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Article  in  Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology · December 2016


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Adel M. Salem
Suez University


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ISSN 2394–7799 IJAETCS (2016) Vol.3, No.2, 10-26
Research Article
International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and
Computer Sciences


Adel M. Salem RagabI
Petroleum Engineering Department, Future University in Egypt, and Suez University, Egypt
([email protected] & [email protected])

ABSTRACT: Reliable data about in-situ reservoir measurements is significant in many phases of petroleum
reservoir engineering. The reservoir engineer must have sufficient data and information about the reservoir to
effectively analyze reservoir performance and forecast future production under various means of operation.
The production engineer must know the condition of production and injection wells to choose the best possible
performance from the reservoir. Much of that information can be obtained from pressure transient tests.
Analysis of pressure transient data is normally done by analytical solution and modern simulation programs.
Several programs are available for performing well testing analysis. In this paper, Saphir software is used
along with the normal analytical models to develop and analysis the pressure build up data in a different way in
order to detect and investigate the effect of wellbore phase redistribution in the test. This work is mainly
performed to investigate and detect the wellbore phase redistribution (WPR) and explain the different phases
and types qualitatively and quantitatively using 6 pressure transient tests, one of them is Egyptian case. The
average reservoir permeability of the tested well is ranging from 9.91 md to 497 md, and the reservoir pressure
covers a range from 237 psi to about 5000 psia. It presents analysis of pressure buildup, fall of tests, and DST
taken from the oil field. In addition, it describes the effect of the wellbore two phase segregation of the pressure
derivative curves while performing pressure buildup tests. Moreover, this work may leads to a method for
eliminating or reducing wellbore phase redistribution in pressure transient tests especially in high GOR
reservoir and tight oil reservoirs. It helps to better understanding the variable wellbore storage and phase
redistribution mechanisms involved in the pressure buildup tests and improved physical understanding of the
phase segregation process and it influences pressure buildup data. Such level of understanding is critical to our
success of developing new models or approaches in order to handle field tests both from design and
interpretation point of views.

Keywords: Wellbore Storage (WBS), Phase Redistribution, WPR, PTA, Pressure Transient.

1. INTRODUCTION: Pressure transient tests, such as pressure buildup, drawdown, injectivity, falloff, step rate test,
interference, and pulse test are very significant for both production engineering and reservoir engineering. Therefore,
it is important to analysis all of these test correctly to get the best estimate of most of the reservoir permeability such
as reservoir permeability, skin factor and average reservoir pressure in the drainage areas.
It is well know that [1, 2], the pressure transient testing includes creating and measuring pressure variations
with time in certain well and subsequently, calculating rock, fluid, and well properties. Among these properties,
reservoir effective oil permeability (Keo), average reservoir pressure (PR), total skin factor (S), reservoir heterogeneity,
fault detecting, fault distance, porosity, and it could be also used to calculate the reserve (pore volume of the
reservoir). All this information can be used to help analyze, improve and predict reservoir performance.
Defining average reservoir pressure, PR, is very significant in describing and characterizing an oil and gas
reservoirs. It is essential in calculating original oil in place (OOIP) or water influx from material balance equation
(MBE), knowing the pressure distribution for the recognition of fluid movement and in predicting future reservoir
performance in primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery projects.

2.1. PHASE REDISTRIBUTION OVERVIEW: In pressure build up tests, after shutting in the well from the
surface, the fluids (gas and/or liquid) in the tubing segregate and separate. These phases will be redistributed based on
the gravity, the gas moves up while the liquid phase going down to the bottom of the tubing. This phenomenon, called
phase redistribution in which the different phases redistributes in the vertical tubing while and immediately after
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standing condition. The effects of phase redistribution during a buildup test cause the wellbore- pressure response to
depart from its anticipated manners, thus confusing the analysis of the test data.
The wellbore phase redistribution phenomenon described and presented mathematically by so many
investigators [(1), (2), (3)]. Phase redistribution is one form of a more general phenomenon of changing well bore
storage. Other examples include increasing well bore storage resulting from changing gas compressibility in a gas
well with a large drawdown before shut-in, and a step increase or decrease in well bore storage.

2.2. DESCRIPTION OF PHASE REDISTRIBUTION: The wellbore phase redistribution (WPR) phenomenon
could happen through closing a well with multiphase flow of gas and liquid while performing pressure buildup test.
Gravity forces cause the free-gas phase to rise through the liquid column and the liquid phase to move down. The gas
bubbles near the bottom of the tubing are at a pressure comparable with formation pressure. As the bubbles growth to
the surface after shut-in, they cannot expand if the well bore is in poor communication with the pay zone. Thus, a
high-pressure gas column develops at the top of the tubing and a column of liquid develops below that gas. Under
these conditions, the total pressure at the sandface is equal the pressure formed due to gas column plus that created by
the liquid column below that gas (1).
The far odd example for this case, is that the bottornhole pressure (BHP) for the moment go above formation
pressure and oil in the wellbore moves again into the formation until balance is got and BHP drops to formation
pressure. Such behavior causes crating a hump in the BHP response during a buildup. At early times during the test,
the pressure increase will be abnormally large, confounding and complicating the determination of reservoir
permeability, skin effect, and wellbore storage term [(2), (3), (4)].
In 1958, Stegemeier and Matthews (2) mentioned that the gas hump occurs while performing a pressure build
up in an oil reservoir having permeability ranges from 10 to 100 md or a gas reservoir having permeability varies from
0.1 to 1 md and high positive skin factor. Moreover, they stated that the wells without packers tend to have smaller
hump than that with packers. As a results, they plotted a relationship between the sizes of the produced pressure
humps in about 75% of their tests (a field south Texas) versus their reservoir productivity index (PI). It is found that
that hump size is very high in a low PI reservoir and decreases as the PI increases.
In some cases, the hump does not appear in case of low permeability formations. The reason for that may
attributed to higher reservoir pressure than that of fluid column in the tubing. While in case of high permeability
reservoirs, the fluid can return to the formation fast to avoid a major increase in BHP resulting from growing gas
bubbles up.

2.3. PHASE-REDISTRIBUTION MODELS: In 1981, Fair (3) developed a mathematical model for describing the
phase red-distribution while performing pressure buildup test. He modified the WBS equation by adding term
describing the pressure change caused by phase redistribution ( ). Therefore, he derived a new term call
pseudowellbore storage coefficient (CeD) by the following equation:


Where P D is the dimensionless phase-redistribution pressure, it is calculated by the exponential function given by:


Where C D is the maximum dimensionless phase-redistribution pressure change defined by


The term D is the dimensionless time at which 63.2% of this maximum pressure change occurs and is defined by:


It is noted that Fair’s model is stable with his limited laboratory data only, therefore, it may not model all field
conditions accurately.

Lee et al. (2003) (1) suggested a new form of the apparent wellbore-storage coefficient, Cαv, as
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They stated at early times, if phase-redistribution effects are negligible ( C D = 0), the pressure behavior
represents true wellbore storage (CaD = CD). If phase redistribution affects the pressure response (C D > 0), the
apparent wellbore-storage coefficient is less than the true wellbore-storage coefficient (CaD < CD). This effect appears
as a deviation of the early-time data from the theoretical unit slope line. The dimensional apparent wellbore-storage
coefficient, Ca, is found with any point ( te, p) on the unit-slope line or its extrapolation,


And the dimensionless apparent wellbore-storage coefficient, CaD, is calculated by


Fig. I: Types of pressure responses resulting from phase redistribution (5).

Thompson et al. (1986) (5) categorized the effect of phase redistribution in a buildup test into three Types (I,
II, and III) as shown in Figure I. Type I, denotes the utmost degree of phase redistribution as wellbore pressure rises
above formation pressure and pushes crude oil from the wellbore back into the formation. The Type 2 curve represents
a smaller degree of phase redistribution than the Type 1 curve. While, Type 3 curve displays the smallest effects of
phase redistribution on the pressure response. The curve has a shape similar to those of the well bore storage and skin
solutions with no phase-redistribution effects as mentioned by Agarwal et al. (1970) (6). Thompson et al. (5) described
each of these three curve Types region by region, starting from region A in the left side of each curve to region F in
the right hand side of the curve.
In 1993, Hasan-Kabir (7) presented a primitive mechanistic model for understanding the main causes for
phase redistribution. A simple physical model, consisting of a liquid column and a small pocket of segregated gas at
the top, is assumed to mimic a wellbore. The physical model cannot receive any fluid from the reservoir upon shut-in;
however, backflow from the wellbore into the reservoir is allowed to release excess pressure, created by a rising
bubble. A mathematical model is established for the idealized well by studying the rise velocity of a single bubble in
the liquid column. Interestingly enough, a simplified analytical solution leads to an exponential form to describe the
excess pressure behavior, caused by a single-bubble rise, as hypothesized by Fair (3).
Baghdarvazehi et al. (8) (1993) presented an analytical solutions and type curves for the constant rate radial
flow of fluid in both conventional and naturally fractured reservoirs including the effect of wellbore phase
redistribution. They developed an automated procedure for non-linear least square minimization using the analytical
solution and their derivatives with respect to the unknown parameters to analyze the pressure build up data affected by
phase redistribution. Field examples and analysis are also presented.
Hageman et al. (9) (1993) introduced two additional dimensionless wellbore constants, apparent storage (CaD)
and the pressure parameter (C D). Hegeman et al. (9) revealed that the negative C D values in the Fair model can be
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used for buildup data that has an unusual pressure reduction. Therefore, for these wells, they said that using an error
function to model the anomalous pressure may permit for better modeling of field data with increasing or decreasing
storage. Thus, Hegeman et al. (9) suggested that:


However, it has been found in practice that the models of Fair and Hegeman et al. are not substantially
different. The following plots illustrate the effects of the three dimensionless storage parameters on the dimensionless
type curves.
As stated before, Fair's model (with CD>CaD and C D > 0) makes an exponential increase in wellbore storage.
Figure II-a shows sample type curves for increasing storage. In the course of this study, we found that setting CD < CaD
and C D < 0 created an exponential decrease in wellbore storage. Figure II-b shows a set of curves for decreasing well
bore storage.

Fig. II-a. Storage increase [Initial CaD = 20 and final CD = 100]

Fig. II-b. Storage decrease [Initial CaD = 100 and final CD = 20]

Fig. II: The effects of the three dimensionless storage parameters on the dimensionless type curves after Hegeman et al. (9)

In 1996, Xiao et al. (10) developed of a simple mechanistic model to simulate the wellbore phase
redistribution (WPR) and predict the effects that the transient two-phase flow of oil and gas have on pressure buildup
data. Their results from that model provided an improved physical understanding of the phase segregation process and
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how it influences buildup pressure data. They revealed that buildup tests in wells with multiphase flow in the wellbore
prior to shut-in can show either an increase or a decrease in the wellbore storage coefficient. This conclusion had
been confirmed again by Thompson et al.(5).
In 2001, Qasem et al. (11) mentioned that even the best available diagnostic techniques fail to detect the phase
redistribution effects when they are not obvious from the analysis plots and the data do not match the pressure
derivative type curves over the complete time range. Therefore, they presented a new method for the detection of
wellbore phase redistribution effects during pressure transient analysis.
In 2002, Qasem et al. (12) presented another diagnostic technique that discovers the occurrence of any type of
phase redistribution pressure response and defines the true starting of the semi-log straight line for conventional
analysis techniques. Their approach can also be used to expect the end of any wellbore effects. This enhances the
conventional analyses and yields more precise calculation of the reservoir parameters.
In 2005. Ali et al. (13) investigated experimentally the effects of phase redistribution and phase re-injection on
pressure build up data. Their experiments were carried out in the LOTUS (LongTUbeSystem) facility at Imperial
College. LOTUS is a vertical two-phase air-water system that was originally built at the Harwell Laboratory of the
UKAEA in the early 1960’s. It was relocated to the pilot plant area of the Chemical Engineering Department of
Imperial College in 1992. They concluded that WPR occur normally in two-phase flow tests before the end of
wellbore storage, and WPR was shown to take place. Rising gas causes an increase in bottomhole pressure.
Phase redistribution is one of the most important in gas wells with high liquid production (condensate or
water) and volatile oil wells. The longer the wellbore phenomena, the higher the probability to distort reservoir
pressure behavior (infinite acting flow regime, linear flow, etc.) (14).
In 2016, Adrian et al. (14) mentioned that if the test data is affected by phase redistribution, the conventional
pressure transient analysis would be hard to perform, increasing the probability to obtain erroneous values of
permeability and skin factor. Nevertheless, in the last years, the use of primary and secondary pressure derivative as a
diagnostic plots (Semilog and Log-Log plots), demonstrated to be very useful in low permeability gas wells and weak
phase redistribution gas wells.


3.1. PHASE REDISTRIBUTION VARIATIONS: To show the effect of variation of wellbore storage due to phase
redistribution, I classified this change into three categories: (1) constant WBS, (2) decreasing WBS due phase
redistribution, and (3) increasing WBS due to phase redistribution. With the help of well testing Saphir (15) software
and some of the given field data examples in Saphir Manual and examples, the pressure derivatives are plotted and
presented in this work.
Wellbore storage is usually expected to be constant during any pressure transient test and, practically, this
assumption may be reasonable. However, there are several cases where wellbore storage is changing. This variable
wellbore storage may be caused by a changing wellbore fluid compressibility, by phase redistribution, or by a change
in the type of storage from a changing liquid level to a liquid filled wellbore. Changing wellbore storage is monitored
for using a modified form of the dimensionless wellbore storage definition offered by Fair (3), Hegeman et al. (9), and
Thompson et al. (5), which contains extra constraints such as apparent dimensionless storage (CaD) and a storage
pressure parameter (C D).

CASE I: CONSTANT WBS EFFECT: A well and pressure build up test data that has been performed in a well
having the properties listed in Table I. This well is an oil well, vertical well in a homogeneous reservoir most probably
damaged while drilling operation.
The analytical solution and the pressure derivative solution is presented in Figures III and IV respectively. It is
shown that the pressure trend is very normal as stated theoretically for any constant wellbore storage effect which
means the effect of phase segregation and phase distribution is very minimal or one can say it is zero effect. As
shown, an excellent match of all data was obtained. The early field data do not deviate from the simulated curve,
which again suggests not only true storage behavior but also minimum early phase redistribution effect. The output
results in this case revealed that the wellbore storage (C) is equal 0.1 bbl/psi, and reservoir permeability 9.91 md. The
main results of this field example is shown in Table II.
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Well Data
Test Type Buildup Well radius, ft 0.3
Net Thickness, ft 100 FVF, RB/STB 1.3
Flow rate, sbpd 1000 µo, cp 5
Porosity, % 10 Ct, psi-1 3 × 10-6
Test sequence: 100 hrs flow followed by 100 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0 3069 0.285281 3873 14.02137 4830
0.002 3078 0.32009 3933 15.02137 4836
0.004 3084 0.359147 3996 16.02137 4839
0.006 3093 0.40297 4059 17.02137 4845
0.008 3102 0.45214 4122 18.02137 4848
0.01 3111 0.507309 4185 19.02137 4851
0.012 3117 0.56921 4242 20.02137 4854
0.014 3126 0.638664 4302 21.02137 4857
0.016 3135 0.716593 4356 22.02137 4860
0.018 3141 0.80403 4407 24.02137 4863
0.020196 3150 0.902137 4455 25.02137 4869
0.022661 3159 1.012214 4494 28.02137 4872
0.025426 3171 1.135723 4533 29.02137 4875
0.028528 3180 1.274302 4566 30.02137 4878
0.032009 3195 1.429791 4596 32.02137 4881
0.035915 3210 1.604252 4617 34.02137 4884
0.040297 3225 1.80000 4641 35.02137 4887
0.045214 3243 2.019633 4659 38.02137 4890
0.050731 3264 2.266066 4674 41.02137 4893
0.056921 3285 2.542568 4692 43.02137 4896
0.063866 3309 2.852808 4704 45.02137 4899
0.071659 3336 3.200903 4716 46.02137 4902
0.080403 3366 3.591472 4725 52.02137 4905
0.090214 3396 4.029698 4737 54.02137 4908
0.101221 3429 4.521396 4746 55.02137 4911
0.113572 3465 5.073089 4755 63.02137 4914
0.12743 3507 5.6921 4764 67.02137 4917
0.142979 3552 8.040305 4791 73.02137 4920
0.160425 3597 9.02137 4800 77.02137 4923
0.18 3648 10.02137 4806 78.02137 4926
0.201963 3699 11.02137 4815 89.02137 4929
0.226607 3753 12.02137 4821 99.02137 4932
0.254257 3813 13.02137 4824 100 4935
Table I: Well and test data for Case I.

Fig. III: Semilog plot for Case I.

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Fig. IV: Pressure derivative curve for Case I.

Well Vertical PMatch 0.007 psi-1

Reservoir Homogeneous C 0.01 bbl/psi
Boundary Infinite Total Skin 5
Pi 5000 psia k.h. total 991 md-ft
Main Model Parameters K, average 9.91 md
TMatch 29 hr-1 Ps 712.371 psi
Table II: Results of constant WBS field example Case I

The purpose of analyzing wellbore storage effect is to determine the wellbore storage constant (C), and to
determine when wellbore storage duration and subsequently its end and reservoir main data point starts. Thus, the
wellbore storage constant (C) is a measure of the storage capacity associated with the wellbore volume (V w).
The wellbore storage (C) is normally as a results of wellbore fluid compressibility / expansibility and change fluid
level in the wellbore. For oil well testing, it should be noted that the oil expansion is generally unimportant due to the
small compressibility of liquids. For gas wells, the primary storage effect is due to gas expansion (16). To determine
the time duration of the wellbore storage factor, it is appropriate to define the wellbore storage factor in a
dimensionless form (CD). Several investigators have indicated that the wellbore pressure is directly proportional to the
time during the wellbore storage-dominated period of the test (PD = tD/CD). By taking the logarithm of both sides gives
us a relationship that indicated by a unit slop straight line. Therefore, in the previous case a unit slope straight line
achieved as shown in Figure III and IV, indicating a constant wellbore storage effect.

recorded for the pressure build up test (Table III) is analyzed and the pressure derivative is shown in Figure V.

Fig. V: Semilog plot for decreasing WBS field example Case II.
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The semilog plot as shown in Figure V is having different shape than that of constant shape of Figure III of
case I. if they overlapped over each other, the semilog plot of case II will be above that of case I.
In this case, it is found that the pressure derivative curve is moved above the pressure drop curve and its shape
is normal as shown in Figure VI. The results of this case is tabulated in Table IV. This type of WPR is the most
adverse impact on the pressure test data as shown in Figure VI. It has a relatively large pressure hump. It looks like the
first Type of Thompson et al. work (5).
Well Data
Test Type Buildup Well radius, ft 0.3
Net Thickness, ft 100 FVF, RB/STB 1.35
Flow rate, sbpd 890 µo, cp 6.5
Porosity, % 10 Ct, psi-1 3 × 10-6
Test sequence: 100 hrs flow followed by 100 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0 3086 5.073089 4750 37.02137 4890
0.035915 3086 5.692100 4760 38.02137 4892
0.101221 3088 6.386641 4770 39.02137 4892
0.113572 3090 7.165929 4778 40.02137 4894
0.160425 3092 8.040305 4788 41.02137 4896
0.18 3094 9.021370 4796 42.02137 4896
0.201963 3096 10.02137 4804 43.02137 4898
0.226607 3100 11.02137 4810 46.02137 4900
0.254257 3104 12.02137 4818 47.02137 4902
0.285281 3110 13.02137 4822 49.02137 4904
0.32009 3118 14.02137 4828 50.02137 4906
0.359147 3128 15.02137 4832 52.02137 4908
0.40297 3144 16.02137 4836 55.02137 4910
0.45214 3164 17.02137 4840 56.02137 4912
0.507309 3192 18.02137 4846 60.02137 4914
0.56921 3232 19.02137 4850 64.02137 4916
0.638664 3284 20.02137 4852 65.02137 4918
0.716593 3352 21.02137 4856 68.02137 4920
0.80403 3438 22.02137 4858 69.02137 4922
0.902137 3544 23.02137 4860 70.02137 4920
1.012214 3662 24.02137 4864 73.02137 4922
1.135723 3792 25.02137 4866 74.02137 4924
1.274302 3928 26.02137 4870 77.02137 4926
1.429791 4064 27.02137 4872 78.02137 4926
1.604252 4194 28.02137 4874 79.02137 4928
1.8 4310 29.02137 4876 80.02137 4926
2.019633 4416 30.02137 4876 81.02137 4928
2.266066 4500 31.02137 4878 85.02137 4930
2.542568 4570 32.02137 4882 90.02137 4932
2.852808 4624 33.02137 4884 92.02137 4932
3.591472 4696 34.02137 4884 93.02137 4934
4.029698 4720 35.02137 4886 94.02137 4932
4.521396 4738 36.02137 4888 100 4934
Table III: Well and test data for Case II

Well Vertical PMatch 0.007 psi-1

Reservoir Homogeneous C 0.01 bbl/psi
Boundary Infinite Total Skin 5
Pi 4985 psia k.h. total 1000 md-ft
Main Model Parameters K, average 10 md
TMatch 29 hr-1 Ps 706 psi
Table IV: Results of Case II
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Fig. VI: Pressure Derivative for Case II

CASE III DECREASING WBS WITH ONE FAULT EXAMPLE: This example is a pressure buildup test in an
area having a fault, the test performed has the data tabulated in Table V. The pressure data plotted in Figure VII. The
pressure derivative is depicted in Figure VIII.
As shown in this case, the pressure derivative curve (red line) is laying above the pressure change curve such
as the previous case indicating decreasing WBS as a result of phase redistribution. In this case also is found that it
have a fault. The results of this case is tabulated in Table VI.

Well Data
Test Type Buildup Well radius, ft 0.255
Net Thickness, ft 150 FVF, RB/STB 1.36
Flow rate, sbpd 2114 µo, cp 0.38
Porosity, % 20 Ct, psi-1 7.23 × 10-5
Test sequence: 20 hrs flow followed by 51.5 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0.00 2081.38 2.00 2109.72 12.00 2153.6
0.10 2083.38 2.10 2110.65 13.00 2155.72
0.20 2085.24 2.20 2111.56 14.00 2157.75
0.30 2087.12 2.30 2112.44 14.50 2158.85
0.40 2088.85 2.40 2113.27 15.00 2159.66
0.50 2090.6 2.50 2114.1 15.50 2160.63
0.60 2092.23 2.60 2114.9 16.00 2161.49
0.70 2093.75 2.70 2115.69 16.50 2162.83
0.80 2095.23 3.00 2118.02 17.00 2163
0.90 2096.71 3.15 2119.12 17.09 2163.4
1.00 2098.08 3.30 2120.13 17.44 2164
1.10 2099.46 3.50 2121.3 18.31 2165.43
1.20 2100.73 4.00 2123.85 18.70 2166.07
1.30 2101.96 5.30 2131.76 19.40 2167.16
1.40 2103.2 6.00 2135.06 21.50 2170.36
1.50 2104.4 7.00 2139.03 24.19 2174.17
1.60 2105.59 8.00 2142.57 27.48 2178.42
1.70 2106.64 9.00 2146.44 30.55 2182
1.80 2107.72 10.00 2149.13 34.93 2186.57
1.90 2108.73 11.00 2151.3 38.87 2190.27
Table V: Well and test data for Case III
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Fig. VII: Semilog plot for decreasing WBS field example Case III

Fig. VIII: Pressure Derivative for decreasing WBS field example Case III

Well Vertical PMatch 0.0148 psi-1

Reservoir Homogeneous C 0.05 bbl/psi
Boundary One fault Total Skin -1.66
Pi 2338 psia k.h. total 2120 md-ft
Main Model Parameters K, average 14.1 md
TMatch 35.6 hr-1 Ps -112.528 psi
L 195 ft
Table VI: Results of Case III

liquid and gas flow vertically after the well is shut-in at surface, the heavier liquid will travel toward the bottom of the
well while the lighter phase will upswing to the top of the well. This process leads to a slight decrease in the pressure
increment value versus time after the main wellbore storage effect as shown in Figure IX. As a result of
compressibility effects, this wellbore phase redistribution (WPR) causes a net increase of wellbore pressure. In all of
the build-up tests, the increased pressure is dissipated through the formation until there is equilibrium between
reservoir pressure and wellbore pressure values very quickly, especially in a high permeable reservoirs. However, in
low permeability reservoirs, it may take some time for this overpressure to be dissipated and this causes the anomalous
pressure hump at early times.
The data and well data are tabulated in Table VII, and these data is plotted in Figure IX. The shape of pressure
versus time is different than those of the previous cases indicating that case is entirely different than those of the
previous cases.
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Fig. IX: Semilog plot for increasing WBS field example Case IV

Well Data
Test Type Buildup Well radius, ft 0.3
Net Thickness, ft 100 FVF, RB/STB 1.17
Flow rate, sbpd 990 µo, cp 1
Porosity, % 10 Ct, psi-1 3 × 10-6
Test sequence: 100 hrs flow followed by 100 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0 3086 0.56921 4522 24.02137 4867
0.002 3358 0.638664 4540 25.02137 4869
0.004 3612 0.716593 4557 30.02137 4881
0.006 3832 0.80403 4571 31.02137 4881
0.008 4002 0.902137 4589 32.02137 4884
0.01 4123 1.012214 4604 34.02137 4888
0.016 4288 1.135723 4620 35.02137 4890
0.018 4308 1.274302 4633 38.02137 4893
0.020196 4320 1.429791 4648 39.02137 4894
0.022661 4329 1.604252 4661 40.02137 4896
0.025426 4333 2.266066 4696 43.02137 4900
0.035915 4338 2.542568 4707 44.02137 4901
0.040297 4337 2.852808 4718 48.02137 4905
0.045214 4339 3.200903 4726 51.02137 4907
0.050731 4340 3.591472 4737 52.02137 4909
0.056921 4341 4.029698 4746 56.02137 4912
0.063866 4342 4.521396 4755 57.02137 4913
0.071659 4346 5.073089 4762 59.02137 4915
0.080403 4348 5.6921 4771 60.02137 4914
0.090214 4352 8.040305 4796 65.02137 4919
0.101221 4357 9.02137 4805 67.02137 4921
0.113572 4363 10.02137 4812 74.02137 4925
0.12743 4369 11.02137 4818 77.02137 4927
0.142979 4376 12.02137 4823 78.02137 4926
0.160425 4383 13.02137 4829 79.02137 4927
0.18 4390 14.02137 4835 86.02137 4929
0.254257 4422 15.02137 4839 87.02137 4930
0.285281 4433 16.02137 4843 95.02137 4934
0.32009 4446 17.02137 4846 96.02137 4933
0.359147 4461 18.02137 4850 97.02137 4934
0.40297 4476 19.02137 4854 98.02137 4935
0.45214 4491 20.02137 4857 99.02137 4934
0.507309 4506 23.02137 4864 100 4936
Table VII: Well and test data for Case IV
Ragab, A.M.S./International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2 21

Figure X depicts the typical hump of this case in the pressure derivative line. The phase segregation may delay
or completely suppress the development of this line, so semi log analysis methods often cannot be used in it analysis.
The downward v-shaped depression in the pressure derivative curve immediately following the wellbore storage
distortion as a results of phase redistribution. After such hump the pressure derivative of is normally laying in a
horizontal line. By using this range of the data, one can get most of the reservoir parameter such as all parameters
listed in Table VIII.
Well Vertical PMatch 0.007 psi-1
Reservoir Homogeneous C 0.01 bbl/psi
Boundary Infinite Total Skin 5
Pi 4985 psia k.h. total 1000 md-ft
Main Model Parameters K, average 10 md
TMatch 29.5 hr-1 Ps 706 psi
Ci/Cf 0.03 Rinv, ft 1670
Table VIII: Results of Case IV

Fig. X: Pressure Derivative for increasing WBS field example Case IV


INJECTION WELL TESTING: FALL OFF TEST: A pressure falloff test is usually performed in an injection well
during water flooding operation. The Falloff testing is analogous to pressure buildup testing in a production well.
After the injectivity test that lasted for a total injection time of tp at a constant injection rate of qinj, the well is then shut
in. The pressure data taken immediately before and during the shut in period is analyzed. The well and fall of test data
are presented in Table IX and Figure XI.

Fig. XI: Semilog plot for increasing WBS field example Case V

After analyzing the fall of test as shown in Figure XII, it is shown that the pressure derivative curve is having
the hump that indicating changing wellbore storage immediately after the wellbore storage period. This is means that
Ragab, A.M.S./International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2 22

the normal fitting and type curve matching will not be suitable for analyzing such test. The results of this test
is tabulated in Table X.

Fig. XII: Pressure Derivative for increasing WBS field example Case V

Well Data
Test Type Fall off Test Well radius, ft 0.25
Net Thickness, ft 243 FVF, RB/STB 1.00
Injection rate, sbpd -22000 µo, cp 0.76
Porosity, % 13 Ct, psi-1 6 × 10-6
Test sequence: 3600 hrs injection followed by 71 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0.00 649 21.78 291 52.80 292
0.03 604 21.97 290 53.22 293
0.23 459 22.50 289 53.72 294
0.73 359 22.72 288 54.42 295
1.23 333 22.97 287 55.12 296
1.73 322 23.37 286 56.22 297
2.23 316 23.97 287 56.23 297
2.73 312 24.27 288 58.13 298
3.23 310 26.35 289 59.65 299
3.73 308 26.37 290 59.67 300
4.23 307 27.37 290 66.35 299
4.73 306 27.38 291 66.67 298
5.23 306 28.45 290 66.68 298
5.73 305 29.77 292 66.70 297
6.23 304 31.25 293 67.08 297
6.73 303 31.38 294 67.52 296
7.73 301 34.28 295 67.97 295
8.23 300 42.22 295 68.60 294
8.73 299 43.35 294 68.62 293
9.23 299 44.55 293 68.63 293
9.73 298 45.28 292 69.35 292
10.23 298 46.50 291 69.37 291
10.73 298 46.52 290 69.38 291
11.23 298 47.60 289 70.62 291
11.58 298 48.32 288 70.63 290
12.05 297 48.33 287 71.62 289
14.98 296 48.35 287 71.63 289
18.50 295 51.03 289 71.72 289
19.73 295 51.48 290 71.73 289
20.47 294 52.35 291 71.75 294
21.35 293 52.37 291 71.77 301
21.50 292 52.38 292 71.78 304
Table IX: Well and test data for case V WBS field example
Ragab, A.M.S./International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2 23

Well Vertical PMatch 0.05 psi-1

Reservoir Homogeneous C 1.01 bbl/psi
Boundary Infinite Total Skin 8.6
Pi 237.374 psia k.h. total 121000 md-ft
Main Model Parameters K, average 497 md
TMatch 47 hr-1 Ps 171 psi
Ci/Cf 0.302 Rinv, ft 7220
Table X: Results of Case V

CASE VI: EGYPTIAN FIELD EXAMPLE: A pressure build up section of a DST test has been performed in an
Egyptian oil field, the reservoir rock and fluid properties is presented in Table XI. The pressure data recorded and
plotted as shown in Figure XIII. It is Pressure versus time for the buildup data section of the test performed in an
Egyptian oil company.

Well Data
Test Type DST Well radius, in 6.125
Net Thickness, ft 136 FVF, RB/STB 1.17
Flow rate, sbpd 350 µo, cp 9.50
Porosity, % 17 Ct, psi-1 9.6 × 10-6
Test sequence: 5.26 hrs injection followed by 35.5 shut-in
Pressure Data
t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia
0.00 550.737 4.64 606.316 15.14 608.114
0.01 551.361 4.65 606.287 15.15 608.114
0.02 550.94 5.66 607.215 15.16 608.143
0.03 551.143 5.67 607.012 15.17 608.114
0.03 550.94 7.78 607.374 15.18 608.114
0.04 550.911 7.79 607.345 15.18 608.114
0.07 551.564 7.80 607.142 17.54 608.636
0.08 556.727 7.81 607.345 17.55 608.636
0.08 564.661 7.82 607.142 21.66 609.303
0.09 572.362 7.83 607.345 21.67 609.332
0.10 579.6 7.83 607.519 21.68 609.535
0.11 584.865 7.84 607.345 21.68 609.535
0.12 588.708 7.85 607.316 21.69 609.506
0.13 590.942 7.86 607.519 21.70 609.303
0.13 592.508 7.87 607.548 21.71 609.506
0.14 593.277 7.88 607.519 21.72 609.332
0.23 595.713 7.88 607.316 21.73 609.535
0.23 596.105 10.01 607.142 21.73 609.535
0.24 596.903 10.02 607.287 21.74 609.535
0.25 597.425 10.03 607.287 21.75 609.535
0.30 601.109 10.03 607.084 23.11 609.68
0.31 601.79 10.04 607.258 23.12 609.477
0.32 602.284 10.05 607.229 23.13 609.709
0.33 602.559 10.06 607.403 23.13 609.68
0.33 603.009 10.07 607.403 24.66 610.072
0.34 603.531 10.08 607.171 24.67 610.043
0.35 604.024 10.08 607.374 24.68 610.043
0.38 605.489 10.09 607.374 24.77 609.84
0.38 605.764 10.10 607.345 27.96 610.406
1.68 605.88 13.47 608.027 27.97 610.406
1.69 606.113 13.48 607.824 33.82 611.145
3.09 606.33 15.13 608.085 33.83 611.145
3.10 606.533 15.13 608.332 33.83 611.145
Table XI. Rock and fluid properties of the Egyptian Field example Case VI
Ragab, A.M.S./International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2 24

Fig. XIII : Pressure vs. time for the egyptian example Case VI

The pressure derivative analysis for that test is presented in Figure XIV. It shows the anomaly in the normal
diagram of the normal pressure buildup test.

Fig. XIV : Pressure derivative analysis for Egyptian example Case VI

As shown in Figure XIV, the pressure buildup section of the DST and their pressure derivative curve is shown
an anomaly especially at the period of wellbore storage. In this case the entire WBS region in affected by the wellbore
phase redistribution phenomenon. It looks like the wellbore storage decreasing by the time in which the curve is above
the pressure change line.

4. CONCLUSIONS: Based on this study, the following conclusions are resulted:

1. Wellbore Phase Redistribution (WPR) can influence the recorded bottom hole pressure leading to anomalies,
irregularities while pressure build up test analysis called pressure humps.
2. Wellbore phase redistribution is normally take place during a pressure buildup test in wellbore having very
compressible fluids such as single phase gas and high gas/liquid ratio multiphase fluid mixture during the
wellbore storage period.
3. Wellbore Phase redistribution (WPR) is one of the main non-reservoir effects that influences the pressure
buildup tests.
4. The variation of wellbore storage coefficient can either increase or decrease during the pressure transient tests
as a results of simultaneous flow of oil and gas in the wellbore.
5. Analysis of six field example has been performed in order to show the different types of wellbore phase
redistribution phase while pressure transient tests. The reservoir rock permeability for these cases ranges from
9.91 md to 497 md and average reservoir pressure ranges from 237 to about 5000 psia.
6. Pressure derivative hump of phase redistribution may rise above the normal pressure change curve as in Case
II, and III.
7. After investigating the cases under this study, the effect of wellbore phase redistribution (WPR) does not be
able to be detected by Horner approximation.
Ragab, A.M.S./International Journal of Advancement in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences, Vol.3, No. 2 25

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The author highly appreciate Prof. Ismail Mahgoub for his valuable discussions and
opinions, and Eng. Mohamed Fouad Snosy “General Petroleum Company” for his valuable discussions about well
testing simulation program – Saphir.

Symbol Definition Equation
C wellbore storage coefficient, bbl/psi
Ca apparent storage coefficient, bbl/psi
CaD apparent dimensionless storage coefficient
CeD effective dimensionless storage coefficient
Ct compressibility, psi-1
CD dimensionless well bore storage coefficient
C Phase redistribution pressure parameter, psi
C D dimensionless phase redistribution pressure parameter
h thickness, ft
K permeability, md
Pw wellbore pressure, psi
Pwhf flowing wellhead pressure, psi
PwD dimensionless wellbore pressure
PD dimensionless pressure
P phase redistribution pressure, psi
P D dimensionless phase redistribution pressure
Q flow rate, bpd
rw wellbore radius, ft
tD dimensionless time
phase redistribution time parameter, hours

D dimensionless phase redistribution time parameter

fluid viscosity, cp


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