Social Issues of Pakistan and Solutions To Them
Social Issues of Pakistan and Solutions To Them
Social Issues of Pakistan and Solutions To Them
Islamic Republic of Pakistan was established in 1947, a country of 170 million people, and full of natural
resources.In less than 30 years of independence, it’s one wing got separated (Bangladesh). Remaining
part till today is living on IMF, World Bank and foreign donations.Majority of the population is living in
rural areas without basic necessities of life.From the last 10 years, extremism is increasing.Whatever
happens in the world it is almost understood even before investigations that it will have a link with
Despite it being rich on raw resources thus far Pakistan is a developing country with limited
development in every era due to the problems it faces
In Islam, poverty is a great curse and unfortunate. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) also
prayed to Allah to save him (PBUH) from Poverty. Poverty is the state in which one lacks a usual or
socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. Poverty is said to exist when people lack
the means to satisfy their basic needs. 21.0 % population is much poor and spending their lives below
poverty line in Pakistan. Poverty line refers to one dollar per day. Last year population below poverty line
was 23.9 %.
Poor governance
Instable government and instability in the policies of government is another cause of poverty. Every
government remains fail to establish such policy that leads to reduce the poverty.
Poverty is also due to dishonesty and corruption in management. Officers receive a huge amount of
illegal money for the legal and illegal job. These unnecessary payments reduce the savings of poor and
result is poverty.
Unemployment is the major cause of poverty. Unemployment means no source of income and result is
poverty. Rate of unemployment is 5.5 %, 16 % is underemployed and 20 % is disguised unemployed in
Poor judiciary system
Law and order conditions are at their poor stages. A huge portion of saving of population is wasted in
costly and lengthy legal process Chief Justices Iftikhar Muhammad Chohdery has to wait for justices for a
long period in Pakistan.
Ignorant but big landlords control our whole economy. They have no sense of social welfares. In
government they take those actions that are in their personal interests
Nepotism means the murder of talent and abilities. It refers to the employment opportunities according
to relation not according to the worth. If population is poor but is talented it remains poor due to
Imposition of taxes
Government has to impose taxes to raise its revenue. Imposition of taxes reduces the disposable income
of people. Lack of disposable income means low savings and low investment and poverty.
Poverty can be removed by broking the vicious circle of poverty.
Control on inflation is compulsory to eliminate the poverty.
Government should provide more facilities to investors to increase the investment to reduce the
Use of modern techniques of production and subsidies in utility charges is necessary.
Development of agriculture and industrial sector will reduce the poverty in Pakistan.
Government should make easy, more and in time availability of various types of credits.
We should save more to reduce the poverty.
Govt. should reduce the rate of tax and increase the rate of capital formation.
Govt. should allocate more funds for education to increase the literacy rate.
Proper maintenance of law and order in necessary to remove the poverty.
Check on nepotism is necessary to reduce the poverty.
Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. The Constitution of Islamic Republic
of Pakistan says, “The state of Pakistan shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory
secondary education within minimum possible period. 49.9% educated populace ( Human development
Report Pakistan) placed at 136th position. The primary completion rate in Pakistan, given by Date Center
of UNESCO, is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males, which shows that people in the 6th largest country
of the world are unable to get the basic education.
The most common cause of illiteracy is our traditional culture based on pure agricultural, profession in
which education is not considered to be a foundation of life. Mostly, the cultivators have been illiterate
people through out centuries in the history of our social life. It was considered that .if a boy become
highly educated, he will become useless for the farms. it means cultivation of land and education is
considered opposite concepts in our agrarian society.
Agrarian Society
Most of the people (about 68%) live in rural areas of Pakistan and majority of them are attached with
different fields of agriculture. Some are cultivators and some are helpers to the cultivators. Therefore,
the tendency towards education is not favorite concept among the residents of rural area. A student put
to school and college is considered to be useless for them. Moreover, they say that he will neither get
employment in offices nor he will be able to cultivate the land and thus his life shall has been destroyed.
cost of education is increases and becomes unbearable for parents as he gets promoted.
Conservative Approach
Illiteracy rate is higher among women than men. It is evident from the fact that most of the women
are illiterate in rural areas. The people of rural areas dislike women to be employed in any government
or private office. A woman is preferred to be a good wife, a good mother and a good daughter, if she
works within the family.
Illiterate Parents
Most of the parents are illiterate that is why they do not like to send their children to schools specially
the daughters. In urban areas this percentage of illiteracy is also higher among the women than that of
men. The cultural value of Pakistani society dominate both in rural and urban areas to restrict the
women within the boundary of the house.
Ancestral Profession
Another important factor is that people are attached with these ancestral profession for a long period of
life and a son is expected to follow the same professional activities which his father is doing. It is a
matter of prestige to work in farms as his ancestors used to do. It means professional activities are
handed down from generation to generation and it is considered to be a cultural tradition of the family.
Another very important people of rural areas see educated young men employment. Then they think
that what is the use children to schools and colleges.
Low Prestige:
An illiterate person is given less prestige while sitting with other people. He is given only a labor work
and not allowed to sit on table .and chair in offices. He is considered to be at low class in society by the
educated people because he is poor and illiterate.
Illiteracy cerates backwardness among the people. Illiterates are unable to understand and its solution.
There Is a relationship between level of educational attainment and income. Generally speaking, it is
true that the more you educate the more you so earn illiteracy creates poverty.
Attitude Change:
Illiterate people can be drained into channel of progressive people with attitude change through Showing movies,
lectures by officers and programs of literacy on radio and television. These people can be given incentive of prize, if
they take classes of literacy in the union council offices or schools of the Village.
Literacy Programs.
The literacy program includes teaching the basic Subject i the language of the people, English, Urdu or what ever
they like. This work can be done by Other educated young men of the rural area on voluntary basis. The building is
available as school, hospital1 office and even the
mosque of the area.
Child Labor
A child should not be subjected to work at the expense of his or her education and dreams. Child labour
reduces the opportunity in minors to enjoy their childhood, go to school and have a decent attempt to
success. It condemns them to a life of limited opportunities. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that
every child is protected and not exploited for cheap labour. It is not just the responsibility of the parents
to eliminate child labour but also that of the government and the society.
Children who come from poor families may be forced to work to support their siblings and parents or
supplement the household income when expenses are more than the parents’ earnings. It is a huge
problem especially in developing countries where parents are unable to generate income due to the lack
of employment opportunities or education.
Low Aspiration.
It is important for parents and children to understand that they can work hard and make something
great of themselves. A low aspiration by parents and children is a major cause of child labour because in
such a situation, being employed in a local factory, or selling grocery in the streets is the normal way of
life. They do not aspire to become professionals in the society or great entrepreneurs.
A society with many educated people understands the importance of going to school and to follow
dreams. Illiteracy, on the other hand, makes it difficult for many people to understand the importance of
education. Most of the illiterate people do not provide support to children and they cannot go to school
and cannot build solid foundations for future success.
Early Marriages.
Marrying at an early age is a major contributing factor to overpopulation. Young parents are able to
have a lot of children because they remain fertile for a long time. Having many children with little or no
resources to support, leads to child labour. Older children are forced to work in order to help their
parents support the family.
Health issues.
Child labour can also lead to health complications due to undernourishment and poor working
conditions. It is highly unlikely that people who employ children also have the moral capacity to ensure
that they have good working conditions. Working in places such as mines and badly conditioned
factories may result in lifetime health issues for children employed to work in these places.
Mental disturbance.
It is not a pleasant experience to be kept working as a child while your age-mates are out playing and
going to school. Children also lack the ability to shield themselves from most of the challenges that
occur in the workplace. Issues such as discrimination, sexual exploitation, and unfavorable working
hours may result in mental upset in these children. Child labour may also result in the lack of emotional
growth and thus selfishness.
Children that are employed do not have the time to go to school. They spend a lot of time in their
workstations as the days and years go by. The lack of education and illiteracy makes them individuals
with limited opportunities for employment. Education also prepares a person for several challenges in
the society. An illiterate person considers force to be the only answer to nearly all of the challenges
Free education.
Free education holds the key to eliminating child labour. Parents that do not have money for school fees
can use this as an opportunity to provide their children with education.
Moral growth.
Child labour should not be entertained at all. It is legally and morally wrong. Children should not be
allowed to provide labour at the expense of getting an education and enjoying their childhood. Factory
owners, shopkeepers, and industries among others should not employ children.
According to the economic survey of Pakistan 2010-11, the total population of Pakistan is 177.1 million
against the 173.5 million in last year. Population growth rate is 2.1 % and in the list of most populous
countries, Pakistan is at 6 number.
Unemployment is also a symbol of over population. It is difficult to adjust the huge population in
economic activities. Rate of unemployment is 5.6 % in Pakistan.
Afghan Refugees
An arrival of refugees from India and especially from Afghanistan is also resulting in more population.
Low Death Rate
Reduction in death rate is another cause of over population. Death rate in 1951 was 2.8 % while it is just
0.73 % in 2010-11.
Warm Climate
Due to the warm climate, youth and maturity is attained at an early age. It also results in rapid
population growth.
Early Marriages
The marriages take place usually between 16 to 22 years of age in Pakistan. The duration for re-
productivity is very lengthy.
Due to lack of education, people are not aware of with the economic problems caused by high birth
rate. Literacy rate is 57.7 % in Pakistan.
Inefficient Population
Dependency ratio is very high in our county. Only 32.17 % population take part in economic activities
and other 67.83 % depends upon them. It views as a pressure on land and population expulsion.
Polygamy Practice
Polygamy is the condition or practice of having more than one wife at one time. The existence of
polygamy also contributes to the increase in population.
Due to rural urban migration and lack of facilities in cities, there are many social problems. It results in
increase in urban population. Higher rate of urbanization is an indicator of over population.
Universality of Marriage
All men and women of marriageable age enter into wedlock. As such the birth rate is higher in Pakistan.
Rapid rise in population growth increases the dependency ratio of unemployed population to employed
population. Labour force is 54.92 million of the population in Pakistan and remaining population is
depending upon them.
Unemployment is a worldwide curse. It is not a small subject because every Govt. has to pay attention to
the unemployment issue otherwise it is unable to handle economy. The problem of unemployment is
killing like a weapon of Damocles on the skull of our country. Workless people can always be dangerous
to the defense of the state. The ‘fire of stomach’, as it is said, can lead them to entrust any crime in the
calendar. If they are not given a job by which they may earn their living honestly, they will have no other
alternative than to beg or snatch their food.
Mobility of labour
People generally seek another job either because they are fired from the existing job or because they
are they want to get a better job. In the transition period they are unemployed.
Expansion of the Labour force
Every year more and more individuals join the labor force. During the phase of their job search they are
Many economists have termed frictional unemployment a sign of economic well being. Frictional
unemployment can exist only in a fast growing economy where the labor force is expanding, mobile,
flexible and adaptable. People generally seek another job either because they are fired from the existing
job or because they are they want to get a better job. In the transition period they are unemployed.
Many economists have termed frictional unemployment a sign of economic well being. Frictional
unemployment can exist only in a fast growing economy where the labor force is expanding, mobile,
flexible and adaptable.
Labour mobility
In the presence of perfect information and mobility of labor, people out of job can easily find in an
industry, which is in need of labor. This way, structural unemployment may be reduced.
High Gross Domestic Product, it is seen, is not indicative of a low structural unemployment :
The main reason for the high level of unemployment is technological progress. Don’t get me wrong;
progress is good and it makes life easier. But if every year we produce the same amount of goods with
fewer people — in a few years far less working hours are needed to produce all the goods that are
required. The historical trend has been to use less and less working hours per week. If we
do not continue this trend, the supply of working hours is greater than the demand. An oversupply of
working hours means they are worth less, wages and salaries get reduced. Also many persons are out of
work; their working hours are no longer needed. Those that are out of work have no income and
therefore the demand for goods goes down. With fewer sales, less gets produced, more persons are laid
off. This is a vicious circle that accelerates unemployment and produces crime; because some will turn
to crime to obtain income .