19.2 kHz

where n= 7,8,9…k

In all of the above pass verdict requirements, fk is the last frequency measurement before the CRC

RFPHY/TRM/BV-15-C [Output power, With Constant Tone Extension]

This test verifies the maximum peak and average power emitted from the IUT when transmitting with a
Constant Tone Extension.

• Reference
[8] Chapter 3

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The values of MAX_TX_LENGTH and TSPX_CTE_len_max (for which the TC is performed) are
specified in Section 6.6.
- The IUT is set to transmit AoA Constant Tone Extensions.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload (MAX_TX_LENGTH octets) and with
TSPX_CTE_len_max * 8 μs Constant Tone Extension. See [9], Section 4, “LE Test Packet
Definition” for details.

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2. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of
this test case)

Frequency span Zero span

Resolution BW 3 MHz

Video BW 3 MHz

Detector Peak

Mode Clear/Write

Sweep time Must cover at least one complete test packet

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

3. Upon packet transmission, the tester is triggered to make a sweep over the duration of one
packet. The sweep shall start at the beginning of the first bit in the preamble.
4. The peak power value, PPK, of the sweep is recorded.
5. The tester calculates average power PAVG over at least 20% to 80% of the duration of the burst
(position of p0 defines the beginning of the burst; see Section 6.4 Definition of the Position of Bit
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated for the remaining frequencies defined in the test condition section.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following conditions:

1. -20 dBm ≤ PAVG ≤ +20 dBm

2. PPK ≤ (PAVG + 3 dB)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s,

Constant Tone Extension]
This test verifies that the carrier frequency offset and carrier drift of the transmitted Constant Tone
Extension portion in a transmitted signal with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s with a Constant Tone Extension is
within specified limits at normal operating conditions.

• Reference
[8] Chapter 3.3

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The values of MAX_TX_LENGTH and TSPX_CTE_len_max (for which the TC is performed) are
specified in Section 6.6.
- The IUT is set to transmit AoA Constant Tone Extensions.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to transmit at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The IUT transmits LE test packets with MAX_TX_LENGTH octet payload consisting of a
repetitive sequence of 0Fhex octets (11110000bin in transmission order) in the payload and with
TSPX_CTE_len_max * 8 μs Constant Tone Extension. See [9] Section 4, “LE Test Packet
Definition” for details.
3. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:

Center frequency lowest frequency for testing as defined in the frequencies for
testing applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition
section of this test case)

Mode FM demodulation

Demodulator filter BW 2 MHz (minimum)

Filter passband ripple 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within 550 kHz

Trigger RF (trigger on rising edge)

Recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics;

 650 kHz -3 dB

 1 MHz -14 dB

 2 MHz -44 dB

4. The payload is FM demodulated with the settings described in 3. The average frequency
deviation measurement shall start at the beginning of the fifth bit of the payload (See Figure 4.7
for description). The last four bits in the payload shall be disregarded (i.e. last bit in the
measurement is the fourth bit in the MAX_TX_LENGTHth octet).

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5. Each individual bit is to be oversampled at least 32 times. The sequence center frequency; f1ccf
is calculated as the average frequency of all samples over each 00001111bin sequence.
6. For the second, third, sixth and seventh bits in each 00001111bin sequence, the absolute value
of the frequency offset from f1ccf is recorded as ∆f1max. ∆f1max is defined as the average deviation
for each individual bit. See Figure 4.7 for reference.
7. The average frequency value of all ∆f1max frequencies in a packet is calculated and recorded as
8. The initial frequency offset measurement f0 is to be performed at the start of the preamble field
in the transmitted packet. The tester integrates the frequency of the FM demodulated signal from
the center of the first preamble bit to the center of the first bit following the 8th preamble bit, 8
bits in total. See Figure 4.8 for reference.
9. The integral sum in 4 is considered to be the initial carrier frequency of the IUT, and is recorded
as f0.
10. The average center frequency measurement fp is to be performed starting at the (n+1)th bit of
the payload and covering 16 bits, where n = (MAX_TX_LENGTH * 8) - 20. The first n bits and
the last 4 bits shall not be used for this measurement. See Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10 for
11. The average frequency deviation measurement f3maxi and carrier frequency offset measurement
fsi within the Constant Tone Extension are to be performed starting at the first bit of the
reference period within the Constant Tone Extension covering 16 µs units. The first 4µs of the
Constant Tone Extension shall not be used for the measurement. For bursts with odd number of
Constant Tone Extension units, the last 4µs of the Constant Tone Extension portion shall not be
used. For bursts with even number of Constant Tone Extension units, the last 12µs of the
Constant Tone Extension portion shall not be used for the measurement. fsi shall be recorded as
f3maxi - ∆f1avg. See Figure 4.11 for reference.
12. Steps 2–11 are repeated for a minimum of 10 packets.
13. Steps 2–12 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in
the test condition section.


Note: Df1max is defined as

the average of the
samples within the
bit period
f Df1max6 Df1max7
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

frequency for

Df1max2 Df1max3
Sequence #1 Sequence #2
Start of payload field

Start of Start of
measurement #1 measurement #2

Figure 4.7: Frequency deviation measurement principle for 11110000-payload sequence

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1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

fTX0 Actual center frequency

fTX Nominal center frequency

Integration interval
02.12.2008 - 09.12.2008
Start of preamble Start of sync word

Figure 4.8: Initial carrier frequency (f0) measurement principle

Sync word, header, length, CTEInfo


Preamble CRC


Last 4 bits of payload

Figure 4.9: Average center frequency measurement (fp) measurement location

Frequency Deviation

Time (bits or symbols)

= Mean Frequency
Deviation over the 16 bit
00001111bin sequence

Figure 4.10: Average center frequency measurement (fp) principle

Constant Tone Extension

Guard Reference Odd number of CTE

(4ms) 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 4ms
(8ms) Units

Constant Tone Extension

Guard Reference Even number of CTE

(4ms) 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 8ms 4ms
(8ms) Units

Figure 4.11: Average frequency deviation measurement principle

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

fTX – 150 kHz ≤ fsi ≤ fTX + 150 kHz

where fTX is the nominal transmit frequency and i=0,1,2,3…k

|fs1 – fp| ≤ 19.2 kHz

|fsi – f0| ≤ 50 kHz

where i=1,2,3,4…k

|fsi – fsi-3| ≤ 19.2 kHz

where i=4…k

RFPHY/TRM/BV-17-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift at 2 Ms/s, Constant Tone

This test verifies that the carrier frequency offset and carrier drift of the transmitted Constant Tone
Extension portion in a transmitted signal at 2 Ms/s with a Constant Tone Extension is within specified
limits at normal operating conditions.

• Reference
[8] Chapter 3.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Constant
Tone Extension]. The values of MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M and TSPX_CTE_len_max (for which the TC
is performed) are specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Constant
Tone Extension], but with the following differences:

In all steps the transmitter is set to operate at 2 Ms/s symbol rate.

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In all steps the value MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of MAX_TX_LENGTH.

In step 3 the demodulator filter passband ripple shall be 0.5 dB peak-to-peak max. within ±1.1 MHz.

In step 3 the recommended measurement channel filter minimum attenuator characteristics should be
as follows:

±1.3 MHz -3 dB

±2.0 MHz -14 dB

±4.0 MHz -44 dB

In step 8 the tester is to integrate the frequency of the FM demodulated signal from the center of the
first preamble bit to the center of the first bit following the 16th preamble bit, 16 bits in total.

In step 10 the average center frequency measurement fp is to be performed starting at the (n+1)th bit
of the payload and covering 32 bits, where n = (MAX_TX_LENGTH_2M * 8) - 36. The first n bits and
the last 4 bits shall not be used for this measurement.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C [Carrier frequency offset and drift, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Constant
Tone Extension], except:

|fs1 – fp| ≤ 13.6 kHz

4.4.2 Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the AoD transmit signal has settled at the beginning of the reference period and
the transmit slots, and remains stable within the reference period and transmit slots, respectively.

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The values of TSPX_CTE_len_max (for which the TC is performed) are specified in Section 6.6.

- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.3.

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY Slot Duration

RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-01-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD 1 Ms/s 2 µs

Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-02-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD 1 Ms/s 1 µs

Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-03-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD 2 Ms/s 2 µs

Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-04-C [Tx Power Stability, AoD 2 Ms/s 1 µs

Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]

Table 4.3: Tx Power Stability, AoD Transmitter test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT transmits LE test packets with no payload and with TSPX_CTE_len_max * 8 µs
Constant Tone Extension with switching slots as specified in Table 4.3. See [9], Section 4,
“LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
2. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:
- Center Frequency at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the test condition section
- Frequency Span Zero Span
- Resolution BW 3MHz
- Video BW 3MHz
- Detector Average
3. The RF power of the CTE is measured with the settings described in 2.
4. The tester records PREF,AVE, as the average power during the reference period, measured from
the beginning of the first symbol of the reference period to the end of the last symbol within the
reference period.
5. The tester records PREF,DEV as the maximum absolute deviation between any one sample of the
output power taken during the reference period relative to PREF,AVE, recorded in step 4.
6. For each transmit slot, n, tester records Pn,AVE as the average power within the slot, where n is
an integer from 1 to k, where k is the number of transmit slots within the packet.
7. For each transmit slot, n, tester records Pn,DEV as the as the maximum absolute deviation
between any one sample of the output power within the transmit slot relative to average power
within the slot, PN,AVE, recorded in step 6.

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8. Steps 3–7 are repeated when the IUT is transmitting at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
The maximum deviation of the signal power within the reference period, shall not be more than 25%
of the average signal power measured within the reference period.

The maximum deviation of the signal power within a TX slot shall not be more than 25% of the
average signal power measured within that TX slot.

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies.

Pass verdict

For each frequency, the following conditions are satisfied:

- PREF,DEV / PREF,AVE < 0.25

- Pn,DEV / Pn,AVE < 0.25 for n=1,2,3,…,k

4.4.3 Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the antenna switching occurs during the switching slots of the Constant Tone
Extension for an AoD transmit signal.

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct TX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The values of TSPX_CTE_len_max (for which the TC is performed) are specified in Section 6.6.

- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.4.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY Slot Duration

RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-05-C [Antenna switching integrity, 1 Ms/s 2 µs

AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-06-C [Antenna switching integrity, 1 Ms/s 1 µs

AoD Transmitter at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-07-C [Antenna switching integrity, 2 Ms/s 2 µs

AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Switching Slot]

RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-08-C [Antenna switching integrity, 2 Ms/s 1 µs

AoD Transmitter at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Switching Slot]

Table 4.4: Antenna switching integrity, AoD Transmitter test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT transmits LE test packets with no payload and with TSPX_CTE_len_max * 8 µs
Constant Tone Extension with switching slots as specified in Table 4.4. See [9], Section 4, “LE
Test Packet Definition” for details.
2. The followings settings shall be used for the tester:
- Center Frequency at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the test condition section
- Frequency Span Zero Span
- Resolution BW 3MHz
- Video BW 3MHz
- Detector Average
3. All non-reference antenna ports are disconnected and terminated.
4. Tester records the average output power during nth Tx slot, where n = 1 to k (Nof Tx slots in the
packet), Pn,AVE,OFF.
5. Connect the Xth non reference antenna port, where X = 1 .. number of non-reference antennas.
All other non-reference antennas are disconnected and terminated.
6. Tester records the average output power during the nth Tx slot, where n = 1 to k (Nof Tx slots in
the packet), Pn,X,AVE,ON.
7. Repeat steps 5–6 for all non-reference antennas.

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Expected Outcome
The average signal power measured when an antenna port is connected shall be at least 10 dB
greater than the average signal power measured when the antenna port is disconnected in the
transmit slots corresponding to the antenna.

All measured values fulfill the following conditions at the low, medium and high frequencies.

Pass verdict

For each frequency, the following conditions are satisfied:

- Pm,X,AVE,ON - Pm,AVE,OFF ≥ 10 dB,

where m corresponds to the Tx slot corresponding to the antenna X transmission, and

X = 1 .. Number of non-reference antenna

4.5 Receiver tests (RCV)

RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving a 1 Ms/s signal. The non-ideal signals used in this test are within the
specification limits but deviate from the ideal case.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is -70 dBm.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The tester transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload (MAX_RX_LENGTH octets). See [4],
Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. The signal characteristics of the modulated signal transmitted by the tester are to be changed
over time. The signal parameter sets to be used are described in Table 4.5. All other parameters
shall be as defined in Section 6.1.
4. The tester transmits the first 50 packets using the first parameter set; the next 50 packets are
transmitted using the second parameter set etc. Upon completion of the last parameter set, the
sequence is repeated. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3.

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5. Steps 2–4 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

Test run Carrier frequency offset Modulation index Symbol timing error

1 100 kHz 0.45 - 50 ppm

2 19 kHz 0.48 - 50 ppm
3 - 3 kHz 0.46 + 50 ppm
4 1 kHz 0.52 + 50 ppm
5 52 kHz 0.53 + 50 ppm
6 0 kHz 0.54 - 50 ppm
7 - 56 kHz 0.47 - 50 ppm
8 97 kHz 0.5 - 50 ppm
9 - 25 kHz 0.45 - 50 ppm
10 - 100 kHz 0.55 + 50 ppm

Table 4.5: Transmitter parameter settings for PER test

In addition to fixed frequency offset, frequency drift over time is added to the signal characteristics.
This is implemented by adding a low frequency modulation to the signal. The modulating signal shall
be sinusoidal with deviation of 50 kHz and a modulation frequency of 1250 Hz. The modulating signal
shall be synchronized with the packets so that packets start alternately at 0° and 180° of the
modulating signal. See Figure 4.12 for reference.

Figure 4.12: Dirty transmitter frequency drift emulation principle

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)
Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH is greater than
37 bytes.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-03-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver's performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference with
uncoded data at 1 Ms/s. The receiver mirror image rejection performance is also verified in this test.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
- Refer to Figure 4.13 for test setup principle.

- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The image frequency (fimage) of the receiver relative to the receiver frequency for a symbol rate of
1 Ms/s is declared by the equipment manufacturer as an IXIT value.

- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

- IUT is set for a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s.

- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the low operating frequency listed in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. Two test signals are fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (fRX) with MAX_RX_LENGTH octet PRBS9
payload at a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal
level of the wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -67 dBm.

Interference signal:

Continuous modulated carrier at 2400MHz, modulated with PRBS15 data at a symbol rate of
1 Ms/s. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the interference signal

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at the IUT input port and frequency relative to the receiving frequency shall be as defined in
Table 4.6.

3. The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed in
Table 4.6.
4. Steps 2–3 are repeated for interference frequencies 2400MHz+NMHz where N=1,2,3…83.
5. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3.
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the mid- and high operation frequencies
listed in the test condition section.
Tester implementation

BluetoothLE modulation Signal generator

PRBS15 -67dBm - C/I + Lt
Interferer (Frequency of operation Isolator
and output power as listed Power combiner Counter incremented for
in Table 6.3) each packet received.
Isolator  EUT

Signal generator
Bluetooth LE modulation
Wanted PRBS9 -67dBm + Lt
signal (Frequency of operation
as listed in Chapter 7.3)

Cable, Isolator and power

combiner attenuation

Figure 4.13: C/I- and receiver selectivity test implementation principle

Interference signal frequency1 Interferer signal level at IUT Wanted signal level relative to
input port interference signal level
(C/I requirement)
Co-channel, fRX = finterference -88 dBm 21 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  1 MHz -82 dBm 15 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  2 MHz -50 dBm -17 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  (3+n) MHz -40 dBm -27 dB
Image frequency; finterference = fimage -58 dBm -9 dB
Adjacent channel to image frequency; -52 dBm -15 dB
finterference = fimage  1 MHz

Table 4.6: C/I- and receiver selectivity test parameter settings, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)
Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

If two frequencies defined in Table 4.6 refer to the same physical channel, the less stringent requirement applies.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH is greater than
37 bytes.

For each individual measurement the C/I requirement may be relaxed for a maximum of five
interference frequency settings. The C/I-performance shall in this case be equal to, or better
than -17 dB (Interference level at least 17 dB higher than wanted signal level). This relaxation applies
to the following measurements:

- Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  2 MHz

- Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  (3+n) MHz [n=0,1,2…]

RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver performs satisfactorily with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s in the presence
of interference sources operating outside the 2400MHz – 2483.5MHz band.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 4.3

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. Two test signals are fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Modulated carrier, packets transmitted at the mid operating frequency listed in the frequencies
for testing (listed in the test condition section of this test case) with MAX_RX_LENGTH octet
PRBS9 payload. See Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the wanted signal
at the IUT input port shall be as defined in Table 4.7.

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Blocking signal:

Sinusoidal, un-modulated carrier transmitted at a blocker frequency of fblocker = 30 MHz. Signal

level of the blocker signal at the IUT input port shall be as defined in Table 4.7.

2. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3. If the PER exceeds the minimum requirement,
the frequency is recorded as fbf_1.
3. Repeat steps 1) and 2) for 30MHz  fblocker  12.75GHz with the measurement frequency
resolution defined in Table 4.7.
4. fblocker n+1 = fblocker_n + measurement frequency resolution (n=0,1,2…)
5. The PER measurement is repeated for all recorded frequencies in 4) but with -50 dBm blocker
level at the IUT input ports. If the PER exceeds the minimum requirement, the frequency is
recorded as fbf_2.
Tester implementation

Un-modulated carrier Signal generator

(Frequency of operation Blocker level + Lt
Interferer and output power as Isolator
listed in Table 6.4) Power combiner Counter incremented for
1 each packet received.

Isolator  EUT

Bluetooth LE modulation Signal generator

Wanted PRBS9 -67dBm + Lt
signal (Frequency of operation

Cable, Isolator, circulator

and power combiner

Figure 4.14: Blocking performance test setup principle

Interference signal Wanted signal level at IUT Blocking signal level at IUT Measurement frequency
frequency input port input port resolution

30 – 2000 MHz -67 dBm -30 dBm 10 MHz

2003 – 2399 MHz -67 dBm -35 dBm 3 MHz
2484 – 2997 MHz -67 dBm -35 dBm 3 MHz
3000 MHz – 12.75 GHz -67 dBm -30 dBm 25 MHz

Table 4.7: Out-of-band blocking performance and measurement parameters

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2426, (n=12)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH is greater than 37

The number of fbf_1 frequencies recorded in step 2 do not exceed 10, and the number of fbf_2
frequencies recorded in step 5 do not exceed 3.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-05-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver intermodulation performance is satisfactory with uncoded data at
1 Ms/s.

• Reference
[2] Chapter 4.4

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case). Three test signals are
fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Modulated carrier, packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (fRX) with MAX_RX_LENGTH
octet PRBS9 payload. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the
wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -64 dBm.

Interference signal #1:

Sinusoidal, un-modulated carrier transmitted at an interferer frequency of f1. Signal level of the
interferer signal at the IUT input port shall be -50 dBm.

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Interference signal #2:

Continuous modulated carrier at frequency f2, modulated with PRBS15 data at a symbol rate of
1 Ms/s. See Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the interferer signal at the
IUT input port shall be -50 dBm. The frequency relation between the wanted signal and the
interferers shall be as follows;

fRX = 2  f1 – f2 and |f2 – f1| = n  1 MHz

where n=3, 4 or 5

Once the frequency configuration is chosen, the PER is measured with the interferers both
below and above the receive frequency, covering both cases implied by |f 2 - f1|, i.e. the PER is
measured twice for each receive frequency.

Figure 4.16 shows the frequency combination alternatives for the intermodulation test with
uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.

2. The tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed
in 1). Figure 4.15 illustrates the test setup principle.
3. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3.
4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the remaining frequencies defined in
the test condition section.
Tester implementation

Signal generator Isolator

Bluetooth LE -50dBm + Lt
Interferer #1 modulation
PRBS15 Power combiner Counter incremented for
Signal generator Isolator each packet received.
Unmodulated -50dBm + Lt
Interferer #2 2 Dout
carrier  EUT
Isolator 50W
term. 3
Signal generator
Wanted Bluetooth LE -64dBm + Lt
signal modulation

Cable, Isolator, circulator

and power combiner

Figure 4.15: Test setup principle for intermodulation test

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Alternative #1 Alternative #2 Alternative #3

Signal power
fRX-10MHz fRX-8MHz fRX-6MHz fRX-5MHz fRX-4MHz fRX-3MHz
Bluetooth LE carrier (f1)
modulated signal
Receiving channel



Figure 4.16: Test signal allocation alternatives in the frequency domain at 1 Ms/s. Note: figure shows only
frequencies below f0.

• Test condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)
Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected outcome
Pass verdict

The measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH is greater than 37

The value of n (for which the TC is performed) shall be declared by the manufacturer in the IXIT table

RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver is able to demodulate a wanted 1 Ms/s signal at high signal input

• Reference
[2] Chapter 4.5

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Initial condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case).
2. The tester transmits packets with MAX_RX_LENGTH octet PRBS9 payload. Refer to Section
6.1, “Reference Signal Definition” and [4], Section 4 for details. The signal level at the IUT input
port shall be -10 dBm.
3. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3.
4. Steps 1–3 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the remaining frequencies defined in the
test condition section.

• Test condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)
Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH is greater than
37 bytes.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester with uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.

• Reference
Section 6.3

[2] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the middle frequency for testing defined in the test condition section.
2. The tester transmits packets with MAX_RX_LENGTH octet PRBS9 payload. Refer to
Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details.
3. The total number of packets transmitted by the tester shall be an even random number in the
interval [100  RND  1500].
4. Every alternating packet transmitted by the tester shall have an intentionally corrupted CRC
5. The signal level at the IUT input port shall be -30 dBm.
6. The PER is measured according to Section 6.3.
7. Steps 1–4 are repeated two times (i.e., three PER measurements in total).

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

50%  PER  (50 + P/2)% for each individual measurement (where P is the appropriate PER value
taken from Table 6.2).

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-08-C [Receiver sensitivity at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving a 2 Ms/s signal. The non-ideal signals used in this test are within the
specification limits, but deviate from the ideal case.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT and transmitter
symbol rate is 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index. The
value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
has a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-09-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver’s performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference at
2 Ms/s. The receiver mirror image rejection performance is also verified in this test.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
Refer to Figure 4.17 for test setup principle.

The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.

Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

The image frequency (fimage-2M) of the receiver relative to the receiver frequency for a symbol rate of
2 Ms/s is declared by the equipment manufacturer as an IXIT value.

The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

IUT is set for a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s.

IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the low operating frequency listed in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case.
2. Two test signals are fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (fRX) with MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M octet

PRBS9 payload at a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for
details. Signal level of the wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -67 dBm.

Interference signal:

Continuous modulated carrier at 2400MHz, modulated with PRBS15 data at a symbol

rate of 2 Ms/s. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the
interference signal at the IUT input port and frequency relative to the receiving frequency
shall be as defined in Table 4.8.

3. The tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed in
Table 4.8.
4. Steps 2–3 are repeated for interference frequencies 2400MHz+2NMHz where N=1,2,3…41.
5. The PER is measured according to Section 6.5.
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the mid- and high operation frequencies
listed in the test condition section.

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Tester implementation

BluetoothLE modulation Signal generator

PRBS15 -67dBm - C/I + Lt
Interferer (Frequency of operation Isolator
and output power as listed Power combiner Counter incremented for
in Table 6.3) each packet received.
Isolator  IUT

Signal generator
Bluetooth LE modulation
Wanted PRBS9 -67dBm + Lt
signal (Frequency of operation
as listed in Chapter 7.3)

Cable, Isolator and power

combiner attenuation

Figure 4.17: C/I- and receiver selectivity test implementation principle

Interference signal frequency2 Interferer signal level at IUT input Wanted signal level relative to
port interference signal level

(C/I requirement)

Co-channel; fRX = finterference -88 dBm 21 dB

Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  2 MHz -82 dBm 15 dB

Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  4 MHz -50 dBm -17 dB

Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  (6+2n) MHz -40 dBm -27 dB

Image frequency; finterference = fimage-2M -58 dBm -9 dB
Adjacent channel to image frequency; -52 dBm -15 dB
finterference = fimage-2M  2 MHz

Table 4.8: C/I- and receiver selectivity test parameter settings at 2 Ms/s

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

2 If two frequencies defined in Table 4.8 refer to the same physical channel, the less stringent requirement applies.

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PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

For each individual measurement the C/I requirement may be relaxed for a maximum of five
interference frequency settings. The C/I-performance shall in this case be equal to, or better
than -17 dB (Interference level at least 17 dB higher than wanted signal level). This relaxation applies
to the following measurements:

Adjacent channel ± 4 MHz

Adjacent channel ± (6+2n) MHz [n=0,1,2…]

RFPHY/RCV/BV-10-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver performs satisfactorily at 2 Ms/s in the presence of interference
sources operating outside the 2400MHz – 2483.5MHz band.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set for a
symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index. The
value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but wanted signal has
a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2426, (n=12)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

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PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

The number of fbf_1 frequencies recorded in step 2 do not exceed 10, and the number of fbf_2
frequencies recorded in step 5 do not exceed 3.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-11-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver intermodulation performance is satisfactory at 2 Ms/s.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.4

• Initial Condition
The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.

Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

IUT is set for a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s.

IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the lowest frequency for testing defined in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case. Three test signals are
fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Modulated carrier, packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (f RX) with

MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M octet PRBS9 payload. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for
details. Signal level of the wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -64 dBm.

Interference signal #1:

Sinusoidal, un-modulated carrier transmitted at an interferer frequency of f1. Signal level

of the interferer signal at the IUT input port shall be -50 dBm.

Interference signal #2:

Continuous modulated carrier at frequency f2, modulated with PRBS15 data at a symbol
rate of 2 Ms/s. See Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the interferer
signal at the IUT input port shall be -50 dBm. The frequency relation between the wanted
signal and the interferers shall be as follows;

fRX = 2 × f1 - f2 and |f2 - f1| = n × 2 MHz

where n=3, 4 or 5

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Once the frequency configuration is chosen, the PER is measured with the interferers
both below and above the receive frequency, covering both cases implied by |f 2 - f1|, i.e.
the PER is measured twice for each receive frequency.

Figure 4.18 shows the frequency combination alternatives for the intermodulation test at
2 Ms/s.

2. The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed in
step 1. Figure 4.15 illustrates the test setup principle.
3. The PER is measured according to Section 6.5.
4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the remaining frequencies defined in
the test condition section.
Alternative #1 Alternative #2 Alternative #3

Signal power
fRX-20MHz fRX-16MHz fRX-12MHz fRX-10MHz fRX-8MHz fRX-6MHz
Bluetooth LE carrier (f1)
modulated signal
Receiving channel



Figure 4.18: Test signal allocation alternatives in the frequency domain for 2 Ms/s. Note: figure shows only
frequencies below f0.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

The measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

The value of n (for which the TC is performed) shall be declared by the manufacturer in the IXIT table.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-12-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver is able to demodulate a wanted 2 Ms/s signal at high signal input

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.5

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set for
a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index. The
value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but wanted signal
has a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-13-C [PER Report Integrity at 2 Ms/s]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when operating at 2 Ms/s.

• Reference
Section 6.4

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set for a
symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index. The
value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
have a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-14-C [Receiver Sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set to assume
the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], except the parameters in
Table 4.9 are used for each test run.

Test run Carrier frequency offset Modulation index Symbol timing error

1 100 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm

2 19 kHz 0.498 - 50 ppm
3 - 3 kHz 0.496 + 50 ppm
4 1 kHz 0.502 + 50 ppm
5 52 kHz 0.503 + 50 ppm
6 0 kHz 0.504 - 50 ppm
7 - 56 kHz 0.497 - 50 ppm
8 97 kHz 0.5 - 50 ppm
9 - 25 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm
10 - 100 kHz 0.505 + 50 ppm

Table 4.9: Transmitter parameter settings for PER test, Stable Modulation Index

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)
Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-15-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s,

Stable Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver's performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference when
receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-03-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but
IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The IXIT value for n is taken from
the IXIT values for the stable modulation receiver.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-03-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-03-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-16-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver performs satisfactorily in the presence of interference sources
operating outside the 2400MHz – 2483.5MHz band when receiver is set to assume the transmitter
has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set to
assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2426, (n=12)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-04-C [Blocking Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

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RFPHY/RCV/BV-17-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable

Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver intermodulation performance is satisfactory when receiver is set to
assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.4

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-05-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set
to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The IXIT value for n is taken from the IXIT
values for the stable modulation receiver.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-05-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-05-C [Intermodulation Performance, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-18-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable

Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver is able to demodulate a wanted signal at high signal input levels
when receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.5

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set to
assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

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• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-06-C [Maximum input signal level, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-19-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s, Stable Modulation

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
Section 6.5

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set to
assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

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• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-20-C [Receiver sensitivity at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving a 2 Ms/s signal and the receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a
stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT and transmitter
symbol rate is 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The value
of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
has a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of
MAX_RX_LENGTH. The parameters in Table 4.10 are used for each test run.

Test run Carrier frequency offset Modulation index Symbol timing error

1 100 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm

2 19 kHz 0.498 - 50 ppm
3 - 3 kHz 0.496 + 50 ppm
4 1 kHz 0.502 + 50 ppm
5 52 kHz 0.503 + 50 ppm
6 0 kHz 0.504 - 50 ppm
7 - 56 kHz 0.497 - 50 ppm
8 97 kHz 0.5 - 50 ppm
9 - 25 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm
10 - 100 kHz 0.505 + 50 ppm

Table 4.10: Transmitter parameter settings for PER test, Stable Modulation Index

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

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• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if
MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M is greater than
37 bytes.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-21-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable

Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver's performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference at
2 Ms/s when the receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-09-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s], but IUT is set to
assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-09-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-09-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance at 2 Ms/s].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-22-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver performs satisfactorily at 2 Ms/s in the presence of interference
sources operating outside the 2400MHz – 2483.5MHz band when the receiver is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-10-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s], but IUT is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-10-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2426, (n=12)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-10-C [Blocking performance at 2 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-23-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver intermodulation performance is satisfactory at 2 Ms/s when the
receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.4

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-11-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s], but IUT is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-11-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-11-C [Intermodulation performance at 2 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-24-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver is able to demodulate a wanted 2 Ms/s signal at high signal input
levels when the receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.5

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-12-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s], but IUT is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-12-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-12-C [Maximum input signal level at 2 Ms/s].

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RFPHY/RCV/BV-25-C [PER Report Integrity at 2 Ms/s, Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when operating at 2 Ms/s and the receiver is set to assume the transmitter has a stable
modulation index.

• Reference
Section 6.5

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but IUT is set for a
symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The value
of MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M (for which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
have a symbol rate of 2 Ms/s. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_2M shall be used instead of

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-26-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=2)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving a LE Coded signal (S=2). The non-ideal signals used in this test are within
the specification limits, but deviate from the ideal case.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
- As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for
LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2 and a bit rate of 500kb/s. The IUT is set to assume the

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

transmitter has a standard modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 (for

which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is -75 dBm.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
from the Tester has a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s with data coding S=2 and a bit rate of 500kb/s. In all
steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is
greater than 37 bytes.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-27-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=8)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving a LE Coded signal (S=8). The non-ideal signals used in this test are within
the specification limits, but deviate from the ideal case.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
- As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for
LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8 and a bit rate of 125kb/s. The IUT is set to assume the
transmitter has a standard modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for
which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.
- The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is -82 dBm.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
has a symbol rate of 1 Ms/s with data coding S=8 and a bit rate of 125kb/s. In all steps the value
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is
greater than 37 bytes.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-28-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver's performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference when
receiving an LE Coded signal (S=2). The receiver mirror image rejection performance is also verified
in this test.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
- Refer to Figure 4.19 for test setup principle.
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The image frequency (fimage) of the receiver relative to the receiver frequency is declared by the
equipment manufacturer as an IXIT value.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 (for which the TC is performed) is specified in
Section 6.6.

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- The IUT is set for LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2 and a bit rate of 500kb/s.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the low operating frequency listed in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case.
2. Two test signals are fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (fRX) with MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 octet

PRBS9 payload using the LE Coded PHY. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details.
Signal level of the wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -72 dBm.

Interference signal:

Continuous modulated carrier at 2400MHz, modulated and coded with PRBS15 data at a symbol
rate of 1 Ms/s and S=2. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the
interference signal at the IUT input port and frequency relative to the receiving frequency shall
be as defined in Table 4.11.

3. The tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed in
Table 4.11.
4. Steps 2–3 are repeated for interference frequencies 2400MHz+NMHz where N=1,2,3…83.
5. The PER is measured according to Section 6.5.
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the mid- and high operation frequencies
listed in the test condition section.
Tester implementation

BluetoothLE modulation Signal generator

PRBS15 -72dBm - C/I + Lt
Interferer (Frequency of operation Isolator
and output power as listed Power combiner Counter incremented for
in Table 4.x) each packet received.
Isolator  IUT

Signal generator
Bluetooth LE modulation
Wanted PRBS9 -72dBm + Lt
signal (Frequency of operation
as listed in Chapter 7.3)

Cable, Isolator and power

combiner attenuation

Figure 4.19: C/I- and receiver selectivity test implementation principle for LE Coded PHY (S=2)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Interference signal frequency3 Interferer signal level at IUT Wanted signal level relative
input port to interference signal level

(C/I requirement)

Co-channel; fRX = finterference -89 dBm 17 dB

Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  1 MHz -83 dBm 11 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  2 MHz -51 dBm -21 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  (3+n) MHz [n=0,1,2…] -41 dBm -31 dB
Image frequency; finterference = fimage -59 dBm -13 dB
Adjacent channel to image frequency; -53 dBm -19 dB
finterference = fimage  1 MHz

Table 4.11: C/I- and receiver selectivity test parameter settings for LE Coded PHY (S=2).

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is
greater than 37 bytes.

For each individual measurement the C/I requirement may be relaxed for a maximum of five
interference frequency settings. The C/I-performance shall in this case be equal to, or better
than -17 dB (Interference level at least 17 dB higher than wanted signal level). This relaxation applies
to the following measurements:

Adjacent channel ± 2 MHz

Adjacent channel ± (3+n) MHz [n=0,1,2…]

3 If two frequencies defined in Table 4.11 refer to the same physical channel, the less stringent requirement applies.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-29-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver’s performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference. The
receiver mirror image rejection performance is also verified in this test.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
- Refer to Figure 4.20 for test setup principle.
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The image frequency (fimage) of the receiver relative to the receiver frequency is declared by the
equipment manufacturer as an IXIT value.
- The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is performed) is specified in
Section 6.6.
- The IUT is set for LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8 and a bit rate of 125kb/s.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

• Test Procedure
1. The IUT is set to receive at the low operating frequency listed in the frequencies for testing
applicable to the IUT (listed in the test condition section of this test case.
2. Two test signals are fed to the IUT input port:
Wanted signal:

Packets transmitted at the receiving frequency (fRX) with MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 octet

PRBS9 payload using the LE Coded PHY. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details.
Signal level of the wanted signal at the IUT input port shall be -79 dBm.

Interference signal:

Continuous modulated carrier at 2400MHz, modulated and coded with PRBS15 data at a symbol
rate of 1 Ms/s and S=8. Refer to Section 6.1 and [4], Section 4 for details. Signal level of the
interference signal at the IUT input port and frequency relative to the receiving frequency shall
be as defined in Table 4.12.

3. The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is as listed in
Table 4.8.
4. Steps 2–3 are repeated for interference frequencies 2400MHz+NMHz where N=1,2,3…83.
5. The PER is measured according to Section 6.5.
6. Steps 2–5 are repeated when the IUT is receiving at the mid- and high operation frequencies
listed in the test condition section.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Tester implementation

BluetoothLE modulation Signal generator

PRBS15 -79dBm - C/I + Lt
Interferer (Frequency of operation
and output power as listed Power combiner Counter incremented for
in Table 4.x) each packet received.
Isolator  IUT

Signal generator
Bluetooth LE modulation
Wanted PRBS9 -79dBm + Lt
signal (Frequency of operation
as listed in Chapter 7.3)

Cable, Isolator and power

combiner attenuation

Figure 4.20: C/I- and receiver selectivity test implementation principle for LE Coded PHY (S=8)

Interference signal frequency4 Interferer signal level at IUT Wanted signal level relative
input port to interference signal level
(C/I requirement)

Co-channel; fRX = finterference -91 dBm 12 dB

Adjacent channel; -85 dBm 6 dB
finterference = fRX  1 MHz
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  2 MHz -53 dBm -26 dB
Adjacent channel; finterference = fRX  (3+n) MHz [n=0,1,2…] -43 dBm -36 dB
Image frequency; finterference = fimage -61 dBm -18 dB
Adjacent channel to image frequency; -55 dBm -24 dB
finterference = fimage  1 MHz

Table 4.12: C/I- and receiver selectivity test parameter settings for LE Coded PHY (S=8).

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is 37 bytes.

4 If two frequencies defined in Table 4.12 refer to the same physical channel, the less stringent requirement applies.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is
greater than 37 bytes.

For each individual measurement the C/I requirement may be relaxed for a maximum of five
interference frequency settings. The C/I-performance shall in this case be equal to, or better
than -17 dB (Interference level at least 17 dB higher than wanted signal level). This relaxation applies
to the following measurements:

Adjacent channel ± 2 MHz

Adjacent channel ± (3+n) MHz [n=0,1,2…]

RFPHY/RCV/BV-30-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=2)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when operating using the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2.

• Reference
Section 6.4

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for LE
Coded PHY with data coding S=2. The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard
modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 (for which the TC is performed) is
specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
are sent using the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2. In all steps the value
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

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RFPHY/RCV/BV-31-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=8)]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when operating using the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8.

• Reference
Section 6.4

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for LE
Coded PHY with data coding S=8. The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard
modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is performed) is
specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
are sent using the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8. In all steps the value
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-32-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=2), Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving an LE Coded PHY signal (S=2) and the receiver is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Initial Condition
- As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for
LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2 and a bit rate of 500kb/s. The IUT is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 (for
which the TC is performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

- The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is -75 dBm.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
uses the LE Coded PHY at 500kb/s data rate. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2
shall be used. The parameters in Table 4.13 are used for each test run.

Test run Carrier frequency offset Modulation index Symbol timing error

1 100 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm

2 19 kHz 0.498 - 50 ppm
3 - 3 kHz 0.496 + 50 ppm
4 1 kHz 0.502 + 50 ppm
5 52 kHz 0.503 + 50 ppm
6 0 kHz 0.504 - 50 ppm
7 - 56 kHz 0.497 - 50 ppm
8 97 kHz 0.5 - 50 ppm
9 - 25 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm
10 - 100 kHz 0.505 + 50 ppm

Table 4.13: Transmitter parameter settings for PER test, LE Coded PHY (S=2), Stable Modulation Index

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 is greater than
37 bytes.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-33-C [Receiver sensitivity, LE Coded (S=8), Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the receiver sensitivity is within limits for non-ideal signals at normal operating
conditions when receiving LE Coded PHY signal (S=8) and the receiver is set to assume the
transmitter has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.1

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set for LE
Coded PHY with data coding S=8 and a bit rate of 125kb/s. The IUT is set to assume the transmitter
has a stable modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is
performed) is specified in Section 6.6.

The tester's transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver is -82 dBm.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C [Receiver sensitivity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the transmitted signal
uses the LE Coded PHY at 125kb/s data rate. In all steps MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 shall be
used. The parameters in Table 4.14 are used for each test run.

Test run Carrier frequency offset Modulation index Symbol timing error

1 100 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm

2 19 kHz 0.498 - 50 ppm
3 - 3 kHz 0.496 + 50 ppm
4 1 kHz 0.502 + 50 ppm
5 52 kHz 0.503 + 50 ppm
6 0 kHz 0.504 - 50 ppm
7 - 56 kHz 0.497 - 50 ppm
8 97 kHz 0.5 - 50 ppm
9 - 25 kHz 0.495 - 50 ppm
10 - 100 kHz 0.505 + 50 ppm

Table 4.14: Transmitter parameter settings for PER test, LE Coded PHY (S=8), Stable Modulation Index

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

All measured values fulfill the following condition:

PER better than 30.8% for a minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if the IUT’s
MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is 37 bytes.

PER better than the value calculated according to the formula specified in Section 6.3.1 for a
minimum of 1500 packets transmitted by the tester if MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 is greater than
37 bytes.

RFPHY/RCV/BV-34-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2), Stable

Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver’s performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference when
receiving an LE Coded signal (S=2) and the receiver is set to assume transmitter has a stable
modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-28-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2)], but the
IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The IXIT value for n is taken from
the IXIT values for the stable modulation receiver.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-28-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2)].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-28-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=2)].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

RFPHY/RCV/BV-35-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8), Stable

Modulation Index]
• Test Purpose
This test verifies the receiver’s performance in presence of co-/adjacent channel interference when
receiving an LE Coded signal (S=8) and the receiver is set to assume transmitter has a stable
modulation index.

• Reference
[6] Chapter 4.2

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-29-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8)], but the
IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable modulation index. The IXIT value for n is taken from
the IXIT values for the stable modulation receiver.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-29-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8)].

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

Role IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

Peripheral & Central 2406, (n=2) 2406, (n=2) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2476, (n=37) 2476, (n=37)

Broadcaster & Observer 2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2426, (n=12) 2426, (n=12) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-29-C [C/I and Receiver Selectivity Performance, LE Coded (S=8)].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-36-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=2), Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when receiving LE Coded packets (S=2) and the receiver is set to assume transmitter
has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
Section 6.5

[6] Chapter 2.3

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set to use
the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2. The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable
modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2 (for which the TC is performed) is
specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
use the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=2. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S2
shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

RFPHY/RCV/BV-37-C [PER Report Integrity, LE Coded (S=8), Stable Modulation Index]

• Test Purpose
This test verifies that the DUT PER report mechanism reports the correct number of received packets
to the tester when receiving LE Coded packets (S=8) and the receiver is set to assume transmitter
has a stable modulation index.

• Reference
Section 6.5

[6] Chapter 2.3

• Initial Condition
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s], but the IUT is set to use
the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8. The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a stable
modulation index. The value of MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8 (for which the TC is performed) is
specified in Section 6.6.

• Test Procedure
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s] but transmitted packets
use the LE Coded PHY with data coding S=8. In all steps the value MAX_RX_LENGTH_CODED_S8
shall be used instead of MAX_RX_LENGTH.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Condition
Common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2440, (n=19)

• Expected Outcome
As for RFPHY/RCV/BV-07-C [PER Report Integrity, uncoded data at 1 Ms/s].

4.5.1 IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver

• Test Purpose
This test group is for generic use and contains four test cases to verify that the measured relative
phase values derived from the I and Q values sampled on an IUT AoD Receiver from a Constant
Tone Extension are within specified limits.

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1.7

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The Lower Tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver
is -67 dBm. The Lower Tester does not change its transmit power during the Constant Tone
Extension (except during the guard period and the switch slots).
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.15.
- The rate at which the IUT generates IQ reports (TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate) is defined in the IXIT [5].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY CTE Type (Slot Duration)

RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C [IQ Samples 1 Ms/s (0x02) 2 µs

Coherency, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-02-C [IQ Samples 1 Ms/s (0x01) 1 µs

Coherency, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-03-C [IQ Samples 2 Ms/s (0x02) 2 µs
Coherency, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]
RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-04-C [IQ Samples 2 Ms/s (0x01) 1 µs
Coherency, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]

Table 4.15: IQ Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The Upper Tester commands the IUT to receive test packets at the lowest frequency for testing
as defined in the frequencies for testing (listed in the test condition section of this test case), with
expected CTE length of 20 and expected CTE type as specified in Table 4.15.
2. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets with no PDU payload and with 20 * 8 μs Constant
Tone Extension. Antenna switching is executed for each Constant Tone Extension with slot
durations as specified in Table 4.15, length of switching pattern and switching pattern set as
described in Section 5.2.3 [8] with the number of antenna elements set to 4. See [9] Section 4,
“LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. The Upper Tester expects to receive HCI_LE_Connectionless_IQ_Report events at the rate
specified by TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate and calculates the relative phase and reference phase
deviation values for each non-reference antenna, as described in Section 5.2.1 [8].
4. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets until it reaches the maximum number of packets
defined in Section 6.7 or until the RP(m) and RPD sets each contain at least 2,000 values.
5. Repeat steps 1–4 until the IUT has received on all the remaining frequencies defined in the test
condition section.

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

For each frequency tested, RP(m) and RPD sets contain at least 2,000 valid values each.

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For each frequency tested, the IUT meets the requirements from Section 5.2.2 [8].

The presence of invalid IQ samples does not constitute a failure.

4.5.2 IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver

• Test Purpose
This test group is for generic use and contains two test cases to verify that the measured relative
phase values derived from the I and Q values sampled on an IUT AoA Receiver from a Constant
Tone Extension are within specified limits.

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1.7

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The Lower Tester’s transmit power is chosen such that the input power to the IUT receiver
is -67 dBm. The Lower Tester does not change its transmit power during the Constant Tone
Extension (except during the guard period and the switch slots).
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.16.
- The maximum number of antennas supported by the IUT (TSPX_number_of_antennae) is
defined in the IXIT [5].
- The rate at which the IUT generates IQ reports (TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate) is defined in the IXIT [5].

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY

RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver 1 Ms/s

at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-06-C [IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver 2 Ms/s

at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

Table 4.16: IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The Upper Tester commands the IUT to receive test packets at the lowest frequency for testing
as defined in the frequencies for testing (listed in the test condition section of this test case), with
expected CTE length of 20, CTE type of 0x00 (AoA CTE), slot durations of 2 μs, length of
switching pattern and the switching pattern set as described in Section 5.2.3 [8] with the number
of antenna elements set to the minimum value between 4 and TSPX_number_of_antennae.
2. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets with no PDU payload and with 20 * 8 μs Constant
Tone Extension. See [9] Section 4, “LE Test Packet Definition” for details.

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3. The Upper Tester expects to receive HCI_LE_Connectionless_IQ_Report events at the rate

specified by TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate and calculates the relative phase and reference phase
deviation values for each non-reference antenna, as described in Section 5.2.1 [8].
4. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets until it reaches the maximum number of packets
defined in Section 6.7 or until the RP(m) and RPD sets each contain at least 2,000 values.
5. Repeat steps 1–4 until the IUT has received on all the remaining frequencies defined in the test
condition section.

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

For each frequency tested, RP(m) and RPD sets contain at least 2,000 valid values each.

For each frequency tested, the IUT meets the requirements from Section 5.2.2 [8].

The presence of invalid IQ samples does not constitute a failure.

4.5.3 IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver

• Test Purpose
This test group is for generic use and contains four test cases to verify that the I and Q values
sampled on receiving an AoD Constant Tone Extension from a peer device have specified values
when varying the dynamic range of the Constant Tone Extension and marks any invalid samples as

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1.7

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode. Dewhitening shall be turned off.

- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.

- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.17.

- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.

- The rate at which the IUT generates IQ reports (TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate) is defined in the IXIT [5].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY CTE Type (Slot Duration)

RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-07-C [IQ Samples Dynamic 1 Ms/s (0x02) 2 µs

Range, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-08-C [IQ Samples Dynamic 1 Ms/s (0x01) 1 µs

Range, AoD Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-09-C [IQ Samples Dynamic 2 Ms/s (0x02) 2 µs
Range, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]
RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-10-C [IQ Samples Dynamic 2 Ms/s (0x01) 1 µs
Range, AoD Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 1 µs Slot]

Table 4.17: IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The Upper Tester commands the IUT to receive test packets at the lowest frequency for testing
as defined in the frequencies for testing (listed in the test condition section of this test case), with
expected CTE length of 20 and expected CTE type as specified in Table 4.17.
2. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets with no PDU payload and with 20 * 8 μs Constant
Tone Extension. The Lower Tester applies an attenuation on the line while sending the
Preamble, preamble, synchronization word, LE test packet PDU, and CRC, such that the input
power to the IUT receiver is set to the value described in Table 4.18 for antenna index 0.
Antenna switching is executed for each Constant Tone Extension with slot durations as specified
in Table 4.17, length of switching pattern and the switching pattern set as described in
Section 5.2.3 [8] with the number of antenna elements set to 4. See [9] Section 4, “LE Test
Packet Definition” for details.
3. The Lower Tester controls a variable attenuator that applies an additional attenuation on the line
while sending the Constant Tone Extension, such that the input power to the IUT receiver is set
to the value described in Table 4.18 for each antenna index.
4. The Upper Tester expects to receive HCI_LE_Connectionless_IQ_Report events at the rate
specified by TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate and calculates amplitude A = sqrt(I2 + Q2) for each valid
sample that was not taken during the reference period.
5. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets until it reaches the maximum number of packets
defined in Section 6.7 or until the IUT reports at least 2,000 valid IQ sample pairs per antenna,
except for antenna index 1.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 until the IUT has received on all the remaining frequencies defined in the test
condition section.

Antenna Index Input Power (dBm)

0 -52
1 -49
2 -57
3 -62

Table 4.18: Input Power values for each antenna index

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

For each frequency tested, the mean of amplitudes measured for each Lower Tester antenna index ‘i’
from Table 4.18 follows the equation:

Amean ANT3 < Amean ANT2 < Amean ANT0 < AmeanANT1

Should there be no valid samples in the non-reference antenna 1, due to saturation, then the pass
verdict shall be:

Amean ANT3 < Amean ANT2 < Amean ANT0

For each frequency tested, the IUT reports at least 2,000 valid IQ sample pairs per antenna, except
for antenna index 1, to the Upper Tester.

The presence of invalid I or Q samples does not constitute a failure.

4.5.4 IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver

• Test Purpose
This test group is for generic use and contains two test cases to verify that the I and Q values
sampled on receiving an AoA Constant Tone Extension from a peer device have specified values
when varying the dynamic range of the Constant Tone Extension and marks any invalid samples as

• Reference
[8] Section 5

[9] Section 4.1.7

• Initial Condition
- The IUT is set to direct RX mode at maximum output power. Whitening shall be turned off.
- Frequency hopping off, fixed frequency.
- The IUT is set to assume the transmitter has a standard modulation index.
- IUT is set for a symbol rate as specified in Table 4.19.
- The maximum number of antennas supported by the IUT (TSPX_number_of_antennae) and the
rate at which the IUT generates IQ reports (TSPX_Report_Rate) are defined in the IXIT [5].

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

• Test Case Configuration

Test Case PHY

RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-11-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA 1 Ms/s

Receiver at 1 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-12-C [IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA 2 Ms/s

Receiver at 2 Ms/s with 2 µs Slot]

Table 4.19: IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver test cases

• Test Procedure
1. The Upper Tester commands the IUT to receive test packets at the lowest frequency for testing
as defined in the frequencies for testing (listed in the test condition section of this test case), with
expected CTE length of 20, CTE type of 0x00 (AoA CTE), slot durations of 0x02 (2 μs), length of
switching pattern and the switching pattern set as described in Section 5.2.3 [8] with the number
of antenna elements set to the minimum value between 4 and TSPX_number_of_antennae.
2. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets with no PDU payload and with 20 * 8 μs Constant
Tone Extension. The Lower Tester applies an attenuation on the line while sending the
preamble, synchronization word, LE test packet PDU, and CRC, such that the input power to the
IUT receiver is set to the value described in Table 4.20 for antenna index 0. See [9] Section 4,
“LE Test Packet Definition” for details.
3. The Lower Tester controls a variable attenuator that applies an additional attenuation on the line
while sending the Constant Tone Extension, such that the input power to the IUT receiver is set
to the value described in Table 4.20 for each antenna index.
4. The Upper Tester expects to receive HCI_LE_Connectionless_IQ_Report events at the rate
specified by TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate and calculates the amplitude A = sqrt(I2 + Q2) for each valid
sample that was not taken during the reference period.
5. The Lower Tester transmits LE test packets until it reaches the maximum number of packets
defined in Section 6.7 or until the IUT reports at least 2,000 valid IQ sample pairs per antenna,
except for antenna index 1.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 until the IUT has received on all the remaining frequencies defined in the test
condition section.

Antenna Index Input Power (dBm)

0 -52
1 -49
2 -57
3 -62
Table 4.20: Input Power values for each antenna index

• Test Condition
The IUT and Lower Tester are set up according to the cabled testing setup described in Section 4.6
and common Test Case Conditions defined in Section 4.2 apply.

Frequencies for Testing:

IUT Low fTX IUT Low fRX IUT Mid fTX IUT Mid fRX IUT High fTX IUT High fRX

2402, (n=0) 2402, (n=0) 2440, (n=19) 2440, (n=19) 2480, (n=39) 2480, (n=39)

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• Expected Outcome
Pass verdict

For each frequency tested, the mean of amplitudes measured for each antenna index ‘i’ from Table
4.20 follows the equation:

AmeanANT3 < Amean ANT2 < Amean ANT0 < Amean


Should there be no valid samples in the non-reference antenna 1, due to saturation, then the pass
verdict shall be:

AmeanANT3 < Amean ANT2 < Amean ANT0

For each frequency tested, the IUT reports at least 2,000 valid IQ sample pairs per antenna, except
for antenna index 1, to the Upper Tester.

The presence of invalid IQ samples does not constitute a failure.

4.6 Test setups examples

This section describes examples of cabled test setups that can be built to run the tests between two
Bluetooth devices or between one Bluetooth device and one test equipment.

4.6.1 Test Equipment Setup for AoD Receiver

This setup is used to test IQ samples coherency on an IUT that is an AoD Receiver.

Coaxial Tester

Variable RF
Attenuator IUT

Figure 4.21: Test Equipment Setup for AoD Receiver

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4.6.2 Test Equipment Setup for AoA Receiver or AoD Transmitter

This setup is used to test IQ samples coherency on an IUT that is an AoD Transmitter or an AoA



ANT 0 Tester

Lower Combiner
Tester /Splitter RF Bluetooth
(Optional) ANT 2 (C.1) Switch Tx / Rx

ANT 3 (C.1)

Figure 4.22: Test Equipment Setup for AoA Receiver or AoD Transmitter (C.1 – Mandatory to support if declared,
otherwise Excluded)

The IUT is required to provide between 2 to 4 antenna input/output ports, matching the maximum number
of antenna supported (TSPX_number_of_antennae) declared in the IXIT [5]. The antenna ports are
marked as 0, 1, 2, and 3, as shown in Figure 4.22. If the IUT only supports external antenna switching, an
IUT-controlled RF switch component is used.

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5 Test case mapping

The Test Case Mapping Table (TCMT) maps test cases to specific capabilities in the ICS. Profiles,
protocols and services may define multiple roles, and it is possible that a product may implement more
than one role. The product shall be tested in all roles for which support is declared in the ICS document.
For products which support more than one role, a separate TCMT shall be filled out for each role, and
separate tests shall be conducted for each role.

The columns for the TCMT are defined as follows:

Item: contains an y/x reference, where y corresponds to the table number and x corresponds to the
feature number as defined in the ICS Proforma for RFPHY [3]. If the item is defined with Protocol, Profile
or Service abbreviation before y/x, the table and feature number referenced are defined in the
abbreviated ICS proforma document.

Feature: recommended to be the primary feature defined in the ICS being tested or may be the test case

Test Case(s): the applicable test case identifiers required for Bluetooth Qualification if the corresponding
y/x references defined in the Item column are supported.

For purpose and structure of the ICS/IXIT proforma and instructions for completing the ICS/IXIT proforma
refer to the Bluetooth ICS and IXIT proforma document.

Item Feature Test Case(s)

RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter functionality RFPHY/TRM/BV-03-C


(RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter functionality, not Power Class 1 RFPHY/TRM/BV-01-C

RFPHY 1/3)
RFPHY 1/15

(RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter functionality, Power Class 1 RFPHY/TRM/BV-18-C

RFPHY 1/3)

(RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter functionality, RFPHY/TRM/BV-15-C

RFPHY 1/3)
Transmitting Constant Tone Extensions RFPHY/TRM/BV-16-C

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Item Feature Test Case(s)

RFPHY 1/2 OR Receiver functionality RFPHY/RCV/BV-01-C


(RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter functionality RFPHY/TRM/BV-08-C

RFPHY 1/3)

(RFPHY 1/2 OR Receiver functionality, RFPHY/RCV/BV-08-C

RFPHY 1/3)


Transmitting Constant Tone Extensions


Stable Modulation Index - Transmitter


Stable Modulation Index - Receiver RFPHY/RCV/BV-21-C

RFPHY 1/5 Stable Modulation Index - Transmitter RFPHY/TRM/BV-09-C

RFPHY 1/6 Stable Modulation Index - Receiver RFPHY/RCV/BV-14-C


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Item Feature Test Case(s)

(RFPHY 1/2 OR Receiver Functionality, RFPHY/RCV/BV-26-C

RFPHY 1/3)

(RFPHY 1/1 OR Transmitter Functionality, RFPHY/TRM/BV-13-C

RFPHY 1/3)

RFPHY 1/6 Stable Modulation Index - Receiver, RFPHY/RCV/BV-32-C

RFPHY 1/11
2 µs Antenna Sampling During Constant Tone RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C
Extension Reception (AoD)
RFPHY 1/11 2 µs Antenna Sampling During Constant Tone RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-09-C
Extension Reception (AoD) for 2 Ms/s PHY

RFPHY 1/13 1 µs Antenna Sampling During Constant Tone RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-02-C

Extension Reception (AoD)


1 µs Antenna Sampling During Constant Tone RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-10-C
RFPHY 1/13
Extension Reception (AoD) for 2 Ms/s PHY

RFPHY 1/12 2 µs Antenna Switching and Sampling During RFPHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C

Constant Tone Extension Reception (AoA)


2 µs Antenna Switching and Sampling During RFPHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-12-C
RFPHY 1/12
Constant Tone Extension Reception (AoA) for 2
Ms/s PHY

RFPHY 1/9 2 µs Antenna Switching During Constant Tone RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-01-C

Extension Transmission (AoD)

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Item Feature Test Case(s)


2 µs Antenna Switching During Constant Tone RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-07-C
Extension Transmission (AoD) for 2 Ms/s PHY
RFPHY 1/10
1 µs Antenna Switching During Constant Tone RFPHY/TRM/PS/BV-02-C
Extension Transmission (AoD)


1 µs Antenna Switching During Constant Tone RFPHY/TRM/ASI/BV-08-C
RFPHY 1/10
Extension Transmission (AoD) for 2 Ms/s PHY

Table 5.1: Test case mapping

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6 Appendix
6.1 Reference Signal Definition
The Bluetooth low energy reference signal, either as wanted or an interfering signal, shall have the
following characteristics defined in [6] Chapter 4.6.

Payload content of the wanted signal shall be a PRBS9 sequence and shall be identical for all transmitted

In test cases where an interfering signal is used, the interferer shall be continuously modulated with
PRBS15 data (i.e., no packet structures or pauses in the signal). The interfering signal shall have settled
at least 1 ms prior to the activation of the wanted signal.

The tester used for the qualification tests shall have the ramp up characteristics shown in Figure 6.1.

• trampup is the time from when the tester output is 40 dB below the final output power (x dBm) to the
time when the output power has reached a level within 3 dB of the final output power.

• tsettling is the time from when the tester output is 40 dB below the final output power (x dBm) to the time
when the output power has reached a level within 1 dB of the final output power.

• tp0 is the time at which the first preamble bit begins.

trampup = 2 ms

tsettling = 4 ms

3 dB
1 dB
X dBm

(modulation first starts at tp0;
min 40 dB start of first preamble bit)

Figure 6.1: Tester ramp-up characteristics requirement, modulation first starts at t p0

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6.2 Normal Operating Conditions (NOC)

6.2.1 Normal Temperature and Air Humidity
The normal operating temperature shall be declared by the equipment manufacturer as an IXIT value.
The NOC test temperature shall be within ±10°C of this value.

Operating air humidity range shall be declared by the product manufacturer as maximum and minimum
values (IXIT). The air humidity level for the NOC tests shall be within the declared range.

The temperature and air humidity values during the test shall be recorded in the test documentation.

6.2.2 Nominal Supply Voltage

The IUT supply voltage under normal operating conditions shall be the nominal supply voltage as
declared by the IUT manufacturer.

The nominal supply voltage shall be recorded in the test documentation.

6.3 Packet Error Rate / Bit Error Rate Measurements

The Packet Error Rate (PER) measurement is used in all measurements testing receiver characteristics in
the Bluetooth low energy RFPHY Test Suite. PER tests are based on the direct test mode described in

6.3.1 PER Test Definition

PER tests are based on counting the number of packets received by the IUT out of a series of
consecutive LE test packets transmitted by the tester. The test is performed with frequency hopping

The packet error rate is defined as follows:

 Number of packets received by the EUT passing CRC 

PER =  1 -   100%
 Total number of packets transmitte d by the tester 

The tester transmits LE test packets with PRBS9 payload as defined in [4], Section 4 to the IUT. Upon
request from the tester to the IUT, the IUT shall report the number of LE test packets that has been
correctly received (i.e., passing CRC) since last request. Refer to [4] for detailed description of the direct
test mode.

The sensitivity level based on BER measurements is defined as the input power level at which a BER of
value specified in Table 6.1 is achieved measured with a reference signal as described in Section 6.1,
and packet with PRBS9 payload as described in [4], Section 4.

Maximum Supported Payload Length in Receiver (bytes) BER (%)

37 0.1
≥38 and ≤63 0.064
≥64 and ≤127 0.034
≥128 and ≤255 0.017

Table 6.1: Sensitivity BER level by maximum payload length in receiver

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The PER corresponding to the acceptable BER limit shall be calculated according to the formula below:

PER = (1 - X [(MAX_RX_LENGTH * 8) + 72]) × 100%

- X = 1 – BER,
- i.e., X=0.9990 if MAX_RX_LENGTH=37,
- X=0.99936 if 38 ≤ MAX_RX_LENGTH ≤ 63,
- X=0.99966 if 64 ≤ MAX_RX_LENGTH ≤ 127,
- X=0.99983 if 128 ≤ MAX_RX_LENGTH ≤ 255.
- MAX_RX_LENGTH is the maximum supported payload length in IUT’s receiver and it shall be
declared in RFPHY IXIT proforma [5] in range of 37 ~ 255.

- 72 in the formula is total length of synchronization word, PDU header, PDU length & CRC parts in
LE test packet in bit unit.

6.3.2 BER to PER Mapping

This PER requirement defined in Section 6.3.1 equates to the corresponding BER value under the
following assumptions:

• Bit errors are randomly distributed with a rectangular error probability density function

• Bit errors are not correlated

Furthermore, the following reasoning is applied (using an example of BER to PER mapping based on a
BER value of 0.1% and MAX_RX_LENGTH of 37 bytes):

• The probability of a particular bit being in error at a BER of 0.1% is 0.001

• It follows that the probability of a bit being OK under the same condition is 0.999

• Examining the impact of a bit error in the LE test packet with a 37-byte payload length:

Preamble (8 bit) Packet can be recovered5

Sync word (32 bit) Error; Packet is lost

Packet type field (16 bit) Error; Packet is lost

Payload (296 bit) Error; Packet is lost

CRC (24 bit) Error; Packet is lost

• The number of significant bits in a 37-byte payload LE test packet is thus 368 bits (out of a total of
376 bits).

• The probability of a 368 bit sequence containing no bit errors is 0.999368 = 0.692

• Resulting PER requirement is then (1 - 0.692)*100% = 30.8%

The effect of errors in the preamble is implementation dependent. In general, a bit error in the preamble does not automatically
imply that the packet is lost. It is therefore assumed that an error in the preamble is “allowed” and that the packet is recoverable.

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The sensitivity BER by maximum payload length in the receiver corresponds to the PER requirements
listed in Table 6.2 below:

Maximum Supported Payload Length PER

in Receiver (bytes)

37 30.8%
38 21.4%
39 21.8%
40 22.2%
41 22.6%
42 23.0%
43 23.4%
44 23.8%
45 24.2%
46 24.5%
47 24.9%
48 25.3%
49 25.7%
50 26.1%
51 26.5%
52 26.8%
53 27.2%
54 27.6%
55 27.9%
56 28.3%
57 28.7%
58 29.0%
59 29.4%
60 29.8%
61 30.1%
62 30.5%
63 30.8%
64 18.0%
65 18.2%
66 18.5%
67 18.7%
68 18.9%
69 19.1%
70 19.3%
71 19.6%
72 19.8%
73 20.0%
74 20.2%
75 20.4%
76 20.6%
77 20.9%
78 21.1%
79 21.3%
80 21.5%
81 21.7%

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Maximum Supported Payload Length PER

in Receiver (bytes)

82 21.9%
83 22.1%
84 22.4%
85 22.6%
86 22.8%
87 23.0%
88 23.2%
89 23.4%
90 23.6%
91 23.8%
92 24.0%
93 24.2%
94 24.4%
95 24.6%
96 24.8%
97 25.1%
98 25.3%
99 25.5%
100 25.7%
101 25.9%
102 26.1%
103 26.3%
104 26.5%
105 26.7%
106 26.9%
107 27.1%
108 27.3%
109 27.5%
110 27.7%
111 27.9%
112 28.0%
113 28.2%
114 28.4%
115 28.6%
116 28.8%
117 29.0%
118 29.2%
119 29.4%
120 29.6%
121 29.8%
122 30.0%
123 30.2%
124 30.4%
125 30.5%
126 30.7%
127 30.9%

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Maximum Supported Payload Length PER

in Receiver (bytes)

128 17.0%
129 17.1%
130 17.2%
131 17.3%
132 17.5%
133 17.6%
134 17.7%
135 17.8%
136 17.9%
137 18.0%
138 18.1%
139 18.2%
140 18.3%
141 18.5%
142 18.6%
143 18.7%
144 18.8%
145 18.9%
146 19.0%
147 19.1%
148 19.2%
149 19.3%
150 19.4%
151 19.6%
152 19.7%
153 19.8%
154 19.9%
155 20.0%
156 20.1%
157 20.2%
158 20.3%
159 20.4%
160 20.5%
161 20.6%
162 20.8%
163 20.9%
164 21.0%
165 21.1%
166 21.2%
167 21.3%
168 21.4%
169 21.5%
170 21.6%
171 21.7%
172 21.8%
173 21.9%
174 22.0%
175 22.1%

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Maximum Supported Payload Length PER

in Receiver (bytes)

176 22.2%
177 22.4%
178 22.5%
179 22.6%
180 22.7%
181 22.8%
182 22.9%
183 23.0%
184 23.1%
185 23.2%
186 23.3%
187 23.4%
188 23.5%
189 23.6%
190 23.7%
191 23.8%
192 23.9%
193 24.0%
194 24.1%
195 24.2%
196 24.3%
197 24.4%
198 24.5%
199 24.6%
200 24.7%
201 24.8%
202 24.9%
203 25.0%
204 25.2%
205 25.3%
206 25.4%
207 25.5%
208 25.6%
209 25.7%
210 25.8%
211 25.9%
212 26.0%
213 26.1%
214 26.2%
215 26.3%
216 26.4%
217 26.5%
218 26.6%
219 26.7%
220 26.8%
221 26.9%
222 27.0%
223 27.1%

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Maximum Supported Payload Length PER

in Receiver (bytes)

224 27.2%
225 27.3%
226 27.4%
227 27.5%
228 27.6%
229 27.7%
230 27.8%
231 27.9%
232 27.9%
233 28.0%
234 28.1%
235 28.2%
236 28.3%
237 28.4%
238 28.5%
239 28.6%
240 28.7%
241 28.8%
242 28.9%
243 29.0%
244 29.1%
245 29.2%
246 29.3%
247 29.4%
248 29.5%
249 29.6%
250 29.7%
251 29.8%
252 29.9%
253 30.0%
254 30.1%
255 30.2%

Table 6.2: PER level by maximum payload length in receiver

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6.4 Definition of the Position of Bit p0

Bit p0 is defined as the first bit in the preamble sequence. The start of p0 is defined to occur at the point
in time 56 bit periods before the instant at which the modulated carrier passes through the nominal
channel frequency immediately prior to the deviation corresponding to the first bit of the payload field.

The start of bit p0 is calculated using averaging based on the position of all the zero crossings in the

For the m zero crossings in the packet, the i’th zero crossing time instant is t(i) in µs; this is the start of
bit p(i).

The start of bit p0 is then calculated as:


6.5 Measurement Uncertainty

Table 6.3 contains the measurement accuracy requirements for the test cases described in this
document. The test equipment used for the tests must have measurement accuracy within the listed
limits. The verdict decision limits for each test case take the measurement uncertainty listed in Table 6.3
into account. All figures in the table reflect a 95% confidence level.

Type of measurement Measurement accuracy requirement

Conducted measurements:
Absolute RF power (wanted channel)  1.2 dB
Absolute RF power (unwanted emissions in the 2400 – 2483.5 MHz band)  3 dB
Absolute RF power (unwanted emissions outside the 2400 – 2483.5 MHz band)  3 dB6

Relative RF power:
Relative RF power (wanted channel)  1 dB

Radiated measurements:
Absolute RF power (wanted channel)  6 dB
Radiated emissions (for unwanted emissions)  6 dB

Absolute frequency:
Absolute frequency (RF frequencies)  5 kHz
Absolute frequency (Frequency deviation of modulated signal)  4 kHz

Relative frequency:
Relative frequency (Frequency drift of carrier during modulation)  1 kHz

Table 6.3: Measurement accuracy requirements

For frequencies above 4GHz, a measurement accuracy requirement of  4 dB applies

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6.6 Packet Lengths

Note: Symbols with names beginning “PL_” are only defined and used within this section.

For each symbol in the first column of Table 6.4, the value of the symbol shall be the greater of the values
of the symbols in the other two columns.



Table 6.4: Overall Inputs for Packet Length Symbols

If the Link Layer of the IUT supports the Advertising Extension feature, then:

• PL_ADV_L and PL_ADV_X shall equal TSPX_AdvOctets_Max.

• PL_SCN_L and PL_SCN_X shall equal 255.


• PL_ADV_L and PL_SCN_L shall equal 37.

• PL_ADV_X and PL_SCN_X shall equal 31.

If the Link Layer of the IUT supports the Data Length Extension feature, then for each symbol in the first
column of Table 6.5, the value of the symbol shall be the lesser of the values of the expressions in the
other two columns (“⌊X⌋” means the greatest integer less than or equal to X).

PL_DTX_1M TSPX_TxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_TxTime_Max ÷ 8 – 10⌋

PL_DTX_2M TSPX_TxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_TxTime_Max ÷ 4 – 11⌋
PL_DTX_C2 TSPX_TxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_TxTime_Max ÷ 16 – 28⌋
PL_DTX_C8 TSPX_TxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_TxTime_Max ÷ 64 – 11⌋
PL_DRX_1M TSPX_RxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_RxTime_Max ÷ 8 – 10⌋
PL_DRX_2M TSPX_RxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_RxTime_Max ÷ 4 – 11⌋
PL_DRX_C2 TSPX_RxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_RxTime_Max ÷ 16 – 28⌋
PL_DRX_C8 TSPX_RxOctets_Max+4 ⌊TSPX_RxTime_Max ÷ 64 – 11⌋

Table 6.5: Maximum Lengths When Data Length Extension is Supported

Otherwise, the values of all the symbols in the first column of Table 6.5 shall be 31.

Note: For each symbol in the first column of Table 6.6, the reference for that symbol in [5] is given in the
second column. The third and fourth columns give the minimum and maximum permitted values for the

TSPX_AdvOctets_Max LL:P4:19 on the LL tab 37 255

TSPX_RxOctets_Max LL:P4:17 on the LL tab 27 251
TSPX_RxTime_Max LL:P4:18 on the LL tab 328 17040
TSPX_TxOctets_Max LL:P4:15 on the LL tab 27 251
TSPX_TxTime_Max LL:P4:16 on the LL tab 328 17040

Table 6.6: References

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6.7 Number of Valid IQ Sample Pairs

This section and its subsections are informative.

A controller can return IQ sample pairs where either I or Q, or both, are marked as ‘No Valid Sample
Available’. These IQ sample pairs shall be discarded as invalid. Invalid IQ sample pairs shall not be used
in the magnitude, relative phase, and reference phase deviation calculations.

The number of valid IQ sample pairs required per non-reference antenna for the IQ Samples Coherency
tests is chosen as 10,000. The same number of valid IQ sample pairs is chosen for the IQ Dynamic
Range tests, to maintain consistency across the tests.

6.7.1 Maximum Number of Packets for IQ Coherency Measurements

The tests require LE packets to be sent with maximum length CTE comprising of 1 µs or 2 µs slots. The
number of collected IQ sample pairs per packet is either 74 or 37, respectively. The measurements are
performed using IQ sample pair groups that must include non-reference antenna transmissions. Using the
pre-defined switching pattern (x000, …, where x is a non-reference antenna), a maximum of 18 sample
pairs groups for 1 µs slots and 8 sample pairs groups for 2 µs slots that include all required IQ sample
measurements are possible from every CTE.

The following tables show the number of IQ sample pairs returned by the IUT for different number of
non-reference antenna for 1us and 2us switching slots, respectively.

Number of non-reference antennae 1 2 3

1 18 0 0
2 9 9 0
3 6 6 6

Table 6.7: Number of I/Q samples per antenna element for 1 µs switching slots

Number of non-reference antennae 1 2 3

1 8 0 0
2 4 4 0
3 2 3 3

Table 6.8: Number of I/Q samples per antenna element for 2 µs switching slots

Table for the number of packets transmitted required to obtain 10,000 IQ sample pairs per non-reference
antenna on the receiver is shown below;

Number of non-reference antennae 1 µs switching slot 2 µs switching slot

1 556 1250
2 1112 2500
3 1667 3334

Table 6.9: Number of packets required for 10,000 IQ sample pairs

The Table 6.9 assumes that IUT receives all packets successfully, and all the IQ sample pairs reported
are marked valid.

The number of packets transmitted required for the test needs to be increased to allow for both lost
packets and invalid IQ sample pairs. A 20% allowance to account for lost packets and invalid IQ sample

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pairs is recommended. The IUT reports IQ sample pairs at a rate of TSPX_IQ_Report_Rate. The number
of packets transmitted by the tester for the measurement needs to scale by the following factor:

Number of Transmitted LE Packets per second

𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑙 [ ]

This is the recommended maximum number of packets transmitted by the tester for the coherency
tests.For TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-09-C, updated interference frequency selection formula in step 4 of test
procedure and updated adjacent channels in table and Pass Verdict.

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7 Revision history and acknowledgments

Revision History

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

0.9d4 2009-04-02 Updated references, version submitted to BTI

0.9 2009-04-24 0.9 version approved by the BTI. Modulation

characteristics TC aligned with BR/EDR wrt
calculating Df1avg and Df2avg.
The 0.9d4 version submitted for review was approved
by the BTI as 0.9 on the condition that the
adjustments above were implemented.

1.0d1 2009-10-27 First 1.0 draft. Updated Table 7:2 and 7:3 (Errata
#3239), fixed broken reference p34. Text modification
in Ch 7.5.2; Content of table is informal (TS follow-up
to Errata #3161).

1.0d2 2009-10-30 Further updates as a result of Errata #3161 and

#3276. NTC/ETC changed to NOC/EOC. Updated
with separate test case definitions for NOC and EOC.

1.0d3 2009-11-20 Corrected typo; maximum interferer frequency in

RCV-LE/CA/BV-02-C. TC naming conventions aligned
with BR/EDR. Terms ‘connectable’ and ’non-
connectable’ added for clarification in Sect 7.3. TC’s
aligned with other TC’s wrt test procedure
content/description. Normative references update.
Editorial review

1.0d4 2009-11-23 Editorial pass; changed alphanumerics to numerics in

test procedures; added periods; checked that xrefs
are blue. Updated date and doc ID; renamed file to
match Doc ID.

1.0d5 2009-11-25 Adjustments to SIG test case numbering practices

(e.g TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-1/C to TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-C

1.0d6, 1.0d7 2009-11-30, Editorial updates


0 RF- 2009-12-15 Prepare for publication.


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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

4.0.1r0 2010-12-01- TSE 3408: TRM-LE/CA/BV-03-C , TRM-LE/CA/BV-

2011-02-02 04-C: updates 5, 6
TSE 3462 Rename test case in Tables 7.2 and 7.3 :
TSE 3945: Remove Section 7.2 and refer to ESR05,
eventually to be moved to core spec Vol 6, Part D
Section 4. See also TSE 4204.
TSE 4204: Additional changes for E3696 ( see also
TSE 3945)

1 4.0.1 2011-07-18 Prepare for publication.

4.0.2r0 2012-09-06 TSE 4906: Change to test procedure of TRM-

LE/CA/BV-03-C added, "AND skip to next frequency if
the increased frequency equals to fTX or "fTX - 1MHz"
or "fTX + 1MHz".

2 4.0.2 2012-11-15 Prepare for Publication

4.0.3r1 2013-05-31 TSE 5041: Editorial correction in step 3 of the test

procedure for test case RCV-LE/CA/BV-01-C,
incorrect cross-reference.
TSE 5042: Editorial correction to the cross-reference
in Figure 6.7 in RCV-LE/CA/BV-03-C that referenced
“Table 6.4” when it should have referenced “6.3”.
TSE 5043: Editorial correction to the cross-reference
in Figure 6.8 in RCV-LE/CA/BV-04-C that referenced
“Table 6.5” when it should have referenced “6.4”.
TSE 5044: Editorial correction in the 3rd paragraph of
the pass verdict for test case RCV-LE/CA/BV-04-C.

4.0.3r2, 2013-06-03 BTI Review, comments from Miles.

4.0.3r3 2013-06-04 BTI Review, comments from Dan.

Updated Copyright Notice to 2013.
Changed Table reference to figure reference in Step 4
of TRM-LE/CA/BV-06-C.

4.0.3r4 2013-06-04 BTI Review, additional comments from Dan

TRM-LE/CA/BV-04-C was an incorrect heading level,
changed it to the test case heading level which
updated the section from 6.3 to 6.3.4.

3 4.0.3 2013-07-02 Prepare for Publication

4.1.0r01 2013-11-11 Revision to accommodate v 4.1

4 4.1.0 2013-12-03 Prepare for Publication

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

4.1.0 – 2014-01-23 Template Conversion into Template_TS_2014r02


4.1.1r00 2014-01-23 TSE 5507: Correctly formatted the TC IDs for TRM-

4.1.2r00 2014-10-21 TSE 5635: Corrected a statement that had lost the
superscript, “The probability of a 368 bit sequence
containing not bit errors is 0.999^368 = 0.692”

4.1.2r01 2014-11-05 BTI Review, Magnus, Removed Test Suite Structure


4.2.0r00 2014-11-07 Integrated CRs from RF-PHY TS 4 1 0-


4.2.0r01 2014-11-24 Updated Test Case numbering convention to match

convention in TCRL (added “BV” and dashes).

5 4.2.0 2014-12-04 Prepare for TCRL 2014-2 publication

4.2.1r00 2015-05-06 TSE 6142: Updated Section 6.6 to be consistent with

revised sensitivity levels in Core spec. Revised Pass
verdicts accordingly for TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-01-C,
TSE 6100: Deleted “EIRP” in TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-
C Pass verdict.
TSE 6140: Revised References section to remove
redundant entries and correct errors. Updated
instances of those references throughout the
TSE 6340: Corrected equation in step 5 of TP/TRM-
TSE 6368: Corrected references to other steps in
steps 8 and 12 of TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-03-C

4.2.1r01 2015-05-18 TSE 6413: Revised PER value in Pass verdict of


4.2.1r02 2015-06-03 Editorial: Universal change from EUT to IUT

Removal of redundant Section 6.5 (Test Conditions

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 107 of 115

Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

6 4.2.1 2015-07-14 Prepared for TCRL 2015-1 publication

4.2.2r00 2015-10-09 TSE 6369: Changed interval for frequency drift rate #0
in Figure 4.5 and updated the pass criterion frequency
for TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-06-C.
TSE 6622: Removed TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-02-C,
and TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-02-C.
TSE 6682: Revised initial conditions for TP/TRM-
LE/CA/BV-06-C, and TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-07-C. Also
added Section 6.8 Packet Lengths.

4.2.2r01 2015-10-27 Reviewed by Dave Richter.

Editorial changes resulting from TSE 6622: Removed
Section 6.4 (EOC); removed other references to
extreme conditions throughout; removed references to
normal conditions throughout where they became
redundant with the removal of extreme operating

4.2.2r02 2015-11-03 Reviewed by Magnus Sommansson.

Reinstated “Test Condition” test sections with
instructions to perform tests at normal operating

4.2.2r03 2015-11-18 Integrated changes for Core Specification Addendum

5 (CSA5): Added references and updated pass verdict
for TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-C [Output power].

7 4.2.2 2015-12-22 Prepared for TCRL 2015-2 publication

4.2.3r00 2016-02-11 TSE 6818: Added Section 4.4 Common Test Case
Conditions. The following changes applied to all test
cases: First initial condition moved to Section 4.4.
Added new test condition with cross-reference to
Section 4.4. Deleted test condition moved to Section

4.2.3r01 2016-03-02 TSE 6917: Relaxation measurement criteria changed

in TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-03-C from “does not apply”
exceptions to “does apply” admissions.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 108 of 115

Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

4.2.3r02 2016-04-07 TSE 6395: Updated Initial Condition of test case

TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-01-C. Corrected “2) to 3)” to “2) to
4).” Changed modulation frequency to 1250 Hz.
Second to last sentence reworded slightly. MSC
updated. Changed fmod to “1250 Hz” and T/4 to “200

8 4.2.3 2016-07-13 Prepared for TCRL 2016-1 publication

5.0.0r00 2016-07-07 Integrated changes for Core Specification 5.0 release:

2MBPS_Test_Cases_CRr12: Global edit. Added 5
new sections for test cases TRM-LE/CA/BV-07-C –
11-C. Added 18 new sections for test cases TP/RCV-
LE/CA/BV-08-C – 25-C.
BLR_Test_Cases_CRr12: Global edit. Added 2 new
sections for test cases TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-12-C & 13-
C. Added 12 new sections for test cases TP/RCV-
LE/CA/BV-26-C – 37 C.

5.0.0r01 2016-06-28 Issue 7189: Updated test case TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-

12-C: Updated Steps 4, 8, and 9. Deleted Steps 8–12.
Updated Pass Verdict.
Issue 7286: Entire “Packet Lengths” section rewritten.

5.0.0r02 2016-09-02 Issue 7553: Added sum symbol (∑) to step 6 in test
case TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-07-C. Global edits:
Removed/replaced “must” in Pass verdict. Updated
legacy test text: Changed “…at 1 Ms/s” to “…uncoded
data at 1 Ms/s.” Deleted condition from legacy tests.
Reference instead Section 4.4, Common Test Case
Conditions. Updated Test Condition to reference
Section 4.4. Step numbering corrected in test case
C. Replaced all occurrences of “at NOC” with
“uncoded data at 1 Ms/s.”

5.0.0r03 2016-09-20 Issue 7643: Updated description of interference signal

in Test Procedure for test cases TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-
03-C, 05-C, 09-C, 11-C, 28-C, and 29-C.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

5.0.0r04 2016-10-03 Issue 7733: Added missing space between sentences

in Test Purposes > Conformance section. Updated
test case TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-03-C: Changed “Steps 2
to 4” to “Steps 2 to 3.” Changed “Steps 2 to 6” to
“Steps 2 to 5.” Updated Initial Condition, Test
Procedure, and Pass Verdict of test case TP/RCV-
LE/CA/BV-24-C to align with style in test case
Issue 7774: Changed test cases TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-
07-C – 13-C to TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-08-C – 14-C,
respectively, in test case headings, TCMT, and

TSE 7551: Deleted notes from test case TP/TRM-

5.0.0r05 2016-10-10

TSE 7450: Standardized “Pass Verdict” wording for

5.0.0r06 2016-10-12
test case TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-C.

5.0.0r07 2016-11-08 Issue 7806: In the TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-14-C: Updated

steps 4-6 (including Figure 4.6) in test procedure to
match symbols before and after all 16-symbol blocks;
Removed "|f0 – f3|" from Pass Verdict, and adjusted
“n” range for |”fn – f(n-3)|.”
Issue 7905: For TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-09-C, updated
interference frequency selection formula in step 4 of
test procedure and updated adjacent channels in table
and Pass Verdict.

5.0.0r08 2016-11-22 Removed obsolete TC references that got accidentally

reintroduced with the Shanghai CRs. Removed
TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-02-C from 6.2.2. Removed
TP/TRM-LE/CA/BV-02-C and –BV-04-C as well as
TP/RCV-LE/CA/BV-02-C from 6.2.3

9 5.0.0 2016-12-13 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2016-2


Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 110 of 115

Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

5.0.1r00 2017-03-08 TSE 7818: In RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-C, updated

Pass Verdict and added IEEE term “shall”.
TSE 8337: See notes below for TSE 8339.
TSE 8338: See notes below for TSE 8339.
TSE 8339: In RF-PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-03-C and RF-
PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-09-C, updated figure: Changed
interference signal level from "-67dBm + C/I + Lt" to "-
67dBm - C/I + Lt". In RF-PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-28-C,
updated figure: Changed interference signal level from
"-89dBm + C/I + Lt" to "-72dBm - C/I + Lt". In RF-
PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-29-C, updated figure: Changed
interference signal level from "-91dBm + C/I + Lt" to "-
79dBm - C/I + Lt". Note: TSE 8339 includes TSE 8337
and TSE 8338.

5.0.1r01 2017-05-10 Converted to new Test Case ID conventions as

defined in TSTO v4.1.

10 5.0.1 2017-07-05 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2017-1


5.0.2r00 2017-08-18 TSE 9161: In Frequencies for Testing: Peripheral and

Central Devices, reorganized RF-PHY/TRM-
and deleted RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-04-C in the test
case(s) table. Added the following 20 TCIDs to
Appendix > In Frequencies for Testing: Broadcaster
and Observer Devices section: RF-PHY/TRM-
14-C - …25-C, and RF-PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-32-C -
TSE 9173: Deleted test in Test Strategy. Deleted
Provisional RF Testing and Test Equipment sections
from Test Cases > Introduction section.

5.0.2r01 2017-09-19 AoA/AoD: Integrated the AoA/AoD CR into the

Reference section and test cases RF-PHY/TRM-
LE/CA/BV-01-C, RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-06-C, and
RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-12-C. Added new test cases
RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-15-C - …17-C. Added new
tests to TCMT.

5.0.2r02 2017-10-02 TSE 9858: Resized RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-06-C

Figures 4.4 and 4.5 to fit portrait page.
TSE 9895: Fixed RF-PHY/RCV-LE/CA/BV-31-C test
procedure typo in data coding scheme.

5.0.2r03 2017-10-13 TSE 9859: Revised the RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-05-C

“Frequency deviation measurement principle for
10101010-payload sequence” figure.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

5.0.2r04 2017-10-31 TSE 9161: Reorganized RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-13-

C and RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-14-C in the test
case(s) table in “Frequencies for Testing: Peripheral
and Central Devices.”

11 5.0.2 2017-12-07 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2017-2


5.0.3r00-02 2018-01-26 – Issue 10132 : deleted AoA/AoD text from test cases
2018-06-08 RF-PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-01-C (section 4.4.1), RF-
PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-06-C (section 4.4.4), and RF-
PHY/TRM-LE/CA/BV-12-C (section 4.4.9).
TSE 10106 (rating 1): Changed “TRM-LE/CA” to
“TRM” and “RCV-LE/CA” to “RCV” in test case
TSE 10106 : fixed integration error. Applied change to
two more instances in test case RF-PHY/TRM/BV-11-

12 5.0.3 2018-07-02 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2018-1


5.0.4r00-r04 2018-08-20 - Incorporated RF-PHY.DF.Test CRr09: Added 20 new

2018-10-25 test cases to spec text, TCMT, and Appendix Table
6.2: RF-PHY/TRM/IQC/BV-01-C – 08-C; RF-
PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C – 12-C. Added 2 new
sections: "Test Setups Examples" (Section 4.6) and
"Error Measurement for IQ Samples" (Section 6.8).
Issue 11046: Various clarifications and typo
corrections for IQ sample test material. Sections: Tx
Power Stability, AoD Transmitter; Antenna switching
integrity, AoD Transmitter; IQ Samples Coherency,
AoD Receiver; IQ Samples Coherency, AoA Receiver;
IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver; IQ
Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver; Appendix.
Issue 11081: Clarifications and typo corrections for IQ
sample test material.
Issue 11085: Clarified test procedure step repetition in
IQ Samples Coherency and Dynamic Range test
TSE 11072 (rating 1): Fixed typo in revision date on
first page.
TSE 10897 (rating 2): Changed Interference Signal #2
from 1 Ms/s to 2 Ms/s for test case RF-PHY/RCV/BV-
Issue 11082: Comprehensive re-write of the IQ
Sample Appendix section for clarity and accuracy.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

Integration review, renaming from /TRM/IQC/BV-01.. -

04-C to “/TRM/PS/BV-01-C etc, from /TRM/IQC/BV-
05..08-C to /TRM/ASI/BV-05-C etc, from
/RCV/IQC/BV-07..-12-C to /RCV/IQDR/BV-07 etc

5.1.0 2018-11-13 Updated revision number to 5.1.0 to align with the

adoption of Core Specification version 5.1

13 5.1.0 2018-12-07 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2018-2


5.1.1r00–r02 2019-03-29– TSE 11535 (rating 1): Updated TCMT Item to LL 9/22
2019-05-15 for test cases RF-PHY/TRM/PS/BV-02-C, 04-C; and
TSE 11732 (rating 1): Updated the test procedure in
the "IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver" and
"IQ Samples Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver"
TSE 11791 (rating 2): TCMT-only change to
accommodate ICS/IXIT updates.

14 5.1.1 2019-08-01 Approved by BTI. Prepared for TCRL 2019-1


p15r00–r02 2019-09-06 – TSE 12097 (rating 3): Updated pass verdict for “IQ
2019-11-12 Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver” section, which
affects test cases RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C – -04-
C. Updated pass verdict for “IQ Samples Coherency,
AoA Receiver” section, which affects test cases RF-
PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C and -06-C.
TSE 12098 (rating 1): Updated test step for “IQ
Samples Coherency, AoD Receiver” section, which
affects test cases RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C – -04-
C, and test step for “IQ Samples Coherency, AoA
Receiver” section, which affects test cases RF-
PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-05-C and -06-C.
TSE 12127 (rating 2): Updated TCMT to take into
account the PHYs for the IQ sample tests.
TSE 12384 (rating 1): Clarified expected outcome text
and fixed subscripting of text in test cases RF-
PHY/TRM/BV-16-C and -17-C.
Revised document numbering convention, setting last
release publication of 5.1.1 as p14; added publication
number column to Revision History.

15 p15 2020-01-07 Approved by BTI on 2019-12-22. Prepared for TCRL

2019-2 publication.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite

Publication Revision Date Comments

Number Number

p16r00–r07 2020-01-31 – TSEs 12505, 12947, 12948 (rating 2): Editorial

2021-06-04 adjustment that involved removing Section 6.2 and the
testing frequencies tables in Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2,
adding testing frequencies tables to the test condition
section of each test case, and moving the introduction
text from Section 6.2 regarding direct test mode, etc.
to Section 4.2 “Common Test Case Conditions”.
(Note: All changes for TSEs 12505, 12947, and 12948
are flagged for this integration as TSE 12505, as they
use a single CR to incorporate all of the changes
required for all three TSEs.)
TSE 12941 (rating 2): Updated TCMT to include
“2Ms/s” to better align with ICS; affected test cases
RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-03-C, -04-C, and -06-C; RF-
PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-09-C, -10-C, and -12-C; RF-
PHY/TRM/PS/BV-03-C and -04-C; and RF-
PHY/TRM/ASI/BV-07-C and -08-C.
TSE 13402 (rating 2): Edited test steps and pass
verdicts to address an issue with requiring too many
packets to be transmitted per test. Affected sections
containing test cases RF-PHY/RCV/IQC/BV-01-C –-
06-C and RF-PHY/RCV/IQDR/BV-07-C – -12-C.
TSE 14692 (rating 2): Updated TCMT to fix a mapping
TSE 16485 (rating 4): To address E16372 regarding
Transmit Power Level for Power Class, moved
RFPHY/TRM/BV-01-C into a TC Config table with new
TC RFPHY/TRM/BV-18-C and updated Pass verdict.
Updated TCMT accordingly.
TSE 16596 (rating 1): Corrected an error in the
formulae calculating amplitude A in the “IQ Samples
Dynamic Range, AoD Receiver” and “IQ Samples
Dynamic Range, AoA Receiver” sections by updating
step 4 and the Pass verdict.
TSE 16697 (rating 1): Updated title/header and
document ID; updated all instances of “RF PHY” and
“RF-PHY” to “RFPHY” to align with the latest naming
Template-related and consistency checker editorials.
Editorial corrections to properties requiring subscript
formatting (e.g., fRX and fTX).

16 p16 2021-07-13 Approved by BTI on 2021-06-27. Prepared for TCRL

2021-1 publication.

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Radio Frequency Physical Layer (RFPHY) / Test Suite


Name Company

Nils Schapmann 7 Layers

Edward Harrison Anritsu

Juan Manuel Hidalgo Perdiguero AT4 wireless

Ángel Romero AT4 wireless

Alexandru Andreescu Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

Norbert Grünert Broadcom

Peter Flittner CSR

Magnus Sommansson CSR

Steven Wenham CSR

Ole Myrtue Nokia

Jukka Reunamaki Nokia

Frank Karlsen Nordic Semiconductor A/S

Tor Ø. Vedal Nordic Semiconductor A/S

Dave Richter Qualcomm

Magnus Sommansson Qualcomm

Peter Dziwior Rohde & Schwarz

Rogier Schaeffer ST Microelectronics

Paul vanOostende ST Microelectronics

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary Page 115 of 115

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