Graduate School 3 Trimester, Academic Year 2020-2021: St. Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500

Graduate School
3rd Trimester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Name: Danica Lorine R. Taguinod,RN

Course:MSN Adult Health
Clinical reasoning is regarded as the most important skill of a health practitioner.

1. Do you agree with the statement? Support your answer.

It is true that clinical reasoning is regarded as the most important skill of a healthcare
practitioner because clinical reasoning is referred to all the cognitive processes employed by
nurses, clinicians, and other health professionals in analysing a clinical case or a patient’s
condition, reaching an accurate diagnosis, and proffering the appropriate treatment plan. This
is a crucial practice of a healthcare professional as it relays on the condition of the patients. If
one could fail on its clinical reasoning, for example its diagnosis, the patient could get worse or
even die. But on the other hand, if the clinical reasoning is good, the diagnosis, the treatment
plan went well, we the healthcare practitioner serves our purpose.

2. How do you think can one improve his/her clinical reasoning skills?

Learning is a continuous process, as we grow professionally we are always learning through our
books, internets and our own experience especially in hospital settings, we encounter everyday
different patients yet, we exercise our clinical reasonings. We also improve our clinical
reasonings by listening to our colleagues, our mentors, not just in schools but also in our work

1. How do you decide? What are the factors that you consider when making clinical or
patient- care related decisions?
As a nurse, decision making is very crucial. Patient’s well being is the outmost
consideration. In everyday circumstances with patients, it is very hard to put
professional decisions especially if the patient had different view on you. But as a
professional healthcare worker, patient care is the priority, who ever the patient is.
Patient’s safety and well-being is always the first thing in mind to every decision I
consider in my everyday encounter to my patient.

2. . What has been a most difficult patient or work-related decision you made recently?
The most difficult patient or work related decision I have made early is related to my
experience in the hospital. I am one of the covid nurse in our community isolation unit.
Being a covid nurse is a sacrifice not only for me but also to my family. I decided to be in
this situation to be at help in this pandemic.

3. What are factors that can hinder a professional nurse from making sound judgments
or decisions?
Many factors that could hinder us professional nurses from making decisions, first is
patients outlook. Patient comes from different walks in life, different religions, stance
and well being. All of this can hinder us from making sound judgments. Second is our
institution, government hospital especially here in the Philippines lacks resources, our
institution for example is only an infirmary level and we had limited resources such as
we do not have our ambulance to transport our patients in a bigger hospital. We can
only accommodate limited patients for we have our community isolation unit being
integrated in our hospital. This is just some hindrances that could affect our clinical

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