Specification For Filler Metal Standard Sizes, Packaging, and Physical Attributes

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AWS A5.02/A5.

An American National Standard

Specification for
Filler Metal
Standard Sizes,
Packaging, and
Physical Attributes

second printing, April 2008

AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007
An American National Standard

Approved by the
American National Standards Institute
November 6, 2006

Specification for Filler Metal

Standard Sizes, Packaging,
and Physical Attributes

1st Edition

Prepared by the
American Welding Society (AWS) A5 Committee on Filler Metals and Allied Materials

Under the Direction of the

AWS Technical Activities Committee

Approved by the
AWS Board of Directors

This specification prescribes the requirements for standard sizes and packages of all types of welding filler metals,
allowing these physical attributes to be incorporated by reference into the individual specification. The annex lists the
manner by which the filler metal specification may refer to appropriate requirements in this specification.
This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). Since these are
not equivalent, each system must be used independently of the other.

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126

AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007

This foreword is not part of AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007, Specification for Filler Metal Standard Sizes,
Packaging, and Physical Attributes, but is included for informational purposes only.

This specification incorporates the provisions which historically have appeared in previous filler metal specifications. It
takes into account the requirements of ISO 544, Welding consumables — Technical delivery conditions for welding filler
materials — Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and markings.
This document makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). The measurements
are not exact equivalents; therefore each system must be used independently of the other, without combining values in
any way. In selecting rational metric units, AWS A1.1, Metric Practice Guide for the Welding Industry, and ISO 544,
Welding consumables — Technical delivery conditions for welding filler materials — Type of product, dimensions,
tolerances and markings, are used where suitable. Tables and figures make use of both U.S. Customary and SI Units,
which, with the application of the specified tolerances, provides for interchangeability of products in both the U.S.
Customary and SI Units.
This document is the first edition of A5.02/A5.02M:2007.
Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,
AWS A5 Committee on Filler Metals and Allied Materials, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
Miami, FL 33126.

The following Erratum has been identified and incorporated into the current reprint of this document.

Page 3, left hand column: Change subclause numbers 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 to 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively. Corrected subclause
numbers are shown in italic font on page 3.

AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007

Table of Contents
Page No.
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................................x
List of Figures...............................................................................................................................................................x
1. Scope.....................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Normative References .........................................................................................................................................1
3. Covered Electrodes .............................................................................................................................................1
3.1 Standard Sizes and Lengths........................................................................................................................1
3.2 Core Wire and Covering.............................................................................................................................1
3.3 Exposed Core..............................................................................................................................................2
3.4 Electrode Identification ..............................................................................................................................2
3.5 Packaging ...................................................................................................................................................2
3.6 Marking of Packages ..................................................................................................................................3
4. Bare Solid and Tubular Electrodes and Rods ..................................................................................................3
4.1 Standard Sizes and Shapes .........................................................................................................................3
4.2 Finish and Uniformity ................................................................................................................................3
4.3 Packaging ...................................................................................................................................................3
4.4 Winding Requirements...............................................................................................................................6
4.5 Filler Metal Identification...........................................................................................................................6
4.6 Marking of Packages ..................................................................................................................................8
Annex A (Informative)—Guide to AWS Specification for Filler Metal Standard Sizes, Packaging,
Annex A (Informative)—and Physical Attributes......................................................................................................11
Annex B (Informative)—Guidelines for the Preparation of Technical Inquiries.......................................................13
AWS Filler Metal Specifications by Material and Welding Process .........................................................................15
AWS Filler Metal Specifications and Related Documents ........................................................................................17

AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007

List of Tables
Table Page No.
1 Standard Sizes and Lengths of Covered Electrodes.......................................................................................2
2 Standard Sizes and Tolerances of Solid and Tubular Bare Wires .................................................................4
3 Standard Sizes of Strip Electrodes .................................................................................................................5
4 Standard Packages..........................................................................................................................................5

List of Figures
Figure Page No.
1A Dimensions of 4 in, 8 in, 12 in, and 14 in [100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, and 350 mm] Standard Spools......6
1B Dimensions of 22 in, 24 in, and 30 in [560 mm, 610 mm, and 760 mm] Standards Spools (Reels).............7
1C Dimensions of 13-1/2 in [340 mm] Standard Spools (for Al and Mg Alloys Only) .....................................8
1D Dimensions of Basket Rims and Basket Spools ............................................................................................9

AWS A5.02/A5.02M:2007

Specification for Filler Metal Standard Sizes,

Packaging, and Physical Attributes

1. Scope 1. ANSI Z49.1 Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied

1.1 This specification prescribes requirements for stan-
dard sizes and packages of welding filler metals and their The following ISO2 standard is referenced in the manda-
physical attributes, such as product appearance and tory sections of this document.
1. ISO 544 Welding consumables — Technical deliv-
1.2 This specification applies to covered electrodes with ery conditions for welding filler materials — Type of
both solid and tubular core wires; bare solid and tubular product, dimensions, tolerances and markings.
wires on spools, coils, and drums, or in straight lengths;
and solid and sintered strip electrodes. It applies to all
fusion welding processes, except brazing, braze welding, 3. Covered Electrodes
and thermal spraying, or granular metallic or mineral
products, such as submerged arc fluxes, or other such 3.1 Standard Sizes and Lengths. Standard sizes (diam-
products used in fusion welding processes. eter of the core wire) and lengths of electrodes are shown
in Table 1.
1.3 Safety and health issues and concerns are beyond the
scope of this standard and are, therefore, not fully 3.1.1 The diameter of the core wire shall not vary
addressed herein. Safety and health information is avail- more than ±0.002 in [±0.05 mm] from the diameter
able from other sources, including, but not limited to, specified. The length shall not vary more than ±1/4 in
ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied [±10 mm] from that specified.
Processes, and applicable federal and state regulations.
3.2 Core Wire and Covering. The core wire and cover-
1.4 This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary ing shall be free of defects that would interfere with the
Units and the International System of Units (SI). The uniform deposition of the electrode. The core and cover-
measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each ing shall be concentric to the extent that the maximum
system must be used independently of the other without core-plus-one-covering dimension shall not exceed the
combining in any way. The specification with the desig- minimum core-plus-one-covering dimension by more than:
nation A5.02 uses U.S. Customary Units. The specifica-
tion A5.02M uses SI Units. The latter are shown within 1. 7% of the mean dimension in sizes of 3/32 in
brackets [ ] or in appropriate columns in tables and fig- [2.5 mm] and smaller,
ures. Standard dimensions based on either system may
be used for sizing of filler metal or packaging. 2. 5% of the mean dimension in sizes larger than
3/32 in [2.5 mm] and smaller than 3/16 in [5 mm], and

3. 4% of the mean dimension in sizes 3/16 in [5 mm]

2. Normative References and larger.
The following ANSI1 standard is referenced in the Concentricity may be measured by any suitable means.
normative sections of this document.
2 ISO standards are published by the International Organization
1 ANSI Z49.1 is published by the American Welding Society, for Standardization, 1, rue de Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.

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