Far 3: Shareholder'S Equity: Shareholder's Equity Book Value Per Share Earnings Per Share Share-Based Payments
Far 3: Shareholder'S Equity: Shareholder's Equity Book Value Per Share Earnings Per Share Share-Based Payments
Far 3: Shareholder'S Equity: Shareholder's Equity Book Value Per Share Earnings Per Share Share-Based Payments
Shareholder’s Equity
Book Value per Share
Earnings per Share
Share-based Payments
SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY Donated Capital Treasury Shares @ Cost Method
Legal Capital
With par NO par - donations from shareholders
Acquisition: @ Cost
Ordinary / Preferred Share Capital X X X 1) Entity’s own shares Reissuance
Subscribed Share Capital X X X - memo entry - above cost: excess is credited
Less: Subscription Receivable X - outstanding shares are reduced to SP - Treasury Shares
Share Dividends Payable X X X X - donated capital is credited upon - below cost: debit (order of priority)
Share Premium (Ordinary / Preferred) X X X sale of donated shares a. SP - Treasury Shares
Other Share Premium From original issuance
2) Asset b. Retained Earnings
- from Treasure Shares X - donated capital is credited Retirement
- from Conversion option (bonds) X Organization Costs upon receipt of donated asset - perceived gain (orig. issue price > cost)
- Share Warrants Outstanding X - legal fees: expensed a. Cancel SC & SP-orig. issuance
- Share Options Outstanding X (i.e for incorporation) Retirement of Share Capital b. Credit excess to SP-TS
- Donated Capital X X - perceived loss (orig. issue price < cost)
1) Derecognize SC and its related a. Cancel SC & SP-orig. issuance
Total Paid-In (Contributed) Capital X SP - orig issuance
Share Issuance Costs b. Debit perceived loss (order of priority)
Retained Earnings - unappropriated
(accumulated profits) X - SP from issuance is reduced; = (Issue Price - Par value) SP - Treasury Shares
: Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings - appropriated - other wise, RE x # of share to be retired
(RE reserves or appropriations) X Under writing fees 2) If gain (retirement price > par Recapitalization
Other Comprehensive Income Documentary stamps of SC + SP): credit SP-retirement
X - when there is a debit RE balance (deficit),
- Changes in Revaluation Surplus Cost of printing stocks certs 3) If loss (retirement price < par
X amount of deficit is eliminated against SP
- Changes in FV of Equity Investment @ FV-OCI SEC filing fees of SC + SP): debit RE - credit excess to SP-recapitalization
- Net re-measurement G/L on defined benefit plan X Cost of promoting stock issue
- G/L on credit risk of a financial liability @ FV-PL X X 1) Change from par to no-par; vice versa
Less: Treasury Shares X 2) Reduction of par or stated value
Total Shareholder’s Equity X 3) Share Split
b. Issued simultaneously With Highest Bidder share warrants = preferred shares
- both shares have FV: relative FV method 1) to highest bidder
- only one have FV: residual goes to other -# of shares he is willing to be received when bid was made 2) For Bonds Payable
- both have no FV: proportional method 2) to delinquent subscriber - refer to FAR 2: Compound Financial Instruments
(using par value of shares issued) - any remaining shares
No highest bidder
1) Corporation acquires the shares: treasury shares
2) Corporation is prohibited to acquire shares: no issuance will be made
1) Preference as to Assets
- entitled to liquidating dividend value plus
any dividends in arrears
2) Preference as to Dividends
- entitled to receive dividends first
Non-cumulative Non-participating
Cumulative Participating
with dividends participate in the balance after
in arrears ordinary shares receive dividends
Do not deduct subscription receivable for BVPS computation
: Treasury shares are considered retired for BVPS computation
Procedural Approach
1) Compute outstanding shares of each class 2) Compute excess over par
and its total par value
Amount Total SHE exc. SR X
Less: Par of OS & PS X
SC issued X X Excess over par X
Add: Subscribed SC X X
Less: Treasury Shares @par X X
Oustanding Shares X X
participation Par, PS + OS
For partial participation,
Ordinary Shares
amount of participation
Balance for X Par, OS X X is equal to:
participation Par, PS + OS
Total SHE X X % of participation - Fixed % of PS X
X Total Par, PS X
/ Outstanding Shares X X Amount of participation X
EARNINGS PER SHARE 2) Convertible Preferred Shares
- pertain only to ordinary shares (OS) Net Income (after tax) before Preferred Dividends
DEPS = Wtd. Ave. OS outstanding + Potential OS
Public enterprises: required to present EPS Upon conversion of PS:
Non-public enterprises: encouraged but not required X
Beg. shares x 12/12
Uses of EPS Add: Other actual issuance during the year (wtd average) X
Assessment of value of shares Total X
Promotion of comparability Add: OS issued upon conversion (wtd average) X
Basis for dividend policy Total Wtd Ave of Actual OS issued X For BEPS computation
Add: Assumed converted OS (wtd average) X
BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE Total Wtd Ave OS X For DEPS computation
PS Dividends
Cumulative: 1 yr only, declared or not Incremental EPS = < BEPS = dilutive
Net Income (after tax) - Preferred Dividends
Non-cumulative: ONLY if declared Total Shares
Redeemable: ignored
BEPS = Wtd. Ave. OS outstanding 3) Options and Warrants
From date the consideration is receivable
Options > Average Market Price of OS Dilutive
* If Basic Loss per share, still required to be disclosed Options < Average Market Price of OS Anti-dilutive
** For stock rights issuance, adjust the wtd ave OS outstanding before right issue:
Exercise Price X
FV, shares right-on Add: FV of each share option X
Adj. Factor = FV, shares ex-right FV right-on - Theoretical Value of 1 right
Un av ai la ble
Total Exercise Price X Option Shares X
X Option shares X Less: Assumed Treasury Shares X
FV, right-on - Subscription Price X
Proceeds from assumed exercise X Incremental Shares
# of rights to purchase 1 share + 1 X/12
/ Ave. Market Price during the year X Months outstanding/12
DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (If NOT exercised) Wtd. Ave. Incremental Shares X
OR Add: Wtd. Ave. Of actual shares
BEPS Market Price @ Conversion Date issued including those exercised X
Dilutive if: or Anti-dilutive? Only BEPS shall be presented Total Wtd Ave OS X
BLPS (If exercised) X
Method: use “as-if converted method” Assumed Treasury Shares X
of share options
EQUITY-SETTLED PAYMENTS share options (by reducing exercise price) b. Recognize INCREASE IN FV instruments
R Grant Memo
Increase in # of equity instruments granted (or EQUITY INSTRUMENTS) and - no accounting issue
spread over remaining periods
c Employees date entry
Reducing vesting period or modifying non- Journal entry:
✗ Non-employees
p market performance condition Take to account the
Share options xx
date modified conditions
i Date goods or Cash xx
n services are 2) NOT Beneficial to employees
received Decrease in FV of equity instruments 2) FV of equity <
IGNORE Cash paid
(by increasing exercise price) instruments
Immediately fully recognize Decrease in # of equity instruments granted
⑥ Apply prospectively Excess: additional
⑥ Vesting Increasing vesting period or modifying non- salaries expense
recognize within vesting period
Not immediate IGNORE
market performance condition a. Share options > Payment
1) Ser vice - to remain as employee within vesting period outstanding
Intrinsic Value (IV)
recognize whether target stock price Issue: Options exercisable even after vesting period - close to SHARE PREMIUMS
Market was met or not (no revision)
Intrinsic Value = change in FV of SHARES every year b. Share options < Payment
2) Performance i.e: meet target stock price
length of vesting period Unexercised options X IV
can be - charge to RETAINED
Non-market number of equity instruments revised Total salaries expense = (using the table formula) EARNINGS
exercise price +
Exercised options X IV
⑥ Non-vesting i.e: meet target earnings (%)
⑥ Non-employees ⑥ Employees - recognize liability every end of reporting 1) Cash alternative subsequently added
Intrinsic Value = Measurement - apply prospectively
FV of goods or unavailable FV of equity unavailable Market Price
- recognize liability to the extent in
ser vices received instruments granted - Exercise Price Initial: FV at grant date
Subsequent: FV at reporting date which services were rendered
Formula 2) Granted simultaneously
Y1 Y2 Y3 Formula
Y1 Y2 Y3 Equity portion
# of employees X X X
Less: # of employees expected to leave X X X # of employees X X X
Less: # of employees expected to leave X X X FV of share alternative X
X X X Less: FV of cash alternative X
X share options per employee X X X X X X
X SARs per employee X X X Share options (equity) X
X FV or IV of share options X X X / vesting period 3
Total compensation X X X X FV of SARs X X X
Total liability X X X Annual salaries expense - equity X
X ratio, vesting period 1/3 2/3 3/3
Cumulative compensation expense X ratio, vesting period 1/3 2/3 3/3 Liability portion
(share options outstanding) X X X Cumulative compensation expense
Less: prior yr cumulative compensation X X (SARs payable) X X X Computation is AS IS
Current compensation expense Less: prior yr cumulative compensation X X
(increase in share options outstanding) X X X Current compensation expense
(increase in SARs payable) X X X